2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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You look so youthful @Maracujá. I like the print of the dress. I too need to get a few dresses to prepare for spring. I cleaned out my closet and tried to get rid of dresses I don’t wear or ones that don’t look good on me.

I love it how you always cook with fresh food. I'm soooo happy I made a switch to more fresh foods in my cooking. It tastes a million times better!

Thank you :swoon:! Been studying Tomiko Fraser Hines and Sanaa Lathan, both women are around 50 years young, they're such an inspiration to me.

As for cooking with fresh food: don't know why I never made the switch earlier. It literally forces you to cook, because otherwise the food just spoils; AND it is delicious! I've been reading a lot on nutrition, due to my mental illness. It has helped me tremendously to combat some of the symptoms of schizophrenia :yep:. As Hippocrates so eloquently put it: "All diseases start in the gut."
That coupled with prayer + meditation + active lifestyle + self care is what's keeping me going.

As for receiving help, I'm right there with you: the meek have servants says the good ole book. When my sister or mom drops by and offers to do the dishes, I gladly oblige. Today a co-worker took care of a client I was supposed to call back...that made me so happy. Which is so hard for me, because I am a very individualistic person. The only concept I've ever had of team effort is...marriage. Now I'm learning to work as a team in the concept of siblings, church and work environment. Not what I had imagined, but it's a whole new world for me :yep:.
So as far as getting my grass cut....it didn't happen. :( My brother said he "had a cold" and couldn't mow my grass. I called my mother (I don't know why) to ask her can she talk to him. She told me I need to solve my own problems and not look for others to solve them for me. I can't EXPECT him to help me just because he's my brother. And even though I do things for my family (because she tells me I should self-sacrifice myself and be unselfish) that was my choice and no one MADE ME. (I won't be doing these favors anymore).

I really wanted to argue back and forth with her because she is ALWAYS asking me to help out with my brother's children or look our for my brother. She calls me to write last minute autobiographies and programs for church and poetry to make her look good and send a million memos or run errands. But I feel a lack of support because NO ONE looks out for me.

Our ego is tricky it will convince us that this time will be different. I thought if I explained, I would convince my mother. Instead I just stopped talking. I tried to focus on my femininity. I let my mind and body exhale, lowered my shoulders, and just began to breathe. I dropped the need to be right and the part about him supposed to look out for me because he's my big brother. I went to the important part. I NEED TO PROTECT MYSELF (with my boundaries). I told my mother I had to get off the phone (mental boundary). I ended the convo and I made a mental note. NO she and he can't do MANY things but what CAN they do? What can I do? I feel like I've made strides but I probably still over-invest.

I have already bought my brother's kids Easter baskets filled with candy and treats when I went to buy my son's stuff. My mother likes to brag about buying the kids Easter baskets. BUT I'm the one who buys the baskets and stuff that goes into them. She simply ASSEMBLES them. I get no credit. She does. My brother on the other hand, he never buys my son anything. They never say.....oh DS or Priss would like this. Sooo this is not for them but rather for me....they won't be getting the Easter baskets I bought. I need to create some new healthy habits. This includes making a choice to NOT over-invest in people who don't invest in me. I'll give them to the children I tutor, and the extras will be given to my son. I'll pay someone to cut my grass and I'll figure everything out from there.

Onwards and upwards. Remember TRIGGERS are always growth opportunities. It's an opportunity to self-reflect, opportunity to strengthen your muscle by doing, and opportunity to show yourself love. Execute it! Peace, love, and femininity.
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So as far as getting my grass cut....it didn't happen. :( My brother said he "had a cold" and couldn't mow my grass. I called my mother (I don't know why) to ask her can she talk to him. She told me I need to solve my own problems and not look for others to solve them for me. I can't EXPECT him to help me just because he's my brother. And even though I do things for my family (because she tells me I should self-sacrifice myself and be unselfish) that was my choice and no one MADE ME. (I won't be doing these favors anymore).

I really wanted to argue back and forth with her because she is ALWAYS asking me to help out with my brother's children or look our for my brother. She calls me to write last minute autobiographies and programs for church and poetry to make her look good and send a million memos or run errands. But I feel a lack of support because NO ONE looks out for me.

