2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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Women's month is here, so in light of that, a few excerpts of my random thoughts on feminity:

* Been late with my payings for electricity for a while now, I just recently was able to catch up. One day I came home and I was unable to turn the lights on. I immediately thought the company had shut down everything. But I loved my immediate reaction: "It's 6pm. I can still go to the store and buy candles. I won't have hot water tomorrow, but I can figure something else as well. Plus, those are worries for tomorrow anyway." On my way out, I decided to check the counter, turns out that the men who had been working in the building, accidentally turned off the switch. All I had to do was turn it on again and everything went back to normal. Like I kid you now, I was late with my payings for like 6 months :nono:.

* Right now I'm spending a few days at my sister's place in The Netherlands. I came here from Belgium, with the bus. It's a 5 hour drive with a stop in Eindhoven, where I have to stay for 1 hour, before the next bus arrives to pick us up. I usually wait at the train station, just people watching. So I was there at 1pm, at 13h40 I decided to go to my bus stop. Though the bus was only gonna be there at 14h05, I figured if something happened underway, that required me to help someone else, I would still be able to do it. Instead of saying that I need to rush because otherwise I'll miss my bus.
I freaking LOVE Leigha Lake. She gives a whole new perspective on rotational dating:


Have you been told you need to date at least
3 men or more and to not commit to anyone until
a man has claimed you?

Have you spent too much of your
time and energy going out on dates that
you normally wouldn't have gone out on,
just to "practice" being in your feminine energy?

If you know my story at all...you know that I have
dated at least 200 different men...most of which were
just one time coffee dates because I was circular
dating and practicing being in my feminine energy.

(Now, I know I was being led to teach women
how to understand men and what empowered
masculine energy is and isn't.)

The truth is most women don't feel comfortable dating
multiple men over a long period of time especially
when they have strong feelings for one particular
man. I can totally relate.

I stopped dating other men as soon as I met Trever.

Here's what I want you to know about circular dating
moving forward:

It's good to put yourself out there.
It's good to feel the difference of when a man
is pursuing you and when a man isn't.
It's easier to practice expressing yourself authentically
with a man you don't really have feelings for.

Once you have an awareness of these things...

Then you're past the benefits of circular dating.

Circular dating is supposed to help you with your
vibe/energy and to inspire a man to pursue you because
if he doesn't, he could lose you to other men.

It's also supposed to help you not become overly invested.

It's supposed to help you keep your energy off of one
particular man.

The REAL empowered way to never give your
power away to a man or the idea of a man.

You should never be
devastated or blindsided. Ever.

If you're in tune with yourself, your body will
ALWAYS tell you what's happening.

The way to not become overly invested is to know
without a shadow of a doubt that you're willing to
walk away if a man isn't stepping up.

If you know you're willing to walk away, then you'll naturally
radiate a vibe that attracts and inspires a healthy
masculine energy man to pursue you.

Here's what dating should look like:

You allow yourself to be seen/visible. (More often
than not my clients already know their future partner
in real life.)

You accept dates from men that you feel
drawn to.

After 3-5 dates it should feel as if things are
naturally progressing on their own and
it's totally fine to stop dating other men!

In order to attract the kind of man you
really want you must be able to have your
own back (your own empowered masculine

An irresistible and magnetic woman is:

Willing to walk away if things stop
feeling good consistently (especially in the beginning).

Not afraid to be alone. (Being afraid to be alone is wounded
feminine energy and will absolutely attract
a wounded energy man.)

Believes there are plenty of available men
out there so why would she spend her
time trying to make it work with someone
when it's supposed to be easy?!

(I don't believe in "twin flame" relationships
where you bring out the worst in each other.
Nope. That's BS. What's the benefit in believing that?
More pain? No thanks.)

When I started dating Trever (my husband),
we met on a Friday and I knew by Sunday he
was the one for me.

AND...I still had to make sure he was the
empowered man I was looking for and only
time would tell.

I knew I would never stay in a relationship that
felt bad.

I wasn't afraid to be alone and I know that's what
attracted him to me. My own empowered energies
had to be activated in order to attract the kind of
man I wanted.

I didn't allow myself to become overly invested.

THIS is the quickest way to attract the kind of man and
love you deserve.
I have been practicing receiving today and picking up money off the floor :giggle: since @PrissiSippi posted that earlier :yep:
Men showed up really nice for me today:

-I walked up to an elevator with 2 other men waiting. They let me on first. I walked to the back of the elevator and a 3rd man came on. When it was time for me to get off, they all waited for me.

