Interracial: She's Black; He's White

Are you a Black woman with a White man?

  • Yes

    Votes: 95 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 77 37.9%
  • Wouldn't dare?

    Votes: 5 2.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 26 12.8%

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  • Poll closed .
those who have biracial you find it that more WM stare at you or are more bold when you're with your children? It's so cute to see that little twinkle in their eye. Kind of like "Damn I might have a shot" :lachen:

lol I skimmed thru this thread and it was interesting and your post had me rolling. Matter of fact the do seem to behave that way. For example when Im at work I often show patients a picture of my son and then all of the sudden they want to try to flirt. Or when Im with my husband they will smile all extra like OHHHHHHH OK lol. Funny world we live in!

I was just looking for love, not really a white was just a coincidence that we ended up together, but Im forever grateful that we did. I never had a problem with interracial dating and have always been a live and let live kind of person. I never understood why anybody black or white takes it personally when they see an BW IR couple. Its their business who they date or marry.
lol I skimmed thru this thread and it was interesting and your post had me rolling. Matter of fact the do seem to behave that way. For example when Im at work I often show patients a picture of my son and then all of the sudden they want to try to flirt. Or when Im with my husband they will smile all extra like OHHHHHHH OK lol. Funny world we live in!

I was just looking for love, not really a white was just a coincidence that we ended up together, but Im forever grateful that we did. I never had a problem with interracial dating and have always been a live and let live kind of person. I never understood why anybody black or white takes it personally when they see an BW IR couple. Its their business who they date or marry.

Hahaha I get that all the time. Kinda like a switch being flipped. I thought I was crazy :grin:
Oh no. You guys aren't getting me into trouble. I will only say he plays guitar and is tall. The end!
Umm I for one would like to know 'cos any man black or white who disrespects black women so blatantly needs to have his music boycotted. I for one will not be giving him any of my cash.:yep:
Ladies I apologize, I won't confirm nor deny the person because, I still have contact with him and if his name is googled these comments will come up. And more importantly, I still get good hollywood gossip from this connection and I loves me gossip. BTW, he told me he was married to this actress, but when I look at her bio his name isn't mentioned as an ex. Apparently it was either a hush hush marriage/divorce or he's a big fat liar. So it's not well known that the two were married at some point as it was a while ago. But when she was on Howard Stern she admitted to being married to a Black man at some point. I assume she means him. He did show me pictures of the two of them together and it made me realize that White actresses and Black men are still taboo. Which kind of ties into what he was saying about Black women having it better than Black men when it comes to IR. He's also said that Black women are the most racist. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything because I really just want to talk about him behind his back and not mention his name. LOL I guess I'm still salty over those comments and it comes up in conversations every now and then. Anyhoo sorry for the thread highjack. Proceed back to original topic.
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Ladies I apologize, I won't confirm nor deny the person because, I still have contact with him and if his name is googled these comments will come up. LOL I guess I'm still salty over those comments and it comes up in conversations every now and then.

Errr umm, yeah, I think you're right about probably not having brought him up 'cause you know sistahs wanna know :yep:. Hopefully your humble request above will be honored here and via PM.

Let's let it drop yaw'll that way she can continue giving us the 4-1-1 about these folk she knows :ohwell:.
... but in my wee humble opinion, I think that black women are a bit too overly concerned about how "different" a white man might be...
I had to give you another :up: on this. I'm married to a black man, but I've dated white men in the past. I understand the concerns about racial issues, but the way some BW talk, you'd think WM were of another species.

...Now, I don't want some oblivious white American dude who's like, "La la la la la, you're overreacting, there is no racism, la la la la la." Ugh, can you say beat down???

But also, how men many can truly relate to their partners about sexism? Do we need to be with women to get them to identify with our struggle as women?

