2020 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

Week 11 Challenge

I enjoy walking to the park in my area. I am grateful that where I live has a lot of beautiful parks. I love that where I live is visually beautiful, I feel so connected to the trees that surround me. I finally was able to plant some herbs again. I took the time to pot them and place each seed in a spot in the soil. I did have concerns with the oregano seeds because they are so small. But then I began to set an intention that the herbs will grow beautifully and I will be able to use the herbs in delicious meals for myself and my family. This month marks my 5 year of eating raw vegan. It does not just mark 5 years of eating a certain way, I grew a lot on so many levels. In honor of celebrating myself, I decided to create a Raw Vegan Challenge for the month of May. I post on my social media inspiration, recipes, my own food I have prepared, tips, and videos to support people throughout the month. I really enjoy sharing this and it is giving me content/idea for when I am able to meet in person with people and do group challenges. I started reading 48 laws of power and it giving me insight on how power is viewed and the importance of remembering that true power comes from within. I realize that my personal experiences have taught me the importance of expressing personal power.

1. Go outside and do an outside activity. Blow bubbles, plant flowers, go for a walk on a nature trail. Try earthing. Go for a bike ride. Take the time to take enjoy life around you.

2. Continue to focus on not rushing. Take your time. In the grocery store, at your job, getting ready for bed, enjoying your home, cleaning, driving. Slow down. Focus on one thing at a time. Take in the beauty all around you. Be present.

3. How do you feel when you are outside?
I feel recharged when I go outside. I feel more grounded and relax. I actually feel like I get a boost of energy when I go outside.
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I enjoy walking to the park in my area. I am grateful that where I live has a lot of beautiful parks. I love that where I live is visually beautiful, I feel so connected to the trees that surround me. I finally was able to plant some herbs again. I took the time to pot them and place each seed in a spot in the soil. I did have concerns with the oregano seeds because they are so small. But then I began to set an intention that the herbs will grow beautifully and I will be able to use the herbs in delicious meals for myself and my family. This month marks my 5 year of eating raw vegan. It does not just mark 5 years of eating a certain way, I grew a lot on so many levels. In honor of celebrating myself, I decided to create a Raw Vegan Challenge for the month of May. I post on my social media inspiration, recipes, my own food I have prepared, tips, and videos to support people throughout the month. I really enjoy sharing this and it is giving me content/idea for when I am able to meet in person with people and do group challenges. I started reading 48 laws of power and it giving me insight on how power is viewed and the importance of remembering that true power comes from within. I realize that my personal experiences have taught me the importance of expressing personal power.

1. Go outside and do an outside activity. Blow bubbles, plant flowers, go for a walk on a nature trail. Try earthing. Go for a bike ride. Take the time to take enjoy life around you.

2. Continue to focus on not rushing. Take your time. In the grocery store, at your job, getting ready for bed, enjoying your home, cleaning, driving. Slow down. Focus on one thing at a time. Take in the beauty all around you. Be present.

3. How do you feel when you are outside?
I feel recharged when I go outside. I feel more grounded and relax. I actually feel like I get a boost of energy when I go outside.

Congrats on your year five of being a raw vegan!!!!!!!I don't wish to become a vegan however, I do go meatless at times and I would love to read about your recipes. Please do share.

Almond Eyes
Dear Ladies,

While I think that this Pandemic has been truly a blindside for all of us. I believe for many black women it has given many of us time to truly take care of ourselves, prioritize, tap into our feminine side, manifest, get creative and resourceful and understand the power dynamics as the world reorganizes itself.

Almond Eyes
Dear Ladies,

While I think that this Pandemic has been truly a blindside for all of us. I believe for many black women it has given many of us time to truly take care of ourselves, prioritize, tap into our feminine side, manifest, get creative and resourceful and understand the power dynamics as the world reorganizes itself.

Almond Eyes


It's a time to be strategic and capitalize off of it. I don't mean that in monetary terms either.
Dear Ladies,

While I think that this Pandemic has been truly a blindside for all of us. I believe for many black women it has given many of us time to truly take care of ourselves, prioritize, tap into our feminine side, manifest, get creative and resourceful and understand the power dynamics as the world reorganizes itself.

