52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

I sat back and noticed I was paddling the boat energetically.
SO Asked me to travel to Dallas and meet his parents .
Oh goody goody joy joy right?
First of all he told me Thursday Morning with plans to leave immediately after work Friday Afternoon.
Secondly, he asked me AFTER telling me the day before he doesn't think he will ever get married or have children (which is flip flopping from what he said in the beginning).
At first I said "Ok....let me think about going."
But then I decided to stop rowing the boat.
If he TRULY wanted me to go, he would have told me a week in advance to make SURE I didn't have ANYTHING else to do other than be there with him.
He would have given me time to prepare.
He would have showed me signs leading up to this that he wanted to take us the next step and wanted me to meet his mother.
The Universe would have let me know it is time.
He would have shown a pattern of love instead of hot and cold and uncertainty.

As it relates to Trusting and Surrendering, I met up with him and said, "I won't be going." He asked me why and I stayed calm, smiled, and told him, "I changed my mind, I won't be going."
  • The Universe’s plans for MY life are always greater than MY own plans.
  • Even though I missed out on a trip, all things are working for MY good.
  • Him asking me to go and even the timing was intentional.
  • I listened to my body, the patterns, the seasons and answered valuing ME in the end and in a very feminine way.
  • No matter what's going on with him, how he claims he wants to talk about this when he gets back, the little games he wants to play, at the end of the day I WILL BE OKAY!
  • I could spend my entire weekend thinking about this. I'm not going to lean forward and contact him.
  • Instead I will Let Go. Let it be. Slow down and be present. Meditate. Listen to MY inner voice. Trust and Surrender.

Boy bye. I don't blame you for telling him no. He sounds a bit wishy washy and the feminine needs strong masculine support to fall back and feel secure. Listening to our gut and feelings will generally never steer us wrong. I also firmly believe that when a man wants something, an initial "no" isn't going to stop him. He'll find a way to keep pursuing.
I have gone on 3 wonderful dates with a guy. I texted him last week, but he has not responded yet. As of right now, I have sent 3 unanswered texts, when can I text again?

Answer: Trust and surrender. What will be will be. The Universe’s plans for you life are always greater than your own plans. All things are working for your good. If he doesn't text you back, he is just not that interested. It's not that he forgot. It's not that he didn't see it. It is not that he lost his phone. Is it not he died and came back to life LOL. When he wants to talk...he will talk. If he doesn't, he doesn't want to. Lean back, work on yourself, live your best life, constantly work on being a better version of your feminine self and just BE. Control your emotional investment. Don't text back. Text one text at a time. If he doesn't respond to the first text, you don't respond until he does. Feminine women DO NOT respond. They respond BACK.

The following scripts exist as guidelines for you to go in the right direction, to show you that there's always a high-value solution / response to staying in feminine, even when a man is pushing you into masculine.

They are there to train you on developing your own voice.

They are there to remind you that if you're CONNECTED with your feminine core and authenticity in a given moment, you will know what to say in a way that is truthful to you, non-blaming (focus on what you DO like not what you don’t like), and brings the man in front of you, closer to you and inspired to please you more than ever.

When they give you a gift you don’t want: They shouldn’t do this in the beginning. You are the prize. They should impress you. You should sad: "Oh I’m really used to better quality flowers." "Oh I’m really used to more thoughtful gifts and give the gift back." Raise your value. You don’t have to take just anything that a man gives you. You are the prize. AND this is why it's important to never talk bad about your exes. You have to give the persona that you were always treated well.

When they keep wanting to talk to you or chill but not date you: “Hi (name.) I have to admit I’m feeling confused if there is anything between us. I want a man who will step up to the plate and show me that he’s interested. If you want to actually meet, let me know. All the best.”

I’m feeling a little uncomfortable with this because I really don’t want to waste time texting people who aren’t interested in meeting/dating in the real world.

*then ignore all messages until you get a date*

When he hits you with I know you don’t like me anymore: Oh it’s not that I don’t like you. I’m just trying to emotionally disconnect from someone that doesn’t want the same thing I do.

