2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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@mrselle :notworthy: :notworthy: I want to get on your level. That sounds like your home is really lovely!

I struggle with cleaning but I've been working to get better. Tackling my own bedroom and one bathroom is a struggle for me; let alone an entire house :nono: . I don't live by myself but I have never done my fair share of cleaning. I want to start doing that. Picking one morning a week to clean downstairs is a really helpful strategy.

Ladies, please share your ideas because I have the cleaning skills of a 7 year old boy :laugh:
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home

A clean home says so much about who you are as a feminine woman. A clean home is inviting and makes your family feel special and proud, and your guests feel comfortable. With just minutes a day and a PLAN, home up-keeping can be enjoyable, simple, and easy to fit into your busy life and schedule. Aim to really pay close attention to your home. MAINTAIN what the universe/God has given you. Focus on the beauty of YOUR OWN LIFE and if you don't particularly feel like it is beautiful right now, take the time to MAKE IT THAT WAY.
Clutter Affirmations:
I release clutter that does not serve me.
I am a total feminine woman and my home reflects that.
I am worthy of the desires of my heart which include a clean home.
I have ENOUGH and I am ENOUGH to replace old shabby materialistic items.

We all have it. Broken pots and furnishings still in use, spotted or old clothing still being worn, old underwear still in rotation, broken glasses, and more. These are examples of what is never found in a Royal lifestyle. Get rid of what does not give you peace. Each of these items carry latent energy that clutters our mind MENTALLY. Don’t pretend to be a feminine queen while living in rubbles. Feminine Women are royal and carry consistent, pristine energy that allows for no blockages.

1. You don’t need more space of stuff as much as you need to get rid of some things. Remember the less things you have, the easier it is to clean up. Make it easier on yourself. If you can’t clean up your kids’ room in about 15 minutes, they have too much stuff. If you can't wash one load of clothes a day and put them away and stay on top of clothes being laundered....you have too many clothes. If you cant wash and put away your dishes...you have too many.

2. Have financial respect of your husband. You don’t need more money as much as you need to reduce your expenses and STUFF. Declutter your life and create a PEACEFUL environment for your family.

3. It’s a lot of work involved in being a good homemaker. This is the reason why wives should have the option of staying at home. When one works outside of the house, the home suffers. Common areas the family suffers in include: meal planning, organization, tidiness of family appearance, and CLEANLINESS OF YOUR HOME. If you DO choose to work, make a plan to keep this under wraps.

4. Establish small routines first and then work up to more items. Don’t try to do a full-blown routine the very first day. Start small (just like this challenge) but the key is consistency and persistence.

5. A clean home DOES NOT happen over night. It is the result of tiny changes over several months.

6. What's your plan to keep your home clean and tidy all of the time? What's your plan to declutter?

Wife School's Method to Daily Cleaning

Get a garbage bag and gather ALL garbage.

Do a load of laundry EVERYDAY. However, laundry is not done until it is put away by you. Throw all dirty laundry in the bin, start a load & return all dry/clean laundry to the closets.

Clean and tidy all big items: beds, tables, sofas, etc.

Put all dishes in the kitchen, load dishwasher or wash by hand. PUT THE DISHES AWAY AFTER THIS.


Clean off all surface tops, and let any dirt or dust fall to the floor.

Wipe & polish all walls, surfaces, then entire toilets.

Sweep and/or vacuum, then wash the floor directly (with disinfectant) to see all dirt, no far away mop.

Decorate & beautify as needed, and add a lovely smell & some peaceful music. Then have silent moment.


1. There are four beginning routines: Morning Routine, Paper Routine, Afternoon Routine

a. Morning Routine: Make Bed, Wash Face, Brush Teeth, Shine Sink, Empty Dishwasher, Eat, Do one Load of Laundry, Drink some Water, Exercise

b. Afternoon: Take bath, Lay out clothes, Put 5 things away, Check Calendar, Go to Bed on Time, Load Dishwasher and Run It,

c. Paper Routine: Take Five Minutes to Throw Paper Away Away as SOON as you get it. (When the mail runs, instead of holding onto mail you pay the bill, throw the magazine away or read it, and/or file materials).

