52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Happy Friday! How will you spend time with your family/yourself while you polish your femininity this weekend? This has been posted before, but I don't know if I included commentary. Ro Cutno posted this one day as a Facebook post. I took the time to look up WHY this stuff is frowned upon. This is one reason it is important to cook nicely and plate and eat at home. EVERY SINGLE TIME you eat at home you are practicing dinner etiquette. Practice makes perfect. If your children don't know how to behave at a restaurant...it is YOUR FAULT because you can teach them this at home. They need to sit down (not eat and go) and practice how to eat with proper etiquette so it is ingrained in their head. @PeaceLover does a great job at this with her child. Her kindergartner asked me why was my niece not eating at the table and without a fork lol. She was so intrigued lol. She sat at the table alone and put her napkin in her lap and ate her food so gracefully. The other kids were like....wth...and eventually followed her. My niece wanted to be just like her. Eating like a princess lol. I will never forget that. So cute. BUT anyway on to some Dinner Etiquette.

1. Why the mad/serious/frowning face, even while chewing? (Try to remain with a neutral/pleasant look while eating. Enjoy the people, scenery, and experience. Be appreciative. Be beautiful. Be feminine. Smile.)

2. Why hold your head like you have a headache or are aggravated, while chewing? (Be mindful of how you look at all times. Aspire to be your OWN Beyonce. Be graceful, be mindful of your appearance and look good like a trophy wife.)

3. Why eat giant bites of food, if you're frowning like it's nasty? (Don't frown. You are not in a rush to eat. Take your time and cut a small bite of food to be placed in your mouth and eat it. Then cut another SMALL bite of food. Remember. You are NOT in a rush. Take in the experience of food instead of merely eating for nourishment.)

4. Why eat giant bites of food at all? (See above. People eat with giant bites of food because they are on the go. Eat royally. Take your time.)

5. Why refuse to use a knife. (Always set a table with both a knife and fork and not just a fork.)

6. Why aren't you resting your fork or spoon after each bite? (Again, classy women do not rush. Take your time to converse and rest between bites.)

7. Why aren't you chewing enough? (Chew your food properly. For digestion, aim to chew your food about 30 times before swallowing. Make note to never smack. Chew with your mouth CLOSED. Teach your children this. Remember children will probably have to be redirected every 5 minutes on things such as this. Keep reminding them until practice makes permanent.)

8. Why chew with your mouth open? (Be mindful to eat with your mouth closed so you won't smack and in turn you can keep from showing your food in your mouth to a minimum).

9. Why take a second bite of food, when you already have food in your mouth? (Take your time eating. Swallow. Repeat.)

10. Why drink your sweet drink while your salty food is still un chewed in your mouth? (Swallow your food THEN take a sip. Remember we are NOT rushing. Enjoy every single bite. Take in the experience.).

11. Why keep the food at your mouth waiting to fit more in? (Take one bite, swallow, and repeat).

12. Why scrape the fork or spoon with your teeth? (Don't do this lol)

13. Why open your mouth wide to take a bite? (If you were taking small bites you wouldn't do this).

14. Why smack? (Close your mouth while chewing and never talk with a mouth full of food.)

15. Why pick at your food like you don't like it, though you'll probably eat it all? (Cut one bite chew and eat. Don't pick and play with food. Even if you don't like it...it's poor etiquette to not eat offered food. Take a bite at least. Try it.).

16. Why the bad posture or sitting too far back? (Looks un-graceful and awkward.)

17. Why picking through food like an ungrateful child? (Don't pick at food. Have compassion for the person who cooked the food and thought lovingly to feed you.)

18. Why so picky & demanding to the waiter? (Acting rude to waiters and waitresses is a good way to embarrass yourself and others at the table. While it's fine to ask questions about the menu, or point out if you receive the wrong dish, it's important to be polite to everyone around. Don't be loud. Don't demand you get a discount on your meal all the time for honest and small mistakes. Don't be rude. QUIETLY handle your problem and if you can't do so discreetly pay full price for your meal and CALL THE RESTAURANT or email the company AFTER you leave as to not cause a scene. It seems like some people WANT something to be wrong with their meal so they can get it for free. If this is you get out of this habit.)

