2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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I got into a bad car accident. My car totaled. The next day my friends came over and brought me food, flowers, a balloon, and offered to run errands. I feel really loved.

I’m struggling staying in my feminine with my real family. Old Priss would confront them, but new feminine Priss wants to learn how to just protect my peace and let things be.

I’m going to have to do meditation. I’ll update y’all later.
Get well and get some rest. Happy you are still here with us and doing well.
I got into a bad car accident. My car totaled. The next day my friends came over and brought me food, flowers, a balloon, and offered to run errands. I feel really loved.

I’m struggling staying in my feminine with my real family. Old Priss would confront them, but new feminine Priss wants to learn how to just protect my peace and let things be.

I’m going to have to do meditation. I’ll update y’all later.

Oh my word! So sorry to hear that. It's good that you were able to walk away from it though. Try to stay in your feminine essence. Families can be trying to be sure, but do your best.
I got into a bad car accident. My car totaled. The next day my friends came over and brought me food, flowers, a balloon, and offered to run errands. I feel really loved.

I’m struggling staying in my feminine with my real family. Old Priss would confront them, but new feminine Priss wants to learn how to just protect my peace and let things be.

I’m going to have to do meditation. I’ll update y’all later.

Sorry to hear about this Priss (((hugs))) get well soon.
I got into a bad car accident. My car totaled. The next day my friends came over and brought me food, flowers, a balloon, and offered to run errands. I feel really loved.

I’m struggling staying in my feminine with my real family. Old Priss would confront them, but new feminine Priss wants to learn how to just protect my peace and let things be.

I’m going to have to do meditation. I’ll update y’all later.

Sorry to hear about this Priss. Glad you walked out in one piece.

Almond Eyes
I got into a bad car accident. My car totaled. The next day my friends came over and brought me food, flowers, a balloon, and offered to run errands. I feel really loved.

I’m struggling staying in my feminine with my real family. Old Priss would confront them, but new feminine Priss wants to learn how to just protect my peace and let things be.

I’m going to have to do meditation. I’ll update y’all later.

Oh no sweetie! I'm sorry to hear about your car but glad that you came out ok. Get some rest.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7:
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 11.5: Stop Over-functioning

Week 11: Let's Get Some Sunshine

Note: You all do you think it's too early to do this challenge? I was going to move into the Home in April but we can switch to it if it's too cold to do outside activities!

Let's Get Some Sunshine

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty anywhere."

Let's focus on the ability to just BE. Get in touch with your feelings. How does it feel to feel the warmth of the sun on your cheeks? How does it feel to run and let all your problems run away with it. This week let's focus on our feelings by connecting with nature. Exchange your screen time for some green time. When sunshine begins hitting the skin, it begins a process that leads to the creation and activation of vitamin D. Studies suggest that this vitamin helps fight certain conditions, from osteoporosis and cancer to depression and heart attacks.

Getting some sunshine could include numerous activities. Maybe you want to go cycling, a small hike in a state park, take the kiddies to the park and be present and take everything in. Have fun with them! Take a nice walk in your neighborhood. Take the latest stab at earthing and take those shoes off and let your toes nestle into the sand/grass.

Think about it. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is STILL accomplished. Why the rush? Slow Down. Take in the EXPERIENCE and not the end result. Make it a ritual if you need to.

Week 11 Challenge
1. Go outside and do an outside activity. Blow bubbles, plant flowers, go for a walk on a nature trail. Try earthing. Go for a bike ride. Take the time to take enjoy life around you.
2. Continue to focus on not rushing. Take your time. In the grocery store, at your job, getting ready for bed, enjoying your home, cleaning, driving. Slow down. Focus on one thing at a time. Take in the beauty all around you. Be present.
3. How do you feel when you are outside?
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You doing ok @PrissiSippi ?
You’ll be in my thoughts
Oh no sweetie! I'm sorry to hear about your car but glad that you came out ok. Get some rest.
Get well and get some rest. Happy you are still here with us and doing well.
Oh my word! So sorry to hear that. It's good that you were able to walk away from it though. Try to stay in your feminine essence. Families can be trying to be sure, but do your best.
Sorry to hear about this Priss (((hugs))) get well soon.
Sorry to hear about this Priss. Glad you walked out in one piece.

