52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Ladies, Fall will be here in less than 2 weeks!!! Fall and Winter are the seasons that separate the girls from the women:yep: (it's not really difficult to look good during Summer). So how are y'all preparing? I'm looking for wool Fall coats...also, thinking about how I'm gonna prep my skin + get my boots ready:yep:.

Been eyeing these Loeffler Randall boots for literally the longest:


But its price simply never goes down :(.
Working on my everyday makeup. I woke up late this morning. This makeup took 5 minutes. I didn't use any concealer or blush so it's just tinted moisturizer, mascara, eyeliner, brow powder, and gold eyeshadows. This lipgloss is very dark but I do like how it accents my lips. Thank you @Supervixen for pointing that out. :hug2:I need to keep working on my technique. My eyebrows I can't get them quite right and I need a gel eyeliner. Any recommendations?


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I’m working with my accountability partner Peace Lover in dressing nice every day, wearing perfume, wearing jewelry, and smiling. I think it is working. When I go in to take baby boy to school they have noticed that I have upped my appearance. I always have on a dress now. I haven’t put pants on in ages other than to work out, and I’m becoming known as the lady with all the cute dresses.

I’m still working on using Kojic soap and Amlactin (blue top) to make my skin glow like butter. I’m also working on my makeup skills with my friends. I bought some $1 lashes to learn how to apply them by Sunday. Wish me well lol.

These are the dresses I wore this week. One tip Ro has given was to now wear dresses with more than 3 colors. Christelyn’s advice is to dress and dress WELL because men are visual. Shera’s advice has been if you don’t have the money shop at thrift stores and either sell it online on eBay OR wear thrifted clothes so your clothes doesn’t cost as much. I’m using all of this advice.

(I noticed in the dress that has a lot of colors it is too long and the million colors makes me look busy. However I like that it’s a wrap dress. The wrap dress accentuates my waist well so I will look for other dresses like that.)

Oh wow! I need the pink and white dress in my life. Please let me know where to find it.

1. Pay attention to her appearance. What do you notice as far as femininity?

2. Pay attention to her tone of voice. When being attacked what are her ways to femininely control the situation?

3. Week 6 we talked about self preservation. How does she protect her peace? What boundaries do you see in place from Omarosa in this clip?

4. What’s her style/angle of seduction to get where and what she wants?

I've been a silent admirer of Omarosa for years. I have always admired her confidence and ambition. I stopped admiring her as a person when she turned into a puppet for Donald Trump. However, there are so many elements of her persona that I'm drawn to. I love the way she never raises her voice and doesn't downplay her beauty.

For example, in this clip all of those women attempted to bully and gaslight her the entire time. She was being a strong black woman who didn't fit into any of their preconceived stereotypes and they literally went bananas. Those other women looked really unhinged compared to Omarosa who kept her composure. Did you notice how she always walks away when she's being attacked. She never walks into someones space to escalate the drama. I also noticed that the other women were always getting close to Omarosa, yelling or trying to touch her. What is that about?

I really admire the way she flaunts her femininity. Take a look at this picture of her from this morning. She appears as cool, confident and beautiful while discussing the madness in the White House.
I've been a silent admirer of Omarosa for years. I have always admired her confidence and ambition. I stopped admiring her as a person when she turned into a puppet for Donald Trump. However, there are so many elements of her persona that I'm drawn to. I love the way she never raises her voice and doesn't downplay her beauty.

For example, in this clip all of those women attempted to bully and gaslight her the entire time. She was being a strong black woman who didn't fit into any of their preconceived stereotypes and they literally went bananas. Those other women looked really unhinged compared to Omarosa who kept her composure. Did you notice how she always walks away when she's being attacked. She never walks into someones space to escalate the drama. I also noticed that the other women were always getting close to Omarosa, yelling or trying to touch her. What is that about?