19. Why sending stuff back? (I thought this was acceptable in small doses at restaurants Ro says it is not. Handle matters discreetly. Have compassion for the restaurant and the waiter).

20. Why order expensive things on a date? (Have compassion for your significant other's pockets. Have financial respect. Order what you want but don't make it the most expensive thing.)

21. Why splitting the check EVER? (The check is NEVER for you. You shouldn't know how much he is tipping. You shouldn't know how much the meal was. You shouldn't even look his way when paying. Man should pay for food or the host.)

22. Why eating like it's the last day on earth? (Again, stop rushing life away. Savour every bite)

23. Why forgetting that other people can see you? (Act like the President’s wife haha. Act classy.)

24. Why push food in your mouth as you progressively chew? (Take your time)

25. Why use your napkin like a man? (Blot your mouth. Don't wipe. Lipstick gets all over the napkin and it looks nasty and it looks ungraceful while you are wiping your mouth like a baby.)

26. Why enjoy treating the waiter like a slave? (Have compassion. Treat your waiter with respect.)

27. Why don't you say thank you EVERY time the waiter gives any service? (Have compassion and gratitude. Every single time. How many times have you said Thank you and Please today?)

28. Why don't you look at the waiter when talking to him? (Treat your waiter with respect. Don't look at the menu. Look at everyone in the eyes when you are speaking to them.)

29. Why don't you thoroughly thank the person who paid? (Same thing for the person who paid. You are gracious and appreciative. Thank you goes a long way.)

30. Why don't you tip 20%, when you're in USA? (Tip and tip well!)

31. Why are you bossing everyone instead of gracefully asking for everything you'd like? (People are not your employees. Lol treat them as such).

32. Why do you talk about yourself the whole time? (I noticed I did this a lot as a teacher. I dominated the conversation by talking about myself and my classroom. Me, me, me. Someone told me if you remain quiet you can observe a lot about a person you need to know. They're right. I remain quiet now and add tidbits in the conversation. I don't try to dominate it. Man I was talking to this lady the other day...and even though she was asking me about DS....I couldn't get a word in for this hypothetical scenario that her friend had encountered that was supposed to be similar to DS. Don't do this. Life is not all about you plus when you converse you're supposed to be getting information from others...not just talk talk talking. People who talk too much seem like they have something to prove. They want you to like them desperately. STOP THIS. You are enough just the way you are. )

33. Why do you put your hand or arm over others' face or plate, to reach or pass something? (Don't do this. You will interrupt others conversation by interrupting eye contact. Wait til the convo is over and ask them to please pass whatever you need.)

34. Why do you think that anyone will enjoy being with you at a restaurant. A man won't tell you, but you're acting gross, depressing, manly, insensitive, selfish & BORING! (If you have bad manners you give others a bad experience)

35. Why don't you just mention what you do like or want and stay silent on the other things? (Stop telling people off and what u don't like. "Oh nawww I don't do pork they got me messed up. Oh naw I don't do carbs." Instead say what you do do or like and order it.) Example: I just love a good salad (while interally thinking that all them carbs gonna go to your thighs so Jesus said stay back Satan) and order the salad. Stop saying what you don't do. I made this mistake one time. I said oh I don't pay bills I pay respect. It's true but I sound crazy as hayle. Me just smiling and not reaching for the check and letting him pay....that did the same thing and let me keep my feminine grace.

36. Why do you start eating first? (Wait for host or everyone else to eat first. You are not starved. You do not rush. You are a woman of class.)

37. Why don't you serve your date anyway you can, since he's paying? (When the waiter comes, they will come with both meals. When they say his meal you reach out for it and serve it to your man. I also take his silverware and set it up correctly on the right side often with a kiss and a hug. If he's your husband you can place his napkin as well for an extra touch.)

38. Why cover your mouth each time you chew? (If you chewed properly there is no need. You chew with your mouth closed right? No need for your hand.)