Almond Eyes
Thank all of yall for checking up on me!! I'm doing much better. I had a horrible headache for two days but after a LOT of rest and lounging around I'm starting to move around now. My back still hurts a lot but I'm here. Lol I went to see my car today and get my things. The airbag looks like I kissed it. It's lipstick all on the thing. I told my friend hey that lipstick is supposed to be non-transferable I want my money back :lachen::lachen:So I guess I still have my sense of humor.

This week is Spring Break. I had plans on going to Dallas for the week but I'm guessing that will have to wait for now. BUT I'm having a great time spending time with DS and cooking up a storm. :toocool:. I got over the Family stuff. I'll just take note and move forward and be receptive on what they DO offer.

As it relates to polishing my femininity my journaling is coming along sooo cutely lol. I really like this ritual along with the essential oil baths I think these are my favorite. How have you all been? How was last week of being playful?
^^^^Thank you for the reminder and for the heads up on how you are currently feeling healthwise.

Need to focus on posture, so important in my culture. Unfortunately, in the culture I currently live, people tend to slouch a lot :nono:.

Currently in Brussels, at the Apple stores, for a a course that's being offered for free. To upgrade our photo and video skills. It's been fun so far, came here by bus y'all! Three guys tried to holla while I was on my way here :lol: :look:. It bothers me sometimes, because I always reject them anyway, but never know how well they'll take it.
^^^^Thank you for the reminder and for the heads up on how you are currently feeling healthwise.

Need to focus on posture, so important in my culture. Unfortunately, in the culture I currently live, people tend to slouch a lot :nono:.

Currently in Brussels, at the Apple stores, for a a course that's being offered for free. To upgrade our photo and video skills. It's been fun so far, came here by bus y'all! Three guys tried to holla while I was on my way here :lol: :look:. It bothers me sometimes, because I always reject them anyway, but never know how well they'll take it.
Why do you always reject them?
For many of my friends, they cannot take the time to enjoy sunshine because they are simply too busy. They don't have time. They have to take care of the baby or tend to their husband/boyfriend, or they are so obsessed with being the "good girl" they have no time left to just...be. This is often a result of over functioning. Over functioning is relying on fear based action to show your worthiness. It's very result oriented and therefore very masculine. Trust and Surrender that what will be will be. How do you stop over-functioning? You learn how to PERMANENTLY lean back.

  1. Don't offer unsolicited advice to men. You are always to be the cheerleader not the coach. This guy just told me that he wanted to get a fence installed for $3500. That's a rediculous price when it's plenty of people here that will do it a LOT cheaper. I mean I know workers that will install your fence for $800. Then you could use the rest of that money on other stuff for the house. BUT he didn't ask me that. So I told him I knew some people that could do it a lot cheaper. He got kinda quiet and said nahh we wanted to go to Home Depot because they offer a warranty for 5 years and he would open up a line of credit and yada yada. At the end of the day he went with his idea. Always be the cheerleader. Oh that sounds good. Let him figure it out on his own UNLESS he asks. Even if you have the golden formula for peace harmony and prosperity....if he doesn't ask you....don't give it.
  2. Make time to do the experiment of doing less. I have a friend whose husband won't help her AT ALL with the baby. They're married. I simply told her to leave the baby with her husband and go running, walking, or etc. The point is to LEAVE the baby and physically leave the environment to keep the focus on you. Do you think she has done this? No because she is afraid he will scream at her, argue, divorce her, or etc. He can scream all he wants but I promise you will feel a million times better when you put the focus on YOU. DO YOU. He won't divorce you because if he did he would be paying alimony and child support. It's not going to happen. He does this to condition you to him not taking care of the children and you being the mule. Don't do this. It's hard to believe this advice though.....so make your own experiment....do less. Instead of cooking every day....pick one day that you don't cook AND do something for you. Let us know what happens. How do you feel?
  3. Keep the focus on you. Go to the gym instead of picking the children up early. Skip cooking for a night and pick up rotisserie or something quick to focus on your hobbies. Pay a maid to come in and clean up if it will take you too long to deep clean. Invest in yourself, hobbies, dreams, and your creativity. Pencil it in with the planner you got the first week of this challenge.
  4. Remember that men fall in love with who they invest in and NOT who invests in them. Men don't love like you. The more they invest their time, money, resources, and favors into you....the more they fall in love with you. Period. They don't fall in love with how much YOU do for THEM. This is emasculating. Stay in your feminine energy. Be receptive. LET them invest in you. LET him pay more bills. LET him take on some of your problems. LET him save (invest in) you.
  5. Stop Seeking Permission. If you want to get more help around the house with the baby...do it. If he won't even the playing field...you do it. You pull back. You leave him with the baby more. He will figure it out. You go out with your friends more and either get a babysitter or tell him you will leave the baby with him.
  6. Stop asking for what you NEED. Don't give people a choice. Honey I need your card often times works more than a cute little submissive...Baby...*doll eyes* may I have your card?
  7. Stop seeking attention and validation. You won't be liked more just for being the good girl, Proverbs 31 wife, Susie Homemaker chick. If you like cooking...cook. If you like cleaning....clean. If you like to dress up...dress up. If you're waiting til marriage....do it. BUT DO IT FOR YOU. If you're doing it make sure you are doing it for YOU. Make sure you're not doing it to seem better and more worthy for others. They don't care. The benefits of doing all the aforementioned things is for YOU not others. Keep the focus on YOU.
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Why do you always reject them?

