Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

LOL! :lachen: I feel you!!

Good for you on your side hustles! :yep: What have you been doing as your side hustle in order to get rid of debts? I've been looking into getting a side hustle myself in order to pay off some loans. My student loans are all paid off now (HALLELUJAH!) ...just paid the last payment earlier this year! But I still have some credit card debt I want to lower (nothing major), but I want to pay off ALL of my credit cards and be able to put more money into savings every month, and save money for traveling. :woot:
Sure. I do Instacart and Doordash. I do mainly Instacart 40+ hrs a week. I make great money doing that. You have to be intentional to make it work because getting hours to work go very fast.

It’s great that you paid off all your student loans!! I’m excited for you! I agree with you that ALL debts must go. It’s what stops you (and me) from moving forward in life financially and accumulate wealth. If all of your income goes to payments there’s nothing left to save and invest.
Hello @Crystalicequeen123 I am still around. The conversation petered out gradually. I am definitely still on my journey. Every day, I continue to strive to be the woman I dream of by taking it one step at a time. The 52 weeks to divine femininity thread has some awesome info as well.
Wow good for you! :yep: :up:

I'm glad so many of you ladies have been keeping up with it! :D

I've slacked up a bit on the gym game (my EIA has been acting up lately smh... Probably due to allergies and these fires... :nono: ), but I have been working on my skincare game.

I went to Sephora last week and got a facial, and was recommended that I get a few products to help with dryness. LADIES....can I tell you that it's only been a WEEK and already my skin is just GLOWING and looks dewy and youthful! :grin:

These products have really made me step up my skincare game up a notch! I had no idea my skin was actually dry lol. My pores look smooth now. I guess moving to a dry climate meant that I should have readjusted my skin care routine,but I never did. But NOW.... Oh it's so on! :woot:

Sure. I do Instacart and Doordash. I do mainly Instacart 40+ hrs a week. I make great money doing that. You have to be intentional to make it work because getting hours to work go very fast.

It’s great that you paid off all your student loans!! I’m excited for you! I agree with you that ALL debts must go. It’s what stops you (and me) from moving forward in life financially and accumulate wealth. If all of your income goes to payments there’s nothing left to save and invest.

Oh that's awesome! I'll have to look into that. I'm all for finding ways to make a little on the side. I have two big trips I'm taking next year, and I kind of want to save up money for that. :yep:

And you're right...when all your money goes to payments, it's hard to save up. :(

That's why I always say, it's not necessarily how much money you MAKE, but how much you can KEEP. ;)

I am still working on paying off these cards. I have already paid off one credit card and all of my student loans. I've been car-payment-free since 2009, so I hope to NOT need a new car anytime soon lol. :lol:

I just have 2 more cards to pay off. :woot:
Hey all, So just reading some of the past posts I think I may be in the right place.... Hopefully. So I am not feminine at all, I try but honestly this may sound weird but I was never taught how to be feminine. No real mom figure, no real female friends until way later in life, and for the most part I am very introverted. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to be even a little feminine just don't know where to look for advice.
How do I become/act sexy. (I am married and I am 100 percent sure that he fell for me because I was the least amount of drama and we make eachother laugh constantly.)
How do I build my confidence as a woman.
Not that I want to but I don't even know how to flirt.
I always feel like the feminine women can just walk in the room and own it, and they may not be the prettiest, but everything on them is usually on point, its just like an air of goddess that I have never acquired.
Hey all, So just reading some of the past posts I think I may be in the right place.... Hopefully. So I am not feminine at all, I try but honestly this may sound weird but I was never taught how to be feminine. No real mom figure, no real female friends until way later in life, and for the most part I am very introverted. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to be even a little feminine just don't know where to look for advice.
How do I become/act sexy. (I am married and I am 100 percent sure that he fell for me because I was the least amount of drama and we make eachother laugh constantly.)
How do I build my confidence as a woman.
Not that I want to but I don't even know how to flirt.
I always feel like the feminine women can just walk in the room and own it, and they may not be the prettiest, but everything on them is usually on point, its just like an air of goddess that I have never acquired.

Hey! Welcome to the group!! :grin: :wave:

It's okay if you feel like you need a little brushing up on the feminine scale. I find that most of us as American women aren't really taught feminine manners or says of being anymore. Not like our grandmothers. :( And don't even get me started on how society REGULARLY and subtly (sometimes even not-so-subtly) tries to strip black women of our God-given femininity ALL the time. :(

You've come to the right place. :)

Might I highly suggest THESE books as starters?

Powerful & Feminine
The Queen's Code

You will not be disappointed. There are plenty of other books (Fascinating Womanhood being one) but those other two are ones I think EVERY woman should have in her arsenal!

