2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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I guess how I see it is, Lauren was never really one with herself and that reflected with her personal relationships. She also had her 5 kids with a man she never married. Not saying anything about anyone, but that says enough. Maybe thats how she wanted it, but Im not making her a goal for that. She still performs, but I dont see how she even has fans, as her turnout is usually she might come late or even at all. My hope for her is that she raises her children to be better than her. Last, there were also reasons she left the industry.

Beyonce does what she loves. She doesnt need to work, she chooses to and she is passionate about her craft. Beyonce has drive and ambition, is her own person, but that doesnt take away from her also being very feminine, stable, having a financially stable husband, is taken care of and is still able to take time for her children. Beyonce is very calculating; we see what she wants us to see when she wants us to see it. For all we know, she works 2 days a month.

I like both artist very much, no capes, but Lauren is not a standard.

And you are right; being kept and living a good life doesnt have to be flashy. However, public figures are going to be flashy regardless because the media will put them everywhere. Your private life is only public if you let it be. You cant compare everyone, especially exceptions. Not all women work like mules unless they allow themselves to be. Boundaries and mentality play a huge role in this.
Beyonce does what she loves. She doesnt need to work, she chooses to and she is passionate about her craft. Beyonce has drive and ambition, is her own person, but that doesnt take away from her also being very feminine, stable, having a financially stable husband, is taken care of and is still able to take time for her children. Beyonce is very calculating; we see what she wants us to see when she wants us to see it. For all we know, she works 2 days a month.
Many regular folks have a healthy disdain for their work. Doing what you love, your way is probably a source of happiness unimaginable to most people. Also consider input vs output.
Remember when Lauryn went to prison for tax evasions, lost 3 months for 1million... one of my goals is to be surrounded by people who come to my aid. That would never happen to Beyonce'.
Sn I'd choose money/obscurity over fame any day. But not Lauryn's way. I'd want it like the inventor of pillow pets, the snuggie
It can be VERY lonely. I have lots of "virtual" friends here and other FB groups who get it. But no one really in my day-to-day life. *shrug*

Was just now thinking about this, it is super LO-NE-LY! It's just my older sister and I really, we sometimes hang on the phone for 7 hours:


Finding like minded sistas is going slow, but is happening:


Coming to realize that most of these women abhor social media altogether. So there may be something there :look:.

Yesterday I stumbled upon this gawjuss lady, can't wait to buy her kaftans:

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She and her whole squad are WINNING!

But overall, I always have to keep my thoughts to myself, cause most women are of the 'who's got time for all that' mentality :nono:. Most are also not over what they experienced during their younger years, they are unwilling to forgive, which makes it difficult to become all that you can be. Some are so childish, like a pastor said: "stop being jealous of people you're supposed to learn from."

I agree with you ladies. It has been very alienating. Women I once called friends became very critical of the changes in my life. In some cases, I’ve experienced people showing how mean and/or petty they could be. I get women saying I think I am better than them, or I am uppity, or I must have OCD, blah, blah, blah. It makes me very hesitant to share my experiences. On the other hand, I’ve gotten a very different response from most men.
I agree that it’s a lonely road to this divine femininity IRL. I try with my sis and closest girlfriends but they just don’t get it. I think I have a new convert and longtime friend of my sis and I. She’s amazed at my life and how simple, beautiful and peaceful it is. She keeps saying I need to get on whatever wave length you are on. I’m showing her and everyone else by simply g being it and share when I feel they are truly interested.
The attention from men is great as well.
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Nahhh on that Lauryn Hill bit lol. Lauryn is out of the spotlight because she has to be. Between becoming a mother early in her career, a ton of lawsuits, and questionable mental stability, she really doesn’t have much to stand on. She can’t even legally perform the one album she made it big off.

Beyoncé does what she does because she wants to. Her grandkids never have to work if they don’t want to.

There’s no comparison. Apples to rutabagas
I agree that it’s a lonely road to this divine femininity IRL. I try with my sis and closest girlfriends but they just don’t get it. I think I have a new convert and longtime friend of my sis and I. She’s amazed at my life and how simple, beautiful and peaceful it is. She keeps saying I need to get on whatever wave length you are on. I’m showing her and everyone else by simply g being it and share when I feel they are truly interested.
The attention from men is great as well.

Awww! Congrats! You know you’re doing it right when people see it and want it for themselves without having to take it from you in the process
I can’t really say the road has been lonely because other women I know have either gone down this road or have noticed that they do need to deprogram their ways. I think I’m a bit farther along, but with other women I know, I can see that they do try. I have one that kinda doesn’t get it, but she’s open and that all that matters to me. But I do understand why it is lonely.

I work around so many masculine women, it’s almost depressing. Only one woman I’m close to at work is feminine and lately, the unit she is in forces her to become more masculine and it’s literally driving her crazy lol. I have to stop her some days. I help her a lot (when I have time) and it helps.
Nahhh on that Lauryn Hill bit lol. Lauryn is out of the spotlight because she has to be. Between becoming a mother early in her career, a ton of lawsuits, and questionable mental stability, she really doesn’t have much to stand on. She can’t even legally perform the one album she made it big off.

Beyoncé does what she does because she wants to. Her grandkids never have to work if they don’t want to.

There’s no comparison. Apples to rutabagas

To each their own. Beyoncé's womanhood/feminity is not my cup of tea I must say. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.
Being/staying feminine can really help you look at the whole picture instead of letting your judgement get clouded.

I left to take my son to this kayaking event. I got about 30 minutes from my parent’s house and realized I left my purse. I started to curse and wanted to flail all my stuff all in the car frantically looking for my purse. My gas light decided to come on. That made it worse. I took a minute to pull up in the gas station and breathed. I asked my parents did they see my purse. Of course it was there. I took a moment to breathe. I remembered I left $50 in my car for stuff like this (It’s been there for years. I’ve never used it). Pull it out and got gas. I decided to YOLO it I went to the event without my license but I did pull up a picture of my license on my phone just in case. I ended up having a great time with DS. He kayaked for the first time and we played outside all day until that night and I went to get my purse with no problems.

I’m so glad I didn’t get up in my feelings. Old me probably would have just gone home and not gone to the event. When one thing goes wrong I tend to quit. What will Be will be.
Nahhh on that Lauryn Hill bit lol. Lauryn is out of the spotlight because she has to be. Between becoming a mother early in her career, a ton of lawsuits, and questionable mental stability, she really doesn’t have much to stand on. She can’t even legally perform the one album she made it big off.

Beyoncé does what she does because she wants to. Her grandkids never have to work if they don’t want to.

There’s no comparison. Apples to rutabagas
I feel the same way. Beyonce has the means to do whatever she wants and pay to have her kids near her even while performing. I think she performs because she wants to.

Lauryn lives in dysfunction and uncertainty. I’m pretty sure she just lives a regular degular life and you and I.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home
Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

June- Inner Work
Week 23: Become Emotionally Unreactive
Week 24: Boundaries
Week 25: Limiting Beliefs
Week 30: Lean Back

Week 30: Lean Back

✨ This May help somebody. I needed a list when I first started this journey. I still refer to the list to make sure im not over-functioning. Many of us use the term LEAN BACK.

What Is LEANING BACK, really?

As a feminine woman dating...

1) You lean back VERBALLY - speak less. It creates space and mystery and allows him to lean forward into you and lead the conversations. Refrain from calling and texting the man first often out of boredom. Don’t ask why hasn’t he called or seen you. You didn’t even notice. You don’t pretend you need know something from him to give you an excuse to call.

2) You lean back MENTALLY - You control your thoughts around him. You don't spend the whole day fantasising and thinking about him. You keep the focus on YOU. You intentionally make time for your goals hobbies friends and down time.

3) You lean back PHYSICALLY - you let him open doors. You let him talk to the hostess to find a table. You take your time an dont rush even if he says hurry up. You don’t carry heavy things when he is there. Take off your superwoman Cape. Let him help you. Have you caught yourself with a balled fist when talking to men? Be relaxed. Practice letting your wrists go limp and opening your palms. When sitting in your chair don’t lean forward lean back. You don’t drive to his house...if he wants to see you he will come TO YOU. Don’t always be readily available and stick to your own scheldule/hobbies. Sit back in your chair and relax. You don’t keep insisting y’all go on vacations or better yet planning vacations.

