52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

I’m working on plating my food now. I just plated breakfast. Bacon, eggs, grits & loaded hashbrowns.
I want this food so bad :toocool::toocool: Do those hash browns have bacon in them too? Or ham? Onions? Spill it.

Also these are the 88 cent bowls and plates from Walmart? Ima look around the house first but I don’t think I have small circular bowls for stuff like greens and the like. I’m using the cereal bowls which are square shaped but I think I might invest in these and a new flatware set at Walmart. Ima aim to spend $10 or so on both.
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Snoop how did it work out when you started greeting hubby at the door? Did he notice the change? Did he appreciate it?

I think he enjoys it still. It's hard to tell. He doesn't really like when I give him attention, but when I stop he gets upset. I can't even explain. Last week we were all down for the count with the flu/bad colds. He ticked me off on the weekend with some foolishness. Yesterday morning, I wasn't about to get out of bed when he left for work, but I heard DS#1 run downstairs to say bye to his dad, then he ran up to me in bed and said "if you hurry, you can catch Dad before he leaves and say bye!" I realized that I needed to throw away whatever was going though my head -- at least for a moment -- and run and say bye because the kids are "watching". Which is exactly why I am doing this to begin with. He was surprised that I came down, but I know that it made him feel better.

I feel like he feels more special when I say goodbye in the mornings than when I say hello in the evenings.

DH is also a big sponge and will adopt my physical and verbal mannerisms. I will sometimes send him notes and be purposeful in thanking him for things and explaining why. For example, the other day I thanked him for taking out the garbage because it helped my morning to go smoother. This morning, I got out of bed to help him shovel the driveway before he left for work. He was almost done -- I did about 30 seconds of "work". He even, dusted some of the snow off of my car, too! That is HUGE! Later he sent me a thank you for helping him and told me he thought that was sweet.

I need to catch up with the weekly challenges...
As a side note, kudos to the ladies that have been practicing plating. From my experience, soon it will become second nature to you and won’t take much time. However, it is such a kind gesture for the loved ones in your life. For ladies that want to start off slow, go and frequent Walmart or Dollar Tree for cheap white plates. Also in addition in meal planning (in your planner of course) begin planning out your food so it looks like it would in a restaurant. You need to invest in a standard flatware set, white plates big and small and cereal bowls, white smaller serving bowls for soupy sides like greens or grits (mine are 6 oz I believe), and glasses. Take your time and enjoy the experience of eating and using dinnertime as conversation time with your family. While we are at it....

Reasons for using White Plates

Can anyone guess the reasons why certified wives use ONLY white dish ware? (Posted by Ro)

1. Class, elegance, and style.
2. Because you can change the color of the white plates with colored lighting.
3. To decorate using any color & NOT have to buy new plates.
4. Financial respect to your husband.
5. To be able to use your grandmothers plates and to pass to your granddaughters, while everything still matches.
6. To not need to match or replace a whole set.
7. To show your hygiene, and how clean your dishes are.
8. Because white is a blank canvas: Displays the food not the plate.
9. Because white deflects heat, keeping the food fresher, longer. (This is why tops of picnic coolers are white)
10. Because insects won't try to nest on white.
11. Because it reflects romantic candlelight.
12. Because white matches all colors of food.
13. White shows that you didn't touch the plate with oily hands.
14. Can bring playfulness to the table with different texture, patterns & styles.
15. To honor family tradition of excellence.
16. Can display white dishes on open shelving & cabinets, without making the room look tacky, unorganized or messy.

(Same things apply for clear glasses, but with clear glasses, you can see that nothing is in your glass, you can see the quality of your beverage & you can also see the person sitting across from you through your glass.)


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Week 5: Polish Your Poise

Let's think about some typical day to day situations:

1. Someone cuts you off in traffic? What could you do?
This is a big one for me. I won't dwell on it but my behavior was very unacceptable. My daughter started ranting one day when I had to swerve because we were cut off. I felt intense shame and worked really hard to send a prayer of thanks for our safety instead of expending energy on the errant driver.

