52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Hope the video shows. It's a husband complaining (in French) that the wife is a SAHM, but doesn't maintain the home. :eek:

He says she's always on WhatsApp and social media and keeps repeating: is this what I get for all my hard work?

I used to not be so good at cleaning. I’m working on it now. As we speak I washed my clothes but they’re in a pile on the floor. And I’ve been placing things on my dressser instead of putting them away because I’m tired. I must do better.
She speaks slowly, taking her time to enunciate each word. Her voice is melodic.

Her hand movements are graceful.

She smiles gently when not fully smiling.

Her posture is fantastic.
I said the same things as you.

Her outfit is very feminine

She has on a few key pieces of jewelry and they look to be real. (I need to invest in some diamond studs and s tennis bracelet and a real necklace).

She doesn’t have resting bihh face even when not talking.

She is deliberate and not rushed with her talking.

She pronounces every single syllable like it’s dancing in her head.

This is a great example of a sing song voice.
39 made me think about my gma. We would go to Piccadilly or Morrison and you bet not pick up two starches :lachen:
They didn’t teach me much- but I’ve always had the eating habits and basic manners thing together- please, thank you, covering your mouth and saying excuse me.
I feel like this also. My mother really instilled great dinner etiquette tidbits so I was great there. And she was old school so never two starches lol. It’s amazing how little things like that really stick with you and you pass on to others.
I sat on my patio today to eat breakfast for a change of scenery. Lol I don’t know if I could go back to eating in paper plates. That was my thing but I dunno I feel so calm and unbothered with my white plates and napkins. Crazy how I changed one tiny little thing to make a big difference. I bought a cheap flatware set last month from walmart for about $10. And I took Peace Lover’s advice and bought these little bowls for grits and greens and etc from Walmart as well for $2 a piece. Cheaply white cloth napkins are from eBay for $10. I have some nicer white plates but I like these Better Home ones the best for whatever reason. It was a wedding present.

For anyone wanting to get started but not knowing how or not wanting to spend money:

Plate Set $30 ($4 if from Dollar Tree)
Flatware $10 from walmart
Cloth Napkins $10 from ebay
Bowls $10 from Walmart
Wine Glasses $4 from a dollar Tree
Total: $64 or really even at cheap as $38


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Any tidbits you can share from Pink Pill so far :look: Is it worth the price? I'm thinking about splitting it.

I'm about halfway through. So far. No.

I think I wouldve been a better audience for Pink Pill 201 or 301 because so far its nothing new to me. The different font sizes are annoying to me too. I think a young black woman who has never been in a different ecosystem may find value in it. When I finish it, I will update this review, but so far...naahhhh.
[QUOTE="TracyNicole, post: 24587707, member: 34533]I wear dresses most days. I’m working on getting that up to all days because men respond very positively. I also bought gold hoops on Saturday and noticed dangling earrings are eye catching. I’m on the hunt for a simple necklace and vintage rings.

I love this fashion blogger:


*Off to search for this awesome dress*[/QUOTE]
Asos really has great dresses, especially on sale. I rack up between seasons, they currently have up to 70% off. If you have a .edu email account there’s an additional 10% off!
Asos really has great dresses, especially on sale. I rack up between seasons, they currently have up to 70% off. If you have a .edu email account there’s an additional 10% off!

70% off, I need to head back over there. I couldn't find the dress above, so I may go to the divas at the Fashion forum for assistance. You're so lucky to get the additional 10%! Shop well, and shop often. :yep:
I'm about halfway through. So far. No.

I think I wouldve been a better audience for Pink Pill 201 or 301 because so far its nothing new to me. The different font sizes are annoying to me too. I think a young black woman who has never been in a different ecosystem may find value in it. When I finish it, I will update this review, but so far...naahhhh.
It's Boring and a waste of money. BUT I AM going to take the tip of making a list of 25 things I've never done and taking pictures of it to improve my social media presence. I think for $200 it should have included more videos personally. I honestly don't think you have to buy the Pink Pill to know the curriculum. I just looked at the title and googled and everything came up on various website. For example...one section is What does it mean to be classy? Through browsing a few websites and making a list I came up with this. Class is not about how much money you make, it's about how you carry yourself

1. A classy woman calls after 9 a.m. and before 9 p.m. Before these times she should be doing her own thing. Either sleeping or preparing herself for her day.

