52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

I was going to ask you... :look:

I've had them for a couple of years now and I don't know what to do with them. I just usually set it and forget it. Haven't figured out how to use my muscles to move them neither up now down...
I’m using my kegalmaster and revisiting the Kegelmaster threads lol. I don’t have any Yoni eggs lol I’ve always wanted some. Until then I’m just setting aside some time to jump in the shower and take a looooong shower to unwind and get in touch with myself with the kegelmaster. “Work them muscles girl” :toocool:
@Maracujá - I just have to say that you are so inspiring. Your plating is awesome. Your food looks so delicious. Your hair and skin are amazing. The pictures that you took not so long ago were fabulous. I love how you realize that work doesn't define you and you can scale back on that and just enjoy life.

I love to see you posting, sis!
@Maracujá - I just have to say that you are so inspiring. Your plating is awesome. Your food looks so delicious. Your hair and skin are amazing. The pictures that you took not so long ago were fabulous. I love how you realize that work doesn't define you and you can scale back on that and just enjoy life.

I love to see you posting, sis!

:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: #LHCFalum #LHCFtaughtme #byGodsgrace
What I’ve worked on this week:

Dripping like honey in femininity.
:bdance:It was said in one of these posts that when your with your guy you should not have anything negative to say at all about you. All your interactions should be positive and you should have strong boundaries but say them like honey. I’m working on this and it’s been working. My convo is pleasant. I'm trying to stay in the present and AWAY from hypotheticals. :freakout:I try to appreciate and admire men in close to in my words and body language. But I also try to balance it with space so they crave more.

Lean Back. This one has been hard for me. I realize that 90% of my happiness should come from me and only 10% from another person. So that means even if a person doesn’t come through for me I make my own plans and my own fun and am content with ME. :gorgeous: One of the guys I’m talking to (main one) didn’t call me at ALL Saturday but it was fine because I leaned backed and didn’t respond or reach out to him at all. Instead, I went out with my girlfriends and had such a good time. I’m so thankful for this weekend. My heart is so happy and full.:heart:

I look good too lol. I went out with my friend girls and they said here you are looking sexy and stuff. I just smiled and said thank you instead of playing down my looks. :grouphug3:It was just a plain skirt and a shirt. But the accessories played it off. I spent the entire weekend kissing and playing with baby boy and going to out with my college friends. :hug2: Definitely one of the best weekends I have had in soooo long.
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@Maracujá - I just have to say that you are so inspiring. Your plating is awesome. Your food looks so delicious. Your hair and skin are amazing. The pictures that you took not so long ago were fabulous. I love how you realize that work doesn't define you and you can scale back on that and just enjoy life.

I love to see you posting, sis!
I agree. @Maracujá I love to see you post and you have such a beautiful breathtaking smile. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


January- Let's Get It Started
Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Tools Every Woman should Have in her Toolbox
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way with your actions. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.
Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.
Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.
Week 8: Look Good and Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23: Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26: Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27: Everything can be used against you.
Week 28: Compassionate
Week 29: Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31: Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

August - Etiquette
Week 32: Staircase Etiquette
Week 33: Pose for Life - Crossed Legs Pose
Week 34: Keep it Classy (Exiting car doors)
Week 35: Sitting pretty

September- The Opposite of Networking is “Not Working”
Week 36: Who Do You Admire: Interview Them
Week 37: Join a Group of Like-Minded
Week 38: Make it Intentional - Date Night
Week 39: How to be a Feminine Networking Star... Wherever You Are

October-Feminine Hobbies

Week 40: Affirmations: Affirming our Femininity
Week 41: Yoni Eggs
Week 42: Waist Beads

Copied from:

Waist beads have their roots anchored in Africa and overlap with Egypt as well. They came into existence around the 15th century as a status symbol. The natives had different views about its uses and miracles. Traditional African women used to wear them often on their bare skin and rarely under their clothing. Egyptian women wore them to allure men while belly dancing. Sometimes scented, women used them to allure their partners since they signified their sexuality. They were also thought to have some healing powers. When used with stones, waist beads were the means of spiritual healing as well. Wearing waist beads is also part of Ghanaian culture. It is a traditional ornament and necessary dowry for women. Usually, babies wear waist beads at Ghanaian naming ceremonies, and young girls also wear waist beads as a sign of femininity. The web of this culture then extended and reached middle-east where it has taken up a notch and women started admiring it and carrying it along with their bodies.