-Today, my water bottle fell out of my bag into a snow puddle on the street. A man ran to pick it up and wiped it off on his coat sleeve :eek: before giving it back to me.

In both instances, I showed appreciation and thanked the men who were kind.
Ladies, I would love some suggestions on feminine (not to $$$) clothing to wear to the gym. My body isn't where I want it to be but I'm coming along and I'm not hiding anymore like I used to. Any suggestions?
Today, I decided to slow the heck down. I did not go to orangetheory this morning since I went to two classes at 5:15am this week. My body was screaming for rest, so I gave it to her. I stayed in bed until 8am even though I was awake at 6am LOL. I did a couple LED light mask treatments while in bed. I listened to some coaching programs, went to church, went to do some returns and a bit of shopping. Ate lunch out and then treated myself to a mani/pedi. I'm back home now about to do some more personal development work them do a bit of cleanup and organization around here. I feel pretty good/rested :yep:
Here's the result of my plans for Saturday:

Foto op 2-03-19 om 19.06.jpg
The lady who cut my hair is from Curaçao and she also proceeded to do my eyebrows, which was much necessary. I let my sister film everything as it is the end of an era sorta speak :grin:. I am happy with the result and still immune to people's negative comments :). This will allow me to spend more time taking care of my facial (and body) skin, play with make up, work out and travel more. This way when I'm traveling, I won't have to worry about spending 3h/week on my hair. Of course, braiding also helps in this regard, but I'm not to keen on fake hair either way. Have a nice Sunday ladies!
Here's the result of my plans for Saturday:

The lady who cut my hair is from Curaçao and she also proceeded to do my eyebrows, which was much necessary. I let my sister film everything as it is the end of an era sorta speak :grin:. I am happy with the result and still immune to people's negative comments :). This will allow me to spend more time taking care of my facial (and body) skin, play with make up, work out and travel more. This way when I'm traveling, I won't have to worry about spending 3h/week on my hair. Of course, braiding also helps in this regard, but I'm not to keen on fake hair either way. Have a nice Sunday ladies!

@Maracujá: You have beautiful skin. Looks clear and baby soft.

Almond Eyes
Here's the result of my plans for Saturday:

The lady who cut my hair is from Curaçao and she also proceeded to do my eyebrows, which was much necessary. I let my sister film everything as it is the end of an era sorta speak :grin:. I am happy with the result and still immune to people's negative comments :). This will allow me to spend more time taking care of my facial (and body) skin, play with make up, work out and travel more. This way when I'm traveling, I won't have to worry about spending 3h/week on my hair. Of course, braiding also helps in this regard, but I'm not to keen on fake hair either way. Have a nice Sunday ladies!
Your skin is so dewy and glowy. You look empowered! I can just feel your happiness through the screen. Much love to you feminine lady!
Today, I decided to slow the heck down. I did not go to orangetheory this morning since I went to two classes at 5:15am this week. My body was screaming for rest, so I gave it to her. I stayed in bed until 8am even though I was awake at 6am LOL. I did a couple LED light mask treatments while in bed. I listened to some coaching programs, went to church, went to do some returns and a bit of shopping. Ate lunch out and then treated myself to a mani/pedi. I'm back home now about to do some more personal development work them do a bit of cleanup and organization around here. I feel pretty good/rested :yep:
My body was also yearning for some rest. I lounged in bed til about 9:30, went shopping for some feminine clothes via FaceTime with @PeaceLover (Lol I love it how we live 3 hours away but we’re still “shopping” together). And I got hair waxed. Yesterday felt great. Hopefully today I can get a little cleaning done and just relax.
Ladies, I would love some suggestions on feminine (not to $$$) clothing to wear to the gym. My body isn't where I want it to be but I'm coming along and I'm not hiding anymore like I used to. Any suggestions?
Paging @PeaceLover since she works out all the time. I know she got some clothes from Forever 21.

I don’t like spending money so I got my pieces from Plato’s closet. I got a few Nike capris and then got corresponding tops from Burlington and the like.
Ladies, I would love some suggestions on feminine (not to $$$) clothing to wear to the gym. My body isn't where I want it to be but I'm coming along and I'm not hiding anymore like I used to. Any suggestions?
I stick with Nike and shop end of season. I purchased 2 capris, 3spring colored tops, and a pair of metcons in November and paid 140. Regular priced metcons cost 140$
I’m slim but cheaper tights won't hold everything together.
When I need extra tops I go to TJ max & Ross.
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I've really have been working on:
1. Keeping the focus on ME
2. Lean Back
3. Being receptive/warm when men return

I've been noticing the more feminine I become the more men have been wanting to help me. My ex-husband came around from nowhere and asked could he bring me some medicine because he noticed on the phone that I was sick and then he took the trash out for me because he said he didn't want me outside in the elements and sick. He lives an hour away.

