2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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I've really worked on my receptivity. I was looking at a Shera video and she even touched on the fact that when you come across a PENNY on the floor, just pick it up. That is the universe's way of being abundant and giving to you. PICK IT UP to start off small getting into the habit of accepting from men, women, and the universe and being comfortable with it. Female energy is about staying open to receive. This means you stay open to receive intuitive guidance, apprpriate touch, support, money, gifts, protection, favors, and more.

So let me tell you about my day yesterday.

I came across a penny. I almost went past it, but I stopped rushing and picked it up. I received it. After that I went about my day. Later on I lost my debit card. I called the store, and they said I knew exactly whose card it was. It's the little lady who smells so good and always smiles in the store. Your card is waiting for you. I went and picked up my card with no problems.

After a picked up the card, one of my rotational daters so happened to meet me at the house. He wanted to take me out AGAIN (we had gone out the night before). I could have said naw I'm busy, but I took my time, dropped my son off, and we went out.

Then he went and filled up my tank with gas because he noticed I was low. At first I handed him my card, but he just got out the car and filled it up. I blushed and said awww baby with a kiss. So that was a $60 I kept in my pocket. I was very appreciative and receptive. I said baby you always make me feel so special and cherished with the little things you do for me. I didn't feel like I had to MATCH his gift. I'm learning and practicing everything one day at a time.

How are you receiving today?
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Topic: Level Up Your Look

1. Everyday and in every way I am getting more and more beautiful.
2. I am flawlessly beautiful
3. I am a beautiful soul and I shine my light for others to see.
4. I am the prize just the way I am.
5. Every cell in my body is beautiful and that beauty is radiated outwards.
Topic: Level Up Your Look

1. Everyday and in every way I am getting more and more beautiful.
2. I am flawlessly beautiful
3. I am a beautiful soul and I shine my light for others to see.
4. I am the prize just the way I am.
5. Every cell in my body is beautiful and that beauty is radiated outwards.
Where did you find this gem?
A guy I haven’t dated yet bought me earrings for Valentine’s day. I met him at the mall and he gave me a nice gift basket and planned for us to have a date night next week.

I was supposed to go to a kickback but got lost LOL. I ended up at this new food spot in the affluent parts of town. I took myself on a date there, and I practiced a lot of the things learned in here. I walked in the place with all the style and grace. I smiled at each and every person I saw. I walked around the entire room to catch everyone's attention then I sat down. I got all my food free. First I saw a friend girl. She told me I should try the candied bacon. I said ooh I would love to try it! She told the waiter and he said WHO WANTS BACON. She pointed to me and he said dannnnng she fine. He said I'ma make her a whole PLATE of bacon. Then next a guy bought some short ribs and got them delivered to my table. Then lastly I went to another restaurant in the hall to try the Valentine's Day cheesecake. The lady said she wanted to practice the hearts for the cheesecake. Since she practiced it she gave it to me free. LOL I had great convo with my gal pals as well. I felt so feminine and free last night.


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I took the advice about picking up pennies that I come across. All day a penny in the laundry room had been in my focus. I went and picked it up yesterday. One hour later my husband came through the door with $100 and a gift. He usually just gives me nice jewelry but this year he bought me jewelry AND gave me some spending money to pamper myself.

I’m going to keep being open to receptivity and report back later next week.


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How are you coming along with your goals love?

Hey boo thank you for checking in with me!

I am doing pretty good -
- working out daily but not necessarily tracking the kinds of workouts but just making sure I move!
- I am wearing makeup everyday for work about to add in a little more umph to my routine to really make my look flawless
- keeping up my hair and sugaring appointments monthly
- on track to probably exceed my reading goals and it's just nice to escape into a good book
- cooking from scratch once or twice per week but my plating hasn't been quite there, I will try this pasta dish tonight and google some inspiration photos to see if I can get it to look better
- I need to schedule my massage, I haven't kept up that part - this was a good reminder!
1. What's your feminine makeup routine?