Almond Eyes
I completely agree. :yep: “Sometimes storms don’t come to destroy but to clear your path” - unknown

It's a time to be strategic and capitalize off of it. I don't mean that in monetary terms either.

Yes indeed, trying to figure out how to put all of that together. Glad to have this community of women. @Maracuja I think of this concept of what you have been talking about for a long time, working less and getting more done as women if that makes sense.

Almond Eyes
I was tested today.
My best friend’s mom died. I can’t go home to be with her because of the health situation. My same ol trife cousin asked that we go in and send a comfort package. I’m like okay. I’ll do some looking. Today I tell them that it’s too late for flowers- three day turn around on the services, so i want to send a self-care package composed of products from Sephora. Skin care, scented candles- think home spa self care, soothing scents rose-water etc.
I start naming possible products to include and she asks if the basket doesn’t exist already. I tell her no. Then she’s like ok just send a candle and bath bomb. I tell her no, she’s not taking baths in her apartment. Then she’s like how about a bath and body works set. So body wash for my best friend whose mother has passed. Are you high?!?!
Instead of letting her have it for being thoughtless and cheap I pause, then let her know dh wanted to send something so I’ll be sending something from the two of us instead.
My room is more organized now than it has been in years. I purged so much and got rid of "excess crap". And I went in deep..... makeup, skincare, shoes, socks, belts, bedding, even office stuff . I cleaned up & backed up both of my computers on separate hard drives..along with creating password lists and organizing digital pictures.
I'm trying to set myself up so when this quarantine is over I can emerge with everything having it's place. I remember coming home from work or having a last minute outing and never finding what I need because I had too much stuff
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Yes indeed, trying to figure out how to put all of that together. Glad to have this community of women. @Maracuja I think of this concept of what you have been talking about for a long time, working less and getting more done as women if that makes sense.

Almond Eyes

Still stand by it, even more so now of course. We underestimate the power we have, as women (whether wed or not), to bring forth the lives we want for ourselves, our children and our communities. Today is Mother's Day and this is what I posted on my FB (please don't quote):

Though I grew up in a single parent household, I was still able to be an A-student, because there was an atmosphere of peace & love in our household. I didn't have to worry about cooking my own meals or nothing like that. The mentality of African women is so understudied, which is such a pity. My mother raised me with so much freedom, I'm only realizing it now. She left an abusive and violent relationship with my father, because otherwise, she would have not been able to raise us the way she did.

Nowadays many young women are focused on the ring and marriage...but do y'all even share the same vision? My mother's vision is far reaching. The fact that we were one of the first Black families to settle in Flanders, a very racist part of the country, didn't bother her. The more time you spend home alone with yourself, the more you'll be able to gauge what you want for yourself on a daily basis. What kind of atmosphere? Not all men are emotionally unavailable or abusive. For many, that's the only thing they know, because that's what was modeled to them. My sister keeps telling me and I've read this here too: "It's the woman who makes the relationship." Kinda like the guy in 'Wedding Date' who keeps repeating: "Every woman on the planet, has the exact relationship that she wants."

It's painful to hear. But there's so much truth to it. As a pastor mentioned: "When it comes to marriage, women often end up with the short end of the stick. Because they are relational and we are functional. So they always end up investing way more." Well, make sure your investment is wise. Study women who are succeeding in this area. Ask questions. Learn.