2. Someone steals the credit at work for something you did? Your actions?
I stopped stressing about it. I am awesome at my job and everyone knows it. It doesn't cost me money so it isn't worth losing my femininity over. I have a coworker who regularly does this but my work speaks for itself so people know, especially the important ones.

3. Your husband says something unkind and insensitive to you?
I still struggle with this!

4. He leaves his shoes everywhere even after you've asked him numerous times to stop.
Get a tray, explain why it is important to you, put his shoes in the tray. I did this until he started to get used to seeing them there. When he started doing it I thanked him. Then I migrated the tray to where I actually wanted the shoes. Now onto other items!

5. A beautiful woman walks in the room....are you unnerved? Unbothered?

I used to be unnerved but now I admire if she has feminine presence. If not, I feel a bit sad that she isn't making more of her looks and keep it moving.

Week 5 Challenge
1. Name some ways you could work on keeping your poise in trying situations.
I need to spend some time working to implement what I am learning about being the CEO of my home. The area that troubles me most is being overwhelmed trying to keep up at home when I come in tired from work. If I could tighten up in many areas, I think it would allow me to react in a feminine way rather than losing it. No one wants to witness frequent meltdowns but it's hard. My babies have been sick and I have been bouncing from home to work and still trying to keep up and it's so exhausting. I decided today that even though we haven't fully settled into the new house, I am bringing in the cleaning service effective 2/1 before I go nuts.
2. NO person or incident can take you out of your feminine grace. However, this must be a very deliberate practice. What are some things you need to change about yourself to STAY in your feminine grace?
I find allowing myself time and space allows me to temper my reactions. I constantly remind myself that this one thing is not make it or break it to my family life therefore it isn't worth the expenditure of energy.

I’ve been polishing my poise

1. I don’t know if this example fits but when I took DS to the dentist surprisingly he acted well. The dentist said wow does he always act this way? I wanted to say NO NO NO hahaha because lately he’s turning into an active toddler but I stopped myself. I’m very deliberate in my speech. I said oh yes! He’s the most mild mannered and polite inquisitive little boy I have ever met and smiled. Y’all this lady gave my child two toys because of how “polite” he was. She let him sit in her lap. She gave him extra attention and love. I think it’s because I put my best foot forward and stayed prepared and calm the entire time when dealing with him. When DS opened doors I said wow you are so bright! When he got rough with toys I said Wow you are so explorative. When he tested my patience with the durn Sippy cup I redirected him and said ohhh are we getting sleepy little one? Is it our nap time? I didn’t let him disrupt my peace and in turn outside people treated him with the same love and respect I show him.

2. I went to the outlet mall. We are creatures of habit. Y’all I was walking so fast like ima a New Yorker. I was like maybe I can rush in and out in five minutes. Then I paused. Priss what for?! Why are you rushing?! I stopped mid food court and stood up right and started walking slowly on the balls of my feet. I took my time. Smiled to everyone around. Took in the scenery. Talked to the sales associates and just took time to”be”. I actually felt great my doing this.

3. DH could catch these hands but he would never know if he ruffles my feathers or not. I spent time polishing my femininity by taking an extra long bath. I drunk some wine out on some lingerie for myself and laid in these 500 count sheets that felt sooo good on my Shea buttered skin. I slept so good last night. #SelfCare

4. I let DH really get under my skin over the weekend. I really need to change this and remember no one can take me out of my femininity except me.

5. Fellowshipping with other women. I know we talked about this in this challenge earlier but one of my friends told me how their DH tried to argue with them talking about they should drive sometimes when DH was in the car. And kept pushing the issue this is 2017 yada yada. My friend talked about how she just smiled sweetly and said you’re so funny boo and sat in the passenger side. No arguing. No back and forth. But a strong boundary with no commotion. He tried to get her to man up but she did not. I feel it’s important to hear this from other ladies because sometimes we feel it’s not doable or we are asking too much. But it CAN be done and a healthy man will conform. It really solidified my thoughts.
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Y’all I feel so fancy and relaxed when I set out the glasses and sit as a family to eat. We had breakfast for dinner last night. Super simple but it was so good.