Now, waist beads are worn by women from different countries and cultures to celebrate, decorate, confidence building, tracking weight gain and weight loss, body shaping, and at the same time, they also symbolize spirituality, womanhood, protection, wealth, female empowerment, fertility, and sexuality.

Week 42 Challenge
1. Learn more about waist beading. How could you use them?
2. Invest or make your own personal waist bead. What colors do you desire? What do the colors represent?
We had soooo much fun yesterday. I got some exercise in by walking a mile at the park. I found out my toddler has learned how to run LOL. He ran the whole mile I was sooooo surprised! Afterwards, I put baby to bed and we had a mini game night all night. I got to play Jenga the Tetris version, cards, some fishing game, and we made cocktails and I laughed the night away. It's getting a little easier to stay in my feminine zone. I'm really trying to stay focused on staying in it now that I know what my feminine characteristics are. I'm sooo tired this morning but it's soooo worth it. Lol.
I went to get some business handled at DMV. The lady in front of my was turning in the same form. She had on house shoes, a oversized t-shirt, a bonnet on her head and an attitude. She forgot to date her form correctly. It was off by one year. The lady working with her turned her around immediately and was like naw this form isn't going to fly. The lady was mad and said, "This doesn't make no durn sense." She left with no decal lol.

On the other hand, I said "Good morning, mam! How are you today?" I paused and let her tell me about how busy her day was today and how she was so ready to be off to play with her grandchildren. I told her I know they couldn't wait to play with her as well and I proceeded to give her my form. Lol I had a similar dating mistake. Since I made small talk with her, she complimented me on my dress and put my information back in. I had sat down to talk to her and continue being polite while she put my information in. She said, "Mam no need to talk to me today because I have you all set and ready to go. Have a great day!" I said, "Thank you and have fun playing with the little ones this afternoon."

Femininity for the win. It works on both men AND women. People just need some compassion.
Tools Each Feminine Woman should have in her Toolbox
** Probably be added to future femininity challenges in greater details*
(I'll edit later. I'm just holding my spot)

Offer the same level of investment as the other person.
Treat them how they treat you with the ultimate goal of having a BETTER relationship.
You and the men you interact with should be like mirrors. When he pulls away, so should you.

Dripping Honey
Always respond to men with a nicely friendly attitude.
Try to refrain from eye-rolling, pouting, snarky comments, passive aggressive behavior.
Make your boundary, spned more time investing in yourself, and be done with it.
Let go of the need to control and blame others
Focus all this energy towards empowering yourself.
Build boundaries to be soft on the outside but strong on the inside.
Stay breezy and open, receiving, and kind.
Always act high value and high value men will come to you.
Play up your femininity.

Man: How are you today? Do you have any plans for today?
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It’s a really thin line between nurturing your man and mothering him. Now I think this is an extreme example (attached as a picture below) but let us reflect on how to step back, lean back, and stop paddling the boat in all areas.

Appreciate his leadership as is. His leadership is always growing. Compassion patience and gratitude help us understand the imperfections of our significant others...not mothering.

Strive to stay in your feminine zone and give him the space needed to figure his own problems out. Asking instead of telling a man what to do and letting him figure out his own problems. Men do NOT want to be intimate with their mother or an updated version of them. If they do...that’s a whole nother problem. PLUS not doing this frees up space for you to focus on you and your needs. Pamper yourself. Love yourself. Mother yourself. Teach yourself all these little lessons that you would teach a child. Many times these lessons we have forgotten.