Our ego is tricky it will convince us that this time will be different. I thought if I explained, I would convince my mother. Instead I just stopped talking. I tried to focus on my femininity. I let my mind and body exhale, lowered my shoulders, and just began to breathe. I dropped the need to be right and the part about him supposed to look out for me because he's my big brother. I went to the important part. I NEED TO PROTECT MYSELF (with my boundaries). I told my mother I had to get off the phone (mental boundary). I ended the convo and I made a mental note. NO she and he can't do MANY things but what CAN they do? What can I do? I feel like I've made strides but I probably still over-invest.

I have already bought my brother's kids Easter baskets filled with candy and treats when I went to buy my son's stuff. My mother likes to brag about buying the kids Easter baskets. BUT I'm the one who buys the baskets and stuff that goes into them. She simply ASSEMBLES them. I get no credit. She does. My brother on the other hand, he never buys my son anything. They never say.....oh DS or Priss would like this. Sooo this is not for them but rather for me....they won't be getting the Easter baskets I bought. I need to create some new healthy habits. This includes making a choice to NOT over-invest in people who don't invest in me. I'll give them to the children I tutor, and the extras will be given to my son. I'll pay someone to cut my grass and I'll figure everything out from there.

Onwards and upwards. Peace, love, and femininity.

Yes yes yes Priss!!!
I had a really good day yesterday. I bought DS some wooden peg puzzle I found at Family Dollar and some Play Doh. He was completely ENTHRALLED with it. I took the time to sit with him and see things with new eyes. DS has never seen play doh before. He just had to smell it, look at it, squish it, lol and even taste it. He was soooooo happy just to play for HOURS with colored clay. I hope I remember to find wonderment in things each and every day to feel as much joy as he does with the simplest of things. I just love coming home to that little tot. He always makes me feel so grateful. I feel grateful to teach him, play with him and watch him grow, and just be his mother. He is my little walking miracle. Such a BIG little boy lol. He's one foot shorter than me at 2.
Make it INTENTIONAL. Put yourself FIRST by trying to plan your day to do something EACH DAY in all of these areas. Make it AUTOMATIC. What are doing to polish your femininity today? Are you addressing ALL areas?



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Someone offered to buy me lunch this week. Of course I obliged and had a nice convo at McAllister's

My mother asked to pick up my son from school. I caught up with my friends, played in my yard, and had my favorite junk food: chicken and waffles haha.

Someone offered to give me some money to buy DS some new educational toys. I said sure and I'll be making a small list of some lessons and toys to buy DS.

It's all about receptivity yall. The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving. The more you receive the more femininity you can give out. Take care of YOU and increase your openness FIRST.
So as far as getting my grass cut....it didn't happen. :( My brother said he "had a cold" and couldn't mow my grass. I called my mother (I don't know why) to ask her can she talk to him. She told me I need to solve my own problems and not look for others to solve them for me. I can't EXPECT him to help me just because he's my brother. And even though I do things for my family (because she tells me I should self-sacrifice myself and be unselfish) that was my choice and no one MADE ME. (I won't be doing these favors anymore).

I really wanted to argue back and forth with her because she is ALWAYS asking me to help out with my brother's children or look our for my brother. She calls me to write last minute autobiographies and programs for church and poetry to make her look good and send a million memos or run errands. But I feel a lack of support because NO ONE looks out for me.

Our ego is tricky it will convince us that this time will be different. I thought if I explained, I would convince my mother. Instead I just stopped talking. I tried to focus on my femininity. I let my mind and body exhale, lowered my shoulders, and just began to breathe. I dropped the need to be right and the part about him supposed to look out for me because he's my big brother. I went to the important part. I NEED TO PROTECT MYSELF (with my boundaries). I told my mother I had to get off the phone (mental boundary). I ended the convo and I made a mental note. NO she and he can't do MANY things but what CAN they do? What can I do? I feel like I've made strides but I probably still over-invest.