39. Why skip the vegetables for fries? (Fried foods offer very little nutritional value. Choose veggies, salads, and protein instead. Get into the habit of making your child choose one starch, one vegetable, and one protein versus all starches that they love. I don't know how many times I see kids eating Fried Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese, and Fries. NO. Get them into the habit of making great choices today. They should eat maybe Baked chicken, mac and cheese, and broccoli. One meat. One Veggie. One Starch.)

40. Why use your fork to talk, like it's an extension of your hand, waving it in front of people's face? (Ghetto. It may seem pointless to put your knife and fork down when all you’re about to do is dive back in for another mouthful, but it’s impolite to keep hold of your silverware while you’re chewing and talking. Put the knife and Forkdown on your plate to rest while you eat and chat, and please don’t point with them. Pointing your knife, and waving your fork around is rude, and you also run the risk of injuring someone)

41. Why ask for extra napkins unless there is a spill? Don't ever ask for paper napkins exclusively. (Use cloth napkins only. You are royalty. If the time arises, you can ask for extra napkins...or maybe keep them in your purse for emergencies, but don't ask for extra napkins before you need them.)

42. Why not go to the bathroom if u need to blow your nose? (Ewwww)

43. Why ask for hot water to soak silverware? (Ghetto people tactics in attempt to look Bougie.)

44. Why not greet the server (as they will certainly greet you) (This goes for everyone from now on. The grocery store. The restaurant. The church. EVERYHERE. Say hello! How are you today. Then wait for an answer.)

45. Why order while being greeted? (People in a rush do this. Like first let me tell you we're in a rush so can we go ahead and order lol. This is rude. Let them say hello, you take your time and accept it and say hello back with a smile, then you can order)

46. Why yell for the waiter, when you can just wait until they're near? (It's impolite to yell to your waiter, your man, your kids, or anyone. It is laziness on your part. Go to them or the room they are in and ask them what you need. Stop yelling at people.)

47. Why ask for something every single time a server comes to your table? They're human too. (They are not your employees. Stop bossing people around)

48. Why not ask questions about 1 or 2 things BEFORE you order? (Be deliberate when you order stop ordering stuff and then asking a million questions about said dish. Think before you talk and then order.)

49. Why not just quit asking for lemons all together! At this point, asking for lemons is ghetto. (lol lol)

50. Why order too much, then ask for to go boxes, when you're not paying & when it's highly unlikely that you'll eat those leftovers? (This reminded me of someone's post on here. They said you rarely eat those leftovers so why get them. I didn't get it at the time. Still don't. I eat my leftovers if they're not mushy lol)

51. Why are adult humans sniffing food, then frowning, before chewing? Why?! Why?! (Respect the person who cooked the food. It's impolite to sniff food before you eat. Just eat)

51. Proper way to hold wine glass, martini glass, and water glass?

Wine- hold by the base or the stem of the glass to you don’t heat up the wine.

Martini glass- at the bowl and with your other hand holding the bottom of the glass

Brandy glass- hold it at the bowl. Brandy actually benefits from your hand’s warmth by releasing iconic aromas.

Thank you there are some great tips here.
If you would like to read the book check out this link:

Amazon product ASIN B00HKGN4FA
Many of her teachings can be found on her Facebook Page. Her name is Ro Elori Cutno. However I will warn you eat the meat and spit out the bones. She says a lot of untrue stuff that I think is to weed through the radical people that don't really want what she has to teach. If you google Ro Elori Cutno posts 2015 and sift through all of her posts you will get a good drift on how to respect your husband

The general outline of how to respect a HEALTHY man are:

1. Never belittle your man.
2. Never talk down to him.
3. Never ignore him.
4. Never make him feel replaceable.
5. Never play down your need for him.
6. Never cause him to feel embarrassed.
7. Never look away or text while he is talking.
8. Never manipulate him.
9. Never boss him.
10. Never laugh at his mistakes or faults (you don't see them.)
11. Never put anyone before him (even your job)
12. Never be too busy for him.
13. Never be inconsiderate of his feelings.
14. Never tell his personal business.

