52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Good morning feminine ladies!

Do know the power of YOU?
Do you KNOW the POWER that DWELLS inside of you?
Do you know that just by being you not only do you hold the key to love, happiness, success, and wealth, but you hold to key to all positivity and prosperity.
What is the secret that lives with you each day?

It’s all about your feminine energy and power.

Polish it every day!

Thank you for this timely reminder. Was just thinking about this today: trying to remain very hopeful as I advance in age and am becoming the older single woman at my church:lol:.

Have very subpar expectations when it comes to that department, due to past experiences. Either way, 90s R&B keeps a sista dreaming for m-o-r-e :D not to mention that Grant Hill and Tamia just celebrated their 19th anniversary :love:.
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23- Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24- Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25- Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26- Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27- Everything can be used against you.
Week 28- Compassionate
Week 29- Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30- Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It
Week 31- Wine A Bit; You'll Feel a Little Bit Better

There will be many instances that you will be asked to go out for drinks with your friends or if dating you will frequent professional gatherings to find high-quality men. Remember you should be an enchanting feminine lady at ALL times. Someone is watching at every minute from the time you walk in until the time you leave.

Strive to always practice increasing your etiquette. This week we will focus on how to drink and order wine and drink it well.

Drinking wine is like listening to music—there are loud and soft notes, lots of information to absorb, and everyone has unique tastes, so "good" and "bad" is totally subjective. Once you decipher your tastes and preferences, you can use that knowledge to find other wines that you will enjoy. And like most things, the only way to get better at describing a wine is to practice. The goal is to develop a "wine vocabulary" of your own, and a history for your palette to build on so you can compare other wines down the line. Be prepared to use all almost all of your senses. Practice makes permanent so try to incorporate a nice wine in your meals often.

There are general thumb rules for pairing food and wine: ‘White wines go with white meat’ meaning that one has champagne with fish and chicken dishes.

  • Main course – Sparkling wine, Rose,
  • Cheese dishes – Dry Rose, Chardonnay
  • Sauces and dressings—Sauvignon Blanc
  • Salty food – Champagne, slightly acidic wines
  • Fish, saucy dishes – Chardonnay, Brut Champagne
  • Herbs, herby dishes – Vermentino
  • Fruits and desserts—Moscato d’Asti
  • Sweet and spicy dishes –Dry Riesling, slightly sweet wine
  • Light dishes of fish – Pinot Grigio, Vinho Verde
  • Heavy spicy food – Malbec, sweet wines
  • Succulent meat dishes – Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc
  • Mousses – Zinfandel
  • Mushrooms—Pinot Noir

Week 31 Challenge
1. Buy a bottle of wine and invest in a wine glass. (Dollar Tree or Family Dollar is just fine).
2. Practice pouring wine. (Make sure you only fill half of the cup. You can always pour more later.)
3. Practice drinking wine correctly by holding it between your thumb and index finger.
4. What is your go-to wine to order when out. Can you say the name correctly?
5. There is a picture listed below from Scandal. Which person is holding the wine glass correctly? Please explain why they are holding it correctly.


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Do you find that the waist beads help with your posture? Mine is terrible, even when standing. Sitting I feel comfortable, but I know that I look like a schlep. Standing I'm hunched over and feel like an old woman -- not even at my back... I'm bent at the hips and knees???

As for my skin, it's clear, but I want it to radiate youth like she does. I want to look 12 to 15 years younger! I was looking at the spiritual practitioner beside her. She looked good too, but she didn't have the same glow. They both meditate, so I'm assuming that it's part age, part oil, and part just living a life of luxury. Since I can't control my age or get a waterfall in my backyard (yet), I'm going to play around with oils. Her oil got good reviews so I'm sitting on the fence in terms of duping it or just buying the essentials from the mix. I'll look for the thread you mentioned.

I considered trying her rosehip oil. I'm just not sure if I willing to maintain something so expensive. I'm using a Retin-A formula, so I'm hesitant about adding anything that may irritate my skin. According to what I've found online, Rosehip oil is high in retinoic acid so it may not be wise to mix other products when trying this oil. When my skin is especially dry, I use Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream. The most valuable addition to my skincare regimen has been professional chemical peels once a quarter. I'm also focusing on staying hydrated. Let me know if you have any luck finding a good moisturizing oil.
I considered trying her rosehip oil. I'm just not sure if I willing to maintain something so expensive. I'm using a Retin-A formula, so I'm hesitant about adding anything that may irritate my skin. According to what I've found online, Rosehip oil is high in retinoic acid so it may not be wise to mix other products when trying this oil. When my skin is especially dry, I use Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream. The most valuable addition to my skincare regimen has been professional chemical peels once a quarter. I'm also focusing on staying hydrated. Let me know if you have any luck finding a good moisturizing oil.

Can you explain the bold, please? I don't want to purchase then potentially do harm.