I have already bought my brother's kids Easter baskets filled with candy and treats when I went to buy my son's stuff. My mother likes to brag about buying the kids Easter baskets. BUT I'm the one who buys the baskets and stuff that goes into them. She simply ASSEMBLES them. I get no credit. She does. My brother on the other hand, he never buys my son anything. They never say.....oh DS or Priss would like this. Sooo this is not for them but rather for me....they won't be getting the Easter baskets I bought. I need to create some new healthy habits. This includes making a choice to NOT over-invest in people who don't invest in me. I'll give them to the children I tutor, and the extras will be given to my son. I'll pay someone to cut my grass and I'll figure everything out from there.

Onwards and upwards. Peace, love, and femininity.
I have 12 nieces and nephews and my foolish self used to go out and buy them all kinds of gifts. Their parents didn’t say thanks, didn’t send school day pictures or anything.
So I stopped buying. Saved a lot of money and nothing has changed between me and the kids. The parents are salty but I don’t care. My response now to the question “what are you getting so and so for his bday/Christmas etc” is “the same thing you got me”
Make it INTENTIONAL. Put yourself FIRST by trying to plan your day to do something EACH DAY in all of these areas. Make it AUTOMATIC. What are doing to polish your femininity today? Are you addressing ALL areas?


Yup:yep: my job is rather taxing, so I made the conscious decision to be home one day out of the week. Plus, it helps me catch up on household chores. One of my co-workers wanted to shove it in my face that she earns more than me and can afford more. She quickly stopped after she noticed that 1) I couldn't care less and 2) I show up at work well rested and alert, which results in a stellar performance that earned me my permanent contract with said company (more on this later on).

Started this job around the same time as another co-worker, but she goes by the adage that you should never take time off, while on your try out period. Guess who took all kinds of days off while on her try out period? M-O-I. Do not regret it one bit!

Concerning gifts to the nieces and nephews: I still do it. When they were small I used to do it all the time, but then stopped after I had a falling out with my sis. It hurt me to hear her say I never did anything for her children. Things are much better now, thank God.
I have 12 nieces and nephews and my foolish self used to go out and buy them all kinds of gifts. Their parents didn’t say thanks, didn’t send school day pictures or anything.
So I stopped buying. Saved a lot of money and nothing has changed between me and the kids. The parents are salty but I don’t care. My response now to the question “what are you getting so and so for his bday/Christmas etc” is “the same thing you got me”
I'm hoping the same is between my nephews and niece as well. Yall remember about a year or two ago my sister in law got pissed off that I couldn't keep her autistic child because I had a newborn. I don't see him any now. I've seen him maybe 3 times in 2 years. The first year I kept up with the birthday presents and Christmas gifts. They never buy DS anything. This year, I just stopped. When he sees me he still runs up to me and gets all kinda hugs and kisses from me lol. We're still good but I just started investing in my OWN child instead of begging or convincing them by gifting them so much. It's a journey.
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I have been experiencing masculine energy coming towards me and I try to acknowledge it so I can continue to get MORE:
-A man I see pretty regularly at work said "you always have cute little outfits on."
-I dropped some money on the floor and I just stood there :look: The guy behind me in line picked it up. :giggle:
-Men hold doors for me
-A man who was waiting for an elevator going down saw me going to push the up elevator button and did it for me
-Men trying to talk to me in church
-I complimented a man on his shirt and he thanked me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him look me up and down :giggle:
Week 14 Affirmations
Topic: Take the Help

1. I am the prize and I deserve to be treated as such.
2. The Universe has my back
3. I am happy, cared for, loved, wanted, and all of my desires are unfolding perfectly for me right now.
4. I am worthy of whatever I desire in my life.
5. I graciously and unapologetically receive the gifts that the Universe sends my way.
6. I am ready to receive.
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So my close friend asked me to proofread, add citations, correct, and organize her paper. The paper was TEN PAGES LONG. How about noooooo! I originally said yes, but I found out it was a group paper and most of the people in her group could not write. I really felt overwhelmed. Instead, I did what I COULD do which was fix HER citations and proof HER part of the paper and add a title page and citation page. I sent it back and told her it's a lot for one person and I wouldn't have time but I did correct all her parts. She ended up taking a day off of work to correct it. For the win. I wasn't stressed out and stood up for myself and stayed feminine! It felt good!