Good question, thank you for asking. I have this preconceived notion of how I will meet my future SO, due to watching too many romantic flicks and meeting them on the street (while running errands or so), is not part of it...yet.

But I am really glad you asked this question. One guy was actually really attractive and was working as a cab driver I believe. Things to ponder and reconsider.
Good question, thank you for asking. I have this preconceived notion of how I will meet my future SO, due to watching too many romantic flicks and meeting them on the street (while running errands or so), is not part of it...yet.

But I am really glad you asked this question. One guy was actually really attractive and was working as a cab driver I believe. Things to ponder and reconsider.
You never know how you might meet the one. Never close your box. ;) I suggest that you keep your eyes open and BE RECEPTIVE even more. If they ask for your number or to take you out...GIVE IT TO THEM OR GO. A quick conversation with these men will quickly sort/weed them out. Then you never have to see them again. But when you talk to them or go out with them think of it as an opportunity to practice your feminine energy. But you never know if you're skipping over high value men because of preconceived notions. Take the control nature out of it. It is very masculine-oriented. Be more flowy and let those men take in all of that femininity and be awed. Trust and Surrender.
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You never know how you might meet the one. Never close your box. ;) I suggest that you keep your eyes open and BE RECEPTIVE even more. If they ask for your number or to take you out...GIVE IT TO THEM OR GO. A quick conversation with these men will quickly sort/weed them out. Then you never have to see them again. But when you talk to them or go out with them think of it as an opportunity to practice your feminine energy. But you never know if you're skipping over high value men because of preconceived notions. Take the control nature out of it. It is very masculine-oriented. Be more flowy and let those men take in all of that femininity and be awed. Trust and Surrender.

Also being open to all (oh heck, even most :look:) men keeps your light ON. One thing that has resonated with me from Rori's teachings is that you can't be selective with this thing. The light is either on or it's off. You can't turn it on at will.

So keep practicing with these low-hanging fruit type of men because when a guy comes along who hits everything on your list and who you feel attracted to, you won't revert to old patterns and put him on the pedestal. He'll just be one of many guys who are already good energy your way :yep:
Also being open to all (oh heck, even most :look:) men keeps your light ON. One thing that has resonated with me from Rori's teachings is that you can't be selective with this thing. The light is either on or it's off. You can't turn it on at will.

So keep practicing with these low-hanging fruit type of men because when a guy comes along who hits everything on your list and who you feel attracted to, you won't revert to old patterns and put him on the pedestal. He'll just be one of many guys who are already good energy your way :yep:
Yeeees I think of it as building your muscle for good high value men
Thank all of yall for checking up on me!! I'm doing much better. I had a horrible headache for two days but after a LOT of rest and lounging around I'm starting to move around now. My back still hurts a lot but I'm here. Lol I went to see my car today and get my things. The airbag looks like I kissed it. It's lipstick all on the thing. I told my friend hey that lipstick is supposed to be non-transferable I want my money back :lachen::lachen:So I guess I still have my sense of humor.

