52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

I’ve been wondering about that Pink Pill. Drop us some gems in here!

I looooove Monique Head. I love all of her videos. I do think her voice is kinda masculine. It’s not sultry enough to be that deep. Like think Tboz. Her voice is so deep but raspy and kinda sexy. But hey it works for her. She has such positive energy.

OMG. I was hesitant to post her because I too think her voice is rather harsh. :lachen:I do think she's beautiful enough that it doesn't really matter. I totally agree about Tboz. Toni Braxton has a deeper talking voice too at times, but it's sultry.
OMG. I was hesitant to post her because I too think her voice is rather harsh. :lachen:I do think she's beautiful enough that it doesn't really matter. I totally agree about Tboz. Toni Braxton has a deeper talking voice too at times, but it's sultry.
Going back to pink pill I do feel she was spot on about something. Asian women know they’re. Fetish but they use this to their success. They don’t go around saying oh white men see me as a fetish’s get away from me. Boo they play up on it. In that American geisha book Asians play up the fetish. She works on her skin to make it pale. She shaved her coo coo. She makes sure she has shiny hair. She doesn’t put herself in a box because of the fetish. She used it to her advantage. May the best man win. This is what Chris wants for Black women. May the best man win.

And @Supervixen its

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Dh tried it this weekend and I think I did well.
Dh wanted to get his clubs regripped. I get up around 9 and tell him great, we will make it out of the house in time to get a quick breakfast. I shower, put on my daily face and I’m ready a little before ten. He hasn’t moved. He says oh it doesn’t take me long. He goes to take a shower:confused: and I sit and do my best to be patient. Around 10:10 we leave the house. We go in the opposite direction of breakfast- I’m still real chill. Speaking calm words to myself- protecting and projecting my feminine energy. At 10:26 we pull up to a gas station. The night before he was out so I’m knowing he’d had other chances to get gas. He looks at me and says “oh we need gas” I say okay and look at my watch- he says “well McDonald’s serves breakfast all day”
I’m pissed because I hate McDonald’s but instead of flipping I softly say “not the chicken biscuit”
He looks at me and gets out anyway :mad:
Y’all he pumped gas for 30secs I ain’t lying and got back in and swerved into a drive-they so fast. :)
We get to the golf store- then instead of waiting like we usually do, we walked to Barnes & Noble where he bought me all my nerdy heart’s desires :)
I’m focusing on
Dh tried it this weekend and I think I did well.
Dh wanted to get his clubs regripped. I get up around 9 and tell him great, we will make it out of the house in time to get a quick breakfast. I shower, put on my daily face and I’m ready a little before ten. He hasn’t moved. He says oh it doesn’t take me long. He goes to take a shower:confused: and I sit and do my best to be patient. Around 10:10 we leave the house. We go in the opposite direction of breakfast- I’m still real chill. Speaking calm words to myself- protecting and projecting my feminine energy. At 10:26 we pull up to a gas station. The night before he was out so I’m knowing he’d had other chances to get gas. He looks at me and says “oh we need gas” I say okay and look at my watch- he says “well McDonald’s serves breakfast all day”
I’m pissed because I hate McDonald’s but instead of flipping I softly say “not the chicken biscuit”
He looks at me and gets out anyway :mad:
Y’all he pumped gas for 30secs I ain’t lying and got back in and swerved into a drive-they so fast. :)
We get to the golf store- then instead of waiting like we usually do, we walked to Barnes & Noble where he bought me all my nerdy heart’s desires :)
how did this experience make you feel. Did you feel more in control? Do you feel you were able to respect me more? We’re you able to keep the peace? I think you did a great job at exercising poise.
I’m focusing on
how did this experience make you feel. Did you feel more in control? Do you feel you were able to respect me more? We’re you able to keep the peace? I think you did a great job at exercising poise.
I was like, instead of nagging, I’m going to give him the chance to make me happy. I’ve told him what I wanted so now I need to give him the space to do it. He’s an incredibly smart man, he knows how to make it to and through the driveway in time.
Then he did. So I was like wow. Let me chill.
I felt in control. I know I was more respectful than I wouldve been last year. And yep it’s very peaceful- I asked him to find a chick flick for us to watch and he did.
He’s invested in my happiness.
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I was like, instead of nagging, I’m going to give him the chance to make me happy. I’ve told him what I wanted so now I need to give him the space to do it. He’s an incredibly smart man, he knows how to make it to and through the driveway in time.
Then he did. So I was like wow. Let me chill.
That is so powerful. When you man downed, he man’ed up lol
Week 7: What’s in a Voice​

