2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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While we are embarking on this week's challenge, please remember to get back in touch with your feelings. Take time to notice how you feel doing your day to day activities. If you are dating or in a relationship with a significant other, make sure to express these feelings to them. It made me feel so joyful being outside and feeling the warm warmth from the sun on my face. I love spending time with you. Remember men cannot connect with you at a analytical or spiritual level. They mostly connect with women on a EMOTIONAL level. Learn to be feminine, flowy, and expressive of your feelings.

Return to the Heart

When we are born we experience life through using our 5 senses. We FEEL through sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. However, as we get older, we shift from FEELING through relying on senses to majorly depending on logic. We shift from heart to mind which increases our masculine energy.

What’s one way to take back your feminine power? Return to the heart. Get in touch with how everything makes you FEEL.

People will feel very attracted to you when you’re in touch with your feelings and in your feminine energy. This shows that you are fully experiencing life and getting inside of every moment.

To start building the skill of getting in touch with your feelings – you’ll want start small, with everyday things – like the weather or things that happened during your day. Tap into all of your senses. You may have to look at the picture above or a similar one to give you a list of feelings to choose from to pinpoint what it really is that you are feeling. Some examples of feelings messages are below:

  1. I feel really tired; it felt so good to play with my bath bombs and soak in the tub.

  2. It felt so good to relax and spend some time with you Spiderman (nicknames build connection). I can’t wait until next time.

  3. I really enjoy our dates. I have such respect for a man who knows how to date and court a woman. It feels so wonderful to have a man who leads.

  4. I felt so loved, cherished and thankful that you paid for the baby’s birthday party. I really admire your leadership in making sure he has plenty of birthday memories. Merry Christmas.

  5. Thank you, honey (word of endearment builds connection) for buying me an Air Fryer. It made me feel so loved and special when my man leads and makes sure I'm able to keep our family healthy. I don't know what I'd do without your leadership.

  6. It felt sooo good to have my songs on my phone! Thank you for sending them. It made me feel so special and cherished. My day is made :)

  7. I’m really feeling relaxed this morning. I had some creamy warm coffee with a little Bailey’s in my cup. Shh...Our little secret ;)

  8. “I love how _____________ and ___________ sitting/standing here feels. It makes me feel so ____________.”

  9. I feel so ________ when you _________.

  10. I just love it when you _________, it makes me feel so __________.

  11. I feel my poetry in my chest.

  12. “I felt _________ when _______.

  13. I feel breezy and open like a deep breath filling my chest with warm air.

  14. When it's chilly like this I love the feel of my warm, fluffy comforter pulled close all around me.

  15. “I’m feeling exhilarated with all the new projects I’m starting!”

  16. “Work felt overwhelming today, it feels great to be home relaxing.”

  17. I feel so cozy in my bed, about to drift off to sleep.

  18. “This book feels heavy.”

  19. This coffee feels so smooth and creamy on my tongue.

  20. “This blanket feels so soft on my skin.”

  21. “The breeze feels so refreshing on my skin.”

  22. “This sweater feels warm”

  23. “Good morning handsome! It feels good to hear your voice!”

  24. Hi my handsome favorite car salesman (nickname). It makes me feel happy when you initiate contact

  25. Wow, that sounds like an intense situation. I can feel the tension just hearing about it. It must feel good to be away from that chaos for the evening/weekend.”

  26. It makes me feel really happy when you contact me and let me know if and when you aren’t able to make it.

  27. I feel good when I receive one of your messages.

  28. It makes me feel cherished when you call me.

  29. It feels great to talk to you and I'm enjoying our texting but the sexy soothing sound of your voice is my favorite!

  30. I’m so glad you are alright! It makes me feel so good when you initiate contact because it makes me feel so special.

  31. It always feels good to talk on the phone with you, but it would feel even better to meet face to face. What do you think?