Tips to Organization

Set a daily routine. There are a handful of chores you should do each day if you want to maintain a clean and clutter-free domestic heaven. Thankfully, these chores are quick enough to squeeze in even if you work a job outside of the home or have a houseful of kids to attend to.

To reduce your stress as much as possible, plan on accomplishing each of these daily chores during a certain time of the day. Organizing your time may help you relieve some of the anxiety you feel about getting everything done.

Daily tasks you'll need to make time for include making the bed, sorting the mail, and sweeping or vacuuming the floor.

Other daily tasks should be performed as you go along. These include putting things away (to prevent clutter from developing), cleaning up as you cook, and wiping up fresh spills.


d. Monday: House Blessing – bless home for an hour- Wash sheets and put back on bed, dust and let it fall to the floor, clean all mirrors, quickly vacuum and sweep, wipe down all counters

e. Tuesday: Free Day

f. Wednesday: Planning and Desk Day – plan meals, groceries, outfits, and errands

g. Thursday: Errand Day: buy the groceries to make your meals, Go to the post office, go to the bank, do any errands needed

h. Friday: Car and Purse Day: Sit at work during a down period and clean your purse. Before you get home sit in your car and clean your car out (keep a broom and plastic bag in the car for this), and put gas in the car

i. Saturday: Family Fun Day: Do something with the family

j. Sunday: Renew Your Spirit Day – Go to church, do your hair, prepare for next week while watching shows, and etc.

2. Every Saturday Morning de-clutter and clean a Zone

a. Zone 1: Entryway and Dining

b. Zone 2: Kitchen

c. Zone 3: Living Room, and Another Bedroom, Guest Bathroom

d. Zone 4: Master Bedroom, Closet, and Bathroom

e. Zone 5: Other Bedrooms

Week 21 Challenge
1. What is your housekeeping plan? Make it detailed. Using whatever method you would like, how will you make sure that you keep your home beautiful and peaceful to give you a beautiful environment that matches your beauty?
2. How could you inspire and teach your children to relieve you of unnecessary stress and help you with this process?
3. What are 3 SMALL ways you could beautify your home? Add a flower? Change out a painting? Add some sunlight? Declutter an area?
4. Focus on ONE room. Make your bedroom your sacred space. It should be clutter free (closet clutter is fine) and nothing besides bedding should be placed on top, side of, or under bed except for when sleeping.

This is my Achilles heel :nono:

I always blame my small space but it's really my fault. I am convicted to get back into my Clean Mama routine this week :yep:
My niece graduated today from Kindergarten. My brother told my niece she can do whatever she wanted for graduation. It didn’t matter if she wanted ice cream, to go skating, Chuck e Cheese, or out to eat. It was on him. My SIL jumped in to help. :( She said I have a gift card to an ice cream shoppe in my purse. She looked and couldn’t find it. In my head, I was like thank you gawd. :cantlook:If my brother says he got it, let him do it! So I told my SIL, “well since he said he’ll take her anywhere you don’t have to worry about the gift card. He got it.” I turned to my brother and said, “Isn’t that right big brother” *puppy dog eyes* Well SIL keeps looking for the gift card until she finds it and gives it to my brother. :catfight:She’s not even going. She has to rush back to work and my brother and niece are going out. I did this a lot when I was married but if he says he got it, don’t try to take over and lessen the load. You increase his desire to CHASE and PURSUE with your receptivity and gratitude. You lessen the load just by you being in your femininity. :gorgeous:Offering to pay is not including in that. This is ESPECIALLY true if he says he has it. Because of her very sweet gesture, in the future he gets in the mindset to do less and less because there is no need. She has it! Drop the cape. There is no happiness in being superwoman. Stroke his ego! “Oh honey that’s so sweet. You always turn me on with how well you treat our little girl.” That would have gone a lot further than picking up the tab. Be strategic. Lean back. Focus on you. Receive. Stay in your femininity!
My niece graduated today from Kindergarten. My brother told my niece she can do whatever she wanted for graduation. It didn’t matter if she wanted ice cream, to go skating, Chuck e Cheese, or out to eat. It was on him. My SIL jumped in to help. :( She said I have a gift card to an ice cream shoppe in my purse. She looked and couldn’t find it. In my head, I was like thank you gawd. :cantlook:If my brother says he got it, let him do it! So I told my SIL, “well since he said he’ll take her anywhere you don’t have to worry about the gift card. He got it.” I turned to my brother and said, “Isn’t that right big brother” *puppy dog eyes* Well SIL keeps looking for the gift card until she finds it and gives it to my brother. :catfight:She’s not even going. She has to rush back to work and my brother and niece are going out. I did this a lot when I was married but if he says he got it, don’t try to take over and lessen the load. You increase his desire to CHASE and PURSUE with your receptivity and gratitude. You lessen the load just by you being in your femininity. :gorgeous:Offering to pay is not including in that. This is ESPECIALLY true if he says he has it. Because of her very sweet gesture, in the future he gets in the mindset to do less and less because there is no need. She has it! Drop the cape. There is no happiness in being superwoman. Stroke his ego! “Oh honey that’s so sweet. You always turn me on with how well you treat our little girl.” That would have gone a lot further than picking up the tab. Be strategic. Lean back. Focus on you. Receive. Stay in your femininity!

I understand what you’re saying, but I dont see that being applied to this situation. The real effort and work here was the action of taking the daughter out for ice cream. And it was a gift card, so not actual money? I know if I had an ice cream gift card, that I probably wouldn’t use it so why not give it to someone who will, especially if it means some of my household money would be saved?

Now if she’d said that she’d pay for it out of actual money, plus take off work to come take the baby out while the husband did something else, then I could see that as trying to lessen the load.
My housekeeping plan is a work in progress. Lol.

One morning a week I clean up downstairs. In the past it has been every Wednesday morning, but now that summer is near its Friday mornings. Why Friday? We tend to have people over on the weekends or we are on the go. Either way, the house is nice and clean for guests or nice and clean when we come in from being gone all day or all weekend. Because I do it every week and maintain during the week, I can get the entire downstairs clean in an hour to an hour and a half. That includes, dishes, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, disinfecting hard surfaces, flipping sofa cushions, cleaning the powder room, etc... I light a candle, play gospel music and do what needs to be done. To me, its peaceful and satisfying.

I'm trying to establish a regular routine for the upstairs and our bedroom. Our bedroom is where I really struggle. It becomes a holding place for things I'm too lazy to put away. I also have some areas I need to declutter, so its more of a "I'm-not-sure-what-to-do-with-this" situation.

I mentioned upthread that we've had different people in and out of our home due to some updates we are working on. Each person who has come in has complimented us on how nice our home is. Well-maintained, peaceful and smells good are the comments we've heard the most. It makes me feel good.
That’s so great. Now that we are on summer break, I hope I can get back into my cleaning routine. We moved into a much bigger house a few years ago and it’s been a struggle for me to keep up with everything unless I stay on a cleaning schedule.

I also have started sending some of the laundry out for cleaning, which helps a ton!
My male friend took me out for lunch, and I messed up :oops: . He asked me where I wanted to go eat, and I told him that it was his turn to choose. I ended up picking the place in the end. We went in ordered. He pays every time we hangout. But for some reason I felt guilty and offered to pay for me own food. All I got was a frown and a "I got it." We eat, go the Barnes and Nobles, and we're enjoying each other's company. Then on the way back, we ended up going in the wrong direction, and I offered to pull out my phone and use my GPS.

