2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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I'm headed to the Superbowl this weekend to spend some time with my brother and friends. :gorgeous: I'm going to wear all my feminine clothes in the cold haha and enjoy spending time with my loved ones.

I'm still polishing my femininity
  • Physically- Kickboxing classes, eating nutritional food, getting a mani/pedi, taking my vitamins, and etc.
  • Spiritually- Took my daughter out for a daughter and me date at the nail spa
  • Mentally- Watched some videos on the Law of Vibration
What are you doing this week to see changes in your femininity?

I recently moved from a lovely office to another building with small cubicles - it's actually a promotion. I really hated the cubicle. So, I asked to be moved to area with more sunlight. It's still a small cubicle but it's much brighter. I vigorously scrubbed my new area and asked the maintenance guys to vacuum for me. I then proceeded to bring several artificial plants (they look real), a coat rack and beautiful office supplies to spruce up my area. I feel like I'm in my own little world now. I love enjoying my feminine energy.
Wounded masculine sounds like:
-you never get this right
-you’re not good enough
-you better do x,y,z

Empowered masculine sounds like:
-we’ll get through this
-you’ll figure it out
-I’m here for you

When your boy energy is off within yourself, you’ll attract men who reflect that. This is all very deep work and there are so many facets to it... which is why I love it lol! When I go home, I’ll post an interview Leigha Lake did with Helena Hart. Leigha is really the expert for understanding wounded/empowered energies.
@Belle Du Jour I'm currently in Leigha's Feminine Energy Secrets course. It's awesome and I'm learning so much!
I haven't limited myself from social media yet. I need to work on that. I am working on being more present. Yall know I don't agree whole-heartedly with Ro's teaching BUT she dropped some gems of knowledge in a free parenting class she held this weekend.

1. She touched on reading to your child every night for 10 minutes. BUT while you are reading the book, physically TOUCH the child. Either wrap your arm around them or hold them in your lap or lie in the bed with them. I've been doing this and I've noticed that my son looks FORWARD to bedtime now and I get to sneak in some kisses and hugs before bedtime.

2. She said that you need to create stuff to look forward to. You needs things your children can look forward to daily, monthly, and bi annually. For example: Daily they can look forward to reading time and eating time together as a family. Monthly, they can look forward to a small mini trip. Bi-annually they can look forward to a vacation. You talk up these activities. Ask them oooh what will we do when we get there? What will you see at the zoo? When we go to the beach what do you want to do first? Let's pack your bag together. What do you think you will need?! I've been doing the daily thing with making sure we have family dinner time. Next week we're going to have a DIY project and make homemade pizzas. Next I plan on making a trip to see @PeaceLover which will be a mini vacation for our children. It's the little things that make up a bigger picture.

3. She touched on every time you let your child leave from you FILL THEM UP WITH LOVE. When you leave them at school do a special handshake, do a small dance, kiss and hug them, or high five them EVERY SINGLE DAY. She claimed that when she ran her school she noticed that the ones who didn't get loved in the morning weren't able to learn and didn't have self-confidence. Because of this, make sure that isn't YOUR child. Build their confidence each and every day by getting off the phone, tuning in to their needs, talking to them in the morning, and MAKING it special.

I felt really feminine while doing all of this. I felt very empowered in a special way. I felt like all was right in the world
@PrissiSippi Thank you so much for sharing this!
What are you doing this week to see changes in your femininity?

Made an Excel spreadsheet to track my menstrual cycle on a monthly basis. This is something I used to do when I was a teenager, but then...life happened. So I'm back at it, can't wait to find a cool file to store it all in:yep:.

Other than that, I'm still on cloud 9 about the few days I spent with my goddaughter. Though I'm not a mom, it felt so good to take care of her and keep her alive :look:. There were no tantrums or anything, I was always able to show her that I was the adult. At certain moments, like Friday when it was almost weekend, I did give her some leeway and let her play on her tablet. :cloud9:
I need to write a journal entry about things I need to STAND on. It seems like I make too many exceptions for boundaries in dating. It’s like I need practice in getting in the feminine and STAYING there.

