52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria

Next Year's Participants:
@Soaring Eagle


January- Let's Get It Started
Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Tools Every Woman should Have in her Toolbox
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way with your actions. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.
Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.
Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.
Week 8: Look Good and Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23: Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26: Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27: Everything can be used against you.
Week 28: Compassionate
Week 29: Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31: Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

August - Etiquette
Week 32: Staircase Etiquette
Week 33: Pose for Life - Crossed Legs Pose
Week 34: Keep it Classy (Exiting car doors)
Week 35: Sitting pretty

September- The Opposite of Networking is “Not Working”
Week 36: Who Do You Admire: Interview Them
Week 37: Join a Group of Like-Minded
Week 38: Make it Intentional - Date Night
Week 39: How to be a Feminine Networking Star... Wherever You Are

October-Feminine Hobbies

Week 40: Affirmations: Affirming our Femininity
Week 41: Yoni Eggs
Week 42: Waist Beads
Week 43: Incorporating Beauty routines, perfume and Makeup
Week 44: Being Festive: Let's Enjoy the Holidays

Week 45: Become a Master of your Emotions: Avoid Reactive
Week 46: Trust and Surrender
Week 47: Scripts - How to say things in a Feminine but "Strong" Way.
Week 48: Keeping a Musical Home

Week 49: Anchor Yourself
Week 50: Release that Stress
Week 51: Lean Back/Stop Paddling the Boat Challenge

Week 51: Stop Paddling the Boat/Lean Back

1) Stop paddling the boat verbally
- Speak LESS than you talk. It creates space for him to lead and feminine mystique which is intoxicating and attractive. Space and mystery allows men to step into that problem-solving and leadership role by indirectly getting him to lead the convo. Stop paddling the boat by not texting or calling a man first in the first few months of the relationship. ("I'm not big at texting, it would feel good to hear your voice" is a great line to use in creating boundaries when dating.) Stop initiating conversation when on dates. Instead of asking questions, let him take the masculine role of leader. Refrain from asking him why he hasn’t called...you were too busy to notice.

2) Stop paddling the boat mentally
- FOCUS ON YOU! Focus on your hobbies. Focus on feeling good. Those that want to be happy...are. 90% happiness comes from you and only 10% comes from him; don’t forget this. When you take care of yourself you can take care of others. Refrain from wasting the whole day thinking about your significant other. Of course we all think about those we love...but the WHOLE DAY? NO! It's important to be feminine but it is ALSO important to be balanced and NOT codependent and over-invested.

3)Stop paddling the boat physically
- Take your time. Don't rush. Just be. A friend of mine struggled to carry the baby in a carseat, her purse, and a bag of groceries inside instead of merely calling her husband and saying, "Honey can you help me?" She was like I can do it for myself. It is quicker this way. I don't want t burden him. He was watching the game.
Sis, he doesn't MIND rescuing you. It's in his DNA. Take the time to SLOW DOWN and take off the superwoman cape. LET HIM HELP YOU PHYSICALLY. Let him open your doors. Let him carry heavy objects including the baby. Let him pay the bills. Let him pick the restaurant. Let him drive. Relinquish all that control. He bends in to touch YOU, he extends his hand to hold yours, you lean back in your chair or wherever you are sitting when you are out on dates. Have you ever caught yourself balling your hands into a tight fist when you’re speaking with a man? Don’t do this; be relaxed. Practice letting your wrists go limp and opening your palms. Tilt your body backwards when you’re around a man and see what happens. When you’re sitting in a chair, don’t lean forward when you’re having a conversation. Lean back. If you’re standing across from a man, put one foot behind the other and shift your weight so that you’re leaning away, not toward him. You don’t drive to his house. If he wants to see you...he will come to you. Create space and not always being in the same room. It’s not being readily available and sticking to your own schedule/hobbies.

4) Stop paddling the boat energetically
- You need your nails done? If he says do you need something for that? Say, "I do." Happily accept. Stop trying to convince him how high value you are. Let him pursue you. Let him prove himself to YOU. Receive from him. Make him invest his resources into you (time, money, effort). Talk with short sentences. Don’t buy him the best birthday present if he never celebrates yours. Don’t buy him a thoughtful Christmas present if he says he doesn’t celebrate holidays. Give a gift to yourself or your friend girls. Don't bring up or buy him a Christmas/Birthday present unless he buys and gives you one FIRST. (If you buy one for him, make sure he gives you a present first and THEN give him his....return his present if he doesn't give you one). Don't text him incessantly all day throughout the day when he's at work. Don't micro-manage his FB activity. Don't micro-manage what he wears to work. Don't micro-manage how much you don't focus your attention on whose pictures he's liking or not liking. Don't micro-manage how he cuts the grass. Don't micro-manage how he talks with his friends. Stop trying to control his eating habits or follow his every movement. Stop solving his problems. He's a man. He will figure it out. Accept him for who he is. Not for what you want him to be. Just be. Just live in the present. Follow his lead.