  32. I felt so safe falling asleep next to you.

  33. It felt so good to fall asleep on your chest last night.

  34. I feel incredibly cared for when you check on me.

  35. Honey I love surprises. I feel so loved and special when I get to experience surprises with you.

  36. It feels good to hear from you today love.
this week I’m going to:

- Go outside 3 times this week and walk, play with DS, or workout.
- Cook 3 times and take my time as I am doing such. (I made Shrimp Scampi last night so maybe steak and asparagus tonight,and meatloaf tomorrow).
- Actually do my nightime routine to wind down after DS goes to bed at 8:30
-Take the time to hold DS for at least 10 minutes a day and read a book before bed
- Clean my bedroom and burn my BBW candles or essential oils in my bedroom
-Finish Michelle's book
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If not in lingerie I sleep in VS sleep shirts
I fix my bed every morning. With all 10 pillows :look:
I’d like to add a piece of furniture to clear my night stand, but there’s no room in this tiny apartment.
Ladies what are some cute compact storage options?
I need to buy some of those wax melts
I moved some stuff around and cleaned up my room a bit. I threw out old papers and for stuff that needs to be shredded, put it in the annual shredding pile. Vacuumed quite a bit, as well as cleaned the house (I’m not sure what I clean anymore but there’s nothing to clean in here :look:) but I’m trying to convince my son to throw out his toys.

I’d like to get rid of more stuff, but that will still take time. I’m happy where im at.

I cooked for the week, that is making time for me to just rest after work.

I just rested my eyes on the train and listened to soothing music. My goal is to be in bed by 9, and I’ve been able to get in by 8:30, just to relax before I sleep.
I’ve been meaning to get rid of some of the clutter from our bedroom so I’ll make the extra effort

Also I plan to spend 30 minutes playing with my daughter a day without the phone

I need better night wear and I used to spray fragrance before sleeping, I would love to do so again
I keep saying I'm going to declutter our bedroom. I start and then I lose steam. I worked on our bedroom for two days last week and made good progress, then I stopped. I was going to work on it today for 30 minutes, but never got around to it. It seems like such a daunting task, but once I get started its easy. I will spend at least 30 minutes on it tomorrow.
I found out if the rice is not hot, it won’t stay in a cute shape (using a measuring cup) when you try to plate it. Lol. FYI for y’all out there trying to plate.

My friend is participating in this challenge but she doesn’t have a profile. This week she redid her bedroom and put all the perfumes on display.


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I decluttered my nightstand. I will declutter my other drawers this week and reorganize them.

I’m also going to work on limiting my multi tasking. I’m going to start by not using my phone when I walk. When did I start doing that??
Tuesday Femininity Affirmations (I forgot to post yesterday...oops lol)
Topic: Being in the Present/Cleanliness in Bedroom

:kiss3:1. I choose to live in the only moment where there is life....the present moment.

:kiss3:2. I choose to let go of my past and let the present determine my future.

:kiss3:3. My present life is vibrant, deeply felt, and a growing mosaic of meaningful moments.

:kiss3:4. I feel feminine and free when I make my environment clean and beautiful.

:kiss3:5. Cleanliness and beautification is a part of my everyday routine.
On being present:

On Wednesdays, I fast from FB - IG - Twitter and food. It's an idea our pastor launched in our church and it does wonders for me. I also try not to spend any money on myself, but instead, do something for someone else. So today I was off from work and wrote a recipe for a friend I went to high school with.

She saw the pics for my muamba de galinha on my FB page and since her father is Portuguese, she took an interest. Today I was able to write it out and send it to her:


I did my utmost best and hope she will be able to appreciate it. Was actually supposed to be in The Netherlands, preparing to celebrate my nephew's 1st birthday. But when I tell y'all that yesterday was like an episode straight out of the Twilight Zone, I mean it :nono:. Everything that could go wrong, DID go wrong. So here I am...I did have a cancellation insurance, but they won't cover me, because tardiness on the train's part, is not part of the deal. Was I feminine on the phone? NOPE. Threw that straight out the door, need to work on it. I did however write an email to the train station, see what they can do to reimburse me. We'll see...
How to Increase Your
Rejuvenation (3rd Pillar of Femininity)

1. Do it for you, first and foremost. You deserve it. It's so easy to get lost in obligations and FORGET to do something for yourself. Do not do this. Instead...pencil yourself in. Adorn YOURSELF.
2. Make it intentional each and every day. Set aside some time for YOU to enjoy yourself and be feminine. Write it down.
3. Connect with other females. Go out to eat. Go shopping. Go have fun and fellowshipping with feminine women.
4. Write down your list of hobbies. Make sure you do something from that list each and every day.
5. Get outside! Enjoy some sunshine!
6. Indulge in creative energy. Paint a picture, create a poem, plate a meal, write a book or make a delicious meal for yourself/others.​
I'm just now getting to my computer to catch up with this thread. I read daily on my phone, but I prefer to respond on the computer.