I really admire the way she flaunts her femininity. Take a look at this picture of her from this morning. She appears as cool, confident and beautiful while discussing the madness in the White House.
Lol Omarosa is BEAST. I'll be back to expound.
This damsel in distress persona is working well. I don’t know what it is specifically, but I’ve noticed that men RUN to help me. It’s this one guy that has been waiting for me to come out of this building everyday to make sure I have an umbrella. Another always looks out to pick up my heavy bags, and another noticed I don't drink water so they buy me water every week. And the shocking and most beneficial thing in all of this is that....I LET THEM. LOL. Before this challenge, I was the "Naw I got it." girl. Now, I've learned that by allowing them to help me, I can free up a lot of energy and time to accomplish other things. It's all about balance. Typically, men now just solve my problems and I’m not even asking for it. I’m so very thankful but it’s so intriguing.
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Used to celebrating #throwbackthursday on FB every Thursday. Here's the picture I posted today:

CLASS OF 1998.png

It's from 20 years ago y'all. So many memories: I was practically the only Black girl in the entire school of about 2000 students, but I never let it bother me. We all had to write something about one another and here's what the girl standing next to me on the right wrote: She looks like Scary Spice, is as sweet as Baby Spice and sexy like Ginger Spice :lol::look:. Me and the girl standing next to me on the left were die hard enemies at first, we both vied for the attention of another Spanish girl we desperately wanted to be our best friend at the time. Fast forward to today and that Spanish girl is no longer in the picture, but me and this girl (woman now) are still friends on FB, life's funny that way.

Both ladies on the extreme ends were extremely racist, to the point of wiping their hands whenever we would have to hold hands during PE. I never let that get to me and was always courteous and kind to them, we became besties by the time junior high school was over:yep:. Catch 'em with honey, kill them with kindness ;).

It's so nice to have these memories, to catapult you back to who you used to be and who you were becoming, in light of some of the hardships we may face in our adult years as women, that calcify our precious hearts. Which is why I cannot wait to read Meesh O's 'Becoming' that's coming out November 13th.
Used to celebrating #throwbackthursday on FB every Thursday. Here's the picture I posted today:

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It's from 20 years ago y'all. So many memories: I was practically the only Black girl in the entire school of about 2000 students, but I never let it bother me. We all had to write something about one another and here's what the girl standing next to me on the right wrote: She looks like Scary Spice, is as sweet as Baby Spice and sexy like Ginger Spice :lol::look:. Me and the girl standing next to me on the left were die hard enemies at first, we both vied for the attention of another Spanish girl we desperately wanted to be our best friend at the time. Fast forward to today and that Spanish girl is no longer in the picture, but me and this girl (woman now) are still friends on FB, life's funny that way.

Both ladies on the extreme ends were extremely racist, to the point of wiping their hands whenever we would have to hold hands during PE. I never let that get to me and was always courteous and kind to them, we became besties by the time junior high school was over:yep:. Catch 'em with honey, kill them with kindness ;).

It's so nice to have these memories, to catapult you back to who you used to be and who you were becoming, in light of some of the hardships we may face in our adult years as women, that calcify our precious hearts. Which is why I cannot wait to read Meesh O's 'Becoming' that's coming out November 13th.
This picture is sooo cute lol. Who is Meesh O?
I've been a silent admirer of Omarosa for years. I have always admired her confidence and ambition. I stopped admiring her as a person when she turned into a puppet for Donald Trump. However, there are so many elements of her persona that I'm drawn to. I love the way she never raises her voice and doesn't downplay her beauty.

For example, in this clip all of those women attempted to bully and gaslight her the entire time. She was being a strong black woman who didn't fit into any of their preconceived stereotypes and they literally went bananas. Those other women looked really unhinged compared to Omarosa who kept her composure. Did you notice how she always walks away when she's being attacked. She never walks into someones space to escalate the drama. I also noticed that the other women were always getting close to Omarosa, yelling or trying to touch her. What is that about?

I really admire the way she flaunts her femininity. Take a look at this picture of her from this morning. She appears as cool, confident and beautiful while discussing the madness in the White House.
I like it as well how she walks away from confrontation. I had to learn that this year that I was able to walk away when people attacked me or were mean to me. Before I just felt like you HAD to take it and prove your point, but a clear point is made when you just walk away. You can't treat me any kind of way and I love myself to protect myself.

I also love it how she always wears these feminine outfits. Her outfits are always gorgeous and classy. However, I think she needs an eyebrow transformation like Michelle Obama got. Omarosa had check mark eyebrows that make her look harsh, hostile, and villain-like.