Edit: I made two things to STAND on this week. It’s really worked for me so far.
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"Goddess is a description of radiance, not of appearance."
"I am a feminine black woman who is strong on the inside (boundaries) but soft on the outside (personality and appearance)"


Over the past year, quite a few of us have begun using the teachings and thoughts of Ro Elori Cutno's Wife School, Christlyn Kerazin's Pink Pill, SheraSeven, Chrissie, and other femininity coaches to achieve our goals of becoming more in touch with our feminine side and taking steps towards becoming better feminine women to uplift our Black community. Being feminine encompasses the process of being, accepting, and receiving versus thinking more result-oriented such as goal seeking and giving. It involves being very strong with our boundaries, but presenting them in a very breezy, airy, feminine and soft way. It allows you to protect your peace and be strategically selfish to put yourself first at all times to continuously fill up your cup. This creates more feminine energy that you can give to others from. Getting in touch with our femininity has allowed many of us to tap into energy we never knew we had and grow closer to consciousness and happiness - one week at a time. Who would like to join in as a group as we work collectively in continue on our path towards femininity in 2018?

Week 1- Mindset Mastery
Keep in mind, this process to femininity definitely takes some effort! What we will work towards is identifying our habitual masculine behaviors and commit to changing them to more feminine behaviors and thoughts. It important to understand that masculine energy cannot be destroyed but it can be transmuted into more feminine ones. At first, this may feel like faking it until you make it. This is why inner work is needed. The more you’re able "fake it", the more your subconscious will work with you toward your goal of becoming more feminine, and it will become a more authentic worldview of yours. This is called mindset mastery. There are many steps towards this mindset mastery.

Think Positive
- You're going to have to physically SAY affirmations to get it in our head that you already have everything you need to be successful. Otherwise you are just faking it until you make it (which is fine in the beginning but we're trying to seek to be authentic with it as well).
- This may include saying affirmations/afformations, mirror work, shadow work, doing something from your polishing your femininity list, scripting, tapping, doing guided meditations, journaling, or having your accountability partner encourage you. They key is to stay at it.

Raise Your Standards
Look at some key areas of your life and see what do you REALLY want to change as it relates to being feminine.
Now how could you change your shoulds to musts?
Example: I should wear dresses to dress more feminine -> I MUST wear dresses more often to dress more feminine.
Example: I should take up some hobbies to fill up my cup --> I MUST take up hobbies to fill up my cup.

Create Good Baby Habits
Small habits as the basic building blocks to reaching your goals. What small baby step goals will get you close to your overall feminine goals?
Example: I will wear dresses every Monday.
Example: I will use Saturday mornings to do my hobbies.

Flip your Limiting Beliefs
  • Your emotional patterns control your life. They begin to shape how you see life.
  • Make your reframed belief into your NEW affirmations.
Example: I'm too fat to wear dresses. I will wear them when I lose weight. --> I am beautiful just the way I am and I feel feminine and free in dresses
Example: I'm too busy to do hobbies --> My hobbies make me free more fulfilled and feminine.

Make your SMART goals

Now is the time to make a PLAN to be a divinely feminine woman over the course of a year. Take the time to decide what this looks like to you. Please make a list of 3-4 measurable SMART goals. (I realize some femininity goals are not measurable. This is okay, but be creative and put a number to goals if you can.)

Some examples would include:
  • I plan to wear dresses 3 days out of each week. (3 x 52 weeks is 156 for the entire year) or
  • I intend to cook from scratch for my family 2 times each week. (2x52 is 104 times)
  • To look better in my dress and get to Trophy Wife status I plan to lose 5 pounds every 2 months (30 pounds for the year)

By making measurable SMART goals, we ensure success by creating goals that are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Week 1 Challenge

1. Find an accountability partner. It’s a good idea to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis to help you with your feminine words, your feminine actions and staying in your feelings rather than your thoughts. Begin thinking about who would be the best person to keep you grounded.
2. Buy a planner
3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?
4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?
5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?

Week 1: Master Your Mindset/ Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner/Buy a Planner
Week 2: Be Present
Week 3: Polish Yourself to become Pretty n Poised
Week 4: Block History Month
Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential
Week 6: What's in a Voice?

Have you ever met a drop dead gorgeous person only to have all the attraction fade the minute they open their mouth? When it comes to dating, chemistry, and love, that getting-to-know you chat and flirtatious sweet nothings have impact far beyond that words being said. In fact, several studies have shown that the qualities of our voices transmit important details about attraction, health, and fertility to potential partners.