This week is Spring Break. I had plans on going to Dallas for the week but I'm guessing that will have to wait for now. BUT I'm having a great time spending time with DS and cooking up a storm. :toocool:. I got over the Family stuff. I'll just take note and move forward and be receptive on what they DO offer.

As it relates to polishing my femininity my journaling is coming along sooo cutely lol. I really like this ritual along with the essential oil baths I think these are my favorite. How have you all been? How was last week of being playful?
Glad you’re well!
I was sick last week and all I could think about was how I’d catch up on cleaning.
Enter my feminine learning. I said “hubs, I need your help cleaning the apartment Saturday morning” when we woke Saturday I asked if he wanted kitchen & living room or bedroom & bathroom. He made his choice and got to work. I played some funk to make it fun.
He didn’t grumble or complain- in the past I would’ve framed it differently “will you” or even been passive aggressive “would be nice”. Saying what I needed him to do worked well.
Ohhhwee I fell off these past few weeks!

So I have been practicing some things with DS - mainly being very patient with letting him "do". He's very independent and it can take forever to let him do it, but I have been working on letting him do things and then praising and affirming his efforts. He likes to carry things in the house for me, and he's only 2 so you imagine its an effort but I let him take as long as he needs, and then respond "wow you're such a great help to mommy, that makes me feel so proud of you" or something like that.

Additionally, I have been in the midst of interviewing for new jobs, and practicing being firm yet feminine. So far I have had awesome results, just hoping I can land the one I want. I struggle with being direct and asking for what I want without it coming off kind of robotic? So the job I really want is in my home state so it would require a move. The cost of living and salaries are lower, so I have had to practice some scripts I wrote up to ask for the money I want and explain the move.
I was sick last week and all I could think about was how I’d catch up on cleaning.
Enter my feminine learning. I said “hubs, I need your help cleaning the apartment Saturday morning” when we woke Saturday I asked if he wanted kitchen & living room or bedroom & bathroom. He made his choice and got to work. I played some funk to make it fun.
He didn’t grumble or complain- in the past I would’ve framed it differently “will you” or even been passive aggressive “would be nice”. Saying what I needed him to do worked well.
Creating a need is a skill in those SheraSeven videos. She's goes more in depth with why and how to do this. I'm going to try to tag it here for anyone else who needs it.

Ohhhwee I fell off these past few weeks!

So I have been practicing some things with DS - mainly being very patient with letting him "do". He's very independent and it can take forever to let him do it, but I have been working on letting him do things and then praising and affirming his efforts. He likes to carry things in the house for me, and he's only 2 so you imagine its an effort but I let him take as long as he needs, and then respond "wow you're such a great help to mommy, that makes me feel so proud of you" or something like that.

I have been doing this with my two year old too. He legit FINDS stuff to do to help me out now. He takes the groceries out of the car. He beams with pride when I tell him how smart/helpful he is. He follows my mother around and makes sure she is straight (keys, answers phone, brings glasses, anything). He is more calm now when I need some me time. He will quietly just sit with me and play on his iPad just as long as we are together. When I leave him at school he gives me a beautiful smile and the tantrums are very infrequent. (It might be because he's growing up though). It's too early to tell but I think my femininity has made him a lot more calm and inquisitive about what I need. He is such a caring and affectionate little boy.
Creating a need is a skill in those SheraSeven videos. She's goes more in depth with why and how to do this. I'm going to try to tag it here for anyone else who needs it.

I have been doing this with my two year old too. He legit FINDS stuff to do to help me out now. He takes the groceries out of the car. He beams with pride when I tell him how smart/helpful he is. He follows my mother around and makes sure she is straight (keys, answers phone, brings glasses, anything). He is more calm now when I need some me time. He will quietly just sit with me and play on his iPad just as long as we are together. When I leave him at school he gives me a beautiful smile and the tantrums are very infrequent. (It might be because he's growing up though). It's too early to tell but I think my femininity has made him a lot more calm and inquisitive about what I need. He is such a caring and affectionate little boy.

Starting them early!
Creating a need is a skill in those SheraSeven videos. She's goes more in depth with why and how to do this. I'm going to try to tag it here for anyone else who needs it.

