2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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I was in another thread and had to run over here and get this out.
Week 18 Challenge
1. What are your limiting beliefs?

The most pressing one is that I don't believe that any man can measure up to the mythical pedestal I put my high school sweetheart on. I believe that not feeling fireworks on sight then the relationship will not satisfy me. I believe that there isn't a man in this world who could spend the rest of my life with. I don't set standards because no one will be able to reach them anyway. I half butt putting my best self forward because what's the point. I haven't lost the weight I want to lose because I won't ever be as pretty and chased after as I was in high school. I go for low quality men because they give me a valid reason to never actually commit.
2. What are you going to navigate this?
First by accepting that the love I will never love anyone the way I loved my ex because that love was unique the same way that any deep relationship is unique between two people. But that doesn't mean that I cannot love someone with more depth than I did back then. I will accept that I am not 16 year old me and that that's okay. I was supposed to change. I've actually become a much better person that the 16 year old me. I will believe that nothing happens by chance, and that God is the one who brought me to this place for a reason. I will believe that what God has planned for me is better than what 16 me could have ever imagined. I will accept that I can love myself and also change how my body looks. Change isn't from a lack of love. It can be from an abundance of love. I will navigate all of these things by renewing my trust in God.

I feel like I just had confession LOL!! I feel like weights have been lifted off my shoulders.

This just popped into my head:
I don't need to be treated like a queen. I need to be treated like God's Daughter.
I was in another thread and had to run over here and get this out.
Week 18 Challenge
1. What are your limiting beliefs?

The most pressing one is that I don't believe that any man can measure up to the mythical pedestal I put my high school sweetheart on. I believe that not feeling fireworks on sight then the relationship will not satisfy me. I believe that there isn't a man in this world who could spend the rest of my life with. I don't set standards because no one will be able to reach them anyway. I half butt putting my best self forward because what's the point. I haven't lost the weight I want to lose because I won't ever be as pretty and chased after as I was in high school. I go for low quality men because they give me a valid reason to never actually commit.
2. What are you going to navigate this?
First by accepting that the love I will never love anyone the way I loved my ex because that love was unique the same way that any deep relationship is unique between two people. But that doesn't mean that I cannot love someone with more depth than I did back then. I will accept that I am not 16 year old me and that that's okay. I was supposed to change. I've actually become a much better person that the 16 year old me. I will believe that nothing happens by chance, and that God is the one who brought me to this place for a reason. I will believe that what God has planned for me is better than what 16 me could have ever imagined. I will accept that I can love myself and also change how my body looks. Change isn't from a lack of love. It can be from an abundance of love. I will navigate all of these things by renewing my trust in God.

I feel like I just had confession LOL!! I feel like weights have been lifted off my shoulders.

This just popped into my head:
I don't need to be treated like a queen. I need to be treated like God's Daughter.
Im not harassing you, I swear lol.

You need to see yourself as worthy now. “I am worthy!”

In navigating, change “will” to “am”. Will keeps you wanting; am is now. Wanting doesn’t change but being in the now will change things now. Last, be the queen sis. God is in you and we are all God’s daughters, but not all of God’s daughters are Queens.
Im not harassing you, I swear lol.

You need to see yourself as worthy now. “I am worthy!”

In navigating, change “will” to “am”. Will keeps you wanting; am is now. Wanting doesn’t change but being in the now will change things now. Last, be the queen sis. God is in you and we are all God’s daughters, but not all of God’s daughters are Queens.

Powerful. Care to elaborate please?
I was in another thread and had to run over here and get this out.
Week 18 Challenge
1. What are your limiting beliefs?