Also, I love the video lessons on sensuality that this woman on YouTube shares with her viewers.... you might find it informative... :)

I've also included some videos from others as well that you might like to take a look at. HTH! :D

There are SO many other feminine energy/feminine magnetism coaches out there now. I recommend Rori Raye, Helena Hart, Sami Wunder, and Katarina Phang. Browse their free content and see if any of them resonates with you. For me, SW and HH made RR's material less esoteric and more understandable. I believe KP also said some inflammatory things against black people so take that into consideration as well.
I didn't know what thread to post this in but I wanted to talk about using Sami Wunder's Hercules tool.
Now this is also talked about in Wife School. However, it's not covered in great detail. Ro's advice was , "Do not look at him when he makes a mistake. If he falls, look away. If he trips act like you didn't even notice or see it. NEVER laugh at your man because it is emasculating. Try to look at him in the positive light." Sami Wunder took it a step further and said look at him like he is a Superhero.

So we were walking in the park. Well specifically we were jogging and he was on his bike. So he went to impress me. He was doing wheelies and cartwheels all on the bike. He was going fast and slowing down and going in circles. He went to do some more wheelies and yall I had got impressed so I was Snapchatting the whole thing. HOW ABOUT THAT MAN FELL! THE BIKE SLIPPED AND HE MESSED UP HIS HAND lol. (I'm sorry but it was sooo funny how fast he went down. Life was PERFECT and then all of a sudden he fell).

My old self wanted to other him an help him up. Im goofy too so I really wanted to laugh.

I realized he is hercules. He is a superhero fighting a battle/ spending time with me and my son.

I bust out, "Oh my gosh baby are you okay?" <--mothering All of a sudden everything clicked. I was like "Honey I looked away to arrange DS in the stroller and then I heard a BUMP. " (Straight Lying because I saw the whole thing) I of course delete and didn't post my Snapchat video

I shifted my mindset. "Oh wow you're so agile. You fell? I didn't even see it! You must have gotten up so fast. I can't believe you know how to do all those tricks with your bike. I've never ridden a bike before. I wish I could do that!"

His voice got softer and protective. "Yeah baby you have to think fast on your feet. I'm real aware of my surroundings. The first thing I did was to look behind and make sure yall two were okay". Then he started to replay the situation. He started talking about the fall like it was trophy. Showed me all these other random scars from childhood. He acted like it was an accomplishment. He was soooo happy lol. Later that night we went to McDonald's for ice cream because he said he thought DS deserved a little time to run around and have fun.

I think it's because I made the choice to continuously respect him. I made sure not to hijack his journey or baby him by tryna play nurse. I didn't try to help him through his struggles. Treating him like hercules made him feel like the man and inspired him to reach new heights. THEN he turned around and took US for ice cream lol. It's weird how men are. The more they feel like the man, the more they do for you. He felt like a hero. My hero. :kiss:
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I used to think attractiveness to men was mostly about physical attraction. But I understand that emotional attraction is the key and this can be created using our feminine power. How many times have you wondered about a couple: hmmm what does he see in her? Most likely, he discovered a unique treasure--different than all the other women he's encountered before. She provokes something within him. Makes him feel like a man. Now I'm not saying that a man will be with a woman he doesn't find physically attractive at all, but there is a wide range of what a man finds attractive. Woman are so conditioned to think we have to be "perfect" physically to be worthy of love. I truly believe there is a lid for every pot (if that pot wants to find her lid). :yep:
I didn't know what thread to post this in but I wanted to talk about using Sami Wunder's Hercules tool.
Now this is also talked about in Wife School. However, it's not covered in great detail. Ro's advice was , "Do not look at him when he makes a mistake. If he falls, look away. If he trips act like you didn't even notice or see it. NEVER laugh at your man because it is emasculating. Try to look at him in the positive light." Sami Wunder took it a step further and said look at him like he is a Superhero.

So we were walking in the park. Well specifically we were jogging and he was on his bike. So he went to impress me. He was doing wheelies and cartwheels all on the bike. He was going fast and slowing down and going in circles. He went to do some more wheelies and yall I had got impressed so I was Snapchatting the whole thing. HOW ABOUT THAT MAN FELL! THE BIKE SLIPPED AND HE MESSED UP HIS HAND lol. (I'm sorry but it was sooo funny how fast he went down. Life was PERFECT and then all of a sudden he fell).

My old self wanted to other him an help him up. Im goofy too so I really wanted to laugh.

I realized he is hercules. He is a superhero fighting a battle/ spending time with me and my son.

I bust out, "Oh my gosh baby are you okay?" <--mothering All of a sudden everything clicked. I was like "Honey I looked away to arrange DS in the stroller and then I heard a BUMP. " (Straight Lying because I saw the whole thing) I of course delete and didn't post my Snapchat video

I shifted my mindset. "Oh wow you're so agile. You fell? I didn't even see it! You must have gotten up so fast. I can't believe you know how to do all those tricks with your bike. I've never ridden a bike before. I wish I could do that!"

His voice got softer and protective. "Yeah baby you have to think fast on your feet. I'm real aware of my surroundings. The first thing I did was to look behind and make sure yall two were okay". Then he started to replay the situation. He started talking about the fall like it was trophy. Showed me all these other random scars from childhood. He acted like it was an accomplishment. He was soooo happy lol. Later that night we went to McDonald's for ice cream because he said he thought DS deserved a little time to run around and have fun.

