52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

So, I'm starting to see how I can improve my presentation. I love the idea of properly plating food, I just need to study how to do it properly. A few weeks back, a friend and I took our significant others and all of the children out to pick strawberries. The idea was that we'd come back, make jam and I'd put on an English tea. This is our second year doing it. Hopefully, by next year, I'll have completed my tea set (i.e. buy a tea pot and creamer/sugar bowl set -- instead of borrowing.) I think that I'll buy paper doilies to go under the sandwiches and scones and such.

So, with some help from me, he made the jam, hubby made the grilled cheese sandwiches for the children, and I made the rest. We were running out of time because the children needed to eat so we served them first.


-- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
-- Grilled cheese sandwiches

Grown ups
-- Strawberry jam
-- Clotted cream
-- Scones
-- Open faced salmon sandwhiches
-- Curried chicken sandwiches (waldorf sandwiches)
-- Cucumber sandwhiches
-- Broccoli cheddar mini quiches
-- Tea (of course!)

-- fruit salad
-- designer cupcakes (store bought)


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Oh we probably have a lot more in common than you think! Lol
I was at that FTB mindset for a long time. Even blocked her for over a year. But I’m learning not to take what she says or does personal. She wants a relationship with her grandchildren, and they want one with her. I am the gatekeeper! Lol but I know in order for them to have that, I have to work on setting boundaries. I will not tolerate disrespect, or inconsideration. I will not be made to feel inadequate in how I raise my children. I’m moving at a snail’s pace, but it is coming together. I totally understand what you are saying. I have been a SAHM for most of my children’s lives.

So when I say show grace, know that if somebody is coming at you from the side of their behind, don’t allow it fester and cause you discomfort. Be an observer of it and know that however they are feeling is coming from something going on inside of them.

Some people want you to act up right with them, so they can justify their behavior towards you. A circus needs clowns. You ain’t a clown. Ha!

This weekend's visit with the inlaws went alright. I've noticed that the past few visits were OK. I do it for DH, only because... not sure why because he should have cut them off ages ago for a variety of reasons. Anyway, we're ALL good at smiling up in each other's faces at the moment, but I'm not sure to what end. I think part of the problem is that I won't let her be the matriarch of the WHOLE family. Me and my children are off limits and I think it bothers her. Meh. I sleep at night.

But I think that you are right about the bold. I noticed that most of the injustices occur when DH isn't around. I guess, this way if I do something the story can be that it was me. But the way that I look at it, is that I have minimal contact with her family (I like them, but we're not close enough to chill on the phone and such). So anything that she might want to say is fine because I don't see them nor do I have to see them. We make it to family events once every couple of years. :look:
@snoop when I say that spread is GORGEOUS baby it is GORGEOUS!

And I noticed that too. My mother in law would only act men to me when my husband or mother was not around. It’s so they can paint the picture how they want. If I could do it all over again I would learn not to nag about it but limit contact.
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23- Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24- Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25- Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26- Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 27- Everything can be used against you.
Week 28- Compassionate
Week 29- Know Yourself What's your Feminine Archetype?'
Week 30- Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It

Week 30: Use your Feminine Archetype to become a Force - Hone In On It

Im kayaking this morning so I will try to update y’all with pictures and the challenge soon. Last week we focused on what our feminine archetype is. The challenge is to reflect back and carefully look at all the tasks we have done throughout these weeks together. What do you need to do use your archetype to your advantage? For example, I am the Charmer or the Sophisticate. My natural gift is to charm people without them detecting it, however, I can get ratchet. I get out of character when I am annoyed or mad and I will pop off or snap at you and not in an elegant way. I need to focus on being more deliberate and intentional in my speech and mannerisms.

Some of the past weeks’ exercises that I need to work and focus on include:
Be present - I stay on my phone too much which makes me just say whatever and not be intentional
Work in my planner- I write in my planner but I did to intentionally plan to go to stuff that increases my character.
Plating Food- This is a very charming aspect of my personality for family and friends. I really need to work on doing it once a week to hone in my skills.

