52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

@snoop I'm downloading Snapseed as we speak. It's on Iphone as well as FYI to others. I think I'ma make myself take a children hiatus. I'ma try to not post any pictures of DS all for the month of April. I'll keep yall updated on how this goes.
@snoop I'm downloading Snapseed as we speak. It's on Iphone as well as FYI to others. I think I'ma make myself take a children hiatus. I'ma try to not post any pictures of DS all for the month of April. I'll keep yall updated on how this goes.
@snoop how do I brighten my teeth and eyes with the Snapseed app. I’m trying to use the selective tool?
@snoop how do I brighten my teeth and eyes with the Snapseed app. I’m trying to use the selective tool?

@PrissiSippi If you use the "Brush" tool, it should be set to "Dodge and burn". Lower the level to 5 -- 10 will make things ridiculously white. Then zoom in so that you can just get the whites. For your teeth, do not drag your finger all the way across or it will remove the shadows of the spacing. If you "brush" your fingers along each tooth it will make it look more realistic.
@PrissiSippi If you use the "Brush" tool, it should be set to "Dodge and burn". Lower the level to 5 -- 10 will make things ridiculously white. Then zoom in so that you can just get the whites. For your teeth, do not drag your finger all the way across or it will remove the shadows of the spacing. If you "brush" your fingers along each tooth it will make it look more realistic.
Oooh I got it! Thank you! I like this curve tool too. And this blur option. It's like a mini PhotoShop for camera pics lol
@PrissiSippi Is it too late for me to join the challenge? I've been sorta following along in the thread, and haven't feel the need to join, but now that I'm engaged and the newness is wearing off on our relationship, plus I'm moving out of my mother's house in 3 weeks, I think it's time for me to start being proactive. I read Ro's book and started following her on Facebook. I would like to have this stuff down pat (or well on the way) by the time we get married in September. FH is a good guy per Ro's criteria, so I don't want to turn him into a frog!
My Easter Sunday bouquet.

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The other helpful thing from the website to add to my to do list is to focus on doing things at 3/4 speed...slowly. I am naturally the kind of person to rush around, even when I have time. One of my goals was body spatial awareness and working on my posture. It helps me to chant to "PRIS" like prissy :D to make sure I am following the tips.

The website lists 4 tips: Posture, Range, Intention and Slowness.
She put them in a different order, but I liked it better this way for memorization purposes.


3rd favorite is physical affect - watching how I use my hands.


Beautiful composure is...

...a pleasant face

...erect posture

...a calm disposition

...a non-hateful mien

...oodles and oodles of personal dignity

...oodles and oodles of respect for others.

4th, mind your hands.

When we're upset, our hands do weird things. They grab our faces, wring fingers, scratch arms, or clench at clothing. Take a moment to gently touch the pads of your middle fingers to the tips of your thumbs. Then set them on your lap, if you're sitting, or place them along side your thighs, if you're standing.

I plan to make a conscious effort to practice minding my hands, I tend to fiddle.
My Easter bouquet. I used the tape trick afainnto make it look nicer. Can you believe these are clearance flowers from Kroger?! It was Love at first sight and smell. :2inlove:


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This week's challenge is awesome! The only one I disagree with is showing pictures of you serving others. Though I do it, I NEVER post it on my FB. Receiving private acclamation is what makes for that amazing public glow imo. Scripture also says that you should never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. That is something I've believed in since I was a child.

@snoop here are some other ladies you may be interested in following on YouTube:

* Jennifer L. Scott (aka The Daily Connoisseur)

* Shannon Ables (aka The Simple Sophisticate)

Both these ladies are francophiles and underline simple elegance in all areas of a woman's life. Listening to their shows in the morning is so soothing:).
My Easter bouquet. I used the tape trick afainnto make it look nicer. Can you believe these are clearance flowers from Kroger?! It was Love at first sight and smell. :2inlove:
Pretty! Kroger always has such a nice clearance selection around holidays.

This week's challenge is awesome! The only one I disagree with is showing pictures of you serving others. Though I do it, I NEVER post it on my FB. Receiving private acclamation is what makes for that amazing public glow imo. Scripture also says that you should never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. That is something I've believed in since I was a child.

@snoop here are some other ladies you may be interested in following on YouTube:

* Jennifer L. Scott (aka The Daily Connoisseur)

* Shannon Ables (aka The Simple Sophisticate)

Both these ladies are francophiles and underline simple elegance in all areas of a woman's life. Listening to their shows in the morning is so soothing:).

