52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

These are tips taken from her facebook posts.

Sleep on one side of the bed. Sleep like you want to be married. Don’t allow your child to sleep in your bed. Your bed even if you are single is reserved for your husband. Leave room for your husband/future husband. To cut down on confusion, always leave space for your husband by not allowing your child to sleep in your husband’s spot.

Sleep quality and training are essential. Make sure you prioritize 8-9 hours of sleep daily.

No one has time for bags under their eyes. Take naps as needed. Naps are a form of self-love.

Going back to the tidbit of never rushing. Don't rush to go to bed. Take your time. Take in the experience. Have a nighttime routine. Thoroughly prepare yourself for bed each night. My simple routine looks like: bath, moisturize my body, moisturize and wash my face, meditate/prayer, sleep.

@Supervixen am I missing something?

This is interesting. What about us with a singleton bed?
Scaled back on my work hours this year. Right now I work outside of the home 4 days out of 5. What keeps me frazzled is all these errands I have to run all the time that impede me from looking my best. So right now I've been thinking about paying a little extra to have groceries delivered at my home, does anyone else do this?

This in turn should result in more time to spruce myself and go to the sauna / have facials / get my legs waxed.

Oseola McCarthy spoke about this in her book. She said that even though we have computers now, it seems like life has become more hectic instead of more simple.
This is a great list. Both babies are in here but tomorrow I will put them in their beds. Thank you ladies:)
I’m still working on this as well. DH used to let DS sleep in the bed when sick. Because of this DS wants to sleep in the bed every day. Soooo annoying. I’m trhing to break the habit but it’s hard.
Participants -

@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous)
February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine
March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Enviroment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas

Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas

Last month was all about you specifically. We worked on polishing your femininity with hobbies and rituals, changing your voice to sound sweeter and feminine, rocking your clothes to wear more dresses and feminine attire, and acting with poise in trying situations. All of these things require you to be very deliberate. You must be very deliberate and intentional as these weeks go on. All of these weeks will turn into habits that will create a peaceful Enviroment for you, your husband, and your children. This lies in the power of your femininity. Continue to look to improve your home. Keep fresh flowers, but also focus on aromas. What does your home SMELL like? When your husband/children walk in... what do they smell? Smells often set the tone. Bring out the candles. Seek to use candle light instead of bright light fixtures where you want it calming such as in your bedroom. Add scented candles to the living room to transform your space.

  • Place thick pretty blankets at the edge of your bed or couch.
  • Light candles to transform your space.
  • Replace white outlet covers with brushed nickel or chrome
  • Add fresh flowers
  • Create a pleasant smell with lavendar or vanilla plug-ins.
  • Replace dish soap bottles with glass soap dispensers
  • Change the hardware on the drawers
  • Use lamps instead of overhead lights
  • Keep clutter out of sight. No mail, paper, or junk anywhere.
  • Keep the television or computers in certain rooms. Use a bluetooth speaker to play smooth music instead.
  • Keep your sink EMPTY. Load your dishwasher at night and empty it every morning.

Week 11 Challenge

  1. Add touches of sexiness throughout by adding candles.
  2. Continue nurturing your flowers and housplant from last week. Take in their beauty. Admire their beauty. Make it your focal point. If your flowers are placed in the kitchen or living room, make sure it’s in your direct focus upon entering the home so you can take in and appreciate its beauty.
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Week 11
I love TJMaxx for my candles! Even the $3 ones last a season.
I have them in every room downstairs and light them often. I coordinate candle colors with my house decor so they look like a part of the furnishings.
Still didn’t buy flowers - went in Kroger and got trapped over at the Milani blush stand.

I feel like some of the things we’ve been focusing on have become automatic!
I’m noticing so many changes. Many of them are becoming automatic for me as well.

Those flowers look so classy in my living room. I might have to set aside $5 for fresh flowers each week until I can afford better ones. They look so nice.

Plating - I do this automatically. Some days are better than others but I’m getting closer and closer to looking like every meal is from a restaurant. Below is my roast from yesterday. I call this one a fail but it’s better from how I first started. Any tips?

I look cute when I go to bed. Satin two piece sets really save the day. I look so girly that I don’t want to tie up my hair lol. I pineapple mycrochet hair which still keeps me looking cute.

I stay so calm and patient with DS. I used to hurry up and drop him off and leave. Now I take my time. I’m truly a master of my time which means sometimes I have to come early if I have somewhere to be. I stay and talk to DS’s teachers. I use Super Vixen’s Power of 12 and kiss and hug him before I leave every morning so by the time I drop him off we’re up to 3 hugs/kisses. I look around the room and see if they need anything. They usually need small things like water, Kleenex, wipes, bags, cheetohs, socks (man DS eats socks at daycare). I frequent my Dollar Tree and stay bringing a dollar item every other week or so. I know it’s over kill but I do feel like they keep very good care of DS because of my attentiveness. One day he came late. They said oooh make another plate for Baby PrissiSippi because you know he’s used to having a sit down breakfast instead of a snack breakfast (like pop tarts). I appreciate that.

My niece always has community service activities at her elementary school. I want DS to go there in two years. Ima start doing community service with the end in mind....get my child to the best school I can and right now I don’t think we could afford the private school I want. Anyway because I have stopped rushing I have started noticing little stuff that school needs and PTA/community service activities. Ima try to make sure I go to a few activities.

I look good every day. Dresses dangling earrings I can’t wear y’all heels so I aim for low heels but still. Below is a little play outfit. I normally would wear a shirt and jeans to shop. Not now. MILF all day. I went out to the mall and a guy asked me do I look this good everyday. I smiled and giggled to say thank you but I was thinking in my head...while yes I do sir lol. Since I’ve been making an effort to set aside some me time for walking a mile and applying my p90 my skin has cleared up. My body is kinda shifting in weight too. I look really womanly and since I’m trying to eat more (through plating) I’m gaining a little weight too. But since it’s all clean calories (fruit, yogurt) i don’t look bloated.

I’m having a hard time not cursing. It’s such a nasty habit I started. I curse too much. I’m still working on it.


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@PrissiSippi Intoo am struggling with cursing. It’s very hard not to when I get upset. Does anyone have any strategies to share?
Your casual outfit is cute! I want to work on this so I look cute while I’m home this summer.
PrissiSippi did you cook in the slow cooker? If my meat is too soft for nice slices, I chunk it up and arrange the vegetables in a ring around the mound of meat.
@PrissiSippi pretty!

Ooooh these are some PETTY yt women. A coworker had a baby. Petite yt woman, wears a full face daily and wore heels up to month 8- think eternal cheerleader. She named her baby a very country old-timey name. They have been going in circles tearing this lady’s baby name down. At first Idk why they were so invested. I was really close to defending the name.
I just realized it’s not about the name. It’s about the lady. Last week one of the same women was complaining about how much effort coworkers put into prettyladys baby shower in comparison to another girls. “They were scrambling to get this and that for her... it was laid out.”
It’s what she commands. Do be mad, do better.

Wait until she sees my new car:look:
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Nice challenge this week:yep:. My home scent is Black Vanilla, purchased it from Zara Home. Usually when I haven't been home for a while and I walk in, my home smells nice. I also open up a window from time to time, to air the place.

Have had a few visitors over and no one has ever complained about any smells, so that's a good sign. Living so small also forces me to be thoroughly clean, as everything is in plain sight for all to see.

Currently also working on decluttering the space, so that my stuff is not just collecting dust. Especially clothes and books.
I am currently using a candle from bath and body, aromatherapy line. Smells amazing and gives me peace and tranquility vibes. I get so many compliments on the smell.

I don't eat meat but I still find so much joy in cooking for my family. I have been working on my platting. Even my teenage son competes with me on who can plate better. My family loved the pork and shrimp dumplings that I made from scratch. It took a lot of time but I put so much love into it and I can tell that it was received.

We have so much power as women on the vibes and energy that we bring into our home. I've noticed so many little changes with my family that I enjoy so much. The family is always watching! The better mood that I'm in trickles down to them so I have been very cautious of my energy.


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^^^The plates look marvelous! This week I'll be cooking Asian food too, so I'm def taking notes.

This is what I made on Sunday, to celebrate the fact that Black Panther grossed $1 billion at the box office:


This is the second batch I made, which burned a lil bit. Sent the first batch to my sister, who loved it! The overall theme in my home is Aphrochic, so this fit in nicely:yep:.

Yesterday was my goddaughter's birthday and this is the card I gave her:


As I mentioned before, I'm trying to be more present in my nieces' lives. She loved it! Also, something Brother Zac Poonen said prompted this: he said that many Christian women nowadays know how to work a computer, but have absolutely no clue as to how to run a household. So I'm trying to change that.

My sister had her second baby two months ago and I'm trying to help her as much as I can. Her son seems to cry more than her daughter did at that age, so I feel like I've conquered a battlefield when I'm able to calm him down by just singing or holding him:lol:
^^^The plates look marvelous! This week I'll be cooking Asian food too, so I'm def taking notes.

This is what I made on Sunday, to celebrate the fact that Black Panther grossed $1 billion at the box office:


This is the second batch I made, which burned a lil bit. Sent the first batch to my sister, who loved it! The overall theme in my home is Aphrochic, so this fit in nicely:yep:.

Yesterday was my goddaughter's birthday and this is the card I gave her:


As I mentioned before, I'm trying to be more present in my nieces' lives. She loved it! Also, something Brother Zac Poonen said prompted this: he said that many Christian women nowadays know how to work a computer, but have absolutely no clue as to how to run a household. So I'm trying to change that.

My sister had her second baby two months ago and I'm trying to help her as much as I can. Her son seems to cry more than her daughter did at that age, so I feel like I've conquered a battlefield when I'm able to calm him down by just singing or holding him:lol:

I've been a SAHM for about 2 years now and I'm still struggling with managing my household. I have the financial part down, but everything else...issa mess.

My home looks good, but not "cozy". My mom never decorated and honestly, I know nothing about decorating. My parents home was always cluttered. I'm always working to not have clutter. But I have no cleaning or purging schedule. So, on Sunday night I might have all of my son's clothes washed and folded, but realize none of my daughter's uniforms are washed for the week. I don't have chores set up for my kids. I don't meal plan, I'm always coming up with meals on the fly.

My parents (I won't just put it on my mom), but I'll say that neither taught me about running my household and I really do feel like I'm trying to figure it out on my own.

So, I am enjoying this thread. I am going to keep lurking, but try to put some of these things into action.
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I've been a SAHM for about 2 years now and I'm still struggling with managing my household. I have the financial part down, but everything else...issa mess.

My home looks good, but not "cozy". My mom never decorated and honestly, I know nothing about decorating. My parents home was always cluttered. I'm always working to not have clutter. But I have no cleaning or purging schedule. So, on Sunday night I might have all of my son's clothes washed and folded, but realize none of my daughter's uniforms are washed for the week. I don't have chores set up for my kids. I don't meal plan, I'm always coming up with meals on the fly.

My parents (I won't just put it on my mom), buy I'll say that neither taught me about running my household and I really do feel like I'm trying to figure it out on my own.

So, I am enjoying this thread. I am going to keep lurking, but try to put some of these things in action.

Me too, really enjoying this thread. Our pastor always asks us to jot down what we want to achieve for the upcoming year and I wrote down: to be more feminine. And out of nowhere comes this thread, yay! Honestly, we're all on this learning journey. There was a man I was interested in who called me 'masculine' because of something I said to him. Back in the days I would've just crawled into my shell and sulked in misery but now I'm taking action. He may be salty but I could definitely use more feminine ways of doing things and going about life. So here I am, I don't let the fact that I'm a beginner discourage me.

Also, I'm more prone to get the 'masculine' insult, since I live alone and really have no choice sometimes but to do things on my own. Either way, I love to learn and YouTube is a lifesaver :haha:.
^^^The plates look marvelous! This week I'll be cooking Asian food too, so I'm def taking notes.

This is what I made on Sunday, to celebrate the fact that Black Panther grossed $1 billion at the box office:


Wow that is a beautiful plate. It is nice for presenting food. The cookies look delicious also.
This video made me think of you ladies. Take this in the most flattering light. Now that I'm an adult, I really appreciate my mom and grandma's southern belle ways. It's still almost a reflex to roll my eyes since they can be over the top but I really appreciate what the love, support and stability of my childhood years has allowed me to accomplish.

I highly recommend Flylady Kat as a mentor for implementing the Flylady system of household management without all those annoying emails. She makes a daily video that gives you a plan for the day geared towards both working moms and stay at home moms. It takes about 3 months to fully implement but it is life changing!


I've been a SAHM for about 2 years now and I'm still struggling with managing my household. I have the financial part down, but everything else...issa mess.

My home looks good, but not "cozy". My mom never decorated and honestly, I know nothing about decorating. My parents home was always cluttered. I'm always working to not have clutter. But I have no cleaning or purging schedule. So, on Sunday night I might have all of my son's clothes washed and folded, but realize none of my daughter's uniforms are washed for the week. I don't have chores set up for my kids. I don't meal plan, I'm always coming up with meals on the fly.

My parents (I won't just put it on my mom), buy I'll say that neither taught me about running my household and I really do feel like I'm trying to figure it out on my own.

So, I am enjoying this thread. I am going to keep lurking, but try to put some of these things in action.
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I've been a SAHM for about 2 years now and I'm still struggling with managing my household. I have the financial part down, but everything else...issa mess.

My home looks good, but not "cozy". My mom never decorated and honestly, I know nothing about decorating. My parents home was always cluttered. I'm always working to not have clutter. But I have no cleaning or purging schedule. So, on Sunday night I might have all of my son's clothes washed and folded, but realize none of my daughter's uniforms are washed for the week. I don't have chores set up for my kids. I don't meal plan, I'm always coming up with meals on the fly.

My parents (I won't just put it on my mom), buy I'll say that neither taught me about running my household and I really do feel like I'm trying to figure it out on my own.

So, I am enjoying this thread. I am going to keep lurking, but try to put some of these things in action.

This is my story too. I'm still figuring it out too. Ro gave me a lot of tips, although I wouldn't advise anyone to pay $30k for her courses. FlyLady also gave some good tips too. The LHCF ladies have a thread here you can check out.

I'm looking forward to Everyone else's advice too!
I've been a SAHM for about 2 years now and I'm still struggling with managing my household. I have the financial part down, but everything else...issa mess.

My home looks good, but not "cozy". My mom never decorated and honestly, I know nothing about decorating. My parents home was always cluttered. I'm always working to not have clutter. But I have no cleaning or purging schedule. So, on Sunday night I might have all of my son's clothes washed and folded, but realize none of my daughter's uniforms are washed for the week. I don't have chores set up for my kids. I don't meal plan, I'm always coming up with meals on the fly.

My parents (I won't just put it on my mom), buy I'll say that neither taught me about running my household and I really do feel like I'm trying to figure it out on my own.

So, I am enjoying this thread. I am going to keep lurking, but try to put some of these things in action.
Do you have a friend you can emulate? This is where an accountability partner comes in. @PeaceLover is mine. We are like ying and yang. I can do this plating and dressing and candles and flowers down pack with my eyes closed. She can do the organizing, cleaning, gardening, and self love with her eyes closed. I learn from her. She keeps on me about it. I’m on a slick schedule. Sunday’s I wash. I may forget but then Monday’s I wash. Then I started washing AND folding. Then I started washing folding and putting away. Then washing folding putting away and ironing for the week. The goal is never perfection. But we can strive to be better than yesterday.
I highly recommend Flylady Kat as a mentor for implementing the Flylady system of household management without all those annoying emails. She makes a daily video that gives you a plan for the day geared towards both working moms and stay at home moms. It takes about 3 months to fully implement but it is life changing!
How could I find FlyLady Kat?!
I am currently using a candle from bath and body, aromatherapy line. Smells amazing and gives me peace and tranquility vibes. I get so many compliments on the smell.

I don't eat meat but I still find so much joy in cooking for my family. I have been working on my platting. Even my teenage son competes with me on who can plate better. My family loved the pork and shrimp dumplings that I made from scratch. It took a lot of time but I put so much love into it and I can tell that it was received.

We have so much power as women on the vibes and energy that we bring into our home. I've noticed so many little changes with my family that I enjoy so much. The family is always watching! The better mood that I'm in trickles down to them so I have been very cautious of my energy.
This food looks like it was thought out so gingerly and has sooo much love and compassion with every bite. I know your family enjoys it sooooo much! They will start being like a mirror and mirror your compassion as well. Watch and see how they will start looking out for you in the weeks to come!
@PrissiSippi pretty!

Ooooh these are some PETTY yt women. A coworker had a baby. Petite yt woman, wears a full face daily and wore heels up to month 8- think eternal cheerleader. She named her baby a very country old-timey name. They have been going in circles tearing this lady’s baby name down. At first Idk why they were so invested. I was really close to defending the name.
I just realized it’s not about the name. It’s about the lady. Last week one of the same women was complaining about how much effort coworkers put into prettyladys baby shower in comparison to another girls. “They were scrambling to get this and that for her... it was laid out.”
It’s what she commands. Do be mad, do better.

Wait until she sees my new car:look:
Girl aren’t they always mad? People always said “I wonder what Priss will do when she has that baby. No more time for makeup. “ Lies they tell. I will be flawless as I was before DS lol. He came into my life not the other way around. I still go to church. I still go to functions. I still wear makeup. I’m still me. Just better improved. I think they hate thiughbecause even back in the day I didn’t have to lift a finger with my children in the classroom. They rushed to be my superhero. I’m so fragile and delicate lol. As I should be.
How could I find FlyLady Kat?!
I apologize for not thinking to add the link. She is on YouTube and has a paid channel on Patreon. Everything you need is on YouTube for free if you are just interested in the basics.


*Also, the lady I was partnering with on the outside has dropped off so if anyone is looking for an accountability partner I am in need. Thank you for considering:)
I’m slowly changing my entire wardrobe. Nothing but dresses.

I laugh at some post Ro made. She posted a dress for every occasion: at a bbq, birthday party, football game, picnic, church, grocery store. Lol. She is so over the top but the message is still the same.

LOOK YOUR BEST EVERYDAY. Put on your minimum. For me it’s lipgloss mascara and tinted moisturizer and maybe some edge control. Look FINE everyday. A dress helps me do this effortlessly.

More and More dresses. The pink dress was only $4 and came from Windsor by was found at a thrift store. They other dress was also Windsor but was on clearance for $15 woot woot forfeminine and fly.

As a hobby I’ve been doing open mic night at A local jazz club. I wore the blue dress last. I picked up my son from daycare and this random lady said I KNOW HER! That’s PrissiSippi!! She is so fiyah and cute. Yall cant know how good it made me feel. She whispered to the other lady that I’m so beautiful and fierce with the poetry and my looks and I just was floored. You never know who is looking for you.


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I've been a SAHM for about 2 years now and I'm still struggling with managing my household. I have the financial part down, but everything else...issa mess.

My home looks good, but not "cozy". My mom never decorated and honestly, I know nothing about decorating. My parents home was always cluttered. I'm always working to not have clutter. But I have no cleaning or purging schedule. So, on Sunday night I might have all of my son's clothes washed and folded, but realize none of my daughter's uniforms are washed for the week. I don't have chores set up for my kids. I don't meal plan, I'm always coming up with meals on the fly.

My parents (I won't just put it on my mom), buy I'll say that neither taught me about running my household and I really do feel like I'm trying to figure it out on my own.

So, I am enjoying this thread. I am going to keep lurking, but try to put some of these things in action.
This has been me too. Our home was always a wreck when I was a child. I’m lucky to have had my aunt’s house and influence occasionally in my life. She was always extremely feminine and kept her house decorated and orderly. It is my goal to make sure my children know what it’s like to have a comfortable and cleanly home, and I want them to continue that into their own adulthood.

I also want my daughter, who is already super girly, to be naturally feminine.

I dont completely stay at home but I consider myself to be aSAHM. I feel like forcing myself into a routine and being somewhat organizing (meal planning, etc) has been the one thing that has saved my sanity.
How could I find FlyLady Kat?!
We have a thread in the cooking section of the board for FlyLady too. Come on over.
I apologize for not thinking to add the link. She is on YouTube and has a paid channel on Patreon. Everything you need is on YouTube for free if you are just interested in the basics.


*Also, the lady I was partnering with on the outside has dropped off so if anyone is looking for an accountability partner I am in need. Thank you for considering:)

We can be partners.
Do you have a friend you can emulate? This is where an accountability partner comes in. @PeaceLover is mine. We are like ying and yang. I can do this plating and dressing and candles and flowers down pack with my eyes closed. She can do the organizing, cleaning, gardening, and self love with her eyes closed. I learn from her. She keeps on me about it. I’m on a slick schedule. Sunday’s I wash. I may forget but then Monday’s I wash. Then I started washing AND folding. Then I started washing folding and putting away. Then washing folding putting away and ironing for the week. The goal is never perfection. But we can strive to be better than yesterday.

I really don't. LOL. I don't know anyone IRL who is good at managing their home. Most of my friends have homes that are cluttered. I'm probably the least cluttered simply because I reject how I was raised, but I have no real style to my home. And I look all the time and say, "Dang, how have I not noticed all of these tiny fingerprints on the windows?" Or "Man, that ceiling fan has a coat of dust on it". I don't have a system to make sure EVERYTHING gets clean in a timely manner. Like someone wrote about washing walls the other day, and I have seriously never washed my walls in the 6-7 years we've lived in our home (well, until this past weekend when I randomly decided to start washing walls). I can't ever remember my parents doing anything like that. I'm going to look at some of the suggestions. I started with FlyLady before, but just wasn't feeling all of the emails. That's mental clutter to me. But I'll check these things out ladies!
I hear you. Trust me on the Flylady Kat tip. The intro video is long but the daily videos are normally 5-7 minutes long. She departs from Flyldy’s methods a tiny bit but in a good way.

I really don't. LOL. I don't know anyone IRL who is good at managing their home. Most of my friends have homes that are cluttered. I'm probably the least cluttered simply because I reject how I was raised, but I have no real style to my home. And I look all the time and say, "Dang, how have I not noticed all of these tiny fingerprints on the windows?" Or "Man, that ceiling fan has a coat of dust on it". I don't have a system to make sure EVERYTHING gets clean in a timely manner. Like someone wrote about washing walls the other day, and I have seriously never washed my walls in the 6-7 years we've lived in our home (well, until this past weekend when I randomly decided to start washing walls). I can't ever remember my parents doing anything like that. I'm going to look at some of the suggestions. I started with FlyLady before, but just wasn't feeling all of the emails. That's mental clutter to me. But I'll check these things out ladies!