52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Got my car washed (I looked cute so they dried it for free lol)
Went to church
Made myself a caramel mocchiato at home
Ate good food (leftovers but still good)
Walked a mile around the street with little one
Visited a friend and did a kind gesture for her today
Updated my Blog with the recipe to the Chicken I cooked yesterday
And I may go see Black Panther tonight

I can say today is a good day. I'm trying to make myself a gratitude journal so hopefully I can write these things down.
Got my car washed (I looked cute so they dried it for free lol)
Went to church
Made myself a caramel mocchiato at home
Ate good food (leftovers but still good)
Walked a mile around the street with little one
Visited a friend and did a kind gesture for her today
Updated my Blog with the recipe to the Chicken I cooked yesterday
And I may go see Black Panther tonight

I can say today is a good day. I'm trying to make myself a gratitude journal so hopefully I can write these things down.

In my blogger app (two years ago when I did this) or Samsung Notes (now) I write down 3 Good Things every single day. When the going gets rough, it's so convenient to have days and days of small moments I'd forgotten about to look through. Tonight, I thought about keeping in my mini planner with personal goals, trackers etc in it, then realized I don't really leave the house with that. My phone is always on me. I also don't have to worry about losing it, damage etc. I think I will rewrite my top 3 of the 3 Good things down. I think it will be additional source of sustain that positive energy and thinking. We'll see....I already have a million things to do.

This isn't the original article, but there are so many benefits to this mini gratitude exercise. It helped me work through all of emotions of this breakup.


Participants -

@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous)
February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine
March- Home Living
Week 10: Buy Fresh Flowers

Week 10: Beautify Your Enviroment; Add Fresh Cut Flowers

Last month was all about you specifically. We worked on polishing your femininity with hobbies and rituals, changing your voice to sound sweeter and feminine, rocking your clothes to wear more dresses and feminine attire, and acting with poise in trying situations. All of these things require you to be very deliberate. You must be very deliberate and intentional as you go on to create habits that inspire you to be more feminine. This month we will focus on being deliberate in the home. You need things around you that remind you of your beauty. Of your worth. Of your rarity. You are wonderful just the way you are. Why not treat yourself to beauty?

Flowers have been scientifically proven to make you happier.

Researchers Seong-Hyun Park and Richard H. Mattson or Kansas State University found that hospital patients who stayed in rooms filled with plants and flowers had "significantly fewer intakes of postoperative analgesics, more positive physiological responses evidenced by lower systolic blood pressure and heart rate, lower ratings of pain, anxiety, and fatigue, and more positive feelings and higher satisfaction about their rooms when compared with patients in the control group". If flowers can do that for hospital patients, surely a healthy person can gain some benefit by putting them in their home. Right?

During this challenge we focus on a lot. We focus on you becoming a better girlfriend/wife. We focus on you becoming a better mother. We focus on you becoming a better housewife. All of this starts with you. This means how YOU feel comes first. It’s not just about looking feminine, it is also about living and breathing the part. One way to do so is to surround yourself with beauty. You should place fresh flowers at home, so that every time you arrive or leave, you are reminded that you are a beautiful woman with the world at her feet. From daisies to lilies, it is up to you what you want to bring into your home.

Bright, fresh cut flowers instantly improve your mood. People with fresh flowers in their homes are most likely to feel less worried and feel fewer periods of anxiety or depression.

Fresh flowers have been shown to stimulate creativity while promoting concentration. Adding flowers and fresh plants to your child’s bedroom or play area will brighten the space as well as their growing imagination, while also encouraging responsibility. Put a vase at your desk because they can also spark your creativity while you’re at work.

Week 10 Challenge

  1. Add touches of beauty throughout by adding real flowers.
  2. Already have flowers in your space? Use your feminine energy to nurture a houseplant.
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I posted that I only serve my husband on real plates because he is my royalty. Someone commented well I serve my family on Styrofoam and they get fed. Baby I didn’t ask you about your struggle plates. And that’s fine because it’s your choice. I’m not trying to stray u to my side I’m just talking in my platform which is MY page.

This thing about the plates has had me scratching my head all weekend, because I've seen it in other threads as well...but is not serving your family on real plates a thing? Legit question. Is this a cultural thing, like wearing shoes indoors?
This thing about the plates has had me scratching my head all weekend, because I've seen it in other threads as well...but is not serving your family on real plates a thing? Legit question. Is this a cultural thing, like wearing shoes indoors?
Girl Styrofoam is the way to go for most Americans. It's one less step for everyone. Most of us work AND cook so bruh just getting food on the table is an accomplishment. The task of cleaning afterwards is so daunting. After everyone eats they will just throw the plate in the garbage and keep kicking. However @PeaceLover noted that eating on REAL plates is really a mind thing. Most of us have dishwashers. How hard is it to empty the plates and place the plate in the dishwasher to be washed automatically. I personally don't use my dishwasher often and I DESPISE cleaning to the GAWDS but I've just gotten used to feeding my family on real plates. Took a few months. But I noticed that DH would even place his fast food on a real plate. He would drink out of a wine glass even if it was juice lol. He never admitted it, but I think he liked the class of it all. However, he didn't like using cloth napkins. He would never use them.
This thing about the plates has had me scratching my head all weekend, because I've seen it in other threads as well...but is not serving your family on real plates a thing? Legit question. Is this a cultural thing, like wearing shoes indoors?

Probably more of convenience because dealing with doing dishes is a pain in the a. Anything posted on social media people take as a pot shot though, I've been using real plates more, but I still use paper for certain things like heating up DS's food. I don't feel any type of way about other people running their households as they see fit.
This is what @PeaceLover always says. She makes sure the dishwasher is empty so that she never has to wash dishes even when she cooks and plates. If anything she may have to clean a few pans but that’s it. I honestly don’t know how to clean as I go like this so I hope she drops a few gems one day. Dlewis does this good too. I’m assuming it goes like this.

1. Don’t ever go to bed with any dishes in your sink
2. Before you start cooking run a hot sink full of dishwater.
3. Empty the dishwasher
4. Cook and immediately after pack the to go plates for the next day and plate the food.
5. Rinse your pans and place in dishwasher
6. After eating run dishwasher
7. Take plates out of dishwasher and put them in their place

Sorry, I'm still catching up.

I like this post. I need to work on cleaning up as I go and keeping the dish rack clean. The dish rack usually has the plastics in it (tupperwear and children's cups, mixing bowls, and anything else too big for the dishwasher. But the dishwasher we run at over night so that the day's dishes are taken care of and the water charges aren't as high. If I could get the dishes dried and put away before bed the kitchen would look so much more inviting in the morning!
They're so expensive, but has anyone looked into these year-long roses? They're extremely gorgeous and come in so many colors. I was thinking of getting one in the acrylic box and making it the centerpiece on my "to be ordered" new dining table.

I love flowers for the scent too, so when I get back I may subscribe to a flower service too. We'll see what my budget says.

There are several different companies. I just picked lafleur.

Care instructions:
Are they real?
  • Yes, they are real Roses. NO silk flowers here.

How much water do I have to add?
  • Nothing. Never water them!
The idea is that they are already treated so that they last .
If you add water they will dissolve and you will damage them.

Are you sure they last 1 year?
  • Yes, they last a LONG time. They will last 1 year of you take care of the properly.

How do I take care of the Roses?
  • Never Water
  • Do not expose so direct sunlight
  • The flower is not edible and can Stain
  • Indoor use only Recommended
  • Treat them carefully, flowers are always delicate. Never shake, freeze or press them.



oooohhh I like this for the corner table on the patio outside my room.

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I sat on my patio today to eat breakfast for a change of scenery. Lol I don’t know if I could go back to eating in paper plates. That was my thing but I dunno I feel so calm and unbothered with my white plates and napkins. Crazy how I changed one tiny little thing to make a big difference. I bought a cheap flatware set last month from walmart for about $10. And I took Peace Lover’s advice and bought these little bowls for grits and greens and etc from Walmart as well for $2 a piece. Cheaply white cloth napkins are from eBay for $10. I have some nicer white plates but I like these Better Home ones the best for whatever reason. It was a wedding present.

For anyone wanting to get started but not knowing how or not wanting to spend money:

Plate Set $30 ($4 if from Dollar Tree)
Flatware $10 from walmart
Cloth Napkins $10 from ebay
Bowls $10 from Walmart
Wine Glasses $4 from a dollar Tree
Total: $64 or really even at cheap as $38

I might get a set of nicer white bowls for side salads. Or maybe just use our white cereal bowls to start. And the little containers for sauces...those are next on my list. I love your plates! We've got rectangle ones for the 2 times per year that we have guests...:look:

How many meals worth of cloth napkins did you buy? I keep going back and forward because that's extra effort on laundry and I'm still a few years away to committing on ironing...DH irons the kids' school napkins and I don't want to give him more work... When baby gets older that'll be 6 napkins per meal...that's a real commitment. Also, do you use them for breakfast too or just for dinner?
Girl Styrofoam is the way to go for most Americans. It's one less step for everyone. Most of us work AND cook so bruh just getting food on the table is an accomplishment. The task of cleaning afterwards is so daunting. After everyone eats they will just throw the plate in the garbage and keep kicking. However @PeaceLover noted that eating on REAL plates is really a mind thing. Most of us have dishwashers. How hard is it to empty the plates and place the plate in the dishwasher to be washed automatically. I personally don't use my dishwasher often and I DESPISE cleaning to the GAWDS but I've just gotten used to feeding my family on real plates. Took a few months. But I noticed that DH would even place his fast food on a real plate. He would drink out of a wine glass even if it was juice lol. He never admitted it, but I think he liked the class of it all. However, he didn't like using cloth napkins. He would never use them.


These boards stay teaching me about American culture. I really had my friends (black and white) looking at me strange this weekend if they'd heard of this...
This week, my goals are:

  • Practice tempering and softening my voice. When I was thinking about this I realize that I always sound stern, irritated, and serious. When I get serious my "deep" voice gets deeper. I'm now sounding like Bea Arther all day, everyday -- mainly because I am trying to train the boys to listen the first time. I ask sweetly, and sweetly, and sweetly, until I then have to move to masculine strategies and give direct orders sternly.
  • Develop and wear a polished face at home. This is something that I've done on and off. On Friday, I got a large mole removed from the side of my face so I'm going to lay off wearing foundation as much as possible, but I think that doing my eyebrows, mascara, and lip gloss would be a nice touch for home.
  • Rock your wardrobe. I'm going to force myself to buy some spring tops this week. My wardrobe is in dire straights and I need clothes last year. I find that my body right now is hard to dress, but if I don't make it work I'll soon be wearing my bathrobe everywhere. I'm not a dress sort of person unless I'm going out or unless it's summer so I'm going to learn to play up jeans and cute blouses to be feminine.
I need to find some time to paint my nails, between today and tomorrow. I've been slacking on maintaining the appearance of my hands.

These boards stay teaching me about American culture. I really had my friends (black and white) looking at me strange this weekend if they'd heard of this...
Lol I never thought about this being a cultural thing. Yeah we are an area of dire convenience. So y'all use regular plates on the daily?

OAN: I didn't start using Styrofoam until I got on my own. My mother and father only eat on real plates. I wonder what's the reasoning? We used to eat on those ugly plates with the flower in the middle that every black family MUST have to be black lol.
Girl Styrofoam is the way to go for most Americans. It's one less step for everyone. Most of us work AND cook so bruh just getting food on the table is an accomplishment. The task of cleaning afterwards is so daunting. After everyone eats they will just throw the plate in the garbage and keep kicking. However @PeaceLover noted that eating on REAL plates is really a mind thing. Most of us have dishwashers. How hard is it to empty the plates and place the plate in the dishwasher to be washed automatically. I personally don't use my dishwasher often and I DESPISE cleaning to the GAWDS but I've just gotten used to feeding my family on real plates. Took a few months. But I noticed that DH would even place his fast food on a real plate. He would drink out of a wine glass even if it was juice lol. He never admitted it, but I think he liked the class of it all. However, he didn't like using cloth napkins. He would never use them.

90% of my meals at home as a child were eaten on paper or styrofoam plates. We used real plates holidays or when my aunt and would do tea parties and such. When I think of all toxins from years of warming up paper or styrofoam plates in the microwave, I get so scared. Part of all of my fasting this year is that Im trying to kick my body into autophagy several times to induce some natural cell healing, in addition to ensuring I'm minimizing the loose skin with my weightloss efforts. Its a shame really when I think about it. I love my mom and she did her best, but all of my guest come to my home or my ex's home when we were together and all meal and drinks are served on glass settings. We also cooked majority of our meals on cast iron....its good for naturally healing anemia I believe. My ex's mom swears it healed hers. Haven't looked much into it though.
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I might get a set of nicer white bowls for side salads. Or maybe just use our white cereal bowls to start. And the little containers for sauces...those are next on my list. I love your plates! We've got rectangle ones for the 2 times per year that we have guests...:look:

How many meals worth of cloth napkins did you buy? I keep going back and forward because that's extra effort on laundry and I'm still a few years away to committing on ironing...DH irons the kids' school napkins and I don't want to give him more work... When baby gets older that'll be 6 napkins per meal...that's a real commitment. Also, do you use them for breakfast too or just for dinner?
I use my cloth napkins only for dinner. I'll expand soon. I think I bought 25 napkins to last me. It was just two of us using them so 7*2=14 plus I knew I would lose some hahaha so I got 25 for about $25

The condiment containers.....I got from various restaurants years ago. :look: The waiter kept forgetting to give me the to go containers so I was like...yolo lol. Uncouth I know but they're cute lol. But I recently bought some stainless steel ones on ebay for about $7
Lol I never thought about this being a cultural thing. Yeah we are an area of dire convenience. So y'all use regular plates on the daily?

OAN: I didn't start using Styrofoam until I got on my own. My mother and father only eat on real plates. I wonder what's the reasoning? We used to eat on those ugly plates with the flower in the middle that every black family MUST have to be black lol.

Real plates all day, every day. Paper and disposable plastic plates are used for picnics and bbqs. I grew up eating on real plates and that's all I ever saw. Even if you go away to uni here, you're buying dishes....
I use my cloth napkins only for dinner. I'll expand soon. I think I bought 25 napkins to last me. It was just two of us using them so 7*2=14 plus I knew I would lose some hahaha so I got 25 for about $25

The condiment containers.....I got from various restaurants years ago. :look: The waiter kept forgetting to give me the to go containers so I was like...yolo lol. Uncouth I know but they're cute lol. But I recently bought some stainless steel ones on ebay for about $7

That's a good price!
I’m going to have to order some @PrissiSippi . I snatched a few at Belk last minute but I’m tired of washing them.

Okay so something I’ve started to do is be very aware of the media I consume. Even here there are some threads I go into and don’t comment on or that I don’t go into at all. There are certain shows I won’t watch and some songs I used to like that I can barely listen to anymore.
When I lived in Mobile I had to stop listening to micheal baisden for the same reason.
Oh and I’ve been listening to the Funk station on my tv in the morning. It puts me in a good light mood for the day.
I’m going to have to order some @PrissiSippi . I snatched a few at Belk last minute but I’m tired of washing them.

Okay so something I’ve started to do is be very aware of the media I consume. Even here there are some threads I go into and don’t comment on or that I don’t go into at all. There are certain shows I won’t watch and some songs I used to like that I can barely listen to anymore.
When I lived in Mobile I had to stop listening to micheal baisden for the same reason.
Oh and I’ve been listening to the Funk station on my tv in the morning. It puts me in a good light mood for the day.

Yes! I was on a social media break for the first couple months of the year and I think I am going to go back. Looking at my FB timeline can put me in a negative mental space and it's hard to shake! I am starting to skip threads here too, I don't want consume too much conflict laden energy.
Yesterday afternoon I put on some 80s music while I washed the dishes.

1. I was able to clean all off the meal prep dishes before dinner. Cleaning up after dinner was so easy!

2. I realize that I don't listen to music anymore. I think in trying to engage with the children and the children playing with each other, I felt like it was too much noise. But I miss it -- because it's rhythmic not chaotic. And because I'm not up to date on current music a lot of what I listen to is nostalgic and therefore makes me feel good.

3. The boys get excited by music...as in happy. Now's my chance to introduce them to the oldies and the music from my childhood.

I'm also trying not to whine and nag. I want to say what I need to (to the boys) without going on and on about it.
I’m setting my table for dinner tomorrow. It’s just us two so idk if I wanna sit at the end of the table or beside him. What do you all think? Do you sit on either end if it’s just the two of you? Or near each other?
This is the table with have in our kitchen. We have bench seating and upholstered chairs at each end

Or maybe I’ll set the dining room table. Hmmm
Real plates all day, every day. Paper and disposable plastic plates are used for picnics and bbqs. I grew up eating on real plates and that's all I ever saw. Even if you go away to uni here, you're buying dishes....

Lol I thought about y’all as I scrolled down my timeline. In these parts it’s paper plates all day. However look how classy our meals are starting to look as compared to this. It’s all about experience. I can’t wait for dinner every night.


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^^^ yeah like I said....it was mine unless it was a holiday.

I get lots of these photos on my timelines from my relatives and it always reminds me of the cookingforbae instagram (you've been warned if you go check it out) no matter how well done the food may look. I don't think people are as good as taking photos of their food, plating aside, as they may think.
I love fresh cut flowers. I usually pick up a bouquet when I do my weekly grocery shop. I alternate between the $4 and $8 bouquets. The greenery in the more expensive ones last longer so on the alternate week I remove the older flowers and tuck in the new ones. I can usually keep two small arrangements going- one in the kitchen island and one on the dining table. I’d like to work on adding greenery and flowers to my bedroom and bathroom next.
I’m setting my table for dinner tomorrow. It’s just us two so idk if I wanna sit at the end of the table or beside him. What do you all think? Do you sit on either end if it’s just the two of you? Or near each other?
This is the table with have in our kitchen. We have bench seating and upholstered chairs at each end

Or maybe I’ll set the dining room table. Hmmm

Your kitchen table and dishes are so pretty!
Yes! I was on a social media break for the first couple months of the year and I think I am going to go back. Looking at my FB timeline can put me in a negative mental space and it's hard to shake! I am starting to skip threads here too, I don't want consume too much conflict laden energy.
I’ve unfollowed so many people on social media. All it takes is one post. I’m there to be nosy and faux social.