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Lol Where did I go wrong here y’all? The food was really good but it didn’t look like how I wished it would. I did feel amazing to get my hobby in. I got to cook and plate food, read DS a story, and relax so tonight was a good night.


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^^^Don't feel bad, if it's any consolation to you:


It tasted divine, but the presentation leaves too much to be desired :lol:.

Anyhoo, my sister, who came to visit me for the Titus 2 Queenestical Ghentian Staycation, imparted lots of wisdom to me. Mainly about self-care, relationships and finances. We spent hours upon hours just chatting away y'all.

She spoke about how women nowadays don't even bother to be feminine anymore, she noticed it with her co-workers. She said most of them just splash water on their face and head to work :nono:. She spoke about the importance to take care of oneself, inside and out. She always showers twice a day when she's having her period or whenever she's had a very negative day, it's very cleansing. In the morning, she takes the time to put on make up.

As far as relationships, we spoke about our past relationships and how we were treated as less than. She said: like attracts like and water seeks its own level. Simple as that. It's very important to be in vibrational harmony with your SO, that way y'all can be in sync. Otherwise it's not worth it and it's better to be single. Nowadays women wanna shout from the rooftop that they are equal/better than men...she says it's better to just remain quiet and show them that you are equal/better. Actions speak louder than words. E.g.: when she met her now DH, she didn't know how to drive. Now she got her driver's license and that has made her more independent. She came to visit me by herself, all the way from Holland, even though she has 3 daughters. That in turn has also created more breathing room for her husband, as he is no longer obligated to drive her everywhere:yep:.

I told her how much I spend on groceries and she said it's a no go. I have to take the opportunity to save money, now that I am single (and even if I remain so). My sister has been able to pay for driving lessons, organize her wedding and travel to Brazil within the span of the last 5 years I believe. She says it's important to plan and prioritize. A Chinese lady told her that we, as Black people, do not value the power of $1,00 and that is a big mistake we make. My sister is teaching her daughters to be the lender and not the borrower. That is a mindset she wants to instill in her daughters.

Here are some of the meals I treated her to:



Here's what I've prepared for my mom, when she'll come by tomorrow:

@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


January- Let's Get It Started
Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Tools Every Woman should Have in her Toolbox
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way with your actions. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.
Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.
Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.
Week 8: Look Good and Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23: Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26: Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27: Everything can be used against you.
Week 28: Compassionate
Week 29: Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31: Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

August - Etiquette
Week 32: Staircase Etiquette
Week 33: Pose for Life - Crossed Legs Pose
Week 34: Keep it Classy (Exiting car doors)
Week 35: Sitting pretty

September- The Opposite of Networking is “Not Working”
Week 36: Who Do You Admire: Interview Them
Week 37: Join a Group of Like-Minded
Week 38: Make it Intentional - Date Night
Week 39: How to be a Feminine Networking Star... Wherever You Are

October-Feminine Hobbies

Week 40: Affirmations: Affirming our Femininity
Week 41: Yoni Eggs
Week 42: Waist Beads
Week 43: Incorporating Beauty routines, perfume and Makeup

Incorporating beauty routines helps you feel good and confident by both receiving compliments or simply just feeling good about investing in yourself. This love that we give to ourselves, it gives us that extra “oomph” we need to give love to others. It increases our vibrations. How could you incorporate makeup, perfume, or beauty routines in your life this week as a hobby?

Keep it Mind:

Being feminine.....it can look a plethora of ways.

:kiss3:When he's not giving you attention, it can look like giving yourself attention. It can look like you focusing on your hobbies, dreams, goals, and appearance.

:kiss3:When he's not meeting your needs, it can look like you ensuring your needs are taken care of. You want to be taken out on a date? In the meantime this means taking time to take YOURSELF on a date and being present and in the moment and loving life at this moment and time.

:kiss3:Sometimes it looks like investing in yourself and doing hobbies: yoni eggs, waist beads, cook, plating, drinking wine with the girls

:kiss3:Sometimes being feminine can mean pulling back and not paddling the boat in relationships with both men and women and making sure you're not over-investing to people who are not investing at all in you.