The most pressing one is that I don't believe that any man can measure up to the mythical pedestal I put my high school sweetheart on. I believe that not feeling fireworks on sight then the relationship will not satisfy me. I believe that there isn't a man in this world who could spend the rest of my life with. I don't set standards because no one will be able to reach them anyway. I half butt putting my best self forward because what's the point. I haven't lost the weight I want to lose because I won't ever be as pretty and chased after as I was in high school. I go for low quality men because they give me a valid reason to never actually commit.
2. What are you going to navigate this?
First by accepting that the love I will never love anyone the way I loved my ex because that love was unique the same way that any deep relationship is unique between two people. But that doesn't mean that I cannot love someone with more depth than I did back then. I will accept that I am not 16 year old me and that that's okay. I was supposed to change. I've actually become a much better person that the 16 year old me. I will believe that nothing happens by chance, and that God is the one who brought me to this place for a reason. I will believe that what God has planned for me is better than what 16 me could have ever imagined. I will accept that I can love myself and also change how my body looks. Change isn't from a lack of love. It can be from an abundance of love. I will navigate all of these things by renewing my trust in God.

I feel like I just had confession LOL!! I feel like weights have been lifted off my shoulders.

This just popped into my head:
I don't need to be treated like a queen. I need to be treated like God's Daughter.
A while ago I came to the realization that childhood love is always going to feel better than adult love and I couldnt compare adult relationships with it. Irl I don’t even like the man my childhood love has become. Had I met him in adulthood he’d be firmly placed in the fboi category.
A while ago I came to the realization that childhood love is always going to feel better than adult love and I couldnt compare adult relationships with it. Irl I don’t even like the man my childhood love has become. Had I met him in adulthood he’d be firmly placed in the fboi category.

Im not harassing you, I swear lol.

You need to see yourself as worthy now. “I am worthy!”

In navigating, change “will” to “am”. Will keeps you wanting; am is now. Wanting doesn’t change but being in the now will change things now. Last, be the queen sis. God is in you and we are all God’s daughters, but not all of God’s daughters are Queens.
Im not harassing you, I swear lol.

You need to see yourself as worthy now. “I am worthy!”

In navigating, change “will” to “am”. Will keeps you wanting; am is now. Wanting doesn’t change but being in the now will change things now. Last, be the queen sis. God is in you and we are all God’s daughters, but not all of God’s daughters are Queens.
Don't worry! I appreciate you. I don't think that we see things the same but that's okay.

I don't have a worth issue. Age has been good at actually humbling me and letting see myself in a less self-inflated way. Also the last thing you said is a difference of theology. God is the Creator of everyone, but He is not everyone's Father. There's a difference, and I've lived being on both sides of that coin. God doesn't call us to put ourselves on a pedestal. He calls us to be humble and soft. "Queens" are typically neither humble nor soft. I don't knock the mindset. Everyone has their thing. I've thought that way before and it didn't help better me as a woman. It's not authentic to who I am.
A while ago I came to the realization that childhood love is always going to feel better than adult love and I couldnt compare adult relationships with it. Irl I don’t even like the man my childhood love has become. Had I met him in adulthood he’d be firmly placed in the fboi category.
I realized the same thing. Come to see that my ex is a cheater, liar, and a bit of a sociopath (which used to not bother me). The last time I was with him, I was actually afraid, and I had never felt that way with anyone before.
This is silly but I painted one of my nails with this purple glitter polish. I smile every time I look at it :laugh: . It's just so pretty to me! I can't wait to get home after work. I'm going to paint my nails, eat my cookie dough blizzard and finish off the rest of my skewed chicken with rice and peas :lick: . I might throw on a face mask too!
So much to look forward to tonight! :love3:
Powerful. Care to elaborate please?
I just see it as we are created by God but not all of us treat each other equally though we preach about being equal. Some of us feel deserving and some of us don’t. Depending on the mindset, it’s kinda what creates limiting beliefs and blocks blessings, while others are able to manifest and reap the blessings. I think of myself as a queen lol because queens should be sought by Kings and kings are always ready. Thinking highly of myself keeps my standards high. I also don’t compare myself to others.

I personally know someone who didn’t think highly of herself and is in a situation now because of it. Lots of reprogramming. Now she’s thinking more highly and it’s working for her. We laugh about some of the similarities of our situations, but we also support each other. I also speak with @kupenda a lot and some of our convos about raising standards. But how many others around us have the same mindset?