2. Be real-always be honest.

3. Be courteous, but do not bend over backward to please others.

4. Be assertive-assertiveness demonstrates maturity, thoughtfulness, and confidence

5. Treat others the way you want to be treated despite their background.

6. Don't insult, gossip or slander.

7. Drop the labels and stereotypes-give everyone respect and the benefit of the doubt.

8. Have Manners- Think before you speak. keep your elbows off the table when you eat, & eat slowly with your mouth closed (to be honest most of this is stuff people should be doing anyway) If you're wearing a short dress, make sure you keep your legs closed when standing up/getting out of cars, and wear knickers at all times in public.

9. Be friendly and smile :) - "please," "thank you," "you're welcome," and "excuse me." Should be used extensively throughout the day. Be courteous to those around you and avoid being loud or rude.

10. Dress Nicely- If you wear a short skirt/dress/shorts, make it one that cover the length arms & chest, if it’s a full length skirt/dress/jeans, you can show more on top. Don't use too much sparkle, and when possible choose pearls over germs/diamante. Less is more, modesty is key & try not to be a slave to fashion.

11. Have Poise and stay calm in trying situations

12. A classy woman refrains from using vulgar language. Avoid swearing at all costs.

13. Maintain great posture. Act like you are a puppet on a string and stand up tall and confident. Try to practice walking like this which includes not rushing.

14. She dresses tastefully. Stay well groomed- think tailored clothes, manicures and pedicures, and managed hair.

15. A classy lady offers her help and is considerate to those around her.

16. When she receives an invitation, she promptly RSVPs or declines. When she receives help or hospitality from someone she sends a thank you note to display her gratitude.

17. Every time she attends a gathering she does not arrive empty handed. She brings a small hostess gift. Gifts include a bottle of wine, something to drink, cookies and/or cake (homemade I hope), SOMETHING.

18. A classy lady is a woman of her word. She has a respectable reputation based on her consistency of her word. She keeps her promises and obligations. She’s known amongst her friends and family as someone who is dependable. If you say you’re going to do something, try your BEST to do it. Be deliberate with your words. If you tell your child you will take them to the store tomorrow, I don’t care if it’s raining or inconvenient…take them. If this is a problem tailor your words. We will try our BEST to go to the store tomorrow.

19. She does not call him. A classy lady knows her worth and knows she deserves to be pursued. If you feel the need to have to initiate contact, you should know that you are not dealing with a gentleman and should move on.

20. A classy woman is a woman of substance. She is talented in all areas and inspire other women. She knows how to plate food and plate it well. She knows how to shop cheaply and have a neat and clean house. She knows how to sew. She knows how to clean and organize well. She looks well put together.

21. A classy woman is actively listening and engaging in conversations. She does not dominate the conversation. She listens more than she talks

22. She speaks faithfully. A classy lady knows that her identity is rooted in God. Her strength and vision come from Jesus Christ through daily prayer. A classy lady does the right thing even when it is not expected of her. For example, she blesses someone’s reputation who has attempted to curse hers.

23. She calls her elders “sir” or “ma’am.”. When she addresses a man, it is always as “Mr. (last name)” and a woman as “Mrs.” or “Miss (last name)” until they’ve been green lighted to use their first name or nickname.

24. She does not use plastic bags other than for groceries. She places her things in a nice bag or her purse, but refrains from plastic bags for it makes her look ill prepared and rushed.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous)
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.
Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.
Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.
Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.

Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine
So during this challenge many of us have been encompassing routines. Some feminine routines include: plating our food, serving our husband before our children and with two hands, wearing dresses and feminine clothing, wearing a signature fragrance every day, being very affectionate by giving each person in the family 12 hugs/kisses a day, wearing cute night clothes to bed each night, having a good sleep schedule, cleaning unapologetically, taking time for us to unwind, meditating/yoga/exercising/juicing/eating healthy. The list goes on and on. BUT they offer little substance. Why you say? It's simply a routine?

This is the week we shift from ROUTINES to RITUALS.