1. Find an accountability partner.
I am in need of an accountability partner.

2. Buy a planner
Check! I purchased a new wall calendar for 2019. I will be tracking my femininity goals on here as I do use it daily for my meal plans and other things. I also have a daily journal that I will be using for accountability and planning in conjunction with 52 Mondays.

3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?
My primary goal is to learn to lean back. I think that accomplishing this goal will be the most important thing I can do to have a transformative 2019. Secondly (and almost just as importantly) is to value self care in terms of how I spend my time, money, and energy. Thirdly, I want to improve my physical health and appearance.

4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?
Lean back: I will be going through Rori Raye's Reconnect Your Relationship teaching and any other RR teachings I feel the need to go through (I have the complete RR set). I plan to go through these actively and as slowly and as many times as necessary for it to stick. I listened to RR when I started dating DH and I think it made a huge difference in our courtship. Now that we're married, I feel myself reverting back to my alpha female, forward-leaning ways. I want to nip this in the bud ASAP before it causes significant issues in our relationship.

Self Care: I will be following FlyLady's method to help make my home a haven. This is more for me than for DH, since I work at home 100% of the time and I hate being surrounded by clutter/disorganization. I will be creating routines for daily life and beauty maintenance and posting them on my calendar to keep myself accountable and to help remember them in advance versus scrambling to do them. Specifically, wash and straighten hair every 2 weeks (and commit to a product line); start using Biologique Recherche for skin care; stop plucking my eyelashes out; pluck eyebrows weekly; paint nails weekly; buy new sexy underwear, bras, and nightclothes; and paint nails weekly and buy a new bottle of nail polish monthly. My goal is 75% adherence to this schedule each month.

Physical Health & Appearance: reach a healthy weight by counting calories, eating more meals at home, getting active via stretching and cardio), and improving my menstrual cycle with supplements.

5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?
Going to bed early nightly (keeps me from waking up groggy and irritable); waking up in time to shower, do my devotions, run my FlyLady routines, and plan for the day before starting work. I've learned that accomplishing things early in the morning makes me feel happy and empowered. Keeping things organized and under control will keep me from getting frustated throughout the day.
In what ways could you be more receiving versus giving?
I need to stop taking the initiative to do things in DH's and my relationship like running our finances and planning for the future. I need to let him take care of me and our future.

How are you NOT denying yourself by polishing your femininity today?
Today I polished my femininity by grooming my eyebrows which were greatly in need. I also treated myself to wearing a new dress that DH's cousin bought me for Christmas.

In what ways could you make more SPACE for you to rest?
I just need to DO less, THINK less, and WORRY less. I need to be more PRESENT in the moment and just BE and ENJOY. Planning and thinking has been a coping mechanism for me for a long time and it's time to break the habit.

It's very important and wise to experiment and have fun in our feminine energies. Make a mini list of things you would like to do that you’ve never done.
I would love to take a yoga class. Nothing else comes to mind at the moment, but I will keep thinking.

What’s one way to take back your feminine power? Return to the heart. Get in touch with how everything makes you FEEL.
I need to do this. I am too practical. I am guilty of telling myself that my feelings don't matter, that what matters are the practical things in life. DH isn't like this at all, so not only am I not benefiting from this attitude in the general sense, but it puts me at odds with DH because I get annoyed with him for living life and not just being practical.

How to Increase Your Rejuvenation (3rd Pillar of Femininity)

1. Do it for you, first and foremost. You deserve it. It's so easy to get lost in obligations and FORGET to do something for yourself. Do not do this. Instead...pencil yourself in. Adorn YOURSELF. --> I am making a commitment to do this for myself in 2019, valuing my own self care and putting my money where my mouth is. I won't be wasteful, but if something is necessary for my joy, I am not going to deny myself anymore.
2. Make it intentional each and every day. Set aside some time for YOU to enjoy yourself and be feminine. Write it down. --> Yes, I tend to do this throughout the day sporadically, which causes problems in my work. I need to pencil in and take my lunch breaks everyday and enjoy myself.
3. Connect with other females. Go out to eat. Go shopping. Go have fun and fellowshipping with feminine women. --> I am going to pencil in 2 days a month to have lunch with a few ladies from my wedding party that I want to remain close to. We've been discussing doing it, but I am going to make it a priority.

