White Men

  • Love them, they're yummy

    Votes: 289 44.7%
  • Hate them, wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole

    Votes: 40 6.2%
  • I dunno... I'd try it

    Votes: 200 30.9%
  • I dunno and no thanks I'll pass

    Votes: 118 18.2%

  • Total voters
Anyone like jewish guys here? I kind of have a crush on one. He is so funny and cute in a nerdy kind of way.
I was just curious to see how
many ladies here are into
White Men. I used to date
only Black men, would never
touch a White man with a 10 foot
pole, but now I luv them...

My husband is black, but I've had several white boyfriends. My main goal was to find someone I was truly compatible with (i.e. have conversations about a variety of subjects, enjoy non-date activities, etc.); race truly wasn't a factor.
I had a white boyfriend once that was a fluke. Had a mad crush on a white friend from Australia a few years ago but in general I'm not attracted to them.
I'm into white men, have been all my life really. Mostly because I'm heavily into music, and white men seemed to be the only people who actually shared my musical taste. So it just kinda happened that way. However, it doesn't mean I'd be against dating a black man just because he's black. It just seems that not many black men actually share my interests.
Hehe, I'm so into white guys. Mostly white guys with that long Johnny depp dark hair and into alternative rock... yea my type. And there's alot at my college. I've been "dating" my dream guy who so fits this description, so hopefully it develops into something more. :rolleyes:
Conversation on a southern porch, after a young black girl, gets dropped off by a white male fellow student after school. NO ROMANCE! But...

Well, he ain't gone ax fuh ya ta marry 'im!

Dim deh black boyz be ax'in dem white gurhls ta marry'em alls the time. Dim white boyz ain't ax'in our gurhls at deh same rates. Thangs need ta be ekel! Them thar white menz be sayin stuff like "what 'bout deh churrin?" ...and then breakin it off. Like you gone have one wit three legs! Hmmm, humpf. I seent it all myself! Sho nuf! Memba Lakisha, she dated that white man fuh whut....two, three... Merlene! Merlene! How long Kisha go wit dat white boy! Yeah, I knew it wuz about dat long. He married uh...he gone and married some chinese guhl. I know the black boy she went wit did the same dayum thang, he married a white guhrl on her too, but dat wuz befo duh white man...hmmpf, hmmmpf, hmmpf. I don't trus'em! If I'm gone be some backstairs wench, then I'm gone know up front! 'Cos Mizz Etta gone git all hers up front and earley! Um hum, sho nuf I will. Whuteva deh sunzabiotch got, I'm gittin! Dontchu be like Kisha, got that baby and trying to pass it off as somebody elses. You know Earl dontcha? Child, he thank dat baby iz his. How chocolate and blue black gone make a high-yella baby! I dont know, but Earl iz crazy 'bout them girls! Well, Earl's good ta boff'em and dats fuh de bess. ..but you be cureful, dontchu be trussin dem white boyz. Hurh me?

Then you hear:

....yes mayum.... ***sigh***

LOL! Gotta luv old folk!
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Conversation on a southern porch, after a young black girl, gets dropped off by a white male fellow student after school. NO ROMANCE! But...

Well, he ain't gone ax fuh ya ta marry 'im!

Dim deh black boyz be ax'in dem white gurhls ta marry'em alls the time. Dim white boyz ain't ax'in our gurhls at deh same rates. Thangs need ta be ekel! Them thar white menz be sayin stuff like "what 'bout deh churrin?" ...and then breakin it off. Like you gone have one wit three legs! Hmmm, humpf. I seent it all myself! Sho nuf! Memba Lakisha, she dated that white man fuh whut....two, three... Merlene! Merlene! How long Kisha go wit dat white boy! Yeah, I knew it wuz about dat long. He married uh...he gone and married some chinese guhl. I know the black boy she went wit did the same dayum thang, he married a white guhrl on her too, but dat wuz befo duh white man...hmmpf, hmmmpf, hmmpf. I don't trus'em! If I'm gone be some backstairs wench, then I'm gone know up front! 'Cos Mizz Etta gone git all hers up front and earley! Um hum, sho nuf I will. Whuteva deh sunzabiotch got, I'm gittin! Dontchu be like Kisha, got that baby and trying to pass it off as somebody elses. You know Earl dontcha? Child, he thank dat baby iz his. How chocolate and blue black gone make a high-yella baby! I dont know, but Earl iz crazy 'bout them girls! Well, Earl's good ta boff'em and dats fuh de bess. ..but you be cureful, dontchu be trussin dem white boyz. Hurh me?

Then you hear:

....yes mayum.... ***sigh***

LOL! Gotta luv old folk!

LOL That was a good read. That reminds me of my grandma.
You live in London, so that doesn't surprise me. It seems that black guys there are even more color struck than black American men. When I lived in England, I was not approached by ONE black man. And I'm a cute woman, dammit! :lol: Seriously, it was the other way around. I couldn't beat the white Brits off of me with a stick! :confused:

i wasnt approached by ONE black man when i came to america!!


mans approachin me was latinos

gosh they loved me!!!

black mans? naahhhh

and i love my black mans

those latinos were like "Hey Mammi!" i was like "HEEEEEYYYYYYY" looool

my black man love me over here, but america? narrrgghhhh

dont they like lite skin gyals in NY?
I'd never date anyone who isn't black!!!

me neither

i like some white mans, but some of them are so big headed and cocky

i like my black mans

they are upfront and you know what they want!

most white boys over here go on tan beds

i find it so gay
I love Black mans dem:lick:
I love White mans dem:lick:
I love Pakistani mans dem :lick:

As long as they are fine :look: Caaalllllllliiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn all meeeeennnnnn all around the wooorrrrrrllllddd, I just wanna luuuuurrrvvvvveeeeee uuuuuuuuu!:gorgeous:
I love Black mans dem:lick:
I love White mans dem:lick:
I love Pakistani mans dem :lick:

As long as they are fine :look: Caaalllllllliiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn all meeeeennnnnn all around the wooorrrrrrllllddd, I just wanna luuuuurrrvvvvveeeeee uuuuuuuuu!:gorgeous:

pakistani men LOVE BLACK WOMEN
I sat and read every post of the thread that darkangel posted. I must say that it was an eye opener. It took me all weekend up until today! Wow. Very informative for those of those of us that wondered what white guys thought!
I sat and read every post of the thread that darkangel posted. I must say that it was an eye opener. It took me all weekend up until today! Wow. Very informative for those of those of us that wondered what white guys thought!

What thread is this? Can you post the link? Thanks~
I have dated a few in the past and i dont see i problem with it. at the time i did feel like an experiment at times, and honestly i feel like i have more in common with black men.

I find it unlikely that i would want to marry one for that reason...and it is hard to deal with all the race issues today... but if i did by chance run into a white man i clicked with like that i def wouldnt turn him down because of his race.