2020 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

This past week has been pretty transformative. I began the Queen Afua's Sacred Women Gateway 3-Sacred Movement and it has been great. I have been using a bath scrub from Iyanla Vanzant's Master Peace Line. I felt so clean. When I mean clean, I not only mean physically clean but energetically clean. I feel more connected to my intuition. I feel like I am strengthening on a energetic level. I also began planting some herbs with my daughter. It felt wonderful getting my hands in the soil. I prepared a new Chia Seed Pudding recipe, it was pretty good. I am continuing to do my weekly walk, skin care routine, and working on my communication. My husband and I did play the game that I purchased last week where we ask each other questions. It was great because the questions are great and brings more intimacy into a relationship. It gave me insight on how he views himself and our relationship. I have also been more intentional on making sure I get naps because I see how I am more productive and pleasant when I do so.

Week 8 Challenge

1. Pick 3 Routines you have been doing consistently during this challenge. Write out how you will change this into a ritual.
Skin Care Routine. I will affirm that I accept myself as I am while I am washing my face, applying toner, and moisturizer.
Spiritual Baths. Intentionally cleanse the bathroom with incense and cleansing essential oil spray. I will also have my crystals and bathe with my bath scrub with essential oils and sea salt in the water.
Walking meditation where I take in what I am experiencing intently and if I am drawn to listen to music that I love while walking then I will do so. I will journal about my experience afterwards.

2. Using your planner from the previous weeks, make deliberate times for you to do these rituals. PENCIL YOURSELF IN FIRST. Write down in your planner the days you intend to do your rituals.
I already was writing these in except for the baths. However now I will see these as more of a ritual than a routine.
I just love seeing how these mini challenges are turning into life changing aspects in others lives. Love you sis!
I think this challenge already has been supporting me in focusing on myself a lot more. I have learned to not talk about things with my husband that I would talk about with my girlfriends which is difficult because I don't have close friends around me. He is the closest person around me however I have learned that everything is not to be share with a man which I think does give me some mystery. The biggest thing that I can take away from this week is that the more that I care for myself and focus on me, the more attractive I am. I say this because the more focus I put on myself and self care, the more I recognize the beauty within me.

Week 15 Challenge

1. Be a mystery. How could you develop this mysterious appearance? In some ways I have it because I tend to be more quiet natured until I get to know a person. I find that when I do speak people tend to listen a little more.
2. Continue to go to the new things, read new books, and eat new things. Keep the focus on YOU.
3. Is there a way that you could be more mysterious for your DH or significant other? Use your robe, slowly take off your clothes and don't rush, tease him. When it comes to my husband I've been working on not responding to everything that bothers me with him. Choosing my battles is the simple way to put it.
4. The best way to be mysterious is honestly be so self-absorbed into you. Embrace your uniqueness. Do your hobbies, your dreams, your goals, stay in your lane, and keep your lifestyle public but your life private. What does this mean in your life?

This mean to be so engulfed in enjoying life and being present, that I am not even thinking about sharing/showcasing all areas of my life. The key is being present with myself.
You could write a book about creating warm meals and a cozy home. You could also write it in your five languages that you speak.
1 English
2. French
5. Language of home village in Angola (Bantu)

That's five different income streams from one book. How many people could actually do this? You could. You have a tremendous amount of talent and skills. This is something you could do without having to interact with lots of people.

You already have a blog. You could market your book on that. You could sale your book on Amazon.

Book reference: The Well Fed Self Publisher.
I second that idea! :yep:

Week 24: Boundaries

An example of different types of boundaries, how to enforce them, and scripts to say can be found here: https://docdro.id/41k2cRl

Why is it important to set boundaries?

  • To protect yourself and practice self-care and self-respect

  • To communicate your needs in a relationship

  • To make time and space for positive interactions

  • To set limits in a relationship in a way that is healthy

  • To become and STAY a challenge

  • To create emotional security to protect your heart and not over-give in relationships

How to enforce these boundaries

  1. When you identify the need to set a boundary, do it clearly, calmly, firmly, respectfully, and in as few words as possible. (The more words you say, the more you can put your foot in your mouth. Say it and then be quiet.)

