What makes white men corny?

I agree with most of your definition...minus the smooth talker.

My FULL definition of Swag is Clint Eastwood. That old dude has swag!! :lachen:
100% agree with Clint Eastwood.

The stronger the swag, the more likely people are to naturally defer to that person when they are in the room. And people with swag tend to surround themselves with people of equal or more swag, because the idea of being around someone with "less than" confidence and self-assuredness is unappealing to them.

And I'm sorry, but Jay-Z swag is also VERY strong.
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"swag" isnt used for thugs. Gosh how many times must this be repeated? Many people have said that Obama has swag, does he have a thug bone in his body?
Because swag came from the streets - it was Soulja boy who brought the term to all of us. But he and Barack Obama have little (if anything) in common so I get how folks are like 'wait...but that's not what swag original was'...especially when it came from a 20 year old with BIC'ed eyebrows.

In this thread, what we've actually done is taken what Soulja boy was trying to communicate through his "swag" and interpret it in a way that accounts for what we're looking for:

A self assured man with accomplishments that speak for themselves thus eliminating him from having to tout who he is to the world.

The people and attributes we're describing: they are people for whom how they see themselves and how the world sees them is well aligned (if not out of balance by way of the world seeing more in them than they see in themselves). I doubt that Sean Connery thinks he's half as cool as the world thinks he is...and that adds to his swag - because his coolness is inherent to him. It isn't an image he's trying to create, but something he naturally projects.

I know I know...you get it. :)
When I hear a Black women say this, I know she has limited experience if any with White men. The main issue that I have with White men is the passive aggressiveness. If I can find one who says what he means and means what he says, I'd love it. Thank goodness for a diverse world.

Interesting you should write this!

Last year, I was having a conversation with a white male. I don’t know how the topic started, but my question ended up being, “Would you rather have a white woman or a black woman mad at you?” His EXACT answer,

“ A black woman, because at least I would know why she was mad at me.”

I wonder if any studies have been done about this (assuming the results are reliable). Does it “seem” as though white people are more passive aggressive than black people? I know you can’t “generalize”, but ….
Because swag came from the streets - it was Soulja boy who brought the term to all of us.
Absolutely not true.
The word was first recorded in A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, and has been used in its current form since the late 1700's.
He may have brought it to some people, but def not me!
Sorry this is off topic, but does anyone know what happened to the swag threads?
Absolutely not true.
The word was first recorded in A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, and has been used in its current form since the late 1700's.
He may have brought it to some people, but def not me!
Sorry this is off topic, but does anyone know what happened to the swag threads?

Thread Heaven :look:
LOL..... We need a "white men w/swag" thread. :lachen:

White Men (imo) with "swag":

-Michael Douglas (Omg, in every movie he just seems so coool... lol)
-Johnny Depp
-Channing Tatum
-Shia LaBeouf (strange, I know...but he's got charisma!)
-Former President Bill Clinton
-Billy Zane (in "Titanic")
-Leonardo DiCaprio (sometimes)
-Tom Hardy ("Inception")
-Joseph Gordon Levitt ("Inception")
-Cillian Murphy ("Batman Begins" & "Inception")
-Christian Bale (Omg...yes! :love: )
-Eminem (Although I can't stand him! :barf:)

That's just my list...to name a few.... :giggle: There are many more that come to mind, but I won't list them all just yet. lol :lol:

I cosign. I thought Joseph Gordon Levitt had swag when he was on third rock from the son :look:

I think Jason segel from himym is corny AND has swag... Kinda like he knows he's corny and doesn't care so it becomes swag. Or maybe I'm just tired and need to sleep...
I think a lot of Asian males have swag... Not just because I'm a out to marry one lol. I think swag is just a comfort with who you are that overshadows your shortcomings and makes you more attractive. I've seen swaggalicious males of all types.

SN: for some reason a British or Scottish accent instantly ups the swag appeal, I don't know why.
SN: for some reason a British or Scottish accent instantly ups the swag appeal, I don't know why.

Ha. Me too. We go used to go to Europe for spingbreak-London and Paris. The first time we went to a London nightclub, a white guy came up to me to ask me to dance. He was cute, but his teeth...tea time had not been good to him. When he talked he had this deep sexy voice w/this great English accent (I guess I had the accent) and I swear I swooned. He instantly became sexy. :)

Sent from my DROIDX
Interesting you should write this!

Last year, I was having a conversation with a white male. I don’t know how the topic started, but my question ended up being, “Would you rather have a white woman or a black woman mad at you?” His EXACT answer,

“ A black woman, because at least I would know why she was mad at me.”

I wonder if any studies have been done about this (assuming the results are reliable). Does it “seem” as though white people are more passive aggressive than black people? I know you can’t “generalize”, but ….

WW are VERY passive aggressve. It's infuriating and when KI care to, I call them out on it or play their twisted game better than them. The men are guilty as well but their women are worse with it.
Ha. Me too. We go used to go to Europe for spingbreak-London and Paris. The first time we went to a London nightclub, a white guy came up to me to ask me to dance. He was cute, but his teeth...tea time had not been good to him. When he talked he had this deep sexy voice w/this great English accent (I guess I had the accent) and I swear I swooned. He instantly became sexy. :)

Sent from my DROIDX

The best thing to me is a black man with a British accent. *le sigh*

I swear a brit accent makes the most daft person seem like an Oxford graduate.
Ha. Me too. We go used to go to Europe for spingbreak-London and Paris. The first time we went to a London nightclub, a white guy came up to me to ask me to dance. He was cute, but his teeth...tea time had not been good to him. When he talked he had this deep sexy voice w/this great English accent (I guess I had the accent) and I swear I swooned. He instantly became sexy. :)

Sent from my DROIDX

Yea the accent completely blinds me to the crooked teeth. That, and knowing that non-flouridated water will do that to ya.
The best thing to me is a black man with a British accent. *le sigh*

I swear a brit accent makes the most daft person seem like an Oxford graduate.

When I come across a BM w/ a brit/scottish accent in a youtube vid, I'm instantly..happy:blush: lol!
Nothing. I don't find them corny. I used to when I was in junior high school lol. Now I find the "thugs" I thought were cute back then to be corny. I find Eastern European and British white men to be more attractive than American white men. Even Irish men from Ireland are more attractive to me than the average American Irish.... I guess I don't care for American men much but I wouldn't say that they're corny.
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Africa's world dominance...that means black people will have to resist that "crabs in a barrel" gene and actually work together toward the betterment of the entire race instead constantly selling out to better themselves for a short while. hmmm probably don't have that much time left in this world. Everybody on this forum bones will be fossilized by then. Sorry.

That is true...black people will sell their own real quick to get ahead in the professional world...
Interesting you should write this!

Last year, I was having a conversation with a white male. I don’t know how the topic started, but my question ended up being, “Would you rather have a white woman or a black woman mad at you?” His EXACT answer,

“ A black woman, because at least I would know why she was mad at me.”

I wonder if any studies have been done about this (assuming the results are reliable). Does it “seem” as though white people are more passive aggressive than black people? I know you can’t “generalize”, but ….

WW are VERY passive aggressve. It's infuriating and when KI care to, I call them out on it or play their twisted game better than them. The men are guilty as well but their women are worse with it.

I've learned to just cut them off when they start acting like this. It's not worth it. :nono:

I actually appreaciate Black men more, since dating White men. As far as a work environment, thank goodness for White women. :look: