52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Going to vacuum and smudge today then burn some essential oils to lighten the air since it’s been cold here and I haven’t opened the windows as much.

Also today is my facial day going to try the ACV and bentonite clay mix and see how I like it.
Going to vacuum and smudge today then burn some essential oils to lighten the air since it’s been cold here and I haven’t opened the windows as much.

Also today is my facial day going to try the ACV and bentonite clay mix and see how I like it.

Sounds like a marvelous plan! I drank a tall glass of water with a tea spoon of Chorophyll in it this morning, hadn't done that in a while. It helps clear my skin. Enjoy!
I love this thread. I have not been participating however I pay close attention.

I have a close friend who has been single for 7 years now. She dresses well, cooks, has a lovely apartment, goes to church every Sunday, volunteers, her hair is always done. Very kind woman. She plates food. She goes out and gone to many conferences with Joyce Meyers. She has a good paying job and has her own place.

She asked me to stay over the weekend with her and we had the conversation about why is she single, why hasn't she met someone yet. She asked me why do you think I am single. We had a long conversation and I was stumped to be honest I hadn't spent so much time with her to observe her. All I could say is that if you have been praying, and doing all the things you are doing for seven years, then you have to do some inner self-reflection.

However, spending the weekend with her, I could understand why she was single. She was so manic about her apartment. Everytime I touched something she would get nervous, she was a perfectionist. She was also a clean freak. She would get up and clean everytime I drank from something. She would ask me if I used hand sanitizer. Then on Sunday, I wasn't feeling well for church and she was super upset and said that's why she had broken up with one of her boyfriend's he refused to go to church when she expected him to go. She told me that she didn't want her carpet messed up so there was a place I had to put my shoes which I respected when I forgot she would get very upset. She also at times was sarcastic in simple questions. She also had some latent anger issues too in talking about men. She had some 'masculine' vibes going on even though she was doing all of these feminine things and she couldn't see it.

And I felt so sad for her. She would never accept anyone to tell her the truth unless it was an older woman not a peer. It's easy for people who see you day to day to give a superficial answer, however I realized that unless someone has the guts to listen to constructive criticism she can do all of those wonderful feminine things, it won't help.

Almond Eyes

Your post reminded me of this page. It’s not about the feminine dresses and sweet voice and perfume and fine jewelry. It’s not JUST about having hobbies and plating food. Becoming feminine is an inner journey that one has to take each and every day. I’ve always loved clothes BUT I cursed like a sailor, I was very controlling, gave unsolicited advice, I came off as I know more than you, too afraid to cry, bossy, one-upping chick, loud, and independent I don’t need you attitude. When I dropped all that....the users disappeared. When I started adopting my feminine side....the feminine men disappeared. I couldn’t ever see any of these terrible qualities about myself but when I really was ready for the lesson, the teacher appeared.

Your post reminded me of this page. It’s not about the feminine dresses and sweet voice and perfume and fine jewelry. It’s not JUST about having hobbies and plating food. Becoming feminine is an inner journey that one has to take each and every day. I’ve always loved clothes BUT I cursed like a sailor, I was very controlling, gave unsolicited advice, I came off as I know more than you, too afraid to cry, bossy, one-upping chick, loud, and independent I don’t need you attitude. When I dropped all that....the users disappeared. When I started adopting my feminine side....the feminine men disappeared. I couldn’t ever see any of these terrible qualities about myself but when I really was ready for the lesson, the teacher appeared.

Amen to that quote!!!!