  2. Do not justify, get angry, or apologize for the boundary you are setting.

  3. You are not responsible for the other person’s reaction to the boundary you are setting.

  4. You are only responsible for communicating your boundary in a respectful manner.

  5. If it upset them, know it is their problem.

  6. Some people, especially those accustomed to controlling, abusing, or manipulating you, might test you.

  7. The man will give you resistance when you start setting boundaries. Plan on it, expect it but remain firm. Give him space. Remember Space + Femininity creates Tension which draws him even closer. Give him time to go into his man cave and come back to you with a solution to your boundaries.

  8. Remember, your behavior must match the boundaries you are setting.

  9. You cannot successfully establish a clear boundary if you send mixed messages by apologizing. At first, you will probably feel selfish, guilty, or embarrassed when you set a boundary.

  10. Do it anyway and remind yourself you have a right to self-care.

  11. Setting boundaries is a process that takes practice and determination.

  12. Don’t let anxiety, fear or guilt prevent you from taking care of yourself.

  13. When you feel anger or resentment or find yourself whining or complaining, you probably need to set a boundary.

  14. Listen to yourself, determine what you need to do or say, then communicate assertively.

  15. Remember learning to set healthy boundaries takes time. It is a process. You will make mistakes.

  16. It’s Block History Month- Develop a support system of people who respect your right to set boundaries. Eliminate or BLOCK toxic persons from your life— those who want to manipulate, abuse, and control you.

Week 24 Challenge
1. What are some of your boundaries in each area: Dating, Professional, Family, Time, Emotional, Sexual, Physical
2. How can you enforce each boundary?
3. What is your biggest challenge in presenting your boundaries in a feminine way?
1. What are some of your boundaries in each area: Dating, Professional, Family, Time, Emotional, Sexual, Physical

* Dating: kissed dating goodbye a few years ago, best thing I ever did. Have been able to truly focus on what it is I want out of a relationship and achieve some goals.

* Professional: my private life is just that ==> private. Only have a few co-workers on my FB. Have had to decline some friendship requests from a few others. A drama-free life is part of my beauty regimen. Nuff said.

* Family: talk to them on a weekly basis, to find out how they are doing. Also pray a lot for them. But as my sister said: we each now have our individual lives. Need to make peace with that.

* Time: I need ample time to myself. Tomorrow's my day off, so yeah, it's on :grin:. No need to be in give-mode permanently. Being receptive is just fine :cloud9:.

* Emotional: becoming almost numb when it comes to certain things people say. No easy feat, but when I catch myself drifting, I remind myself that hurtful comments towards me or anybody else, come from a wounded place, that was never able to heal properly.

* Sexual: no sex before marriage at this point in my life. So far so good.

* Physical: my love language is words, not touch. Can't stand when folks touch me :nono:.
The challenge this past week was fun. It was interesting writing down the things that I have not done yet. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to do the DIY kit that my mother bought me for mother's day. I ended up making essential oil rollers which was so fun, I ended up making the whole kit and also made aromatherapy spray which was also in the kit. As far as social media, I am glad that this was part of the challenge with this past week because it gave me another reason to not be on social media as much, especially with everything going on. I have learned to clean up social media over the years, but recently I share more post that resonate with me. However now I am back focusing on posting things related to my brand. I don't post pictures of myself or my family that much, but when I do, it is normally a picture that I love. I am not a fan of showing people everything, but I do share what I want. I did take pictures in front of my bookshelf and also outside in nature. I really like those pictures and it motivated me to make a series of youtube videos for my channel after taking the pictures.

Week 16 Challenge

1. Post a list of 30 things you have never done, read, ate, gone. Accomplish ONE NEW PLACE/ACTIVITY this week. Make it something classy. Beach picture, jazz club, spa date, SOMETHING.
I ended up making essential oil rollers which was fun! I made two rollers and I also ended up making aromatherapy spray. My mother bought me a DIY kit which was the perfect gift because I have been wanting to make things like this.