Cooking and plating is my go to activity when I haven’t done anything I made brown sugar chicken last night and it was very delish. I coupled it with a loaded baked sweet potato topped with walnuts and cranberries. It was different from my usual of putting marshmallows on it by it was very very good. The recipe for the chicken is below:

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

4-5 tablespoons of Olive Oil

1/4 cup of butter

4 tablespoons of brown sugar

2 tablespoons paprika

1 tablespoon oregano

1 tablespoon garlic powder

Salt and Pepper

  1. Pour olive oil, brown sugar, paprika, oregano, garlic powder, salt, and pepper into a galloon plastic bag. Add chicken breasts and shake to coat chicken.
  2. Leave chicken in fridge for 1-3 hours (or even overnight) to absorb flavors.
  3. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  4. Arrange chicken breasts on a lined baking sheet. Bake for 15-18 minutes.
  5. Pour a little butter on top of the chicken after they have cooked

OAN: I need to do better about doing other things from that list. Journaling, cooking/playing, buying flowers, essential oil baths, and lighting candles are my go to activities. I need some physical and spiritual activities.


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This is notes from the femininity coach Sami Wunder. It shows you how to Reignite His Love

Notes from the video
1. Give Him the Space and Lean Back
2. Keep the Focus On YOU and Make Yourself HAPPY
3. Be soft, open, positive, and receptive when he DOES approach you

Example 1: My ex-husband has told me he wants his family back together. It's been 15 months since we have been separated. Old me would be optimistic and excited and try to plan fake dates for us to reconcile but instead I saw oh...what exactly does that mean and i STAYED LEANED BACK. I'm still not calling him. I'm still not reaching out. If we talk, he has called me. Instead, I have been focused on dating, playing with my son, and engaging in my many hobbies to keep myself HAPPY. I've been painting, writing poetry, plating food, volunteering at local schools, drawing...just ANYTHING to stay not emotionally invested in HIM. When he does contact I am soft and sweet on the inside but I'm staying firm in my boundaries (my decision to not rock the boat and MAKE us reconcile.) I really do think this has protected me. I learned that while his WORDS say one thing, his actions say another. He has NOT made plans to spend time together. He has NOT planned a date for us. He has NOT made ANY suggestions for therapy or ideas on how to get us back together. He only said the initial piece....I want my family back together and I want to work on our relationship. By permanently leaning back I'm able to see him for all he is worth and truly see his intentions and how much he's actually willing to INVEST which is not much. Men go after what they want be it a job, car, friends, or whatever. Trust if he wanted his family....he would go get his family.

Example 2: I have another friend that wishes they had more intimacy in her relationship. She usually spazzes out and criticizes her husband, but just for the sake of trying something new....she decided to try this approach. Shera posted in a video if your man gets passive aggressive or tries to MAKE YOU "lean forward" or argue....leave the house/room/environment. So that's what she did. Every time he does some passive jabs she says ohhhh I forgot I have to grocery shop/do laundry/ head to the gym and LEAVE. She focuses on her and her hobbies only. When he FINALLY came to her to directly address the problem it had been FOUR WEEKS (that's a long time yall). She wasn't rude when he approached her but she was VERY VERY strong in her boundaries this time. "No thank you honey. I'm not interested in arguing tonight." "I see you're getting worked up and it makes me feel uncomfortable so I'm going to leave the room." All this to say, when she criticized her significant other problems never got resolved because he focused on the fact she was criticizing him. This time she was very very unbothered and emotionally unreactive (Shera talks about this a lot). She took her time to respond instead of rushing to fill in the silence. She was PERMANENTLY leaned back. The guy ended up admitting he knew he needed to improve the intimacy and he decided to book them a vacation so they can refocus and build up their relationship.