As long as I have a man who is capable of acknowledging the issues that I might face as a black women and comforting me when they happen -- even if he doesn't "get it" firsthand -- then I'm cool.
EXACTLY. There are men who are misogynists all day everyday and have no problems landing a heterosexual relationship. I wouldn't date a WM who believes racism doesn't exist (I also wouldn't date a man who doesn't believe sexism exists...) and wouldn't suggest anyone do the same, but I think a lot of BW are putting up mental blocks and creating reasons not to date an otherwise worthwile human being.
My DH is white. His family heritage is Yugoslavian and Italian. I wasn't looking for a WM that's just who God put in my path and I fell in love with. I agree with many of the others that it doesn't matter what the race is, it's the heart.
Just saw a very cute couple at my local supermarket this evening. Him - tall, very goodlooking, nice build eyes maybe green? She - slim, dark chocolate pretty.
They looked cute together buying
Ladies I apologize, I won't confirm nor deny the person because, I still have contact with him and if his name is googled these comments will come up. And more importantly, I still get good hollywood gossip from this connection and I loves me gossip. BTW, he told me he was married to this actress, but when I look at her bio his name isn't mentioned as an ex. Apparently it was either a hush hush marriage/divorce or he's a big fat liar. So it's not well known that the two were married at some point as it was a while ago. But when she was on Howard Stern she admitted to being married to a Black man at some point. I assume she means him. He did show me pictures of the two of them together and it made me realize that White actresses and Black men are still taboo. Which kind of ties into what he was saying about Black women having it better than Black men when it comes to IR. He's also said that Black women are the most racist. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything because I really just want to talk about him behind his back and not mention his name. LOL I guess I'm still salty over those comments and it comes up in conversations every now and then. Anyhoo sorry for the thread highjack. Proceed back to original topic.

This forum is private, it doesn't come up on google searches
The only way somebody could find out is from a member of this forum
Ladies I apologize, I won't confirm nor deny the person because, I still have contact with him and if his name is googled these comments will come up. And more importantly, I still get good hollywood gossip from this connection and I loves me gossip. BTW, he told me he was married to this actress, but when I look at her bio his name isn't mentioned as an ex. Apparently it was either a hush hush marriage/divorce or he's a big fat liar. So it's not well known that the two were married at some point as it was a while ago. But when she was on Howard Stern she admitted to being married to a Black man at some point. I assume she means him. He did show me pictures of the two of them together and it made me realize that White actresses and Black men are still taboo. Which kind of ties into what he was saying about Black women having it better than Black men when it comes to IR. He's also said that Black women are the most racist. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything because I really just want to talk about him behind his back and not mention his name. LOL I guess I'm still salty over those comments and it comes up in conversations every now and then. Anyhoo sorry for the thread highjack. Proceed back to original topic.

Care to share some? LOL You could be our resident Ted Casablanca! I love me some blind items :grin:
This forum is private, it doesn't come up on google searches
The only way somebody could find out is from a member of this forum

Not as private as you think. I've google mega-tek and this website pops as well as all threads that had mega-tek mentioned in it.
Im slightly head over heels for this white boy in one of my classes. I've had crushes on white males SO many times but I NEVER approach or flirt with them due to the fear of being rejected. Its not the same as being rejected by a black guy or someone of colour, its so much more intimidating.

I do think that he doesnt mind black girls, but every time I assume so Im end up wrong. Le sigh
The Lucie I was at 20 is no longer the Lucie I am at 30. When I was younger I thought all Haitian men were like my father. Loud, obnoxious, verbally abusive, sexist, blah, blah, blah. I made it a point to reject anyone West Indian even. Now I realize the error of my ways, and I prefer for my children to have a Haitian father. Not someone I have to translate for. Someone who truly gets me because my culture is oh so important.

Heh, you described how I've felt and am currently feeling since I was a kid. I'm sure it's sad to say, but I do my best to steer clear of haitian men. Not only do I have a terrible relationship with my haitian father, but ODDLY ENOUGH, ALL the women on my mother's side were once married to haitian men and are NOW divorced. I believe only two are still married to one and they are in unhappy marriages (sleeping in seperate rooms, the whole shebang). My mother's side constantly speak of how awful haitian men are and my sister's ex who was haitian not only had the same personality, but hurt her and played her horribly.

Not saying there arent good haitian men out there, and hey, if one gets me to even hear him out and theres something there, I wouldnt knock it. But I have my reasons for wanting to steer clear.:sad:
I've dated a few white guys before, two Puerto Ricans, and an Asian. But there's just something about having chocolate skin. :lick: Plus there are big cultural differences (white and Asian) that I have a hard time dealing with (which is why it doesn't last long). I get along best with black and Hispanic men.

My fiance is black. The only thing is I wish he spoke Spanish. It sucks that he can't.
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I have dated only two white guys, but I wouldn't be adverse to advances if I were single. I'm open to all races! :) My brother married a white woman, and my mother is in a LTR with a white man.
I love seeing Black women in happy relationships. Several years ago a few professional Black men were cackling and joking around, but dead serious, about Black women having to share a man because there is a shortage of Black men. You should have seen the look on their faces when I told them, "Why would Black women share a man when there are so many single men of other races to date?" They looked like they had just seen a ghost. There was an actual look of fear in their faces.