I agree completely

Easter Sunday bouquet and brunch!

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Yum!! That looks amazing!
This week's challenge is awesome! The only one I disagree with is showing pictures of you serving others. Though I do it, I NEVER post it on my FB. Receiving private acclamation is what makes for that amazing public glow imo. Scripture also says that you should never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. That is something I've believed in since I was a child.

@snoop here are some other ladies you may be interested in following on YouTube:

* Jennifer L. Scott (aka The Daily Connoisseur)

* Shannon Ables (aka The Simple Sophisticate)

Both these ladies are francophiles and underline simple elegance in all areas of a woman's life. Listening to their shows in the morning is so soothing:).
Did I post that? I don't know where I got that from. Maybe Ro posted it. I hate wehn people serve others and "brag" about it. If it's sincere, no bragging is necessary.
Did I post that? I don't know where I got that from. Maybe Ro posted it. I hate wehn people serve others and "brag" about it. If it's sincere, no bragging is necessary.

I wouldn't see it so much as bragging as bad social media strategy. Until you are making the kind of coin that Ro is taking about or unless you are getting into an industry/ line of work where that is beneficial, you still have to be cognizant of the image you are giving to the world outside of your circle/ intended audience. I'm not sure how that image would benefit in terms off workplace / networking mobility...
This week's challenge is awesome! The only one I disagree with is showing pictures of you serving others. Though I do it, I NEVER post it on my FB. Receiving private acclamation is what makes for that amazing public glow imo. Scripture also says that you should never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. That is something I've believed in since I was a child.

@snoop here are some other ladies you may be interested in following on YouTube:

* Jennifer L. Scott (aka The Daily Connoisseur)

* Shannon Ables (aka The Simple Sophisticate)

Both these ladies are francophiles and underline simple elegance in all areas of a woman's life. Listening to their shows in the morning is so soothing:).

I love Daily Connoisseur. I've been wondering: is she part black?
One of the Ro girls had a discussion on using seduction and visually teasing your husband to keep him interested and on his toes lol. This was such an extreme example but I did start thinking about how we can get stuck in routine to skip little cutesy and feminine. Things like this. Lol Someone might like this video or use it to spice life with their husband/ SO so enjoy!

How was the cleaning up your social media challenge last week ladies? Did you see any areas where you needed to improve? Did you make any progress this week towards a classier image? What steps did you take?
Participants -

@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous)
February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine
March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Enviroment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique

Week 15: Cultivating Feminine Mystque: Be a mystery not a tell-all

Last week we focused on social media. It's no shock that the best stars hide parts of their lives and only let us see what they want us to see. What do Kerry Washington's children look like? How long did we wait to find our was CiCi pregnant? How often does Beyonce even post? When she released a cd without advertisement...the internet BROKE as they wanted to see MORE. You also have the ability to build your appeal by increasing your mysteriousness.
1. It is attractiveness in being mysterious. NEVER let him know EVERYTHING about you. He is human. He will hold it against you. Don’t give him the chance. Don’t pillow talk and tell him how he is different from all the other men that dated you because they all cheated on you. Then, he thinks he has a pass as well. You accepted it from them so what makes him so different? Let him tell it, you weren’t in a relationship before him. Why? Because no one mattered before him. Be vague in why you all broke up. "So why did you and your ex break up?" "Oh it just didn't work out." It answers the questions, is vague, but thorough. Yall met in a different time zone, you just felt it wasn’t right, but never tell him the details. Stay mysterious.

2. Talk very little. Law of Power 4 - ALWAYS say less than necessary. Leave things unsaid. Resist the urge to share too many details or overwhelm your partner with too much information. Don’t tell him your age. Don’t tell him your life story. Don’t talk about your career, kids. Say there is so much to know. I don’t think you’re ready for that. He will respond what does this mean? Don’t answer. If they know too much they get bored and go to the next girl. If he asks how many kids do you have say …. I always wanted three kids. Don’t answer the question. Make your story interesting. I don’t want to talk about my day, how are YOU feeling. Let the man win. You want to know everything about them.

3. Make the other people come to you – use bait if necessary. Lure him with fabulous gains- then attack. Hold the cards.

4. Win through your actions, never through argument. DO NOT ARGUE! Laws of Power 9. If you don't open car doors or restauant doors...you don't have to sound crazy like, "Oh I don't open doors." Just simply stand there...and eventually he will get the hint. Smile say thank you and give some non-sexual touch and go on with your day.

