2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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^^^No disrespect or harm intended but why didn't you offer to hold her ice cream cone or point out the cone holder?

You are right that real change is deeper than new clothes, but it is a normal thing along with other superficial chages that many women do after a break up. It is a healthy thing to do as a beginning to healing as long as the woman continies on the path to real spiritual, emotional and psychological healing.

Hopefully your sis will get there!
^^^No disrespect or harm intended but why didn't you offer to hold her ice cream cone or point out the cone holder?

You are right that real change is deeper than new clothes, but it is a normal thing along with other superficial chages that many women do after a break up. It is a healthy thing to do as a beginning to healing as long as the woman continies on the path to real spiritual, emotional and psychological healing.

Hopefully your sis will get there!

My mom offered to hold it for her, she declined. I know that many women do this, I'm just not sure it has long-lasting effects. JMHO
She declined??!!!

No, it won't in of itself cause long lasting change, but it can help some get the ball rolling on the type of change you want for your sister.

And yes, I know you know that, but when we are so close to someone we can get frustrated because we care. I am just pointing out some possible hope for her :)

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home
Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

June- Inner Work
Week 23: Become Emotionally Unreactive
Week 24: Boundaries
Week 25: Limiting Beliefs
Week 26: Trust and Surrender

July- Seduction
Week 27: Play Cat Mouse

Week 27: Play Cat and Mouse

✨Be emotionally or physically connected to him and then run away.
✨ Promise him intimacy by giving false hope. Delay the sexual gratification. Play into his desire to hunt by keeping him chasing.
✨Be a conversationalist.
✨ Have a wonderful date with him but then don’t contact him first after meeting.
✨ Letting some of his calls for to voicemail and calling him back later.
✨ Give him plenty of compliments and appreciation so he knows you’re interested.
✨Be very available and then back away a little.
✨Don’t always answer questions directly. At a little bit with the answer and let HIM chase YOU.
✨Act distracted and let HIM get your attention back.
✨ Keep him on his toes at all times.
✨ Say little things like...”You know what I really like about you?” When he says what....change the subject real quick. “Yeah...oh never mind. I’m talking to much. So How was your day honey?”

Some scripts to play cat and mouse

✨Can I have your picture ➡️ Oh if you play your cards right you can have as many pictures as you want
✨I want you ➡️ You up for that challenge
✨What did you do today. ➡️ Why should I tell you? (Then after he responds you go back to the regular convo and tell him what you did)
✨ He says something sweet ➡️ Oh *insert name* are you flirting with me?
✨ I want you to be my girl ➡️ Oh really? You ready for that responsibility?
✨ You’re a handful ➡️ I’m glad you have two hands honey. One for my naughty and one for my nice. ☺️

Week 27 Challenge
1. How could you up the challenge? How could you be more playful?
2. What’s your favorite cat/mouse script[/QUOTE]
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Why does he like you? What is the void you are filling in his life? ‍♀️A simple question like “What are you missing from life?” could answer this.

Of course you have to be a challenge and lead with your femininity but knowing what his “need” is will help you learn how to get him to invest in you and how to seduce him.

Common reasons why a man “needs” you include:

1️⃣Companionship - He needs experience. He wants emotional support. He craves your positivity, adventure, and why you’re a soft spot to land on. This type of man is complacent with the work/home/weekend routine. He needs a girl to help him live in such a way that it gives life meaning. This person probably likes to go new places.
2️⃣To be the hero- This type of man lacks confidence. He needs to provide stuff or save the damsel in distress to feel like he’s important. He needs constant validation. He needs to feel appreciated and have his ego stroked. You must make them feel that they can “save” you from something and they will become obsessed with you.
3️⃣To be free from responsibilities and have good experiences/fun- He probably has a stressful life at work or have a lot of children. This is often the married man (stay away from). He wants a safe space to be free from worry. He needs fun.
4️⃣Sex - These are the men that simply want an escort
5️⃣Trophy Wife- They crave having respect from others by having a pretty girl on their arm. They want a woman that stands out in all aspects and provides them attention and respect from others. It’s like an accessory like a nice car or nice job. It causes people in his life to be in awe and give him attention he was previously deprived of. However being a trophy wife comes with no tag of lifelong guarantee.
6️⃣Trust/Confidant- Drug dealers are often like this. They want someone to confide in. They need someone they can trust in a sea of fake people. They need someone to tell their intimate details to and build a safehaven for their thoughts and ideas.
7️⃣To be a family man/To have help- This often the man with too many children. He wants a girl to be a mule to be a cook, cleaner, and baby sitter. (Stay away from)
8️⃣Intellectual Convo- He craves an intellectual. He craves mental stimulation and interesting conversation from a beautiful girl.