This is for me: as little make up as possible. Preferably mineral, but I'm not there yet. So it's just kohl, mascara and blush for the most time. Other than that, I just take optimal care of my skin, so as to not have to wear foundation. Natural is my main look.

2. Strive to dress feminine and wear a dress for at least 3 days this week and take in the results of people around your -- men and women.

Today was my day off: I wore sexy underwear, since it's Valentine's Day lol. Wore a mid length skirt, ankle books, tights, a poncho and a head wrap. The whole look came together nicely (will take pics soon) and men were liking it haha. The weather is starting to warm up, so I'm starting to change my wardrobe accordingly.

3. What are some celebrities or pictures of women that you just LOVE their feminine style? Post a pictures!Could you emulate it?

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A guy I haven’t dated yet bought me earrings for Valentine’s day. I met him at the mall and he gave me a nice gift basket and planned for us to have a date night next week.

I was supposed to go to a kickback but got lost LOL. I ended up at this new food spot in the affluent parts of town. I took myself on a date there, and I practiced a lot of the things learned in here. I walked in the place with all the style and grace. I smiled at each and every person I saw. I walked around the entire room to catch everyone's attention then I sat down. I got all my food free. First I saw a friend girl. She told me I should try the candied bacon. I said ooh I would love to try it! She told the waiter and he said WHO WANTS BACON. She pointed to me and he said dannnnng she fine. He said I'ma make her a whole PLATE of bacon. Then next a guy bought some short ribs and got them delivered to my table. Then lastly I went to another restaurant in the hall to try the Valentine's Day cheesecake. The lady said she wanted to practice the hearts for the cheesecake. Since she practiced it she gave it to me free. LOL I had great convo with my gal pals as well. I felt so feminine and free last night.

Wow, you are manifesting like crazy! Keep up the good work. :yep:
I bought a straight Brazilian hair wig to level up my look. I'm going to take my time to make it look nice this weekend. I can't wait to rock it! I never thought straight hair would look good on me but it actually looks really really good!

I've been dabbing with my makeup. I think I have enough makeup to really make some cute styles, but I need to play with my brushes to learn how to blend very well.

Dressin' It Up - I'm still rocking the dresses everyday. It's been a year now so it's more like second nature now. It just comes so naturally. It helps me dress faster because I only need to put on one thing. I'm more partial to pearls because I'm an AKA, but I think it dates me so I'm going to stop wearing them and wear more of my diamonds and studs.

As it relates to receptivity- I found TWO pennies yesterday. I'm kinda wondering is this a test from the universe. I just keep finding them. Maybe it's in my head. Maybe i've been overstepping abundance for years. Who knows.

I want to manifest more trips. Yesterday someone asked me did I want to go on a consulting trip to Orlando Florida for a visit and conference. I'm going to do everything in my power to go since it seems like the universe is trying to open this door for me.
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Gift giving for Christmas, Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Anniversaries, and more.

1. Let him give his gift first. Keep your gift in your purse. Once he gives his gift, THAT's when you give him his gift. If he doesn't give you a gift you keep your gift in your purse ad you return it and get something for YOU.
2. Your gift should cost less than his. Do not try to out-give him. Receptivity is key. Your gift should be very very thoughtful but not more than his.
3. When you DO get a gift, be receptive, play the gift up, and use a feeling message. Example: Oh baby you just know exactly what I like. I love to be dripped in diamonds by my man. You always make me feel so cherished and special with gifts like these.
I got a vanity mirror made for me this Valentine’s Day :2inlove: . I’ve always wanted a way to have a ritual space for me to do my makeup and now I have it! I want wait to organize my space and place my makeup the way I want it! Y’all I’ve wanted a vanity mirror for two years now. I’m soooo happy my suitor made it for me. *swoons*
Just wanted to thank y'all for raising up against the status quo and thinking of ways to come up with another womanhood model for Black women. Other than the 'struggle till you make it' agenda that is shoved down our throats.

Pardon this aggressive message, I'm just in my feelings right now. Woosah.
On jewelry: I realized that growing up and up until X year, I always wore a specific set of gold hoops (which I still own). After that particular trip, I never put them back in my ears and I realize slowly I just stopped wearing jewelry for one reason or another over the years.