I really do believe when the MAN comes to YOU you have greater power. It allows you to better protect yourself AND stay firmly rooted in your feminine power. However, this takes emotional self-control, patience, and skill. But the ability to WAIT until HE comes to YOU and stay feminine is truly a game changer. I can't wait to see how this plays out in other situations in my life.
So my close friend asked me to proofread, add citations, correct, and organize her paper. The paper was TEN PAGES LONG. How about noooooo! I originally said yes, but I found out it was a group paper and most of the people in her group could not write. I really felt overwhelmed. Instead, I did what I COULD do which was fix HER citations and proof HER part of the paper and add a title page and citation page. I sent it back and told her it's a lot for one person and I wouldn't have time but I did correct all her parts. She ended up taking a day off of work to correct it. For the win. I wasn't stressed out and stood up for myself and stayed feminine! It felt good!

Cooking and plating is my go to activity when I haven’t done anything I made brown sugar chicken last night and it was very delish. I coupled it with a loaded baked sweet potato topped with walnuts and cranberries. It was different from my usual of putting marshmallows on it by it was very very good. The recipe for the chicken is below:

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

4-5 tablespoons of Olive Oil

1/4 cup of butter

4 tablespoons of brown sugar

2 tablespoons paprika

1 tablespoon oregano

1 tablespoon garlic powder

Salt and Pepper

  1. Pour olive oil, brown sugar, paprika, oregano, garlic powder, salt, and pepper into a galloon plastic bag. Add chicken breasts and shake to coat chicken.
  2. Leave chicken in fridge for 1-3 hours (or even overnight) to absorb flavors.
  3. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  4. Arrange chicken breasts on a lined baking sheet. Bake for 15-18 minutes.
  5. Pour a little butter on top of the chicken after they have cooked

OAN: I need to do better about doing other things from that list. Journaling, cooking/playing, buying flowers, essential oil baths, and lighting candles are my go to activities. I need some physical and spiritual activities.

Thank you for sharing your recipe! I will try this :yep:
So, I have been re-listening to Katarina Phang and a bit of what she is saying has definitely gotten through. Like, I get it. Ive been trying these past few months to not think but it doesnt work. I like the way she explains it because that explanation makes a world of a difference; sometimes it really is what you need. The main points I like:
-Let things go. Its really not that hard. Just let it go.
-Get out of your head and stop thinking. Thinking/dwelling on the past feeds depression and thinking/controlling the future creates anxiety.
-Staying present keeps you in the moment and creates better memories.
-Make goals but forget about expectations.
-Dont be reactive; you think you're getting your way but it doesnt help.

There is other stuff but most of it is things we talk about here. I guess my biggest annoyance is because (she even mentions it) we live in a world where everyone is so masculine that being feminine is so foreign. While I enjoy being in my feminine, I guess I still kinda feel like masculine women are getting what they want, but I know thats not a good way to think and I know I am still early in my journey. I’m receiving and I need to really enjoy the process. There is no “goal” for me, just a “process”.

Ive been keeping on my listening. DS is so used to me listening that when i interrupt him, he tells me "Mommy, you are not listening to me!" so i have to stop and listen. Hes usually about to embarrass us so... I could do better with being receptive to when people come back to me and I am working on that. This comes hard because being receptive kinda means staying present and not focusing on the past. We have a hard time being receptive in the present because we are so busy dwelling on what happened. I have been removing myself from situations if I am upset, but I can work better on still not being reactive after a few minutes or maybe hours. Maybe just removing myself more permanently. Getting there.

Quite recently, I have been wanting to work overtime and when I ask DS father, it was met with resistance and complication. I didnt want that. I was upset and told myself I'd have to figure it out. Then I realized "why should I have to?" so I told him I’m going to work two days a week and you can bring DS home. Nothing more.

I’m getting better with compliments. Believe it or not, this is the hardest part.
So, I have been re-listening to Katarina Phang and a bit of what she is saying has definitely gotten through. Like, I get it. Ive been trying these past few months to not think but it doesnt work. I like the way she explains it because that explanation makes a world of a difference; sometimes it really is what you need. The main points I like:
-Let things go. Its really not that hard. Just let it go.
-Get out of your head and stop thinking. Thinking/dwelling on the past feeds depression and thinking/controlling the future creates anxiety.
-Staying present keeps you in the moment and creates better memories.
-Make goals but forget about expectations.
-Dont be reactive; you think you're getting your way but it doesnt help.