4) You lean back ENERGETICALLY - you don’t try to fix him or his problems. You don’t do things that he doesn’t appreciate (Example: wash his clothes, buy little gifts or pack his lunch and he doesn’t even say thank you) m. You don’t volunteer to take care of children that are not yours. You don’t bring up the topic of giving a Christmas or birthday present until he brings it up first. You make sure you don’t solve his problems. You are the CHEERLEADER not the coach. When he gives you compliments you don’t say “You Too”. Instead you receive it all the way and just say thank you and smile. You don’t convince him you’re worthy (cooking, cleaning, sexing to win the title). You don’t micro manage how he looks or how he does things for you. You don't stalk his page or micro-manage his FB activity. You don't focus on what other girl he is seen with, the pictures he's liking or not liking, and who he follows. You don’t Help him pay by offering coupons or Groupons or discounts. You don’t try to lighten his load by figuring out how to go on free dates. You don’t cook trying to make it easier to date you. You don’t plan holidays (unless he’s paying for it). You don’t offer to do little favors or solve problems he hasn’t asked you to do/solve. You don’t ask him how he feels about you or the relationship. You don’t energetically reach for your purse to pay your portion on the date. You lean back and let him pay. You don’t suggest y’all should meetup. He’ll plan a date if he wants.

5) You lean back SOCIALLY- You stop creating fake dates for y’all to spend time together. If he wants you he will plan a date. You don’t call him because someone told you a great event he would like or something reminded you of him. You don’t ask him about where your relationship is going. You stop getting in touch because he hasn’t confirmed a date..you keep the focus on you and go out with your friends. You don’t expect him to spend every second with you because you have a full and exciting life WITHOUT HIM. He is the cherry on top. You stop E-mailing him, texting him, Facebooking him, sending him a cute card, sending flirty emojis so he knows you’re alive, send funny videos, like comments on his social media, dropping by his house, or in any way attempting to initiate some kind of contact.

6) You lean back SEXUALLY- You let him initiate sex more than you. Instead you create an experience to get him to chase you (lingerie, perfume, playful banter). You’re married? Take a nice bubble bath with candles and music then walk into the room where he is naked... to get a glass of water.. Learn how to be Playful and feminine She has self control and can hold out past 4-5 dates. She is patient sexually until he invests enough in her.

You remember that leaning back in your feminine is not a ploy or strategy to get him to notice you. You understanding being leaned back involves allowing the self-respect you have for yourself to lead the way because you trust the process and surrender control. You remember that leaning back is emotional security and a high value feminine energy stance that naturally and universally attracts masculine energy men.
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Looks like a promising book. I thought of y’all when it talked about refinement. That’s essentially what we’re learning to do here. Accept the assignment of refinement. Little things might come up but don’t stop! Keep making small steps forward towards femininity and being a better version of yourself.

Nicki Korziarz 5 Habits of a Woman that Doesn’t Quit


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home
Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

June- Inner Work
Week 23: Become Emotionally Unreactive
Week 24: Boundaries
Week 25: Limiting Beliefs
Week 26: Trust and Surrender
July- Seduction
Week 27: Play Cat Mouse
Week 28: Slow It Down
Week 29: Keep the Focus on YOU
Week 30: Lean Back
Week 31: Make Space for what you want

Week 31: Make Space in Life

The key is to make more space in your life. Some examples:

1. Keep a journal- Start being intentional about your happiness. Write down your thoughts during the day and reflect on how some things you could change to be more feminine and fulfilled.
2. Clean out your closet. Get rid of all of those clothes you can't wear or don't even life. Only keep what you truly love and ROCK IT.
3. Get rid of emotionally unavailable men. Yeah you know the guy. He's consistent but you know he doesn't want a relationship but you do? Stop contacting him. It's no need for yall to "chill" or really be friends. Make room for your forever man to truly step up.
4. Make ME time. Find time to not do the productive things and instead do the things that bring you joy such as cooking, painting, traveling, spending time with loved ones. Stop putting it off and make it NOW.
5. Keep a planner! It can be an inexpensive planner but intentionally set aside days to do some of the things you would love to do.
6. DeClutter- Get rid of it if you don't use it.

How do you truly change your life and become more in tune with the present? Create space. By creating dedicated "empty" space in your life, you allow yourself to see your life from a fresh perspective and actually have the space now to move healthier and more enjoyable things in. What do you need to create space for?

Week 31 Challenge
1. What are some areas in your life that you need to make SPACE for the things that you truly want?
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Feminine Ladies,

1. ✅ What did you achieve last week?
2. ✏️What are you committing to this week?

