2020 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

I recently redid my bedroom and my guest bedroom. In the process I had to take everything out of the rooms. Surpringly it felt sooo good to make SPACE in the rooms that I recided I didn't want to put all the things back in there that took up all of that room. My bedroom feels so clutter free and I absolutely love the mood it puts me in. Upwards and onwards.

As it relates to my ex-husband I told him something that he said that was unsettling to me. I started to just shrug it off and not say anything, but it felt better to honor my truth and say it in a feminine way. Surpringly he took it in. He was sort of quiet with me for that day. However, the next week he made sure to pay for my car to get fixed and asked me did I need anything. This reminds me that men need to feel a range of emotions. It's not they must only feel happiness around us.

What are some of the range of emotions men need to feel?
Happy- Happy to see you. Happy that you said yes to a date. Happy to be in your presence because it always a fun, flirty, pleasant encounter and energy exchanged.
Turned on- When he sees you physically and is sexually turned on by you.
Anxious- Through you giving positive tension and not a see every single call or text immediately. When they see another man checking you out.
Mad- When you say no to his sexual advances. When you call him out on his bill ****. When you refuse to take his misbehavior and confront him in a feminine way.
Sad- When he’s scared of losing you. When you walk away or get off the phone.
Respected — When you let him take the lead and show him that you trust his decision making skills by being a cheerleader not a life coach.
Impatient- When he doesn’t know WHEN he will see you again and he misses you a lot
Shamed- When he tries to get you to pay on a date ask him....Can you not afford it?
Understood — when they tell you something that might be controversial or might spark judgement but you remain calm and listen to him instead of making facial expressions or jumping straight to “I can’t believe you’d do that” or “oh my gosh!” One of the biggest ways to avoid coming across as judgemental is through your initial reaction. If you’re calm and understanding, it allows the person to feel at ease that they haven’t pushed you away and are more likely to listen to your concerns after. While if you fly off the handle immediately, it ruins that trust.
Nurtured— They want to feel taken care of, but not in the mothering sense. I mean have their emotions taken care of; they want someone who can handle them being upset, hurt, vulnerable without trying to tell them how to feel or invalidating it. As women we have many outlets that we can go to to share your emotions like friends, family etc but they don’t. It’s important for them to feel you empathise with them. When they did ole something painful instead of trying to silver line it like “well at least xyz,” or providing solutions, try “Aww I that sounds so hard. I can’t imagine what you must be going through, but I’m really glad you told me and I will stand by you through this.”
Also disciplined: A woman who can put them in their place and make them become more discipline. A lot of men in happy marriages with say they’re wife made them “better” or more disciplined. Contrary to the masculina’s handbook this is not because she COMMANDS discipline or rules the house like an army general. It’s because she entices him to become disciplined. She draws it out of him during the chase, in a “you can come and get me, but if you want to catch me you’ll have to improve your game,” sort of way. She doesn’t impose restrictions ON HIM but allows him to see what works and what doesn’t, and in the process he realises he needs to be more disciplined if he wants to catch the butterfly.
If she doesn’t accept calls after a certain time, he’ll adhere to that. If she requires proper dates, he’ll need to come correct. If she likes a clean environment he’ll ensure that his place is always clean whenever she comes over. Ultimately the feeling of being disciplined through their own actions builds their sense of masculinity and also respect towards her.

Care to add more examples?
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 33: Use his wants

1️⃣ Acknowkedge the request in a feminine way
2️⃣ Make a personal request that benefits YOU. Keep the focus on YOU.
3️⃣ Relate it them and tell them how they will benefit. Think what’s in it for THEM.
4️⃣ You gotta follow through. (Keep cheap pieces of lingerie you could wear or shoes you don’t often wear blah blah be creative.

Him: Can I have a picture of you? - *send cash app request* I just saw some lingerie I thought you’d like on me. I can’t wait to take pictures for you in them.

Him: We can just stay in the house and cook.
You: Mmm I need a couple groceries and new pots and pans. Cash app me so I can go pick up a few things. I can’t wait to wear my new apron for you.

Him: I like you with your hair curly.
You- Foreal? I like it on me too. It’s crazy you mentioned my stylist just sent me her Summer promotion. Can you send me some money so I can book my next appointment and get it done for you?

Him: I love it when you wear those heels that show off your legs.
Mmm I’d love to. Actually I wanted to wear something new for you. I saw these heels that I think you would love. Can I see your card (or cash app) so I can order them?

Him: I wanna see you tonight
I don’t have anything to wear. My heels broke last night and they were my favorites. I feel uncomfortable when I’m not looking my best.