This book is free with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon.
@momi Thank you! What are the ones that really stuck out to you? What are some that you think you could improve on?

35. Why don't you just mention what you do like or want and stay silent on the other things? (Stop telling people off and what u don't like. "Oh nawww I don't do pork they got me messed up. Oh naw I don't do carbs." Instead say what you do do or like and order it.) Example: I just love a good salad (while interally thinking that all them carbs gonna go to your thighs so Jesus said stay back Satan) and order the salad. Stop saying what you don't do. I made this mistake one time. I said oh I don't pay bills I pay respect. It's true but I sound crazy as hayle. Me just smiling and not reaching for the check and letting him pay....that did the same thing and let me keep my feminine grace. I am so guilty of this - moving forward when I finally muster the will power to make a decent choice I will keep the reason to myself.

37. Why don't you serve your date anyway you can, since he's paying? (When the waiter comes, they will come with both meals. When they say his meal you reach out for it and serve it to your man. I also take his silverware and set it up correctly on the right side often with a kiss and a hug. If he's your husband you can place his napkin as well for an extra touch.) The idea of serving my husband in this way sounds extremely feminine. We have dinner plans Saturday and I plan to break this one out, and afterwards incorporate it into our routine.

51. Proper way to hold wine glass, martini glass, and water glass? I don't know what how I've been holding my wine glass but I doubt it was correct.

Wine- hold by the base or the stem of the glass to you don’t heat up the wine.
35. Why don't you just mention what you do like or want and stay silent on the other things? (Stop telling people off and what u don't like. "Oh nawww I don't do pork they got me messed up. Oh naw I don't do carbs." Instead say what you do do or like and order it.) Example: I just love a good salad (while interally thinking that all them carbs gonna go to your thighs so Jesus said stay back Satan) and order the salad. Stop saying what you don't do. I made this mistake one time. I said oh I don't pay bills I pay respect. It's true but I sound crazy as hayle. Me just smiling and not reaching for the check and letting him pay....that did the same thing and let me keep my feminine grace. I am so guilty of this - moving forward when I finally muster the will power to make a decent choice I will keep the reason to myself.

37. Why don't you serve your date anyway you can, since he's paying? (When the waiter comes, they will come with both meals. When they say his meal you reach out for it and serve it to your man. I also take his silverware and set it up correctly on the right side often with a kiss and a hug. If he's your husband you can place his napkin as well for an extra touch.) The idea of serving my husband in this way sounds extremely feminine. We have dinner plans Saturday and I plan to break this one out, and afterwards incorporate it into our routine.

51. Proper way to hold wine glass, martini glass, and water glass? I don't know what how I've been holding my wine glass but I doubt it was correct.

Wine- hold by the base or the stem of the glass to you don’t heat up the wine.
Lol I think serving your man looks sooo sexy and feminine. I can’t wait to try it one day.

I also was holding my wine glass wrong. I cupped it, crossed my legs honey, and thought I was a boss all these years
Bought a few new dresses to add to my collection. I’m trying to remember flirty, fun, girly, and show off your curves. These are some date night dresses. How did I do?


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I probably go a little deeper than this on FB. I have adopted a staunch 'family first' attitude and I have time to execute it. So, Outside of random thoughts and TV shows, a lot of my fb posts are about very feminine things; new recipes, my new artisan bread baking hobby, food plating, cloth napkins, date nights with DH, field trips with the family, my adventures in child rearing, femininity and preparing my girls for the gifted Kindergarten test at home (they aren't in daycare).

I get a lot of disruptive behaviors. Random, unsolicited phone calls about negative opinions on my FB posts. Other times, I've been flat out told that I must be bored, I need a job, I've been blocked from certain privileges (tough to say more without saying too much), some "friends" stopped calling, some friends ask my opinions on finding a guy and then shun me when I give them. I've been called weak and incapable because I don't work. When I asked why, I was told only weak women don't work. My MIL doesn't like me and I hear her reason is because she says I'm taking advantage of her son by not working. I can go on...

I'm so sorry you are experiencing this, but unfortunately their responses are the norm. Former friends would say "You stay at home all day? There is no way I could do that." After a few similar comments I assessed their situations and realized that they were absolutely correct - they couldn't "do that" which is where the resentment comes in. Unfortunately because so many families are fractured, being a full-time wife and mother just sin't an option or something to even aspire to.

Anyway you just continue to be a role-model for your children and also for the commenters because trust me they are watching. You may not realize it, but by your example you are giving them (or their children) something to aspire to.
I'm so sorry you are experiencing this, but unfortunately their responses are the norm. Former friends would say "You stay at home all day? There is no way I could do that." After a few similar comments I assessed their situations and realized that they were absolutely correct - they couldn't "do that" which is where the resentment comes in. Unfortunately because so many families are fractured, being a full-time wife and mother just sin't an option or something to even aspire to.

Anyway you just continue to be a role-model for your children and also for the commenters because trust me they are watching. You may not realize it, but by your example you are giving them (or their children) something to aspire to.

Thank you for the insights. I'm slowly coming to accept this, especially the bolded.
I had two interesting things happened to me today.

I went to the post office to ask for a stamped envelope which the postman said he didn't have. While I was somewhat irritated, the postman told me I looked like I wanted to go across the counter and hurt him.:lol:

The funny thing is I didn't think that my facial expression matched the emotion that he perceived. Moral of the story is 'fix your face'. Now I have to practice my facial expressions in the mirror to come across as softer.

Second thing that happened to me is I had a presentation today so I decided to put on some red lipstick. Red is a relatively new color for me because I'm a dark skinned girl stuck in the 90s thinking that 'Cyber' is the only lip color appropriate for my skin tone.

Anyway my girlfriend recently talked me into wearing red lipstick, and can I tell you, I had Asian, Caucasian and errbody all up in my face flirting with me. Even the postman managed to find the last stamped envelope that he supposedly ran out of stock of :rolleyes:, but that might have been because he thought I was about to kill him.:look:
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One thing I can say that puts the Ro movement lightyears ahead of the PinkPill movement is how deliberate and intentional the questions (and the dialog that comes from these questions is.) There have been MANY questions posted from the Ro ladies that really shaped my beginning to be deliberate in my practice with my significant other and child.

These are some of the questions that have been asked via social media coupled with my own personal response gathered through the discussion of these topics and the board. Feel free to expound and pipe into any question that catches your eye.

1. How do you prepare the hotel room during family travel? Hang clothes that need to be hung. Check bedding and bathroom for cleanliness. Adjust thermostat so it’s comfortable for our liking. Call to the front desk and request more hangers and towels, place clothing in drawers and closet, spray room with Fe-breeze, place slippers on the side of the bed, place supplements on night stand, and chargers in outlets, if room has a refrigerator place juice, water, and fruit in the fridge. Make sure your emergency kit in available: allergy medicine, cough suppressant, fever reducer, stop itch, Neosporin, alcohol, band-aids.

2. What’s your plan for non-sexual touch for EVERY member of the family? I started implementing a minimum 12 hug and/or kiss a day rule--Everyone gets at least 12 hugs or kisses from me per day. I also do 10 mins of cuddle time with everyone; sometimes we read a book, sing... whatever! Physical touch bonds families.

3. How could you baby your husband while he is sick? Why is this needed? Lay out his pajamas, have hot towels for him, give him a massage, fix him chicken noodle soup, take his temp and give him Tylenol around the clock, don’t forget the power of the blowjob, let him unwind and watch his favorite TV shows, let him BE. This is needed to show he is needed and his health is your top priority.

4. How will you publically show you are the epitome of grace and elegance.

5. How will you show you are interested in his interests? Make time for him. Put him first. Be his personal cheerleader. Talk to him.