Practice staying in your femininity by ALWAYS having a sweet sing song voice. With your husband, your children, and friends. Soften your sound a little and notice what changes it makes in your life this week.

Week 6 Challenge
1. Post a video with a feminine voice you admire.
2. Practice recording yourself on your phone and play it back to see what areas you need to work on to soften your sound.
3. Use your voice some time this week to get what you want a practice one of the important pillars of femininity: Receiving. What was the result?
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I used the Art of Freaking Out Saturday. Last year we talked about the skill of using crying to get your way in the realm of femininity. @PeaceLover went on to explain how she uses freaking out to get what she wants instead of telling him exactly how to solve the problem. Basically the thought is....

He cannot get what he wants until she gets what SHE wants. It's is never directly said, but it is shown with her actions.

So my dryer went out. One of my rotational daters said he would take a look at it, but it seemed he kinda GLANCED at the problem but didn't FIX it. BUT later on he wanted some some affection from me. I acted like I just couldn't get settled. I couldn't "connect". I couldn't kiss. I couldn't hug. I kept interjecting I just don't know what I am going to do! I don't know how I'm going to dry my clothes. I can't even think. He waited about an hour later and wanted to do xyz. I started sighing and said I really just can't focus. I wish I could relax. I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't dry my clothes. I need my dryer fixed. I continued freaking out about it. EVENTUALLY

He said, Baby I just want you to relax. Look baby, if I can't fix it I will buy you a new dryer.

Oh really? :drunk::drunk: That's the exact answer I wanted to hear.

BUT He still hasn't come through with fixing the dryer. Soooo, he still can't get what he wants (affection, love, time) until I get what I want which is my dryer fixed. I didn't criticize him. I didn't try to tell him how to do it. I didn't give him a deadline. I didn't instruct him how to do it. I just stood my ground silently and am working on my patience to be CALM while it gets fixed.

Has anyone else used this technique?
1. Post a video with a feminine voice you admire.
I have always loved Anika Noni Rose's voice (her and Jill Scott are my two fave speaking voices); here's a video of Anika

2. Practice recording yourself on your phone and play it back to see what areas you need to work on to soften your sound.
I will do this, I hate my speaking voice on recorder but I will do this at night while I take my bath.

3. Use your voice some time this week to get what you want a practice one of the important pillars of femininity: Receiving. What was the result?
Im reading back on Week 5. I was having an argument with a male and I was angry. I know I am no good when Im angry. My mind is everywhere. I was more conscious of this, this time around. At some point I ended the conversation and said that I just needed time and space. 15 minutes later, sure enough, I called him back and apologized. My only goal was to apologize, but to come from a calmer place. I had also stated some other things, but my point was to admit I was wrong, resolve the issue and go to Sephora for some high priced band-aids, and I dont even care for Sephora lol.

Well, what do you know? What came from a cancelled date turned into asking me if I still wanted to see him. Not my intention at all, but once I came from a calmer place, my message was received better and I was able to receive more. I definitely need to work on my triggers, but I think the real issue is not taking offensive (and even non-offensive) statements/things personally, which will lessen my reactions.
Although I sometimes thinks Anya talks to much :giggle: I found the meditation in this video (Do this before you see him to activate your feminine magnetism and be unforgettable to him) very powerful (the actual meditation starts at 38:57):

1. Post a video with a feminine voice you admire:
Of course, the Duchess of Sussex:

2. Practice recording yourself on your phone and play it back to see what areas you need to work on to soften your sound.
I think my voice is soft and low but I also hate the sound of my voice on recordings. But people have told me I have a nice voice so...

3. Use your voice some time this week to get what you want a practice one of the important pillars of femininity: Receiving. What was the result?
I'll be back to report on my experience with this...
I went out on a date this weekend. When I tell you it's taking me longer and longer to get ready haha but I've been looking GOOD.

  • I had to moisturize my entire body.
  • I had to take my time putting on my makeup.
  • I had to use a primer and matte spray to control the oil.
  • I had to have a whole photoshoot before I left hahaha.

I've been noticing that the better you look, the harder it is for men to argue with you. You look too good lol. And BOY is that a game changer.
I'm really encompassing being slower, not rushing, and enjoying the journey. Before, whenever someone else would get in the driver's seat, I would be a right hand driver. I had to point out the quickest way for us to get xyz, and put the address in MY app even if he already had it in their phone, and remind them on upcoming turns. Now I just lean back.