She is very calculated. She said that Trump hired here because they all took intelligence and personality tests and they noticed that Omarosa had tactics just like a man but she was very very feminine like a woman. Think like a man; act like a girl. Never get tired of winning is her personal motto. I like that.

I've gotten really good at keeping my composure at all times and directing my questions one of a time, but it still needs to be polished. Omarosa is really good at being calm and collected at all times and in control. I really aspire to be like that.
Him: I'm really torn. I'm trying to plan this trip to Africa. What do you think? Nigeria or South Africa

Me: *Sweetly with puppy dog eyes* Why would I give you my suggestions on a trip to Africa that I wasn't invited to?

Him: It's not like you could get off for two weeks.

Me: This is a deflection. What does this have to do with the fact you did not invite me on this trip so why would I give suggestions? (It's real direct but is this too blunt?)

Him: It's not deflection beautiful. *Condescending tone* I mean, Can you take off two weeks? I would love for you to accompany me.

Me: *sweetly* I can take off two weeks. Besides, if you wanted me to go you would ask and leave those details to me. I only offer suggestions on trips I am a part of honey.

He just stared at me. So in situations like this should I have quietly just noted I wasn't invited or should I have handled it better? What could I have said delicately?
Him: I'm really torn. I'm trying to plan this trip to Africa. What do you think? Nigeria or South Africa

Me: *Sweetly with puppy dog eyes* Why would I give you my suggestions on a trip to Africa that I wasn't invited to?

Him: It's not like you could get off for two weeks.

Me: This is a deflection. What does this have to do with the fact you did not invite me on this trip so why would I give suggestions? (It's real direct but is this too blunt?)

Him: It's not deflection beautiful. *Condescending tone* I mean, Can you take off two weeks? I would love for you to accompany me.

Me: *sweetly* I can take off two weeks. Besides, if you wanted me to go you would ask and leave those details to me. I only offer suggestions on trips I am a part of honey.

He just stared at me. So in situations like this should I have quietly just noted I wasn't invited or should I have handled it better? What could I have said delicately?

Him: I'm really torn. I'm trying to plan this trip to Africa. What do you think? Nigeria or South Africa?

Me: Oh, you're going to Africa? Nice! I have friends who have visited both places and I'd love to go to both places, but I've never been to either, so I'm no help. I hope you have an awesome time though.

I'm of the idea that men will jump through hoops to be with you, to take you places, to show you off, to pursue you...if they want to be with you. His response to what I said could have given you more of an idea of his thoughts. He would have either said, "I didn't think you could get two weeks off, but I'd love for you to come!" Or he would have said, "Thanks, I'm going to have to do some research." Then you would have gotten an idea of where his head is.
Him: I'm really torn. I'm trying to plan this trip to Africa. What do you think? Nigeria or South Africa

Me: *Sweetly with puppy dog eyes* Why would I give you my suggestions on a trip to Africa that I wasn't invited to?

Him: It's not like you could get off for two weeks.

Me: This is a deflection. What does this have to do with the fact you did not invite me on this trip so why would I give suggestions? (It's real direct but is this too blunt?)

Him: It's not deflection beautiful. *Condescending tone* I mean, Can you take off two weeks? I would love for you to accompany me.

Me: *sweetly* I can take off two weeks. Besides, if you wanted me to go you would ask and leave those details to me. I only offer suggestions on trips I am a part of honey.

He just stared at me. So in situations like this should I have quietly just noted I wasn't invited or should I have handled it better? What could I have said delicately?
It’s hard to tell without background, but it seems like he was surprised that you’d want to come. That could be for a few different reasons. I def dont think it was because he didn’t think you could get 2 weeks off. Maybe he doesn’t think ya’ll are on a level where you’d travel like that together?

I personally wouldn’t have said anything about it. I would’ve been polite, but digested the information internally. I agree with @cam2717 in that the man should be the one who wants you to come along, who offers to bring you on the trip, etc. His lack of an invite would just be a sign to me, either that we dont view each other the same way or something else.
Ladies, Fall will be here in less than 2 weeks!!! Fall and Winter are the seasons that separate the girls from the women:yep: (it's not really difficult to look good during Summer). So how are y'all preparing? I'm looking for wool Fall coats...also, thinking about how I'm gonna prep my skin + get my boots ready:yep:.