It’s important to know his needs or his void in life so you know how to strategically position yourself. Keep finding new ways to keep his curiosity heightened. This is why you don’t tell him all of your hobbies or cool things about you. Let them come out naturally. Continuously seduce your partner by introducing different sides of yourself and filling his void.

Like if the guy that is pursuing you has a need to be the hero, you might have to come up with random scenarios for him to “save” you to keep the seduction going.

To the dude that needs a confidant, it would be stupid to tell him how you finessed a family member or past ex. It would make him feel he couldn’t trust you and YOU would be stopping the chase and seduction.

The man that needs companionship probably needs a lot of flirting and alluding to what “could” happen. He probably needs a lot of adventure and wants to take you places. Use his void to your advantage. Whatever his void is, that’s how you get him to INVEST.

The guy that needs a trophy wife type shouldn’t ever see you looking a mess in public. Your beauty is what he craves. It’s what keeps him investing his time, money, resources, and favors. Use it to your advantage. Stand out from other women by having a very intense feminine and sexual presence. Lead with your femininity by wearing make up and dresses.


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Been out here celebrating my birthday all weekend! Yesterday I went to close out on the festivities in London, at the Africa Writes 2019 festival, had a swell time.

Wasn't going to attend anymore, because once again, I was calculating everything. The numbers weren't adding up, then @Chicoro simply said 'GO' in the 'That Girl' thread and that resolved the issue for me. Plus, I thought about what @PrissiSippi said, about not being to calculating because it's a masculine feature. So I stopped it and just went with the flow: I didn't give a specific hour on which everyone had to show up on Friday.

It's Summer so everyone tends to take it easier anyway, so I said anywhere between 2 and 3 pm would be fine. My brother was here, he helped us carry the table outside but then wanted to vanish. I tried confronting him, explaining to him that it would be best if he stayed, to help carry the table back inside. I immediately sensed that things were going to escalate, so I deflected and let him go.

Two friends also cancelled, again, I didn't let that deteriorate me or upset me. I'm used to it by now quite frankly. My sister friend showed up with her baby boy and it put me at ease. She is very easy going, as @Zaynab always advised us to be, so I'm following suit.

Turned 34 and my sister who is ten years my senior asked me whether I felt different, I said: yes. I just don't let things bother me as much anymore. I am accepting things as they are, hoping they will change one day. At the end of the day, I can only control...moi, myself and I. Last year I got fired by e-mail on my b-day, this year my desktop computer caved in. Whatevs. Woosah :lol:.
Don’t do it. Reconsider. Redeliver.

:stop: Coddle- telling him to put his jacket on before he leaves. Calling to check up on him to see if he made it safely or telling him to call you when he makes it. Mothering him. (Google mothering in the group.)
:stop: Change- trying to get him to dress or look better directly by buying him clothes or advising how he should change his appearance. Trying to him to eat more vegetables. (Put life insurance on that man and call it a day ).
:stop: Correct- Correcting his grammar. Correcting him in public. Telling him he’s going the wrong way when going somewhere. Correcting parts of his story in public (Actually we didn’t go to Greece we went to Paris. Actually you didn’t buy me a dooney you bought me a Prada bag)
:stop: Complain- You never called me back this weekend. Nope just mirror his energy. Telling him you don’t do cheap dates. No just ask him is there another option. If there isn’t just go on to the next.
:stop: Convince- Clean his house/apartment. Cook gourmet meals tryna get a ring. Proving you’re a wholesome girl you can take home to mama.
:stop: Criticize- you need to do better for your mother you’re a horrible son. You need to do better parenting the boys (Instead say I was thinking the boys would love spending some time with you doing xyz. What do you think?)
:stop: Compare- My last boyfriend bought me waaaaaaay better gifts.
:stop: Control - You saw him looking at another girl and check him for it (Instead mirror him and act disinterested). You don’t like him hanging out with his boys on the weekend so you tell him he can’t go.
:stop: Confront- That video where the girl went to the boy and confronted that she didn’t like what he was doing. He doesn’t call you everyday so you confront him about it. (Nope just lean back. He’s not calling cause he doesn’t want to. Period.)
:stop:Coach- you saw his credit was messed up so you decided to fix it. You saw he lost his job so you did the application for a new one because it helps you. You hooked him up with your friend to get a new gig. You told him how to do xyz. You paid his car tickets off and asked him to pay you back. You don’t like the haircut he got for the kids so you suggest the right haircut for the kids instead of trusting him. He wants to buy a new car so you pick out cars and made a list of dealerships he should try.