Respond with honey when he reaches out .. go about your business keeping yourself happy in meantime whilst he’s not around. Always do you. Head out and do things while he is away to take your mind off him and then when he does reach out your have some upbeat things to talk about and he’ll be like, "Wow and excited to chat to you and miss you like crazy." Men love to hear us happy, it makes them happy too

5) stop paddling the boat seductively

-When having sex keep the focus on you. Don’t be result oriented and only think about the big end-o. Enjoy every single minute in the present. Enjoy the journey to the end. Make sure that YOU cum first. Biologically after a woman finishes, she feels in love and at peace. After a man finishes, he loses arousal....make sure you get off first.
-Instead of initiating the situation, create a sensual environment . . . whether that means wearing lingerie, perfume, makeup, candles, soft music (you get the idea)
- Let him initiate coloring 80% of the time. Your 20%....make it count :wink:
-Instead of suggesting, demanding, or otherwise taking control of the situation, GAZE at him (while you silently entertain all of those ideas). Let him be your hero. Be open and happy to receive. Let him paddle the boat.

6. stop paddling the boat socially

When he asks you for pictures on dating sites and facebook....don't send it to him. Let him see you in person and TALK to you socially. Make him earn that privilege. He hasn't even met you yet! He most likely texts multiple women and forgot who you were that's why he asked for a picture to remind him. YOU ARE THE PRIZE, not him. Stop trying to pick out a date spot. Let him do the leg work. And when he gives you his number to call him leaning back looks like “Oh thank you honey. I’ll save it so I’ll know who is calling when you call ” (Meaning you’re still expecting to be cherished and pursued by leaning back and allowing him to do such instead of calling him first). When there is silence in the conversation during a date, socially leaning back means you just make eye contact with him & flash a broad smile and wait for him to lead the convo. Let him start a new topic!! You can add to the convo and add humor and playfulness but you kinda go with the flow of his tempo. Flooding his social media with comments and likes from you to “show” him that you like him? NOPE! Socially we don't micro-manage his Social media activity, we don't focus our attention on whose pictures he's liking or not liking (You don’t even bring up other women because they don’t exist...only you). Do not Like” his Facebook posts. You don’t call him because you heard or read about something interesting, or because you knew there was a great band playing somewhere, or someone told you about some great event that you want to invite him to. You make a note of it and tell him about it when HE reaches out to YOU. You don’t call him to ask why hasn’t he called you. You don’t invite him to go somewhere with you. You don’t ask him about the relationship. You stop sending him cards, texts, emails, or messages first to initiate contact. You stop creating little moments for you guys to be together AKA fake dates. You stop getting in touch because he hasn’t made plans for the weekend or hasn’t confirmed a date. Instead you go somewhere with your friend girls.

6. stop paddling the boat by OVER-nurturing

You don’t remind him to eat his vegetables (mothering). You don’t tell him he should work out. You don’t expect him to spend every second with me. When you ask him to do something even if he says no you give him space to think and say yes and come through with doing it by not energetically solving the problem for yourself. If you don’t like his work clothes you don’t try to correct him and change his clothing in efforts to “help”. You don't offer to do little favors that he hasn't asked you to do!

You remember that to give up the need to control and just...be in your feminine is not a ploy or strategy to get men to notice you. You remember that to stop paddling the boat and leaning back is emotional security and a high value feminine energy stance that naturally and universally attracts others towards you because you have created space for them to do so. "Don't be a hard rock. Baby girl you are a gem." -Lauryn Hill

Week 51 Challenge
(This one is a LONG one, so ladies please take the time Sunday to think about how you can implement this for the upcoming week)

1. Think about last week. In what situations should you have leaned back and allowed the space for others to come to you?
2. Could you name one way you will lean back in each of the areas?
3. While you're leaning back, you create space to put the focus on YOU! By leaning back, what will you do with this extra energy? What will you do to focus on YOU? What's on your Happy List?
3. Take our Challenge Survey to improve next year:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QL9ZPNS
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What's your femininity goals for next year?