One of my suitors' birthday was Thursday. I didn't call him at all. He called me Sunday talking about I didn't call him. He hadn't called me since Tuesday so I gave him the space he needed until he called ME back. But when he DID call me back I was really kind and sweet but just aloof. Instead of getting upset, he asked could HE diy ME out to Dallas this weekend lol. I guess you really do get more flies with honey *shrugs*. I need to do more things for me this week. I plan on getting really really dolled up and going somewhere. I'll let yall know how it goes. I'm still picking up pennies. I promise I feel like more and more change/money is coming my way. I need to update yall with that this weekend as well.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7:
Week 8: Turning Routines into Rituals
Week 9: Manage Your Leisure Time
Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike

Week 10: Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike

I know we had a lot of trouble with this challenge last year. It can often be very very hard to find that balance between being an adult but still having FUN. Playtime is very important. It helps you stay present, in the moment, light, airy, fun, and playful while getting away from the logic and more into the heart by focusing on your feelings. As an adult, when we make time for play, we think of playing games on your iphone or watching TV. However, take a step back. What are ways you could "play" like a child? Have a tickle fest? Play board games? Color in a adult coloring book? Paint? Go skiing. Run around the house being silly. Go to the beach and act silly making sandcastles and have fun playing with water.


What is childlikeness? It’s a way of responding to another person, particularly our husbands or potential husbands. It borrows the charm and innocence of a child that is devoid of sarcasm, bitterness or hate—yet gets the message across.

One example was a man who woke up grumpy and took it out on his wife. She responded with, “You mean thing. I’m going to burn your pancakes if you aren’t nice to me”.

Another example of a childlike response to an insensitive or rude comment a husband might make about the tough pork chops his wife just served him could be, “How could you be so mean to me? I only made these old pork chops because I thought you liked them”. There are endless responses to endless thoughtless behaviors.

Of course, the way these responses are said makes a difference too. Childlikeness is mostly pretense, not real anger. You recognize that he is just taking you for granted or taking something out on you, not thinking about what he says.

Never use words that belittle his masculinity such as calling him “stupid, ugly, dumb, etc.” Words that compliment his maleness work best and might include: “You brute”, or “You big meanie” and other phrases that make him seem bigger than he already is. Exaggerate by saying things like “I’ll never speak to you again” or “How could you be so mean to a poor little girl like me?”

Sometimes women look at their husbands from under lowered lashes after they’ve delivered their childlike line just to see his response, then huff out of the room when they see an amused expression on his face.

Some women have told me they are so scared of trying childlikeness for the first time, they practice beforehand. But that’s perfectly okay. I’ve heard many women say, once they got the hang of it, they almost look forward to their husbands being thoughtless again so they can deliver another childlike response and see the amusement and then tender comeback from their husbands.

Study childlikeness. Practice childlikeness. It’s an amazing part of Fascinating Womanhood and can not only diffuse those many situations that result in human thoughtlessness, but can deepen and strengthen your marriage.

*Word of caution: Childlikeness is not for situations where deep hurt has occurred such as if you just found out he has cheated on you or has seriously abused you.