There is other stuff but most of it is things we talk about here. I guess my biggest annoyance is because (she even mentions it) we live in a world where everyone is so masculine that being feminine is so foreign. While I enjoy being in my feminine, I guess I still kinda feel like masculine women are getting what they want, but I know thats not a good way to think and I know I am still early in my journey. I’m receiving and I need to really enjoy the process. There is no “goal” for me, just a “process”.

Ive been keeping on my listening. DS is so used to me listening that when i interrupt him, he tells me "Mommy, you are not listening to me!" so i have to stop and listen. Hes usually about to embarrass us so... I could do better with being receptive to when people come back to me and I am working on that. This comes hard because being receptive kinda means staying present and not focusing on the past. We have a hard time being receptive in the present because we are so busy dwelling on what happened. I have been removing myself from situations if I am upset, but I can work better on still not being reactive after a few minutes or maybe hours. Maybe just removing myself more permanently. Getting there.

Quite recently, I have been wanting to work overtime and when I ask DS father, it was met with resistance and complication. I didnt want that. I was upset and told myself I'd have to figure it out. Then I realized "why should I have to?" so I told him I’m going to work two days a week and you can bring DS home. Nothing more.

I’m getting better with compliments. Believe it or not, this is the hardest part.
Why do you feel masculine women are winning? Can you give some examples?
Why do you feel masculine women are winning? Can you give some examples?
I have none. I’m merely thinking too hard about it. Like “if you don’t grab him and demand, he will go be with someone else”. I’m not saying it works, just that some women seem to think if you don’t tell a man your expectations, how you feel or what you want, then how will he know. I’m not saying it works, just that I’m looking at how masculine our society is and even with becoming more feminine, some ways just need constant de-linting.

@Saludable84 i love Katarina. When I mix her with Shera (black perspective) I get it. Focus on your end goal. The one who is the least emotionally reactive wins. If you learn to “let things go” you WIN in the end. Stay in the present and just make the choice to LOVE LIFE. Don't Like what xyz is doing at home...LEAVE. Come back later lol. Do your hobbies, live your life, and just LOVE. Keep the focus on YOU. By doing this you keep your boundaries in check and realize it’s not worth it. You won’t disrupt your peace, argue, accept breadcrumbs or nada for anyone else. I’m really trying to work in making goals but softening my expectations of people. The END goal is what is most important.
I went to get my hair done today. I can do my hair, but I need a professional to help me keep it healthy. I've been pretty consistent with getting my hair done every month and I can see and feel the difference.

I wasn't going to go today because I've been feeling down, it was raining, traffic, etc... I pressed forward anyway and I'm so glad I did. I did my makeup and went a little heavier with the lipstick than usual. My hairdresser kept complimenting me (as he usually does), but he told me that my lipstick was doing something to him. Lol. He kept telling me how good it looked against my skin and that I am radiant. Ordinarily, I would have brushed off the compliments, but I kept thinking about it on my way home. My lips have always been one of my best features and when I was younger I wasn't afraid to accentuate them with color. Now that I'm older and a mom, I've toned it down. I might need to go back to accentuating my lips. Hubby gave me a sexy kiss while we were out in public earlier today. Today was a much needed reminder that I still got it.

I need to spend more time on myself. My toes had been looking bad, so I finally got a pedicure. Major improvement. I've been wearing neutral colors when it comes to clothes because its easy to mix and match, but men are drawn to bright colors. With spring here, now is the perfect time to get some more color in my wardrobe.
I went to get my hair done today. I can do my hair, but I need a professional to help me keep it healthy. I've been pretty consistent with getting my hair done every month and I can see and feel the difference.