(I'm slowly catching up on these posts. "We're" still sick over here so my schedule has been thrown off.)

I love breakfast for dinner. This looks good!

I made pancakes for dinner the other day and tried my hand at apple pie filling for the first time. I didn't realize that it was so easy to make! I modified an easy batter recipe that I found in Pinterest by adding vanilla and cinnamon. I would have eaten those pancakes all week! :lachen:

ETA: I'm here for all y'alls food pics! I'm not the best cook. You guys inspire!
I just couldn’t get my breakfast plating to look right. Lol I copied @PeaceLover ’s plate but 1. When you cook hashbrowns you have to let them sit and get crispy fir 7 minutes. In my soul I feel like that’s too long. I flipped it too early. My eggs tasted good but don’t look scrambled. My bacon....is Oscar Meyer. I bought it because I thought it was cheaper. I might as well buy wright’s Bacon lol. It’s thick and good. BUT I did take the time to eat and sometimes I forget if I’m too busy. I’m happy for that. And I made time to practice plating. I’ll know what to do when I cook for my family.


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I just couldn’t get my breakfast plating to look right. Lol I copied @PeaceLover ’s plate but 1. When you cook hashbrowns you have to let them sit and get crispy fir 7 minutes. In my soul I feel like that’s too long. I flipped it too early. My eggs tasted good but don’t look scrambled. My bacon....is Oscar Meyer. I bought it because I thought it was cheaper. I might as well buy wright’s Bacon lol. It’s thick and good. BUT I did take the time to eat and sometimes I forget if I’m too busy. I’m happy for that. And I made time to practice plating. I’ll know what to do when I cook for my family.

Ahhh ya'll are gonna make me go to the goodwill and get some nice white plates.
I’m working on plating my food now. I just plated breakfast. Bacon, eggs, grits & loaded hashbrowns.

Because this is a safe space, I need to ask: What are grits? Is it made of corn products (ie. cornmeal) or something else?
Because this is a safe space, I need to ask: What are grits? Is it made of corn products (ie. cornmeal) or something else?

Lol! It’s definitely a safe space! Yep, grits are made from corn that is ground into a coarse meal and then boiled.

The difference between cornmeal & grits (according to google) is that cornmeal is grounded up corn. Grits are are often made from hominy, which is corn treated with lime (or another alkaline product) to remove the hull before boiling.
Still going at it with the presentation of food. And having read this blog: reclaiming-femininity, she once mentioned that we should do things with finesse. It's not just about WHAT we do, but HOW we do it. Living so small helps me to be more mindful of my every move, otherwise I'd just be bumping into things and people all the time.

I read the blog post last night and it gave me some stuff to think about, namely what does "femininity" mean to me. "Girlhood" vs "womanhood". Hospitality and nurturing vs self-care and how to find the balance. Having healthy relationships with men AND with women. I need to flush out some of these ideas as I go so that I can make a proper game plan for myself....
Lol! It’s definitely a safe space! Yep, grits are made from corn that is ground into a coarse meal and then boiled.

The difference between cornmeal & grits (according to google) is that cornmeal is grounded up corn. Grits are are often made from hominy, which is corn treated with lime (or another alkaline product) to remove the hull before boiling.

Thanks! I might have to look up a recipe and try it.
Maybe it’s not a step back. Could it possibly be just more fined tuned focus on what you need the most?
I mean I’ve stopped trying to be in control of everything. So responsible. I can remember after the third date knowing dh would be a wonderful provider. An embarrassing moment that I’ll neer forget was when I thought I was texting my girlfriend and I sent him her message- she asked what I thought about him and I told her he was an excellent provider. :) he didn’t give me a hard time about it- I just told him it was about him but not for him. Somewhere along the line I forgot that.
I read the blog post last night and it gave me some stuff to think about, namely what does "femininity" mean to me. "Girlhood" vs "womanhood". Hospitality and nurturing vs self-care and how to find the balance. Having healthy relationships with men AND with women. I need to flush out some of these ideas as I go so that I can make a proper game plan for myself....

Yup. I often jot random ideas down, pertaining to my idea of womanhood. Specifically Black womanhood. I wanted to come up with a list of things you can actually do, even if you don't have a lot of money. Here's what I have so far:
  1. Posture: this was taught in school when I was growing up, we always had to sit up straight. This tends to get harder as we grow older, not just on a physical level, but because we get so much negative input from outside factors (job, husband, friends, family members,...etc) that can sometimes make us feel less than. So it's important to pay attention to this. I'm often reminded of common African women, who don't wear Louboutins or what have you, but who walk around with such dignity and like they own the place.
  2. The Word + reading: some of us are more visual than others and prefer to 'see' rather than 'read'. But I truly believe that the phenomenal ideas we consume in the written format, have a deeper way of sticking to our DNA and connecting with us. Prayer should of course, not be neglected. Get right with God first thing in the morning.
  3. Storytelling: this was so important while I was growing up in Luanda. My sister would just sit us down and tell us a bunch of stories about her youth, it invigorated me. I believe it builds confidence and is a great antidote to gossip.
  4. Inner worth: not worth that comes from commercials saying 'because you're worth it', but inner worth. Not from possessions, but from inside of you. That is what I notice women struggle with most nowadays. Women are by and large outearning men and yet...that ought to tell you something.
  5. Innate feminity: we often take cues from each other, which is a good thing, but be careful not to become a carbon copy of some other woman. Dig deep into yourself and figure out how to live out your womanhood. There was a blog I used to follow, that had a quote to this effect: you are a woman, so whatever YOU do, is womanly.
  6. Being skilled at something: I noticed that this is very important in our communities, even on LHCF. It's important to know who you can go to for advice about cooking, finances, hair care/styles, skincare,...etc. It's important to be skilled at SOMETHING, so that you're better able to help someone else.
  7. True camaraderie: 'more rare than true love, is true friendship' is a quote that comes to mind. One does not need a bunch of friends to hang out with all the time, that will only deteriorate from what you're trying to build in your home. But 1-3 close friends that you can truly confide in, who you truly want to see succeed, can make a world of difference.

Have about 7 other bullet points regarding this, but I'll stop here for now to go back to my focus point of the moment: plating :D.


Here's what I did today. Didn't cook this myself, but when I got home, I immediately started to figure out how to prettify it lol. So this is what I did, got the idea from one of Ateyaa's early videos. It's a dish from Burkina Faso that is served with goat meat, but if one was serving it with chili or a curry, you could actually put the rice in the center and then the sauce to go along with it all around it. The finishing touch would be a piece of parsley on top ;).
@Maracujá Thank you so much for these. It's given me a lot to think about.

I went to Dollarama then to Walmart looking for white plates. I have a set of rectangular ones that we have for that rare occasions when guests come over. Our regular dishes are a mixed lot since they keep getting broken and we look for something "economical" to replace them with. I found some at Walmart that seemed like they would work, but I find them "small", but I think that based on the design, they'd be very pretty for learning how to plate meals. I think that they'd also be useful for helping me to portion the kids meals better -- I sometimes give them too much. Hopefully, I can pick them up today.
Just chiming I’m on the playing practice. I started buying white plates after a few from my wedding present were broken. They were turquoise with red, brown and yellow accents and so so hard to match. I’ll never go back. My current assortment is from a Crate and Barrel, Home Goods and IKEA and you can’t tell the difference at a glance.

Now reading on all these other reasons to use white plates, I will happily continue on:). Also, all of these beautiful meals is so motivating. I decided I would start printing a weekly menu to make it feel fancy. My husband liked it when he saw it this morning:)

I’ll have to figure out how to share pictures. I keep getting an error message.
Just chiming I’m on the playing practice. I started buying white plates after a few from my wedding present were broken. They were turquoise with red, brown and yellow accents and so so hard to match. I’ll never go back. My current assortment is from a Crate and Barrel, Home Goods and IKEA and you can’t tell the difference at a glance.

Now reading on all these other reasons to use white plates, I will happily continue on:). Also, all of these beautiful meals is so motivating. I decided I would start printing a weekly menu to make it feel fancy. My husband liked it when he saw it this morning:)

I’ll have to figure out how to share pictures. I keep getting an error message.
To upload pictures I had to download an app called photo shrimper. I had to shrink the photos first and then upload them. I hope this helps.

OAN it seems like everyone had fun this week playing with plating and preparing to plate! I’m glad about that. I can say i love that everything matches. I too used to have brown and red plates and then some cute turquoise plates. However my white plates go with EVERYTHING and when I put them in my buffet table everything “goes” and it looks cute to have them on display.
Because this is a safe space, I need to ask: What are grits? Is it made of corn products (ie. cornmeal) or something else?

I’ve really been wanting to perfect something like this. This restaurant here called Georgia Blue is soooo good. I love their Shrimp and Grits and you can add a crawfish sauce to make it even better. I really want to try it. The grits in the picture is the yellowish mixture topped with cheese.


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So are grits thick?

So in Italy you have polenta and in Barbados we have coucou (My dad would laugh that I said "we"). Is out something like that or is it sweet like a hot breakfast cereal?

Can you tell I'm not American? I'll tell you guys about ketchup chips and bagged milk as part of this culinary exchange of information. :D
Reasons for using White Plates

Can anyone guess the reasons why certified wives use ONLY white dish ware? (Posted by Ro)
10. Because insects won't try to nest on white.

Am I the only one that paused at this one?

So DH picked up the plates yesterday and I think it took me 20 minutes to plate everything. I'll have to work on neatness before creativity otherwise we're going to be eating cold food every night!

I made steak in the oven (bbq is broken); mashed potatoes, onions and mushrooms in lemon juice. I tried to do a béchamel sauce but I wasn't really following the recipe and it didn't come out right. It tasted alright, though.

I told DH what I was intending on doing. I know he thinks I'm crazy, but at the same time I think if I can make small changes like this and they work out better for our family he'll appreciate it even more -- on a personal level.


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So are grits thick?

So in Italy you have polenta and in Barbados we have coucou (My dad would laugh that I said "we"). Is out something like that or is it sweet like a hot breakfast cereal?

Can you tell I'm not American? I'll tell you guys about ketchup chips and bagged milk as part of this culinary exchange of information. :D

I know I'm just lurking but this is a great African American cultural debate about if grits should be seasoned with salt and pepper or sugar. In my family, when served for breakfast they are served with butter and sugar unless it's paired with shrimp or catfish, then savory seasonings are appropriate.
Am I the only one that paused at this one?

So DH picked up the plates yesterday and I think it took me 20 minutes to plate everything. I'll have to work on neatness before creativity otherwise we're going to be eating cold food every night!

I made steak in the oven (bbq is broken); mashed potatoes, onions and mushrooms in lemon juice. I tried to do a béchamel sauce but I wasn't really following the recipe and it didn't come out right. It tasted alright, though.

I told DH what I was intending on doing. I know he thinks I'm crazy, but at the same time I think if I can make small changes like this and they work out better for our family he'll appreciate it even more -- on a personal level.
The second and third plates look fab! Isn’t it kinda fun? And I promise it will not take as long to plate once you get the hang of it.
I know I'm just lurking but this is a great African American cultural debate about if grits should be seasoned with salt and pepper or sugar. In my family, when served for breakfast they are served with butter and sugar unless it's paired with shrimp or catfish, then savory seasonings are appropriate.

Thank you! This makes sense.
I know I'm just lurking but this is a great African American cultural debate about if grits should be seasoned with salt and pepper or sugar. In my family, when served for breakfast they are served with butter and sugar unless it's paired with shrimp or catfish, then savory seasonings are appropriate.
No no. There’s no debate. You don’t put sugar in grits!:lachen:
Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous)
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self-Preservation Is Key

"You can't always be the prettiest when you step into a room, but you can ALWAYS be the sweetest. With the best smile, the warmest gaze, the most gratitude, and the most pleasant attitude, a woman's poise is her gentle strength"

Last week we touched on poise. Poise is how you present yourself in trying situations. However,
Self-preservation, self-awareness, and STAYING CALM is key. This month we focus on love. Often time that means loving other people and not ourselves. However, loving ourselves is so very important for us to fully love others. Take care of yourself if you don't do anything else.

One way to take care of yourself is to PROTECT YOUR PEACE.

For women to preserve their greatest asset, their femininity, self preservation is key. Hardened women are not desirable. Argumentative women are unattractive. Loud, boisterous, yelling women are off-putting.

Strive to have poise but also seek wisdom during trying times....not masculination. The best way to do this mentally is to organize a drama blocking plan and make it deliberate.

You remember that planner we found in week 1? It's now time to use it. Pencil in time for YOU. Make it a deliberate practice to focus on you! Be selfish. Make boundaries. Distance yourself from people who do not love you. Stick to these boundaries. Now on this I am quite weak. I am a novice. However there are many people on the board that have touched on topics like this extensively. @hopeful comes to mind right off the bat. But many of us have allowed our past to make us hardened. Maybe someone said something to you that made you feel undeserving of being feminine. Maybe a dysfunctional upbringing made you feel like you are not entitled to your femininity. Now is the time to be selfish. Why? Because only then can you spread the boundless gifts of your femininity to others and freely. Think of your femininity as a garden. You could leave it unprotected. Let animals come in and trample all in it. Expose it to the elements. Forget to water it because you are checking on your neighbor's garden. This is not wise. Self-preservation will allow you to increase your level of consciousness. With time it will increase your compassion, love, and feminine energy which will be evident to everyone you come in contact with. Analyze your life. Any people you need to let go of that disrupt your peace and/or femininity? Boundaries that you haven't made? You are the captain of your ship. Focus on you. Polish your femininity to preserve your self and make a plan to make sure it happens.

Protecting your peace often is ESSENTIAL when arguing (especially with the opposite sex). Have you ever started having a disagreement calmly then all of a sudden you start getting louder and louder and to the tune of this : Oh No You Didn't Boo Boo *insert claps between each word for a little more culture* :wacky: As it relates to protecting your peace...you need self-awareness. What triggers you in an argument and throws you off course? How can you avoid this or be self-aware to never let ANYONE take you there?

Tips for Protecting Your Peace and creating a Drama Blocking Plan
  • Note your triggers- What causes you to BLOW UP in arguments? Feeling like you're not heard? When others get loud with you? Not feeling appreciated? What makes you TICK!?
  • Watch your body-language - Non verbal body language says a lot. Rest chick face is NOT CUTE. Fix your face. Lol.
  • Have boundaries in arguments- If the argument is going nowhere....drop it and revisit at a later (calmer) time.
  • Admit your mistakes and learn to humbly apologize
  • When you feel yourself getting angry or argumentative, love on yourself more. Exercise, meditate, cook, plate food, garden, listen to music, do whatever your heart desires. Indulge in what makes you YOU...your hobbies.
  • Perception is Key - Recognize that anger IS natural. It is OKAY to feel anger. But don't let it consume you.

Week 6 Challenge
1. In your planner, plan out how the month of February will go. How will you make time for your hobbies and goals? Distance yourself from toxic personalities? Establish healthy boundaries? Walk away from arguments.
2. What are some ways to polish your femininity EVERYDAY? What will you do?
3. What is your drama blocking plan? Write it out. (An extension from last week)
4. How could you only be mad for 5 minutes and not let arguments RULE your entire day.
5. How can you practice and improve your emotional self-awareness?​
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