✅ Went on vacation and relaxed
✅ Practiced being feminine & slowing down
✅ Started an end of the year Vision Board
✅ Reread the art of not giving a care

✏️ Pay for root canal
✏️ Go walking 3 times this week
✏️ Smile and speak to everyone I come in contact with
✏️Go out and meet 2 men
✏️ Stay positive & watch thoughts
✏️ Journal everyday

‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’ - Lao Tzu
Not apart of this challenge but I do read the posts from time to time and find them so helpful so I wanted to offer something in return. :) I’ve been meditating on femininity lately, more specifically what my particular “brand” looks like. I’d been watching some Youtubers and the delivery of some of these women seem more towards shaming you for not being a certain way vs giving you any real actionable tools to tap into that energy. When I realized these videos were giving me anxiety (and I am not an anxious person), I stopped watching majority of them.

In learning to “chew the meat and spit out the bones” (ie: what is my unique brand of femininity and how can encourage it to grow?) I’ve come to the realization that some of these techniques and suggestions do not feel authentic to me and I believe being feminine is about being comfortable in your genuine self. I think there are some universal principles we can apply (leaning back, looking and smelling good, etc) and also things about our unique selves that we can play up.

In my case, I have a very peaceful spirit. I am very calm. People comment on how laidback I am all the time. Yesterday I was feeling so tired when I decided to just slow down. I walked slower, was slower to speak, typed slower, everything. :lol: I went to the store after work and caught so many people looking at me, watching me, smiling at me. I could literally feel the goodness radiating from me.

I have short hair and have worn it this way for nearly eight years now. I get compliments on it all the time but I was almost made to feel self-conscious about it when a particular Youtuber said that men aren’t intimidated by women with short hair, they’re disgusted by them. What a strong, nasty thing to say. Nothing anyone on the internet says could ever make me love myself less and my short hair is a feature I’m not willing to give up. It works for me in a number of different ways. Instead of focusing on not having longer hair or trying to get longer hair, I’ve given more care to selecting beautiful earrings that play up this feature.

I also have nice hands and long fingernails. When I handle objects I treat them delicately, deliberately and with reverence. I calmly do one thing at a time. I also talk with my hands in flourishing motions, touch my chest or face when I exclaim, touch people very briefly. One of my love languages is touch so whenever I hug someone, I linger just a bit, give a quick squeeze and if it’s a man I’ll make a sound. :look:

I’m also flat chested. :lol: But if you don’t have cleavage you have clavicle and I have a beautiful back and shoulders so I highlight those whenever I can.

I've been working on my speaking voice and walk as well. And all my insecurities I've decided point blank to just stop paying attention to. People almost never see the flaws that we think are so obvious so why waste precious time and energy ruminating over them?

Kind of a long post but it was on my heart and I wanted to share it with you ladies. Be vigilant about how your psyche is taking in the information we think will help us to level up. Sometimes a little tough love is necessary but I prefer a more heart-centered, gentle approach to things. I thought I was educating/motivating myself but it was doing the opposite for me when what I really needed to do was look inward. There are lots of things I will continue to improve but doing it from a perspective of self-celebration vs "do this or else" makes the process so much more enjoyable. :heart3:
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Not apart of this challenge but I do read the posts from time to time and find them so helpful so I wanted to offer something in return. :) I’ve been meditating on femininity lately, more specifically what my particular “brand” looks like. I’d been watching some Youtubers and the delivery of some of these women seem more towards shaming you for not being a certain way vs giving you any real actionable tools to tap into that energy. When I realized these videos were giving me anxiety (and I am not an anxious person), I stopped watching majority of them.

In learning to “chew the meat and spit out the bones” (ie: what is my unique brand of femininity and how can encourage it to grow?) I’ve come to the realization that some of these techniques and suggestions do not feel authentic to me and I believe being feminine is about being comfortable in your genuine self. I think there are some universal principles we can apply (leaning back, looking and smelling good, etc) and also things about our unique selves that we can play up.

Who do you watch? There are two women who pop up on my feed but I feel like I’ve watched one of each and felt blamed by each one. Idr the girl who does car chats but the other is Asha C.

I do like Anaya Ivy (sp?), StyledByCasanova and I’m sure there is someone else. They just have a brand of femininity I like.
Who do you watch? There are two women who pop up on my feed but I feel like I’ve watched one of each and felt blamed by each one. Idr the girl who does car chats but the other is Asha C.

I do like Anaya Ivy (sp?), StyledByCasanova and I’m sure there is someone else. They just have a brand of femininity I like.
SheRa Seven and Asha C. got me nowhere but I also have never been a pick me nor do I have trouble with men ever so a lot of their information is for women who would like to learn to rebalance their power in relationships.