Been eyeing these Loeffler Randall boots for literally the longest:


But its price simply never goes down :(.
It is so incredibly hot and humid that I can not even think about boots, but I need to. I love my fall wardrobe, usually. I’m going to sew up a few outfits though and shop for some cute boots.
Him: I'm really torn. I'm trying to plan this trip to Africa. What do you think? Nigeria or South Africa?

Me: Oh, you're going to Africa? Nice! I have friends who have visited both places and I'd love to go to both places, but I've never been to either, so I'm no help. I hope you have an awesome time though.

I'm of the idea that men will jump through hoops to be with you, to take you places, to show you off, to pursue you...if they want to be with you. His response to what I said could have given you more of an idea of his thoughts. He would have either said, "I didn't think you could get two weeks off, but I'd love for you to come!" Or he would have said, "Thanks, I'm going to have to do some research." Then you would have gotten an idea of where his head is.

I had to learn that. Men will go through hoops to be with you. They always go after what they want.

That’s exactly what I should have said. Thank you!!
In March, Week 12 was dedicated to how clean is your home? Maintaining your home’s cleanliness is very feminine, but remember we are no work mules. It is also important to figure out ways to do this easily. For this reason, fellowshipping with like minded women (as we do in this thread) is very important to bounce off tips.

When I first started on this journey, I was talking to Peace Lover and I absolutely love it how she takes care of her husband and ensures he has everything he needs when he gets off of work. She lays out the towels, pajamas, shoes, and etc in a specific place in the bathroom so he can grab them. That was so compassionate and thoughtful to me. I started doing the same for my own husband. BUT I wasn’t that good at it. I would forget.

Now I roll up the bath towels instead of folding them and place a washcloth on the inside of the bath towel before I roll it. All bath towels are on a little stand in the bathroom with extras in the hallway linen closet. You can literally grab a bath towel and go. You’re set for bath time and I’m still just as compassionate and loving as before but now with ease. What little household tips do you do to make sure the house runs smoothly? #HomeMakingHacks


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What little household tips do you do to make sure the house runs smoothly?

One of my favorite topics to discuss, thanks for bringing it up again! I always try to keep the home ready for visitors, but I tend to slack. What would definitely help is permanent employment, because then I would have fixed hours and could dedicate a set amount of hours to my household. Not having this luxury means that sometimes, when I'm out of a job, my whole attention is shifted towards finding a job and my home begins to lack, this makes me so sad at times.

When I do find a job, I give myself about 1 month to get the hand of things and then shift my whole attention back to my home. Right now I've already lowered the hours at my job and will be home every Thursday starting next week. It really helps me maintain my home and keep things running smoothly.

Because I am single and have to play both the feminine and the masculine role, I find that most times I favor the masculine role. Because I can't stand lack: so I panic when I run out of shower gel, toilet paper, groceries,...etc. Filling both roles tires me, so I'm always looking for ways to balance it out and make it easy on myself. My two main aides in this area are my steam cleaners and my vacuum cleaner. They ease up the job for me and do most of the work, I call it leveraging home cleaning:lol:.

Dusting and doing the dishes are chores I abhor but that need to happen too in order for me to remain healthy. There's a consultancy agency not too far from me, that gives advice on how to run a home that helps you remain healthy. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to contact them just yet. But will surely do so in the near future.
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@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23: Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26: Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27: Everything can be used against you.
Week 28: Compassionate
Week 29: Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31: Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

August - Etiquette
Week 32: Staircase Etiquette
Week 33: Pose for Life - Crossed Legs Pose
Week 34: Keep it Classy (Exiting car doors)
Week 35: Sitting pretty

September- The Opposite of Networking is “Not Working”
Week 36: Who Do You Admire: Interview Them
Week 37: Join a Group of Like Minded
Week 38: Make it Intentional - Date Night

This month's challenge is about networking. The opposite of networking is NOT WORKING. We should ALWAYS be working to becoming and being feminine. Dating is a form of networking. Make this intentional. It really doesn't matter if you are dating or married, we ALL should be making an effort to go on a date night once a week. This date night can be short and sweet or long and romantic. Just make sure you are going.