Learn how to swim
Go horseback riding
Become fluent in another language
Travel Abroad
Speak in Front of a Large Crowd without reading speech
Make my own candles
Make essential oil rollers
Make homemade cleaning products
Make soap
Grow okra
Go to National Museum of African American History and Culture
Go to Seattle, Washington
Go to Egypt
Go to Ghana
Learn how to sew with a sewing machine
Reupholster a chair
Try acupuncture
Go to Spa to get yoni steam
Relax in natural hot spring
Host a family reunion
Make jewelry
Put on full face of makeup by myself
Get a facial at a spa
Get a professional foot massage
Get a makeup lesson
Make my own perfume
Make my own tea
Make my own body butter
Host a Raw Vegan Dinner

2. Clean up your social media profile. Post in this thread how you've made some changes. Delete all pictures of exes. Delete all unflattering pics where you or your children aren't their best.

I have cleaned up my profile alot over the years. I don't really post many pictures of myself or my family but when I do, I make sure they are cute pictures. More than anything this week I made sure not to post as much although what I post daily is related to my brand. But this week I intentionally made sure to make one post a day and on some days two but it is related to my brand.

3. Download a great photo editing app. Post some suggestions if you find some great ones. -I am not big on editing photos too much but I did download snapseed.

4. Create a new profile picture. I don't care if it's staged or not....look good and girly. Throw on some heels, a dress, and some slight makeup. Stand in the back yard or a park. Get outside and let the sun kiss your beautiful skin. Create a new you.

I like my pictures that I took. I posted a new profile on my tumblr (I like the profile pictures I have on my fb and instagram already) because I had that one for at least 4 years. I also posted the pictures on my instagram stories. I put on a dress and mascara and gloss (I don't know how to apply makeup but I plan on doing that this month). I took a picture in front of my bookcase (I love my books) and I also went outside and took a picture and I was surrounded by greenery which really was a good contrast to the color of the dress I was wearing. It was nice and I felt beautiful.
This probably belongs in the 'How I outsmarted Becky' thread, but Imma put it here anyway. @Southernbella. once said something that I have been applying for a few years and has been working wonders for me: basically, making ourselves as Black people, the status quo for ourselves. Instead of constantly inserting 'Black' in everything...as if White is the standard and everything that deviates from that is...different or 'other'.

This goes hand in hand with living with dignity: my landlord is basically stealing money from me, through my warranty. I had expected to receive a great amount back, but he's keeping most of it, citing asinine stuff that according to him, were not left as desired. No problem. Kept my cool.

So the office through which he rents out the place, sent me a form to fill in. One I had to sign as well and fill in my bank account number. One would expect a great firm like that, to do everything digitally right? Nope. Everything was handwritten...poorly at that :nono:.

They scanned and sent it to me. I filled everything in online, through PDF on my MAC. It looked extremely neat and professional. Sent it back to them being extremely polite.

Today I called them to check on when I might expect my reimbursement ==>> the tone was different. The guy usually hangs up and tells me to call back, he didn't this time. He remained on the line and waited till his co-worker was finished. Which took a good minute.

The lady is usually mean, this time she was sweet as pie. Saying that if I don't have the money within a week, to call them back. Now, this might seem minute, but it's not. We need to demand respect, by doing small things like that. Just like @tinkat , I only post once a day on FB. I'm also not constantly whining about the state of Black people. I always post beautiful pictures of us, my family, my hair, food that I cook :yep:.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 25: Limiting Beliefs
Limiting Beliefs: It’s not true sis! Flip It.

A limiting belief is a belief you have (a thought you've repeated over and over and accept as fact) that you think makes it impossible for you to get what you want. They are usually deeply ingrained from childhood or from past experiences.

In order to heal a limiting belief you have to replace it with a different thought. In order to heal a trigger, you have to experience it, recognize you're being triggered, accept/love this irrational feeling that's coming up, investigate if it's true, and if it's not, choose to do something different (even if it's scary).

Limiting Beliefs: affirmation, meditation, reframe your limiting beliefs. Flip Tool is when you FLIP these beliefs and transform them to something powerful and positive like an affirmation. Examples:

Im not high value because I live at home with my parents → Living at home with my parents gives me the perfect opportunity to stack my money and save for the life and place I really want!

All men are bad. → Most black men are good.

Love doesn’t last forever. → Anything worthwhile in life requires a degree of risk.

Men don’t like my personality. → There is an abundance of men like that who really want to LOVE me, just for being you.

I’m not worthy of love → I am worthy of my heart’s desires.

I’m not good enough → I am worthy. I always have been. I always will be. I am perfect just as I am.

I fear that I won’t ever find a romantic partner → There is someone out there that likes me for me and would love to date me.

Men want to waste my time → “The right man for me will stay”.

No good man will want me. → There is an abundance of good single men out there willing to give me the commitment I desire.

I can’t get out of debt → There is an abundance of wealth out there just waiting for me to take it on.

My disability is a curse → My disability is an opportunity for me to do something that no one has ever done before.

You can’t even get a man interested in you. You loser woman. → Delight yourself in the Lord and you shall be given the desires of your heart.

You should give up on dating. Love isn’t for you. Can’t you see? → I am worthy of EVERYTHING good in life.

Who do you think you are to be treated like queen of England by men? → I am a child of the Universe, a divine spark, deserving of the highest treatment and goodies that life has to offer.


Link massive pain to NOT doing what you want. What will happen if you don’t do what you want? What’s my life going to be like? What will it cost me?

Link pleasure to doing it.

I discovered that the root of past self-esteem issues was my fear of rejection and abandonment. This is further rooted in the belief that you aren't "good enough." I actually asked myself why I acted the way that I did with men, and I listened and a small voice said, "Because you don't think you're good enough." I was floored! Flip it! Now everyday you wake up ACT like you are good enough. If you WERE what would you do today?

Week 25 Challenge

1. What are your limiting beliefs
2. How can we flip those?
This past week has been insightful. I went to my therapist and discussed my relationship with my father and in essence with men in general. After talking to her and doing forgiveness work using Iyanla Vanzant's book Forgiveness: 21 days to forgive everyone for everything, I did not feel as angry as I did before. It helped to neutralize feelings and I am now more open to discussing things with my father to clear the air. I will first write out how I feel first. I notice a difference because I can talk about it without resentment which is great. I also noticed that when I allow myself to feel my feelings, it normally passes and not as bad as I thought it would be. I realize that the reason why I had blockage in my throat chakra was because I was not allowing myself to feel. One of the areas where I feel sadness or anger is in my heart and when I don't allow the feelings to pass through, it gets stuck in my throat. My voice has strengthened so much in the last few years because I have worked on this.

Week 17 Challenge

1. What are your intimacy fears? Being abandoned and rejection
2. How will you work on them?
I have been going to therapy to unpack my feelings as they come up. I also have been doing forgiveness work. I allow myself to feel my feelings. Writing in my journal also is helpful to get my thoughts and feelings out.
This past week has been insightful. I went to my therapist and discussed my relationship with my father and in essence with men in general. After talking to her and doing forgiveness work using Iyanla Vanzant's book Forgiveness: 21 days to forgive everyone for everything, I did not feel as angry as I did before. It helped to neutralize feelings and I am now more open to discussing things with my father to clear the air. I will first write out how I feel first. I notice a difference because I can talk about it without resentment which is great. I also noticed that when I allow myself to feel my feelings, it normally passes and not as bad as I thought it would be. I realize that the reason why I had blockage in my throat chakra was because I was not allowing myself to feel. One of the areas where I feel sadness or anger is in my heart and when I don't allow the feelings to pass through, it gets stuck in my throat. My voice has strengthened so much in the last few years because I have worked on this.

Week 17 Challenge

1. What are your intimacy fears? Being abandoned and rejection
2. How will you work on them?
I have been going to therapy to unpack my feelings as they come up. I also have been doing forgiveness work. I allow myself to feel my feelings. Writing in my journal also is helpful to get my thoughts and feelings out.