Some Examples:
Example 1: Have joy when your man buys you a present.
Over exaggerate it. "Ohhhh this is the most beautiful set of flowers I’ve ever seen." Girl those flowers aren't THAT beautiful. It doesn't matter. Lie. It's part of your feminine expertise. You have to be an actor.
Example 2: Play it up "I just love it when my man takes care of me and buys me flowers!" We know you're used to this behavior. You're a feminine woman after all. You deserve and are used to this. We get it. Still play it up.
Example 3: Be like a little girl at times. Kiss him, give him nonsexual touch, and swoon.
“Big stubborn man, you’re not going to get angry at little poor me.”
Example 4: Wink at him sometimes and then run off giggling like you just can't stop laughing.
Example 5: *Only do this if both of you all are playful like this* Run in the room and shoot him with a water gun or throw water on him. Scream and giggle when he tries to chase you. Be playful.
Example 6: Make things that’s only said between you and him like you allare back in school. Chimamanda’s book the girl calls her boyfriend ceiling. Everyone always asked why and she said it was because he was sooo y’all and smirked to him. That wasn’t the answer. It was something sexual but it helped build intimacy between the boy and girl
Example 7: Peacelover said every time she works out her husband playfully throws water on her to”cool her off”. She throws water back and laughs lol and just takes time to play with him.
Example 8: Just act silly. Be playful. Tickle each other or allow yourself to be tickled. Get the rent/mortgage money and”make it rain” on your man. Play hide and seek. Act out some scenes. Just BE PRESENT.
Example 9: Say stuff like *pouts* I’m never going to talk to you again. Then look up at him with those big pretty brown eyes to pretend like you’re checking if he is hearing you.
Example 10: Let’s say he wants you to drive. Talk in a feminine seeet sing song child-like voice “Oh baby I’m too scared to drive. What if something hits us. You drive way better than me. I’m just too scared.” Be an actress
Example 11: When you're in the mall hold his hand. When you go to a store that you would like to get something from get excited and say Oh my gosh I love this store. Act like a kid in a candy store. Act like you're just DRAWN to go inside. Hold the clothes up next to you. Oh my gosh I think this would look soooo cute on me. Put the dress on. Don't zip the back. Ask if he could help you zip the dress up (so he can picture him undressing yourself in it). Just take in the whole experience and lavish in it like a child.
Example 12: He said something kind of rude. “Just because you're so handsome doesn't mean you can speak to me like that, mister!”​
Example 13: He criticizes you for something. “You may be hairy as a bear but I'm not going to let you growl at me!”

If you're not in the habit of asking your man to do things for you (probably because you feel he should already know or be doing these things....) make sure to put please at the end. For example. Get the groceries out the car on your way out......pleeeeeeease (big strong man). Wink at him. Make sure you look him in the eye and be girly. Play it up a little bit.

Week 10 Challenge

1. Practice saying some kind of child-like phrase once a day.
2. Practice asking your SO or a man to do something for you that you would probably normally do each day. (Can you pass me the loaf of bread...please)
3. How could YOU play one day this week? How could you PLAY with others?​
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The Quesadillas were just a quick snack so I didn’t ate them as well lol. We ran out of pancakes so I found out I could make pancakes from scratch this weekend. They were very yummy.


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Ways to be playful
Copied from: https://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/40-ideas-to-experience-childlike-playfulness-as-adults/
  1. Ask lots of questions with a big smile on your face.
  2. Do a bubbles-blowing competition. The biggest/fastest traveling bubble(s) wins.
  3. Build a fairy-tale sand castle.
  4. Climb trees.
  5. Collect rainbows. If there are none today, draw one!
  6. Commit to engaging in a heart to heart conversation with a least one new person per day for a whole week (longer of course if you can). The goal is to make new friends.
  7. Dance! Lots of free dance videos are here.
  8. Daydream: imagine you are riding a cloud…
  9. Doodle with colored pencils (because you can), draw on and paint an empty apple box you can get for free from your local supermarket, or draw cartoons on toilet paper.
  10. Dress as a clown, just for fun. (Play dress up is a feminine alternative to this)
  11. Fly a kite.
  12. Get into the habit of doing really nice things for people who will never find out. The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.
  13. Get a new pair of sneakers (multicolored ones are best), and then pro-actively tell everybody you meet for a whole day why you like them.
  14. Get really excited about everything, just for fun.
  15. Give gag gifts (buy them here).
  16. Go barefoot. Add lots of “ooooo’s” and “aaaaaa’s” while walking around.
  17. Go on an adventure.
  18. Have a comedy night (Go with friends. If you don’t have any, invite your neighbor).
  19. Have a food fight in gibberish (a made up language that nobody understands).
  20. Have a funny toy throwing contest.
Ladies, I would love some suggestions on feminine (not to $$$) clothing to wear to the gym. My body isn't where I want it to be but I'm coming along and I'm not hiding anymore like I used to. Any suggestions?

  • Old Navy is good for colder months because their clothes are thick.
  • Forever 21 is great for the summer months because their clothes are very thin.
  • Nike Outlet is perfect for both the summer and winter months. Their clothes are very durable as well as chic.

I try to stay in feminine clothes. I wear many pinks, peaches, baby blues, and purple even in workout clothes. I tie up my hair and put a baseball cap on if I'm going to be sweating a lot. This helps me look polished but yet still feminine.

I told Priss to try Scrunch Bunch pants because they come in beautiful colors and they help to make your butt look lifted when working out. However it makes your butt look very very noticeable, so if that's not your thing (Priss is small so she could pull this off but I have a larger donk) you may not want to invest in these hehe.