When they want to “Hang Out” instead of dating: Oh you mean take me out on a date? If they say no I'm really not in the mood for going out. "I'd prefer we go somewhere or do something. What do you think?" "I understand honey. Feel free to hit me up when you're able to go out. Hopefully I'll see you soon." Your time is to NOT be wasted.

They say something inappropriate: What did you say? Does this usually work for you? I find that comment offensive. It’s inappropriate. I’m not interested in men that talk to me in a vulgar manner.

You’re acting funny huh: No I am at work. I’m working. or No I’m just living life. I’m living. or No I’m busy.

It’s not clear what you want: Oh I think I make it very clear. I want (insert what you want) consistent dates, surprises, affection, and a man that protects and provides for me.

When they try to attack you:

  • You’re still _________ (example)childish: If I am _______ (childish)You: why are you contacting me.

  • Him: You’re so abusive. You: Why did you marry me?

  • Him: You’ll never get a man? You: Well how did I get you? I got you didn’t I?

  • Him: You’ll never get a man if you don’t have sex before marriage. You: Oh really? *End conversation*

  • Him: You’re boring. You need to go to clubs? "I didn’t go to clubs when you met me. So, something must be working for me. Clearly, it’s something you like."

  • Him: You do too much. you don’t need weave and makeup: "You met me with weave in my head. You met me with makeup on. Clearly it’s something you like."

  • Him: You’re a boo boo mother Him: "Why did you entrust me with having your children then? My children are the only one that can determine that love. They don’t have problem so neither do you."

  • Him: You’re a boo boo wife Him: "Clearly I did something right. You married me didn't you?"
No girlfriend scripts: (If this is your thing to continue rotational dating until you get a ring)

"I need more time to get to know you. I am not looking to be in dozens more relationships in my life, that is why I really want to take my time and get to know somebody well before I decide to be in a relationship with them."

“I’m still getting to know you. I’m not ready.”

"I have been enjoying getting to know you but I would like to take it slow and not rush into anything just yet ;)"

“I really like you but I don’t want to be any man’s girlfriend. I want a family, kids and to settle down and I cannot accept any commitment less than marriage. Of course I didn’t want to put pressure on him and it was his choice to stay or leave. But until he made a solid offer, I would like to keep my options open in a non-sexual way and be open to the man who was ready for a full commitment.”

When he tries to last minute date you: I’m sorry. I didn’t have a specific time and place so I didn’t think we had a date. I’d love to see you another time and spend time with you.

When can I do it again? or When can we do it again? "Whenever you plan something feel free to let me know. I would be more than happy to spend some more time with you. "

When he asks do you date others? Oh no honey why would you say that? or Oh the only reason I would date others is if I didn’t get what I need. (When he asks what you need...tell him).

At a restaurant he asks what are you going to get: Well I was thinking about getting the steak (high end) because I have been craving it ALLLLL week, but I don’t know if I should get something cheaper. What would YOU get? (Note if he’s going to give you what you want or will he make you settle. Sift through men that would make you settle.)

After a date that you wish to extend: Oh I had such a good time. I wish it could last longer.

When he insists to extend the date: Well *pause* I don’t know. Do you really want to go out? I guess a quick drink won’t hurt. I guess I could go out for a little bit if you insist.

When he asks “Can we try again”: Try what exactly? (Make him say exactly what you all are trying again)

I need you to help with my paper, job, or etc.: Help in what way exactly? (Make him say it). When he says help him write his paper or xyz….say Oh honey you know I could never do that….

Do you live alone:

  • Play it coy: Why does it matter?

  • Oh well I’m uncomfortable with people I don’t know in my personal space so it doesn’t matter because I prefer not to chill at my house.
What made you know I was the one: You didn't know he was the one until he chose you and you accepted or rejected him. You are the prize. 'When you chose me and asked me out on a date and I loved your conversation." (You are the prize not him.)

When they ask what is your occupation such as What do you do? He's not with you for your providing skills. Deflect until you're comfortable. Don't talk about your job all day. "Oh you don’t want to hear about my job. It’s not as fun as your cool job."

When he wants you to drive: Thank you but I’m not comfortable driving to meet a man. I feel special when a man is a true gentleman and comes to meet me *or drives me*.