Rituals are richer in meaning than habits/routines. Rituals have many positive effects on our lives. They can:

  • Increase Attention
  • Inspire Creativity
  • Increase Working memory
  • Help with Emotional regulation
  • Boost Immune function
  • Enhance Cognitive performance
  • Regulate Self-control
  • Facilitate Healthy habits
  • Reduce stress
Can you think of some women that wear jewelry, dresses, makeup, talk softly, the whole nine but they don’t seem feminine to you? Why is this? One reason is the intent behind the routines they are doing. Because of this, it's important to turn daily routines into powerful feminine rituals. These rituals can put you back in contact with your feminine energy and help you express who you are — truly.

Both routines and rituals consist of repetitive actions undertaken on a regular basis. But there are a couple important differences between them.

Routines - Result Driven

Routines employ end results that are practical.

Example: When you brush your teeth, you’re doing it for cleanliness. When you brush your hair, it’s to make it manageable. When you take a shower, you’re doing it to clean your body efficiently and quickly.

The efficacy of routines lies in the actions themselves. There is no deeper meaning or purpose behind a routine; it’s done for its own sake. As a result, it can be accomplished without much thought.

Rituals- Experience Driven

There is a meaning and purpose behind a ritual that transcends its observable components.

Rituals are inward and transcendent: a centered mind, expanded spirit, or renewed dedication to a goal.

Rituals center your mind and build your focus.

Rituals quiet the daily frenzy of your mind, but can also help carry you through times when greater interruptions have burst upon your life.

They exercise your focus receives from engaging in ritual will extend out to other areas of your life as well, improving your attention span for other tasks that require keen concentration

How to change your ROUTINES into RITUALS

Incorporate Visualization

Make it Special. Take journaling, for example. Get a fancy journal and nice pen. It might sound silly that swapping out your BIC pen and spiral notebook could turn the routine into a ritual, but it works.

If you put on jewelry every morning just to look more put together…. this is a routine. However, let’s say you put on your grandmother’s pearls or even pearls you intend to pass down to your grandchildren… You have shifted into a ritual. This is not just any set of pearls, but your grandmother’s. This may further serve as a daily reminder to become a strong link in your family’s generations of feminine women. Example: How AKA’s wear pearls A LOT to remind them to act with class and elegance at all times. How Delta’s wear elephants to remind them to be strong, intelligent, and resilient. These objects are SPECIAL to them not just a routine. It has a deeper purpose.

Timing is Important. Taking a walk in the morning may seem rather pedestrian, while walking at night may feel a little magical and mysterious. Taking a shower in the morning may be just to clean, taking a bath at night AFTER your showered for cleanliness might make you feel more radiant, royal, and at ease if you couple it with special soap, candles, music, environment, and more.

Work Your Mindset Muscle. Listen to classical music as you shave with your razor. Journal with your fountain pen in the morning in your sunroom. Read your scriptures at night by candlelight with a warm mug of tea. By seeking to turn your ordinary routines into spirit-renewing rituals, you can elevate your ordinary life into one embedded with greater meaning, purpose, and enchantment. Make it whimsical. What’s a ritual you need to employ?

Week 9 Challenge
1. Pick 3 Routines you have been doing consistently during this challenge. Write out how you will change this into a ritual.
2. Using your planner from the previous weeks, make deliberate times for you to do these rituals. PENCIL YOURSELF IN FIRST. Write down in your planner the days you intend to do your rituals.

Example Rituals​

1. Lay out your clothes for the week and iron them. Play music or listen to TV while you’re doing this.

2. Long Bubble Baths with essential oils to Moisturize and visualize every care leaving your body and being cleansed away by the soothing, aromatic water.

3. Long Walks in the park or in the neighborhood. Incorporate music and pay attention to nature and feel gratitude for the beauty around you.

4. DIY Manicures and Pedicures in a special room/area of the house. Imagine yourself being pampered how you deserve to be pampered in every area of life.

5. Wearing nice jewelry: real pieces of jewelry. Pearl Necklace, Bracelet, ring that symbolize what you could pass down to your family in the future or how royal you are and deserving of REAL jewelry.

6. Exercise: Yoga, Pilates, Walking, Running, just get to running. Invest in some special clothes or at least matching clothes lol, nice playlist, envision yourself running into greatness for your life.

7. Meditate for 10-15 minutes each morning and night in a special location. Envision the positivity entering your life.

8. Light a candle and drink wine. Invest in a Bath table while you take long baths to wash away your problems.

9. Drink Water- Invest in a special cup. Special time during the day? Envision yourself cleansing every single cell of your body.

10. Juicing- Could be incorporated as a breakfast routine but made special by placing in a special mug or drinking in a special location looking at the sun come up.

11. Plating and sitting at your table eating. Imagine yourself as royalty, being served and eating well every single day because you deserve it.

12. While bathing and applying cleanser and moisturizer to your face, say loving affirmations to yourself with feeling while doing basic maintenance. Some affirmations could include:
-My skin is so smooth and healthy!
-My skin is so clear!
-My hair is so thick and luscious! My edges are thick and luscious. :giggle:
-I love my curves and my body flaws and all.
-My body looks great! It is a temple and I treat it as such! :yep:
-I am a divinely feminine woman and just by being ME I am absolutely beautiful :blush2:
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I felt so grounded last night. I laid out my bath and body works soap, two candles, fresh towels, house plant, music, body scrub, and moisturizer and made time to just be. I've been trying to work on my massages so I also work on self massages and surprisingly it felt really good to massage certain areas of my body such as my feet and hands. I was so relaxed. I stayed in for a good 45 minutes with a lot of the time focused on me breathing and relaxing. When it was time to get out I really felt ready for bed. I just sunk into the sheets. I slept sooo deeply. I was having the problem a few weeks ago of waking up in the middle of the night at 4am and not being able to go back to sleep. I've noticed that problem is gone with me making time for myself at night. Even without the melatonin I go to sleep deeply and wake up grounded and really inspired to do more. I'm glad I found a ritual that's for me because that meditation....I wanna keep working on it but it's boring for me.

This weekend I went out. I made sure to put on some baby heels HAHA (I can't wear heels they hurt my feet so badly, but I'm taking Ro's suggestion of never going out unless you have a dress, jewelry, and heels on so I bought some very low heels and I'm trying to wear them each time I go out). I rocked the stage. It's a open mic night here and I was hesitant to go because I had to go alone, but I bought me a drink, sat in the front, and really really really had a good time the whole time. LOVED IT. I'm glad I'm doing more stuff just for me. And I look good doing it. Baby I had on my Wacoal bra so my tig ol bitties were looking soooo nice. I started to have a Tweet moment and touch my dang self. Haha.
@Zaynab I've been reading on the power of a massage. Ro touches on the power of a blow job. But I'm thinking massages have the same ability to be just as powerful. I just feel in my spirit you have some tips towards giving a sensual massage to yourself or even your husband for a special treat lol. Do you have any tricks up your sleeve towards this?
Haha. I'm not a very good massager (sp) actually. I am good at the first thing you mentioned :look: I do like to get in the shower with DH and give him a shower and/or give him a bath.
Routines to make Rituals
1. Bath time- this is something I’ve done since we built this house. We have a really nice stand alone tub. We started buying different Epsom salts when we started doing CrossFit together last year- I’ve quit XF but we still buy epsom. I run my bath with bubbles and download a cheesy free romance onto my iPad. I turn on the spot light and light a candle and stay in until the water gets uncomfortable. I do this about 3-4 times a week.
2. Real Plates for leftovers - I meal prep often. I’m home alone most of the week and was habitually eating out of tuberware. Now I serve myself on real plates regardless of the meal. I put my 2 peice and potatoes on a plate.
3. Choosing clothes- I’ve always ironed ahead and I used to match the clothes. Now I choose every morning based on how I feel. It feels less of a process now. I wear pearls daily and sometimes my bracelet if I’m wearing something that needs a bracelet.
Routines to make rituals:
  1. Playing soothing classical music: I listen to DappyTKeys on YouTube in the morning, while I'm praying and in the evening as well. Sometimes I also listen to him while I'm doing my chores, it's so so soothing.
  2. Calling my sister on FaceTime: it's starting to become a weekly ritual. Last week I didn't call her, so she messaged me, wondering why I hadn't done so. She used to find it cumbersome when her children were little, but they're teens now so it's more suitable. She imparts so much wisdom that really helps me deal with the week ahead. She's in her 40s and has 0 white hairs on her head, whereas my sisters and I who are in our 30s :look:.
  3. Reading as recreation: this is part of honoring my true self. I don't have a TV but I do have cable. There are very few shows on television that interest me, except maybe the financial channel as someone on this forum advised us to watch. Every time I do this I feel like I will end up a cat lady, like this is the beginning of living a life of solitude. But I do thoroughly enjoy it though, it's so intimate to me, I don't understand people who read in public. At the same token though, if I continue to read indoors, I may never meet someone.
Routines to make Rituals
1. Bath time- this is something I’ve done since we built this house. We have a really nice stand alone tub. We started buying different Epsom salts when we started doing CrossFit together last year- I’ve quit XF but we still buy epsom. I run my bath with bubbles and download a cheesy free romance onto my iPad. I turn on the spot light and light a candle and stay in until the water gets uncomfortable. I do this about 3-4 times a week.
2. Real Plates for leftovers - I meal prep often. I’m home alone most of the week and was habitually eating out of tuberware. Now I serve myself on real plates regardless of the meal. I put my 2 peice and potatoes on a plate.
3. Choosing clothes- I’ve always ironed ahead and I used to match the clothes. Now I choose every morning based on how I feel. It feels less of a process now. I wear pearls daily and sometimes my bracelet if I’m wearing something that needs a bracelet.
I'm going to start investing in more Epsom salts as well. Where can I find various scents from?

