2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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Last week I let my creative juices flow by baking my BIL a cake for his birthday from scratch. My first time ever baking a cake, but I think it turned out pretty well, but there was definitely room for improvement. I’m thinking of baking another this weekend for DH’s birthday to help perfect my technique.

Last week I let my creative juices flow by baking my BIL a cake for his birthday from scratch. My first time ever baking a cake, but I think it turned out pretty well, but there was definitely room for improvement. I’m thinking of baking another this weekend for DH’s birthday to help perfect my technique.

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This is soooooo fabulous! It is so beautiful!!
Last week I let my creative juices flow by baking my BIL a cake for his birthday from scratch. My first time ever baking a cake, but I think it turned out pretty well, but there was definitely room for improvement. I’m thinking of baking another this weekend for DH’s birthday to help perfect my technique.

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I refuse to believe that this is the first time that you've made cake from scratch. That looks amazing!
I think these are some great phrases to stay in your feminine energy but create boundaries. I actually say most of these out loud, but I know for some these phrases are hard to say out loud. These would be some great phrases to say out loud in the mirror.



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Times are getting busy during this time of the year. However remember to FOCUS ON YOU to stay in your feminine. Remember to do at least one thing (no matter how small) for yourself every day to polish your femininity. Being intentional about doing something for YOU each day will help you stay rested and receptive enough to rejuvenate yourself daily to keep your femininity cup FULL!

This is soooooo fabulous! It is so beautiful!!

Thank you so much!! I had a lot of fun making it. It tastes great too, lol.

I refuse to believe that this is the first time that you've made cake from scratch. That looks amazing!

Thank you! :) Believe it or not, it's true. I watched a couple of YouTube videos before starting to make sure I had the right idea on how to ice it. I found one lady who had a really informative video and I followed all of her tips.
Thank you so much!! I had a lot of fun making it. It tastes great too, lol.

Thank you! :) Believe it or not, it's true. I watched a couple of YouTube videos before starting to make sure I had the right idea on how to ice it. I found one lady who had a really informative video and I followed all of her tips.
Can you post the video? I’m going to try to make a cake this week!
My main way of exerting masculine energy is trying to assist/help, when it is not being asked for. My SO has never asked for my help with anything, yet it is knee jerk for me to ask if he needs help with anything if he is planning something. He has a strong masculine energy and I've seen how me asking if he needs help with anything irritates him (he gently tells me he has it, but I can sense the irritation).

I am accustomed to taking the lead at my job and also being a single mother doing 99.9% of the parenting, so I have to fight exerting that same energy in my love life.
My main way of exerting masculine energy is trying to assist/help, when it is not being asked for. My SO has never asked for my help with anything, yet it is knee jerk for me to ask if he needs help with anything if he is planning something. He has a strong masculine energy and I've seen how me asking if he needs help with anything irritates him (he gently tells me he has it, but I can sense the irritation).

I am accustomed to taking the lead at my job and also being a single mother doing 99.9% of the parenting, so I have to fight exerting that same energy in my love life.
How are yo working on leaning back and not trying to "help" all the time unless it is asked of you?
1. Someone cuts you off in traffic? What could you do?

Don't currently drive, but I've had a lady cut me off in line at Starbucks, because I was on the phone.
I just smiled and suggested she go before me. This ties in to no longer being in a hurry all the time, given
everything we are witnessing nowadays, you never know what God is trying to save you from.

2. Someone steals the credit at work for something you did? Your actions?

This used to happen in high school: I was very shy, so I would mumble the answers when the teacher asked us
something and my classmate would say it out loud. If this were to happen today, I would just let it slide. Why? Because often times, that person may get 1% of your overall idea, but they would never be able to bring it fully home 100%, because after all, you are the author of it and not them. JMHO

3. Your husband says something unkind and insensitive to you?

Given the way I grew up, I'm actually very used to people saying unkind and insensitive things to me. I once had a guy in college, make fun of my hunchback, because I have scoliosis. I would probably just be quiet at first and then bring it up another day. Things that would really hurt me, would be bringing up my past. It's a boundary for me.

4. He leaves his shoes everywhere even after you've asked him numerous times to stop.

It it's just in our room, I'd let bygones be bygones. However, if it hinders our hospitality, because it's in the living room as well and is setting a bad example for the children, I would kindly address it.

5. A beautiful woman walks in the room....are you unnerved? Unbothered?

Grew up with 4 other women + been on LHCF for what seems like aeons :lol: so I'm very used to (beautiful) women. But again, it would definitely depend on the aura/karma. As I mentioned upthread, I prefer women who are low key (Teyonah Parris, Reagan Gomez-Preston, Kyla Pratt,...etc) rather than always in your face (Beyoncé, J.Lo, Angelina Jolie,...etc).

6. You’re supposed to meet your girlfriend for lunch but she doesn’t show up and doesn’t call you to let you know.

Gotta do better in this regard, because I would immediately think of *me* :nono: first, without considering the fact that something might've happened to her. So yeah...but in case nothing happened, I would reconsider our friendship.
Wow @Maracujá that's so creepy. I was just trying to figure out how to make stickers and update my journal. I'm almost to the end of my first femininity journal. I just started using stickers but I need more black girl stickers. I want to use the cute ones from the That Girl thread that @caribeandiva posted.

Great minds ;). I had never even thought about this, it is so genius! Can't wait to try it:yep:.
How are yo working on leaning back and not trying to "help" all the time unless it is asked of you?

I've been conscious of my reactions when SO is discussing what he is working out aloud. Now, I just nod and listen and maybe throw in a complimentary word here and there "thanks for all you are doing babe" or "I appreciate all you are doing for me/us" vs offering assistance. It is super hard for me, but I am getting better at it.
Great minds ;). I had never even thought about this, it is so genius! Can't wait to try it:yep:.