So far:

-Take more time for myself. Reading, being outdoors, taking walks without the kids or DH.
-Beautifying my home. Especially master bedroom.
-Work on plating. I cook regularly but my plating leaves much to be desired.
-Continuing to leaning back in marriage and other relationships.
- Reach out to a like minded female friend weekly.
- Learn to apply false lashes. Lol.
It might seem silly but I struggle with this and I just want to be a pro already.
Today I served myself by staying home. I tend to spread myself too thin by agreeing to plans I don’t really want to go through with. Before, I only went out in hope of meeting someone new. Well that hasn’t happened and I’m over all of that.

I’ve decided to take to opportunity in 2019 to serve me and only me. If I go out, it’s because of something that serves me and would make me happy.

I’ve also gone back to putting my phone on silent or ‘Do Not Disturb’ when I am home and want to enjoy ME time.
Today I served myself by staying home. I tend to spread myself too thin by agreeing to plans I don’t really want to go through with. Before, I only went out in hope of meeting someone new. Well that hasn’t happened and I’m over all of that.

I’ve decided to take to opportunity in 2019 to serve me and only me. If I go out, it’s because of something that serves me and would make me happy.

I’ve also gone back to putting my phone on silent or ‘Do Not Disturb’ when I am home and want to enjoy ME time.

This quote helps me: no is a fullstop answer. I can't wait to reach the age of 40 and just be like: "I'm NOT coming because I'd rather stay home and pamper myself:yep:."
This quote helps me: no is a fullstop answer. I can't wait to reach the age of 40 and just be like: "I'm NOT coming because I'd rather stay home and pamper myself:yep:."

No need to wait. I had a friend I did that with when I was in my 20s. I'm not sure how it happened but we'd go clubbing together and sometimes she'd want us to go with her friends. They were nice enough people but not "my" people so one day I said no. And I guess I didn't give her a reason. After that we both realized that I didn't have to give her a reason for not wanting to go out with her. It also helped that she wasn't the type that was easily offended and even if she was I slept easy at night (i.e. I didn't lose sleep over it).
Week 51 Challenge

-I'm learning to slow down on dates and not so much

- I figured out I lean in a lot to those I like. I'm going to practice relaxing when talking.

-I'm writing down one thing I do for MYSELF a day to keep the focus on me.

-I wear yummy perfume each and every day now and I'm going to read the laws of seduction to be more seductive.

-I could embody the thought that I am the prize more often. He is trying to impress me; NOT the other way around.
So I received a message about coming home for the holidays. And I answered honestly. I’m already stressed at work and going home always brings more stress so I’m most likely not going.
It is already an expensive trip and when I get there everybody’s hand is out. Not doing that to myself.
This is a major lean back. I make a point to visit family once or twice a year. But family, except for one cousins, hasn’t visited me once. In 10 years.
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So I received a message about coming home for the holidays. And I answered honestly. I’m already stressed at work and going home always brings more stress so I’m most likely not going.
It is already and expensive trip and when I get there everybody’s hand is out. Not doing that to myself.
This is a major lean back. I make a point to visit family once or twice a year. But family, except for one cousins, has visited me once. In 10 years.
I know that was a hard decision but you will feel amazing and unstressed at the house. You will have time to unwind and really focus on you :) Happy Holidays
So I received a message about coming home for the holidays. And I answered honestly. I’m already stressed at work and going home always brings more stress so I’m most likely not going.
It is already and expensive trip and when I get there everybody’s hand is out. Not doing that to myself.
This is a major lean back. I make a point to visit family once or twice a year. But family, except for one cousins, has visited me once. In 10 years.

Good for you! I just got invited to my sister’s Christmas party that she decided to throw on a whim. We were just there last week to see a Christmas show with her family, plus she lives two hours away. I need a break, not going to do that to myself.
This quote helps me: no is a fullstop answer. I can't wait to reach the age of 40 and just be like: "I'm NOT coming because I'd rather stay home and pamper myself:yep:."