This is so good. I admit, I am the worst person when it comes to forgiveness. The worst. I need to work on it. I'm going to get this book and read it. Thanks for sharing.
This is so good. I admit, I am the worst person when it comes to forgiveness. The worst. I need to work on it. I'm going to get this book and read it. Thanks for sharing.
I understand completely! It is a journey within itself. Although it is for 21 days, I take my time with each day so I have been working with the book for a while instead of 21 days. Also checkout the book radical forgiveness: making room for a miracle by colin tipping.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 26: Trust and Surrender

Do less to get more. It becomes easy to think that if You controlled everything around you in your life, and created as much structure as possible, everything would go accordingly to plans and there wouldn’t be any surprises. You would be all knowing and and this would make you happy.

However it’s important to understand no amount of planning will change the uncertainty of the universe. Thevuniverse has a plan for you. All things are working for your good. As a femininevwoman it is your job to flow and bend like a tree swaying in the wind. Your job isn’t to define or understand it. Instead, trust it.

The Universe’s plans for you life are always greater than your own plans. All things are working for your good. Everything is intentional. Never failing. Trusting and Surrendering means to FEEL a sense of calm, peace, and surrender in your body that no matter what's going on around you or in your relationship right now - YOU WILL BE OKAY! If you get the job or if you don't, if he leaves or if he goes...at the end of the day...you will be okay! Trust the Universe's timeline, even if it's not coming towards you at the moment. There is a reason for this, but it’s not your job to figure this out. Just trust and stay in the moment.

It is important to trust that everything that is happening right now is for your highest good even though you may not be able to see it yet.

You have to know with a solid belief that everything is ALWAYS working out for you. You’re not rocking the boat to control the situation. You're not flirting to make something happen. You’re flirting because it’s fun and it’s the way you are. It’s the way you live and interact. As a feminine woman, the right man/your boyfriend/your husband will be magnetized to you effortlessly.

If you are used to being in your masculine energy, you are used to "thinking" your way through life and love. This causes you to dissect and over analyze every decision you make. It causes you to be pressed and analyze every text message from a man you like. Focus on how you feel. Make boundaries accordingly. Don’t try to control your man, the situation, or the future. It is in feminine surrender that the magic of love and life happens. So in times that you are over-analyzing, Let Go. Let it be. Slow down and be present. Meditate. Listen to your inner voice. Trust and Surrender.

Week 26 Challenge

1. Where could you be more trusting of the Universe?
2. How could you focus more on being present instead of analyzing each and everything in your life?
3. Take our Challenge Survey to improve next year: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QL9ZPNS

Week 26 Trust and Surrender Affirmations
  1. I am not alone in this universe.
  2. I am not alone in this world.
  3. I am a part of nature.
  4. I understand that just as life takes good care of ALL nature. it will also take care of me and all of my needs and desires when I let you.
^^^One of my key words for 2020 is surrender. Was able to do this for my home search and everything worked out fine. But I am an INTJ, whereas my sister is an INFJ. I try to take cues from her, but it's not easy. Like I literally have to 'think' how to 'feel' :drunk: *lesigh*.

Lately I have been getting so frustrated in my communication with men. The fact that most of them regard us as subordinate is so frustrating to me :nono:. It's like no matter how feminine you may be / dress, if you just dare question a man's leadership, you are immediately thrown in the 'masculine' category. I am about to turn 35 soon, so this is coming full blown in my face and it's just...:deadhorse:.
On the other hand, here are some times where I was in full feminine mode, which in turn generated a positive outcome:

* While living in my old studio apartment, I needed my window to be fixed. I sent out a mail to my landlord (male) and 7 years later the window got fixed. I never sent him a mail back or anything during this waiting period. I just...waited.

* My bil is the tech buff in our family. So when I was on the lookout for a smart phone, I gave him €200.00 and told him to take his time looking for one, for me. Close to a year later, he was able to buy me a brand new smartphone, even though it was refurbished. My bil is a total alpha male, so I liked his feedback. He said he really liked the way I handled everything, by not pressuring him. Again, during that whole waiting period, I just...waited.