I think it's because I made the choice to continuously respect him. I made sure not to hijack his journey or baby him by tryna play nurse. I didn't try to help him through his struggles. Treating him like hercules made him feel like the man and inspired him to reach new heights. THEN he turned around and took US for ice cream lol. It's weird how men are. The more they feel like the man, the more they do for you. He felt like a hero. My hero. :kiss:

I'm not familiar with that tool so thank you for sharing this example! Well done.
I’m really trying to learn to be a woman that’s easy to lose. I met this handsome man that’s a Que. BUT as soon as our first in depth convo hit he acted like I was interviewing FOR HIM. No sir. He tried every trick in the book. He tried to kinda neg me.

He asked me some question to the effect of what did I think about the pictures I have on my profile. One has a very revealing neckline. I told I think I am a very attractive woman.

He asked me did that make me think I would only meet a certain type of man. I said hmmm that’s interesting that hasn’t been my e experience so far.

He told me he wanted to “meet-up” to see if the vibe was right. I told him oh honey I don’t do meet ups but I would love to spend some time with you on a date.

He tried to wiggle his way out of it talking about he is a Q and what if he turned into a Q on our “date” he wouldn’t want to make me feel uncomfortable. I told him I prefer Omega men and if you can’t control yourself from “being a Que” I’m not interested and got off the phone.

This dude is blowing my phone up passively aggressively by sending emojis and ish. Just no. You had her and lost her just like that.
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Sorry, eha
I’m really trying to learn to be a woman that’s easy to lose. I met this handsome man that’s a Que. BUT as soon as our first in depth convo hit he acted like I was interviewing FOR HIM. No sir. He tried every trick in the book. He tried to kinda neg me.

He asked me some question to the effect of what did I think about the pictures I have on my profile. One has a very revealing neckline. I told I think I am a very attractive woman.

He asked me did that make me think I would only meet a certain type of man. I said hmmm that’s interesting that hasn’t been my e experience so far.

He told me he wanted to “meet-up” to see if the vibe was right. I told him oh honey I don’t do meet ups but I would love to spend some time with you on a date.

He tried to wiggle his way out of it talking about he is a Q and what if he turned into a Q on our “date” he wouldn’t want to make me feel uncomfortable. I told him I prefer Omega men and if you can’t control yourself from “being a Que” I’m not interested and got off the phone.

This dude is blowing my phone up passively aggressively by sending emojis and ish. Just no. You had her and lost her just like that.

Sorry what's a q/que?

Love your responses!
I’m really trying to learn to be a woman that’s easy to lose. I met this handsome man that’s a Que. BUT as soon as our first in depth convo hit he acted like I was interviewing FOR HIM. No sir. He tried every trick in the book. He tried to kinda neg me.

He asked me some question to the effect of what did I think about the pictures I have on my profile. One has a very revealing neckline. I told I think I am a very attractive woman.

He asked me did that make me think I would only meet a certain type of man. I said hmmm that’s interesting that hasn’t been my e experience so far.

He told me he wanted to “meet-up” to see if the vibe was right. I told him oh honey I don’t do meet ups but I would love to spend some time with you on a date.

He tried to wiggle his way out of it talking about he is a Q and what if he turned into a Q on our “date” he wouldn’t want to make me feel uncomfortable. I told him I prefer Omega men and if you can’t control yourself from “being a Que” I’m not interested and got off the phone.

This dude is blowing my phone up passively aggressively by sending emojis and ish. Just no. You had her and lost her just like that.

Oh wow...

I'm sorry, but what's a "Que"?? Is that new lingo? :look:


Anyway, good for you for standing up for yourself and not settling for less than you deserve.

Yes, unfortunately the more "standards" that we as women have, the more we'll probably find ourselves SINGLE for a while (lol) , but at the very least, when we DO eventually settle down, it will be with the RIGHT man and the wait will be worth it. :grin:
Sorry, eha

Sorry what's a q/que?

Love your responses!
Oh wow...

I'm sorry, but what's a "Que"?? Is that new lingo? :look:


Anyway, good for you for standing up for yourself and not settling for less than you deserve.

Yes, unfortunately the more "standards" that we as women have, the more we'll probably find ourselves SINGLE for a while (lol) , but at the very least, when we DO eventually settle down, it will be with the RIGHT man and the wait will be worth it. :grin:
Based on the context, the more carnal, primitive persona/stereotype of a brother of Omega Psi Phi fraternity. :lol:

Que dawg:
Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at 11.58.03 PM.png
Omega Man:
Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at 11.59.31 PM.png

Omega Man trying to hold back the Que dawg :lachen:
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He tried to wiggle his way out of it talking about he is a Q and what if he turned into a Q on our “date” he wouldn’t want to make me feel uncomfortable. I told him I prefer Omega men and if you can’t control yourself from “being a Que” I’m not interested and got off the phone.
yeessss get him all the way together :lol:
