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Week 9: Shadow Work
We have both masculine and feminine energies. Both need to be active. It's actually your masculine or boy energy that takes care of you and helps you to do the things you need to do. This keeps your life running smoothly while your feminine or girl energy allows you to receive from others.
Every relationship in your life is a mirror of your relationship to yourself in some way. You can always only see what’s in the mirror. If you want to see something different, bring something different to the mirror. The people in your life will always reflect how you feel about yourself. To change the reflection, you must face the source within. Travel into your Shadow and WORK to learn to love your darkness and allow it to serve you!
The people who show up are mirroring you in some way.
Example: I was attracting flaky men at one point and the question to be asked is how are you flaky in your own life? How are you not following through with things, usually in an unconscious way?
Example: I was attracting analytical coworkers, people, family at one point and the question to be asked is how are you analytical in your own life?
Example: When no one shows up or is attracted to you. Take a look back. Either you're pushing them away, they don't see you or feel safe to come to you, or they do see you but you don't notice them.
Example: When I'm not loving myself, when I sometimes loving myself and sometimes not, I will attract these Beta acting men that are hot and cold not consistent and don’t see me as the prize because I don’t see myself as one.
Men will show up in your life reflecting your own masculine energy. So if your boy energy is passive, leaned back, not doing things for you, flaky, non-committal, etc that's the kind of men you will attract.
Example: Want people who appreciate you for who you are? Appreciate yourself first.
Example: Want men that don’t complain and get all negative about life? Stop complaining and being negative about life yourself.
Example:Want a man who is straight-forward and not complicated in the head? Stop overthinking and over analyzing every message and conversation.
Example: Want me who step up for you? Get up, step up for yourself. Make that investment in you, work on self-growth, get out and make yourself happy.
Example: If you want someone that values you value yourself? Do you set boundaries that reflect that value?
Example: Before you expect someone to bring abundance in your are you showing abundance to yourself?
How are you honoring yourself?
How are you loving yourself?
How are you loyal to yourself?
How are you compassionate to yourself?
Don't DEMAND from others what you REFUSE to give to yourself and other black women. Forgive. Respect. Honor. Love. Heal. Celebrate!
Week 52 Challenge
1. What's in your shadow? How has this restricted you in the past?
2. Knowing what you know about your shadow, how can you use this information to keep your feminine activated?