2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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I've been cooking and plating but I MUST be rushing because I always eat the food before I have time to share a picture with you ladies. I will be doing better soon.

I went out to eat with my friends for lunch and it felt good. I had a nice shrimp ravioli because I'm making a habit to only order food that I haven't tried before. Last night I tried a nice crab tortellini and that was also good. Crab is becoming one of my favorite foods, and I honestly just started eating it about a year ago. I'm in LOVE.

I had to do a presentation today and I always notice the body language and how women sit. You'd be so surprised by how many people sit with gapped open legs or use outlandish body language. I'm going to try to be VERY present of my body language this week.

I think of the Lady Sim every time I go out. I sit with the duchess slant when I'm seated and make sue to keep my knees together when seated. I think slowly I'm becoming a lot more polished.
I got into a nice little arguement. Now I’ve come a long way because my arguments don’t involve yelling anymore. I’ve really worked on not being reactive BUT I need to learn how to let it be and only stay mad for 5 minutes to stay in the present.

For anyone that needs this....

Set the timer on your phone for 3-5 minutes and put it down. Don't respond to anyone until that timer goes off. Do not get caught up in being right. The ego is tricky it will convince us that somehow we are going to win the other person to our way of thinking by over explaining and going back and forth. Femininity does not involve convincing, pleasing, or begging. It only involves BEING.

Take a break from the exchange,let your mind and body exhale, lower the shoulders, unclench the teeth, etc.

Skip the part about him (he's supposed to protect/love/cherish me!) and go straight to I have to protect myself and do what’s best for ME. Focus on YOU and make the appropriate boundaries to protect yourself in the present (this can include saying you don’t prefer to be treated xyz and you’re going to leave if XYZ continues.)
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Physically: Every so often, I catch myself standing taller, sitting taller, walking a bit more gracefully. This is great, because it means that I'm doing it subconsciously.

Mentally: For the last two weeks I've been getting better at speaking softly and calmly. It's still difficult when the kiddos don't want to listen, but I'm getting better about not loosing my cool and not flipping out. I've also been trying to slow down. Literally, move slower and take my time doing things. It feels good. It's working because I have started telling myself consciously that I will be the best that I can be today. I'm starting to feel like my younger self which I realize was much more feminine than I am now.

Spiritually: I've been working on changing my mindset through affirmations and visualization. I feel like my transformation of being more polished, gentle, "that girl", etc., is starting to happen faster because I'm getting better with these exercises. I'm getting excited to see how things shape up for the year.


Last night I had an argument with DH. I wasn't very feminine at the time, but my reaction was to say my piece and not prolong the argument (though it hasn't been resolved.) I didn't get emotionally invested and I was able to sleep soundly after. Normally, I would be so charged, but I felt empowered that I hadn't thrown a tantrum or prolonged the discussion. Today, I didn't let it bother me either, which it would have normally done as well. I just kept things moving and stayed in my feminine lane. It felt so good not to be stressed!
I really like the aspect of leaning back even in the simplest of ways (physically). A guy that likes me at the library saw me so instead of saying hi first I just started walking very slow and looking in my wallet to meet up with him on the sidewalk. He got to me and I smiled and just waited til HE said something to ME. Lol he did.

He said,”I’m so glad you waited for me and allowed me to walk in the building with such a beautiful lady.” Instead of merely blushing or saying, “Boy stop.” I said My Pleasure honey. That Feminine energy is HIGH at all times
Last night I had an argument with DH. I wasn't very feminine at the time, but my reaction was to say my piece and not prolong the argument (though it hasn't been resolved.) I didn't get emotionally invested and I was able to sleep soundly after. Normally, I would be so charged, but I felt empowered that I hadn't thrown a tantrum or prolonged the discussion. Today, I didn't let it bother me either, which it would have normally done as well. I just kept things moving and stayed in my feminine lane. It felt so good not to be stressed!
This is what is making this journey towards femininity so important to me. I'm not emotionally charged and invested anymore. I can literally have an argument and sleep like a BABY afterwards. I'm not gong back and forth and trying to PROVE something to ANYONE. I know who I am. I act like I know who I am. I say my piece and either you rise to the occasion or I protect MYSELF.

It feels so good to be focused on ME and not stressed.
Topic: What's in a Voice

  1. My voice sounds like I am born to be loved, cherished, and adored.
  2. I am confident, feminine, bubbily, and fun.
  3. I Accept the whole of me.... I Accept my full journey... The whole of my life and everything in it... Without judgement, without shame, and without embarrassment.
  4. Being patient and speaking patiently is easy when I am focused in the present moment.
  5. I stay calm in moments of stress and anxiety to allow positive thoughts and actions to manifest from me.

Your post made me realize I resort to yelling at the little ones, especially my 3 year old when he won't listen. I sometimes have to ask him to do something repeatedly and when he still won't do it, yelling seems to work. I need to stop and find better ways of communicating with him and getting results.

It's HARD not to! Like, they KNOW how to push the buttons. In my case, these guys travel in packs and will feed off of each other! It's like a bad horror movie! But generally at bath and bedtime. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that stuff they do is stuff that I enjoyed doing as a child, like jumping off of the arms of the sofa. In other cases, I just stop and say, if I get mad and try to correct them all of the time, then they won't have fun memories of their own like jumping off the arms of the sofa. :look:

I've noticed that if I can slow down and stay calm then they will. If they're acting naughty I can re-direct by joining in on the fun to a limit...like chase them and then tickle them into submission or tickle fight for a few seconds before giving them hugs and kisses and stating my request again. If I need to add bass to my voice and be stern I will do it, but I like that I'm reducing the need to fall into my masculine energy to get them to do things.
@kupenda has been helping me to keep me out of my head, but I need to stay out of it more.

I’m noticing a lot more women who are very masculine and what’s funny is that you really can’t be fooled by the soft voice or nice clothes. Also, being a doormat is not feminine. Last, I’m noticing the more feminine women of attract more good “energy” and are more quiet and to themselves. Maybe there is something with that.

So this year, I told myself I would work on “eating” better throughout the year. The first was eating slower than I already do but smaller bites. Then, making the time to eat when I’m ready and making time. Which brings me to today.

I’ve let it be known to a friend that you have to eat and learn to say no. The last time we had a meeting, I left to get my lunch and was held up 20 minutes because I waited because I was begged. So, I wound up not being able to eat my hot soup because I didn’t have time to eat before going to a meeting. So today, the same happened. I stated where I was going and the time so I didn’t have to rush. Same thing happened today. I left because all I saw was laughing and lollygagging. I was asked to wait, why am I walking (leaving), just to them have to keep up with a stroll. By the time I got back with hot soup, I barely had 15 minutes. I was angry. I specifically said I’m not going to a 2 hour meeting hungry and have to wait to eat. So the follow up I got was “I’ll eat at the meeting”. That’s not feminine. Last, I was told “heat up your food when you get back”. No. Why should I have to do that? So while I’m pissed, as of today, a third instance isn’t happening. This is not what I want and it’s not acceptable.

I eventually got over everything, roughly an hour later, but I remind myself to block people and/behaviors and this is something I will continue to block.
Last, I’m noticing the more feminine women of attract more good “energy” and are more quiet and to themselves. Maybe there is something with that.

Yup, noticed the same and am in the process of implementing it in my life. It's working for my professional life:yep:. Women who draw the least attention to themselves, are the most feminine. Remember: confidence is quiet. Low self-esteem is loud.

Every day I wake up thinking how I should live out my feminity, came across some old pics of my mom when she was in her 20s-30s and it was just so motivating:



She had her own style and always looked effortlessly elegant. Nowadays women are so stressed, carrying all of the worries of the world on their shoulder. Don't even know where this stems from, as y'all can clearly see, my mom had her share of children to take care of. My other two brothers are not even pictured here. And yet...she had time to put herself together.

What is taking up the bulk of our time to be able to do this? What has changed so drastically? Been also working on simplifying my life, but it's no easy feat. Trying to get spiritually centered, but again...no easy feat either.
1. Post a video with a feminine voice you admire.

2. Practice recording yourself on your phone and play it back to see what areas you need to work on to soften your sound.

Been working at contact centers for the past 5 years now. So I have to be extremely mindful of my voice and tone. It's a work in progress: don't really pay extra attention to it, but will try to do so. Either way I always try to sound pleasant.

3. Use your voice some time this week to get what you want a practice one of the important pillars of femininity: Receiving. What was the result?


In other news in the feminity world: was having a technical trouble earlier this week, at my desk. So I called upon one of my male supervisors to fix it, that felt so good to just defer and not feel guilty about it.

He made a comment that had me like :s, but again, I just kept quiet. What makes me able to cope with work is taking as much time off as necessary and possible. So I had just gotten back from a 1.5 week vacation and he goes: "Wow, look at L, she started working here in August last year and this is the first time she will be taking time off."

Mind you, L is 24 years young and under the guise that she can fix the world. My other female supervisor ( in her 50s) and I (in my 30s) have lived longer and NEED our rest. My female supervisor doesn't work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I don't work on Thursdays. Not to mention that the young lady in her 20s is perpetually late and looks tired all the time. That's NOT the type of feminity I want to promote :nono:.
Yup, noticed the same and am in the process of implementing it in my life. It's working for my professional life:yep:. Women who draw the least attention to themselves, are the most feminine. Remember: confidence is quiet. Low self-esteem is loud.

She had her own style and always looked effortlessly elegant. Nowadays women are so stressed, carrying all of the worries of the world on their shoulder. Don't even know where this stems from, as y'all can clearly see, my mom had her share of children to take care of. My other two brothers are not even pictured here. And yet...she had time to put herself together.

What is taking up the bulk of our time to be able to do this? What has changed so drastically? Been also working on simplifying my life, but it's no easy feat. Trying to get spiritually centered, but again...no easy feat either.

Re: the first bolded, I'm quiet by nature. Friendly and personable, but reserved. I've noticed that women either think I'm stuck up or are drawn to me and quietly inspect me as I talk. They are looking at my clothes, my hair, watching my mannerisms, etc... As time goes on they'll compliment me.

Re: the second bolded, I often wonder why people in general look less put together. My grandmother had five children, four of them back to back and she always looked like a million bucks. She worked in a mill most of her working life and she was put together every single day. Her co-workers were always drawn to her. I think a lot of women today just simply don't take the time for themselves and we seem to be living in a culture where being stressed out, busy and having children who are involved in a million different activities is embraced. I think social media plays a part in it too. Scrolling through instagram, facebook, Pinterest, etc....can suck up a lot of time. That is time that could be spent putting on a clear coat of nail polish or putting together a simple, but cute outfit. I also think its laziness. When I drop my daughters off at school I take note of how the teachers are dressed. It's a departure from how my teachers dressed when I was in school. These days I see flip flops/shower shoes, leggings, hair undone and just a general look of "I don't take care of myself." What bothers me most is that this is being passed down to young girls. I see preteen, teen and college age girls who walk around looking like they just rolled out of bed and decided to hit the streets. Work out shorts and a t-shirt is the outfit of the day. Pajama bottoms to go out to breakfast. To me, its unacceptable.

I've learned that as women we have the power to set the tone wherever we are be it good or bad. Several years ago I was working at a new company and the women there would always compliment me on how nice I looked. Next thing I know they're coming in to work looking a little more put together. There is power in being a feminine woman.
^^^^^Thank you for taking the time to comment and elaborate. For me, this will mean spending less time on social media, seriously :nono:. My sister who is in her 40s spends little to no time on social media and she doesn't have these issues at all. Once again, thank you for pointing to the issue at hand.
Re: the first bolded, I'm quiet by nature. Friendly and personable, but reserved. I've noticed that women either think I'm stuck up or are drawn to me and quietly inspect me as I talk. They are looking at my clothes, my hair, watching my mannerisms, etc... As time goes on they'll compliment me.

Re: the second bolded, I often wonder why people in general look less put together. My grandmother had five children, four of them back to back and she always looked like a million bucks. She worked in a mill most of her working life and she was put together every single day. Her co-workers were always drawn to her. I think a lot of women today just simply don't take the time for themselves and we seem to be living in a culture where being stressed out, busy and having children who are involved in a million different activities is embraced. I think social media plays a part in it too. Scrolling through instagram, facebook, Pinterest, etc....can suck up a lot of time. That is time that could be spent putting on a clear coat of nail polish or putting together a simple, but cute outfit. I also think its laziness. When I drop my daughters off at school I take note of how the teachers are dressed. It's a departure from how my teachers dressed when I was in school. These days I see flip flops/shower shoes, leggings, hair undone and just a general look of "I don't take care of myself." What bothers me most is that this is being passed down to young girls. I see preteen, teen and college age girls who walk around looking like they just rolled out of bed and decided to hit the streets. Work out shorts and a t-shirt is the outfit of the day. Pajama bottoms to go out to breakfast. To me, its unacceptable.