Guidelines for Dates
  1. Dress Nice! Men are very visual. Wear a dress and heels each and every time you date. The better a woman looks, the more automatic many of her problems are solved.
  2. Your hair should be flawless. Men like beautiful hair. Flaunt it.
  3. -Think about ALL senses. Sight, Smell, Touch, Hearing, and Taste
    1. Look nice. Think bright colors, dangling earrings, bracelet and necklace.
    2. Smell. Invest in a nice perfume to wear.
    3. Touch- Be affectionate. Refrain from being rigid.
    4. Hearing- What's in a voice? Everything. Make sure your voice is calming, sweet, beautiful, and dainty at all times.
  4. Smile and Listen- A man will tell you everything you need to know about him. Keep the attention on HIM. Ask a lot of questions. Take in everything that he has to say. Listen for red flags. If he is your husband listen to really tap into what he needs at this moment. What is he worried/excited about?
  5. Practice LETTING him take care of you. Let him open your door. Let him pay for your meal. Let him lead the convo. Let him be himself. Let him learn to be protective of you. Teach him how to treat you through repetition.
Why do men need to take you one dates?
  • THEY NEED to see other men looking at you, smiling at you, wanting you.
  • Men NEED to see they have a prize. They appreciate it a lot more.
  • Men are natural hunters.

Please keep in mind that feminine and masculine energy is different. Whereas women prefer to go out to eat and connect through conversation, many times males like to connect by doing an activity or going somewhere new. With this in mind, you may want to switch of the tempo and alternate going on dinner dates and activity dates. I know many of us in this challenge are single. Even if this is the case, you should make the time to Free-Style. Free-styling involves going out to places often and buying a drink and looking very high level to attract other high level men to come to you and talk. Set a goal for yourself. Make a goal to meet or talk to 2 men and maybe 1 woman. You can't find a possible mate in the house. Play the numbers game.

Feminine Dating Tips
  1. Men want carefree, happy, light, soft, fun dialogue. They shouldn't have a single negative thought when they're with you. Your first few dates are not a time for you to gauge how your date feels about Donald trump or Caitlyn Jenner or police shootings. When he goes to bed later, you want him to be happy and wanting more time with you. You don't want him associating your presence with being woke or marching or Nazis. There's a time for all that but not when you're trying to close the deal.
  2. Do not allow men to make last minute plans. Make them plan in advance to spend time with you.
  3. Don’t allow a man to not date you eg ("Let’s hang out.”) If he cannot afford to date, he cannot afford a wife or girlfriend. Keep your end-goal at the forefront.
  4. Since the beginning of time, woman has been a gift to man. Eve did NOT compete to win Adam over. He knew that she was the prize and for this Adam was thankful. On dates, act feminine and like the prize. Any quality masculine man will believe it.
  5. Men need to hunt. Circle Dating/Rotational Dating is important. Date 2-6 men at one time. (This doesn't mean you're having sex with these men). Whoever is the best man WINS. Never just focus on one man. It allows you to put up with unnecessary behavior for the sake of being “lonely”.
  6. Men need to take you out. They need to see other men eyeing you. This is a low level version of chase. Because of this let them ask to take you out. Don’t settle for in-house dates especially if he doesn’t take you on regular out of the house dates. In-house dates look like a lack of planning on his side and indicate cheap behavior and can possibly lead to sex. If they make an excuse, put it back on them. "Oh we don’t have to go if you cannot afford it. **in a sweet sing-song voice** It’s okay. I’m not a shallow person I understand things happen. Just let me know when you can afford it."
  7. Have male protectors and talk about them often. Casually talk about how they protect you. Example: My dad doesn’t like it when I’m out late. I have to call my uncle every night at 10 pm. Example 2: My brother likes to meet my dates before I get serious with anyone. Example 3: Talk about your brothers and how they always look after you.
  8. Overdress. Look good. Remember to SOMEONE you are Beyonce. Look the part.
  9. Order what you really want. This is the time to see how generous he is.
  10. Keep the convo focused on THEM. Keep asking them questions. Keep the focus on them.
  11. Never talk about past relationships. "It didn't work out." should be your answer to everything. Mysteriousness if seductive.
  12. Don't get too drunk or tipsy. You want to be able to have a pleasant conversation and also pick up on possible red flags. It will help cut down on inapprpriate physical interactions. If he hasn't invested in you...he doesn't deserve to have all of you ;)
Week 38 Challenge
1. What are some of your current feminine dating tips?
2. What is your date night attire for this week? Do you have a go-to dress that you can ALWAYS pull out for a date? Do you have go to makeup that you can always go to make yourself look FLAWLESS is a short amount of time?
3. As of right now, where do you plan to go for a date?
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Dating Questions