I've tried adding my body oil to my face along with my cream. I think the oil is a bit too greasy (not heavy, just oily)? But my skin looked great and felt nice. I think long term it might be too much. or maybe better in winter. Using the LCO method on my body always makes it feel extra soft.
I’m a pro at drinking wine. :look:
We have several sets of glasses and my order varies at restaurants.
But I do tend to hold me red wine more like Olivia. I’m very clumsy.
A question about sleep wear: how often do you change your sleep wear/lingerie? Do you wear the same thing a couple (or few) nights in a row or wear a new teddy/set of PJs/sleep shirt every night? Thank you!

I wear mine for a couple of nights in a row, unless there something "special" planned. I also only wear sleepwear to bed, not for lounging around the house in or (worst) pj out in public - both of scenarios should not touch your clean sheets. Also, I don't wear head scarves/wraps to bed, but they can get smelly/greasy easily but I would changed or cleaned those more often.
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I'll pass on this wine challenge, since I'm 37 weeks pregnant but some safety advice:

I attend many networking events for work which includes an open bar, and unfortunately witness many young women use this as opportunity to get wasted. Please NEVER try to out-drink or even keep up with a man when drinking! It's not ladylike nor a good look, and may result in poor decisions. If a guy is encouraging (by gloating, challenging or bullying) you to get drunk or high - RUN and realize he is not honorable!
I'll pass on this wine challenge, since I'm 37 weeks pregnant but some safety advice:

I attend many networking events for work which includes an open bar, and unfortunately witness many young women use this as opportunity to get wasted. Please NEVER try to out-drink or even keep up with a man when drinking! It's not ladylike nor a good look, and may result in poor decisions. If a guy is encouraging (by gloating, challenging or bullying) you to get drunk or high - RUN and realize he is not honorable!
What else could you work on this week? Any past challenges you need to work on?

And oooh wee I saw that advice on something. Don’t outdrink a man. You’re just here to drink socially
I'll pass on this wine challenge, since I'm 37 weeks pregnant but some safety advice:

I attend many networking events for work which includes an open bar, and unfortunately witness many young women use this as opportunity to get wasted. Please NEVER try to out-drink or even keep up with a man when drinking! It's not ladylike nor a good look, and may result in poor decisions. If a guy is encouraging (by gloating, challenging or bullying) you to get drunk or high - RUN and realize he is not honorable!
Based on body composition alone this is usually a very bad idea. Very
@Supervixen how do you serve your SO on a date? So I went into a restaurant. They gave us two sets of silverware. I took one and unrolled it and put a fork on one aiden and knife on the other.

Dude was like oh that’s your silverware and he took my silverware. I playfully took the silverware back from him and set my own silverware and said something like, “Honey do you need anything else?”

Dude was smiling but he was so confused. I just still feel uncomfortable doing the serving him his plate AT THE RESTAURANT lol. How did you get confident with this?
Can you explain the bold, please? I don't want to purchase then potentially do harm.

I've tried adding my body oil to my face along with my cream. I think the oil is a bit too greasy (not heavy, just oily)? But my skin looked great and felt nice. I think long term it might be too much. or maybe better in winter. Using the LCO method on my body always makes it feel extra soft.

Check out this link. https://www.rockymountainsoap.com/blogs/blog/rosehip-or-retinol

Seems like Rosehip oil is a natural from of Retinol. Since I'm using prescription Retin-A already, I'm not going to use both at the same time. Using a natural Retinol may actually be smarter long term so I'm still debating with myself. Retinol has been great for my skin. However, it does cause extra sensitivity to the sun, so I've increased my spf.
@Supervixen how do you serve your SO on a date? So I went into a restaurant. They gave us two sets of silverware. I took one and unrolled it and put a fork on one aiden and knife on the other.

Dude was like oh that’s your silverware and he took my silverware. I playfully took the silverware back from him and set my own silverware and said something like, “Honey do you need anything else?”

Dude was smiling but he was so confused. I just still feel uncomfortable doing the serving him his plate AT THE RESTAURANT lol. How did you get confident with this?

We usually split entrees, so I make his plate from there. I haven’t unrolled his silverware in a while.
Hold the wine glass by the stem. If you hold the glass by the bowl, the champagne will warm up too quickly. Plus, by holding the glass by the stem, you will look oh-so-elegant!

Video and pictures are included for reference below.



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A question about sleep wear: how often do you change your sleep wear/lingerie? Do you wear the same thing a couple (or few) nights in a row or wear a new teddy/set of PJs/sleep shirt every night? Thank you!

Sidenote: This may be a little cheap for you, but to cut down on washing I now have 4 sets of these cheap sleepwear satin sets. I got them because they are flirty and fun, but they are also a lot more feminine than my Hello Kitty sets from Walmart that I rocked FOREVER! Surprisingly, these little cheap sets are holding up pretty well too. HTH


Hello Feminine Ladies,

If we created a list of links/books/tips/ that board members need on their femininity journey. What all would you like to be included in our feminine "toolbox"?

I'm thinking:
The Rules
The New Rules
Etiquette Rules
Laws of Power
How to Sit
How to Hold a Wine Glass
How to Plate Food (basics)
Date Questions
FlyLady Tips
I rarely drink alcohol, but these tips are super helpful. I didn't even know there was a particular way to hold your glass. I also do the Olivia Pope hold.

@PrissiSippi those sleepwear sets are so cute! So they actually look as pictured?