Remember flip it on him. He says you need to go to the gym? Ask him for money to go

He says You need to eat better? ➡️ Oh honey may I have $100 to get healthier food from the grocery store? I know you said you wanted me to eat better.

He says You need to lose weight ➡️ When can you give me $100 a month to hire a trainer? Can I pick up the money today or Friday?
I have learned a lot of valuable lessons when it comes to boundaries. I have learned that if I don't honor my own boundaries for the sake of other's feelings, then that is a huge disservice to myself. I also learned the importance of trusting my intuition and discernment. Boundaries teach people how to treat you. It is a loving thing to do. I have learned that people who have a hard time enforcing boundaries may think you are harsh. My life is much more peaceful and it is easier for me to give a firm yes and no.

Week 24 Challenge

1. What are some of your boundaries in each area: Dating, Professional, Family, Time, Emotional, Sexual, Physical
Professional: Do not work outside of designated time. Make sure collaborations are in alignment with vision/mission. Do not mix business with personal.
Family: If I am resting or just not in the mood to talk, talk to them later. Do not talk about things within my marriage that is super personal unless I feel it is necessary. Do not talk about things discussed to me in confidence to others including family members.
Time: Balance time for self care, family, and work. Make time each day for quiet time for myself. Make time daily to do a task (no matter how simple) related to my work/vision.
Emotional- Do not entertain, listen, watch things that are triggering. Express myself authentically when it feels right to do so.
Sexual-Solid Foundation and true connection mentally, spiritually, and emotionally before physical. Sexual intimacy when I want to, not just because partner wants to.
Physical-Trust my intuition when I read a room or surroundings. Interact with others based upon my comfort level and respect theirs.

2. How can you enforce each boundary?
Writing them down with an intention is helpful. Posting them somewhere that I can see them as a reminder.
3. What is your biggest challenge in presenting your boundaries in a feminine way?
The tone of how I express them. The biggest thing is not holding in frustration and also choosing battles.
Week 25 Challenge
This past week's challenge made me think about a book I recently completed called Embracing the Inner Critic. I realize that my limiting beliefs stem from my inner critic. Our inner critic is the voice that criticizes everything we do and stems from the voice of our parents, authority figures, etc. I now understand that my inner critic is here to protect and guide me but it the key is recognizing the voice and to inquire what the root issue is that is causing the anxiety and many times vicious talk that I say to myself (and others). Flipping the limiting beliefs is a supportive tool for embracing the inner critic.

1. What are your limiting beliefs?

I am not enough. I need to learn more, take more classes, read more, etc. I don't have time to get what I want done. Men are self absorbed. It is difficult to connect with like-minded, confident, genuine people.
2. How can we flip those?

I am more than enough. I am worthy.
I am equipped to handle anything.
I have time to do all that I am meant to do.
Men are selfless.
There are amazing, confident, and genuine people out there for me to connect with.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 34:


It doesn't matter how challenging the situation is. Always try to ask yourself these questions in the following three steps to stay grounded, emotionally un-reactive, and in touch with your femininity.

1. What is it that I really want? Is this feeling unfair or illogical? If not, how can I CHOOSE myself here? (Not him, Not my job, but MYSELF)

2. How can I respect feelings and boundaries in this situation here? (No falling into pleasing mode or obligation mode)

3. How can I get what I want and speak my truth without doing the C behaviors such as (correcting, criticizing, coddling, coaching and etc.)

Then follow those answers.

Week 34: What are some ways that you need to keep yourself anchored in the up coming days?
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 35: Return to the Heart

Return to the Heart

When we are born we experience life through using our 5 senses. We FEEL through sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. However, as we get older, we shift from FEELING through relying on senses to majorly depending on logic. We shift from heart to mind which increases our masculine energy.

What’s one way to take back your feminine power? Return to the heart. Get in touch with how everything makes you FEEL.

People will feel very attracted to you when you’re in touch with your feelings and in your feminine energy. This shows that you are fully experiencing life and getting inside of every moment.