Fail! Fail! Fail! I really liked this guy and he's never said that he had feelings for me. I think that I was trying to protect myself by jumping in and acting less feminine. And he did treat me differently that the last time we had lunch! He was less touchy-feely, affectionate and our flow was a little off. He also didn't text me right after like he did the last time. Lesson learned :hammer:
It was a bug in the house. The guy went to kill it. It took awhile so the girl was like just kill it already. He told her he was trying to wait so he didn’t mess up the wall. The girl got annoyed and kept complaining about him not killing the bug. She said it’s simple. Just hit it in the window.

So he got frustrated and said kill it yourself. He gave her the shoe and she swatted it. She broke the blinds which is what he was was trying to avoid in the first place.

What would she had lost by just leaving the room, letting him kill the bug on his own time, and praising his efforts when she got back? What would she have gained just by staying in her femininity?

Applaud him. Make them feel like they saved the day.
There is no point of arguing with a man.
At the end of the day he will go to the girl that does NOT criticize and take his chance to be the hero away.
Men want a CHEERLEADER . Don’t ever be the coach.
My male friend took me out for lunch, and I messed up :oops: . He asked me where I wanted to go eat, and I told him that it was his turn to choose. I ended up picking the place in the end. We went in ordered. He pays every time we hangout. But for some reason I felt guilty and offered to pay for me own food. All I got was a frown and a "I got it." We eat, go the Barnes and Nobles, and we're enjoying each other's company. Then on the way back, we ended up going in the wrong direction, and I offered to pull out my phone and use my GPS.

Fail! Fail! Fail! I really liked this guy and he's never said that he had feelings for me. I think that I was trying to protect myself by jumping in and acting less feminine. And he did treat me differently that the last time we had lunch! He was less touchy-feely, affectionate and our flow was a little off. He also didn't text me right after like he did the last time. Lesson learned :hammer:
You gotta really take the time to figure where this is coming from. And know even if you mess up you can fix it.

When you offered to pull out the phone gps when you caught you were stepping into his realm just stop. Act like you really like the song on the radio.

You offered to pay for your lunch? Next time tell him your order and then go to the restroom to freshen up.
You gotta really take the time to figure where this is coming from. And know even if you mess up you can fix it.

When you offered to pull out the phone gps when you caught you were stepping into his realm just stop. Act like you really like the song on the radio.

You offered to pay for your lunch? Next time tell him your order and then go to the restroom to freshen up.
I know where it came from. I'm trying to make sure that he stays in friendzone unless he let's me know otherwise. I suddenly felt like a quasi-date and I wanted to kill the feeling. We've gone on quite a few lunch hangouts and this was the only time this happened. I'll catch myself if I start thinking like that again, align myself with my feminine energy and just be.
I made a cleaning plan and I used her method to create my own zones. I have so much to clean. I understand why she gives each zone it's own week. It would be overwhelming otherwise :spinning: .
I broke my home into 5 zones: bedroom, upstairs and downstairs bathroom, hallway+stairs, kitchen and living room. Then I listed the areas that need to be cleaned in each zone, and what will be cleaned in those areas. For example my Bedroom Zone is broken down into 1. closet 2. bed 3. dresser 4. bookshelf 5. floor. Then each is broken down to the actual tasks. I wrote everything down and it looks kinda crazy, but I have a whole week to get everything done. So she does each zone once every 8 weeks, but she also cleans daily and weekly. Imma mash that all together, and aim to do a zone a dayish.