Have you ever met a drop dead gorgeous person only to have all the attraction fade the minute they open their mouth? When it comes to dating, chemistry, and love, that getting-to-know you chat and flirtatious sweet nothings have impact far beyond that words being said. In fact, several studies have shown that the qualities of our voices transmit important details about attraction, health, and fertility to potential partners.

Practice staying in your femininity by ALWAYS having a sweet sing song voice. With your husband, your children, and friends. Soften your sound a little and notice what changes it makes in your life this week.

Week 7 Challenge​
1. Post a video with a feminine voice you admire.
2. Practice recording yourself on your phone and play it back to see what areas you need to work on to soften your sound.
I've talked offline about this with @PrissiSippi and she's given me some stellar advice...I'd like to add a new goal for myself:

To be content with all circumstatial changes that occur as a result of me flourishing in femininity.

I'm so grateful to have "found" femininity, but, it has changed many of my relationships. While my marriage is flourishing, I've had to distance myself from friends and family. Each time I have had to distance myself, I am stunned, hurt, etc.

I am going to be alright with whomever I have to let go of to grow and alright with positive new people that come into my life.
Do you mind telling why/what/how relationships outside of your marriage changed due to your becoming more feminine?
Do you mind telling why/what/how relationships outside of your marriage changed due to your becoming more feminine?

My opinion is that my hands on approach to my family becomes annonying to ladies either because they can't, won't or think it is against their modern day rights as a woman to spend most of their time nurturing their family (if they have a family). In as much, I get slick comments, unwanted opinions, and some mean girl antics. Most of the time they are from ladies without an in tact family or a family at all.

Men are much nicer.
My opinion is that my hands on approach to my family becomes annonying to ladies either because they can't, won't or think it is against their modern day rights as a woman to spend most of their time nurturing their family (if they have a family). In as much, I get slick comments, unwanted opinions, and some mean girl antics. Most of the time they are from ladies without an in tact family or a family at all.

Men are much nicer.

Wow Really? Can you give some examples of this? I can’t imagine saying that you’re prepping dinner or you want to go to home goods for some cute matching dishware to cause drama.
Wow Really? Can you give some examples of this? I can’t imagine saying that you’re prepping dinner or you want to go to home goods for some cute matching dishware to cause drama.
I posted that I only serve my husband on real plates because he is my royalty. Someone commented well I serve my family on Styrofoam and they get fed. Baby I didn’t ask you about your struggle plates. And that’s fine because it’s your choice. I’m not trying to stray u to my side I’m just talking in my platform which is MY page.

My mother said I should work. I have too many degrees not to. I said well when would I spend time on my family? She said I did it. But you barely did it. That’s why I have so many problems now. If I say that it’s a blame game warfare.

My mother called me to tell me my sister in law has TWO jobs. Umm your point? That’s not my focus. My focus is to raise DS the best of my ability.

I walked into a party and I spoke to my friend guy from school first. My friend said yeah that's Priss always chasing after a Negus. Now granted I did speak to him and we started laughing and talking so I didn't get to speak to the others at that time I was like bruh...I'm just talking.

People say stuff to throw you off. Men are very receptive. They love the respect. Women say ya too much and that negus still gonna cheat on your arse.
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Wow Really? Can you give some examples of this? I can’t imagine saying that you’re prepping dinner or you want to go to home goods for some cute matching dishware to cause drama.

I probably go a little deeper than this on FB. I have adopted a staunch 'family first' attitude and I have time to execute it. So, Outside of random thoughts and TV shows, a lot of my fb posts are about very feminine things; new recipes, my new artisan bread baking hobby, food plating, cloth napkins, date nights with DH, field trips with the family, my adventures in child rearing, femininity and preparing my girls for the gifted Kindergarten test at home (they aren't in daycare).

I get a lot of disruptive behaviors. Random, unsolicited phone calls about negative opinions on my FB posts. Other times, I've been flat out told that I must be bored, I need a job, I've been blocked from certain privileges (tough to say more without saying too much), some "friends" stopped calling, some friends ask my opinions on finding a guy and then shun me when I give them. I've been called weak and incapable because I don't work. When I asked why, I was told only weak women don't work. My MIL doesn't like me and I hear her reason is because she says I'm taking advantage of her son by not working. I can go on...
I probably go a little deeper than this on FB. I have adopted a staunch 'family first' attitude and I have time to execute it. So, Outside of random thoughts and TV shows, a lot of my fb posts are about very feminine things; new recipes, my new artisan bread baking hobby, food plating, cloth napkins, date nights with DH, field trips with the family, my adventures in child rearing, femininity and preparing my girls for the gifted Kindergarten test at home (they aren't in daycare).

I get a lot of disruptive behaviors. Random, unsolicited phone calls about negative opinions on my FB posts. Other times, I've been flat out told that I must be bored, I need a job, I've been blocked from certain privileges (tough to say more without saying too much), some "friends" stopped calling, some friends ask my opinions on finding a guy and then shun me when I give them. I've been called weak and incapable because I don't work. When I asked why, I was told only weak women don't work. My MIL doesn't like me and I hear her reason is because she says I'm taking advantage of her son by not working. I can go on...
I think it's time to unfriend some people on fb and block some numbers because that is totally out of line.
I posted that I only serve my husband on real plates because he is my royalty. Someone commented well I serve my family on Styrofoam and they get fed. Baby I didn’t ask you about your struggle plates. And that’s fine because it’s your choice. I’m not trying to stray u to my side I’m just talking in my platform which is MY page.

My mother said I should work. I have too many degrees not to. I said well when would I spend time on my family? She said I did it. But you barely did it. That’s why I have so many problems now. If I say that it’s a blame game warfare.

My mother called me to tell me my sister in law has TWO jobs. Umm your point? That’s not my focus. My focus is to raise DS the best of my ability.

I walked into a party and I spoke to my friend guy from school first. My friend said yeah that's Priss always chasing after a Negus. Now granted I did speak to him and we started laughing and talking so I didn't get to speak to the others at that time I was like bruh...I'm just talking.

People say stuff to throw you off. Men are very receptive. They love the respect. Women say ya too much and that negus still gonna cheat on your arse.
Dang they can’t even get the nice sturdy paper plates? Or the glass like plastic plates?
Some of those people are toxic. Like who speaks like that “he gone cheat anyway”:mad:
Dang they can’t even get the nice sturdy paper plates? Or the glass like plastic plates?
Some of those people are toxic. Like who speaks like that “he gone cheat anyway”:mad:
My boss has these real nice plates from Ikea that she uses for events with large parties. They're this weird material that's halfway between plastic and ceramic. Very lightweight but sturdy.
I originally wasn't going to say this but if I can't speak my mind on this on LHCF, of all places, then where can I? I bet no one would have said those things to you about needing to work @Supervixen @PrissiSippi if you ladies were white. :look: Yeah, I said it. I feel as though black women aren't allowed or expected to express their femininity as easily as other races because we're expected to be the work horses who do whatever is necessary for our families. Work two jobs while going to school and do whatever else we have to do. Not that working women can't be feminine. Clair Huxtable comes to mind.
I use something similar from time to time. They have a crystal cut look.
But I don’t wash dishes so it doesn’t matter what I use :look:
This is what @PeaceLover always says. She makes sure the dishwasher is empty so that she never has to wash dishes even when she cooks and plates. If anything she may have to clean a few pans but that’s it. I honestly don’t know how to clean as I go like this so I hope she drops a few gems one day. Dlewis does this good too. I’m assuming it goes like this.