This is Bobbi Brown:


She's one of my fav make up artists. Do you see tons of make up on her? Nope. But yet she sells it and makes mullah off of it. Right now with COVID-19, mothers all around are wondering: how do I ensure the continuation of the education of my children? Truth be told, I have no idea whether Bobbi Brown has children. But if she decides to hire private instructors to teach her children, she has that option. Whereas we're out here with bathrooms filled with make up sometimes, but don't even have that...freedom. Women are not poor because of men, our conversations need to evolve from which lipstick goes with which blouse to...how can I impact future generations of my family. Simple as that. That would even help us attract different kind of men honestly.
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Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 20: Home Aromas
This lies in the power of your femininity. Continue to look to improve your home. Keep fresh flowers, but also focus on aromas. What does your home SMELL like? When your husband/children walk in... what do they smell? Smells often set the tone. Bring out the candles. Seek to use candlelight instead of bright light fixtures where you want it calming such as in your bedroom. Add scented candles to the living room to transform your space.

  • Place thick pretty blankets at the edge of your bed or couch.
  • Light candles to transform your space.
  • Replace white outlet covers with brushed nickel or chrome
  • Add fresh flowers
  • You could make a Lavender/Eucalyptus Linen Spray
  • Create a pleasant smell with lavender or vanilla plug-ins.
  • Replace dish soap bottles with glass soap dispensers
  • Change the hardware on the drawers
  • Use lamps instead of overhead lights
  • Keep clutter out of sight. No mail, paper, or junk anywhere.
  • Keep the television or computers in certain rooms. Use a Bluetooth speaker to play smooth music instead.
  • Keep your sink EMPTY. Load your dishwasher at night and empty it every morning.

Week 20 Challenge

  1. Add touches of sexiness, femininity, and aroma throughout by adding candles.
  2. Continue nurturing your flowers and houseplants from last week. Take in their beauty. Admire their beauty. Make it your focal point. If your flowers are placed in the kitchen or living room, make sure it’s in your direct focus upon entering the home so you can take in and appreciate its beauty
“...Nowadays many young women are focused on the ring and marriage...but do y'all even share the same vision? ... The more time you spend home alone with yourself, the more you'll be able to gauge what you want for yourself on a daily basis. What kind of atmosphere? Not all men are emotionally unavailable or abusive. For many, that's the only thing they know, because that's what was modeled to them. My sister keeps telling me and I've read this here too: "It's the woman who makes the relationship." Kinda like the guy in 'Wedding Date' who keeps repeating: "Every woman on the planet, has the exact relationship that she wants.”

@Maracujá I love this paragraph!! I agree with everything you said. Every woman is in the relationship she wants. Mind blowing!
Week 12 Challenge

This past week I feel like I have been more observant of my myself which has been supportive of me being more present. I was slower to react to situations with others. I observe how I can panic over things that I cannot control. For example my mother's gift for mother's day was late and I was concerned at first but then I realized, there is nothing I could do about it so I let it go. In the past I would stress about it until it came. It came late but I was just glad she got it. This past week just supported me in seeing how I let my thoughts consume me so much. Also in a Book I am reading called Embracing your Inner Critic, I was to observe my inner critic and how "she speaks" and I now understand that the inner critic is here to protect me but it has to be balance. I see how I can be hard on myself and actually talk myself out of things that matter the most to me.

1. Take the time this week to be very present. How do you feel? What did you do?
This came right on time because I have been focusing on my thoughts and what I say to myself. I recently started a book called Embracing your inner critic which called me to observe the way I speak to myself. I recognize that I can be extremely hard on myself and then very critical of those closest to me, ie. husband.
I deserve to give myself grace is the affirmation that I say to myself to support me.

2. Continue to focus on not rushing. Take your time. Loleok at life like this was your first day seeing it. Notice the beauty in flowers. Notice how your children smile so innocently when exposed to new things. Take in your friends' excitement over seeing/spending time with you. Slow down. Focus on one thing at a time. Take in the beauty all around you. Be present.

3. What/Who could you look at with fresh eyes?
How I speak to myself which impacts my communication with not only myself but others. One of my main goals during this challenge is learning how to communicate in a more feminine way with my husband.
I was tested today.
My best friend’s mom died. I can’t go home to be with her because of the health situation. My same ol trife cousin asked that we go in and send a comfort package. I’m like okay. I’ll do some looking. Today I tell them that it’s too late for flowers- three day turn around on the services, so i want to send a self-care package composed of products from Sephora. Skin care, scented candles- think home spa self care, soothing scents rose-water etc.
I start naming possible products to include and she asks if the basket doesn’t exist already. I tell her no. Then she’s like ok just send a candle and bath bomb. I tell her no, she’s not taking baths in her apartment. Then she’s like how about a bath and body works set. So body wash for my best friend whose mother has passed. Are you high?!?!
Instead of letting her have it for being thoughtless and cheap I pause, then let her know dh wanted to send something so I’ll be sending something from the two of us instead.