I hope I explained that ok @Maracujá not trying to put anyone down but to me it’s all about the mindset and knowing that if we are equal, we aren’t even treating ourselves equal or worthy some of the times.
I normally use BBW wallflowers because it’s easier for me. I have 3: living room, bathroom and bedroom. Depending on how I bought them, the same smells are in my living room and bathroom and a different smell in the bedroom. Right now, I have 2 sun-drenched linen and watermelon lemonade in the bedroom. I didn’t need anymore :look: but $3.50 with 20% off :look: I went today. The SA had me smell cactus blossom and now I have a new scent :laugh: luckily for me there are no smellies so the scents stay pretty strong for about 3 weeks.

I’m working on flowers but I kill them too much. How? You asked. I’m still trying to figure that part out.
I normally use BBW wallflowers because it’s easier for me. I have 3: living room, bathroom and bedroom. Depending on how I bought them, the same smells are in my living room and bathroom and a different smell in the bedroom. Right now, I have 2 sun-drenched linen and watermelon lemonade in the bedroom. I didn’t need anymore :look: but $3.50 with 20% off :look: I went today. The SA had me smell cactus blossom and now I have a new scent :laugh: luckily for me there are no smellies so the scents stay pretty strong for about 3 weeks.

I’m working on flowers but I kill them too much. How? You asked. I’m still trying to figure that part out.
What are BBW wallflowers???
Don't worry! I appreciate you. I don't think that we see things the same but that's okay.

I don't have a worth issue. Age has been good at actually humbling me and letting see myself in a less self-inflated way. Also the last thing you said is a difference of theology. God is the Creator of everyone, but He is not everyone's Father. There's a difference, and I've lived being on both sides of that coin. God doesn't call us to put ourselves on a pedestal. He calls us to be humble and soft. "Queens" are typically neither humble nor soft. I don't knock the mindset. Everyone has their thing. I've thought that way before and it didn't help better me as a woman. It's not authentic to who I am.

Queens are not humble or soft?
Queens are not humble or soft?
In my experience? No, not in general :look:. I didn't grow up in the we are all "kings and queens" household in all fairness. I view queens from the practical old school variety (traditionally women who were either at the mercy of the king, daughters who had been exchanged for power and land, or fierce rulers and generals). The other "queens" I've met use it as an excuse to talk/look down to other people and to blow themselves up.

It's a perspective thing. Two people look at the same picture and notice totally different things :laugh:
So, yesterday, I wore a dress to work and had the nerve to wear fishnets. No one warned me how this would appear to the masses.

On the walk to take my son to school, 3 hi’s. To the train, 3 more hi’s that I saw to my face (because, headphones). Train, smiles. Elevator at work, good morning and smiles. At work, I got a ton of compliments, ranging from “wear am I going after work” to “SNACK!!!!” Going home, more comments.

I even caught work bae giving me the up and down 3x when we went out to lunch and normally men aren’t obvious, so the fact I caught it... he told me I looked approachable and I said “I finally look approachable in fishnets!” (I saw through this shade). We got on the elevator back at work, a man got on with us. When he got off, I started talking about something I needed to do and the follow up comment I got was something along the lines of getting so much attention I can just ignore it. I said huh? Well, he watched the man stare at me the entire ride even though I was oblivious to it. I told him I really didn’t notice. I wasn’t in the mans face and he didn’t say anything lol. It was like You, Me, Him and Her, where I stare at Me and special featured as Her.

e-bestie told me I looked like sex :look:, my supervisor told me my dress was short but smiled because she was so happy I didn’t look modest and Mormon and my other friend told me I had a sexy girl next door but you’ll never have look.

I want more fishnets but I don’t need more attention then I already get on a regular day. And I get a good amount on regular day looking like I’m fashionably late to a morbid event. I was going to try some costume jewelry I have in here but I’m scared now.
In my experience? No, not in general :look:. I didn't grow up in the we are all "kings and queens" household in all fairness. I view queens from the practical old school variety (traditionally women who were either at the mercy of the king, daughters who had been exchanged for power and land, or fierce rulers and generals). The other "queens" I've met use it as an excuse to talk/look down to other people and to blow themselves up.

It's a perspective thing. Two people look at the same picture and notice totally different things :laugh:

Ahh. You’re referring to people that call themselves queens with no royal lineage as well as actual monarchs. That’s a large group lol. I don’t have any firsthand experiences with queens or kings, but I don’t look at ol Elizabeth and think she is or ever was a fierce general, property of another, etc. She may well be but I don’t see it.