When they constantly text you but don’t call: I’m not big on texting. I’d much rather see you in person. *Stop responding until he calls you*

When they try to have sex with you early on: I enjoy getting to know you however sex is not a casual thing for me. Sex is something that you share with someone I have a commitment with.

Showing him appreciation: You know I thought you were going to be pretty special when I met you but I never thought you would be so ambitious, handsome, nifty, ______ insert synonym.

When you want him to pay for your hair, nails, lingerie, or outfit: Honey, you want me to look beautiful for you don’t you?

When you want something: Well you said that your girl/wife always gets the best...right?

When you want to go to a specific place: Ooh baby take me to _______ and I’ll look so beautiful I will make all the men in the room jealous.

When you want him to remember how fine you are: *hold his hand and look innocent while someone is checking you out* That man is making me uncomfortable. *look innocent*

When they are constantly hot/cold: "I'm used to more consistency from the man I'm seeing..."

When they continuously try to text you instead of talking: I would prefer to talk more in person" “Texting has felt fun but hearing your voice on the phone would be lovely. What do you think?”

When they try to talk about sex too soon: “That makes me uncomfortable.” “Ewww what was that now.”

When they ask how many children do you have or do you have children: *This is a Shera tip...I'm still trying to understand this. I guess it's mysteriousness.* Oh I would love to have ___ children. How about you? *Then change the subject*

When they seem inattentive: Honey I’d like to discuss xyz, is now a good time?

When the date is dragging on and you’re ready to go: "It's been a lovely/interesting time but I must go."

When they want you to call them: You are the prize. " I find it attractive when a man leads "

When he says something rude: Can you repeat that? And look puzzled. or "Oh I'm used to more manners from the men that I'm seeing."

Anytime you don’t know what to say: Send an emoji such as :wink:

When he says something condescending: Does this usually work for you. (Try not to blame by saying...you are very condescending)

When he talks about sex too early: I’m sorry but I think you have me confused with a future version of myself who’s in a committed relationship. or “You don’t know me well enough to speak to me like that ;)” or “This makes me uncomfortable.”

When the date location is too far out: "I prefer a date closer to my location" or "I feel comfortable going to a date in my town/city".

When they are adamant about YOU picking a location and not them: Only say the restaurants you actually like that they can pick from. Still make them pick a date spot. "There is x, y, or z nearby, I would feel happy with whichever you choose for us."

When they make a date but don’t confirm or try to date you last minute: Your time is valued as a feminine woman. You don't take last minute or poorly thought out dates. “Oh I would have loved to but I have plans. Next time let me know in advance so I can make arrangements.” "I would love to meet you but unfortunately I am not longer available. But I am available ____ or ____ days."

When he’s on his phone too much: "I love it when we talk together... I learn so much... and I find it difficult to concentrate when people are on their phones... what are your thoughts?"

When he asks why are you dating: Be mysterious. Don't tell him EVERYTHING. So a lucky guy like you can find me.

When he asks Do you miss me or Are you flirting with me: *laugh really feminine* make sure it’s not too loud because it will come across that you’re laughing AT him. If this is through text just wink. The key is to deflect. Feminine women don’t say things right off the bat.

When you want to break up: It really feels good to spend time with you. You are a good man that treated me with kindness and respect. I truly value these last 8 months, but I need to let you go with love. When you are more compassionate, please reach out to be if you feel inspired to do so.

When the man is pulling back: “I’m used to more consistency in the men I am seeing honey.”

When he says “Thank you for being amazing” or “I enjoyed you the other night”: Say "Honey, it was my pleasure." Feminine women don't give all willy nilly or respond. They respond BACK. Don’t say you too. Stay in the feminine. Be receiving. Take in your greatness.

When he asks you out on a coffee date: If this is your thing cool. If not, you don't HAVE to accept a coffee date. Set your boundaries softly.

"Oh by that time, I’ve already had my coffee for the day. Could we meet up for dinner and a drink instead. ;) A real drink?"