Monday: Zone 1 (bedroom)
Tuesday: Zone 2 (bathrooms)
Wednesday: Zone 3 (hallway+stairs)
Thursday: Zone 4 (kitchen)
Friday: Zone 4 (kitchen)
Saturday Zone 5 (living room)
Sunday Zone 5 (living room)

I think that makes more sense but we shall see :drunk:

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I’m on vacation it felt sooo good to be outside and enjoy all this Vitamin D. Little one had so much fun. I was feeling self conscious and wanted to rock a black one piece. I thought about this thread and said nahhh y’all getting all the colors this summer! Happy Memorial Day


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I’m on vacation it felt sooo good to be outside and enjoy all this Vitamin D. Little one had so much fun. I was feeling self conscious and wanted to rock a black one piece. I thought about this thread and said nahhh y’all getting all the colors this summer! Happy Memorial Day
You look so good!!!! I love color and can't stand black clothes! I'm like the one person who refuses to wear black. I even avoid black shoes :lachen:
I got home after an 11 hour shift and I CLEANED my room (Zone 1). I vacuumed everywhere. and threw away old clothes, arranged my shoes (didn't realize that I had so many), wiped down everything, did and folded laundry, and even wiped the baseboards. I was so tired when I was done, but I did it!! Tonight won't be so bad. I'm cleaning the bathrooms (Zone 2). I'm kind of excited!

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home
Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

Week 22: Set the Tone in Your Home

As a woman you have the ability to build your home or tear it to a million pieces.
Make your house a place that your husband and children want to come home to. Think about how your home looks, smells, sounds, tastes like (the food you cook), and the feelings you have when you walk in the front door. Find out what is important to your husband. Many men don't sweat the little things but most importantly they want to come home to a peaceful environment and a happy and loving wife. We know there can be many reasons for this and all are not solely your fault, but how can YOU change the quality of your home and change your HOUSE into a HAVEN today? What little baby steps would need to occur to create a bigger picture?

One way you can transform your home is with music. Whenever appropriate, have music playing in the home. The type of music is not what is most important, but classical and jazz has been known to have positive frequencies (528 Hz) that encourages creativity, mental efficiency, and productivity.

Every husband and family will be different but what is it that makes your family feel comfortable? Make your home a place that your family can come home to feel refreshed.

Week 22 Challenge
1. What is it that you could do to help your house feel comfortable?
2. What small baby steps could you work on to help your family come home and feel refreshed? Add a candle? Purchase a bouquet of flowers for the dining room table?
3. How could you nurture a musical home? Turn on some jazz music for when the kids come home from school? Smile and play soothing music while giving nonsexual touch when your significant other comes home? Give yourself some me time and unwind to music?
4. What is it that could transform your home through you setting the tone?
Week 22 Challenge
1. What is it that you could do to help your house feel comfortable?
I'm going to help dh set up his office. He's out of town as I'd like to do something special while he is gone. He was considering setting up in the kitchen area but I want the living room to be for relaxation.
2. What small baby steps could you work on to help your family come home and feel refreshed? Add a candle? Purchase a bouquet of flowers for the dining room table?
Fresh flowers or plants. Something to bring more life to the room. I need to find a lawn to clip flowers from.

3. How could you nurture a musical home? Turn on some jazz music for when the kids come home from school? Smile and play soothing music while giving nonsexual touch when your significant other comes home? Give yourself some me time and unwind to music?

4. What is it that could transform your home through you setting the tone?
If I am comfortable and at peace, the house feel peaceful and not contentious.
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So as far as getting my grass cut....it didn't happen. :( My brother said he "had a cold" and couldn't mow my grass. I called my mother (I don't know why) to ask her can she talk to him. She told me I need to solve my own problems and not look for others to solve them for me. I can't EXPECT him to help me just because he's my brother. And even though I do things for my family (because she tells me I should self-sacrifice myself and be unselfish) that was my choice and no one MADE ME. (I won't be doing these favors anymore).

I really wanted to argue back and forth with her because she is ALWAYS asking me to help out with my brother's children or look our for my brother. She calls me to write last minute autobiographies and programs for church and poetry to make her look good and send a million memos or run errands. But I feel a lack of support because NO ONE looks out for me.

