For those who don't ever want to date white men?

For those that NEVER wanted to try white men would one day?

  • Yes, because I'm curious

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • No, just not interested

    Votes: 79 79.8%

  • Total voters

Your reasons are your own....
Could care what anyone else
thinks *Asian, black, white* long as he is making ME happy.

do i find them cute? most cases no. do i find them sexually attractive? most cases no. would we vibe on a social level? most cases no. do i think they age well? most case hell no. but would i have similar compatabilities with them than with most brothas? most cases yes. i would want someone who is very family oriented. doesn't have alot of outside children. educated. mature minded. financially compatible. affectionate. are there brotha's out there like that? :) yes!!! thank God!!!! are they few? unfortunately yes. very few. so if i ever got divorced would i open myself up to white men? based off my last few statements hells yes! if he has the mating credentials that i want and need i don't care if he's white. mama didn't raise no fool.
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*bump* :look:

Okay this is kinda long but I just wanted to get this off my chest...

I've always considered myself to be open minded. I've dated white guys and always felt like that would be an option for me. However, over time I'm finding myself less and less attracted to white men.

Other non-black men have moved up higher on my list. Even though they aren't black, depending on their background they might still understand what it is like to be a person of color living in America. I need that connection, and I don't get that with a majority of white men (though white men who 'get it' do my former white African History professor :lol:).

I'm starting to find your average white man less and less attractive. They start to look older quicker and I'm more into dark hair and dark eyes. Like some other posters have stated, I see sexy white men all the time on TV and stuff--but when I leave the house there are few that catch my eye. At one point I had an attraction to many white guys, now those men are just so plain to me.

Would I still date a 'white' man? Sure! But, I prefer darker features and I'm more likely to date a Canadian or European over an American. Not to say that Canadian/European white men have a better mindset, but I'm just tired of American white men.