As related to your feminine archetype....What do you need to focus on that would make you more of a feminine force? Does anyone need the Art of Seduction Book? Please shoot me a PM. Also, google is your friend. Perfect your craft. Learn all about you. Also learn about the Seduction Type that you would like to be. I like to be coquette at times. I’m mastering the hot cold technique to stay in my feminine realm and be very soft but drive men crazy and intrigue them at the same time.

Week 30 Challenge
1. What do you need to brush up on to make you a more powerful feminine force
2. What is your feminine archetype?*devilish grin* Who is your alter ego? Who do you aspire to be? What is their feminine archetype?
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So, I'm starting to see how I can improve my presentation. I love the idea of properly plating food, I just need to study how to do it properly. A few weeks back, a friend and I took our significant others and all of the children out to pick strawberries. The idea was that we'd come back, make jam and I'd put on an English tea. This is our second year doing it. Hopefully, by next year, I'll have completed my tea set (i.e. buy a tea pot and creamer/sugar bowl set -- instead of borrowing.) I think that I'll buy paper doilies to go under the sandwiches and scones and such.

So, with some help from me, he made the jam, hubby made the grilled cheese sandwiches for the children, and I made the rest. We were running out of time because the children needed to eat so we served them first.


-- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
-- Grilled cheese sandwiches

Grown ups
-- Strawberry jam
-- Clotted cream
-- Scones
-- Open faced salmon sandwhiches
-- Curried chicken sandwiches (waldorf sandwiches)
-- Cucumber sandwhiches
-- Broccoli cheddar mini quiches
-- Tea (of course!)

-- fruit salad
-- designer cupcakes (store bought)
OMG where did you get the gold teacup set? It's beautiful :love:
Kayaking excursion is complete. I got a good five hours in the sun so I got enough Vitamin D and got some good earthing in through walking in the sand for an hour. I can’t wait to go again! Lol I wore pink workout clothes, made sure not to curse, and focused on my posture. I’m a powerful woman each and every day. I strive to polish it. :2inlove:


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Thought you ladies might be interested in this.

I stumbled onto this video series called "The Little Black Book of Wellness". I found it free through Amazon Prime but I think it's also on YT. I was really impressed with Miranda Kerr's attitude and aura. She exudes femininity. Her show discusses how she alleviates stress and manages her life. There were many suggestions that I have started to incorporate into my own life. She prioritizes physical and mental well being through activities such as meditative yoga and her diet.

YT link:
Amazon: Amazon product ASIN B079TZ39ZX
Thank you! My husband bought me 2 cups (one for him and one for me) on our last anniversary. We went back to the shop and picked up the rest to make a set. They're individual cups. We got them from an antique store in Toronto. If you're from around here I can give you the name.
I live in the Northeast US :cry:
I live in the Northeast US :cry:

Awww... well, my suggestion is finding a really nice antique shop in the downtown core of whatever major city you're close to. This particular one was in downtown Toronto as opposed to the ones in the suburbs (i.e. where I live) OR a proper antique market or antique market town -- I find that they're usually out in the boons somewhere.
Thought you ladies might be interested in this.

I stumbled onto this video series called "The Little Black Book of Wellness". I found it free through Amazon Prime but I think it's also on YT. I was really impressed with Miranda Kerr's attitude and aura. She exudes femininity. Her show discusses how she alleviates stress and manages her life. There were many suggestions that I have started to incorporate into my own life. She prioritizes physical and mental well being through activities such as meditative yoga and her diet.

YT link:
Amazon: Amazon product ASIN B079TZ39ZX

Side note -- I chuckle at the her heading for "Nourish Your Body" and then "Kundalini Yoga" is the first thing on the list. Just chatted with my dad about this yesterday -- my parents and I were into it for a bit, until we started reading stuff about how it's really a cult. :look: But one of the things that the head practitioner wrote about was eating sugar for better health... But we can discuss this further the metaphysical thread... :lachen:
Thought you ladies might be interested in this.

