2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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It’s Affirmation Tuesday ladies! Some feminine affirmations related to our week’s challenge are:

:gorgeous: I LOVE my feminine power.

:gorgeous: I own my feminine power. I do not deny or ignore my feminine power.

:gorgeous: When I feel powerless in any situation, I remember I am NOT powerless. I am simply forgetting my power.

:gorgeous: When I forget my power, I pause, I breathe, I remember to stay in the present and simply reconnect with my feminine power.

:gorgeous: Afformation: Why does it feel SO easy to reconnect with my power?

Start every day with such reminders that empower your feminine self! Happy Tuesday and Happy New Year!
Not one drop of your self worth depends on others’ acceptance of you. Remember to especially initially keep the focus on YOU and let’s see how this femininity journey unfolds. :kiss: Oneards and upwards and thank you so much for joining chica.
Thank you. I appreciate that. I really do.

To clarify my comments, it's not that I think I won't measure up. It's more so the idea that being the way I am is not sufficient hence the need or desire to be more feminine. It's something I'm still reconciling in my mind. Is this tied to others' acceptance of me or my own self worth? I'm honestly not sure.
I was watching a video and wanted you ladies input on this:

She said that whenever you pray, meditate, initiate a goal or purpose or even change, you have to do it from the feminine energy and not the masculine energy. Even though the ME is about results (what are you looking to do) the actually energy is from a place of absence so the results and energy behind it will be based on the ME. When you approach goals from the FE, you approach it with presence and therefore the different energy will yield different results.

More to the reason is the goals from the ME can be made from what’s going wrong whereas goals from the FE aren’t based from what’s wrong but just being enough and better and not doubting that.

I, personally, liked that a lot.
I was watching a video and wanted you ladies input on this:

She said that whenever you pray, meditate, initiate a goal or purpose or even change, you have to do it from the feminine energy and not the masculine energy. Even though the ME is about results (what are you looking to do) the actually energy is from a place of absence so the results and energy behind it will be based on the ME. When you approach goals from the FE, you approach it with presence and therefore the different energy will yield different results.

More to the reason is the goals from the ME can be made from what’s going wrong whereas goals from the FE aren’t based from what’s wrong but just being enough and better and not doubting that.

I, personally, liked that a lot.

I saw a video by Leigha Lake and Helena Hurt that expressed the same concept. The way they explained it, God/the Universe/Energy already knows what is best for us so we should be in the receptive mode to allow God’s will to be done.
I’m going to buy myself some flowers! Maybe tomorrow because I have I need to do tonight, including making space for said flowers. I can’t wait for tulip season!!!!

Maybe I’ll try flower decorating too
Someone bought me a tulip plant but the bulbs are budding and dying quickly afterwards. I don’t know what to do :( I need to research what to do for them. Thanks for reminding me.
I was watching a video and wanted you ladies input on this:

She said that whenever you pray, meditate, initiate a goal or purpose or even change, you have to do it from the feminine energy and not the masculine energy. Even though the ME is about results (what are you looking to do) the actually energy is from a place of absence so the results and energy behind it will be based on the ME. When you approach goals from the FE, you approach it with presence and therefore the different energy will yield different results.

More to the reason is the goals from the ME can be made from what’s going wrong whereas goals from the FE aren’t based from what’s wrong but just being enough and better and not doubting that.

I, personally, liked that a lot.
I saw a video by Leigha Lake and Helena Hurt that expressed the same concept. The way they explained it, God/the Universe/Energy already knows what is best for us so we should be in the receptive mode to allow God’s will to be done.

I really have a hard time trusting and surrendering. I like that gospel song It’s Intentional by Travis Greene. All things are working for my good. It’s intentional. Never failing. I’m really trying to focus on this these days and understand the people who should be in my life....will be. The experienced I’m supposed to go through....I will. The universe has my back and I am open to receive. We had a whole week dedicated to this in last year’s femininity challenge. I’ll quote it below

Do less to get more. It becomes easy to think that if You controlled everything around you in your life, and created as much structure as possible, everything would go accordingly to plans and there wouldn’t be any surprises. You would be all knowing and and this would make you happy.

However it’s important to understand no amount of planning will change the uncertainty of the universe. Thevuniverse has a plan for you. All things are working for your good. As a femininevwoman it is your job to flow and bend like a tree swaying in the wind. Your job isn’t to define or understand it. Instead, trust it.