1. Don’t ever go to bed with any dishes in your sink
2. Before you start cooking run a hot sink full of dishwater.
3. Empty the dishwasher
4. Cook and immediately after pack the to go plates for the next day and plate the food.
5. Rinse your pans and place in dishwasher
6. After eating run dishwasher
7. Take plates out of dishwasher and put them in their place
I probably go a little deeper than this on FB. I have adopted a staunch 'family first' attitude and I have time to execute it. So, Outside of random thoughts and TV shows, a lot of my fb posts are about very feminine things; new recipes, my new artisan bread baking hobby, food plating, cloth napkins, date nights with DH, field trips with the family, my adventures in child rearing, femininity and preparing my girls for the gifted Kindergarten test at home (they aren't in daycare).

I get a lot of disruptive behaviors. Random, unsolicited phone calls about negative opinions on my FB posts. Other times, I've been flat out told that I must be bored, I need a job, I've been blocked from certain privileges (tough to say more without saying too much), some "friends" stopped calling, some friends ask my opinions on finding a guy and then shun me when I give them. I've been called weak and incapable because I don't work. When I asked why, I was told only weak women don't work. My MIL doesn't like me and I hear her reason is because she says I'm taking advantage of her son by not working. I can go on...
Is FB private? I would love to see your post.
As a side note, kudos to the ladies that have been practicing plating. From my experience, soon it will become second nature to you and won’t take much time. However, it is such a kind gesture for the loved ones in your life. For ladies that want to start off slow, go and frequent Walmart or Dollar Tree for cheap white plates. Also in addition in meal planning (in your planner of course) begin planning out your food so it looks like it would in a restaurant. You need to invest in a standard flatware set, white plates big and small and cereal bowls, white smaller serving bowls for soupy sides like greens or grits (mine are 6 oz I believe), and glasses. Take your time and enjoy the experience of eating and using dinnertime as conversation time with your family. While we are at it....

Reasons for using White Plates

Can anyone guess the reasons why certified wives use ONLY white dish ware? (Posted by Ro)

1. Class, elegance, and style.
2. Because you can change the color of the white plates with colored lighting.
3. To decorate using any color & NOT have to buy new plates.
4. Financial respect to your husband.
5. To be able to use your grandmothers plates and to pass to your granddaughters, while everything still matches.
6. To not need to match or replace a whole set.
7. To show your hygiene, and how clean your dishes are.
8. Because white is a blank canvas: Displays the food not the plate.
9. Because white deflects heat, keeping the food fresher, longer. (This is why tops of picnic coolers are white)
10. Because insects won't try to nest on white.
11. Because it reflects romantic candlelight.
12. Because white matches all colors of food.
13. White shows that you didn't touch the plate with oily hands.
14. Can bring playfulness to the table with different texture, patterns & styles.
15. To honor family tradition of excellence.
16. Can display white dishes on open shelving & cabinets, without making the room look tacky, unorganized or messy.

(Same things apply for clear glasses, but with clear glasses, you can see that nothing is in your glass, you can see the quality of your beverage & you can also see the person sitting across from you through your glass.)
I'm slowly making my way through this thread and taking everything in.
I find these concepts interesting. I always liked white plates with minimalist designs for many of the reasons stated above, but I never thought of it as a certified wife thing. I've also been interested in plating techniques as well, and here are some of my contributions to the plating thread.
I probably go a little deeper than this on FB. I have adopted a staunch 'family first' attitude and I have time to execute it. So, Outside of random thoughts and TV shows, a lot of my fb posts are about very feminine things; new recipes, my new artisan bread baking hobby, food plating, cloth napkins, date nights with DH, field trips with the family, my adventures in child rearing, femininity and preparing my girls for the gifted Kindergarten test at home (they aren't in daycare).

I get a lot of disruptive behaviors. Random, unsolicited phone calls about negative opinions on my FB posts. Other times, I've been flat out told that I must be bored, I need a job, I've been blocked from certain privileges (tough to say more without saying too much), some "friends" stopped calling, some friends ask my opinions on finding a guy and then shun me when I give them. I've been called weak and incapable because I don't work. When I asked why, I was told only weak women don't work. My MIL doesn't like me and I hear her reason is because she says I'm taking advantage of her son by not working. I can go on...

Unbelievably ridiculous. All these things stem from their feelings of envy and inadequacy.