I stumbled onto this video series called "The Little Black Book of Wellness". I found it free through Amazon Prime but I think it's also on YT. I was really impressed with Miranda Kerr's attitude and aura. She exudes femininity. Her show discusses how she alleviates stress and manages her life. There were many suggestions that I have started to incorporate into my own life. She prioritizes physical and mental well being through activities such as meditative yoga and her diet.

YT link:
Amazon: Amazon product ASIN B079TZ39ZX

So I finally watched her video. She seems like she's living a very relaxed life. Her skin is GLOWING!!! I'm not sure what the difference is between "dewy" and "shiny", but whatever she's using it's working. I've looked up a few videos on how to look expensive and minimalist wardrobes and she was checking a lot (if not all) of the boxes. I'm going to watch some of the the Harper Bazaar skin care routine videos.

One another note, I'd love to have that giant quartz! I wear black tourmaline and black obsidian when I visit the inlaws... It helps me to keep some of my masculine energy in check (because it's supposed to keep their negative energy in check).

ETA: I checked out her skin care routine and she does add oil to her face. I need to try this! Also, she has a mini waterfall in her backyard.
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My feminine archetype is the Sophisticate / Sage, it's me to a T. It made me understand myself so much better. Some of the things that were mentioned are things I've dreamed about since I was young: having a small little studio in my home, to retreat and be creative:love:.
Woooow @shermeezy @snoop I just looked at the video and I find is fascinating how we're doing a LOT of those things within this challenge. Some of the things that we have touched on in this challenge

  • Cleaning up your diet and eating fresh, from scratch foods. (The next step is plating said food)
  • Exchanging screen time for green time - We did this in the being more present challenge as well as the enjoy nature weekly challenge
  • Affirmations- I don't think this has been a weekly challenge but we've touched on it. Maybe we need to incorporate it as a weekly challenge
  • Developing a night routine so that our skin is ON and POPPIN'

I can't wait to see what she says about Crystals. My friend who is also in the challenge with us but not present on the board sent me some waist beads from Africa. I love how beautiful they are. I've been wearing them around the house and I like how it makes me conscious about my weight and helps me tap into my femininity by pushing me to be delicate to not break the beads as well as deliberate. I've thought about making my own so I can put some crystals on my beads. Yall remember Tiara76 on here? I know she still makes waistbeads with crystals: https://tiarakristine.com/waistbeads/ I need to look into that.

Sidenote @snoop I think @tallnomad used to touch on adding a small bit of oil to the face to clear up your skin. She has a great thread about it but it's soooo old that I don't remember where it is or what I was doing to my skin but it DID work. I was using aquaphor on my skin too. Maybe there are some other threads on here about using oil on our face?
I can't wait to see what she says about Crystals. My friend who is also in the challenge with us but not present on the board sent me some waist beads from Africa. I love how beautiful they are. I've been wearing them around the house and I like how it makes me conscious about my weight and helps me tap into my femininity by pushing me to be delicate to not break the beads as well as deliberate. I've thought about making my own so I can put some crystals on my beads. Yall remember Tiara76 on here? I know she still makes waistbeads with crystals: https://tiarakristine.com/waistbeads/ I need to look into that.

Sidenote @snoop I think @tallnomad used to touch on adding a small bit of oil to the face to clear up your skin. She has a great thread about it but it's soooo old that I don't remember where it is or what I was doing to my skin but it DID work. I was using aquaphor on my skin too. Maybe there are some other threads on here about using oil on our face?

Do you find that the waist beads help with your posture? Mine is terrible, even when standing. Sitting I feel comfortable, but I know that I look like a schlep. Standing I'm hunched over and feel like an old woman -- not even at my back... I'm bent at the hips and knees???