The Universe’s plans for you life are always greater than your own plans. All things are working for your good. Everything is intentional. Never failing. Trusting and Surrendering means to FEEL a sense of calm, peace, and surrender in your body that no matter what's going on around you or in your relationship right now - YOU WILL BE OKAY! If you get the job or if you don't, if he leaves or if he goes...at the end of the day...you will be okay! Trust the Universe's timeline, even if it's not coming towards you at the moment. There is a reason for this, but it’s not your job to figure this out. Just trust and stay in the moment.

It is important to trust that everything that is happening right now is for your highest good even though you may not be able to see it yet.

You have to know with a solid belief that everything is ALWAYS working out for you. You’re not rocking the boat to control the situation. You're not flirting to make something happen. You’re flirting because it’s fun and it’s the way you are. It’s the way you live and interact. As a feminine woman, the right man/your boyfriend/your husband will be magnetized to you effortlessly.

If you are used to being in your masculine energy, you are used to "thinking" your way through life and love. This causes you to dissect and over analyze every decision you make. It causes you to be pressed and analyze every text message from a man you like. Focus on how you feel. Make boundaries accordingly. Don’t try to control your man, the situation, or the future. It is in feminine surrender that the magic of love and life happens. So in times that you are over-analyzing, Let Go. Let it be. Slow down and be present. Meditate. Listen to your inner voice. Trust and Surrender.
Cardi posted a nicely plated picture of some breakfast. I think this would be very very easy for a beginner/someone to recreate. The bowls (2) are $1.50 at Walmart. Pancake mix is cheap $2. A small thing of mixed fruit already picked/washed is $5 and to make your own fruit melody is even cheaper. Powdered sugar is $1 for a small container. Either put it in a spice jar to sprinkle it or use a spoon to sprinkle it. I need a syrup boat like that however. Y’all want to try to create this?


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Cardi posted a nicely plated picture of some breakfast. I think this would be very very easy for a beginner/someone to recreate. The bowls (2) are $1.50 at Walmart. Pancake mix is cheap $2. A small thing of mixed fruit already picked/washed is $5 and to make your own fruit melody is even cheaper. Powdered sugar is $1 for a small container. Either put it in a spice jar to sprinkle it or use a spoon to sprinkle it. I need a syrup boat like that however. Y’all want to try to create this?

Hmm maybe for my cheat meal the weekend after next I can do this
Thank you. I appreciate that. I really do.

To clarify my comments, it's not that I think I won't measure up. It's more so the idea that being the way I am is not sufficient hence the need or desire to be more feminine. It's something I'm still reconciling in my mind. Is this tied to others' acceptance of me or my own self worth? I'm honestly not sure.

I get it. It's the same struggle that I had last year. I've finally realized (within the last two weeks) that even though I've never been overly feminine as compared to some others, I've shifted away from my femininity ever so slowly that I didn't even realize. That is where my unrest came from and my attraction to this thread. I want to be a more polished version of the fun carefree girl that I used to be.
I get it. It's the same struggle that I had last year. I've finally realized (within the last two weeks) that even though I've never been overly feminine as compared to some others, I've shifted away from my femininity ever so slowly that I didn't even realize. That is where my unrest came from and my attraction to this thread. I want to be a more polished version of the fun carefree girl that I used to be.
Polished is a good word. I'd also like to be a more polished and refined version of myself.
I’ve been polishing my femininity these last few days by making SPACE for me. I waited until Baby Boy went to sleep and painted this painting. I’m not an artist and have never painted before so I’m so surprised it and out well. I made this Dijon Mustard, brown Sugar salmon but I got impatient and ate it before plating :lachen:. I’ve been consistently writing in my journal as well.


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@PrissiSippi - I had to scan through because I didn't remember signing up for this challenge. No worries - I want to be a part so thank you!

I need to get caught up then I can come back with my responses. Thanks and Happy New Year to all of you feminine goddesses!
I’ve been polishing my femininity these last few days by making SPACE for me. I waited until Baby Boy went to sleep and painted this painting. I’m not an artist and have never painted before so I’m so surprised it and out well. I made this Dijon Mustard, brown Sugar salmon but I got impatient and ate it before plating :lachen:. I’ve been consistently writing in my journal as well.

This is lovely! Seems like a fun hobby.

One pillar of femininity is to REST. Once you rest you create the space for you to be able to REJUVENATE yourself by polishing your femininity.