Our ego is tricky it will convince us that this time will be different. I thought if I explained, I would convince my mother. Instead I just stopped talking. I tried to focus on my femininity. I let my mind and body exhale, lowered my shoulders, and just began to breathe. I dropped the need to be right and the part about him supposed to look out for me because he's my big brother. I went to the important part. I NEED TO PROTECT MYSELF (with my boundaries). I told my mother I had to get off the phone (mental boundary). I ended the convo and I made a mental note. NO she and he can't do MANY things but what CAN they do? What can I do? I feel like I've made strides but I probably still over-invest.

I have already bought my brother's kids Easter baskets filled with candy and treats when I went to buy my son's stuff. My mother likes to brag about buying the kids Easter baskets. BUT I'm the one who buys the baskets and stuff that goes into them. She simply ASSEMBLES them. I get no credit. She does. My brother on the other hand, he never buys my son anything. They never say.....oh DS or Priss would like this. Sooo this is not for them but rather for me....they won't be getting the Easter baskets I bought. I need to create some new healthy habits. This includes making a choice to NOT over-invest in people who don't invest in me. I'll give them to the children I tutor, and the extras will be given to my son. I'll pay someone to cut my grass and I'll figure everything out from there.

Onwards and upwards. Remember TRIGGERS are always growth opportunities. It's an opportunity to self-reflect, opportunity to strengthen your muscle by doing, and opportunity to show yourself love. Execute it! Peace, love, and femininity.
Another trigger.

My mother called me. I posted that swimsuit picture on fbook.

She said I’m a prositute for posting it. She said I will be banned from my sorority. She said I was not a good mother. She said I will lose my career.

I said: I’m sorry you feel this way. (Whoever posted the video in which this was said THANK YOU) You don’t get to control my life and we don’t have conversations like this. Have a good day. Goodbye.


In order to heal a trigger, you have to experience it, recognize you're being triggered, accept/love this irrational feeling that's coming up, investigate if it's true, and if it's not, choose to do something different (even if it's scary).

I dropped the need to be right. (Old me would have argued until I got blue in the face and probably cursed her out.) I questioned is it true I’m a bad mom. That’s not true. I decided to protect myself. I hung up the phone and picked my son from school and took him to the park to play lol. We had a picnic with pizzas and popsicles and he played in dirt all afternoon.

I think I did pretty well with not going into my masculine and staying in my feminine. I’m soooo grateful for y’all. My peace wasn’t destroyed. I was able to have a good day despite her hurting my feelings. And I made a boundary and stuck to it.
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1. What is it that you could do to help your house feel comfortable?
2. What small baby steps could you work on to help your family come home and feel refreshed? Add a candle? Purchase a bouquet of flowers for the dining room table?
3. How could you nurture a musical home? Turn on some jazz music for when the kids come home from school? Smile and play soothing music while giving nonsexual touch when your significant other comes home? Give yourself some me time and unwind to music?
4. What is it that could transform your home through you setting the tone?

1. Declutter. This would attract less dust.

2. Again: declutter. Right now it's hard to see the trees through the forest.

3. I grew up in a musical home, in the era of MTV (when they played real music). Since I've moved out on my own, I have been collecting music I like to listen to. I even have playlists. I play Dappy T Keys in the morning when I'm having my devotions and I feel much more at rest.

At work we have 30 min/week for self education, I always play soft music on my iPhone while I'm studying.

4. I live extremely small, but everyone who has come here immediately feels at ease. I was very intentional about the tone I wanted in my home, I journaled about it. Maya Angelou said that words cling to your walls and furniture, I believe her.

The other day my sister was here and we were gonna watch a movie of her picking. I asked her if there was a sex scene in it and she said yes. I said I'd rather not watch it then. Though I live by myself, I try to be as discrete as possible: no underwear and bras all over (this is hard during the week when I really don't expect anyone :look:).

I'm also very mindful of who I let into my home, especially because everything can be seen at the moment. This is why my sister is advising me to look for something else, that would afford me more privacy...as I am becoming a woman :gorgeous:.
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