I too serve myself on a real plate regardless of the meal. I think it works too. I saw that DH served himself his Taco Bell on a real plate and with a wine glass the other day. I was so tickled lol.

Now the choosing clothes, I have it so bad. It's so easy just to wake up and throw on a dress so I really need to do better with this. I'm going to try to get into the habit of doing this more often to look very put together as well, but I don't know how I will turn it into a ritual. I know my friend turns on her music, moisturizes her body sits around and drinks tea or orange juice and puts her clothes on. It takes her forever to get ready, but she is PUMPED when she goes to work lol. I love that about her.
Routines to make rituals:
  1. Playing soothing classical music: I listen to DappyTKeys on YouTube in the morning, while I'm praying and in the evening as well. Sometimes I also listen to him while I'm doing my chores, it's so so soothing.
  2. Calling my sister on FaceTime: it's starting to become a weekly ritual. Last week I didn't call her, so she messaged me, wondering why I hadn't done so. She used to find it cumbersome when her children were little, but they're teens now so it's more suitable. She imparts so much wisdom that really helps me deal with the week ahead. She's in her 40s and has 0 white hairs on her head, whereas my sisters and I who are in our 30s :look:.
  3. Reading as recreation: this is part of honoring my true self. I don't have a TV but I do have cable. There are very few shows on television that interest me, except maybe the financial channel as someone on this forum advised us to watch. Every time I do this I feel like I will end up a cat lady, like this is the beginning of living a life of solitude. But I do thoroughly enjoy it though, it's so intimate to me, I don't understand people who read in public. At the same token though, if I continue to read indoors, I may never meet someone.
I just checked out DappyTKeys and this is right up my alley. I LOVE music like this. I wish I still played piano. Maybe one day I'll have enough time to start back up.

I've started getting back into reading as recreation. I used to love reading self-help books. Really I still do, but I also make time for stuff that's just fun to read like that Chimamanda girl. Right now I'm reading, "The Thing Around Your Neck".
I did some adjustment yoga at one of the local yoga studios. It felt soooo good for my back and overall body. I LOVED it. I see all my herbs have sprouted too. Maybe in a few weeks I’ll have full blown plants. Hopefully today I can buy a few more seeds.
My example routine:
1. In the AM, I'm committed to not rushing though my beauty routine and tea(which I used to take to go). So all this week, I wake up and put on my body cream and do my full AM face routine, not rushing through or skipping products. I take the time to have tea or at least warm water with lemon using my nice tea set. Then, I go get dressed listening to my girly playlist I am building. The first song is Flower Drum Song - I Enjoy Being a Girl:

Cheesy, but it makes me smile.

Other songs on the list: Keri Hilson - Pretty Girl Rock, Stevie Wonder Isn't She Lovely, Frankie Lyman - Little Bitty Pretty One, Whispers - Chocolate Girl, Roy Orbison - Oh Pretty Woman and a few others. I'm taking suggestions of any genre and time. I want it to be hundreds of tunes long, so that if I decide to split it between old and new, they're both long.