I've learned that as women we have the power to set the tone wherever we are be it good or bad. Several years ago I was working at a new company and the women there would always compliment me on how nice I looked. Next thing I know they're coming in to work looking a little more put together. There is power in being a feminine woman.

I agree with all of this. I think this is why Ro was pushing to set off a cut off time to have a morning routine and a NIGHT TIME ROUTINE. In your night time routine, you take the time to pick out your outfit, unwind in the tub with your oils, lotions, bath bombs, and etc. LOOK IN THE MIRROR and see what you need to pay attention to, and just make time to BE. We as people are too BUSY. We're often busy DOING (playing on our phones, scrolling mindlessly, doing fake tasks that allow us to procrastination). By learning how to (be) it actually seems like we do more in sense but for OURSELVES which is more meaningful. I'm all for femininity. It's a powerful aspect.
It's HARD not to! Like, they KNOW how to push the buttons. In my case, these guys travel in packs and will feed off of each other! It's like a bad horror movie! But generally at bath and bedtime. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that stuff they do is stuff that I enjoyed doing as a child, like jumping off of the arms of the sofa. In other cases, I just stop and say, if I get mad and try to correct them all of the time, then they won't have fun memories of their own like jumping off the arms of the sofa. :look:

I've noticed that if I can slow down and stay calm then they will. If they're acting naughty I can re-direct by joining in on the fun to a limit...like chase them and then tickle them into submission or tickle fight for a few seconds before giving them hugs and kisses and stating my request again. If I need to add bass to my voice and be stern I will do it, but I like that I'm reducing the need to fall into my masculine energy to get them to do things.

Wow I really really need to do this. It will force me to be more playful which will transcend into romantic relationships as well. Thank you for pointing this out.
Just one more thing about social media....I have been guilty of spending my time searching for good skin care tips, outfits, and saving ideas on Pinterest. Then one day a lightbulb went off. I was spending a lot of time devising various plans of action, but never taking action. I looked around and realized that I have all the necessary tools to be the woman I want to be, I just need to walk in it. Do it, say it, be it, live it.
With “being” and “receiving” I’ve been working more on being more content with everything that’s already there. I don’t have an issue watching my YouTube videos or browsing reddit, but I use it as a way to kinda develop myself, whereas IG (I’m fine with in my super small doses) and FB (which I haven’t been on in months) just annoys me at this point.

I’ve become more content with my hair and skincare staples, which means I’ve come a long way. I’m happy with my self-care routine. I’m happy with my everyday look. This is important to me, because now I can focus on being feminine, and tbh, being content and happy these things tells me that my state of mind is good.

I’m a bit on the modest side, but I may open up a little bit. Don’t hold me to that, because I will wear long sleeves in the summer and blame it on mosquitos :look:

Just one more thing about social media....I have been guilty of spending my time searching for good skin care tips, outfits, and saving ideas on Pinterest. Then one day a lightbulb went off. I was spending a lot of time devising various plans of action, but never taking action. I looked around and realized that I have all the necessary tools to be the woman I want to be, I just need to walk in it. Do it, say it, be it, live it.
You will be their muse or mule.

The choice is yours.

A nearby university gave me the option of presenting for $200 today. This guy saw I was presenting and wanted to piggy back on me. NO. Then I would have had to share the money. NO! He’s mad because I didn’t answer his phone calls after I initially said no. (How do you allsay no in a feminine way or is it just...NO) I gave a GREAT presentation. I’m glad I went alone because a consulting firm saw me and wants to pick me up. If he presented with me they might think it was his material and I might not get my due credit. It’s funny that even though I did GREAT he didn’t congratulate me.

I’m nobody’s mule bruh. I AM the muse. He’ll be fine. He could have come up wit his own presentation.
Just one more thing about social media....I have been guilty of spending my time searching for good skin care tips, outfits, and saving ideas on Pinterest. Then one day a lightbulb went off. I was spending a lot of time devising various plans of action, but never taking action. I looked around and realized that I have all the necessary tools to be the woman I want to be, I just need to walk in it. Do it, say it, be it, live it.

I have all of the cleaning products I could possibly need...the actual cleaning though, rarely happens :o.
You will be their muse or mule.

The choice is yours.

A nearby university gave me the option of presenting for $200 today. This guy saw I was presenting and wanted to piggy back on me. NO. Then I would have had to share the money. NO! He’s mad because I didn’t answer his phone calls after I initially said no. (How do you allsay no in a feminine way or is it just...NO) I gave a GREAT presentation. I’m glad I went alone because a consulting firm saw me and wants to pick me up. If he presented with me they might think it was his material and I might not get my due credit. It’s funny that even though I did GREAT he didn’t congratulate me.

I’m nobody’s mule bruh. I AM the muse. He’ll be fine. He could have come up wit his own presentation.

I think that a hard no is fine. Sometimes, business is just business.

Someone pointed out to me that women and men give commands in a different ways and this is why (some) moms/women end up exasperated when trying to get their children (for example) to do things.

Mom: Can you please tidy up the front door?
Dad: Move your shoes from the front door.

The first one is an indirect command. We know what we mean, but we're not clear. The second way is direct and tells people exactly what you want them. (Some of the material that I've read about getting children to do things, suggests phrasing the second way as well.)

I think that being direct is great, especially if you say it with a smile like @Saludable84 suggests. The last habit you want to form is saying no and giving people a reason. Sometimes, no is just "NO".
Just one more thing about social media....I have been guilty of spending my time searching for good skin care tips, outfits, and saving ideas on Pinterest. Then one day a lightbulb went off. I was spending a lot of time devising various plans of action, but never taking action. I looked around and realized that I have all the necessary tools to be the woman I want to be, I just need to walk in it. Do it, say it, be it, live it.

I totally agree!!! I was just saying things to someone recently. Thank you for this because it applies to me as well!!!
Re: the first bolded, I'm quiet by nature. Friendly and personable, but reserved. I've noticed that women either think I'm stuck up or are drawn to me and quietly inspect me as I talk. They are looking at my clothes, my hair, watching my mannerisms, etc... As time goes on they'll compliment me.

Re: the second bolded, I often wonder why people in general look less put together. My grandmother had five children, four of them back to back and she always looked like a million bucks. She worked in a mill most of her working life and she was put together every single day. Her co-workers were always drawn to her. I think a lot of women today just simply don't take the time for themselves and we seem to be living in a culture where being stressed out, busy and having children who are involved in a million different activities is embraced. I think social media plays a part in it too. Scrolling through instagram, facebook, Pinterest, etc....can suck up a lot of time. That is time that could be spent putting on a clear coat of nail polish or putting together a simple, but cute outfit. I also think its laziness. When I drop my daughters off at school I take note of how the teachers are dressed. It's a departure from how my teachers dressed when I was in school. These days I see flip flops/shower shoes, leggings, hair undone and just a general look of "I don't take care of myself." What bothers me most is that this is being passed down to young girls. I see preteen, teen and college age girls who walk around looking like they just rolled out of bed and decided to hit the streets. Work out shorts and a t-shirt is the outfit of the day. Pajama bottoms to go out to breakfast. To me, its unacceptable.

I've learned that as women we have the power to set the tone wherever we are be it good or bad. Several years ago I was working at a new company and the women there would always compliment me on how nice I looked. Next thing I know they're coming in to work looking a little more put together. There is power in being a feminine woman.

I think that part of the problem is that everyone (both men and women) want to look sloppy. We allow it it work and at church. There is no reason to get dressed up because "everyone" seems to prize sloppiness. Some of the people I see attend weddings and funerals make me shake my head.

Growing up we had "home" clothes, "school"/casual clothes, and "church" clothes. We dressed for the time and place. Unfortunately, I've fallen prey to the the habits of these times and I don't dress up as much as I should. It's something that I'm working hard to change. For me it's less laziness as opposed to (self)worth. One of my affirmations is "I am worth it". I should dress up not because of an occasion, but because I deserve to look, act, and feel my best each and everyday.

Thanks for the tip about clear polish. I have been looking for colours, the obvious alluded me.
I don’t really have a secret, but this is what someone told me recently. One of my goals last year (when I lurked) was to be softer appearance wise. Meaning, smile more and not be so closed off. Make myself approachable. It worked. So I kept it up.

Going to @snoop Something I learned from men is that no one questions their no’s; whether they smile or they’re serious. Even the Russian guys at work; no one questions Niet lol. So I began incorporating saying no like them. It shouldn’t be with an RBF because it’s perceived as an attitude and attitudes are treated with avoidance or undermining of the person. Just assess the situation. My no’s come in two ways now: with a smile or deadpan with eye contact. Think of deadpan as your face being non-responsive, but your eyes make the biggest statement (which is why contact is important) but not frowning, so your face isn’t hard.
Mom: Can you please tidy up the front door?
Dad: Move your shoes from the front door.

The first one is an indirect command. We know what we mean, but we're not clear. The second way is direct and tells people exactly what you want them. (Some of the material that I've read about getting children to do things, suggests phrasing the second way as well.)

Women are very indirect because of the way we are wired.

I had to start being direct with my son. I stop asking my son and just tell him and give him time.

“Is that where we put our shoes?” Warrants a no from DS, not action. I asked a question, I didn’t give a command.

“I need you to put your shoes where they belong” Gets me an ok and action.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?
Week 7: Level Up Your Look

Week 7: Level Up Your Look

Let's take this week to develop our feminine appearance using what you already have. Men are very visual creatures point blank. They love to see someone balance out their masculinity with feminine aspects. To embrace your femininity....embrace what no one can take away...the fact that you are a woman. Take the time to enjoy wearing stereo-typically feminine wardrobe items like form fitting clothing, dresses, pencil skirts, low heels, bows, poofy sleeves, pink, sheer blouses, pearls, lace camisoles, flouncy tea length skirts and the occasional ruffle. Incorporate a good bra such as Wacoal, wear jewelry EACH DAY. Put on at LEAST simple makeup such as natural gold eye shadow, tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lipstick/lipgloss.

This is the Formula Given in most Level Up Groups
(People please chime in on anything I missed)
Teeth- Teeth straightened and whitened twice a year. Wear crest white stripes or Dr. White weekly.
Hair- Sleek and Polished. Invest in a straight long wig, a body wave wig/weave, a fun wig (blond, colored, bob and etc.). Wigs/Sew-Ins allow you to look good every day.
Lips- Bold colors. Invest in a nice red lipstick, a berry color, and a nice nude).
Skin- Needs to be CLEAR and dewy. Go to a dermatologist as needed and drink WATER and apply sunscreen to keep it clear. Invest in a self-tanner bronzer lotion that moisturizes and helps you glow.
Clothes- Wear few jeans. Wear mostly dresses. Dresses are one and done. They help you look flirty and feminine without trying hard. Try dresses with one solid color. Invest in a red dress and a classic black dress. Incorporate some fun dresses such as a leather one for flair. Heels only when on dates...no flats.
Makeup- Full face including lashes. Blend Blend Blend your eyeshadows. Blush, highlighter, eyeshadow, lipSTICK (it's bolder than lipgloss), and nicely waxed eyebrows (bimonthly).
Eyes- Eyelash Extensions to look doe eyed (take them off with oil)
Jewelry- You need a nice plain diamond pendant, tennis bracelet, and stud earrings. If you can't afford the real....get a sterling silver set and rock it until you get the money.

Week 7 Challenge

1. What's your feminine makeup routine?
2. Strive to dress feminine and wear a dress for at least 3 days this week and take in the results of people around your -- men and women.
3. What are some celebrities or pictures of women that you just LOVE their feminine style? Post a pictures!Could you emulate it?


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I wore this yellow dress from Boohoo and got many compliments. I stunned one of my rotational daters. He looked at me and was like.....wow.... I tried a new fragrance on my skin called Decadence. It was like he was infatuated with it. I can't wait to wear it again in the public and see how it meshes with my body chemistry.

Hopefully today, I can take baby boy to a mini yogurt shop date. I'm going to make sure I keep my phone in the car or off and just focus on him. Wish me luck lol; these terrific two's are giving me the blues.

I took my time yesterday and made some Pineapple Tacos. Sounds strange but it was actually VERY good! I will be making that again for sure! I loved it.

EDIT: I did one of the C's which is correcting. I told ole dude that my son doesn't eat nuggets unless he gets to dip them in sauce. The guy put ketchup all over DS's nuggets instead of just seeing what the outcome would be I went on and on about how DS is a dipper like me blah blah blah. I wasn't even watching the fact that DS was eating ALL of the nuggets lol. He tore those little nuggets UP. My criticism and correcting was not needed AT ALL. I wish I would have kept my mouth closed. I'm usually pretty good with these things. I'll just take note and do better next time.
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The Slow Poisoning “C Behaviors”

  1. Criticize- This is judging him. Nitpicking, nagging, and cutting him down. You never do this. Example 1: "I hate how you always leave the top off of the toothpaste." Example 2: Husband cut the son’s hair. You don’t like the son’s haircut. You snap out at the husband. You’re snapping because you don’t like his hair and it’s not done YOUR way. Example 3: He wants to quit his job. Instead of saying "You shouldn’t do that." say "Wow that’s a big deal. It must have been pretty unacceptable treatment for you to do that. Do you have a plan?" or "Okay honey I trust you know how to handle this love. I support you and know you’ll figure everything out." Work on YOURSELF trusting him to fix it instead of trying to correct and criticize him. Example 4: You don’t like his clothes? Use his money to buy him some more...privately. Don't tell him....just put it in the closet. Example 5: “I’m starving… why don’t you ever make dinner for us anymore?”

  2. Confront- This is to check a man and put him up on game. “Let me tell you because no one else is going to tell you.” Don't be a "See what you not going to do" girl. Protect yourself with boundaries NOT trying to confront him and putting him in his place.

  3. Complain- Women have leaving rights….not complaining rights. It’s your job to accept or reject him. That’s it. You can’t change him. He has to WANT to do that. Accept him for who he is. Example: You don’t ever take out the trash neatly. I wish you would do a better job mowing the grass.

  4. Coax- Do not manipulate him to do something you want. Accept no. Put that energy into yourself. Example: If he doesn’t want to take you out….Take yourself out. He'll come back honey. A woman with a fun and fulfilling life is intoxicating.

  5. Chasing- Leaning Forward. Calling him all the time before he comes to you. Buying him gifts all the time. Following his every move. Showing up to where he always is.

  6. Compare- Don’t compare him to other men.

  7. Coddle- Don’t mother him. Don’t help him He is a man and can figure it out. It’s emasculating. Don’t warn him that he needs to get his coat because it’s cold outside. Don’t tell him that it will be okay (Instead say: Baby I know whatever you decide will be best. You always find good solutions.) Don’t suggest that he eats his vegetables. Don’t advise him on what to do because he is a MAN.

  8. Convincing- His first date with you is HIS interview. Not yours. Don’t put him on a pedestal. Don’t CONVINCE him you’re the one. Just be. Don't bake him cookies. Don't show off your cooking skills. Don't tell him how you love coloring session. Don't prove to him you're a great wife...just BE.

  9. Correct- Avoid being judgemental and correcting in public. Example: If he pronounces remote control as “Mocha-Ma-Troll” guess what it is? You guessed right Mocha Ma Troll. If he says Chika-fil-A guess what it is? Chik-fil-A? HOWEVER you can say it correctly and hope he catches on but NEVER correct him! Example: Honey I don’t like that shirt; could you change it? Why do you leave the top off the toothpaste; could you stop doing that? Me: Baby what time did I go to bed last night? Him: About 9:30. Well really a little before 9. Me: Noooo couldn’t be! I think I went to bed at 10 (Well why did you ask him love). Another Example: DH has been going to work looking a mess. He acts like he can't iron AT ALL. His pants look like wrinkled paper. So I watch him iron and he give him pointers. I iron one side of his shirt and he begins to walk away. Wtf. No I told him to watch and he would have to do the other side.:mad: So he does. He proceeds to iron the same way that he was before. Solution: Iron YOUR clothes. Either iron his clothes for him or let it BE.
    Example 3: They had a family reunion. We stayed for six hours (12-6). I asked him could we leave so I could go to a friend's baby's birthday party and I needed to get the baby a gift. His mama came up in my face and tuns to DH and tells him he should have left me at home because every time he's at home without me he stays for a long time. I corrected DH in front of his mother about how he just lets her say anything to me.

  10. Control - Ultimatums. A man desires a relationship where he can be himself. He desires to do things the way he likes to do them. This includes prying into his personal life. Let him tell you and then you can ask questions...but don’t pry.

  11. Change- This involves trying to “fix” him. If his clothes aren’t attractive, don’t try to change this directly. If you don’t like something about him, look to the positive side. Don’t focus on the negative.
  12. Counselor/Coach- Trying to advise him on the best path he should take. unsolicited advice. Trust his leadership. This means giving suggestions. Suggesting he go to your tax accountant because you could get him a bigger refund. Suggesting you call a mechanic to help him with the car when he is diligently trying to fix it himself! Suggesting he ask somebody for directions. Telling him to be careful and reminding him of past failures. Rediculing his goals. Your husband said he’s tired of the political bashing he sees on tv. Instead or telling him what to do say what you do. Well honey I understand. I like to watch a variety of news outlets so I have a balanced view when possible. Later on when he did that don’t say I told you so. Just say Oh really? That was very smart honey. This is a different energy. Don’t be the coach, instead be the cheerleader.

  13. Contempt- It is an attitude of superiority and disgust. Refrain from eye rolling, neck rolling, clapping between words, tongue smacking, being snarky, and scoffing. It tends to express itself in actions that communicate arrogance: We're not equals. I'm smarter than you. I'm more sensitive than you. I know what's best. I'm OK … you're not OK. You are beneath me!

  14. Chatty- Less is more. Let him talk. Don’t teach a man how to exploit you.

  15. Cold-shouldering- Not listening. You can have silence but be polite. Don’t ignore him. Every time he walks in the room, ask him, “Do you need anything honey?”

  16. Cutting him off- Interrupting him.
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Week 7: Level Up Your Look

Let's take this week to develop our feminine appearance using what you already have. Men are very visual creatures point blank. They love to see someone balance out their masculinity with feminine aspects. To embrace your femininity....embrace what no one can take away...the fact that you are a woman. Take the time to enjoy wearing stereo-typically feminine wardrobe items like form fitting clothing, dresses, pencil skirts, low heels, bows, poofy sleeves, pink, sheer blouses, pearls, lace camisoles, flouncy tea length skirts and the occasional ruffle. Incorporate a good bra such as Wacoal, wear jewelry EACH DAY. Put on at LEAST simple makeup such as natural gold eye shadow, tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lipstick/lipgloss.

This is the Formula Given in most Level Up Groups
(People please chime in on anything I missed)
Teeth- Teeth straightened and whitened twice a year.
Hair- Sleek and Polished. Invest in a straight long wig, a body wave wig/weave, a fun wig (blond, colored, bob and etc.)
Lips- Bold colors. Invest in a nice red lipstick, a berry color, and a nice nude).
Skin- Needs to be CLEAR and dewy. Go to a dermatologist as needed and drink WATER and apply sunscreen to keep it clear.
Clothes- Wear few jeans. Wear mostly dresses. Heels only when on dates.
Makeup- Full face including lashes. Blend Blend Blend your eyeshadows. Blush, highlighter, eyeshadow, lipSTICK (it's bolder than lipgloss), and nicely waxed eyebrows.

Week 7 Challenge

1. What's your feminine makeup routine?
I wear makeup Every week day, and most saturdays. This includes everything except lashes and lipstick. I teach middle school and lipstick is just weird for me. I think if I start the year with it, it won't be as weird to wear. I dot have tinted glosses that I wear, especially the fenty glosses.
2. Strive to dress feminine and wear a dress for at least 3 days this week and take in the results of people around your -- men and women.
I don't have dresses for this weather. I do wear soft colors. Im not buying clothes for now, but I'm revamping my look this summer. Mass toss out
3. What are some celebrities or pictures of women that you just LOVE their feminine style? Post a pictures!Could you emulate it
IMG_0110.jpg IMG_0113.jpg

Successfully blow dried my hair a few weeks ago, I look forward to mixing it up with my natural curls and blow dried styles
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