Almond Eyes
I'd say let it go. It's ok to want flowers but wanting them from him sounds like expectation energy and men can pick up on that. If you really want flowers, then buy them for yourself :look: :yep: In terms of LOA, what you focus on expands and grows so you buying yourself flowers and feeling the joy of having flowers in your environment will bring more flowers to you :yep: Keep showing up high value and perhaps if he either sees you have flowers in your home or hears you make a comment about flowers or even sees you smell flowers when you are out, he'll get the message?
Thank you for saying this. I really thought about what you said and this was controlling and from a place of fear. My husband never picked up on hints of what I wanted. That doesn’t mean others will do the same. Dude called me today and told me he will but me a candle of my choice tomorrow because he heard I wanted one. And it means more because it was all on his own. Thank you :kiss: I need to revisit Trust and Surrender
Thank you for saying this. I really thought about what you said and this was controlling and from a place of fear. My husband never picked up on hints of what I wanted. That doesn’t mean others will do the same. Dude called me today and told me he will but me a candle of my choice tomorrow because he heard I wanted one. And it means more because it was all on his own. Thank you :kiss: I need to revisit Trust and Surrender

See how energy works? You let it go (trust and surrender) and he ended up coming to you with another gift. Although it's not flowers, it's still special because he came up with the idea :yep:
Scenario: Husband or significant other takes your son to the barbershop. You HATE the haircut. You want to say something to hubby. What do you do?
Google sandwich tool. I don't exactly know what it is so I can't explain it, but I do know it's for having difficult conversations with men.
I didn't think of that. In my head....let it go. His hair will grow back in two weeks but criticizing and rejecting your husband's parenting is not the way to go. I would let little one go to school. If the kids teased him, I would take him to the barbershop, but kids get ugly haircuts all the time lol. He'll live.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: Sandwich Method for You All
(I'm choppy with this, feel free to change up the words and make suggestions)

Appreciation Bread: Baby, I appreciate your leadership and how hard you work to provide meaningful memories with the children. I know this is important for you.

Meat (add you point in here): The thing is, I'm feeling afraid that Marcus will get teased at school about his haircut. Do you think we could cut it down a little lower so it's more like the other kids haircuts?
Appreciation Bread:I’m really looking forward to you coming back home from work to spend time with us. I can’t wait to spend more time with you. :kiss:


Bread: I appreciate that time you and the children spend together. They always feel so connected to you on so many levels. Meat: But I noticed baby boy has a new haircut. I Feel concerned that he is going to get teased. I know haircuts are a touchy thing, and he's at the age where they frequently get teased. I'm feeling worried that his classmates will make fun of his new haircut. What do you think? Bread: I can’t wait to spend more time with you.
I didn't think of that. In my head....let it go. His hair will grow back in two weeks but criticizing and rejecting your husband's parenting is not the way to go. I would let little one go to school. If the kids teased him, I would take him to the barbershop, but kids get ugly haircuts all the time lol. He'll live.

I definitely think we have to learn to let go of the small stuff. BUT if something is truly bothering you and not small or could be repeated (in this case that he might offer to cut his hair again and get another bad haircut because he didn't know it bothered you the first time), then it is best to express yourself. :yep: The thing is, men are excellent at picking up what we're really feeling even if we plaster a smile on our face. It's the inconsistency between our REAL feelings and our outward expression that men pick up. The feel the inauthenticity. The sandwich tool as you described it allows you to be totally honest without tearing him down or exploding in the future from holding feelings in.
I definitely think we have to learn to let go of the small stuff. BUT if something is truly bothering you and not small or could be repeated (in this case that he might offer to cut his hair again and get another bad haircut because he didn't know it bothered you the first time), then it is best to express yourself. :yep: The thing is, men are excellent at picking up what we're really feeling even if we plaster a smile on our face. It's the inconsistency between our REAL feelings and our outward expression that men pick up. The feel the inauthenticity. The sandwich tool as you described it allows you to be totally honest without tearing him down or exploding in the future from holding feelings in.
That is sooooo true
I would love to be a part of this in 2019. I feel like I dress feminine, but I have a hard time 'behaving/acting' as feminine as I would like. Are there any books that can help with this or movies/shows with women who portray femininity? I feel like I am not exposed to many feminine women in my life.
I’ve been in the thread since late spring/early summer but didn’t want to just jump in. Can you add me for next year. I really enjoyed putting a lot of this to practice.
The Chad/Michelle thread has me thinking about worthiness. How does a woman feel worthy? How does one act worthy? What does it mean to embody worthiness? How do you know that you believe you're worthy?
Scenario: Husband or significant other takes your son to the barbershop. You HATE the haircut. You want to say something to hubby. What do you do?
Nothing. It’ll grow out.
Sn in an unprecedented self-care move, I stayed home today. I had a long night and I could’ve gone to work, but I have days. So I requested my sub and turned my phone on do not disturb. And I’ll leave it that way until 4pm or so. I’ll put on something cute and comfy, grab a blanket, maybe paint my nails and eat fruit all day.
Nothing. It’ll grow out.
Sn in an unprecedented self-care move, I stayed home today. I had a long night and I could’ve gone to work, but I have days. So I requested my sub and turned my phone on do not disturb. And I’ll leave it that way until 4pm or so. I’ll put on something cute and comfy, grab a blanket, maybe paint my nails and eat fruit all day.
That sounds like an amazing day!! I hope you take the time to breathe deeply. Fall down into your body from your mind. Let all your worries from your job go and let it all go and just be present. Jus be here now. Don't think about yesterday. Don't think about tomorrow. Just enjoy your fruit, paint your nails, watch great movies, and have fun all day :)
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria

Next Year's Participants:
@Soaring Eagle


January- Let's Get It Started
Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Tools Every Woman should Have in her Toolbox
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way with your actions. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.
Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.
Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.
Week 8: Look Good and Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23: Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26: Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27: Everything can be used against you.
Week 28: Compassionate
Week 29: Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31: Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

August - Etiquette
Week 32: Staircase Etiquette
Week 33: Pose for Life - Crossed Legs Pose
Week 34: Keep it Classy (Exiting car doors)
Week 35: Sitting pretty

September- The Opposite of Networking is “Not Working”
Week 36: Who Do You Admire: Interview Them
Week 37: Join a Group of Like-Minded
Week 38: Make it Intentional - Date Night
Week 39: How to be a Feminine Networking Star... Wherever You Are

October-Feminine Hobbies

Week 40: Affirmations: Affirming our Femininity
Week 41: Yoni Eggs
Week 42: Waist Beads
Week 43: Incorporating Beauty routines, perfume and Makeup
Week 44: Being Festive: Let's Enjoy the Holidays

Week 45: Become a Master of your Emotions: Avoid Reactive
Week 46: Trust and Surrender
Week 47: Scripts - How to say things in a Feminine but "Strong" Way.
Week 48: Keeping a Musical Home
Week 49: Anchor Yourself

Week 49: Anchor Yourself
Anchoring Yourself is an excellent self-care practice that helps you stay in your feminine and not be pulled to the masculine (which others will frequently try to do). Strive to feel in control, not emotionally reactive, and strive to be peaceful, coordinated, calm and centered. Some questions to ask yourself are:

1. How can I CHOOSE myself here? (Not him, not my friend, not my boss, not what others want me to do, but myself)

2. How can I respect and honor my feelings and deepest desires in this situation here? (No falling into audition mode, pleasing mode or obligation mode)

3. How can I speak my truth without hurting, criticize, or blaming or maligning others (Having poise to display your boundaries and choosing your words, always)

4. What is your end goal for this person/situation?

Week 49 Challenge

1. In what situations do you think that you should anchor yourself more? Where do you need to choose yourself where you have no been doing so?
Ponder on the above questions and follow those answers and choices. This is the only way to be happy in a relationship with signficiant others and even other people. These questions help you be at peace with yourself and let others see you authentically for who you truly are and what you stand for.
3. Take our Challenge Survey to improve next year: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QL9ZPNS
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I was going through some of the pages of this thread and trying to get it better organized for next year. I ran across the challenge we had to clean up your bedroom and make it feel more peaceful. Bath and Body Works had the candle sale Saturday. I missed that sale because of the long lines lol but it inspired me to burn my favorite candles today. I burned a Vanilla and Caramel candle from Better Homes (Walmart) and surprisingly that candle can be smelled throughout the whole room. It's so calming and peaceful. I removed all the clutter from my bedroom, put all my my clothes away, and I promise I slept so peacefully last night.