So far, I went from getting dressed and running out the door in 30-40 min max to a full hour or this morning 90 min. :look: It's funny I would get up a full hour or more before I needed to leave, but I would waste so much time laying in bed or maybe on social media, then get up rushing to get ready. While I was a little late as I actually had to go to a client site today, in general I have plenty of time for this routine.

I was just thinking about taking a photo of me all pulled together everyday for the month of March. I think it will be cool to see my body and face change throughout this process.

2. Posture. Posture. Posture. I practice elongating my neck and ensuring I have proper posture in the mirror daily and I constantly self correct throughout the day.

3. Reading or listening to anything related to cultivating feminine allure before bed. I want it to be my last thought in terms of education/theory, so that during the day its all about the application of what I've learned.

Outside of routines
I'm traveling for work, but since I am staying in a residence inn (which has white plates), I've been practicing plating even the items I pick up from whole foods or something. Its an extra step, but again its all about the application for me.
My example routine:
1. In the AM, I'm committed to not rushing though my beauty routine and tea(which I used to take to go). So all this week, I wake up and put on my body cream and do my full AM face routine, not rushing through or skipping products. I take the time to have tea or at least warm water with lemon using my nice tea set. Then, I go get dressed listening to my girly playlist I am building. The first song is Flower Drum Song - I Enjoy Being a Girl:

Cheesy, but it makes me smile.

Other songs on the list: Keri Hilson - Pretty Girl Rock, Stevie Wonder Isn't She Lovely, Frankie Lyman - Little Bitty Pretty One, Whispers - Chocolate Girl, Roy Orbison - Oh Pretty Woman and a few others. I'm taking suggestions of any genre and time. I want it to be hundreds of tunes long, so that if I decide to split it between old and new, they're both long.

So far, I went from getting dressed and running out the door in 30-40 min max to a full hour or this morning 90 min. :look: It's funny I would get up a full hour or more before I needed to leave, but I would waste so much time laying in bed or maybe on social media, then get up rushing to get ready. While I was a little late as I actually had to go to a client site today, in general I have plenty of time for this routine.

I was just thinking about taking a photo of me all pulled together everyday for the month of March. I think it will be cool to see my body and face change throughout this process.

2. Posture. Posture. Posture. I practice elongating my neck and ensuring I have proper posture in the mirror daily and I constantly self correct throughout the day.

3. Reading or listening to anything related to cultivating feminine allure before bed. I want it to be my last thought in terms of education/theory, so that during the day its all about the application of what I've learned.

Outside of routines
I'm traveling for work, but since I am staying in a residence inn (which has white plates), I've been practicing plating even the items I pick up from whole foods or something. Its an extra step, but again its all about the application for me.

Now that's what I REALLY need to work on. A feminine empowerment playlist. My niece listens to her playlist every night while she's in the tub. She takes sooooo long taking a bath. She has this whole experience vs result thing DOWN packed at the tender age of 5. I'm playing catch up haha. Anyone have any songs I should add? So far I have:

Keri Hilson- Pretty Girl Rock
Jennifer Hudson- Feeling Good
Feelin Myself- Nicki Minaj and Beyonce’
Kelis- Milkshake
Aqua- Barbie Girl
Beyonce- Formation
K. Michelle - Mindful (I know it's ratchet but I love this song. Be mindful heauux :afro:)
Cardi B- Bodak Yellow
Meghan Trainor- All About That Bass
Rihanna Pour It Up
Beyonce – 7/11
Beyonce- Flawless

I plan to use this playlist while working out, out in the garden, bathing, reading, whatever my heart's desire lol. @intellectualuva I haven't heard your songs on your playlist! Ima check them out today!
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Now that's what I REALLY need to work on. A feminine empowerment playlist. My niece listens to her playlist every night while she's in the tub. She takes sooooo long taking a bath. She has this whole experience vs result thing DOWN packed at the tender age of 5. I'm playing catch up haha. Anyone have any songs I should add? So far I have:

Keri Hilson- Pretty Girl Rock
Jennifer Hudson- Feeling Good
Feelin Myself- Nicki Minaj and Beyonce’
Kelis- Milkshake
Aqua- Barbie Girl
Beyonce- Formation
K. Michelle - Mindful (I know it's ratchet but I love this song. Be mindful heauux :afro:)
Cardi B- Bodak Yellow
Meghan Trainor- All About That Bass
Rihanna Pour It Up
Beyonce – 7/11
Beyonce- Flawless

I plan to use this playlist while working out, out in the garden, bathing, reading, whatever my heart's desire lol. @intellectualuva I haven't heard your songs on your playlist! Ima check them out today!