5. Aspects to being mysterious: Speak deliberately, change it up, observe others first before you speak, don’t tell everything.

a. Speak deliberately

b. Change it up- when you cook always cook a new recipe, change up your hairstyle, change up your nail color, change up your makeup, change up your dress. Stay keeping him wondering. Pick up a new hobby that he never knew you would do…. have both routine and variety in your life.

c. Observe others first before you speak- I picked this up from my child. Peep the scene. Look at the mannerisms of others. Notice their body language and what they choose to talk about. Peep the scene and see if they’re worth really engaging with or not. Be strategic when talking to new people. Many times we are rude because we take over the conversation. Sometimes it’s unnecessary and detrimental. Sit back, sip a drink, take in the conversation. Get more from other people than you give. Peep the scene…. then respond.

d. Don’t tell everything. Ole dude used to physical beat you, if a situation comes up and you need to explain this…do so then, but don’t just blab about your past relationships. This goes for social media too. Be careful with your backgrounds of your pictures and your statuses. People can get a lot of information just looking at the background of your pics and context of your statuses. Stop oversharing. Less is more. The less people know about you, the more mysterious you are and the less people can judge you on.

6. You don't go poo...ever. You smell like magic, unicorns, and fairy dust lol. If you have to do number 2 no one has to know discreetly exit to the nearest bathroom and handle your business. Carry some body spray if you must. It's no one's business except yours. Yeah it's natural yeah it happens but still no one's business. Your period is your business...your significant other really doesn't need to know the details. He really shouldn't even be able to tell your period is on.

2. Maintain regular beauty appointments for the major stuff at the nail shop, hair salon, teeth whitening appointments, spa where your husband/boyfriend definitely won't be. Don’t go into rituals even if he asks. It’s not his business. Remember…you woke up like this. If he were to ask…say something flirty but mysterious such as: “A girl never tells.” "Oh nothing just good living." Change the subject after. (I talked to a man that said his wife told him every little thing that she used to do to make herself look better and where she bought it from. He divorced her and got with an ugly duckling and told her every little thing the wife and told him to "fix her up on a dime"....never tell it all). Don't tell him that perfume that he loves on you (he will buy it for another woman). Don't let him take down your weave so you can get your hair redone (ask a trusted friend to take down your hair.)

3. For the minor stuff, schedule it when he is not at home or at least not present. (Get up before him, go to sleep after him, lock the bathroom/beauty room door so you're undisturbed). Only allow husbands to watch you do "cute" grooming like applying body cream or lipstick.

4. No one should know your period is on except you. Keep your hygiene up! Don't get sloppy! No one should know how your hair stays fly except you. Never let anyone see you with your satin bonnet on. Invest in a satin pillowcase or take off your bonnet and place it in your drawer before you see anyone. Sometimes men like to ask questions like: "Have you ever had an STD". Some young girls like to honestly answer the question to seem open and down to earth. Don't do this. Look, if that STD is cured and over with...let it be buried. You never had it and it never existed. (If you have existing STDs please be careful and open to let him make wise decisions concerning his health). He will only use this information to judge you and hurt you down the line. He can't judge you on what he does not know. BE MYSTERIOUS.

5. Your hair ritual, how long you wash your hair (two weeks or so) is none of the guys' business

6. Stop oversharing. How many partners you had, your past illnesses, how you men cheated on you....all this tragic information is for YOU. Example: I was soooo sexual. (Keep in mind it's a difference in sexual and sensual) in college all I talked about how I would love to do xyz, how I knew how to put a condom on, how I was sexually free, my body is free blah blah. I thought it was empowerment but it really was just a cry for attention. It's like, “Hey hey look at me! I can have sex with you and let you use me and probably make it easy if you play your cards right.” It screams you want a man to have sex with not to protect and provide for you. It screams you don’t love yourself to make the man chase, hunt, and win it. Be strategic with sex. It sounds so cliche but there is power in the poom poom.

7. Stop striving to be one of the guys. In middle school I was that girl. I was in the band and played trumpet. It was only two girls in my section. We competed really hard to beat the guys. The other girl was very feminine. She stayed in her own lane. She never came across as overly competitive (but she was). I did. I was always trying to one up a dude. Just like a dude. It became about the competition and not about the music that I liked to make. I'm guessing in this situation I should have been in my own lane. It's okay to be in boy dominated competition related sports but be mindful of the feminine energy you exude. Protect it at all costs.

8. I used to spend time as one of the guys. I liked this boy. I don't think he really liked me but I was very very cool with him. To get closer, I became one of the guys. I hung out with him and his two guy friends all of the time. Instead I should have stayed in my lane and done my own thing. I cried out for his attention and he eventually gave it to me. It was superficial attention though. He treated me as a guy with female parts.

9. My DH said he was hungry. I said we have plenty of cereal in the kitchen. Well it annoyed me that literally an hour later he was still sitting around talking about his was hungry. Cool no problem. He is low key telling me he wants ME to cook breakfast instead a quick breakfast. I go in the kitchen and didn't want it regular degular. I made an omelet with sausage bell peppers cheese and chicken. Basically what we had left in the fridge. I topped it with salsa and sour cream. He said I never had an omelet with sour cream or salsa on it. He bragged about it at work. I introduced variety into his life just by changing it up. He never knows what he is to expect.

He loved it but afterwards he told me that he loved it when I cooked regularly because he told his coworkers he never knows what he will get when he comes home. It's always something new. That mysterious adds to my mystique. He never knows what is next. I add variety.

  • Examples of this:
    Commit to not discussing your sex life in public
  • Wear your waistbeads discretely
  • Practice your Yoni egg practices privately
  • When you’re sharing your secrets with other women, encourage them to maintain your privacy and put space between you and people who don’t.

10. Be wary on who you share tragedies with.
11. More than likely your parents have saved a feminine account for you (or you will create one for YOUR girl child). This money is to use at your discretion while your husband learns how to be a man. This money is NOT to be used to solve his problems. Men learn through disappointment NOT being captain save a heaux. YOU need to be saved not them. This account is for example times when your husband cannot pay the electricity bill. You pick up yourself and the children and check into a hotel for the night. Where this money came from is NONE of his business and adds to your mysteriousness. Let him figure out how to make your home more comfortable and “win” you back. Until that time…use your feminine mystique money.

12. Never curse in front of your man. As he knows it…you don’t curse at all.

13. Class is not a matter of style. It is not a matter of the price tag on your outfit. Class is in how you carry yourself, how you present yourself, and how you treat other people. One cannot be considered “classy” simply due to how they dress – it’s a matter of what you exude from within. Watch your attitude as well. You should be a breath of fresh air. Be a mystery.

14. Tell men a little at a time and open up like peeling an artichoke to let them get to the heart of a person. Let's say you play violin, sing on the side, write poetry, plate and cook food, and belong to this top secret organization. Let it just come out naturally. Don't just list these things. Let it come out slowly.

15. He doesn't need to know every detail. If you go to the dermatologist....tell him that you are going out with your friends or you're going to run errands (which is not a lie). Don't let him know your beauty secrets and how you stay soooo fine. Practice mystique.

16. Let’s say you get your teeth whitened. Your man asks why are you glowing. Play coy. Oh I don’t know this is just my everyday look baby but thank you.

17. When you give advice to other women, don’t let men know how you really feel or where you’re coming fro. If he is in the room, make sure you give advice when he has left the vicinity. Never let him know all of your tricks. He will quickly evolve and you’ll be back to square.

Week 15 Challenge
1. Be a mystery. How could you develop this mysterious appearance?
2. Continue to go to the new things, read new books, and eat new things as you made in the list from last week. Post a picture if you feel like it that is different from your normal every day life.
3. The video that was posted on how to undress in front of your husband...this is a great example of being mysterious. Is there a way that you could be more mysterious around the house for the DH? Use your robe, slowly take off your clothes and don't rush, tease him.
4. The best way to be mysterious is honestly be so self-absorbed into you. Embrace your uniqueness. Do your hobbies, your dreams, your goals, stay in your lane, and keep your lifestyle public but your life private. What does this mean in your life?​
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@PrissiSippi Is it too late for me to join the challenge? I've been sorta following along in the thread, and haven't feel the need to join, but now that I'm engaged and the newness is wearing off on our relationship, plus I'm moving out of my mother's house in 3 weeks, I think it's time for me to start being proactive. I read Ro's book and started following her on Facebook. I would like to have this stuff down pat (or well on the way) by the time we get married in September. FH is a good guy per Ro's criteria, so I don't want to turn him into a frog!
It is NEVER too late to improve yourself. The time is always now! You've been added love! Best wishes!
How was the cleaning up your social media challenge last week ladies? Did you see any areas where you needed to improve? Did you make any progress this week towards a classier image? What steps did you take?
My social media is pretty tame- I still combed it and deleted more posts. If I didn’t love the picture, or it was tmi or redundant I deleted it. I threw away more worn out or poor quality clothing items. I’m really working on the interior- I plan to do a few weeks of different health challenges. This week is no meat week- maybe next week I’ll try juicing.
That mystery part- it will be hard.
Dh stays checking in on me! He has to check on me if I’m out of sight every 30 minutes or so. To my credit I don’t do sloppy so I might be detangling my hair in a cute robe or leggings and tee and he will come find me. Sunday I was bathing and had a sheet mask on. Here he comes poking his head in- “what you doing?” He knew exactly what I was doing! Go away sir.
That mystery part- it will be hard.
Dh stays checking in on me! He has to check on me if I’m out of sight every 30 minutes or so. To my credit I don’t do sloppy so I might be detangling my hair in a cute robe or leggings and tee and he will come find me. Sunday I was bathing and had a sheet mask on. Here he comes poking his head in- “what you doing?” He knew exactly what I was doing! Go away sir.

DH used to do this as well. In my nice sweet voice I told him honey....I really need some time to focus on me and recharge from the baby. When the door to the makeup room is closed could you please not bother me so I can unwind and look beautiful for you
Air fried Chicken with Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Sautéed Green Beans

It was just lovely last night. Little one came back for seconds :2inlove: . It was so healthy as well. I was happy to get away from all the grease. Anyone still plating?

OAN: it’s so important to fellowship with like minded individuals. I saw these cute little condiment cups on my timeline from another girl and I just had to have them. They only cost about $5 for a pack of 5 put they really make the meal look so neat. I feel like I’m at Another Broken Egg or Outback in the privacy of my own home. Hope I can keep that up.


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Air fried Chicken with Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Sautéed Green Beans

It was just lovely last night. Little one came back for seconds :2inlove: . It was so healthy as well. I was happy to get away from all the grease. Anyone still plating?

OAN: it’s so important to fellowship with like minded individuals. I saw these cute little condiment cups on my timeline from another girl and I just had to have them. They only cost about $5 for a pack of 5 put they really make the meal look so neat. I feel like I’m at Another Broken Egg or Outback in the privacy of my own home. Hope I can keep that up.

Where did you buy the cups?
Thought of the day:
We cannot call on the protection of men while acting like one....​

A Masculine Man will not protect a woman with loose lips as she will constantly keep him in the line of danger. Practice your feminine mystique and be deliberate with your actions and words.

Practice makes permanent. How could you practice this?


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I thought this was a great post from Ro to refocus us on the mission of our challenge ladies. To focus on femininity the words within the parentheses are from me.

Q. What is a Certified Wife? (For the sake of this challenge...What is a feminine woman?)

A. Yes, we are "career" wives(women). We absolutely enjoy, love, support and respect our husbands & children full time; and we represent our family gracefully. We are united peacefully.

We are formally and informally educated, carnivores and vegans, dark skinned & light skinned, from all parts of the globe, Christian, Muslim, ProBlacks, Atheist, Buddhist, Mystics, and we come from all types of backgrounds but meet in the same place. We do study wifehood(femininity) for years, we create extremely proud & successful husbands, and true generational success; all while being supremely loved, more than most other women can imagine!

We (work hard to polish our femininity and) discover that skilled wifehood (femininity) is the secret to being loved so highly, AND the secret to being able to love highly. Wifehood is our artistry, and our femininity is our most powerful tool. Proudly, we are the crème de la crème of wives (women). We are poised, compassionate, graceful, and truly beautiful. We are smart cookies too, with wise children and great passive income to show for it; all while keeping our dollar closer to home, longer. We don't need to march to prove that black lives matter, we SHOW that black lives matter. We are our people's graceful empowerment. The tables have turned, lovelies.
~Ro Élori Cutno

Please remember there is power in your journey. You WILL inspire people just by being you and seeking to be a better version of yourself.

Over the course of a year, I have been on this femininity kick. One of the main things I did during this time was learn to plate and present my food to my family very well. It started off as a personal and private journey for me. BUT I am so amazed by the number of messages, calls, and pictures I have received saying that I inspired someone else to do the same. No matter where you are in your journey....just know you are setting examples and inspiring yourself as well as others so KEEP AT IT! Keep posting. Keep smiling. Keep doing YOU. Keep living. Your tenacity, drive, and ambition just might be someone else’s booster cables that jump starts their car. Keep it positive! Shout out to these beautiful meals plated by some of my friends I have inspired.


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