To start building the skill of getting in touch with your feelings – you’ll want start small, with everyday things – like the weather or things that happened during your day. Tap into all of your senses. You may have to look at the picture above or a similar one to give you a list of feelings to choose from to pinpoint what it really is that you are feeling. Some examples of feelings messages are below:

    • I feel really tired; it felt so good to play with my bath bombs and soak in the tub.
    • It felt so good to relax and spend some time with you Spiderman (nicknames build connection). I can’t wait until next time.
    • I really enjoy our dates. I have such respect for a man who knows how to date and court a woman. It feelsso wonderful to have a man who leads.
    • I felt so loved, cherished and thankful that you paid for the baby’s birthday party. I really admire your leadership in making sure he has plenty of birthday memories. Merry Christmas.
    • Thank you, honey (word of endearment builds connection) for buying me an Air Fryer. It made me feel so loved and special when my man leads and makes sure I'm able to keep our family healthy. I don't know what I'd do without your leadership.
    • It felt sooo good to have my songs on my phone! Thank you for sending them. It made me feel so special and cherished. My day is made :)
    • I’m really feeling relaxed this morning. I had some creamy warm coffee with a little Bailey’s in my cup. Shh...Our little secret ;)
    • “I love how _____________ and ___________ sitting/standing here feels. It makes me feel so ____________.”
    • I feel so ________ when you _________.
    • I just love it when you _________, it makes me feel so __________.
    • I feel my poetry in my chest.
    • “I felt _________ when _______.
    • I feel breezy and open like a deep breath filling my chest with warm air.
    • When it's chilly like this I love the feel of my warm, fluffy comforter pulled close all around me.
    • “I’m feeling exhilarated with all the new projects I’m starting!”
    • “Work felt overwhelming today, it feels great to be home relaxing.”
    • I feel so cozy in my bed, about to drift off to sleep.
    • “This book feels heavy.”
    • This coffee feels so smooth and creamy on my tongue.
    • “This blanket feels so soft on my skin.”
    • “The breeze feels so refreshing on my skin.”
    • “This sweater feels warm”
    • “Good morning handsome! It feels good to hear your voice!”
    • Hi my handsome favorite car salesman (nickname). It makes me feel happy when you initiate contact
    • Wow, that sounds like an intense situation. I can feel the tension just hearing about it. It must feel good to be away from that chaos for the evening/weekend.”
    • It makes me feel really happy when you contact me and let me know if and when you aren’t able to make it.
    • I feel good when I receive one of your messages.
    • It makes me feel cherished when you call me.
    • It feels great to talk to you and I'm enjoying our texting but the sexy soothing sound of your voice is my favorite!
    • I’m so glad you are alright! It makes me feel so good when you initiate contact because it makes me feel so special.
    • It always feels good to talk on the phone with you, but it would feel even better to meet face to face. What do you think?
    • I felt so safe falling asleep next to you.
    • It felt so good to fall asleep on your chest last night.
    • I feel incredibly cared for when you check on me.
    • Honey I love surprises. I feel so loved and special when I get to experience surprises with you.
    • It feels good to hear from you today love.

Week 35 Challenge
1. What felt good to do today?
2. How could you incorporate feeling messages into your daily life?

I feel like every week is in alignment with what I am experiencing which is amazing. I went to my therapist and one of my common feelings that come up is anxiety. I realized that my anxiety is me focusing on the future and the unknown. She provided me with some mindfulness cards to pull each day which offers a simple activity that supports me in being present. I realize that I am working on trusting my choices, trusting God, and trusting the process of life.

Week 26 Challenge

1. Where could you be more trusting of the Universe? I could be more trusting that I will be okay regardless of the unknown. Surrendering and Having Faith.
2. How could you focus more on being present instead of analyzing each and everything in your life?
As I mentioned above truly surrendering. Allowing myself to feel and sit with whatever is causing anxiety. I find that the feeling passes away and that I am making more out of the concern that what I need to.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 36: Learn to Say NO from the a feminine place

It’s perfectly okay to say NO. In fact your femininity depends on it. Learn to say NO well and frequently.

I say NO to men that want to be FWB.

I say NO to men that are without leadership abilities, generosity, or stable jobs.

I say NO to certain chores when I am EXHAUSTED. I instead ask for help or wait until I’m in a better headspace.

On Fridays I say NO to cooking. Instead we grab something quick and watch movies or have fun.

After 10 pm I say NO to talking to men I don’t have a strong relationship with so limit sexting and sexual conversations as well as get my beauty rest.

When I meet men that are unwilling to date and instead want to meet up, I say NO and walk away gracefully.

When my son wants to stay up last 8:30 I say NO to protect my me time, sanity, and ensure he’s getting enough sleep.

I say NO at work when they ask me can I stay after and help with xyz to protect the bonding time I have with my son.

What do you say NO to? What do you struggle with when saying no? How could we help?
This past week I realized that I do this easily with my husband. I realize truly being lighthearted and playful, lightens the mood between us. We have experienced a lot of transitions that come with being married and it can be easy to be in a routine. Remembering to do this makes my time with him more enjoyable. This week's challenge reminds me that a little fun and sassiness is good. It also helps to tap into my femininity.