6. What are your list of priorities in order? God--> Marriage ---> Children ---> Other Family (mom, dad, sister, brother) ---> Friends

7. How will you show your appreciation to your husband each and every day? Compliment his leadership (refer to how to stroke your man’s ego), show sexual and non-sexual touch each day, keep the house stocked, cook for him, give him a massage, run his bath water, cuddle with him.

8. How will you aim to be your husband’s trophy wife? Touch up your makeup before he gets home, wear a dress and jewelry at all times, keep your hair and nails done each month, ask for money to make him feel proud I am his wife and he gets to come home to me every day.

9. How will you make time to pray for him each day? I will try to implement a cuddle alarm. In this time, I will wake up early enough to spend 15-20 minutes with my husband and just lay up on each other and be. Afterwards I will say a short prayer over my husband and wish him well as he works hard for our family. Sample prayer: Dear Lord. It is said you can make all things beautiful. Give us the wisdom to make and keep our marriage beautiful. I pray your blessings on my husband. I ask that you give him wisdom and safety as he travels along his day. Help him to continually know the right thing to do. Strengthen him to do the right thing. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

10. How do you wake up your child? What’s your morning routine for your child? With a super sweet voice. Singing. And rubbing her back or feet sweetly. I usually sing, "Good morning, Bonjour, Buenos Dias my sweet little boy." I sing his name into it over and over. Then I get him dressed, brush his hair, brush his teeth, put on Vaseline, feed him breakfast, and we go to school.

11. What is YOUR morning routine? What time will you get started? How will you incorporate self-love into this routine?
I will use the S.A.V.E.R.S method
S: Silence (meditation or prayer). Start your day with meditation or prayer. 5 minutes
A: Affirmations. Read your affirmations out loud. There was a ME first, just ME, BEFORE I was a wife, before I was a mom and that ME was a full, complete, and whole person. I was not a HALF of anything. I was WHOLE back then and I was still WHOLE and the WHOLE of ME was outstanding, truly a fabulous human being. 5 minutes
V: Visualization. Close your eyes and visualize your dreams and goals coming true. 5 minutes.
E: Exercise: get moving and get your heart rate up. Do whatever you like: walk, run, jog, yoga, Pilates, P90x, Insanity DVD, whatever. 20 Minutes.
R: Reading: inspirational, self-help books, the Bible or daily devotional. 20 minutes.
S: Scribe (Journaling): write what you're feeling, expecting, what's your goals are or what you're grateful for. 5 minutes.). It takes about an hour to do the whole routine.
Hey Ladies,

I was cleaning up my Pinterest and found this site, 365 Days of Artful Femininity. I haven't had much time to peruse, but the little I read is interesting tips and reminders.

I hate that they stopped updating after day 12! It’s a lot of stuff that we do on here!
I love :love: the first dress, and to snag both for less than $20! You are a true domestic diva :yep:
inreally focus on not going overboard on this femininity journey. That’s why I’m akways pointing out how it can be done cheaply. I know you could buy very expensive white plates and table settings and you could buy expensive dresses start going to the spa and getting your nails done every week and etc, but I think then I’m STILL focusing on the result and not the experience. The experience is very important. Even when I bought the dresses, I took my time. I tried on each one of them. I envisioned where I would wear it. I noted what accessories I needed. I tried to focus on the experience of buying the dress. Thanks for the compliment!
11. What is YOUR morning routine? What time will you get started? How will you incorporate self-love into this routine?
I will use the S.A.V.E.R.S method
S: Silence (meditation or prayer). Start your day with meditation or prayer. 5 minutes
A: Affirmations. Read your affirmations out loud. There was a ME first, just ME, BEFORE I was a wife, before I was a mom and that ME was a full, complete, and whole person. I was not a HALF of anything. I was WHOLE back then and I was still WHOLE and the WHOLE of ME was outstanding, truly a fabulous human being. 5 minutes
V: Visualization. Close your eyes and visualize your dreams and goals coming true. 5 minutes.
E: Exercise: get moving and get your heart rate up. Do whatever you like: walk, run, jog, yoga, Pilates, P90x, Insanity DVD, whatever. 20 Minutes.
R: Reading: inspirational, self-help books, the Bible or daily devotional. 20 minutes.
S: Scribe (Journaling): write what you're feeling, expecting, what's your goals are or what you're grateful for. 5 minutes.). It takes about an hour to do the whole routine.