  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. What's your greatest accomplishment in life?
  3. Who is your oldest friend? How did you meet them?
  4. What does a perfect weekend look like for you?
  5. What are you most grateful for?
  6. Why do you work so hard?
  7. If your house caught on fire but you could save one thing, what would you make sure you saved?
  8. What is your guilty pleasure?
  9. What is the worse restaurant you've ever been to?
  10. If time froze for 1 day....what would we do?
  11. What are three things you believe we have in common?

**You all feel free to write in this thread or PM me some dating questions you would like me to add.**
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You all, did I skip a number? This should be Week 38, but we're on week 39 lol.

**EDIT: I fixed the numbers. We're on the right number now :) Can you all believe we're almost done with 75% of this challenge! Only three months to go!
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Dating tips-

1. Over dress...
2. Never talk about your past relationship drama. If they ask about your past relationships simply say “We weren’t compatible” or something vague. Don’t try to shift blame on your ex or yourself
3. Men like to talk so let them talk about themselves, act interested and get all the important information you need about him
This journey is fascinating! I am no longer afraid to ask for what I *truly* want. Right now it's manifesting itself in a prominent way in my work life. But I cannot wait to extrapolate it to my relationships (family, friends, romantic:yep:).

Case in point: was working for a SBO earlier this year, as a temp. Initially it was full time, but one day I just woke up, looked at my home and decided to send a mail to my boss. In it I wrote that I wanted to lower my hours: from 38h/week to 30h/week (one day off during the week). She obliged. It did me so well.

I remember one day my niece asked if I would be present at her b-day, it felt like rehearsal because it's the answer I've had for several years now: No, sorry, no can do. Auntie has to work.

I could literally feel how disappointed she was. So out of nowhere I sent a mail to my boss, who ultimately ended up giving me 2 days off, which allowed me to celebrate my niece's birthday in Holland.

Am I currently still at that job? Nope. Do I have memories I'll treasure for forever? Yup. Case closed.

Same thing with this new job: have already lowered my hours, my female co-workers were congratulating me on my decision:lol:. They are about that life also: one lady who was pregnant would always take Thursdays and Fridays off. Another lady is currently working part-time and usually finishes work at 4pm. Another one sometimes leaves at 3pm. Another one who is pregnant with her 2nd child, would leave work at 4pm every Friday. Let's reclaim our lives ladies!
Dating tips-

1. Over dress...
2. Never talk about your past relationship drama. If they ask about your past relationships simply say “We weren’t compatible” or something vague. Don’t try to shift blame on your ex or yourself
3. Men like to talk so let them talk about themselves, act interested and get all the important information you need about him
Keep conversation light
Research the place beforehand
Don’t get tipsy/drunk
Order what you really want
Thank you all! I’m hoping for a few more and we’ll make a post within this thread on feminine dating tips. :cloud9:
Y'all, God is so good. I'm working on becoming more feminine while also working on becoming debt-free. And we are soooo close. We haven't taken a real vacation in a while, and I'm getting a little bit bored with this debt-free journey. Not bored enough to want to spend money on a vacation though. I've just been in a frustrated limbo.

Anyway, I started looking up a mini-vacation about two weeks ago. I looked at a specific area and even planned some things that my family could do next month. I calculated the cost and it was EXPENSIVE. But I was like, "God, I don't know how to make this happen without spending a lot of money, but I know that you know how to make this happen." Then I left it at that. I didn't think of it anymore.

Then a friend that I recently started hanging out with sent me a message saying that her family wanted to invite my family on vacation...next month...to the exact location that I was looking up! I'm not lying, y'all! It will be a much-needed time of relaxation and fellowship.