Week 27 Challenge
1. How could you up the challenge? Being more light-hearted and playful. How could you be more playful? Using more humor, I find that my husband always tries to make me laugh. I did not realize this until recently.
2. What’s your favorite cat/mouse script
What did you do today. Why should I tell you? (Then after he responds you go back to the regular convo and tell him what you did). I do this all the time, not realizing this was a cat-mouse script.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 37: Tailor Your Experience

Why does he like you? What is the void you are filling in his life? ‍A simple question like “What are you missing from life?” could answer this.

Of course you have to be a challenge and lead with your femininity but knowing what his “need” is will help you learn how to get him to invest in you and how to seduce him.

Common reasons why a man “needs” you include:

1️⃣Companionship - He needs experience. He wants emotional support. He craves your positivity, adventure, and why you’re a soft spot to land on. This type of man is complacent with the work/home/weekend routine. He needs a girl to help him live in such a way that it gives life meaning. This person probably likes to go new places.

2️⃣To be the hero- This type of man lacks confidence. He needs to provide stuff or save the damsel in distress to feel like he’s important. He needs constant validation. He needs to feel appreciated and have his ego stroked. You must make them feel that they can “save” you from something and they will become obsessed with you.

3️⃣To be free from responsibilities and have good experiences/fun- He probably has a stressful life at work or have a lot of children. This is often the married man (stay away from). He wants a safe space to be free from worry. He needs fun.

4️⃣Sex - These are the men that simply want an escort

5️⃣Trophy Wife- They crave having respect from others by having a pretty girl on their arm. They want a woman that stands out in all aspects and provides them attention and respect from others. It’s like an accessory like a nice car or nice job. It causes people in his life to be in awe and give him attention he was previously deprived of. However being a trophy wife comes with no tag of lifelong guarantee.

6️⃣Trust/Confidant- Drug dealers are often like this. They want someone to confide in. They need someone they can trust in a sea of fake people. They need someone to tell their intimate details to and build a safehaven for their thoughts and ideas.

7️⃣To be a family man/To have help- This often the man with too many children. He wants a girl to be a mule to be a cook, cleaner, and baby sitter. (Stay away from)

8️⃣Intellectual Convo- He craves an intellectual. He craves mental stimulation and interesting conversation from a beautiful girl.

It’s important to know his needs or his void in life so you know how to strategically position yourself. Keep finding new ways to keep his curiosity heightened. This is why you don’t tell him all of your hobbies or cool things about you. Let them come out naturally. Continuously seduce your partner by introducing different sides of yourself and filling his void.

Like if the guy that is pursuing you has a need to be the hero, you might have to come up with random scenarios for him to “save” you to keep the seduction going.

To the dude that needs a confidant, it would be stupid to tell him how you finessed a family member or past ex. It would make him feel he couldn’t trust you and YOU would be stopping the chase and seduction.

The man that needs companionship probably needs a lot of flirting and alluding to what “could” happen. He probably needs a lot of adventure and wants to take you places. Use his void to your advantage. Whatever his void is, that’s how you get him to INVEST in you. Get him to take you to shows. Get him to take you on vacation. Have fun a LOT of fun with him on these adventures. Keep him wanting more.

The guy that needs a trophy wife type shouldn’t ever see you looking a mess in public. Your beauty is what he craves. How the other men look at him because of your beauty is what he desires. It’s what keeps him investing his time, money, resources, and favors. Use it to your advantage. Ask him for the money to keep you looking nice. Invest in yourself with his money to buy shoes, perfume, makeup, and hair. Stand out from other women by having a very intense feminine and sexual presence. Lead with your femininity by wearing make up and dresses.

Use His Needs to Tailor Your Experience

Think back to some key experiences that you have with others people. What made it a memory? What made it wonderful? How did you feel?
1. Do something new/ learn something together. Do things that are new together.
2. Do things that are sensual, feminine, and that other people can't do.
3. Even if the experience is bad, laugh at the memory. "You remember that time we made a fool out of ourselves?"
4. Practice having feminine confidence. Don't worry about what others are thinking. Have FUN in the present moment. Don't worry about tomorrow or yesterday. Have FUN and a lot of it!

Week 37: Challenge

1. Strive to make a MEMORY this week. What will you do? Where will you go?
2. Strive to be in the present moment. How do you feel on the inside?
This was right on time because I frequently feel that I am limited on time. I have been using mindfulness cards with activities like this, so this is really helpful for me to be present.
Week 28 Challenge - Take Your Time
1. What are some daily activities that you could SLOW DOWN and take in the experience of doing? Eating, drinking, and walking.
2. What did you notice when you did SLOW DOWN?
I am able to be more present. One thing I noticed about walking and being present is that I realize that I always walked on one side of the park and not the other, so I now make an effort to explore other areas while walking.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 38: Self-Reflecting on Your Reflection

Your relationships are a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. It is a reflection of all of the baggage you try to hide. The men you attract show where you have imperfections.