This is HARD for me. But I think it's a more feminine approach than criticizing, correcting and controlling (from the passenger's side) all the time which takes me out of my feminine.

These days I'm just focusing on me. And when I say this weekend doesn't owe me ANYTHING...I mean it. I had an amazing time. Now I feel recharged to snuggle up and have mommy time with my babies.

I love Kerry’s voice
I always thought my voice was deeper until I had to record myself teaching. Now I know it’s naturally high pitched but not squeaky.
I also take on accents. I can get countrier or I can become more proper.
2. Will do
3. Will try this Friday. We’re going to a big party and I know I’m going to be exhausted and ready to go early.
I'm really encompassing being slower, not rushing, and enjoying the journey. Before, whenever someone else would get in the driver's seat, I would be a right hand driver. I had to point out the quickest way for us to get xyz, and put the address in MY app even if he already had it in their phone, and remind them on upcoming turns. Now I just lean back.

This is HARD for me. But I think it's a more feminine approach than criticizing, correcting and controlling (from the passenger's side) all the time which takes me out of my feminine.

These days I'm just focusing on me. And when I say this weekend doesn't owe me ANYTHING...I mean it. I had an amazing time. Now I feel recharged to snuggle up and have mommy time with my babies.

ARE YOU ME? I’m working on some very similar things.
I’ll have to start listening to women’s voices on YouTube or something. I don’t know anyone in person who’s voice I enjoy hearing or who I would like to emulate

I’ll be sure to record my voice sometime tomorrow during my break

I’m frequently told that my voice is very enjoyable. Adjectives often used are “soft” “child like” “cute” “happy” and “bubbly”. Men especially really like it. At work there are many masculine women running around, dominating the airspace with loud yelling and barking. They are snappy and brusque and aggressive. I try not to be that. I can be firm and clear without yelling. I get to practice a lot at my second job so I will continue doing that

ETA: I realize I said “verbs”. Meant adjectives. Editing lol
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Marie Kondo's is the kind of femininity that I desire that I feel is impossible for me. She's beautiful, demure, softspoken and not aggressively sexual BUT far from infantile or a pushover. She's steady stable, strong, for lack of a better word, not a pushover. She's clearly smart too, she's no airhead.

I'm wondering where the intersection is between what I want and what is realistic for me.
What are some other examples of being feminine without being overtly sexual? If you have pics please do share.

I love Kerry’s voice
I always thought my voice was deeper until I had to record myself teaching. Now I know it’s naturally high pitched but not squeaky.
I also take on accents. I can get countrier or I can become more proper.
2. Will do
3. Will try this Friday. We’re going to a big party and I know I’m going to be exhausted and ready to go early.

Cute video of Keri and her mom. Thanks for sharing

I love Kerry’s voice
I always thought my voice was deeper until I had to record myself teaching. Now I know it’s naturally high pitched but not squeaky.
I also take on accents. I can get countrier or I can become more proper.
2. Will do
3. Will try this Friday. We’re going to a big party and I know I’m going to be exhausted and ready to go early.

Aww this is such a cute video. Keri's mother is so polished. Keri is always on point. I noticed the following:

-Keri said, yeah she's tried to break me up from cursing.
Her mother looked perplexed, "No" as to say (Not my child. My child doesn't curse she's very lady like.) <--This is a part of your feminine mystique. Never speak or let others speak negatively of your child. You have the most well behaved child ever. Play up their good qualities. Focus on the GOOD.

-Keri also said she can't cook. She can boil water. Her mother said, "You can cook." (Feminine ladies try their best to downplay their insecurities. You can say you don't have an extensive repertoire when it comes to cooking, but I'm sure you can cook SOMETHING. Even if the only thing you know how to make is frying ground beef, I'm sure you know how to cook SOMETHING and something well. Plus putting positivity in the air (focusing on what you CAN do) versus focusing on what you CAN'T do increases your want to do even BETTER and increases your vibration.
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1. Post a video with a feminine voice you admire:
Of course, the Duchess of Sussex:

2. Practice recording yourself on your phone and play it back to see what areas you need to work on to soften your sound.
I think my voice is soft and low but I also hate the sound of my voice on recordings. But people have told me I have a nice voice so...

3. Use your voice some time this week to get what you want a practice one of the important pillars of femininity: Receiving. What was the result?
I'll be back to report on my experience with this...