Is there a chance that maybe you’re looking for less positive attributes when others are referring to the respect, love, and attention paid to queens that paupers and peasants would not warrant?
Ahh. You’re referring to people that call themselves queens with no royal lineage as well as actual monarchs. That’s a large group lol. I don’t have any firsthand experiences with queens or kings, but I don’t look at ol Elizabeth and think she is or ever was a fierce general, property of another, etc. She may well be but I don’t see it.

Is there a chance that maybe you’re looking for less positive attributes when others are referring to the respect, love, and attention paid to queens that paupers and peasants would not warrant?
But it's kinda sad that people don't deserve respect, love and attention just because of their status. People's love of Queen Elizabeth has very little to do with what she's done or who she is as a person, and everything to do with her being a figurehead through an accident of birth. And she is soft because she lives in modern times and has the luxury to be.

I don't think that I'm looking for the less positive attributes. They're just very obvious to me. Again, it's how I was raised. Same thing with everyone is beautiful LOL! Was not raised to believe that (it also isn't true) at all. Queens and the beautiful are unique, and not in an "everyone's a snowflake and get's a participation trophy" kind of way :rolleyes: . That's not to say that you can't (or shouldn't) be loved, adored, and cherished by the people in your life. Queens are loved and adored by people who see their status and know nothing else. Like Beyonce. She's a modern day queen. People love, idolize and give money to her to be blessed by her essence. That's queen status. Someone working a 9-5, living in an average house, looking moderately attractive is not on queen level. That's 99% of us :laugh: . It's okay to be a peasant :rofl:

Sidenot: I've had arguments with friends of mine who really don't get the everyone's not beautiful thing. Beauty is an accident of genetics. Nothing more, nothing less. Just as everyone isn't born a genius or tall or rich, everyone isn't born beautiful. I wish people would be okay with that and not get their panties in a bunch about it. It's not a personal attack nor does it mean that someone has low self-esteem LOL!
But it's kinda sad that people don't deserve respect, love and attention just because of their status. People's love of Queen Elizabeth has very little to do with what she's done or who she is as a person, and everything to do with her being a figurehead through an accident of birth. And she is soft because she lives in modern times and has the luxury to be.

I don't think that I'm looking for the less positive attributes. They're just very obvious to me. Again, it's how I was raised. Same thing with everyone is beautiful LOL! Was not raised to believe that (it also isn't true) at all. Queens and the beautiful are unique, and not in an "everyone's a snowflake and get's a participation trophy" kind of way :rolleyes: . That's not to say that you can't (or shouldn't) be loved, adored, and cherished by the people in your life. Queens are loved and adored by people who see their status and know nothing else. Like Beyonce. She's a modern day queen. People love, idolize and give money to her to be blessed by her essence. That's queen status. Someone working a 9-5, living in an average house, looking moderately attractive is not on queen level. That's 99% of us :laugh: . It's okay to be a peasant :rofl:

Sidenot: I've had arguments with friends of mine who really don't get the everyone's not beautiful thing. Beauty is an accident of genetics. Nothing more, nothing less. Just as everyone isn't born a genius or tall or rich, everyone isn't born beautiful. I wish people would be okay with that and not get their panties in a bunch about it. It's not a personal attack nor does it mean that someone has low self-esteem LOL!

I think we’re getting lost in minutiae and I don’t have the time
I think we’re getting lost in minutiae and I don’t have the time
Don't worry. I've had this convo more times than I like to count :laugh:

I don't know how it got stuck here anyway. My focus wasn't on queens. It was on being God's daughter. My point was that being God's daughter holds me to a particular standard that's different from what the world deems valuable. My other point was that only a son of God is worthy of me if I'm a daughter of God. That was it :spinning:
Queens are loved and adored by people who see their status and know nothing else. Like Beyonce. She's a modern day queen. People love, idolize and give money to her to be blessed by her essence. That's queen status. Someone working a 9-5, living in an average house, looking moderately attractive is not on queen level. That's 99% of us :laugh: . It's okay to be a peasant :rofl:

Don't mean to further derail the thread, but this is a very interesting topic. Simply because I've always had the total opposite mindset; and the more I mature, the more I realize that there might be some truth to it. I grew up with this entire generation: Aaliyah, Beyoncé, Brandy, Monica, Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Alicia Keys...the so called queens. I used to idolize them...now? They bore me to no avail. Was on Instagram yesterday, just looking at pictures of the so called B-listers and their lives are 10.000 times better: Terri J Vaughn, Wendy Raquel Robinson, SWV, Heather Headley, India Arie, Ciara, Holly Robinson Peete, Reagan Gomez-Preston, Bianca Lawson, Amerie, ...all these women have something worthy to say, they may be behind the scenes, but their family lives are also intact. Which guarantees peace of mind and aging well.

Even as a kid I was never into being or loving the person with the lead role. My favorite person in the Disney movie Pokahontas? Her best friend, not her. It reminds me of the movie 'Boomerang' starring Eddie Murphy, Robin Givens and Halle Berry. Robin Givens was supposedly 'the queen'...but in the end, Halle won. That's what I'm starting to see play out in real life and even Hollywood. Yesterday I spent a few minutes listening to Ciara and I was just in awe:

We're too accustomed with Hollywood stories that turn sour, like Britney Spears. It was so refreshing to see this young woman being salvaged from disastrous choices. This is what life goals has always been for me and is becoming all the more important as I mature:

60387795_2380820078819392_6215306719468191744_n.jpg 60606848_2379721988929201_6188316414835687424_n.jpg

Not supposedly having this self appropriated 'queen status', that has you making albums about how your man cheated on you :nono:. I know women who will probably NEVER reach the stardom status of some these women I first cited, but oh boy are they living the Queendom lifestyle! A few days ago my supervisor showed me a picture of her with her DH, they've been together for 35 years. They have two sons, live in one of the most expensive areas in Belgium, she's been able to scale back at work, after 20 years of being active. They take nearby vacations when possible AND she's always radiant. What else does a woman need? Just my $2.00.
My friend said a guy she is dating asked her to print his resume. She looked at it and did what he asked but also took a little time to reformat it since she does resumes. He said he wanted his original one because of xyz. Old her would have gotten mad and told him how she received training in doing resumes. Instead...she just said...okay. I printed 5 copies of each you can use whatever you like. Good luck on your interview.

Whoo this journey towards becoming more feminine can be tedious at times, but the peace that comes with not convincing, pleading, and begging and learning to give up control and just BE is amazing.
My friend said a guy she is dating asked her to print his resume. She looked at it and did what he asked but also took a little time to reformat it since she does resumes. He said he wanted his original one because of xyz. Old her would have gotten mad and told him how she received training in doing resumes. Instead...she just said...okay. I printed 5 copies of each you can use whatever you like. Good luck on your interview.

Whoo this journey towards becoming more feminine can be tedious at times, but the peace that comes with not convincing, pleading, and begging and learning to give up control and just BE is amazing.
One of the biggest things I notice is how male coworkers treat me versus other women at work. I get treated nicer, more compliments, free coffee and lunch, and they usually make it so I don’t have to get up to do anything. I also get the “I don’t want to disappoint you” more often. It’s really nice and even better, you really don’t have to do anything to get it.

I’ve also noticed feminine women appreciate feminine women. It makes masculine women stand out more.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning
Week 12: Looking with Fresh Eyes
Week 13: Communicating in Love
Week 13.5: Becoming a High Value Woman

Feminine Refinement
Week 14: Take the Help
Week 14.5: You are ENOUGH
Week 15: Feminine Mystique (Last Year's Post)
Week 15.5: Release unavailable men, unfilled loved, family trauma, and struggle love
Week 16: Clean Up Your Social Media
Week 16.5: Become Fierce, Feminine, and FUN by Building Your Brand
Week 17: Navigating Intimacy Fears
Week 18: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

May- Home Living
Week 19: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 20: Home Aromas
Week 21: How Clean is Your Home

A clean home says so much about who you are as a feminine woman. A clean home is inviting and makes your family feel special and proud, and your guests feel comfortable. With just minutes a day and a PLAN, home up-keeping can be enjoyable, simple, and easy to fit into your busy life and schedule. Aim to really pay close attention to your home. MAINTAIN what the universe/God has given you. Focus on the beauty of YOUR OWN LIFE and if you don't particularly feel like it is beautiful right now, take the time to MAKE IT THAT WAY.
Clutter Affirmations:
I release clutter that does not serve me.
I am a total feminine woman and my home reflects that.
I am worthy of the desires of my heart which include a clean home.
I have ENOUGH and I am ENOUGH to replace old shabby materialistic items.