The reason high value womens’ relationships thrive is because of the relationship they have created with themselves. They do the inner work and intentionally love themselves each and every day. Every relationship you are in is a reflection of the relationship with yourself. What is your reflection speaking?

:rose:If you act entitled to others people time space and energy, you’re going to attract men that act entitled to your time, space, beauty, womb, and energy with very little investment from them.
:rose:If you brag about how cheap you are and you buy thrift clothes all the time, you’re going to attract a man that’s cheap with you. Why would a man buy you expensive clothing and shoes? You were doing just fine and looked nice with the cheap clothes. Keep doing it.
:rose:If you don’t care about your health and you work when dead tired or sick why would he think about your health? You’re not doing it for yourself!
:rose:Are many of your friends critical? Where are you critical in your life?
:rose:If you don’t set boundaries with him when he misbehaves, why should he set boundaries to treat you well.
:rose:If you don’t treat yourself like you are the prize and you do self-sabotaging things why would he treat you like the prize?
:rose:If you don’t ever buy the food you want (that rib eye steak) and instead you buy what is on sale (4 for $4), why would he take you to nice restaurants? You’re thrifty right? 2 for $20 should be fine for you. It’s worked all this time. ‍♀
:rose:If you are unwilling to invest money, time, and development in yourself, why would HE invest in you? ‍♀
:rose:If you have a raggedy purse and you never buy things for yourself why should I? You don’t pay attention to the small details about you. Why should I?
:rose:If you brag about how you only spend $50 for groceries a week and use coupons, then you want him to spend a lot of money on quality food. He will feel like you’re controlling him or using him for a come up. You didn’t have quality food before. Why now? You didn’t pa full price. Why should I?
:rose:If you suggest using coupons or Groupons when he dates you he will feel you don’t trust him to provide and he should always get a discount when it refers to spending time with you. He shouldn’t have to pay full price.
:rose:If you are not consistent with loving yourself, have you noticed that you attract people who are also not consistent in their love for you?
:rose:If you have a hard time forgiving yourself for the past, have you found yourself attracting people who criticize and pick apart every little thing you do?
:rose:If the men you date don’t treat you like a priority, where are you not treating yourself as a priority? Weight loss? Business wise? Leveling up wise?
:rose:If you feel others judge you, where are you judging yourself?

Keep in mind it’s okay to be thrifty. BUT this is part of your feminine mystique. Get off the phone while doing this. Hide the bags in the car if you have to.. Don’t bring it up. Let you tell it you buy most of your clothes from Belk, Nordstrom, Dillard’s, Macy’s, boutiques. You’re expensive or at least you show others you’re expensive. Recreate your life. Present your best self to men. Take yourself to nice places. Act like you are the prize. Give yourself quality things and you will find others reciprocating the same. If you want to be in a healthy relationship you must first become healthy with the relationship you have with yourself. If we seek happiness, first we have to intentionally become happy. Then, happiness will be attracted to us. All relationships we have in our life are a mere reflection of us.

Week 38 Challenge
1. Be honest. Who are you reflecting in your life? How does this relate to you?
2. What's ONE action step you can take to change who you are attracting.
How are you all doing? How is everyone feeling these days?

Thanks for asking @PrissiSippi :kiss:

Still out in these streets, holding on. This year, as we all have noticed is just...yeah :look:. Have decided to completely disengage from bad news. Have also set a boundary in place, where I only discuss international affairs with my sister, who lives in The Netherlands. We usually have ample time on the phone, to delve deeper into certain issues. Instead of the 140 characters that social media offers us, that only lead to further polarizing. :yep:

Been preparing for Fall, really looking forward to it. Thinking about putting together a reading list, but not quite there yet. Am also becoming more vocal, when something hurts me or doesn't sit well with me. My aunt who lives in Angola said that I have been putting on too much weight and should start thinking about doing sports. I thanked her and let her know that I would not be following her advice. Deleted her comment from my FB page and kept it moving. Since then I have continued to post pics of myself enjoying myself, cooking and so on. When someone misspells or mispronounces my name at work or elsewhere, I kindly correct them. Have also been protecting my time: people tend to assume that I just have all of this time in the world. When in reality: I have the same 24h err body else and their momma has. Kid you not.