Last fall, while on vacation I bought a rose gold watch. I'm behind on the trend, but I find that rose gold looks better on my skin tone than yellow gold and silver. So a couple of weeks ago, I told DH that I was looking for a simple pair of rose gold hoops that I could wear everyday. He told me not to look anymore since Valentine's Day was coming up. He found a pair and so I've been wearing them ever since. I'm now going to start to look for some costume jewelry necklaces and bracelets to match.

On speaking and facial posture: I recorded a short video the other day and afterwards I realized how much I hate the way that I look when I speak. I was able to pinpoint specifically what it was that I didn't like: I speak from the bottom of my mouth. Like I'm talking through a frown. Only my bottom teeth show. I practiced in the mirror to see if it was just me and no it's not in my head, if I talk through a smile then when I talk my top teeth are visible.

On looks/Instagram pages that I find feminine and inspiring:



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On jewelry: I realized that growing up and up until X year, I always wore a specific set of gold hoops (which I still own). After that particular trip, I never put them back in my ears and I realize slowly I just stopped wearing jewelry for one reason or another over the years.

Last fall, while on vacation I bought a rose gold watch. I'm behind on the trend, but I find that rose gold looks better on my skin tone than yellow gold and silver. So a couple of weeks ago, I told DH that I was looking for a simple pair of rose gold hoops that I could wear everyday. He told me not to look anymore since Valentine's Day was coming up. He found a pair and so I've been wearing them ever since. I'm now going to start to look for some costume jewelry necklaces and bracelets to match.

On speaking and facial posture: I recorded a short video the other day and afterwards I realized how much I hate the way that I look when I speak. I was able to pinpoint specifically what it was that I didn't like: I speak from the bottom of my mouth. Like I'm talking through a frown. Only my bottom teeth show. I practiced in the mirror to see if it was just me and no it's not in my head, if I talk through a smile then when I talk my top teeth are visible.

On looks/Instagram pages that I find feminine and inspiring:

Hmm I actually need to do the exercise of watching myself talk. I wish we were on Facebook so I could post it and get feedback. Send me your number and I’ll just send it to you

Lol the melanin girl is who I was going to post as well
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Week 8: Turn Rituals Into Routine
Whenever I eat my Blue Bell homemade vanilla out of the original pint it never feels that satisfying. I mean it's GOOD but it's not THAT good..

However when I carefully use my ice cream scoop to scoop it up in three balls, put those balls of ice cream in a bowl, pile it up with nuts and drizzle caramel over it, I feel like like a STAR. I feel expensive. I feel fulfilled. I feel happy. Why? Because it is NOT a ritual.

So during this challenge many of us have been encompassing routines. Some feminine routines include: plating our food, serving our husband before our children and with two hands, wearing dresses and feminine clothing, wearing a signature fragrance every day, being very affectionate by giving each person in the family 12 hugs/kisses a day, wearing cute night clothes to bed each night, having a good sleep schedule, cleaning unapologetically, taking time for us to unwind, meditating/yoga/exercising/juicing/eating healthy. The list goes on and on. BUT they offer little substance. Why you say? It's simply a routine?

This is the week we shift from ROUTINES to RITUALS.

Rituals are richer in meaning than habits/routines. Rituals have many positive effects on our lives. They can:

  • Increase Attention
  • Inspire Creativity
  • Increase Working memory
  • Help with Emotional regulation
  • Boost Immune function
  • Enhance Cognitive performance
  • Regulate Self-control
  • Facilitate Healthy habits
  • Reduce stress
Can you think of some women that wear jewelry, dresses, makeup, talk softly, the whole nine but they don’t seem feminine to you? Why is this? One reason is the intent behind the routines they are doing. Because of this, it's important to turn daily routines into powerful feminine rituals. These rituals can put you back in contact with your feminine energy and help you express who you are — truly.

Both routines and rituals consist of repetitive actions undertaken on a regular basis. But there are a couple important differences between them.