"I would love to go to a real restaurant to get a real drink so we can get to know each other better. So when you get paid, my number will be the same. I’d love to go out on a date with you."

When he sends constant “What you doing” or “hi” or “hello” messages: It feels really good to hear from you. (Try to stay away from messages like lying in bed or taking a shower or even cooking until you all are established. They tend to think about sex and sex only and ask can they help you take a shower or lie with you or they ask when can you cook for them. You don't audition for men. YOU ARE THE PRIZE. No not until they properly know you.)

When he sends: “How is your day.”: Try to stay very light, breezy, and feminine. Use feeling messages.
“Oh it felt really good to start my day with some hot chocolate in my coffee.”
“I feel a tingly rush all over my body because I got a promotion today. It feels so good to be rewarded for my hard work.”

When he says May I give you my number: You are the prize, not him. You don't reach out and call men. You don't respond. You respond BACK. "Sure! Oh great so I’ll know who is calling when you call love."

When he tries to schedule a last minute date: A feminine woman is soft but very strong in boundaries. Your time is to NEVER be wasted. "Oh honey, I have plans. I wish you would have told me earlier I would have loved to spend some time with you."

When he asked what to buy you: Always phrase things that you wanted such and such that will some kind of way benefit HIM. For example, Some perfume or (insert clothing, jewelry, purse, or etc.) "I would love to put it on because I think you would enjoy it."
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria

Next Year's Participants:


January- Let's Get It Started
Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Tools Every Woman should Have in her Toolbox
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way with your actions. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.
Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.
Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.
Week 8: Look Good and Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23: Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26: Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27: Everything can be used against you.
Week 28: Compassionate
Week 29: Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31: Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

August - Etiquette
Week 32: Staircase Etiquette
Week 33: Pose for Life - Crossed Legs Pose
Week 34: Keep it Classy (Exiting car doors)
Week 35: Sitting pretty

September- The Opposite of Networking is “Not Working”
Week 36: Who Do You Admire: Interview Them
Week 37: Join a Group of Like-Minded
Week 38: Make it Intentional - Date Night
Week 39: How to be a Feminine Networking Star... Wherever You Are

October-Feminine Hobbies

Week 40: Affirmations: Affirming our Femininity
Week 41: Yoni Eggs
Week 42: Waist Beads
Week 43: Incorporating Beauty routines, perfume and Makeup
Week 44: Being Festive: Let's Enjoy the Holidays

Week 45: Become a Master of your Emotions: Avoid Reactive
Week 46: Trust and Surrender
Week 47: Scripts - How to say things in a Feminine but "Strong" Way.

Week 47: Scripts - Saying Things in a Feminine Way

When talking with men (and women lol) , ask yourself a few questions:

  • How can I communicate in a more feminine way? Is it to the point, have boundaries embedded, playful, mysterious, flirty, and personal?

  • Are you flirting in a come-get-me kind of way, without being sexual or overly forward at all?

  • Where am I being controlling, bossy, or demanding?

  • Where am I not loving myself?

  • Where am I still resisting my own success in love?

  • In what ways should I lean back, stay in my lane, and be strategically selfish to do what's best for ME?

Week 47 Challenge

1. What posted scripts do you like? What posted scripts do you not like?
2. For the scripts you do not like, how could you change the wording to make it sound more feminine but yet still get your point across.
3. Take our Challenge Survey to improve next year: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QL9ZPNS
I really try to use the challenges to my advantage. Every tool counts in our feminine toolbox. Last night I:

  • Turned routines into rituals: I took my time put a bath bomb in my water, lit some candles, and took my time bathing my body and warm steamy water covered in rose petals (rose petal powder will do as well).
  • I cleaned up my bedroom yesterday. There was nothing on my dresser. I put a soft light in my lamp. I have two candles on my nightstand and that's it. I sprayed lavender spray in my bedroom.
  • Affirmations- I did about 20 affirmations before bed. and wrote in my journal.
I have to say I woke up refreshed and peacefully.