Keep all the focus on you. You handled that so well!
Joined a Lebanese cooking group :cloud9::


Made the dough myself, still need to perfect it though (yes, that rhymes :lol:) ==>


DISCLAIMER: Yes, I tend to be a messy cook *revivedyeezyshrug*

As for aromas in the home: nothing beats home cooked meals, fresh baked goods or the smell of fresh laundry. Though I do use the Black Vanilla scent from Zara Home, I rely more on the other scents I mentioned. Which are now better detectable, since I don't just have one living area :look: :nono:.
Joined a Lebanese cooking group :cloud9::

View attachment 459333

Made the dough myself, still need to perfect it though (yes, that rhymes :lol:) ==>

View attachment 459331

DISCLAIMER: Yes, I tend to be a messy cook *revivedyeezyshrug*

As for aromas in the home: nothing beats home cooked meals, fresh baked goods or the smell of fresh laundry. Though I do use the Black Vanilla scent from Zara Home, I rely more on the other scents I mentioned. Which are now better detectable, since I don't just have one living area :look: :nono:.

Photos look like they are from a beautiful cook book.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 21: How Clean is Your Home

A clean home says so much about who you are as a feminine woman. A clean home is inviting and makes your family feel special and proud, and your guests feel comfortable. With just minutes a day and a PLAN, home up-keeping can be enjoyable, simple, and easy to fit into your busy life and schedule. Aim to really pay close attention to your home. MAINTAIN what the universe/God has given you. Focus on the beauty of YOUR OWN LIFE and if you don't particularly feel like it is beautiful right now, take the time to MAKE IT THAT WAY.
Clutter Affirmations:
I release clutter that does not serve me.
I am a total feminine woman and my home reflects that.
I am worthy of the desires of my heart which include a clean home.
I have ENOUGH and I am ENOUGH to replace old shabby materialistic items.

We all have it. Broken pots and furnishings still in use, spotted or old clothing still being worn, old underwear still in rotation, broken glasses, and more. These are examples of what is never found in a Royal lifestyle. Get rid of what does not give you peace. Each of these items carry latent energy that clutters our mind MENTALLY. Don’t pretend to be a feminine queen while living in rubbles. Feminine Women are royal and carry consistent, pristine energy that allows for no blockages.

1. You don’t need more space of stuff as much as you need to get rid of some things. Remember the less things you have, the easier it is to clean up. Make it easier on yourself. If you can’t clean up your kids’ room in about 15 minutes, they have too much stuff. If you can't wash one load of clothes a day and put them away and stay on top of clothes being laundered....you have too many clothes. If you cant wash and put away your dishes...you have too many.

2. Have financial respect of your husband. You don’t need more money as much as you need to reduce your expenses and STUFF. Declutter your life and create a PEACEFUL environment for your family.

3. It’s a lot of work involved in being a good homemaker. This is the reason why wives should have the option of staying at home. When one works outside of the house, the home suffers. Common areas the family suffers in include: meal planning, organization, tidiness of family appearance, and CLEANLINESS OF YOUR HOME. If you DO choose to work, make a plan to keep this under wraps.

4. Establish small routines first and then work up to more items. Don’t try to do a full-blown routine the very first day. Start small (just like this challenge) but the key is consistency and persistence.

5. A clean home DOES NOT happen over night. It is the result of tiny changes over several months.

6. What's your plan to keep your home clean and tidy all of the time? What's your plan to declutter?

Wife School's Method to Daily Cleaning

Get a garbage bag and gather ALL garbage.