Having a laundry machine has freed up a lot of time. My mom also helps a lot: she always offers to do the dishes when she comes by :cloud9: I in turn cook for the both of us:


As far as the feminity goals, still going on :D :





Showed up at the local city hall, looking like the picture above this morning: was supposed to be there at 11am, but as I started doing my hair, I noticed it would take longer. Was able to reschedule via an app on my phone. Rescheduled it to around 2pm. Which gave me ample time for much needed self care.

Left on time so I could arrive on time. The app said you could log in, 20 minutes before arrival. So that once you arrived, there was no need for a ticket. When I arrived and explained this to the guy there, he almost didn't believe me. He was salty that he has been cleaning all day, due to these COVID-restrictions. So I paid him no mind. Then I told the clerk my number and she immediately found me. Waited for about 10 minutes.

When I sat down, I gave my e-ID to the lady, so my address could be modified to my current one. She thought I wouldn't know my personal pin code, but I did. Introduced it and it took like a New York minute for everything to be handled. I was shook and she started looking like Karen. Again, paid her no mind. Asked her if everything was alright and for her to repeat my new address. She did...but not fully. Again: paid.her.no.mind :lol:. Went out of there and started listening to some music on my way home. Now I'm about to cook me some red beans, the Angolan way. It's always like an episode of 'The Weakest Link'. I have to keep the domestic divas of my family on speed dial :rofl: .

How are you doing @PrissiSippi ? And the other ladies?
You are gorgeous Maracuja. Love your posts.

Life is to be lived. Creating beauty in your surroundings and taking care of yourself.

Protecting your energy. Being in your feminine energy. Cooking good food and enjoying it.

I am West African but found out that I have Angolan blood and I also used to live in the DRC.

Enjoy your day.

Almond Eyes
I say this I feel like almost every week, but each week is so fitting for what I need. I have been aggravated with my husband however when I started to focus on myself, I found that he was more helpful and also receptive to what I have been striving to explain to him for a long time. Even in marriage I have learned you need simple breaks from each other for the weekend. I always appreciate those breaks. I took the initiative to do that and I feel like it was helpful for both of us. I went to Florida to visit my mother. I don't think I have been to her house since new year’s although I have seen her. The time away gave us time to miss each other and also appreciate our time alone.

Week 29 Challenge
1. In what ways can you keep the focus on you? Doing the things that I enjoy and creating. I have been focusing a lot on creating when it comes to my business and meet up group.
2. How can you back up in times or arguments and focus all the energy back on yourself? Going outside and talking a walk. Leaving the house and doing an activity that I enjoy or even running an errand just to get fresh air and movement.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 39: Usage of Affirmations

1. I radiate love and respect, and in return I get love and respect.

2. I approve of myself and feel great about myself.

3. I love and accept myself unconditionally.

4. My high self-esteem enables me to respect others, and get respect in return.

5. I am a unique and very special person.

6. I am strong and balanced.

7. I am like a tall tree with thick and strong roots, connecting deep into mother earth.

8. I am bathing in a river of courage and strength.

9. There was a ME first, just ME, BEFORE I was a wife, before I was a mom and that ME was a full, complete, and whole person. I was not a HALF of anything. I was WHOLE back then and I was still WHOLE and the WHOLE of ME was outstanding, truly a fabulous human being.

10. I inspire and strengthen other women to greatness through my direct actions.

Week 39 Challenge
1. What's your favorite affirmations? Feel free to post them in this thread.
2. What's ONE activity you can commit to doing with your affirmations.
This summer, I have tried to host different "brunches" for my household. They weren't particularly fancy because at a certain point we didn't have a table to eat on, but the children and DH enjoyed themselves. It was a nice treat because we've been mostly indoors since March not really even visiting family or doing much shopping save for groceries and stuff for my home update projects.

I started with high tea back in July. We usually have it with a friend and his family, but I wasn't going to allow them over so we did it on our own. I didn't get to go all out with it, but I kept them most important parts -- strawberry picking in the morning, fresh scones and clotted cream. We opted for strawberry pie from a local farm instead of the finger desserts.


Next, I was inspired by @PrissiSippi 's charcuterie board from last year and thought that I would try one. I made bread for the first time, too! (Months after covid bread-making was a thing.)

And since I'm adventurous I added strawberries-Prosecco cheese and chocolate cheddar to the lineup.

It was a lot of fun setting up the board that I decided to do it again the week after.

This time I added figs. It was my first time trying them. Are you supposed to eat the skin?

I tried a more traditional brunch with straweberry cheesecake french toast.


And then another one with overnight (baked) french toast. (I forgot to add the fruit salad to the picture.)