There’s this other woman who’s name I cannot remember but I refuse to click on another video after her comment about women with shorthair. Her whole energy to me was petulant and catty. If I see her videos recommended again I’ll post her name so you know to stay AWAY. :lol:

I do like Adrienne Everheart’s videos. She is very sweet and warm. Less focus on hypergamy and more about being feminine in general. I’m going to look up the other two you posted.

Side note, I am tired of listening to women on topics pertaining to men. I want to hear something from the horse’s mouth.
SheRa Seven and Asha C. got me nowhere but I also have never been a pick me nor do I have trouble with men ever so a lot of their information is for women who would like to learn to rebalance their power in relationships.

There’s this other woman who’s name I cannot remember but I refuse to click on another video after her comment about women with shorthair. Her whole energy to me was petulant and catty. If I see her videos recommended again I’ll post her name so you know to stay AWAY. :lol:

I do like Adrienne Everheart’s videos. She is very sweet and warm. Less focus on hypergamy and more about being feminine in general. I’m going to look up the other two you posted.

Side note, I am tired of listening to women on topics pertaining to men. I want to hear something from the horse’s mouth.
I like Shera because she puts focus back on you being a woman but she isn’t condescending about it. I like her reminding me to keep keeping myself up, but I love her spiritual and GRWM channel. She’s also very smart and I like when she gets shallow, that she gets deep.

Asha I found to be blaming and condescending.

I like Adrienne a lot. Her videos are very good and she’s been doing more live videos now. She has a lot of good information and she’s very sweet about it.

Michelle Head is ok.

Not everything resonates, so I take what I can.

Don’t listen to men’s advice videos. That’s the horse that tells many lies.
I think it’s one thing to hear women advising women. I’m just curious as to men’s perspectives as well. As with any source, you evaluate the quality thoroughly of course but I just find it funny there are very few men’s voices in this space. For good reason, I’m sure, but these are just my thoughts. :lol:

The youtuber I don’t like, her name is Michaela Pink, I just remembered.

Now Shera I do find funny and much less triggering than Asha. She has some quotables for sure. :lol: I do like to listen to her when I’m at work.
Dealing with jealousy?
I asked a close relative to do something for me last Friday that was time sensitive. Something had to be picked up in person but I’m 12 hours away from the office. Today is Thursday and it hasn’t been done.
I spoke to my mom and another friend and they both said they think this relative is jealous. So trying to intentionally sabotage me.
How do you deal with this? I want to delete and block, but I always want smoke. What’s the happy medium? :look:
Dealing with jealousy?
I asked a close relative to do something for me last Friday that was time sensitive. Something had to be picked up in person but I’m 12 hours away from the office. Today is Thursday and it hasn’t been done.
I spoke to my mom and another friend and they both said they think this relative is jealous. So trying to intentionally sabotage me.
How do you deal with this? I want to delete and block, but I always want smoke. What’s the happy medium? :look:
I wouldn’t bother following up about the packages since she could have been responsible and let you know if she was no longer able to o the favor for you. Moving forward, if it is a first time offense you could let it go. If this is a pattern of behavior I would just ghost her. Deleting and blocking can lead to questions and drama especially since she’s a relative. Ghosting allows you to let her go out of your sphere peacefully.
What I have been working on is my communication skills...no easy feat of course :lol:

A couple of examples:

* At the beginning of last month, I went to braid my hair in Brussels. I always go to the same Nigerian lady. This particular day, Angola was playing against Mali, during the Africa Cup. Her DH was watching it on the computer. At one point, Mali scored but he thought it was Angola that had scored. Though I was seated far away from the computer, I could tell by the jerseys, that Mali had scored. I could have corrected him in front of his wife right then and there, but that would have been sooo the wrong move. After a while, he corrected himself and said that indeed, it was Mali who had scored.

* My boiler has been giving me trouble since the end of last year. So I called the landlord and let him know that something needed to be done. A few weeks ago, he sent two men, to install a new boiler in my studio apartment. As soon as they brought in the boiler, I could tell it was going to be too big and wouldn't fit in. But again, I fell back and let them figure out something themselves. So here's what they did:

Schermafbeelding 2019-08-03 om 07.25.03.png

They pulled all kinds of technical tricks that truth be told, didn't sit very well with me, but as long as I have warm water and my landlord is not complaining; neither am I (they did install the cabinets back btw, but they're like 2cm removed from the wall). I just sat on my couch, played some Dappy T Keys and watched them work. In the end, one guy even offered to bring in a heavy palette that is sitting outside ;). The same thing happened in 2017, when I ordered a refrigerator. I thought the space would be too small to fit in, but again, I just let the men do the work and it all worked out fine.