How do you plan on being a divinely feminine lady and filling your own cup today?

i usually wake up and rush to get ready for work. Today (and the past few days, really) I made an effort to get up and give myself time in the shower, as well as give myself time to put some light make up on.
I usually slap some lotion on me, but I now take the time to fully moisturize my whole body.

i usually wake up and rush to get ready for work. Today (and the past few days, really) I made an effort to get up and give myself time in the shower, as well as give myself time to put some light make up on.
I usually slap some lotion on me, but I now take the time to fully moisturize my whole body.
I LOVE it. You deserve all that self love. :kiss:
How were the scripts ladies? I know many of you are married, but for the ones learning how to say things...do they make sense? Does anyone more skilled have any scenarios they would like to add? Anything they would like to change. I already got one message. I was asked to add the following scenarios:


When they try to get you to come to their house or them come to your house after date: That makes me uncomfortable.
When they keep asking for pictures in the beginning: That makes me uncomfortable.
When they ask for last-minute dates: Oh I'm sorry but I have plans. I wish you would have told me earlier! I would love to spend time with you. Feel free to let me known of a plan in advance so I can make some time for you darling :wink:
When they keep wanting to talk to you or chill but not date you: Oh I understand darling. Well when you make a plan to go out on a real date, feel free to reach out. :wink:
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i usually wake up and rush to get ready for work. Today (and the past few days, really) I made an effort to get up and give myself time in the shower, as well as give myself time to put some light make up on.
I usually slap some lotion on me, but I now take the time to fully moisturize my whole body.

I feel you on this. It's important to find out whether you thrive in the morning or in the evening. I'm a morning person, so I usually wake up around 4am and spend about 4-5h on self care, since I only have to be at work at 9am. That includes prayer, breakfast, surfing the net, a shower, oil pulling and massaging my skin with lotion (all over my body). It keeps me calm and I always show up at work 30 minutes earlier.

We have a group on WhatsApp for our team and usually people are sending messages, explaining how they will be arriving late because of whatever reason. When you build a morning ritual, it nixes all of this drama/rush hour that people go through in the morning. So major kudos to you:yep:.
How were the scripts ladies? I know many of you are married, but for the ones learning how to say things...do they make sense? Does anyone more skilled have any scenarios they would like to add? Anything they would like to change. I already got one message. I was asked to add the following scenarios:

When they try to get you to come to their house or them come to your house after date:
When they keep asking for pictures in the beginning:
When they ask for last-minute dates:
When they keep wanting to talk to you or chill but not date you:

As a single woman, I think we should be careful with such questions. In the sense that nowadays, because women don't live as discretely as back in the days, the real playas actually know what a "decent woman" expects. I once went to have drinks with a friend (just a friend, nothing more), who told me: "I know you're not going to invite me to your place, because single women abhor taking men into their homes." Fast forward to now and it didn't stop this man from leaving his SO with whom he has children.

To me it's all about having discernment. There is no one size fits all. I once had a friend over at my place, the only guy friend I've ever had over aside from male family members. He has a thing for me, but I'm really looking for friendships right now. So when he was here, I made sure to open up the curtains and sit far away from him, at the other end. He wanted me to sit close to him, but I said no. We talked and I remember having a book on my table, with the title 'Why I stopped dating and how courtship is better' by D.S. Coleman, so we started talking about that. As soon as we started to discuss dating, he noticed that we were on different wavelengths as it pertains to this subject. He didn't stay long and then went away and now we only keep in touch on FB.

People like to demonize FB, but I actually like it because it teaches so much and you get to witness people's trajectories. For instance, I have a rule that the guy should always approach me. But I know a friend I worked with back in the days, who approached her now fiancé, fast forward a decade later and they're still together and recently had a child. Granted, sometimes it takes longer for something to dissipate, but I'm starting to learn that when it's the right person...it all just somehow works out. I have stories like this for days, seriously.
I went to a Thanksgiving Dinner at the Hilton hotel. When I take you I was shining I was SHININ. I dropped honey all up in the place. I out on a nice fitted dress, curled my hair, played in some new makeup, and put some jewelry on. I practiced all my etiquette from this challenge like walking up steps and sitting gracefully. This nice looking fella came up to me and gave a compliment. He said I’ve been noticing you ever since you got out the car. I had to ask for your number. Can I put my number in your phone? I said I would much rather you call me....handsome. Lol. He blushed so hard and took my number. Happy Thanksgiving!
Dancing is sooooo fun feminine and present! It's like you're not thinking about the past; you're not worrying about the future. You're only enjoying life and living fully in the present. I might need to turn on some music and make this part of my morning routine. Even if it's just FIVE minutes.