They are less "female empowerment" per se, but more of being girly girly. I also have Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend. (I like old Hollywood movies...lol) Most of these songs are not about "strength", but about our softness and beauty. I wouldn't work out to this list, but I would drive the coast of Cali with the top down, scarf and sunglasses or take a luxurious bath, then take my time putting on my creams, doing my makeup etc.

I am definitely adding Feeling Good, Milkshake, Barbie Girl, Feeling myself (because I like a little **** talking)....i also like the rap in the beginning of Partition. I always feel extra sexy when I'm getting dressed to go out and listen to that song. I forgot about it til now.
They are less "female empowerment" per se, but more of being girly girly. I also have Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend. (I like old Hollywood movies...lol) Most of these songs are not about "strength", but about our softness and beauty. I wouldn't work out to this list, but I would drive the coast of Cali with the top down, scarf and sunglasses or take a luxurious bath, then take my time putting on my creams, doing my makeup etc.

I am definitely adding Feeling Good, Milkshake, Barbie Girl, Feeling myself (because I like a little **** talking)....i also like the rap in the beginning of Partition. I always feel extra sexy when I'm getting dressed to go out and listen to that song. I forgot about it til now.
I thought about that when I started listening to the playlist. All my songs are really I'm the ish and I'm fly as fawk. So I'm thinking I'm using it so cater to my sel-worth side. I got to thinking that during my bath and reading times....I'd rather listen to classical, jazz, or something more girly. So I need to think on this a little and make two playlists.
I'm going to start investing in more Epsom salts as well. Where can I find various scents from?

I too serve myself on a real plate regardless of the meal. I think it works too. I saw that DH served himself his Taco Bell on a real plate and with a wine glass the other day. I was so tickled lol.

Now the choosing clothes, I have it so bad. It's so easy just to wake up and throw on a dress so I really need to do better with this. I'm going to try to get into the habit of doing this more often to look very put together as well, but I don't know how I will turn it into a ritual. I know my friend turns on her music, moisturizes her body sits around and drinks tea or orange juice and puts her clothes on. It takes her forever to get ready, but she is PUMPED when she goes to work lol. I love that about her.
We use Dr Teals
I thought about that when I started listening to the playlist. All my songs are really I'm the ish and I'm fly as fawk. So I'm thinking I'm using it so cater to my sel-worth side. I got to thinking that during my bath and reading times....I'd rather listen to classical, jazz, or something more girly. So I need to think on this a little and make two playlists.

I add EOs to the bath. I can switch up the scents without having a bunch of different Dr. Teals around. Though they do come in so many great scents. Lol.
I don't think I have any daily femininity rituals...well, DD2's hair needs to be moisturized and combed daily (DD1 can have ~6 braids for a week and be fine). Can that count?

Is there something quick and easy I can incorporate?
I don't think I have any daily femininity rituals...well, DD2's hair needs to be moisturized and combed daily (DD1 can have ~6 braids for a week and be fine). Can that count?

Is there something quick and easy I can incorporate?
What about changing the timing, environment, and mindset of doing the girls' hair? Make it a ritual maybe by turning on some happy music, setting up a "hair station", taking your time doing their hair, singing/saying affirmation, spending girly girl time with them while doing it. Make it super special.

What about internet time with them while teaching them to hold them 10 minutes a day sounds very ritual-esque to me.

Plating you already do this and that's really a ritual to me. You could easily slap it on a plate and call it a day but you use your compassion, thought, and mindset to transform it into a meaningful process.

What's your night time routine to get ready for bed?

What's your ritual to prepare for dinner?

Practically ANYTHING can be turned into a ritual. The sky is the limit!