I too was wondering why 40 was the cut off number for refusing to go out. I'm not saying that you should become a hermit, but chile, don't force yourself to hang out when you're exhausted. When I stopped, it was one of the best things I ever did for myself.
What did I do to to polish my femininity today

-I had Chik fil A for breakfast and made sure to sit down and eat my breakfast very very slowly.
-I woke up late but still took the time to focus on me. I was a little late getting baby boy to daycare but I STILL took the time to put on a dress, boots, and a full face of makeup. The only thing I didn't put on today is lashes.
-I'm trying to make meaningful relationships with males. I'm using nicknames to be more playful. With this one guy we have a word of the week. I let him come up with our word for the week and everytime I see him I wink and ask him what's our word of the week lol. He told me he was thinking of me over the weekend wondering what he would say the word of the week would be lol.
-Yesterday I bought some cute little reindeer antlers to be more present for the holiday season. I always admire those women that dress for the season with their earrings and necklaces and the like. Next year, I'm going to play this up even more.
- I took the time to dress baby boy up in his Christmas attire. I'm totally not in the Christmas spirit this year. This is my first Christmas divorced, my son won't be with me for the holidays, I don't have anything planned, but I'm making the best of it. We're going to look at the lights tonight and probably spend some mother son time. :2inlove:


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I let him come up with our word for the week and everytime I see him I wink and ask him what's our word of the week lol. He told me he was thinking of me over the weekend wondering what he would say the word of the week would be lol.
That is a great idea, I'm going to try this with one of the guys I'm talking to.
I woke up early this morning, I have been intentionally up between the hours of 4-6 in order to get some me time, take care of my body by working out, meditate and drink my tea. So I did yoga this morning, took some time to do some womb mantras (I have been studying the Sacred Woman book), made myself a mug of hot tea and thought about my intentions for the day. Put on my day face, added some pops of color and fun to my outfit and paid attention to how I felt doing all these things. I left the house with my cup full.
Ive been trying my best to meditate and be spiritual. I am not trying to do to many things at once. I try to meditate and pray at night now, calm my head. In the morning, I do the same and I seem to be much calmer (so far). I meditate on my affirmations, afformations are then made as small goals (not overhwelming) and I am trying to change my mindset to a more positive one. I really think this is what Ive been missing.
Ive been trying my best to meditate and be spiritual. I am not trying to do to many things at once. I try to meditate and pray at night now, calm my head. In the morning, I do the same and I seem to be much calmer (so far). I meditate on my affirmations, afformations are then made as small goals (not overhwelming) and I am trying to change my mindset to a more positive one. I really think this is what Ive been missing.

I've been texting one of my close friends my 5 affirmations of the day and saying them out loud morning noon and night. That's what has helped me. One of my affirmations is I am the prize. I'm seeing a correlation in a shift in how I'm behaving. I would have succumbed to some normal masculine behaviors...but now I remember... I AM the prize...and I act accordingly.

My affirmations for today:
1. I am the prize.
2. I am like a tree with strong roots (boundaries) but flowy branches (personality)
3. I am a beautiful and feminine woman.
4. I love each and every inch of me.
5. I can have the desires of my heart.
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I've been texting one of my close friends my 5 affirmations of the day and saying them out loud morning noon and night. That's what has helped me. One of my affirmations is I am the prize. I'm seeing a correlation in a shift in how I'm behaving. I would have succumbed to some normal masculine behaviors...but now I remember... I AM the prize...and I act accordingly.

My affirmations for today:
1. I am the prize.
2. I am like a tree with strong roots (boundaries) but flowy branches (personality)
3. I am a beautiful and feminine woman.
4. I love each and every inch of me.
5. I can have the desires of my heart.

Ive been saying the bolded. I will add the others.

Are you using the same outline next year? Do you think maybe we should start with mindset?
Ive been saying the bolded. I will add the others.

Are you using the same outline next year? Do you think maybe we should start with mindset?
What all should be include in mindset? I was going to have next week we create our goals for the beginning of the year and we jump head first into the first week with mindset/accountability partners
What all should be include in mindset? I was going to have next week we create our goals for the beginning of the year and we jump head first into the first week with mindset/accountability partners
The most important to/for me based on personal experience (and talk with others):
Being positive
Remembering you can be both strong and feminine
Self Awareness

When I first began watching the thread, most of it was unreal to me because while I was ready to do the challenges, my mindset was not cut out for it. Like, I can do it but why? If you get my drift. Now that my mindset has changed, a lot of what I’m reading makes sense. I really hope you understand me.

