52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Week 13 Challenge
1. What is it that you could do to help your house feel comfortable? What small baby steps could you work on to help your family come home and feel refreshed? Add a candle? Purchase a bouquet of flowers for the dining room table? Turn on some jazz music for when they kids come home from school? Smile and get non sexual touch when your husband comes home? What is it that could transform your home through you setting the tone?
I have developed a system of cleaning from various sources. I try to keep the level of cleanliness comparable to that of a quality hotel at check in. I no longer leave dirty dishes in the sink- unless it’s soaking. I keep my laundry room clean with the door closed. I wipe my counters down daily with a lilac scented spray and I make sure my coffee table is smudge less- unless we’re working on a puzzle. I have started greeting my husband every time he comes home. I put what I’m doing down and greet him properly. We eat out and order in a lot but I make sure that I have the fridge and pantry stocked with hearty healthy foods. And I leave work at work. That includes excessive social interactions with coworkers.
If I’m tired, I will call someone in to clean.
I'm proud to say that I completed a beginner level cooking class that had multiple sessions. I've always wanted to learn proper cooking techniques and as a future wife, I want to be able to feed my man well. :yep: I've also lost weight since I've been eating more low carb and cooking my own food. :yep: There's also a fine cooking class that I'm eying as well as an intro baking class.
so did y'all pay for flyladyKat? I see her patreon site is $5 a month
I looked at that video that was posted and typed out Kats Plan towards cleaning so I think I’m good. I don’t need a video each day telling me what to do if I can just look at the planner and do the stuff on the list.

Interesting video,

I do think femininity is our strength. It’s often viewed as a weakness but there is A LOT of power in the way we carry ourselves.
Thanks @PrissiSippi I like the flylady philosophy and I try to incorporate my own version of it since I do work outside the home. Speaking of which, I remember this young black lady who's family moved completely off the grid. Her dad did go to work in the city but the family farmed and everything. I think the children were mainly homeschooled but the young lady was into historical reenacting. I thought it was so neat to read. I think her brother was even on Instagram and he went on to college. But I thought it was neat how she stayed at home until she was married. I also loved seeing someone modern with an old fashioned since of time. You get a sense of this watching Downton Abbey, just the pace of life and how courtships could last years before the couple got married since it was carried on throughout wars and letters. I just love how things were allowed to bloom back then. Does anyone recognize that blog?

I would love to be a stay at home wife and mom and have a beautiful home like my mother had but I also realize I'm not built that way so I have to find work arounds.
I've given up on plating for now, but I'm enjoying being able to eat more slowly, again. (Baby girl has started solids which means that after I feed her, I've got enough time to properly finish a meal.)

I'm also still working on voice control and I'm trying to keep the kitchen dish rack as free add possible from dishes. It makes the kitchen look so much bigger when I do!

I also try to play music if I'm going to be in the kitchen for a while. It's so relaxing and fun!
I took two bags of clothing, extra towels, and toys to the Goodwill yesterday. I told y'all that I'm probably the person in my friend group who has the least amount of clutter. I literally go to the Goodwill at least once a month. We bring so much into the house in the form of "little gifts" from people, free prizes, hand-me-downs from friends, etc. that I am very much into the idea that if something comes into the house, then something must go out. I am now working on how I want to decorate.

I'm also trying to work on DD. She's only 5, but I'm trying to help her embrace her femininity. She was a tomboy last year, but seems to be gravitating toward more girly things now. So, I've whipped up a couple of simple summer dresses for her. It feels incredibly feminine to me to be able to sew clothing (especially dresses) for my little girl.
I took two bags of clothing, extra towels, and toys to the Goodwill yesterday. I told y'all that I'm probably the person in my friend group who has the least amount of clutter. I literally go to the Goodwill at least once a month. We bring so much into the house in the form of "little gifts" from people, free prizes, hand-me-downs from friends, etc. that I am very much into the idea that if something comes into the house, then something must go out. I am now working on how I want to decorate.

I'm also trying to work on DD. She's only 5, but I'm trying to help her embrace her femininity. She was a tomboy last year, but seems to be gravitating toward more girly things now. So, I've whipped up a couple of simple summer dresses for her. It feels incredibly feminine to me to be able to sew clothing (especially dresses) for my little girl.

I agree!
Week 13 challenge:
Though I live extremely small, I'm glad the cooking smells don't stay lingering in my home and clothes. Right now I'm doing one meal per week. As it is Spring/Summer season, this includes more salads and sea fruits. I always try to leave the windows semi open while I'm at work, this ensures I'm greeted by a pleasant smell when I come home. Dishes are done in the evening and vacuuming is done in the morning. Dusting is my least favorite thing to do, but one that is definitely necessary. So yesterday at work I was working with God to give me a strategy for optimizing my home blessing sessions, including dusting.

Right now I'm in the process of setting up a wall frame art. Debating whether I should hang everything up myself or ask my bil to help me with it, we shall see. Another thing that would turn things around, is just having a table. Currently reading Cheryl Mendelson's Home Comforts and Jeanine Hays' Remix. Both will help me to better take care of my home and decorate it.
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I took two bags of clothing, extra towels, and toys to the Goodwill yesterday. I told y'all that I'm probably the person in my friend group who has the least amount of clutter. I literally go to the Goodwill at least once a month. We bring so much into the house in the form of "little gifts" from people, free prizes, hand-me-downs from friends, etc. that I am very much into the idea that if something comes into the house, then something must go out. I am now working on how I want to decorate.

I'm also trying to work on DD. She's only 5, but I'm trying to help her embrace her femininity. She was a tomboy last year, but seems to be gravitating toward more girly things now. So, I've whipped up a couple of simple summer dresses for her. It feels incredibly feminine to me to be able to sew clothing (especially dresses) for my little girl.
I need to do better with this. I have bags of clothes in my car to be donated but I haven’t donated them yet. The bags have sat in my trunk for a month. I just don’t want to part with little ones baby clothes. He’s growing sooooo fast.
I've given up on plating for now, but I'm enjoying being able to eat more slowly, again. (Baby girl has started solids which means that after I feed her, I've got enough time to properly finish a meal.)

I'm also still working on voice control and I'm trying to keep the kitchen dish rack as free add possible from dishes. It makes the kitchen look so much bigger when I do!

I also try to play music if I'm going to be in the kitchen for a while. It's so relaxing and fun!
Yeah mine is a hit of miss. I tried to plate hibachi the other day. It looked so blah but it was soooooo good. Man it was good. It was a chicken and steak hibachi and it really tasted comparable to Ichibam but my presentation.....it was just blah.

However taking my time and slowly eating....it’s been such a game changer.
I need to do better with this. I have bags of clothes in my car to be donated but I haven’t donated them yet. The bags have sat in my trunk for a month. I just don’t want to part with little ones baby clothes. He’s growing sooooo fast.

I'm not sure if they have services like this where you are, but we get charities calling asking to pick up your donation. I'm able to give my stuff away without having to leave my house.
Yeah mine is a hit of miss. I tried to plate hibachi the other day. It looked so blah but it was soooooo good. Man it was good. It was a chicken and steak hibachi and it really tasted comparable to Ichibam but my presentation.....it was just blah.

However taking my time and slowly eating....it’s been such a game changer.
Really, in what way?
Really, in what way?

I think these days I’m more of a master of my time and when you slow things down you start taking in the experience rather than the task of eating. When you rush through everything, you build routines, but you don’t experience.

You become a robot. You don’t notice the fresh smell of cookies in a bakery. You don’t smile at the new orchids in the window. You don’t even pay attention to how pretty it is outside. You only think...”Dang I need to hurry to get to my next task.”

This is not all life has to offer us. When we have the time to slow down and take in all of the beauty around us, our lives make a complete 360. We become more compassionate, grateful, and in tuned to life around us.
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So I’ve only been on the new job three days. Man I never noticed it before but teachers look so librarian like. We cover up and wear dark colors like black and brown that make it easy to dress in the morning.

Ima make sure when I go back full time that I combat this. I’ve been wearing dresses and loud bold colors each day. It’s day three and the janitor and another make teacher just love me. They make it their business to speak, ask me do I need anything, and go out of their way to open doors and give me information. I’m loving embracing my femininity. It makes you feel so special and rightfully so because you are.
Randomly got called up yesterday and heard, Priss I noticed your car needed washing. Can I wash your car for you? :2inlove: I swear these past few weeks I’ve gotten sooo many random great deeds that were not needed but I’m so grateful for. It feels so nice to be loved on. :spinning:

I also tried to plate my hibachi better. Not perfect but better.

I went into a local thrift store and found cloth napkins for 25 cents a piece. However, I have such a hard time using cloth napkins. I always feel just weird. I just wanna use paper towels lol. Any tips on how y’all made the shift? I use them some of the time but not consistently.


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Ro made a petty post one day to emphasize you can wear a cute dress everyday and not just to church weddings and funerals lol. She’d post a picture of her in a dress and say...me at a picnic. We at a BBQ. Me riding a bike with my husband through the streets. Me going to the grocery store. Me going to a dinner party.

Lol I thought of her. I plan on throwing a mini Easter egg hunt tomorrow. Usually of course I would wear skinny jeans and a shirt. I would still look girly but I think ima kick it up a notch tomorrow. Ima wear a dress, look fine like wine, AND serve some dishes to the kids and help them hunt for eggs.

Walk it like I talk it lol.
At Christmas, DS #2's school had a fundraiser where the children were allowed to buy inexpensive gifts for their family. DS bought me a bottle of nail polish. I pretty much haven't worn nail polish since last summer. I feel off on that part of my attempt to be more feminine.

Last week he saw the bottle and said, "mommy, this is the nail polish I bought you, but you haven't worn it." :( Even though I had every intention of wearing it I felt really bad that he'd noticed that I hadn't. So I decided to put it on for our dinner on Good Friday. Let me tell you how I've been talking with my hands all weekend!:lachen:

I need to make time to bring this back into my routine.
At Christmas, DS #2's school had a fundraiser where the children were allowed to buy inexpensive gifts for their family. DS bought me a bottle of nail polish. I pretty much haven't worn nail polish since last summer. I feel off on that part of my attempt to be more feminine.

Last week he saw the bottle and said, "mommy, this is the nail polish I bought you, but you haven't worn it." :( Even though I had every intention of wearing it I felt really bad that he'd noticed that I hadn't. So I decided to put it on for our dinner on Good Friday. Let me tell you how I've been talking with my hands all weekend!:lachen:

I need to make time to bring this back into my routine.
Awww this is sooo cute! I know DS feels so proud too! Keep it up mama!
I'm so slow on the uptake sometimes, so I'm sorry if I missed the information in this thread, but are there any youtubers that you could suggest? I'm still not comfortable with Ro, so I would like to hear some others' take on femininity and practicing femininity.
I'm so slow on the uptake sometimes, so I'm sorry if I missed the information in this thread, but are there any youtubers that you could suggest? I'm still not comfortable with Ro, so I would like to hear some others' take on femininity and practicing femininity.

Monique Head
Steven Nur Ahmed
1. What is it that you could do to help your house feel comfortable? What small baby steps could you work on to help your family come home and feel refreshed? Add a candle? Purchase a bouquet of flowers for the dining room table? Turn on some jazz music for when they kids come home from school? Smile and get non sexual touch when your husband comes home? What is it that could transform your home through you setting the tone?

I'm seeking to transform the tone emotionally, physically, and mentally.

I'm still working the Power of 12
- Giving 12 hugs and kisses to DS each day. I really could practice and do this to the dog too. I be like forget that dog these days.

I'm going to TRY to keep up with the flowers
- I'm on my second bouquet since our Fresh Flowers challenge. After the flowers die, I crush the petals and put them in my bath water.

I make sure to keep the Living Room clean
- Really I try to make sure the living room, kitchen, and my master bedroom is very very clean EVERYDAY but it's still a work in progress. I want the room everyone sees when they first come home to be perfect and a place of tranquility.

Set the Tone
- I try to set aside 30 minutes for myself- I light a candle, get my bedroom smelling good, get in the tub and take a long bubble bath, put my robe on and lounge around the room/bed, then let let myself naturally fall asleep.

How Do You Wake Up Your Child?
- I saw this question posed by one of the Ro girls. It's not working perfectly because sometimes he wakes up cranky, but I wake up singing, "Good morning, good morning, good morning how are you? I'm fine. I'm fine. And I hope that you are too." I use my feminine voice for this and smile while tickling baby boy to wake him up to a good mood. I also try to have his clothes laid out for him.

Next step?
I think tranquility should transcend to my car too. I need to keep the car neater. With the Fly Lady Kat plan, hopefully it will be cleaner. I could also create a more musical home by playing music more often. I think when I come home, I will play music while I'm cooking and play around more.
I want to talk about poise a little before I post for this week.

I know we had a mini session on poise earlier in this challenge. It's important to remember that you are ALWAYS working on and building your poise. I hope it is that you realize this is more for YOU and your peace which in turn makes you more in control.

I asked DH to buy DS some OTC medicine with his prescription card. Instead of buying the normal size medicine...he bought the trial size. He "forgot" to buy the other medicine I needed. I know this doesn't sound bad to most...but when a person has a history of "forgetting" or "not knowing that you needed xyz" it gets sooo annoying. I could have spazzed out and said YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING. Instead I thanked him for what he did give and in two days I told him we "ran out" and could he please buy the bigger container of the same medicine. I used my sweet voice and smiled. *rolls eyes* I've noticed that people are often so confused when you meet their bs with poise, calm energy, and a clear head. He just bought what I asked and stammered when I brought it to his attention.

I went with someone and they asked me to drive. They wanted to criticize how I drove, what music I listened to, and etc. I could have gotten defensive. But my poise helped keep me in my feminine zone and get what I want. I said Hmm...that means you would like to drive? They stammered...well I mean i don't drive this fast and I don't listen to this kind of music while driving. I said, oh honey that's fine. If you have such a problem with it, you can drive. I just love a man that sees a problem and will fix it. *rolls eyes*. On the inside I was like, "Negro, please. Either shut up and ride or drive. Those are your only options." But I used poise and said it in a nice way. Think of your end result at all times. What do you need to do to get to it?

A friend said that her husband wanted wanted her to wash some disposable plates. She said, that's the point of having disposable plates. Plus she was exhausted from cleaning the house and entertaining guests all day. She really needed a break. DH got upset and was like...it will only take a few minutes though. You know what...I'll do it. *of course with an underlying attitude* She didn't get upset and just grab the pan like FINE I'LL DO IT DANG. Femininity isn't about being a doormat. It's about being the sweetest pie in the room at all times and staying in your zone to protect your peace. She said Oh, Okay honey. That would be lovely. No snark. No attitude lol. Just oh okay. He got mad, slammed doors, took the pan, washed it, complained that she could have done it and etc. She still stayed in her zone. She smiled and left the room. Lol. No matter the level of provoking, you can't MAKE a feminine belle get out of her energy. Stay in control at ALL TIMES.

It's important to make boundaries and stick to them to accomplish this. But also understand arguing, going back and forth, being petty or snarky, and nagging is really not needed. Think back...how many times has nagging actually worked?
Participants -

@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous)
February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine
March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Enviroment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts

Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts

Last month we focused on the fact that as a woman you have the ability to build your home or tear it to a million pieces. You also have the ability to build your reputation or tarnish it. Strive to recreate yourself going forward.

Some Tips to Clean Up Your Profile
1. Less is more. Strive not to post a lot. The more you post, the more people have information to judge you.Don’t post so often. It seems like you have no life.

2. Make a list of 30 new things you have NEVER done, read, eaten, or etc. Strive to do one new activity a week. I don't care if it's small like going to the library or trying out some new Fro-Yo. The thing is that you want to present yourself as having fun, lively, charismatic, smiling, joyful, and CLASSY.

3. Hide groups or friends that are off putting. If it’s a meme…. don’t repost it on YOUR page. Make a comment on the meme, tag your friends if needed, and keep going. HIDE YOUR RATCHET FRIENDS FROM THE WORLD.

4. Delete bad photos with your hair not done or you with no makeup. If it doesn't look magazine worthy, it should not be posted.

5. Really it’s no reason to post boyfriends until they are your fiancé or husband point blank. Friends and associates should meet your significant other through physical interactions…not through FaceBook/Instagram.

6. Delete pictures of exes. They don’t belong in your life anymore…friend or not.

7. Delete many pictures of you with men. (This is especially if you're not married). Stick to pictures with other females. DO NOT post pictures of men...it looks like you keep a lot of male company. It can be taken in two ways: a. you're already taken b. you's a (finish the song lol).

8. Edit or delete any statuses in which you are cursing. (You can search your timeline for curse words by doing Name posts insertcurseword. All posts with the curse words will pop up.

9. Stay away from politics: arguing about trump, black lives matter, black panther, racial suggestions. Remember to protect your peace. These issues keep you up in the air and hot and bothered for the whole day. Steer away from these conversations. These are not your battles to fight...and if you feel so...fight them privately.

10. Have great pictures. Think photography worthy pics.

11. Delete pictures where you are at work or you are driving a car. You worth is not defined by your job. You are waaaay more than your career. Driving a car implies you like to drive and do not like to be driven around. Refrain from pics like this.

12. Delete mentions and pictures of degrees or jobs (especially if single)

13. Have pictures of your male vouchers (fathers, brothers, uncles) to let others know you are well protected and well taken care of. Make statuses on how your brothers/father protect you...even if it is not true. You are building your reputation so you teach others how to treat you.

14. Try to keep pictures of your children off of social media. If you have more than TWO children, don’t let potential husbands know this. This is something they can find out once they get to know you. Employ feminine mystique

15. Don’t post too many (really ANY) pictures of you in a club setting.

16. Delete unclear pictures including your profile pictures.

17. Natural hair and feminine clothing is very nurturing. Focus on wearing clothing that the opposite sex could not wear. No slouchy sweat pants, short masculine hairdo’s, all black clothes, and etc. Strive to be very feminine in your attire. If it doesn’t meet the criteria…delete it. They can only see what you let them see.

18. Refrain from profanity and aggressiveness. Ask others that curse on your timeline to edit their posts or you delete the post. You can posts something like: “I’m deleting your comments, not because of your opinion but your language is too foul and not something I can have women on my page being associated with. Facebook is considered public and you are not representing me, black women, or the elders up to my standards. Love you. Be sweet.” Protect your peace and your reputation. You don’t curse and people shouldn’t overtly curse either on your page. A lil curse word here and there is normal for men and in the general conversation of many…but blatant and rude cursing …. get rid of it.

19. Refrain from clothing that screams sex and not wife. (This goes back to the club pictures). Twerking, overly sexy pictures, and etc. scream gf or person setting up to get used and not wife.

20. Post pictures of you to attract a man: You cleaning, your skin glowing and you looking natural, pictures of you cooking, nice feminine dresses in heels,

21. Dresses: Look for A-line dresses, feminine shoes, wear nice fitting underwear such as Wacoal, wear piece of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, pearl earrings, and etc.

22. Post pictures of you serving others or speak indirectly about you spending time serving others.

23. Posting Guidelines:

a. Refrain from Content that is graphic, obscene, explicit, racial, or disparaging in any form.

b. Refrain from Content that is abusive, hateful, inflammatory, or intended to defame any person(s)

c. Try to aim to be positive at all times. Refrain from publically complaining. A woman unable to be pleased stunts her own growth.

d. Control your mouth

e. No Bathroom Selfies

f. Refrain from many pictures with random men that are not family

g. Delete all non-magazine quality pictures

h. Let go of the need of letting people know how sad you always are.

24. Posing Instructions

a. Hair on the shoulders (#1) should be avoided at all costs.

b. Pull the Chin (or Ears) Forward

c. Lift your arm slightly- When people stand naturally, another thing they do is stand with their arms flat at their sides. This causes several problems. First, it makes them look awkward and uncomfortable in the photo. Secondly, their arm presses against their torso. This squishes the arm out and makes it look larger than it actually is.

d. Don’t take Pics Head On If your subject stares at the camera head-on, they look bigger. Turn your shoulders so they are not head on. Just raising one shoulder higher than another will add dimension and strength to the image.

e. Don’t Show the Whites of Your Eyes- You want to see the iris, the colored part.

f. Open Your Mouth Slightly- With the mouth slightly open, the jawline is elongated and gives a subtle intimate invite to the viewer.

g. Have Ballet Hands- Under the chin, over the shoulder, to the side, under the ear or through the hair are some common positions for hands.

h. Position Yourself Girl- Old red carpet trick: Position your body 45 degrees and put the arm closest to the camera on your hip. Then plant one foot slightly in front of the other, point your toe to the camera and place your weight on your back leg.

Stand Up Straight- Standing up straight really does make a difference. Not only will it elongate you in photos, but it gives you an aura of strength and confidence, which is naturally alluring.

Week 14 Challenge
1. Post a list of 30 things you have never done, read, ate, gone. Accomplish ONE NEW PLACE/ACTIVITY this week. Make it something classy. Beach picture, jazz club, spa date, SOMETHING.
2. Clean up your social media profile. Post how you've made some changes. Delete all pictures of exes. Delete all unflattering pics where you or your children aren't their best.
3. Download a great photo editing app. Post some suggestions if you find some great ones.
4. Create a new profile picture. I don't care if it's staged or not....look good and girly. Throw on some heels, a dress, and some slight makeup. Stand in the back yard or a park. Get outside and let the sun kiss your beautiful skin. Create a new you.​
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Week 14 Challenge
I'm still adding to my list.

1. Kayaking
2. Foodie Group Meet Up at Nice Restaurant
3. My university's alumni events
4. Something involving my sorority
5. Yoga
6. Karoke

I think I did good of deleting all pics of any exes. I hid a lot of albums too. I did a search and deleted all posts where I'm cursing. I also went through and deleted old pictures of me. I stopped referring to children as "kids" so I changed my wording in many posts. I think to take this to the next level, you should let someone you really trust go through and look at your profile from a new set of eyes and ask what needs to be changed.
Week 14 Challenge
1. Post a list of 30 things you have never done, read, ate, gone. Accomplish ONE NEW PLACE/ACTIVITY this week. Make it something classy. Beach picture, jazz club, spa date, SOMETHING.
2. Clean up your social media profile. Post how you've made some changes. Delete all pictures of exes. Delete all unflattering pics where you or your children aren't their best.
3. Download a great photo editing app. Post some suggestions if you find some great ones.
4. Create a new profile picture. I don't care if it's staged or not....look good and girly. Throw on some heels, a dress, and some slight makeup. Stand in the back yard or a park. Get outside and let the sun kiss your beautiful skin. Create a new you.​

I think that this week's challenge is the only thing that I do anyway (for the most part) -- but only because I try not to post my "personal" pics online and I don't post pics of the kids. I know that "they" are tracking me, but I try not to help "them".

Blush with Me has a few good videos on taking pictures and self-portraiture. You can see other videos like this on her channel.

I'm an android user, but I like to use Snapseed (I think a google product :(). I got the tip from Patricia Bright to lighten my eyes and teeth in my photoss (not a scary glow) and it helps even when I've colour corrected the rest of the photo. In less than 5 minutes, you can really improve a photo without needing the skills of a program like Photoshop.

I'm not sure what I want to do for #1. I might have to postpone that one.