White Men

  • Love them, they're yummy

    Votes: 289 44.7%
  • Hate them, wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole

    Votes: 40 6.2%
  • I dunno... I'd try it

    Votes: 200 30.9%
  • I dunno and no thanks I'll pass

    Votes: 118 18.2%

  • Total voters
Black and white is quite boring.
Besides, my favourite colour is blue.

What about blue men?



He is hot, I have never entertained the thought of a blue man, but I am sure they will be the next craze on here soon. Good lookin out, where do you think the best place is to meet one? Do you think they prefer us light or dark? Natural hair or relaxed? Maybe I'll start wearing mostly blue clothes and I will attract them!!!!!!!
I like them white brown yellow puerto rican or haitian lol...however the lyrics go. I do not discriminate. If ur fine, ur fine.

A fellow Aries after my own heart!! I can't even lie though, I LOVE Hispanic and Caribbean men... don't even get me started. My current crush is Venezuelan and Dominican and it's gotta be a damn sin to be so sexy :lachen:Wait, this is about white men, ha? For real for real, I don't care what color he is as long as he respects my sexy (on all levels) :grin:
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Re: marry and date who you want (long)

Why are people attracted to each other? I still don't know the answer.
When I was growing up, I never dated any of the black men that I knew because they only wanted to date the white women in my town. The few times that I had dates with black men was only because my mom felt bad for my 'date-free' situation and would set me up with black guys who were the sons of women she went to church with. They wanted nothing to do with me once they found out that I was going into a creative field and had no intention of being a lawyer or doctor! Believe it or not.
The whole time this was going on, I was constantly and consistently being asked out by white men. I never went out with them when they asked. I was attracted to them but my father told me that if I ever dated a white man; he would disown me and never speak to me again. (This from a man who is 1/4 white and divorced my mom when I was three months old, abandoned her and never gave her a penny to raise me)
I eventually ended up dating lots of white men once I moved to NY but never told anyone in my family so that this info wouldn't get back to my dad. I ended up falling in love with a great guy. He was a film student and I was a waitress. We were absolutely and totally made for each other and I knew that he was the one. Well I made the mistake of telling my mom and guess what? My dad didn't speak to me for eighteen years. I really took it hard because I wanted to marry this guy but emotionally I just broke down. I left town for a year and when I came back he had gotten engaged to someone. I had broken his heart and he never understood why I had stopped seeing him. Even though I had stopped seeing him my father refused to have anything to do with me. Looking back on it now, I wish that I had stayed with him. His parents were wonderful to me.
I've since married someone else and just celebrated my 11th wedding annniversary. But it turns out that my long ago ex and I ended up in the same business and ran into each other on a set. It's been twenty-five years and he told me that he thinks of me every day because he never, ever stopped loving me and married someone else to get on with his life and try to stop the pain. I couldn't believe it.
So all of this is just to say - don't waste your life like I did. If you fall in love with someone that others don't approve of; it doesn't matter. Marry them, have their kids and get on with it! I missed out on decades of a great life with a great guy because I thought that what someone else thought was more important!

:nono::nono: this story was truly heart-breaking. i've learnt a lesson from what you went through. i always had the idea that ultimately if you love someone and your family disproves of him for unfair reasons (be it his race or religion etc) then it isn't in your interest to stop seeing that person. some family really have their own agenda, are more concerned with how they will look to others and/or have control issues. your happiness isn't always at the forefront of their mind like it should be. your post really just confirmed to me how true this is. i really thank you for making this post; i know that i've learnt from your experience.
My fiancé is white, and I love him. :look: However, I don't really have a viewpoint on white, black, brown, green, purple, blue - I love my fiancé because of who he is as a person, and his ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with that.
I have never let race make the final decision in my feelings for whoever it may be. I have always liked black guys and latino guys. Though I have always been attracted to white men as well. It all comes down to the personality. I am interested in an amazing guy right now who is mixed, he is really an amazing guy, like no other i've ever met. My mother and brother adore him, however I dont know how the rest of my family would respond to him being another race than me, but I really care about him and Im glad I've always been open minded, otherwise who knows, I may have never made such an amazing friend as I have with him.
Sometimes I feel like this forum has a weird fixation on bagging a white man. I'm still relatively new here though so whatever.

Black men are beautiful and only get better with age. I've only dated black/African men... I wasn't open to dating white guys before. No real reason... it just didn't seem like an option to me. I wouldn't mind dating one now... or any person from any race really. As long as they're attractive to me. Cute comes in many colors.
Growing up and living all over the place and with the type of community the ARmed forces provides - I date people for who they are (I'm not going to lie though I find gringos . yummy.) I am semi-weird and if I can find someone who matches that i don't care what color he is!
ps: my stepdad used to say you better not date those white boys/ bucketheads etc.... but everyone once in a while he would say as long as your happy. Which is how it should be! My dad , who was married to a white lady , def. doesn't care .
Sometimes I feel like this forum has a weird fixation on bagging a white man. I'm still relatively new here though so whatever.


I actually felt similar when i first joined. I noticed quite a few race threads.