Without the right mindset, it’s like faking it til you make it and in the end it’s not genuine.
I finally got around to making and plating my food. I’ve been eating out a lot these days because of dating. I finally took my time and this Alfredo was WELL worth it.


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The most important to/for me based on personal experience (and talk with others):
Being positive
Remembering you can be both strong and feminine
Self Awareness

When I first began watching the thread, most of it was unreal to me because while I was ready to do the challenges, my mindset was not cut out for it. Like, I can do it but why? If you get my drift. Now that my mindset has changed, a lot of what I’m reading makes sense. I really hope you understand me.

Without the right mindset, it’s like faking it til you make it and in the end it’s not genuine.
Working on changing post 1. Take a look at our first post. I just edited it.
Feminine Approach to Buying Christmas Gifts for Significant Others


1. Lean Back energetically. You follow his lead. Keep the gift for him in your purse. If he does not get you a present you DO NOT give him the gift anyway. You take your gift and take it back home. You either give it to your father, brother, cousin or etc or you return it and spend that money on yourself. If he didn't buy you a birthday present you don't buy him a birthday present to make him feel guilty about not getting you anything or PROVING that you're better than him. You mirror his actions. You don't get him a gift. Use that money and focus on YOU.
2. Feminine nature is to be accepting and receiving. Masculine nature is to be giving. Do not attempt to out-gift him. Don't try to outdo him (even if you make more money.) Don't try to match his gift. Your gift should be THOUGHTFUL and really cater to his personality and wants/needs. It should also cost less than what he has given you. Keep in mind that he wants to know that HE MADE YOU HAPPY. He made his girl happy. It's not really based on what he can get from you. His focus is on YOU. Let him do that.
3. Be Vulnerable. When you receive your gift from your honey bunches of oats, remember to be feminine. Be very receiving and follow up with a feeling message to show vulnerability. Examples:
  • It felt sooo good to get a new phone! Now I can play all my songs and hear them clearly on my way to work. It made me feel so special and cherished. My day is made :)
  • Thank you, honey for buying me an Air Fryer. It made me feel so loved and special when my man leads and makes sure I'm able to keep our family healthy. I don't know what I'd do without your leadership.
  • Honey I love surprises. I feel so loved and special when I get to experience surprises with you.
  • It feels so relaxing to spend Christmas with you honey. I hope we have many more together.
4. Receive don't Reject. Don't say things such as you shouldn't have gotten this, or this was too expensive, or I cannot accept this. Practice being very receiving and grateful. Remember that masculine men NEED to provide for their woman and make her feel good. They often do this through gift giving.
5. How many presents to buy (for those in relationships/married)? Remeber that feminine women focus on the EXPERIENCE. We are not result-oriented. The experience is to unwrap gifts. Because of this, aim for one main present and two really small presents just to have something to unwrap (Think cufflinks, personalized socks, whiskey stones, or a beer mug).
6. What if your main doesn't buy you a presents? Bring It Up with a feeling message. Remember to be soft on the outside but very strong in your boundaries on the inside. You are the prize.
  • Script 1: I really appreciate the time we share. It always feels good to create traditions for our family. However, every year I buy you presents and then I feel sad about not getting any from you. I would love it if you bought me Christmas presents. This would make me feel really happy. What do you think? <<---Sandwich Technique
  • Script 2: Honey I feel so hurt. You didn’t buy me a Christmas present and I beginning to think you don’t appreciate me. I’m starting to think the things I do for you isn’t important to you. (Stop. Pause. Allow him to answer) If you don't get an apology from him....use your feminine mystique to go very quiet. Don't be rude and ignore him...answer his questions....but be straight to the point. Be very quiet. When he asks what's wrong.....repeat the problem at hand (but refrain from nagging) Example: I feel hurt that I didn't get a present from you for Christmas. I feel like you don't appreciate me like you used to.
  • Script 3: Him: You don’t have to buy me anything for Christmas. I’m not like that. You: Aww handsome that’s so sweet but I’ma need a gift every Christmas, birthday, anniversary, and Valentine’s day. *feminine and playful giggle* It feels good for you to show me how much you appreciate me.
7. Do not buy men gifts that YOU like. This includes a male pedicure or a bouquet of flowers. Focus on creating an experience and getting things that are masculine that he would like.

8. Of course don't be critical of whatever present he got you. Be appreciative. Rock the gift and then later on ask for what you really want. Remember that masculine men really do want to please you.
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