4. Write down your list of hobbies. Make sure you do something from that list each and every day. --> Reading is definitely my favorite hobby. I want to get back into it this year and read new books instead of my favorites over and over again.

5. Get outside! Enjoy some sunshine! --> Amen! I need to get out and walk around my apartment complex daily if the weather is right. My apartment doesn't even get direct sunlight really.

6. Indulge in creative energy. Paint a picture, create a poem, plate a meal, write a book or make a delicious meal for yourself/others. --> Reading and cooking will be my creative outlets. Eventually I will get back to writing. I'm interested in taking up plating as well.

There! I'm all caught up with this thread! :)
I am in i really need to just jump in here i been trying for the last two weeks to post something of substance

But here it is and here i am i will be coming right back to edit this post
How to Increase Your
Rejuvenation (3rd Pillar of Femininity)

1. Do it for you, first and foremost. You deserve it. It's so easy to get lost in obligations and FORGET to do something for yourself. Do not do this. Instead...pencil yourself in. Adorn YOURSELF.

2. Make it intentional each and every day. Set aside some time for YOU to enjoy yourself and be feminine. Write it down.
3. Connect with other females. Go out to eat. Go shopping. Go have fun and fellowshipping with feminine women.
4. Write down your list of hobbies. Make sure you do something from that list each and every day.
5. Get outside! Enjoy some sunshine!
6. Indulge in creative energy. Paint a picture, create a poem, plate a meal, write a book or make a delicious meal for yourself/others.​
Touching on Number 1. The first part of the Femininity Challenge is really some Inner Work. It's easy to start on this challenge and FORGET "what I do and who I do it for ". :lachen: *Two Chainz* I think I made this mistake early on in my femininity journey. At first I wanted to cook...to impress my husband. I wanted to clean...to impress my mom and make her proud. I wanted to do yoga....to keep it tight. I wanted to belly dance...to appear more sexual and fluid and free.

Thankfully through more inner work, my mindset began to change and I started doing it for ME. We all should strive to get to this point.

Keep in mind it's hard these days to sift through and find someone for YOU. Some yoga instructors don't even touch on the breathing and the meditation part that cleanses your mind to make it and "experience". Instead they have classes that are result-oriented. They are teaching you flexibility to color with your husband/significant other. That's not WHY yoga originated or the reason you should be doing it. The man is NEVER the focus. The inner and outer work of your femininity is your focus. A good man is a natural by product of this process.

You're rejuvenating through acting and being feminine to LEARN who you are and embracing it WHOLEHEARTEDLY. I want you to know your triumphs, your flaws, your strengths, your weaknesses, and using femininity and self-compassion...learn to bask in it and love it ALL!

Some cooking/yoga/cleaning/wife classes are not being taught to help you get to your creative side and build your personality. They're doing it from the angle of teaching you how to get and keep a man. Feminine ladies do NOT AUDITION for anyone. Doing these classes to get/keep a man are NOT the end goal of the femininity challenge. They are only a by-product.

We Rejuvenate to fill up OUR cup DAILY.
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Making the Shift Daily from Masculine Energy to Feminine Energy.

In reality, one energy is not "better" than another. They are both important and work together to balance each other out.

Unbalanced masculine energy will only focus on tasks. They will never be content. (Example- The workaholic got it all together businesswoman with no time for family or down time).

Unbalanced feminine energy lives in this fantasy world. She indulges in the present but has NO direction or long-term goals. (Example: The girl what can never get it together. She is addicted to the fast party life and fails in adulting daily.)

Both energies are interdependent. If you spend your entire life focuses on RESULTS and trying to complete "timelines" without making the mental switch to tap into your feminine....you will forget to feel, enjoy, and LOVE. It's a life of complete sacrifice....and no fulfillment.