Routines - Result Driven

Routines employ end results that are practical.

Example: When you brush your teeth, you’re doing it for cleanliness. When you brush your hair, it’s to make it manageable. When you take a shower, you’re doing it to clean your body efficiently and quickly.

The efficacy of routines lies in the actions themselves. There is no deeper meaning or purpose behind a routine; it’s done for its own sake. As a result, it can be accomplished without much thought.

Rituals- Experience Driven

There is a meaning and purpose behind a ritual that transcends its observable components.

Rituals are inward and transcendent: a centered mind, expanded spirit, or renewed dedication to a goal.

Rituals center your mind and build your focus.

Rituals quiet the daily frenzy of your mind, but can also help carry you through times when greater interruptions have burst upon your life.

They exercise your focus receives from engaging in ritual will extend out to other areas of your life as well, improving your attention span for other tasks that require keen concentration

How to change your ROUTINES into RITUALS

Incorporate Visualization

Make it Special. Take journaling, for example. Get a fancy journal and nice pen. It might sound silly that swapping out your BIC pen and spiral notebook could turn the routine into a ritual, but it works.

If you put on jewelry every morning just to look more put together…. this is a routine. However, let’s say you put on your grandmother’s pearls or even pearls you intend to pass down to your grandchildren… You have shifted into a ritual. This is not just any set of pearls, but your grandmother’s. This may further serve as a daily reminder to become a strong link in your family’s generations of feminine women. Example: How AKA’s wear pearls A LOT to remind them to act with class and elegance at all times. How Delta’s wear elephants to remind them to be strong, intelligent, and resilient. These objects are SPECIAL to them not just a routine. It has a deeper purpose.

Timing is Important. Taking a walk in the morning may seem rather pedestrian, while walking at night may feel a little magical and mysterious. Taking a shower in the morning may be just to clean, taking a bath at night AFTER your showered for cleanliness might make you feel more radiant, royal, and at ease if you couple it with special soap, candles, music, environment, and more.

Work Your Mindset Muscle. Listen to classical music as you shave with your razor. Journal with your fountain pen in the morning in your sunroom. Read your scriptures at night by candlelight with a warm mug of tea. By seeking to turn your ordinary routines into spirit-renewing rituals, you can elevate your ordinary life into one embedded with greater meaning, purpose, and enchantment. Make it whimsical. What’s a ritual you need to employ?

Week 9 Challenge
1. Pick 3 Routines you have been doing consistently during this challenge. Write out how you will change this into a ritual.
2. Using your planner from the previous weeks, make deliberate times for you to do these rituals. PENCIL YOURSELF IN FIRST. Write down in your planner the days you intend to do your rituals.

Example Rituals​

1. Lay out your clothes for the week and iron them. Play music or listen to TV while you’re doing this.

2. Long Bubble Baths with essential oils to Moisturize and visualize every care leaving your body and being cleansed away by the soothing, aromatic water.

3. Long Walks in the park or in the neighborhood. Incorporate music and pay attention to nature and feel gratitude for the beauty around you.

4. DIY Manicures and Pedicures in a special room/area of the house. Imagine yourself being pampered how you deserve to be pampered in every area of life.

5. Wearing nice jewelry: real pieces of jewelry. Pearl Necklace, Bracelet, ring that symbolize what you could pass down to your family in the future or how royal you are and deserving of REAL jewelry.

6. Exercise: Yoga, Pilates, Walking, Running, just get to running. Invest in some special clothes or at least matching clothes lol, nice playlist, envision yourself running into greatness for your life.

7. Meditate for 10-15 minutes each morning and night in a special location. Envision the positivity entering your life.

8. Light a candle and drink wine. Invest in a Bath table while you take long baths to wash away your problems.

9. Drink Water- Invest in a special cup. Special time during the day? Envision yourself cleansing every single cell of your body.

10. Juicing- Could be incorporated as a breakfast routine but made special by placing in a special mug or drinking in a special location looking at the sun come up.