We all have it. Broken pots and furnishings still in use, spotted or old clothing still being worn, old underwear still in rotation, broken glasses, and more. These are examples of what is never found in a Royal lifestyle. Get rid of what does not give you peace. Each of these items carry latent energy that clutters our mind MENTALLY. Don’t pretend to be a feminine queen while living in rubbles. Feminine Women are royal and carry consistent, pristine energy that allows for no blockages.

1. You don’t need more space of stuff as much as you need to get rid of some things. Remember the less things you have, the easier it is to clean up. Make it easier on yourself. If you can’t clean up your kids’ room in about 15 minutes, they have too much stuff. If you can't wash one load of clothes a day and put them away and stay on top of clothes being laundered....you have too many clothes. If you cant wash and put away your dishes...you have too many.

2. Have financial respect of your husband. You don’t need more money as much as you need to reduce your expenses and STUFF. Declutter your life and create a PEACEFUL environment for your family.

3. It’s a lot of work involved in being a good homemaker. This is the reason why wives should have the option of staying at home. When one works outside of the house, the home suffers. Common areas the family suffers in include: meal planning, organization, tidiness of family appearance, and CLEANLINESS OF YOUR HOME. If you DO choose to work, make a plan to keep this under wraps.

4. Establish small routines first and then work up to more items. Don’t try to do a full-blown routine the very first day. Start small (just like this challenge) but the key is consistency and persistence.

5. A clean home DOES NOT happen over night. It is the result of tiny changes over several months.

6. What's your plan to keep your home clean and tidy all of the time? What's your plan to declutter?

Wife School's Method to Daily Cleaning

Get a garbage bag and gather ALL garbage.

Do a load of laundry EVERYDAY. However, laundry is not done until it is put away by you. Throw all dirty laundry in the bin, start a load & return all dry/clean laundry to the closets.

Clean and tidy all big items: beds, tables, sofas, etc.

Put all dishes in the kitchen, load dishwasher or wash by hand. PUT THE DISHES AWAY AFTER THIS.


Clean off all surface tops, and let any dirt or dust fall to the floor.

Wipe & polish all walls, surfaces, then entire toilets.

Sweep and/or vacuum, then wash the floor directly (with disinfectant) to see all dirt, no far away mop.

Decorate & beautify as needed, and add a lovely smell & some peaceful music. Then have silent moment.


1. There are four beginning routines: Morning Routine, Paper Routine, Afternoon Routine

a. Morning Routine: Make Bed, Wash Face, Brush Teeth, Shine Sink, Empty Dishwasher, Eat, Do one Load of Laundry, Drink some Water, Exercise

b. Afternoon: Take bath, Lay out clothes, Put 5 things away, Check Calendar, Go to Bed on Time, Load Dishwasher and Run It,

c. Paper Routine: Take Five Minutes to Throw Paper Away Away as SOON as you get it. (When the mail runs, instead of holding onto mail you pay the bill, throw the magazine away or read it, and/or file materials).

Tips to Organization

Set a daily routine. There are a handful of chores you should do each day if you want to maintain a clean and clutter-free domestic heaven. Thankfully, these chores are quick enough to squeeze in even if you work a job outside of the home or have a houseful of kids to attend to.

To reduce your stress as much as possible, plan on accomplishing each of these daily chores during a certain time of the day. Organizing your time may help you relieve some of the anxiety you feel about getting everything done.

Daily tasks you'll need to make time for include making the bed, sorting the mail, and sweeping or vacuuming the floor.