:kiss3:Sometimes it can look like standing up and speaking for yourself through your boundaries which make you soft on the outside but firm on the inside.

:gorgeous:When you're tired, it can look like making time for yourself stopping and resting.

:kiss3:When you're mentally tired, it can look like saying affirmations to yourself.

Week 43 Challenge
1. There is no right or wrong. Just do what feels good to you. Get succumbed in what YOU like to do and what makes you feminine. What hobby will you invest in this week?
2. What perfume will you be wearing this week?
3. How many days out of the week will you commit to taking time for yourself, being present, and applying makeup.

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Chronicles from Last Week:

I did't have anytime to do the waist beads or yoni egg challenge. I'm going to try to work on my Kegelmaster today in conjunction with the affirmations.

Me: Honey, what time did I fall asleep on you
Him: Around 9:00. I think you were tired.
Me: Naw I don't think I fell asleep at 9...probably 10 or 10:30
Him: :rolleyes: Okay Priss

^^ He doesn't trip, but I get that this is annoying. When I think about it, if I supposedly know the answer why did I even ask? Lol. This is an example of correcting others and I'm working hard on not doing this anymore, but it's like it's in my SPIRIT. I don't do it as much as I used to, but it's such a hard habit to break.


I went on a date Friday night to this nice Indian restaurant. I've never had Indian food before and it was sooooo yummy. I had a nice butter chicken with I'm assuming Jasmine rice. The rice was sooo flagrant. I took my time yall and stayed very very present. I took my time and looked FIONE for the date. I correctly applied my makeup. I took my time and gracefully got in and out of the car. I took my time and ate slowly. I told SO what I wanted and asked him to order my food for me and with a smile. He smiled and said of course. I talked slowly and kept the convo really open and light.

So one thing I noticed that happened was these three Indian guys leaving were STARING at me and hard. The first one I was kinda of embarrassed...I looked away. The last two I said I was just going to play with my femininity. I looked them deep in their eyes, tilted my head to the side like I'm the prize, and stared right back. It was only 5 seconds or so but their gaze never left mine. I never acknowledged this. However, the next day...

Me: "Did you see that Indian guy staring at me?"
Him: "You mean THREE guys staring at you EXTRA hard."
Me: You saw it? I wonder why were they staring? Maybe because I look so young.
Him: You're oblivious. They were staying because they want to color you. I don't care though. I want men to look at my girl. Because she's mine.

This just solidifies my thoughts that men need to take women on dates to
a. Stay intimately connected to their girl
b. Physically see how others are attracted to their girl because they are natural hunters :flahssssss:
c. Improve their communication skills
I like her blog! Have you taken a look at it?

I haven't...currently reading so much (which is how I discovered her in the first place). But in an interview I lived that she said she had limiting beliefs around her beauty and ability to find love because she is black. I think that's a common issue but it can and must be healed.

Your anecdotes are so fun and inspiring. So now I have one to share.

Fresh off of reading The Queen's Code, I really pampered myself this past weekend. I was at a conference and allowed myself to be relaxed in my feminine energy. I was completely in the moment and didn't stress about anything. Upon arriving at my hotel, I was very relaxed and friendly. The young man helping me was very sweet and provided me an unsolicited upgrade to my room. Upon leaving the hotel the next day, while waiting for the shuttle, the transportation manager complimented me several times and upgraded my $15 shuttle service to a shared private car service to the airport. The other person in the luxury SUV was a VIP from the conference and we had a lovely chat. While on the plane, I was moved to better seats and the gentleman next to me proceeded to tell me all about the acres of land he owned and asked if I needed a blanket.

I was overwhelmed with kindness and really enjoyed being accepting of these gifts. I have finally learned to just say Thank you!

Loving this pic today
My friend said that her friend guy offered to cook for them so she decided to plate it. He said I’ve never seen a dish like this except in the restaurants. You really took your time on this lol.