11. Plating and sitting at your table eating. Imagine yourself as royalty, being served and eating well every single day because you deserve it.

12. While bathing and applying cleanser and moisturizer to your face, say loving affirmations to yourself with feeling while doing basic maintenance. Some affirmations could include:
-My skin is so smooth and healthy!
-My skin is so clear!
-My hair is so thick and luscious! My edges are thick and luscious. :giggle:
-I love my curves and my body flaws and all.
-My body looks great! It is a temple and I treat it as such! :yep:
-I am a divinely feminine woman and just by being ME I am absolutely beautiful :blush2:

13. Using a Yoni egg. Let it get charged up by the sun. Then speak affirmations inside the egg. Then insert it. [/QUOTE]
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I never really noticed it but my mother was very feminine in some days while I was growing up. She would set aside some time in her day and no matter how many children were at the house, she would take the time to soak in the tub, put her makeup on, buy fancy soap, and moisturize her entire body. She made time to do this each and every night.

Now that I have a little baby, it's really hard to keep up the time for myself, but I've been doing it consistently. I've found that every minute helps. I'm really feeling very recharged and ready to start my week on a good note because of this.

I took up kickboxing and when I tell you my entire body is looking right...it's looking RIGHT. I feel so stress-free and free these days.

I took a break from cooking and that's okay. I've decided at this stage of my life I need to focus more on ME and take care of myself to better take care of others.
I got all into my creative energy yesterday. This is the famous LCHF peach cobbler that was floating around.

1 Large 32 oz can of Sliced Peaches
1 stick of Butter
1 Cup of Self Rising Flour
1 Cup of Milk
1 Cup of Sugar
Cinnamon to taste (optional)
Nutmeg to taste (optional)
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract to taste (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Put butter in glass 9x9 glass pan and melt it in the preheated oven.
Mix milk and all dry ingredients together and vanilla/nutmeg/cinnamon if you decide to use it.
Be sure that the butter is still hot when pouring the batter mixture into the pan.
Drain the peaches and pour the peaches on top of the mixture
Put 4 tablespoons of the heavy syrup in the mixture
DO NOT STIR at any point once the mixture and peaches are in the pan.
Cook for 45 minutes, or until the crust of the cobbler is golden brown.


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Week 8 Affirmations
Topic: Creating Feminine Rituals

1. The activities I do flood my life with joy, love, and abundance.
2. I engage in activities that make me healthy, whole, and complete.
3. I am the prize and I treat myself as such.
4. I love my body, this incredible and complex vessel that is me.
5. I am aligned with my femininity and my rituals reflect this.
I make so many excuses. It's an Open Mic Night tonight. Poetry is my thing but I make up fake blocks such as I can't find a parking spot or I don't have anything to wear, or I don't have a poem to say. I think I'm going to push forward and make myself go tonight. I know that's one way I can pour into myself and keep my femininity on point, but sometimes it gets hard.

A lot of times I just want to sleep lol. And I do A LOT of that, but I can't meet new people in my house all the time.

Yesterday my suitor bought me some new fashionable workout clothes and I can't WAIT to work out in them. One of my friends asked me why do I dress up just to work out. I don't know but it makes me feel so feminine and free while dressing up.
I never really noticed it but my mother was very feminine in some days while I was growing up. She would set aside some time in her day and no matter how many children were at the house, she would take the time to soak in the tub, put her makeup on, buy fancy soap, and moisturize her entire body. She made time to do this each and every night.

Now that I have a little baby, it's really hard to keep up the time for myself, but I've been doing it consistently. I've found that every minute helps. I'm really feeling very recharged and ready to start my week on a good note because of this.

I took up kickboxing and when I tell you my entire body is looking right...it's looking RIGHT. I feel so stress-free and free these days.

I took a break from cooking and that's okay. I've decided at this stage of my life I need to focus more on ME and take care of myself to better take care of others.

I too love kickboxing. It is quite aggressive and I am able to release my positive masculine energy in a focused way. Once I am done, I am able to also feel stress free and fall back into my feminine.
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