Meghan Markle is so well polished and it shows.
  • She was very unrushed. She really took her time in her first speech and she focused on her diction and speech.
  • She had very feminine body language. I'm going to make sure to save this video for when we talk on feminine body language. She uses her hands extensively when she talks but they're not all over the place. They're very controlled and stay close to her heart. Her movements are not overly grandiose but they still add meaning to what she is saying.
  • She also had etiquette by thanking the people that cooked the food which shows compassion.
  • I like that she played up this is not just a "cookbook". This tells the stories of yada yada. Well played and well said.
I'm hypersexual and use profanity a lot. I lose my temper in arguments and curse to get my point across which mean I lose control often. Even if I'm not arguing, I will turn into "one of the boys" with men.

I will make it my goal to LEAN BACK/stop paddling the boat sexually and minimize cursing by the end of the year as one of my new feminine goals.
I'm really encompassing being slower, not rushing, and enjoying the journey. Before, whenever someone else would get in the driver's seat, I would be a right hand driver. I had to point out the quickest way for us to get xyz, and put the address in MY app even if he already had it in their phone, and remind them on upcoming turns. Now I just lean back.

This is HARD for me. But I think it's a more feminine approach than criticizing, correcting and controlling (from the passenger's side) all the time which takes me out of my feminine.

These days I'm just focusing on me. And when I say this weekend doesn't owe me ANYTHING...I mean it. I had an amazing time. Now I feel recharged to snuggle up and have mommy time with my babies.
I'm just so happy you went on the trip. It took a lot to take the mommy hat off and recharge. I'm sooo proud of you for taking time to FOCUS ON YOU and enjoy yourself on your trip. Love you to pieces. :2inlove:
Aww this is such a cute video. Keri's mother is so polished. Keri is always on point. I noticed the following:

-Keri said, yeah she's tried to break me up from cursing.
Her mother looked perplexed, "No" as to say (Not my child. My child doesn't curse she's very lady like.) <--This is a part of your feminine mystique. Never speak or let others speak negatively of your child. You have the most well behaved child ever. Play up their good qualities. Focus on the GOOD.

-Keri also said she can't cook. She can boil water. Her mother said, "You can cook." (Feminine ladies try their best to downplay their insecurities. You can say you don't have an extensive repertoire when it comes to cooking, but I'm sure you can cook SOMETHING. Even if the only thing you know how to make is frying ground beef, I'm sure you know how to cook SOMETHING and something well. Plus putting positivity in the air (focusing on what you CAN do) versus focusing on what you CAN'T do increases your want to do even BETTER and increases your vibration.

Kerry's mom is class personified. It definitely explains why Kerry is so effortlessly poised and exudes femininity. I've always been a huge fan and this video just confirmed everything I knew to be true about one of my favorite actresses.

I loved reading your take on her Mom's responses. So funny and true!
Aww this is such a cute video. Keri's mother is so polished. Keri is always on point. I noticed the following:

-Keri said, yeah she's tried to break me up from cursing.
Her mother looked perplexed, "No" as to say (Not my child. My child doesn't curse she's very lady like.) <--This is a part of your feminine mystique. Never speak or let others speak negatively of your child. You have the most well behaved child ever. Play up their good qualities. Focus on the GOOD.

-Keri also said she can't cook. She can boil water. Her mother said, "You can cook." (Feminine ladies try their best to downplay their insecurities. You can say you don't have an extensive repertoire when it comes to cooking, but I'm sure you can cook SOMETHING. Even if the only thing you know how to make is frying ground beef, I'm sure you know how to cook SOMETHING and something well. Plus putting positivity in the air (focusing on what you CAN do) versus focusing on what you CAN'T do increases your want to do even BETTER and increases your vibration.
It took me a while to find this video. She was “in character” in the others. I really enjoyed watching her mother and how she responded to Kerry’s comments.
I'm hypersexual and use profanity a lot. I lose my temper in arguments and curse to get my point across which mean I lose control often. Even if I'm not arguing, I will turn into "one of the boys" with men.

I will make it my goal to LEAN BACK/stop paddling the boat sexually and minimize cursing by the end of the year as one of my new feminine goals.
same. same. same.

I've gotten better with losing my temper. Mostly because I have chosen to avoid ppl who get on my nerves.
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