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Been out here celebrating my birthday all weekend! Yesterday I went to close out on the festivities in London, at the Africa Writes 2019 festival, had a swell time.

Wasn't going to attend anymore, because once again, I was calculating everything. The numbers weren't adding up, then @Chicoro simply said 'GO' in the 'That Girl' thread and that resolved the issue for me. Plus, I thought about what @PrissiSippi said, about not being to calculating because it's a masculine feature. So I stopped it and just went with the flow: I didn't give a specific hour on which everyone had to show up on Friday.

It's Summer so everyone tends to take it easier anyway, so I said anywhere between 2 and 3 pm would be fine. My brother was here, he helped us carry the table outside but then wanted to vanish. I tried confronting him, explaining to him that it would be best if he stayed, to help carry the table back inside. I immediately sensed that things were going to escalate, so I deflected and let him go.

Two friends also cancelled, again, I didn't let that deteriorate me or upset me. I'm used to it by now quite frankly. My sister friend showed up with her baby boy and it put me at ease. She is very easy going, as @Zaynab always advised us to be, so I'm following suit.

Turned 34 and my sister who is ten years my senior asked me whether I felt different, I said: yes. I just don't let things bother me as much anymore. I am accepting things as they are, hoping they will change one day. At the end of the day, I can only control...moi, myself and I. Last year I got fired by e-mail on my b-day, this year my desktop computer caved in. Whatevs. Woosah :lol:.

Oh my gosh I'm glad you had a GREAT birthday. I do feel like I'm able to trust the process more and just let go of all the control. It's like this has opened up a whole new world for me. I'm sooo happy for yall. :2inlove:

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home
Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

June- Inner Work
Week 23: Become Emotionally Unreactive
Week 24: Boundaries
Week 25: Limiting Beliefs
Week 26: Trust and Surrender

July- Seduction
Week 27: Play Cat Mouse
Week 28: Slow It Down

My sister died a few years ago from leukemia. I used to visit her often in the hospital rooms and it got boring talking about her prognosis. We started talking about life and for that I'm actually happy about because I never got the chance to really know her since she was older than me. She told me quick grits was trash and they need to be thrown away lol. She told me I needed to get rid of that microwave cooking and come over to the regular grits side. I said nahh that takes too long. She was like, that's the beauty of it PrissiSippi. Letting those grits simmer until just right, watching them get thicker and thicker. Taking them out at the last possible moment and added your salt into them. Tasting the thick texture on your tongue. It was all about the experience.

Seduction is like this. It's all about the experience.

  • Hold your gaze for a second longer than usual.
  • Smile and bat your eyelashes while taking the time to not rush and look into others eyes.
  • When doing grocery shopping take the time to SLOW DOWN and accept every single smile and stare from men. Don't focus on getting the task done, focus on the experience.
  • Walk slowly and seductively as you walk from point A to B.
  • Take your time and sit at a makeup table to apply your makeup and look in the mirror and take in how beautiful you really are. Look are ever single pore and freckle that makes up the bigger picture of YOU.

Week 28 Challenge - Take Your Time

1. What are some daily activities that you could SLOW DOWN and take in the experience of doing?
2. What did you notice when you did SLOW DOWN?
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Week 28 Challenge - Take Your Time

1. What are some daily activities that you could SLOW DOWN and take in the experience of doing?
2. What did you notice when you did SLOW DOWN?