I was just saying last week that plating is for US. It’s a hobby but it often transcends to others and sets you apart from others. It feels good to be appreciated by others.


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@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


January- Let's Get It Started
Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Tools Every Woman should Have in her Toolbox
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way with your actions. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.
Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.
Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.
Week 8: Look Good and Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23: Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26: Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27: Everything can be used against you.
Week 28: Compassionate
Week 29: Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31: Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

August - Etiquette
Week 32: Staircase Etiquette
Week 33: Pose for Life - Crossed Legs Pose
Week 34: Keep it Classy (Exiting car doors)
Week 35: Sitting pretty

September- The Opposite of Networking is “Not Working”
Week 36: Who Do You Admire: Interview Them
Week 37: Join a Group of Like-Minded
Week 38: Make it Intentional - Date Night
Week 39: How to be a Feminine Networking Star... Wherever You Are

October-Feminine Hobbies

Week 40: Affirmations: Affirming our Femininity
Week 41: Yoni Eggs
Week 42: Waist Beads
Week 43: Incorporating Beauty routines, perfume and Makeup
Week 44: Being Festive: Let's Enjoy the Holidays

Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas is almost here. It's a beautiful time to practice compassion to ourselves and to others.

Way's to Become Festive
Every time I go past the house that has a nice fall wreath and pumpkin bags full of leaves and children perfectly dressed for the season with these cute outfits on, I get a tingly fuzzy feeling in my soul. It's just soooo feminine to me to be able to slow down and break up the routine and switch gears and show a little holiday spirit. Need some ideas? Well here are a few!
1. Volunteer. It just feels good to serve others. Many people don’t take advantage of the opportunity to volunteer during the holidays but feminine ladies do! It's a perfect time to be compassionate to others. Whether you’re feeding the homeless, volunteering at the shelter, or participating in a gift drive, the happiness you bring to others is immense. Also there’s nothing like volunteer work to spark a sense of gratitude into our own life! What's your holiday plan for the upcoming months?

2. Get fancy with your wrapping. If you’re anything like me you will procrastinate wrapping until two days before Christmas. You’re the no frills, bare minimum, target wrapping paper kinda gal who may throw on a festive name tag if inspired – otherwise it’s Sharpie all the way. Yeah, that’s not gonna warm your heart this season. Become present in the moment. Get in touch with your feelings. Start making a plan to buy your loved ones something for the holiday season (if this is your thing) and take it up a notch. Get crafty with your wrapping! You never know, this could lead to a great feminine hobby for years to come!

3. Breakout your old family recipes or try new ones. If the nostalgia of simpler times when we were knee high and drowning in our Grandmother’s apron doesn’t give you a tiny spark of holiday cheer, I don’t know what to tell ya love. Go back to your old family recipes, and take a shot at trying to cook and plate it!

4. Wear festive clothing- Halloween is Wednesday. Do you have anything you could rock? Maybe some puppy ears with a nice dress or maybe going all the way out is your thing! Do your children have Christmas Thanksgiving and Halloween outfits? Do YOU have Christmas Thanksgiving and Halloween outfits? Slow down and give love to YOURSELF (which leads to more love you can give to others). Take the time to fine tune and figure out the details. What do you need to make this holiday memorable?

Week 44 Challenge
1. Get into the Fall Spirit. Try to go to a Fall Festival or Halloween party. Dress up. Wear Makeup. Serve others. HAVE FUN!
2. What are your plans to spend time for Thanksgiving and Christmas?
3. How will you femininely embrace the holidays?
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Divinely Feminine Ladies: YOU are the Upgrade. YOU are the Prize. Your presence is highly valuable:​

    • What man doesn't love the feminine and positive energy you project to the world?
    • What man can NOT notice such a radiant, powerful feminine presence?
    • What man can resist such a seductive woman whose only power is her feminine presence?
    • What man can NOT be attracted to such a person that expects happiness, is happiness, attracts happiness, gives happiness, looks for happiness, and creates her own happiness?