I want to try to keep this up once a month for the rest of the school year (since I feel like we'll be stuck at home for that long....)
This summer, I have tried to host different "brunches" for my household. They weren't particularly fancy because at a certain point we didn't have a table to eat on, but the children and DH enjoyed themselves. It was a nice treat because we've been mostly indoors since March not really even visiting family or doing much shopping save for groceries and stuff for my home update projects.

I started with high tea back in July. We usually have it with a friend and his family, but I wasn't going to allow them over so we did it on our own. I didn't get to go all out with it, but I kept them most important parts -- strawberry picking in the morning, fresh scones and clotted cream. We opted for strawberry pie from a local farm instead of the finger desserts.

View attachment 463475

Next, I was inspired by @PrissiSippi 's charcuterie board from last year and thought that I would try one. I made bread for the first time, too! (Months after covid bread-making was a thing.)

View attachment 463481
And since I'm adventurous I added strawberries-Prosecco cheese and chocolate cheddar to the lineup.

It was a lot of fun setting up the board that I decided to do it again the week after.

View attachment 463483
This time I added figs. It was my first time trying them. Are you supposed to eat the skin?

I tried a more traditional brunch with straweberry cheesecake french toast.

View attachment 463485

And then another one with overnight (baked) french toast. (I forgot to add the fruit salad to the picture.)

View attachment 463487

I want to try to keep this up once a month for the rest of the school year (since I feel like we'll be stuck at home for that long....)

How beautiful. A feast for the eyes.

Almond Eyes
Overall, I haven't been feeling very feminine, but I've been feeling...?

The nice thing is that over the past few weeks, DH has been stepping up. At first I was side-eying him like

But now I'm leaning back.

For my bday, I pretty much chilled in bed all day and I didn't feel guilty about it. It was sooo good.
And since I'm adventurous I added strawberries-Prosecco cheese and chocolate cheddar to the lineup.

See, this is why I love you guys. I'd never have thought that something like chocolate cheddar cheese existed.
I'm going to have to look for this in the fancy shops, because now I'm intrigued. How does it taste? I'm thinking that it's sharp but sweet, yes?

(P.S. Your charcuterie board looks awesome!)
See, this is why I love you guys. I'd never have thought that something like chocolate cheddar cheese existed.
I'm going to have to look for this in the fancy shops, because now I'm intrigued. How does it taste? I'm thinking that it's sharp but sweet, yes?

(P.S. Your charcuterie board looks awesome!)

I'm obviously not a cheese person... it turns out it's a Wynendale not cheddar. :look:

I just looked at their site and they have so many other sweet cheeses. And Google says that they have different kinds of chocolate cheese. To me it tasted like chocolate. DH hated it, but he's a food snob even though he claims not to care about food at all.

I bought it at a local specialty (Italian) grocery store. The store is probably mid-tier fancy. Nowhere near as fancy as Whole Foods.


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Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 40: Sitting Pretty Etiquette

We all know posture is everything, but do we know it's everywhere? Posture is important everywhere which includes running, walking, posing for pictures, standing, and even sitting. It's not always possible to be the PRETTIEST, but you can be the one with the most grace, elegance, and more. As it relates to sitting pretty, make sure when seated your knees and ankles are together even if you decide to cross your legs at the knee. Take in tips from the two videos posted below and have a little fun sitting pretty and in style time after time.

Week 40 Challenge
1. Practice sitting down graciously.
2. Ask a friend/accountability trip to look at you going from seated to standing.
NOTE: Make sure to pay attention how to place your stance before you sit down. It seems that your knees fall gracefully if you have the back leg pointed diagonally and the other leg pointed straight. That was a great tip for me.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 40: Sitting Pretty Etiquette

We all know posture is everything, but do we know it's everywhere? Posture is important everywhere which includes running, walking, posing for pictures, standing, and even sitting. It's not always possible to be the PRETTIEST, but you can be the one with the most grace, elegance, and more. As it relates to sitting pretty, make sure when seated your knees and ankles are together even if you decide to cross your legs at the knee. Take in tips from the two videos posted below and have a little fun sitting pretty and in style time after time.

Week 40 Challenge
1. Practice sitting down graciously.
2. Ask a friend/accountability trip to look at you going from seated to standing.
NOTE: Make sure to pay attention how to place your stance before you sit down. It seems that your knees fall gracefully if you have the back leg pointed diagonally and the other leg pointed straight. That was a great tip for me.