I absolutely love this!!!
I’m starting off with a small bottle of the p50. Ill take pictures to track my progress. I hope it works my skin was flawless for many years, now it just do what it wanna do :)
I’m starting off with a small bottle of the p50. Ill take pictures to track my progress. I hope it works my skin was flawless for many years, now it just do what it wanna do :)
It closed a lot of pores for me. I haven't used it long enough to me (only a few months), but my skin is starting to look buttery.
Today I plated my dinner of broccoli, a baked potato with ranch, sour cream, and butter, and Chicken. This is my version of Alice Springs Chicken. I used Chik Fil A sauce instead of honey mustard. It was soooo good :couple: This recipe is a keeper. It’s bae.

I took my son to get a haircut today. I ended up getting the haircut for free. I was very very confused as to why. When he finished he was just like you good. Old me would have paid him anyway. Instead I just smiled said thank you and got on down. I’m trying to practice whenever someone wants to help you....let them....you deserve it.


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@snoop how has plating been coming along recently? Any new discoveries?

Plating is a struggle. My meals, the way that I prepare them are not lending themselves to being plated very well -- HOWEVER -- I love my white plates. So I am focusing on that to add pleasure to mealtime. I think that I will look for some nice, everyday place mats to complement them. The ones that we have now are a pain to clean and don't have the level of "sophistication" to complement the look.

I still plate the kids food first (because of the running out of food thing that I mentioned earlier -- we have food in the house, but sometimes I just don't cook the correct quantities so I want to make sure that they eat and eat well) -- HOWEVER -- I've gotten way better at putting hubby's plate on the table first. Sometimes, I slip up and someone else's plate goes to the table first, just because of how I might be clearing them off of the counter, but I'll either put DH's second or pick it back up and put DH's down and serve the rest. Still, no one is at the table to see any of this so this is just an exercise for me in putting him first in this particular thing.

I need to go back and catch up on some pages, because I missed some of the notifications. I have been slacking on some self-care, but I will set a few goals this week to fix my appearance. I got caught up in the winter blahs so I've let myself go a bit.
So last year for our anniversary, hubby bought me 2 tea cups to start my set. So two weekends ago, for Valentine's we decided to go and get additional cups to complete it. For the last couple of years I've done an afternoon tea at might house (not a ladies tea)...but I didn't have the right type of place settings. Great food, but tea out of coffee mugs ruin the aesthetic. This year I'm set! (Well, I need to get a proper tea pot, creamer and sugar bowl). If I feel really ambitious, I might make a couple of tiered serving trays.


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So last year for our anniversary, hubby bought me 2 tea cups to start my set. So two weekends ago, for Valentine's we decided to go and get additional cups to complete it. For the last couple of years I've done an afternoon tea at might house (not a ladies tea)...but I didn't have the right type of place settings. Great food, but tea out of coffee mugs ruin the aesthetic. This year I'm set! (Well, I need to get a proper tea pot, creamer and sugar bowl). If I feel really ambitious, I might make a couple of tiered serving trays.
Dang those are sooooo nice! I’ve never seen any look this detailed!!
@snoop today when you get time I need you to quickly jot down what you will be eating this week. Like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and etc. I will attach some pictures on how to plate it from Instagram.

Tonight we're having tacos.

This week: Coconut soup with bok choy; butter chicken with rice (I use coconut oil in my rice, as a result it doesn't stick); steak and potatoes (not sure if I will mash or roast (yukon gold); fajitas...
Tonight we're having tacos.

This week: Coconut soup with bok choy; butter chicken with rice (I use coconut oil in my rice, as a result it doesn't stick); steak and potatoes (not sure if I will mash or roast (yukon gold); fajitas...

These are some ideas I saw! Try to plan the picture before you cook (even the butter and garnish. Think plenty of colors) and tell us if anything changes! Good luck.


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