Do a load of laundry EVERYDAY. However, laundry is not done until it is put away by you. Throw all dirty laundry in the bin, start a load & return all dry/clean laundry to the closets.

Clean and tidy all big items: beds, tables, sofas, etc.

Put all dishes in the kitchen, load dishwasher or wash by hand. PUT THE DISHES AWAY AFTER THIS.


Clean off all surface tops, and let any dirt or dust fall to the floor.

Wipe & polish all walls, surfaces, then entire toilets.

Sweep and/or vacuum, then wash the floor directly (with disinfectant) to see all dirt, no far away mop.

Decorate & beautify as needed, and add a lovely smell & some peaceful music. Then have silent moment.


1. There are four beginning routines: Morning Routine, Paper Routine, Afternoon Routine

a. Morning Routine: Make Bed, Wash Face, Brush Teeth, Shine Sink, Empty Dishwasher, Eat, Do one Load of Laundry, Drink some Water, Exercise

b. Afternoon: Take bath, Lay out clothes, Put 5 things away, Check Calendar, Go to Bed on Time, Load Dishwasher and Run It,

c. Paper Routine: Take Five Minutes to Throw Paper Away Away as SOON as you get it. (When the mail runs, instead of holding onto mail you pay the bill, throw the magazine away or read it, and/or file materials).

Tips to Organization

Set a daily routine. There are a handful of chores you should do each day if you want to maintain a clean and clutter-free domestic heaven. Thankfully, these chores are quick enough to squeeze in even if you work a job outside of the home or have a houseful of kids to attend to.

To reduce your stress as much as possible, plan on accomplishing each of these daily chores during a certain time of the day. Organizing your time may help you relieve some of the anxiety you feel about getting everything done.

Daily tasks you'll need to make time for include making the bed, sorting the mail, and sweeping or vacuuming the floor.

Other daily tasks should be performed as you go along. These include putting things away (to prevent clutter from developing), cleaning up as you cook, and wiping up fresh spills.


d. Monday: House Blessing – bless home for an hour- Wash sheets and put back on bed, dust and let it fall to the floor, clean all mirrors, quickly vacuum and sweep, wipe down all counters

e. Tuesday: Free Day

f. Wednesday: Planning and Desk Day – plan meals, groceries, outfits, and errands

g. Thursday: Errand Day: buy the groceries to make your meals, Go to the post office, go to the bank, do any errands needed

h. Friday: Car and Purse Day: Sit at work during a down period and clean your purse. Before you get home sit in your car and clean your car out (keep a broom and plastic bag in the car for this), and put gas in the car

i. Saturday: Family Fun Day: Do something with the family

j. Sunday: Renew Your Spirit Day – Go to church, do your hair, prepare for next week while watching shows, and etc.

2. Every Saturday Morning de-clutter and clean a Zone

a. Zone 1: Entryway and Dining

b. Zone 2: Kitchen

c. Zone 3: Living Room, and Another Bedroom, Guest Bathroom

d. Zone 4: Master Bedroom, Closet, and Bathroom

e. Zone 5: Other Bedrooms

Week 21 Challenge
1. What is your housekeeping plan? Make it detailed. Using whatever method you would like, how will you make sure that you keep your home beautiful and peaceful to give you a beautiful environment that matches your beauty?
2. How could you inspire and teach your children to relieve you of unnecessary stress and help you with this process?
3. What are 3 SMALL ways you could beautify your home? Add a flower? Change out a painting? Add some sunlight? Declutter an area?
4. Focus on ONE room. Make your bedroom your sacred space. It should be clutter free (closet clutter is fine) and nothing besides bedding should be placed on top, side of, or under bed except for when sleeping.
Week #21

I created index cards to clean. It's a process pre Fly Lady. I have cards for every day of the week. I have activities that are daily and weekly. My problem is actually using the cards. They work really well.

My place is clean, neat and orderly right now. I want to be more consistent with using my cards. It takes work to clean and get in that routine.

It truly works for me! A clean place helps me focus and be very productive.