I did it old school way. I don’t have sticker paper yet so I used a glue stick and some good ole scissors lol.


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How you all think you act masculine? I’m going to journal about this today.

-I go back and forth with people on social media
-I try to stick to a timeline instead of going with the flow
-I’m too analytical at times

I’m also a “fixer” reminding so of the weather, reminding him to take the trash out, trying to solve his problems. That’s one of my goals for the challenge - so I’m working on rewriting my brain. He’s a grown man that knows how to drive in the snow. Somehow the trash got taken out before me. He doesn’t take my advice even when I ask for it.

I also stick with a timeline. I find that having order is necessary for me to have peace, I need to know where to find things. Trying to be more go with the flow though.

I’m also analytical. It’s a part of my job. One of my goals was to better separate work from home. Trying to do a lot of self-study about womanhood and feminism to see how the other side lives.

If I could just be carefree I think a huge weight would be lifted off my shoulders.
Thought these would be some great videos for us:


I can't even tell you how AWESOME that video was! It gave me so many ideas. There are so many things that hosts don't really think about be that were really helpful in that video. I loved that she customized the room and bathroom for the Christmas season. (Didn't know that I would look for Christmas shower gels). I'm going over to her blog right now to download that welcome letter. Thanks again.
I guess I get it.

I began pulling away from social media from about 3 years back. I realized it was draining me but couldn’t explain why. Over the course of a year, I deleted all my pictures, including posts and memories. Don’t ask please lol. At this point, I’ll lurk and go to my groups, but that’s about it.

I haven’t been really looking into the future. At least not analyzing it. Just thinking about what I want, and working of whatever is least stressful but most important. This works better because I stay present.

I’m extremely analytical. I thought it was really a Capricorn thing, but I guess it can be a masculine thing too. It’s exhausting TBH. I’m at a point where I’m getting myself back on track and everything is finally working itself out. I have no reason to actively stress, so why?
Wow @Maracujá that's so creepy. I was just trying to figure out how to make stickers and update my journal. I'm almost to the end of my first femininity journal. I just started using stickers but I need more black girl stickers. I want to use the cute ones from the That Girl thread that @caribeandiva posted.
They came out really nice!! Thank you for sharing! Quick tip: you can have them printed on sticker paper at Office Depot or Staples for cheap. That’s what I used to do when I used to make my own stickers.
When you lean back with a man, do you ever feel slightly guilty for not being a nice accommodating girl? I know that men respond to ACTION (not a bag a mouth :giggle:). And he knows EXACTLY how to reach out to me if he wants to. :yep: And if he doesn’t, it’s not because I’m a b... it’s because he doesn’t want to. And I’m ok with that.
My friend that’s in this challenge had a situation yesterday.

First she had a girls date with her friend. They were going to do makeup and hair all day and eat yummy snacks.

This guy calls her at the last minute and says he wants to take her out. He wanted to take her to a restaurant an hour away after he left an engagement. (You all NEVER cancel your plans for a man unless it’s a darn good last minute date )

He didn’t tell her what one said engagement ended. So she cancelled the time with her friend. She waited on guy. She did her makeup and got really cute. She waited and waited and waited. Instead of 3pm he showed up at SEVEN.

Keep in mind the restaurant is an hour away. The restaurant closed at 9.

When she said she didn’t want to go because she didn’t want the old food or then rushing her out he got mad. He said she never lets him pick where to take her. Then he suggested he take her to CHIK FIL A. (Which was probably is plan the whole time). This is where poise comes in. She told him do you think I wore all this makeup to go to Chik Fil A? I’ve been waiting on you all day. I can’t believe you. She went on and on how she felt disrespected.

He told her that he always feels like he’s in the courtroom with her. She is always trying to prove her point. He hates this.

I told her this is where we work on having strong boundaries and having the poise to saying them.

I don’t accept last minute dates
I don’t accept breadcrumbs
I’m used to integrity (doing what u say) from the men i date.

And poise in keeping these boundaries. I wish she would have sent a script like “Oh I have plans. I wish you would have told me earlier I would have loved to see you. However, I am available tomorrow afternoon)

Or used some kinda communication tool like

Sandwich Tool:
Bread: Honey I always enjoy the times that we have together. I always feel so loved and special when spending time with you. Meat: However is we went to the restaurant this late I wouldn’t have enough time to really spend time with you and connect. Bread: I would rather go when it’s not close to closing time so I can have all my time with you ;) What do you think?

This post is soooo long but it all goes to say. Keep it sweet, strong, poised, feminine, and straight to the point. Love you ladies.
When you lean back with a man, do you ever feel slightly guilty for not being a nice accommodating girl? I know that men respond to ACTION (not a bag a mouth :giggle:). And he knows EXACTLY how to reach out to me if he wants to. :yep: And if he doesn’t, it’s not because I’m a b... it’s because he doesn’t want to. And I’m ok with that.
I never feel guilty. I already know I’m nice, and I don’t have to be accommodating to prove it. It’s hard to say what I want to say without coming off as stush lol but here is a simple example I can give you. Very basic.

If I’m interested and you ask to take me out, I’ll say yes. I’m nice. If you tell me you want to take me out on the day of, I will tell you no because I’m nice. If you suggest a couple of days later, I’ll say yes, because I’m nice. If a day doesn’t work, I will tell you, because I’m nice. If the situation isn’t working for me, I will tell you, because I’m nice. If I don’t wish to conform, I don’t becsuse I’m nice.

I guess the way I see it, being nice is about me and accommodating is about others. You don’t have to be both, you have to be what’s best for you. And it seems you are very ok with that.
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