To each his own. I date all over the rainbow.
yea honestly when i came onto this board i was really surprised at how many of the ladies on here are married to white men or only date them. Not that its weird..
but i've never been interested in white men. i don't even notice them when i walk down the street. come to think about it the only time i've flirted with white guys was when they were drunk in the bars.
so black and latino men have always caught my eye but just like the girl above said each his own
Sure, I like white men. Well, actually, I don't like Jews, Italians, or Greeks at this point because I don't find men from those ethnicities particularly attractive, plus I've dated from each group just to say I gave them a chance and did not like the cultural traits at all. (And before anyone starts up: Yes, I know that I can't judge an entire group based on a few. However, no, I don't care about PCness and I definitely don't care about fairness. What I want is what I want and what I don't want is what I don't want.)
I chose "I dunno, I'll pass" which isn't really my answer because I do know. I don't hate them but I'll still pass. I semi-dated two... no, thanks. They don't deserve me.
I wouldn't say in generic terms that I love them but I am a very open minded person. I have dated numerous men from all different cultures. I am currently dating a white man and he is a great person because we have sooo much in common and he treats me with great respect... not because is white.
They're freaks in bed, so yea gotta love em :rolleyes:

I think I like them becuase they're usually the ones who like me (every black man I have been interested in has given me that tired "You act white, you don't have a bootie" excuse... as if me working out and speaking correctly took away my cool points :look:). It's hard though, because the college I'm at now has a LOT of white boys, but they typically don't want to admit to being attracted to you. I'm going to pick out a grad school where I can get me one though, if that doesn't work out I guess I'll find me a latino or something. I'm done chasing black men because they've been done chasing me:yawn:.
Oh girl I feel ya... I get that you act white, what is that you listen to, wack approaches but I wouldn't say I"m done if i meet one that we click hey it's on. but I have yet to find that.
Oh but I totally feel you on the white boys dominating campus like but they flirt and all that **** but won't date you... and If i would have known that my school was like that I would have stayed in cali. I don't think it's like that everywhere in TX but in east tx it is.

They're freaks in bed, so yea gotta love em :rolleyes:

I think I like them becuase they're usually the ones who like me (every black man I have been interested in has given me that tired "You act white, you don't have a bootie" excuse... as if me working out and speaking correctly took away my cool points :look:). It's hard though, because the college I'm at now has a LOT of white boys, but they typically don't want to admit to being attracted to you. I'm going to pick out a grad school where I can get me one though, if that doesn't work out I guess I'll find me a latino or something. I'm done chasing black men because they've been done chasing me:yawn:.
i find that most white men are racists, whether they mean to be or not. so i dont deal w/ it. it could be cause i live in the south...idk.. but thats all ive seen and so.. thats a no on white guys. :nono:
I don't purposely go for only white guys but they seem to be the ones I get involved with... they're so fiiine ugh. Well some of them. I'm at work so I can't post a picture of the one I'm involved with right now, but ugh he's gorgeous as hell - to me anyway. Tall, 6'3", athletic body, flawless skin with light freckles on his shoulders, shaggy brown-red-blonde hair, green eyes with spots of red... large thang >___> YEAH idk them whites are somethin else.
I would prefer NOT to marry a white man because simply, we don't have the same cultural background in common.

BUT, I want to have a greater chance of finding a family oriented man. A man with not alot of kids. A man that has only kids in wed lock IF he has any. A man who has a strong worth ethnic and who works smarter, which means he has a degree and is using it. A man who is in touch with being affectionate and romatic who doesn't cater to the playa playa mentality and respects women.

There are several black guys that I know personally who are just like this.

BUT they are very very very few in the large pool of Black men that I know.

We don't wanna admit it but most of our men do not fit many or most of these categories. They really don't. Most of the ladies I know say the same and even I've had some of the responsible black guys that I know say the very same thing.

With all this being the reality, I'm open to whomever is going to have good personal and life values as those stated above.
I wouldn't say in generic terms that I love them but I am a very open minded person. I have dated numerous men from all different cultures. I am currently dating a white man and he is a great person because we have sooo much in common and he treats me with great respect... not because is white.

The sad thing is that the girls that I know who are dating black guys are not being treated like this. :nono:
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

facetious as heck!!! but i have to admit i couldnt help but laugh:lachen:
I've dated two of them. They were quite cool. I think they listened to more hip hop and r&B than I did. I had never really thought about dating a white guy. In both cases they approached me and they turned out to be loads of fun. Men are men...if they are cool, they are cool.
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

Love it!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
i feel like theres a weird fixation with bagging a black man.

Fo real.

I must admit that I was quite taken-back that some women were even willing to give up everything and travel (by plane) Solely to find one. Some were even discussing cheapest airline tickets to these “hot spots” in another forum. My goodness I truly believe some women put their lives on a halt in hopes of in finding their ideal black man- and for some it’s an obsession
Fo real.

I must admit that I was quite taken-back that some women were even willing to give up everything and travel (by plane) Solely to find one. Some were even discussing cheapest airline tickets to these “hot spots” in another forum. My goodness I truly believe some women put their lives on a halt in hopes of in finding their ideal black man- and for some it’s an obsession

You are joking right. RIGHT???