Black women are not limited to any one type of man. I know a popular male musician who is married to a White woman and dates Black women on the side. He also has made some very negative comments about Black women and why he could not marry a Black woman because when he does interviews he needs a woman who can speak proper english and won't embarrass him. He called several famous Black female celebs hoes, but his ex-wife who is a well known white actress has a reputation for being a human matress. Recently I found out that part of his animosity is the fact that he thinks Black women in interracial relationships have it better than Black men in IR.

Is it Travis? I know he has sex with black women and his wife was a human mattress.


ETA: Nevermind, I didn't realize the bastard in question was black.
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I find his actions strange. Because usually it would be the opposite; black male with black wife-- black male sleeping around with white women. I swear his excuse that black women have it easier in terms of interracial dating sounds like a cop-out. Shouldn't he be sleeping around with white women. Obviously, he is attracted to Black women but he cannot bring himself to find out where his hurt/ resentment for black women really lies. Are the white women a front? I swear his action is similar to a white slave master, who sleeps around with his black slave while frontin' with his white wife.

MY 2 cents, MR.
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I find his actions strange. Because usually it would be the opposite; black male with black wife-- black male sleeping around with white women. I swear his excuse that black women have it easier in terms of interracial dating sounds like a cop-out. Shouldn't he be sleeping around with white women. Obviously, he is attracted to Black women but he cannot bring himself to find out where his hurt/ resentment for black women really lies. Are the white women a front? I swear his action is similar to a white slave master, who sleeps around with his black slave while frontin' with his white wife.

MY 2 cents, MR.

The musician is a Black male. Not that overly tattooed freak.
Im slightly head over heels for this white boy in one of my classes. I've had crushes on white males SO many times but I NEVER approach or flirt with them due to the fear of being rejected. Its not the same as being rejected by a black guy or someone of colour, its so much more intimidating.

I do think that he doesnt mind black girls, but every time I assume so Im end up wrong. Le sigh

I was hanging out with my co-worker and her friends and met her guy friend (white) and immediately started talking to him and was intrigued. By the end of the night I knew I had a crush...I never ever went after a white guy, but with him it was like i didn't even question whether or not he rejected me or not. Once he asked my co-worker if I was single I knew I had the green light ;) glad I went for it. DO IT!! lol
Care to share some? LOL You could be our resident Ted Casablanca! I love me some blind items.
The musician is a Black male. Not that overly tattooed freak.

She has respectfully requested that we not continue questioning her about the identity. Can we move on from this and cease asking, PLEASE?
.:ohwell: Not because I think they don't find us attractive but because I rarely see it. Most white dudes around here that date Negroes are either hella old, hella fat.

Ooooh girl, he is fat; specially he tummy! :rolleyes:

Okay, gonna keep ole dude walking so one day when I show his pic you'll put one of these smileys up . . . :grin::yep::lick: I'm ole too so can't be the pot callin' the kettle Black on that one!
My hubby has a big tummy to. THE MORE TO LOVE ON!

But yeah, I think we are equally attractive, so it does happen, not every dude dating outside of their has to have something "wrong" with him.
Im slightly head over heels for this white boy in one of my classes. I've had crushes on white males SO many times but I NEVER approach or flirt with them due to the fear of being rejected. Its not the same as being rejected by a black guy or someone of colour, its so much more intimidating.

I do think that he doesnt mind black girls, but every time I assume so Im end up wrong. Le sigh

I am here with you on that one! My current crush is Arab. Religion AND culture play a huge roll in that one. I don't know what to do about it.

I got into a big argument with a couple of my friends when I told them about him. They thought that I had become an atheist. I was like ummm Muslims believe in God too. Then they started talking about how his family was going to hate me. And how he might kill me. It was crazy and I got soooo upset.

Why do I have to defend a hypothetical relationship that I am not in?

Did any of you ladies experince anything like that? It wore me out...
She has respectfully requested that we not continue questioning her about the identity. Can we move on from this and cease asking, PLEASE?

i dont think thats what she's asking. she wasn't asking about curlymoo's friend anymore. but rather other celebs that her friend has told her about.
7,832 views, over 250 replies ladies. Thank you. It feels good when folk take precious time to respond to a post/thread.


LL ;-)