Hello Feminine Ladies,

If we created a list of links/books/tips/ that board members need on their femininity journey. What all would you like to be included in our feminine "toolbox"?

I'm thinking:
The Rules
The New Rules
Etiquette Rules
Laws of Power
How to Sit
How to Hold a Wine Glass
How to Plate Food (basics)
Date Questions
FlyLady Tips
The Art of Seduction
Men Are From Mars, Women are From Venus
Hello Feminine Ladies,

If we created a list of links/books/tips/ that board members need on their femininity journey. What all would you like to be included in our feminine "toolbox"?

I'm thinking:
The Rules
The New Rules
Etiquette Rules
Laws of Power
How to Sit
How to Hold a Wine Glass
How to Plate Food (basics)
Date Questions
FlyLady Tips
How to dress
Check out this link. https://www.rockymountainsoap.com/blogs/blog/rosehip-or-retinol

Seems like Rosehip oil is a natural from of Retinol. Since I'm using prescription Retin-A already, I'm not going to use both at the same time. Using a natural Retinol may actually be smarter long term so I'm still debating with myself. Retinol has been great for my skin. However, it does cause extra sensitivity to the sun, so I've increased my spf.

Thank you!
How is everyone with the flowers? I’ve actually been trying to keep some in the house. It adds a nice touch to the dining room. :flowers:

I let these sit too long before I put them in water. I added a little sugar to the water. Any other tips?


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It’s Happy Hour somewhere! Drink up, feminine ladies!!

Drink and drink well in the presence of others and suitors!


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How is everyone with the flowers? I’ve actually been trying to keep some in the house. It adds a nice touch to the dining room. :flowers:

I let these sit too long before I put them in water. I added a little sugar to the water. Any other tips?

My orchid is dying out :(. My mom advised me to water them, which I've done, so we'll see. Already have plans to buy one for my coffee table. Indecisive about whether I should make a flower my center piece or fruits, given the current season.
How is everyone with the flowers? I’ve actually been trying to keep some in the house. It adds a nice touch to the dining room. :flowers:

I let these sit too long before I put them in water. I added a little sugar to the water. Any other tips?

I like buying fresh cut flowers and putting them in my bedroom too. I cut the stems diagonally before putting them in a vase. I read that it helps the flowers stay fresher longer because it absorbs the water better. I use the flower food that it comes with. I change the water and add food every other day. The flowers last a whole week, but when its really hot in my apartment they die out really fast.

I tried the sugar tip and the apple cider vinegar tip and it killed my flowers faster, that's when I decided to use the flower food that it came with.

I have a smaller vase so that when a lot of the flowers die, I just take out the good ones and put them in the smaller vase this helps to extend their life and it looks prettier on my dresser.
My orchid is dying out :(. My mom advised me to water them, which I've done, so we'll see. Already have plans to buy one for my coffee table. Indecisive about whether I should make a flower my center piece or fruits, given the current season.
My fresh flowers make me soooo happy to see! I used to have fruit which is sooo functional but the orchids smell sooo good. I think I will invest is a real orchid plant soon.
I rarely drink alcohol, but these tips are super helpful. I didn't even know there was a particular way to hold your glass. I also do the Olivia Pope hold.

@PrissiSippi those sleepwear sets are so cute! So they actually look as pictured?

The Art of Seduction
Men Are From Mars, Women are From Venus
Baby I've done the Olivia Pope hold for sooo long AND cross my leg over the knee because I just knew I was sessy. I was so surprised I had been holding it wrong all this time. Sometimes at my professional meet and greets and I just sit back and observe. It does seem like a classism thing. MOST people do NOT hold it correctly unless taught in etiquette class or taught at home. I made sure to hold it correctly now, but it takes a little practice. I feel more at ease holding it like a cup by the bowl.

SN: I'm probably thinking way too hard for this....but I'm wondering did they write it into the script on how Olivia Pope holds the glass. Mellie ALWAYS holds it correctly but Olivia ALWAYS holds it wrong....despite her private school background and exposure. I kinda of wonder is this one of the classism things that we never catch....but our "friends" do.

Below are some pictures of wine glass holding as shown on TV. Keep in mind the glass "should" but held by the stem, but it's often seen in a variety of ways. The last pictures show how you "smell" your wine. Our sense of smell has a profound effect on the way our brain processes flavor. People smell the wine on the first sip to take in the full experience. If you want to better understand just how profound your sense of smell is, hold your nose and then put a strawberry in your mouth and start to chew. Halfway through chewing, release your nose.


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Check out this link. https://www.rockymountainsoap.com/blogs/blog/rosehip-or-retinol

Seems like Rosehip oil is a natural form of Retinol. Since I'm using prescription Retin-A already, I'm not going to use both at the same time. Using a natural Retinol may actually be smarter long term so I'm still debating with myself. Retinol has been great for my skin. However, it does cause extra sensitivity to the sun, so I've increased my spf.
I want to use some Retin-A but I'm still using my P50 1970 so I don't know how the two will work together. Maybe I should do some research. Maybe if I were to use the natural form it wouldn't be so hectic on my skin.