About a year ago, i stopped rushing home. When I was pregnant, exDH use to ride with me 90% of the way to work but In the afternoon, that couldn’t happen. So I began taking the local joke because I would get on at the first stop and get a seat. Eventually, I got used to it because it was comfortable, air conditioning and I just listened to music and read my book. Fast forward 4 years later and it started again. I just needed that hour. So now, when I have to run home to pick up my son, I take the local because it adds 15 minutes and I feel a little more relaxed (less tense). Express train=rush; local train=relaxed.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home
Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

June- Inner Work
Week 23: Become Emotionally Unreactive
Week 24: Boundaries
Week 25: Limiting Beliefs
Week 26: Trust and Surrender

July- Seduction
Week 27: Play Cat Mouse
Week 28: Slow It Down

My sister died a few years ago from leukemia. I used to visit her often in the hospital rooms and it got boring talking about her prognosis. We started talking about life and for that I'm actually happy about because I never got the chance to really know her since she was older than me. She told me quick grits was trash and they need to be thrown away lol. She told me I needed to get rid of that microwave cooking and come over to the regular grits side. I said nahh that takes too long. She was like, that's the beauty of it PrissiSippi. Letting those grits simmer until just right, watching them get thicker and thicker. Taking them out at the last possible moment and added your salt into them. Tasting the thick texture on your tongue. It was all about the experience.

Seduction is like this. It's all about the experience.

  • Hold your gaze for a second longer than usual.
  • Smile and bat your eyelashes while taking the time to not rush and look into others eyes.
  • When doing grocery shopping take the time to SLOW DOWN and accept every single smile and stare from men. Don't focus on getting the task done, focus on the experience.
  • Walk slowly and seductively as you walk from point A to B.
  • Take your time and sit at a makeup table to apply your makeup and look in the mirror and take in how beautiful you really are. Look are ever single pore and freckle that makes up the bigger picture of YOU.

Week 28 Challenge - Take Your Time

1. What are some daily activities that you could SLOW DOWN and take in the experience of doing?
2. What did you notice when you did SLOW DOWN?
I’ve started taking my time in the grocery store. So many women I know do the click list but I really enjoy wandering the aisles.
1. What are some daily activities that you could SLOW DOWN and take in the experience of doing?

My night time routine

2. What did you notice when you did SLOW DOWN?

Haven't tried it yet: yesterday I was in the bathroom thinking, wouldn't it be great if I just brushed my teeth and washed my face with black soap? But nope, decided against it. Have been trying to incorporate this into my womanly self for aeons. It's just a no go at this point. The alternative is to turn off my computer earlier :).
I’ve had soooo much fun this summer. I’ve been taking the time to take DS anywhere I can think that’s nearby to give him memories. So far I took him to the Waterpark, two different zoos, the museum, the park almost every day, and the beach. I worked on putting my phone down too. We’ve had a GREAT time.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home
Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

June- Inner Work
Week 23: Become Emotionally Unreactive
Week 24: Boundaries
Week 25: Limiting Beliefs
Week 26: Trust and Surrender

July- Seduction
Week 27: Play Cat Mouse
Week 28: Slow It Down
Week 29: Keep the Focus on YOU

Keep the focus on YOU. When I first got into building my femininity, I got into it the WRONG way.
I learned how to cook, plate food, wrap presents, clean up, do my makeup, wear dresses, like flowers
and floral arrangements, and talk sweet
. There is nothing wrong about this but I was doing it for MEN.
I brought this up to my best friend and she had just started kickboxing lessons.
♀️ (great for a whole body workout.) She admitted she was actually doing it to make her husband jealous and get her body back right so more men would look her way and he would notice. I kept saying naw man that’s the by-product but I really believe the focus need to STAY on you.

A few months into this journey it really came to me. We kept falling on and off of our new habits because the focus was wrong. Femininity is a journey for the long haul. However if you do it for others, you’ll fall off QUICK.

Remember, you can’t seduce yourself to a man. Sure the sexy clothes are nice and the ability to cook is really nice. It sets you apart but that’s not what makes you a challenge. That’s not what KEEPS his interest even though it might obtain it at first.