I love to watch African dances!

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Dancing is sooooo fun feminine and present! It's like you're not thinking about the past; you're not worrying about the future. You're only enjoying life and living fully in the present. I might need to turn on some music and make this part of my morning routine. Even if it's just FIVE minutes.

I love to watch African dances!

I fully agree! I used to love dancing back in the days, it was my way of maintaining my weight. Nowadays I try to dance in the confines of my home, but the mood has all changed. Because like you said, I keep ruminating on the past:nono:. Should you have any time, look up the dance Kizomba from my country, it's a beautiful, intimate couple's dance. Here's the music we dance it to:

He's singing: 'amor é base fundamental' = 'love is a fundamental right' :love:
I put on a red lip for brunch yesterday and caught many eyes. I don’t remember who said it on this forum but a red lip seems to be a man magnet.
I just cannot get my falsies together. I’ve watched all the tutorials but I can’t get it. Idk if it’s because I’m trying to drugstore lashes or what
The false lashes are giving me the blues as well. I'm really trying to master it by Christmas though.
Ok, I just recently got much better at lashes since doing these things:
- Curl the lash band around my finger for a few seconds to shape it. This helps it to fit better over the curve of your lid/lashline.
- I use the 30 second weave glue, apply a drop to the end (not the brush part) of a makeup brush, then apply a layer to the lash band
- Hold the lashes in the middle, under the band, with a pair of tweezers.
- Wait until the glue is TACKY, not wet. This was always the tricky part for me. I just keep touching it to make sure that it's right.
- Everything Aaliyah Jay says to do here:

I also do what Jackie Aina does here - this just makes them look better
I polished my femininity cup today by taking a yoga class. It was only $5 since it was sponsored through a doctor’s office I frequent. Yoga felt amazing. My hamstrings feel a million times better after doing downward dog a million times. I think yoga helps you really get in touch with your feminine side by teaching you to not over analyze things, quiet your mind, and be present in the moment. The mat was green and the post it notes she gave us were pink so you know I was all smiles Skeee-wee. It really helped to quiet my mind down. I’m so grateful. Now I’m at my parents house waiting on little guy to wake up from his nap.

How did you all polish your femininity today?
I bought these foot peels from a subscription box and I spent an hour this AM with my feet soaked in them. While doing this, I listened to some relaxing YT videos while fixing the polish on my nails.

Yesterday I took the time to style my hair and when I went to work, I got compliments on both my hair and nail color choice. There was also a random male employee of the company who complimented me and expressed surprise that we never met before.
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How did you all polish your femininity today?

I treated myself to an end of year salt scrub and massage at a spa, and after my services I spent a little time in the sauna. I feel so relaxed. I just listened to a class on why self care is so important. It sends a signal out to the universe and to everyone around you that I AM WORTHY. If *I* treat myself well, then everyone does that too by default. I can't expect others to treat me better than how I treat myself. :yep:

i usually wake up and rush to get ready for work. Today (and the past few days, really) I made an effort to get up and give myself time in the shower, as well as give myself time to put some light make up on.
I usually slap some lotion on me, but I now take the time to fully moisturize my whole body.

Something that I saw in a youtube video changed the game for me. She said to use basic grooming activities (washing face, washing hair, showering, shaving, etc) as a form of self-care. So now I take the time to say loving affirmations to myself with feeling while doing basic maintenance:
-My skin is so smooth and healthy!
-My skin is so clear!
-My hair is so thick and luscious! My edges are on fleek :giggle:
-I love my healthy beautiful breasts (don't judge me :look:)
-My body looks great! All this working out is paying off :yep:
-Girl, you are so beautiful :blush2:
-You are radiant!