As for my skin, it's clear, but I want it to radiate youth like she does. I want to look 12 to 15 years younger! I was looking at the spiritual practitioner beside her. She looked good too, but she didn't have the same glow. They both meditate, so I'm assuming that it's part age, part oil, and part just living a life of luxury. Since I can't control my age or get a waterfall in my backyard (yet), I'm going to play around with oils. Her oil got good reviews so I'm sitting on the fence in terms of duping it or just buying the essentials from the mix. I'll look for the thread you mentioned.
My feminine archetype is the Sophisticate / Sage, it's me to a T. It made me understand myself so much better. Some of the things that were mentioned are things I've dreamed about since I was young: having a small little studio in my home, to retreat and be creative:love:.
I am Sophisticate as well. I saw a good link on how to key in to my characteristics and find out what my target man was.

I've been really learning how to tap into my feminine energy through activities that bring me joy. For example, on a vacation I went snorkeling, I screamed my head off while going down water slides. I enjoyed a few adult beverages :look: I booked a bamboo massage. I booked a painting class to tap more into my creative side. I'm going to a concert soon. What types of activities are you ladies doing to replenish your tank and ramp up that feminine joy? I'm always looking for new ideas to try.
Woooow @shermeezy @snoop I just looked at the video and I find is fascinating how we're doing a LOT of those things within this challenge. Some of the things that we have touched on in this challenge

  • Cleaning up your diet and eating fresh, from scratch foods. (The next step is plating said food)
  • Exchanging screen time for green time - We did this in the being more present challenge as well as the enjoy nature weekly challenge
  • Affirmations- I don't think this has been a weekly challenge but we've touched on it. Maybe we need to incorporate it as a weekly challenge
  • Developing a night routine so that our skin is ON and POPPIN'

I can't wait to see what she says about Crystals. My friend who is also in the challenge with us but not present on the board sent me some waist beads from Africa. I love how beautiful they are. I've been wearing them around the house and I like how it makes me conscious about my weight and helps me tap into my femininity by pushing me to be delicate to not break the beads as well as deliberate. I've thought about making my own so I can put some crystals on my beads. Yall remember Tiara76 on here? I know she still makes waistbeads with crystals: https://tiarakristine.com/waistbeads/ I need to look into that.

Sidenote @snoop I think @tallnomad used to touch on adding a small bit of oil to the face to clear up your skin. She has a great thread about it but it's soooo old that I don't remember where it is or what I was doing to my skin but it DID work. I was using aquaphor on my skin too. Maybe there are some other threads on here about using oil on our face?
I didn't really add oil to my face, but I did use Aquaphor. That is the bomb!
Ladies, below is my little book/beauty nook, can't wait to spruce it up some more. I have never been to a hair salon and have been taking care of my hair for the past 21 years. I enjoy it so much, even though it gets to be exhausting sometimes lol.

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I've been really learning how to tap into my feminine energy through activities that bring me joy. For example, on a vacation I went snorkeling, I screamed my head off while going down water slides. I enjoyed a few adult beverages :look: I booked a bamboo massage. I booked a painting class to tap more into my creative side. I'm going to a concert soon. What types of activities are you ladies doing to replenish your tank and ramp up that feminine joy? I'm always looking for new ideas to try.

I love your approach! Just reading about your activities put a smile on my face!
I found this cute hiking trail tucked away. I only went on one side of the trail so it ended up being just a little over 3 miles. Buuuut it was sooo hot lol. I was praying for this lake lol because that meant I was half way finished. Jesus I don’t know how I’m going to make this foreal foreal hike coming up lol. Let us pray!

I wrote some poetry and did a little self reflection. I really need to work on my feminine mystique. I need to become mysterious but after having sooooo many anti-seductive qualities it’s really hard to break old habits.

When I get comfortable with a person I just get to talking.


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Good morning feminine ladies!

Do know the power of YOU?
Do you KNOW the POWER that DWELLS inside of you?
Do you know that just by being you not only do you hold the key to love, happiness, success, and wealth, but you hold to key to all positivity and prosperity.
What is the secret that lives with you each day?

It’s all about your feminine energy and power.

Polish it every day!