I wasn't going to go today because I've been feeling down, it was raining, traffic, etc... I pressed forward anyway and I'm so glad I did. I did my makeup and went a little heavier with the lipstick than usual. My hairdresser kept complimenting me (as he usually does), but he told me that my lipstick was doing something to him. Lol. He kept telling me how good it looked against my skin and that I am radiant. Ordinarily, I would have brushed off the compliments, but I kept thinking about it on my way home. My lips have always been one of my best features and when I was younger I wasn't afraid to accentuate them with color. Now that I'm older and a mom, I've toned it down. I might need to go back to accentuating my lips. Hubby gave me a sexy kiss while we were out in public earlier today. Today was a much needed reminder that I still got it.

I need to spend more time on myself. My toes had been looking bad, so I finally got a pedicure. Major improvement. I've been wearing neutral colors when it comes to clothes because its easy to mix and match, but men are drawn to bright colors. With spring here, now is the perfect time to get some more color in my wardrobe.
Yaaaaas honey! Set those toes out and wear bold lippies all Summer 19!
Ugh... so a coworker tells me today that someone in the class I’m training at work made a comment about me. That I’m beautiful and look like a queen, but that I’m mean. Well, to him. I don’t want to take the compliment :laugh: but @kupenda and another friend are telling me to just take it.

I’m not mean, and I don’t even care that he said it. It kinda ticked me off because I’ve gotten that a lot from guys but usually my vibe is a result of bad energy from other people. I’ll work on it though. I already know I have an issue with walls. And armored guards. Not sure how you ladies knock them down.

@Saludable84 i love Katarina. When I mix her with Shera (black perspective) I get it. Focus on your end goal. The one who is the least emotionally reactive wins. If you learn to “let things go” you WIN in the end. Stay in the present and just make the choice to LOVE LIFE. Don't Like what xyz is doing at home...LEAVE. Come back later lol. Do your hobbies, live your life, and just LOVE. Keep the focus on YOU. By doing this you keep your boundaries in check and realize it’s not worth it. You won’t disrupt your peace, argue, accept breadcrumbs or nada for anyone else. I’m really trying to work in making goals but softening my expectations of people. The END goal is what is most important.

While I don't agree with everything Shera says LOL, I like her attitude overall. I like her "you need to stop caring" video :yep:

5. Sensuality
Our bodies hold a lot of power and wisdom as women. We can connect to our feelings and intuition more easily than a masculine associated person, but we need to trust our bodies and heart in order to hear these messages. One way to connect to our bodies more and get out of logical thinking is to practice incorporating more sensuality into our lives. This means intentionally using the senses to experience life with pleasure. One way I practice sensuality is by soaking in a warm bath with essential oils. Setting the visual with candles or petals, feeling the warm water against my skin, smelling the aroma of lavender or eucalyptus, hearing the water splash against the tub, tasting a treat like dark chocolate or red wine. Any activity can become sensual if you intentionally experience it with all five senses.

This is a BIG one that I'm trying to tap into. When I feel myself getting up in my head or overthinking, I try to just touch the back of my hand or feel the fabric of my dress to snap me out of it and back to the present. Another coach said to have a "sensuality kit" on hand: good smelling lotion, piece of dark chocolate, aromatherapy oil, etc.
5. Sensuality
Our bodies hold a lot of power and wisdom as women. We can connect to our feelings and intuition more easily than a masculine associated person, but we need to trust our bodies and heart in order to hear these messages. One way to connect to our bodies more and get out of logical thinking is to practice incorporating more sensuality into our lives. This means intentionally using the senses to experience life with pleasure. One way I practice sensuality is by soaking in a warm bath with essential oils. Setting the visual with candles or petals, feeling the warm water against my skin, smelling the aroma of lavender or eucalyptus, hearing the water splash against the tub, tasting a treat like dark chocolate or red wine. Any activity can become sensual if you intentionally experience it with all five senses.

This is a BIG one that I'm trying to tap into. When I feel myself getting up in my head or overthinking, I try to just touch the back of my hand or feel the fabric of my dress to snap me out of it and back to the present. Another coach said to have a "sensuality kit" on hand: good smelling lotion, piece of dark chocolate, aromatherapy oil, etc.
I’m glad you reposted this. I read the link but I missed this part (USE ALL FIVE SENSES) I use the candles for scent and water and oils for smell and set the scene for sight but I don’t do anything for taste. When I get home today I’m going to do the entire thing.
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