* Yesterday at work, my computer screen caved in and needed to be replaced. The IT guy who showed up was very courteous and handled it all well. I helped where I could but let him do the bulk of the work for the most part. Whenever he wouldn't listen to my suggestions, I let him have his way. In the end he told me he's gonna try to get my old computer screen fixed, as the one I have now is not aesthetically pleasing enough (his words, not mine lol).

* Ordered a couple of skin and hair products online last month. I'll spare y'all the details that lead up to this, but here's how I received only one part of my order today:

Schermafbeelding 2019-08-03 om 07.18.42.png Schermafbeelding 2019-08-03 om 07.18.29.png

My flesh had already made up a Steven Spielberg / CSI type of scenario in my head, about how I was going to confront the Customer Service of Holland & Barrett. Then the spirit was like: be feminine, be soft-spoken. So instead, I placed all of the bottles in the sink - since it's empty thanks to the Flylady ;) - and washed them down. Then I gathered all of the baking soda that had fallen down in the box and put them back in the container. My mom who is here was very impressed: did everything with finesse and was able to maintain my peace. What I will do, is send these pictures to Customer Service anyway and suggest to them to use something like this the next time:



PS: By the way, it's only 7am over here, pray for me y'all :lol: :lol: :lol:
I’ve been eating out a lot :drunk: but one of my friends reached out to be and told me I helped her become a lot more intentional. She said she was feeling overwhelmed but decided to pull back, focus on her, and do something she enjoyed which is cooking. She made a $1 pan of brownies. Added some Blue Bell Ice cream and a chocolate swirl for taste. Lol she said she immediately felt better and was able to finish the task at hand.

It feels so good to be a blessing to others even if in small ways. I think I’ll make some brownies this week myself.


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Dealing with jealousy?
I asked a close relative to do something for me last Friday that was time sensitive. Something had to be picked up in person but I’m 12 hours away from the office. Today is Thursday and it hasn’t been done.
I spoke to my mom and another friend and they both said they think this relative is jealous. So trying to intentionally sabotage me.
How do you deal with this? I want to delete and block, but I always want smoke. What’s the happy medium? :look:

Just let it go. You won’t win. Instead just protect yourself. Don’t ask her to do anything else.

I’m never good at being nice nasty so hopefully someone else will chime in on how to do that.
I think it’s one thing to hear women advising women. I’m just curious as to men’s perspectives as well. As with any source, you evaluate the quality thoroughly of course but I just find it funny there are very few men’s voices in this space. For good reason, I’m sure, but these are just my thoughts. :lol:

The youtuber I don’t like, her name is Michaela Pink, I just remembered.

Now Shera I do find funny and much less triggering than Asha. She has some quotables for sure. :lol: I do like to listen to her when I’m at work.

Lol why do you not like Pink? I feel the same way. I think she’s riding the coat tail of Shera and she doesn’t stand on what she says. Like she might say you don’t have to do xyz to get a man. Then later she’ll be like honey you have to do xyz to get a man. Don’t be dumb.
SheRa Seven and Asha C. got me nowhere but I also have never been a pick me nor do I have trouble with men ever so a lot of their information is for women who would like to learn to rebalance their power in relationships.

There’s this other woman who’s name I cannot remember but I refuse to click on another video after her comment about women with shorthair. Her whole energy to me was petulant and catty. If I see her videos recommended again I’ll post her name so you know to stay AWAY. :lol:

I do like Adrienne Everheart’s videos. She is very sweet and warm. Less focus on hypergamy and more about being feminine in general. I’m going to look up the other two you posted.

Side note, I am tired of listening to women on topics pertaining to men. I want to hear something from the horse’s mouth.
I really like Adrienne Everheart as well. She seems very sincere. Sami Wunder does too but Adrienne has a little sass in it. I don’t know if that makes sense but since I’m Black and dating black women, I need help on adding a little sass in it.
Lol why do you not like Pink? I feel the same way. I think she’s riding the coat tail of Shera and she doesn’t stand on what she says. Like she might say you don’t have to do xyz to get a man. Then later she’ll be like honey you have to do xyz to get a man. Don’t be dumb.
She told me my hair was repellant to men, so grand opening......grand closing. :lol:
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