Men do not deny themselves anything! They “polish their masculinity” everyday. They don’t EVER deny themselves. They don't deny themselves of ME time because of children, their job, their wife, God...NOTHING. They will still get their workouts in, still get in time with their boys, find money for Xbox games, expensive gyms, hard to find beer/alcohol and etc. I have never seen a man deny himself of anything either. Not time, money...nothing!

Because of this, how are you NOT denying yourself by polishing your femininity today?
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Week 1 Challenge:

1. I’m going to use this forum and my mom as my accountability partners. I’m the best at holding myself accountable.

2. Planner – Done

3. SMART goals

· I plan to wear a dress or skirt once a week.
· I plan to wear colorful, feminine slacks at least once a week.
· I will keep my nails polished or with a French manicure all year.
· Learn to highlight my face and fill in my eyebrows.
· I will do my flexibility exercises once a day.
· I will attempt plating.
· I plan to schedule a recurring massage once a month.
· I plan to redecorate my house room by room.
· Get back to my vegetarian diet, with the exception of holidays.
· Buy items in bulk monthly to help my family life run more smoothly.
· Schedule lunch or tea with a woman I admire once a month.

4. Mini goals: Get my slacks tailored and buy more flattering skirts and dresses. Purchase disposable plates or containers. Surround myself with beautiful things, even while at work. Watch videos of women I admire for quick inspiration.

5. Each day, I plan to speak grace into my heart with prayer and meditation.

One pillar of femininity is to REST. Once you rest you create the space for you to be able to RJEUVANATE yourself by polishing you femininity.

Men do not deny themselves anything! They “polish their masculinity” everyday. They don’t EVER deny themselves. Not because of children their job their wife God...NOTHING. They will still get their workouts in, still get in time with their boys, find money for Xbox games, expensive gyms, and etc. I have never seen a man deny himself of anything either. Not time, money...nothing!

Because of this, how are you NOT denying yourself by polishing your femininity today?

Unfortunately my son is sick (a whole story not for this thread but it’s upset me greatly, not because of my son but he’s much better now), so, my AP (accountability partner) has been supportive, but it’s been a hectic week. Between Tuesday, yesterday and today, I haven’t been eating from the stress. Like, my first meal today was after 2 and I was still hungry after a full meal once I really calmed down. I’m also exhausted because I’m too much in my masculine energy.

I’m finally home and was going to work out, but it’s not going to happen. Why? I chose to rest and eat. Did my nails, heating up some pizza and just resting and watching TV. Normally, I’d feel bad about this decision, because it’s lazy, but nope, not today. Shifting my mindset is not letting me be burned out. I apologized to myself for denying myself basic things outside of water these last few days and I’ve moved on.

This is something that’s been difficult for me, but I guess I’ve seen the light lol.
How did it feel to relax and use a bath bomb @snoop :lachen::2inlove:

Haha! It felt nice. I'm going to try again for a bath this weekend.

On another note, I've been a bit under the weather lately. Last night DH offered to work from home today. I was like, that's ok. This morning, just as he was opening the garage to leave I raced down and asked him to stay. I remembered that it's ok to accept help. My feminine needs to be nurtured by masculine energy, therefore I shouldn't be turning it away. This year I'm focusing on leaning back and being taken care of.
Unfortunately my son is sick (a whole story not for this thread but it’s upset me greatly, not because of my son but he’s much better now), so, my AP (accountability partner) has been supportive, but it’s been a hectic week. Between Tuesday, yesterday and today, I haven’t been eating from the stress. Like, my first meal today was after 2 and I was still hungry after a full meal once I really calmed down. I’m also exhausted because I’m too much in my masculine energy.

I’m finally home and was going to work out, but it’s not going to happen. Why? I chose to rest and eat. Did my nails, heating up some pizza and just resting and watching TV. Normally, I’d feel bad about this decision, because it’s lazy, but nope, not today. Shifting my mindset is not letting me be burned out. I apologized to myself for denying myself basic things outside of water these last few days and I’ve moved on.

This is something that’s been difficult for me, but I guess I’ve seen the light lol.
Awww I’m hoping DS feels better soon!! And yes! Rest is sooo important. Without it, it becomes difficult to receive and rejuvenate. You can’t pour from an empty vessel. Fill up your cup by polishing your femininity (resting and rejuvenating yourself) each and everyday.
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