* In March I gave him €100.00 again, to purchase me an external harddrive, that is compatible with a Mac. Same thing again, didn't bring it up again. A few days ago he was here and let me know that he has been able to find one for me. While he was here, he also fixed the laundry machine I had installed :yep:.

* Before the pandemic happened full blown, our pastor called a few members of our church, including me, to see how we could best handle the situation. I felt like it was time for us to really be the hands and feet of Jesus; by handing out food baskets to the needy of our church. The men disagreed. A few weeks later we were having a ZOOM meeting and they went: "Have y'all seen how the Muslim brothers are handing out food baskets. We really should have done that." Instead of saying: "I been told y'all." I simply stated: "No need to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." And called it a day. My sister who also happens to be Christian had advised me. She simply stated that if they were not to do it, then I should absolutely take care of it by myself. So I did.

This past week I have been creating a lot of content for my brand and other projects I have in the works. I haven't had this type of motivation in a long time and I am grateful. I think all of the personal work I have been doing is slowly but surely paying off including doing this challenge. I am grateful.

Week 18 Challenge

1. What are your limiting beliefs? I am not enough is the main one. It is linked to the I don't know enough so I need to know it all, learn it all, even if I am more than qualified. The perfectionist.
2. What are you going to navigate this? Being able to recognize what voice is the critic is very helpful. Acknowledging and writing in my journal daily all that I have accomplished, no matter how simple makes me feel so much better. I feel like the personal work I have been doing on myself for the past few years has been paying off because I am getting back to a place of being motivated to create. I know that when the critic takes over, it can hinder you from creating.
Participants -
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle
@almond eyes

Week 27: Play Cat and Mouse

✨Be emotionally or physically connected to him and then run away.
✨ Promise him intimacy by giving false hope. Delay the sexual gratification. Play into his desire to hunt by keeping him chasing.
✨Be a conversationalist.
✨ Have a wonderful date with him but then don’t contact him first after meeting.
✨ Letting some of his calls for to voicemail and calling him back later.
✨ Give him plenty of compliments and appreciation so he knows you’re interested.
✨Be very available and then back away a little.
✨Don’t always answer questions directly. At a little bit with the answer and let HIM chase YOU.
✨Act distracted and let HIM get your attention back.
✨ Keep him on his toes at all times.
✨ Say little things like...”You know what I really like about you?” When he says what....change the subject real quick. “Yeah...oh never mind. I’m talking to much. So How was your day honey?”

Some scripts to play cat and mouse

✨Can I have your picture ➡️ Oh if you play your cards right you can have as many pictures as you want
✨I want you ➡️ You up for that challenge
✨What did you do today. ➡️ Why should I tell you? (Then after he responds you go back to the regular convo and tell him what you did)
✨ He says something sweet ➡️ Oh *insert name* are you flirting with me?
✨ I want you to be my girl ➡️ Oh really? You ready for that responsibility?
✨ You’re a handful ➡️ I’m glad you have two hands honey. One for my naughty and one for my nice. ☺️

Week 27 Challenge

1. How could you up the challenge? How could you be more playful?
2. What’s your favorite cat/mouse script
The challenge for this past week came right on time because I have been wanting to add flowers to the home. This motivated me to get some. Maybe I will also plant some flowers. Flowers really do lighten the mood and make the home feel beautiful. It makes me feel good too.

Week 19 Challenge
Add touches of beauty throughout by adding real flowers.
  1. Already have flowers in your space? Use your feminine energy to nurture a houseplant.
I was able to get flowers. They are yellow and a pink/red color and they are beautiful. I have been drawn to yellow lately so I love it. The moment I see them, I feel softer. I ended up moving a plant I got as a gift for mother's day in my bedroom so I could have these flowers on display and close to light. The plant I moved to my room really does shift the energy in the room. I will definitely get more plants. I use to always buy plants and this motivated me to get more.