I got my teeth whitened. It was very affordable but I feel like it changed my entire look ASAP. My lippie stand out more because of my teeth.

Hubby bought me a truck about two weeks ago. He said I needed something that I could easily get the baby in and out of. It was very surprising but I made sure to be very appreciative and not say we really didn’t need a truck or xyz. I’m working on just receiving more.

Also he's been giving me money more regularly. This weekend he gave me $175 to buy some new clothes, makeup, and go out with my sister. I had a great time with her. I took my time to apply my makeup and made sure to wear heels. I used the formula and it worked (maroon lips, dress, heels, makeup, lashes, long straight hair, long nails, minimalist jewelry). I can't put my finger on it but men are treating me a lot differently.

I was always beautiful but now it's different. I wore a dress and booties to Walmart. I was trying to get a case of water. The associate followed me on the other aisle and said, "You have on heels so I will get your case of water for you mam." I went to check out and another gentleman told me to get in front of him. I took my child to a birthday party and I really believe looking feminine even translates to your children being cared for better. People are always commenting on how well behaved and nicely put together my children look now. Because of this they're always asking my daughter if she needs something.
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Ways to be playful
Copied from: https://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/40-ideas-to-experience-childlike-playfulness-as-adults/
  1. Ask lots of questions with a big smile on your face.
  2. Do a bubbles-blowing competition. The biggest/fastest traveling bubble(s) wins.
  3. Build a fairy-tale sand castle.
  4. Climb trees.
  5. Collect rainbows. If there are none today, draw one!
  6. Commit to engaging in a heart to heart conversation with a least one new person per day for a whole week (longer of course if you can). The goal is to make new friends.
  7. Dance! Lots of free dance videos are here.
  8. Daydream: imagine you are riding a cloud…
  9. Doodle with colored pencils (because you can), draw on and paint an empty apple box you can get for free from your local supermarket, or draw cartoons on toilet paper.
  10. Dress as a clown, just for fun. (Play dress up is a feminine alternative to this)
  11. Fly a kite.
  12. Get into the habit of doing really nice things for people who will never find out. The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.
  13. Get a new pair of sneakers (multicolored ones are best), and then pro-actively tell everybody you meet for a whole day why you like them.
  14. Get really excited about everything, just for fun.
  15. Give gag gifts (buy them here).
  16. Go barefoot. Add lots of “ooooo’s” and “aaaaaa’s” while walking around.
  17. Go on an adventure.
  18. Have a comedy night (Go with friends. If you don’t have any, invite your neighbor).
  19. Have a food fight in gibberish (a made up language that nobody understands).
  20. Have a funny toy throwing contest.

This is an EXCELLENT list. Great examples of high-value vulnerability and feminine wiles! Women lost that girlishness early in life and we're really afraid to be childlike because we feel foolish. I'd venture to say black girls lose this earlier because of life responsibilities. We can't afford to be flighty :nono: But it's these little girlish qualities or facial expressions or giggles that pierce a man's heart. The trick is to be this way all the time, so it really does become natural and not a performance just for him (then he'll sense it's strategy). I saw the cutest dog this weekend and she walked over to me. I extended my hand and she licked it then proceeded to jump on me :look: Her owner was mortified but I just laughed. I also get excited about babies/children.
This is an EXCELLENT list. Great examples of high-value vulnerability and feminine wiles! Women lost that girlishness early in life and we're really afraid to be childlike because we feel foolish. I'd venture to say black girls lose this earlier because of life responsibilities. We can't afford to be flighty :nono: But it's these little girlish qualities or facial expressions or giggles that pierce a man's heart. The trick is to be this way all the time, so it really does become natural and not a performance just for him (then he'll sense it's strategy). I saw the cutest dog this weekend and she walked over to me. I extended my hand and she licked it then proceeded to jump on me :look: Her owner was mortified but I just laughed. I also get excited about babies/children.

Awww this is such a cute example of how to be girly and fun!! lol I can just see this dog jumping all up on you. I too think that we are made to be mules so early in life that we lose this girliness. A lot of my former students used to tell me they have to go home after school and cook dinner and get homework done for their siblings to prepare for tomorrow. I mean these were 15 year olds. The parents don't think anything about it, but you're really stripping them of their girly essence out of nessicity. This goes back to needing the three pillars of femininity to be able to do this. You need rest, rejuvenation, and receptivity.