I really need to start back doing this. This was easy to do last year because I would read these posts when I made it to work and I would practice when I walked my children to the cafeteria and such. However, since I am now working from home I am pretty frumpy. lol. I still look cute but I'm frumpy. I just throw on a dress and some boots/flats and keep it moving since in 20 minutes I will be right back at my computer. The world we live in.
Week 30: Lean Back

This past week's challenge was easy for me because this is something that I have been working on for a long time. I realize that alot of my anxiety also came from me wanting to control things. The previous week was focusing on me and I honestly believe that it naturally supports me in Leaning back. Leaning Back supports me in being more receptive to receive. It is also less stressful because I am focusing more on me anyway.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 41: Yoni Eggs

"I am in charge of how I feel and I CHOOSE to feel happiness." Yoni eggs are typically a semiprecious stone carved into an egg shape. When they are polished, they can be worn inside to promote health, self-esteem, and more. As it relates to femininity yoni eggs can increase sexual power, help you become more present and able to awaken sensuality.

Yoni eggs are a great example of a ritual. It is a wonderful took to help you become more connected to your female anatomy. The benefits can be both physical and spiritual.

If you have ever had fearful or negative relationship experiences, chances are you have emotional imprints in your yoni. To heal this, many people use a rose quartz.

  1. First charge the stone up. You charge it by letting it absorb vibrations from the sun for 24 hours or so.
  2. Next you charge it with YOUR vibrations. You speak affirmations into the rose quartz such as: I am loved. I am love. I open my heart and am still. I feel all the love around me and within me from the Universe. I give love to others and accept it in return.
  3. Next take care of your body, set aside some time for yourself. Take a nice long hot bath and get comfortable. Insert the yoni egg inside.
  4. Take notice on how your body feels when you do this. Do you have any different sensations? Where at?
  5. Slow down and take time for yourself and your Yoni.

Week 41 Challenge
1. What's your favorite type of yoni stone? Which one do you think you need to heal yourself?
2. Google some threads on here concerning: Yoni eggs, kegalmaster
3. Spend at least 10 minutes daily with your yoni egg.
Last week during my therapy session, my therapist advised me that she has seen a lot of growth and now I see her once a month. I low key was nervous because I had gotten used to going to her to process everything going on in my life. Then I remember that I have been growing a lot and applying what I have learned not only during therapy but what I have learned during my personal development journey. I then realized that I could use the time that I went to her as time for myself outside of the home, even if it is sitting in my car in the park. I then was excited about it. I am learning to find opportunities for myself as a first time mom, even on errands by myself.

Week 31 Challenge
1. What are some areas in your life that you need to make SPACE for the things that you truly want?

Hobby (doing things that I enjoy). I feel like I have been focusing more on this aspect this year, however I can always do more.)
I going to make SPACE and PEACE in my life by shopping for a bedroom set. My boyfriend made my bed after mine suddenly broke. However, I don't love it. I have a bed FRAME but it's not cute, it's not a complete set, and even though I bought a new comforter and pillows I don't feel at home. I think I'm going to make SPACE and just give away my old bedroom set and buy a new complete set no matter how high the cost. If I can find a nicde set for $1500 or so, I can just pay $100 a month until it's paid off. I don't even think I will miss that little money. I'll update with yall by the weekend. I have a hard time getting rid of things especially when they are still useful.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 42: Waist Beads

Copied from:

Waist beads have their roots anchored in Africa and overlap with Egypt as well. They came into existence around the 15th century as a status symbol. The natives had different views about its uses and miracles. Traditional African women used to wear them often on their bare skin and rarely under their clothing. Egyptian women wore them to allure men while belly dancing. Sometimes scented, women used them to allure their partners since they signified their sexuality. They were also thought to have some healing powers. When used with stones, waist beads were the means of spiritual healing as well. Wearing waist beads is also part of Ghanaian culture. It is a traditional ornament and necessary dowry for women. Usually, babies wear waist beads at Ghanaian naming ceremonies, and young girls also wear waist beads as a sign of femininity. The web of this culture then extended and reached middle-east where it has taken up a notch and women started admiring it and carrying it along with their bodies.

Now, waist beads are worn by women from different countries and cultures to celebrate, decorate, confidence building, tracking weight gain and weight loss, body shaping, and at the same time, they also symbolize spirituality, womanhood, protection, wealth, female empowerment, fertility, and sexuality.

Week 42 Challenge
1. Learn more about waist beading. How could you use them?
2. Invest or make your own personal waist bead. What colors do you desire? What do the colors represent?
This last week was a pretty busy week but pretty productive. I have been more communicative with my husband with my concerns instead of holding it in. I have noticed that he has been more receptive to hear me out.

Week 32 Challenge
1. By the end of the week, stroke his ego once. How does it go? He seemed receptive to it. He just continue to do more. I was even more intentional with making sure I say thank you.