Ways to SWITCH from Feminine Energy to Masculine Energy
1. Set yourself an automatic reminder- Maybe you have a bracelet that you wear that helps you feel feminine. When you get off of work or before a date take a glance at this. Mentally use this as a cue to make the switch from being very organized, task-oriented, to more free, feminine, and flowy.
2. Tap into how you feel. While drinking a cup of coffee....how do you feel? Does it feel creamy on your tongue? When you step outside into the sunlight, how does it feel? Does it warm your face as the sunlight touches your skin? Take a moment to reflect and or say how you feel. Say it with a feeling message.
Today, I happened to watch a Youtuber who spoke about the fact that no amount of feminine energy was going to help black women behave their way into getting certain men. She said she would love to see the evidence.

For me harnessing the female energy while yes men are part of the equation to create a balance, at the same time it's about not suppressing the beautiful parts of being a female and the power that comes from that. It's easy to feel like what's the point.

What so you think @PrissiSippi I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Almond Eyes
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Today, I happened to watch a Youtuber who spoke about the fact that no amount of feminine energy was going to help black women behave their way into getting certain men. She said she would love to see the evidence.

For me harassing the female energy while yes men are part of the equation to create a balance, at the same time it's about not suppressing the beautiful parts of being a female and the power that comes from that. It's easy to feel like what's the point.

What so you think @PrissiSippi I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Almond Eyes

She's right. No amount of feminine energy is going to persuade certain men that they should provide women with financial and physical help OR solutions to problems. However, these are not the men we should seek after anyway. They are feminine, lazy, expect to be coddled and taken care of, and don't desire to protect and cherish at all. They will cause nothing but strife in a relationship/marriage.


They're still men. They still desire/need sex. They still desire/need children and the prestigue that comes along with having a beautiful well taken care of wife and home. They like the image. Who says we should give it to them without work?

I think when black women stick together to raise our standards and make men meet a standard, the older black men will be forced to show the younger men who don't know how to be men. This might not happen in our generation, but in our children's generation it is my hope that this shift will happen.
She's right. No amount of feminine energy is going to persuade certain men that they should provide women with financial and physical help OR solutions to problems. However, these are not the men we should seek after anyway. They are feminine, lazy, expect to be coddled and taken care of, and don't desire to protect and cherish at all. They will cause nothing but strife in a relationship/marriage.


They're still men. They still desire/need sex. They still desire/need children and the prestigue that comes along with having a beautiful well taken care of wife and home. They like the image. Who says we should give it to them without work?

I think when black women stick together to raise our standards and make men meet a standard, the older black men will be forced to show the younger men who don't know how to be men. This might not happen in our generation, but in our children's generation it is my hope that this shift will happen.

Nicely put!!!!!!!!!!

Almond Eyes
I started kickboxing this week. I thought it would be good for my strength, balance, and coordination. I like that since it doesn't use weights, it allows me to tone up without looking bulky. This way I get to keep my feminine appearance but build muscle as well.

This workout really gave me a sweat. I thought about this challenge because I had to be VERY present. At first I was trying to keep up with the others. The instructors told me to slow down and focus on my form because form was everything. I really felt every kick when I took my time. It felt amazing and even though I was more tired than I thought I would be, I had so much energy afterwards.
I fellowshipped with some women from my university for lunch today. It felt good to be with other women. Things I noticed:

They were so festive. They made sure to have on the school colors and jewelry related to our mascot. It reminded me of our challenge in October to be very festive. It helps you really tap into the energy of your environment and become relaxed and fun. I'm really going to work on getting a Ziploc bag and putting all my holiday related stuff in there so I can find it when it's the holiday/occasion. For Christmas I wore antlers and bought some Christmas earrings, for Halloween I have a pumpkin necklace, and now I guess I'll invest in a few of my school mascot pieces of jewelry.

They all have hobbies. A lot of them are related to charity/community service activities. I want to get like this because it seems this is where a lot of the well to do people hang out. I need to start being in the room/breathing the same air as the "higher ups".

Last time I visited, this older lady said that she follows me on Facebook (weird because I don't know her) and she saw that I was really artsy. She told me she could see me being a professional gift wrapper or at least doing it on the side because of my meticulous nature. She said her mother taught her how to do it and it's very easy to pick up. I like the quote at the end "Everyone has an artist inside, and so many of us don't get an opportunity to be creative." I think I'm going to take my time and wrap something this week using this tutorial below.

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