Rest- to be able to even have the energy to go outside in the vicinity of a dog and to raise your vibration to be able to receive the environment.
Receptivity- to not kick the dog or curse or get annoyed and instead stay present and in the moment.
Rejuvenation- To look to the positive side of life and just go with the flow.

It's truly a powerful thing to be childlike.
@PrissiSippi have you read the 1922 version of Fascinating Womanhood? That book is pure GOLD. Someone posted a link on LHCF eons ago but I don't remember which thread it was posted in...but if you search for it on google, it's public domain and should come up. IMO a lot of what the feminine energy coaches are saying is exactly what that woman was teaching back in the 1920s LOL. She talks about the 5 stages of attraction for a man. She devotes a few chapters to mastering this girlishness and being a man's polar opposite (frilly clothes, playing up your weakness, being fragile, etc). :yep:
Did you guy see the R Kelly interview with Gayle King. Lessons in feminine energy.

She was so calm and feminine. She didn't go out swinging or call him names. I was so proud of her.

Now, not saying that as a woman if someone is trying to attack you that you don't fight back.

However, I liked that she kept her feminine energy. Even her voice was gentle and she was direct without being demeaning, she was like, "Robert, Robert."

It was so natural for her to stay in her feminine element which showed me that she has been in many situations that have allowed her to be in that flow. It can be a real challenge for black women to practise feminine energy especially if you don't live in neighborhoods or situations in where femininity can be an impediment.

Go Gayle for the feminine and divine.

Almond Eyes
Did you guy see the R Kelly interview with Gayle King. Lessons in feminine energy.

She was so calm and feminine. She didn't go out swinging or call him names. I was so proud of her.

Now, not saying that as a woman if someone is trying to attack you that you don't fight back.

However, I liked that she kept her feminine energy. Even her voice was gentle and she was direct without being demeaning, she was like, "Robert, Robert."

It was so natural for her to stay in her feminine element which showed me that she has been in many situations that have allowed her to be in that flow. It can be a real challenge for black women to practise feminine energy especially if you don't live in neighborhoods or situations in where femininity can be an impediment.

Go Gayle for the feminine and divine.

Almond Eyes
Oooh wee didn't she look elegant and poised? Pretty Poised if you ask me. I do think it was very trying to stay in her element but she handled it very very very well and she will be rewarded for this soon.

Look at the body language. Arms folded calmly in her lap. Look at her facial expression....unbothered. She's seated very strongly and looks very powerful yet feminine.
Oooh wee didn't she look elegant and poised? Pretty Poised if you ask me. I do think it was very trying to stay in her element but she handled it very very very well and she will be rewarded for this soon.

Look at the body language. Arms folded calmly in her lap. Look at her facial expression....unbothered. She's seated very strongly and looks very powerful yet feminine.

Yes, her body language is poised. Sitting up. Hands on lap. She is looking directly at him with face relaxed not aggressively. Gayle is going places now with this interview.

If she had come at him or cursed him, he might have attacked her. Her feminine energy shined through.

Lessons to learn. Body language is also key to femininity.

Almond Eyes
This is week's challenge is one of - if not THE - hardest challenge for me. It was a problem in my first relationship, at work and in my family. People say I am too serious and need to lighten up. I equate lightening up to letting my guard down, which has backfired in the past, in the sense that when I did...the guy played me big time and left me high and dry.

The result is that I am always uptight and not easy to play with, communicate with, hang around with...which pushes some people away. When I do play, it has to be in line with my personality: I like witty jokes, like the ones we have here on LHCF. Or poignant memes on Facebook. I also like self deprecating jokes, that's how I'm playful in my immediate circle.

My ex's way of being playful was hitting each other with pillows or sarcasm and that's so not me. The scene in 'Disappearing Acts' starring Wesley Snipes and Sanaa Lathan, where they played board games coming up with words and such, yup, that is totally me. We recently had a week of humor at work and some ladies were sending mails with funny memes & quotes around, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But most men I meet hate everything related to e-socializing. Or maybe I just need to find the more geeky ones :lol:.
I have become soooo playful and silly. I've always been goofy, but it's more sophisticated and girly now. Today I dressed up in a cute dress and read to a elementary class for Read Across America Week. I was soooo in character and they loved it haha.
I got into a bad car accident. My car totaled. The next day my friends came over and brought me food, flowers, a balloon, and offered to run errands. I feel really loved.

I’m struggling staying in my feminine with my real family. Old Priss would confront them, but new feminine Priss wants to learn how to just protect my peace and let things be.

I’m going to have to do meditation. I’ll update y’all later.


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