I have been doing this with my two year old too. He legit FINDS stuff to do to help me out now. He takes the groceries out of the car. He beams with pride when I tell him how smart/helpful he is. He follows my mother around and makes sure she is straight (keys, answers phone, brings glasses, anything). He is more calm now when I need some me time. He will quietly just sit with me and play on his iPad just as long as we are together. When I leave him at school he gives me a beautiful smile and the tantrums are very infrequent. (It might be because he's growing up though). It's too early to tell but I think my femininity has made him a lot more calm and inquisitive about what I need. He is such a caring and affectionate little boy.
I may have seen it. I watch shera from time to time
Creating a Need

*I’ll edit later*

Masculine wnergy Judy comes out and says what you need directly. Feminine energy is more passive. Create a problem/need to increase your vulnerability and let him save you. Remember men WANT to impress you.

“Oh honey my shoe broke and now I don’t have anything to wear to the ball. I don’t want to go and embarrass you.” <——They should offer to get it

“Oh honey I’m not able to run errands and do all the stuff I been doing because of my back and arm. I really need you to find someone to fix my lawn mower or fix it because I’m just not able to do it. Can you do that for me please?”

Oh my gosh my car is making a squeaky sound and I don’t have any money to check it out. *pause* He should offer

My light went out recently. I can’t see anything in this room it’s so dim. I wish I had xyz....*pause*

When you’re creating a need first you need to do it face to face. If you do it through text messages or on the phone they have time to say no or think about it. It’s easiest to seduce and use your feminine power IN PERSON. Also look good. The more feminine you are the harder it is to say no. Makeup, dress, heels, and a smile. Have it all.

“Oh come and see”.
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I got into a bad car accident. My car totaled. The next day my friends came over and brought me food, flowers, a balloon, and offered to run errands. I feel really loved.

I’m struggling staying in my feminine with my real family. Old Priss would confront them, but new feminine Priss wants to learn how to just protect my peace and let things be.

I’m going to have to do meditation. I’ll update y’all later.
:bighug:OMG, how are you doing? Is your son OK?
I was sooo lucky. I was on my way to pick my son up so he wasn’t in the car. The car seat was thrown so I know he would have been hurt. I was sooooo blessed that night. Thank you so much for asking. I’m recovering well. My back hurts but I’m doing well!
That's good to hear.
As soon as you can (not too soon) try to start moderately walking for about 15-30 a few times a week, it should help keep your back from really stiffening up. Even if it's just walking up & down your block or around your backyard.
A few years back I was in an accident, then another. Both times they hit me from the back, the last one really left my back in a doozey. I allowed myself to wallow in pain for 1 week, then I made myself get up and go walking. I knew floor exercises were out the question as well as any type of rigorous cardio. The 1st 2 days I thought I would die from the pain, I could barely walk 20 minutes and I had to keep stopping. The 3rd day not only could I walk for 30+ minutes straight but the pain in my back started to dissipate (not just during my walk but in general) and within a week I was almost pre-accident as far as my walking and being pain-free.
During that week of "wallowing in my pain" I was researching all about lower back pain, meds, exercises, even bought a book... but all it took was walking, who knew.
That's good to hear.
As soon as you can (not too soon) try to start moderately walking for about 15-30 a few times a week, it should help keep your back from really stiffening up. Even if it's just walking up & down your block or around your backyard.
A few years back I was in an accident, then another. Both times they hit me from the back, the last one really left my back in a doozey. I allowed myself to wallow in pain for 1 week, then I made myself get up and go walking. I knew floor exercises were out the question as well as any type of rigorous cardio. The 1st 2 days I thought I would die from the pain, I could barely walk 20 minutes and I had to keep stopping. The 3rd day not only could I walk for 30+ minutes straight but the pain in my back started to dissipate (not just during my walk but in general) and within a week I was almost pre-accident as far as my walking and being pain-free.
During that week of "wallowing in my pain" I was researching all about lower back pain, meds, exercises, even bought a book... but all it took was walking, who knew.
Thank you for that because I honestly don’t even know what I’m going to do about my back. I already have a disability and it’s no DOUBT this accident has added to my problems. My neck and back hurt soooo bad especially at night.
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