Keep the focus on YOU. Work out because you want a healthy you for the long haul. You’ll stay invested longer. Learn to cook because you want to raise your vibrations and care about the food going inside YOUR body. Stop to smell the flowers because it causes YOU to be grateful for life. Learn how to wrap presents or whatever hobby you do because it makes YOU feel good and adds depth in your personality. Be in your femininity because you realize IT creates and manifests the best life for YOU...NOT a man.

It’s not the clothes, ability to cook, or how much you remind him of his mama that keeps his interest. It is your softness on the outside making it so he can never press your buttons because you simply don’t give a care, the way you can listen to him when he´s had a hard day, it’s how you stroke his ego, it’s how you let him be the man because you are the woman, how you are never rushed and stay present in the moment, the way you don’t control him and give him SPACE because you’re the center of YOUR universe instead of making HIM the center of yours. It’s the way you have so many hobbies and activities that without his chase he would lose you. It is the way you’re so happy, positive, feminine, and grateful that he loves to pour into you and invest in you. Keeping the focus on YOU is what makes you a challenge and keeps him ready to chase....not necessarily makeup, clothes, cooking, scripts you say, tricks, and smoke. Keep the Focus on YOU. DO everything for YOU.

Week 29 Challenge
1. In what ways can you keep the focus on you?
2. How can you back up in times or arguments and focus all the energy back on yourself?
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Lauryn Hill is still capitalizing off of an album she made 20 years ago! In fact, it's the only studio album she's ever made. It enabled her to stay home, to raise her children. One of these children is now grown and set to become a model.

Meanwhile Beyoncé is out here in these streets tiring herself out, making album after album, touring like crazy just to stay relevant and essentially chasing wealth instead of letting it come to her. This is not to offend the Beyhive, it's just an observation.

Lauryn Hill is still capitalizing off of an album she made 20 years ago! In fact, it's the only studio album she's ever made. It enabled her to stay home, to raise her children. One of these children is now grown and set to become a model.

Meanwhile Beyoncé is out here in these streets tiring herself out, making album after album, touring like crazy just to stay relevant and essentially chasing wealth instead of letting it come to her. This is not to offend the Beyhive, it's just an observation.

Ionno girl. I see that completely differently.
Ionno girl. I see that completely differently.

I understand. Shared it with some other ladies on FB and they had the same opinion as you.

Did it work out 100% perfectly for Lauryn Hill? No. But still, what she tried to do, is so commendable. In my eyes, it ultimately failed, because well, if I'm not mistaken, she wasn't completely kosher in her personal relationships. So the law of karma got to her.

But overall, I'd rather do it like her, minus the drama, than Beyoncé. I often wonder when Beyoncé actually rests? Is it really necessary to be in the public eye this much? There are people with far more money than her, that we never ever see. Don't get me wrong, I admire many things about Beyoncé, but sometimes it just looks more exhausting than anything else.
^^ I see it as passion and being driven to do what you absolutely love doing.

I can see that. We were once discussing womanhood in another thread and I believe it was @Zaynab and some other ladies who said something to the effect of: women who are truly kept and live an amazingly good life, don't plaster it all over the place for everyone to know. They're actually quite private about it.

I've talked about this before: you look at someone like Oprah who is this media mogul and really compared to some other Black AND White women, she really doesn't have all that much money. I guess my point is: in terms of being Black, I want to see more women in the background but with real financial power, calling the shots. Kind of like a female version of Don Shirley sorta say, minus the isolated lifestyle of course.

Word up on these e-streets is that the Rothschilds run the world and then some. Have I ever seen them anywhere? Nope. In terms of womanhood, I just want women to rest. What point are we trying to prove? The whole world already knows that women, Black women in particular, can work like mules. Why not veer towards passive incomes instead of being so in your face and not being able to perform concerts because you're dehydrated?! Just my 0.2 cents.
I get what you are saying and I agree (in.part). But it is not always about money. I don't see her as a mule because she is doing exactly what she loves and is driven to do. She is a highly creative and saavy talented artist. I am not into her music really but I have always admired her force in the industry.

The part about getting dehydrated is not unusual in this industry.
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