Other daily tasks should be performed as you go along. These include putting things away (to prevent clutter from developing), cleaning up as you cook, and wiping up fresh spills.


d. Monday: House Blessing – bless home for an hour- Wash sheets and put back on bed, dust and let it fall to the floor, clean all mirrors, quickly vacuum and sweep, wipe down all counters

e. Tuesday: Free Day

f. Wednesday: Planning and Desk Day – plan meals, groceries, outfits, and errands

g. Thursday: Errand Day: buy the groceries to make your meals, Go to the post office, go to the bank, do any errands needed

h. Friday: Car and Purse Day: Sit at work during a down period and clean your purse. Before you get home sit in your car and clean your car out (keep a broom and plastic bag in the car for this), and put gas in the car

i. Saturday: Family Fun Day: Do something with the family

j. Sunday: Renew Your Spirit Day – Go to church, do your hair, prepare for next week while watching shows, and etc.

2. Every Saturday Morning de-clutter and clean a Zone

a. Zone 1: Entryway and Dining

b. Zone 2: Kitchen

c. Zone 3: Living Room, and Another Bedroom, Guest Bathroom

d. Zone 4: Master Bedroom, Closet, and Bathroom

e. Zone 5: Other Bedrooms

Week 21 Challenge
1. What is your housekeeping plan? Make it detailed. Using whatever method you would like, how will you make sure that you keep your home beautiful and peaceful to give you a beautiful environment that matches your beauty?
2. How could you inspire and teach your children to relieve you of unnecessary stress and help you with this process?
3. What are 3 SMALL ways you could beautify your home? Add a flower? Change out a painting? Add some sunlight? Declutter an area?
4. Focus on ONE room. Make your bedroom your sacred space. It should be clutter free (closet clutter is fine) and nothing besides bedding should be placed on top, side of, or under bed except for when sleeping.
Even though I clean here and there, from time to time, I've never thought about putting an actual housekeeping plan together. I'm anxious to hear from you other ladies on how this is done, and how this works for you. :curtain:

My housekeeping plan is a work in progress. Lol.

One morning a week I clean up downstairs. In the past it has been every Wednesday morning, but now that summer is near its Friday mornings. Why Friday? We tend to have people over on the weekends or we are on the go. Either way, the house is nice and clean for guests or nice and clean when we come in from being gone all day or all weekend. Because I do it every week and maintain during the week, I can get the entire downstairs clean in an hour to an hour and a half. That includes, dishes, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, disinfecting hard surfaces, flipping sofa cushions, cleaning the powder room, etc... I light a candle, play gospel music and do what needs to be done. To me, its peaceful and satisfying.

I'm trying to establish a regular routine for the upstairs and our bedroom. Our bedroom is where I really struggle. It becomes a holding place for things I'm too lazy to put away. I also have some areas I need to declutter, so its more of a "I'm-not-sure-what-to-do-with-this" situation.

I mentioned upthread that we've had different people in and out of our home due to some updates we are working on. Each person who has come in has complimented us on how nice our home is. Well-maintained, peaceful and smells good are the comments we've heard the most. It makes me feel good.
Housekeeping yay :rolleyes:

TBH, im a neat freak so I do like to do as much as possible to do the least possible. Last summer, slowly, I began decluttering but little at a time. I am at a point now where Ive gotten rid of so much stuff, I feel no need to spend money on anything and I find that important as one of my affirmation lately has been "I am financially abundant" and "I am saving more money". My living room table and kitchen table are the biggest issues, but idc until its time for me to care.
-I spray my bathtub with Comet (i know, mad old school) nightly now.
-I clean the toilet and sink 1-2x a week.
-I clean my bathroom 1x a week :look:
-I mop 1x a week.
-I vacuum 1x a week.
-I clean the kitchen as I use it, as I dont cook daily.
-I try my best to not clean on weekends OR just mop and vacuum Saturday mornings.
-I deep clean and seasonally clean with the intention of decluttering and not organizing.

A little funny: Last Thursday, DS and I were in the bathroom and I said "Oh its clean in here". Idk why I said that but for once, it caught me off guard. DS said "Everywhere is clean mommy!" He's 4. Talk about embarrassing.
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