Being Feminine/Dinner Etiquette/Poise

I went out twice this weekend. I went to Georgia Blue on a date Friday. I was very intentional in my ways. I sat with the duchess slant in my chair. I leaned back physically and kinda inspired the guy to lean forward into me. I talked very slowly. I walked very slowly so he could open my car door as well as restaurant door. I smiled smiled and smiled and used quite a few feeling messages.

It's a slow process, but I see the guy is starting to mirror my words. We'll see how this goes. OAN: I highly suggest sitting in front of a mirror and practicing standing and sitting down. It gave me a boost of confidence when I saw these beautiful skinny thick thighs seated so elegantly in my chair. It inspired me to want to do it each and every time I sit from now on lol.

Filling Up My Cup through Hobbies:
I went to the movies Sunday to see Creed. At the end Rocky looked at Adonis and said, "It's YOUR time now." It inspired me to want to write a blog post this week about Reclaiming my time. Not my mother's time. Not my father's time, but MY time. I'm here for it.

Increasing my Level of Difficulty
I'm still working on increasing my level of difficulty. I'm no longer letting men text me. If they don't have the confidence to call, I don't have the patience to talk to them. If they don't want to date I drop them. If they make last minute plans, I can't because I have to keep my own schedule. I'm really focusing on leaning back and focusing my life and energy on myself rather than others (especially men).
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I have a date lined up for tonight. I have nothing to wear (Why do I always say this when I have PLENTY of clothes lol). Hopefully I can find something to wear. I'm still working on being really in touch with my feelings to give appreciation. I'm noticing at first men are taken aback on this, but then when they start liking you they begin to mirror it back.

Feeling Messages in Action Example:
Him: Good morning beautiful
Me: Good Morning My Handsome Cold Elixir Bartender (He brags on his hotty toddy) (I'm using nicknames more to build intimacy)
Him: I feel so happy since I get to hear from you (It's real simple but he's starting to mirror the feeling messages)
Me: It always feels good when you check up on me in the mornings. I find it so attractive when a man initiates contact. It makes me feel so special and cherished.

@Belle Du Jour touched on using afformations. Would this be helpful to us on our feminine journey if they were tailored to our needs?

Afformations Step 1: Ask yourself what you want. Write this in your femininity journal.
Example: I want to be more feminine in my day to day interactions.

Afformations Step 2: Flip your affirmation into a question. Act like what you want is already true.

Example: Why am I so feminine in my actions each and every day?

Afformations Step 3: Give yourself to the question.

You give yourself to the question by doing things like:
  • Meditating about your Afformations
  • Writing your Afformations
  • Reading them to yourself and your accountability partners
  • Give your brain time to think of a positive answer.

Afformations Step 4: Make it a habit and start doing new ACTIONS based on your afformations.

  • Dress more feminine.
  • Work on creating boundaries and saying them in a feminine way.
  • Shadow feminine women.
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My sister was here about 1-2 months ago, I invited her especially so she could school me on feminity and home maintenance. We talked for HOURS but...I also got to just observe her and ask plenty of questions. I noticed that she has a night routine and I asked her about it: she said she only showers at night when she's had a negative day in the morning. She ALWAYS sleeps with her scarf on and is always kind and sweet to her hubby.

Fast forward to now and I had just been letting it all ruminate in my little head. It's not easy to get rid of old ways of thinking and adopt new ones. So for the entire week, I've been wearing my silk scarf at night, this results in being in able to sport the same style for an entire week, without the hassle of figuring out how to wear my hair in the morning + my edges be laid :lol:.

Trying to come up with a night routine: this is hard because I get really tired at night, after a whole day of work. But...I just try to start earlier and only do about 1-3 things, not everything at once.

Yesterday I dressed the part, not really sure what prompted it, probably this beautiful Muslimah I saw on the bus on my way home. She looked so carefree and unbothered by the world's shenanigans. So I wore my hair in a bun, a black dolman sleeve sweater with a short black leather jacket on top of it, a medium thick scarf, a polka dotted flowy midi skirt and black ankle boots. Guess what? Everyone loved the look :D. I started getting compliments at work, as soon as I walked in the door. Same thing in the evening, when I got to church. My pastor said that everything looked harmonious.

Today I called him to have a heart to heart as I have been in my feelings lately, about being single for 13 years. He spoke to me as a father and said that men really are visual creatures. Which is something I struggle to accept. Because I'm so internationally minded, I keep thinking about all these women in other countries who look very natural. But I have to be mindful of my surroundings/environment. And indeed, yesterday, out of nowhere...guys were just looking at me and asking me directions :roll eyes:.
My sister was here about 1-2 months ago, I invited her especially so she could school me on feminity and home maintenance. We talked for HOURS but...I also got to just observe her and ask plenty of questions. I noticed that she has a night routine and I asked her about it: she said she only showers at night when she's had a negative day in the morning. She ALWAYS sleeps with her scarf on and is always kind and sweet to her hubby.

Fast forward to now and I had just been letting it all ruminate in my little head. It's not easy to get rid of old ways of thinking and adopt new ones. So for the entire week, I've been wearing my silk scarf at night, this results in being in able to sport the same style for an entire week, without the hassle of figuring out how to wear my hair in the morning + my edges be laid :lol:.

Trying to come up with a night routine: this is hard because I get really tired at night, after a whole day of work. But...I just try to start earlier and only do about 1-3 things, not everything at once.

Yesterday I dressed the part, not really sure what prompted it, probably this beautiful Muslimah I saw on the bus on my way home. She looked so carefree and unbothered by the world's shenanigans. So I wore my hair in a bun, a black dolman sleeve sweater with a short black leather jacket on top of it, a medium thick scarf, a polka dotted flowy midi skirt and black ankle boots. Guess what? Everyone loved the look :D. I started getting compliments at work, as soon as I walked in the door. Same thing in the evening, when I got to church. My pastor said that everything looked harmonious.

Today I called him to have a heart to heart as I have been in my feelings lately, about being single for 13 years. He spoke to me as a father and said that men really are visual creatures. Which is something I struggle to accept. Because I'm so internationally minded, I keep thinking about all these women in other countries who look very natural. But I have to be mindful of my surroundings/environment. And indeed, yesterday, out of nowhere...guys were just looking at me and asking me directions :roll eyes:.

My friend who is in this challenge with me but offline is having this same problem. She is Zambian and choosing to be a virgin until marriage. Even though there is nothing wrong with this, we've talked numerous of times about how she will attract more men when she is fun, light, airy, breezy, and playful. At the beginning of this challenge she was soooo rigid. She wore pants a lot to prevent men from trying to touch her and her having to explain about the sex thing. She didn't play for fear of giving them the wrong idea. She didn't smile much because she said once they found out she was waiting for marriage they would leave anyway.

We have had a looong journey. She always exclaimed, "I don't want to play these games. Someone out there will like me for me. If I'm boring so be it! Some man out there will love me for my modesty" I agreed with her. She WILL find someone who will love her just how she is, however, we must put tools in our toolbox to speed up this process and put us out there for our Prince to find us while also working on bettering ourselves.

She HAS REALLY took in the advice and worked on being true to herself (modest) but more feminine. She's wearing plenty of dresses with boots now. The dresses accent her curves and make her have more confidence. More men have been looking up to talk to her because men are visual. The colors are drawing her in. Once they are drawn in that's when she's given the chance to let her personality SHINE through.
@Maracujá I'm having a big problem with the night routine as well. It just seems there are not enough hours in a day. I have to read a book to the baby, tidy up, get baby boy to stay in his bed and sleep, and then take a shower. By that time I am EXHAUSTED. I never take the time to take my makeup off slowly and put my cleanser, moisturizer and toner on. I have made a regimen that's short enough for me to be able to keep, but I'm going to have to be intentional about doing it a well. Maybe we can keep ourselves on this goal.