Even if those statements aren't totally true, I am affirming that they are and expressing gratitude for what WILL be. This seems like such a small tip but I've been practicing it for about a week and I love it.
Oh SNAP this is a way to turn routines into rituals as well. I LOVE this idea. I’m gohng to do it starting tonight
Something that I saw in a youtube video changed the game for me. She said to use basic grooming activities (washing face, washing hair, showering, shaving, etc) as a form of self-care. So now I take the time to say loving affirmations to myself with feeling while doing basic maintenance:
-My skin is so smooth and healthy!
-My skin is so clear!
-My hair is so thick and luscious! My edges are on fleek :giggle:
-I love my healthy beautiful breasts (don't judge me :look:)
-My body looks great! All this working out is paying off :yep:
-Girl, you are so beautiful :blush2:
-You are radiant!

Even if those statements aren't totally true, I am affirming that they are and expressing gratitude for what WILL be. This seems like such a small tip but I've been practicing it for about a week and I love it.[/QUOTE
@PrissiSippi, I've lurked in this thread and love the advice especially on self love and leaning back! All things I wish I knew while single before getting married. Just curious if you think these techniques can work for married ladies as well? Is it truly possible to lean back in a marriage? I struggle with keeping my masculine at bay especially when things aren't getting done. Thoughts...
@PrissiSippi, I've lurked in this thread and love the advice especially on self love and leaning back! All things I wish I knew while single before getting married. Just curious if you think these techniques can work for married ladies as well? Is it truly possible to lean back in a marriage? I struggle with keeping my masculine at bay especially when things aren't getting done. Thoughts...

Yes. Leaning back works for married, dating and single ladies. Please check out the Rori Raye and Katarina Phang threads. There are several coaches out there who teach leaning back. You just have to see who resonates with you.
Today I woke up early. I took a nice bath with my bath bombs. I applied my cleanser and moisturizer slowly. I moisturized every inch of my body with my favorite Keri lotion. As I did this I said:
I have buttery soft caramel-like skin.
I love the vibrant color of my toenail polish.
My body is like a temple and I love cleansing it.
My hair is soft and fluffy.:cry::cry:

Lol as soon as I sat on my bed to relax, a cute little toddler peeked his head up to wake up and tickle me. I played with him for awhile, I put on a nice dress and dressed DS in some nicely ironed clothes that I also took my time on doing this morning. I had so many excuses not to go to church today. My hair wasn't done. I jumped in the car with a hat on and went to the hair store to buy myself a wig lol.

I went to church, came back and took a very relaxing one hour nap. Woke up and watched Despicable Me with the little one. I put a roast in the crockpot with some cabbage, and afterwards I headed to my local Fred's because I needed a few items to help my week go smoothly.

DS wanted to help me do everything. He wanted to pass me everything in my grocery cart one by one. Instead of getting annoyed I stayed Thank you DS each and every time he handed me something lol. He got to the last item (laundry detergent) and he couldn't lift it. I lifted it up for him and still said, "Thank you my baby boy. You are so helpful and kind. Many people will admire this DS.) I went to pay the cashier. My total was $30. I gave the lady $18 in dollars and asked her to put the rest on my card. The man behind me said, "Mam you are so patient. I watched you take your time with your son and it reminded me of my own mama. I want to pay for the rest of your stuff. I also don't want you lifting that big ole boy. He is almost your size."

I accepted it. I thanked him and smiled so big and bright. I took my time and waited for him by the door. He put all my groceries in my car, and put DS in the car. He said, This is the first Thanksgiving without my mama. She died two weeks ago, but I know she still lives every time I see people like you taking care of you children and being so kind and sweet. I want you to have a very very Merry Christmas lady. Thank you for letting me see my mother through you. :cry::cry: I thanked him so much but I cried like a big baby when I got back to the car.
Thanks I will take a look!
Yes the more time and money and energy you allow a man to be invested in you, the more he will be enthralled with you. In the times when I leaned back in my marriage, he always cane to me. Now the problem with this is that leaning back will weed through the users. The only men that will stay are the ones that are truly attracted to you. To others it will seem like too much work. They will grow resentful because they are used to you handling all the problems. However , a true masculine man will show up and show out for the one he loves.