White Men

  • Love them, they're yummy

    Votes: 289 44.7%
  • Hate them, wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole

    Votes: 40 6.2%
  • I dunno... I'd try it

    Votes: 200 30.9%
  • I dunno and no thanks I'll pass

    Votes: 118 18.2%

  • Total voters
I dont know if I can say I LOVE white men, I dont know about that one...

but everyone on here knows how i love the following....

I LOVE their family values. gets married earlier than our blk men

The do the family things, go to the park with kids, sunday and weekday dinner with the family (i see them with their fams in restaurants while most of the black girls are, well, with their girls...or single with their kids at a table), keep pics of fam and kids in office in pocket etc. More romantic, holds hands with spouse/sig other alot, affectionate i see them hugging next to their g/f and kissing them on the head alot in public

I LOVE their hard work ethic. They will bust their BUTT to do better and will work OT to get there...not to mention take care of their fams

They'll often agree for the wife to not work, to give her a break and raise the kids well, so the kids can have a better foundation\

I LOVE how they dont have sooooo much baby - mama - drama. And many of their ladies dont have to worry about soooo much $ going out of the house to all those kids. Alot of them dont have 50, 11 kids out of wedlock. All that causes a lovel of DRAMA that is ALLLL its own.

They truly have some good qualities. Not all do, some will molest their kids, so we ALL know all blk men are not bad and all wht men are good, but we do have some flo jo women who will run with such a lie. Nevertheless, I see and HAVE seen evidence of alot of this around me for the last 10 yrs since being out of school
Black and white is quite boring.
Besides, my favourite colour is blue.

What about blue men?


I actually have a picture with one of them. But my guy had bright blue eyes. I think we fell in love. But I had to go get dinner. lol
I dont know if I can say I LOVE white men, I dont know about that one...

but everyone on here knows how i love the following....

I LOVE their family values. gets married earlier than our blk men

The do the family things, go to the park with kids, sunday and weekday dinner with the family (i see them with their fams in restaurants while most of the black girls are, well, with their girls...or single with their kids at a table), keep pics of fam and kids in office in pocket etc. More romantic, holds hands with spouse/sig other alot, affectionate i see them hugging next to their g/f and kissing them on the head alot in public

I LOVE their hard work ethic. They will bust their BUTT to do better and will work OT to get there...not to mention take care of their fams

They'll often agree for the wife to not work, to give her a break and raise the kids well, so the kids can have a better foundation\

I LOVE how they dont have sooooo much baby - mama - drama. And many of their ladies dont have to worry about soooo much $ going out of the house to all those kids. Alot of them dont have 50, 11 kids out of wedlock. All that causes a lovel of DRAMA that is ALLLL its own.

They truly have some good qualities. Not all do, some will molest their kids, so we ALL know all blk men are not bad and all wht men are good, but we do have some flo jo women who will run with such a lie. Nevertheless, I see and HAVE seen evidence of alot of this around me for the last 10 yrs since being out of school

Wow :nono:
I dont know if I can say I LOVE white men, I dont know about that one...

but everyone on here knows how i love the following....

I LOVE their family values. gets married earlier than our blk men

The do the family things, go to the park with kids, sunday and weekday dinner with the family (i see them with their fams in restaurants while most of the black girls are, well, with their girls...or single with their kids at a table), keep pics of fam and kids in office in pocket etc. More romantic, holds hands with spouse/sig other alot, affectionate i see them hugging next to their g/f and kissing them on the head alot in public

I LOVE their hard work ethic. They will bust their BUTT to do better and will work OT to get there...not to mention take care of their fams

They'll often agree for the wife to not work, to give her a break and raise the kids well, so the kids can have a better foundation\

I LOVE how they dont have sooooo much baby - mama - drama. And many of their ladies dont have to worry about soooo much $ going out of the house to all those kids. Alot of them dont have 50, 11 kids out of wedlock. All that causes a lovel of DRAMA that is ALLLL its own.

They truly have some good qualities. Not all do, some will molest their kids, so we ALL know all blk men are not bad and all wht men are good, but we do have some flo jo women who will run with such a lie. Nevertheless, I see and HAVE seen evidence of alot of this around me for the last 10 yrs since being out of school

I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

OMG that was hilarious.
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

Oh my!:lachen:

So wrong......
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

Oh snap is that what their resortin' to nowadays!!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen:

All jokes aside but them fools are actually doing this crap.
Originally Posted by Country gal
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.
Oh hubby is white; I better start having my mechanic checkout my car everyday! And, I already got pregnant and had our baby; so I guess I wont be disappearing anytime soon!!!:lachen:
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

:rofl: omg, you are crazy!!!:lachen:

<goes out to doublecheck van brakeline>
I love their family values too. I love how when the wife starts to get on their nerves, and they want a new one that they don't divorce the wife. They just cut her breakline. I also like how they don't leave their women pregnant and stranded, They will just make her body disappear.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:*makes mental note to check brakes* :look:
Oh snap is that what their resortin' to nowadays!!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen:

All jokes aside but them fools are actually doing this crap.

My white co-worker tells me all the time, if his wife divorced him he would be broke. They have three kids together. He said he would just cut her breakline.



no thankkkkssss


I do find some of them very attractive but I've never been with one...I wouldn't discriminate if I were single and things worked out that way though. But I'd never date one just because he's white...if he's a good man and there's chemistry then that's fine

I do find some of them very attractive but I've never been with one...I wouldn't discriminate if I were single and things worked out that way though. But I'd never date one just because he's white...if he's a good man and there's chemistry then that's fine

haha the reason i say this, is because my black friends always say they dont want any pink d***

its kinda just stuck.

i think dark hair white guys are attractive

just dont know if i could persue a relationship with one

esp not a sexual one.

i may hurt him!
I'm just gonna co-sign with you on this one Serenity Peace- not that i plan on ending up with a white man because that is not the case. But in a few years i too will be 40 and it is hard out here in the D.C. area for us single sistas.

I like white men. I prefer black men, but I've always known that somehow I'd end up with a white man. My family knows it, too. My mother tells me that black men are not going to be able to accept my intelligence. My dad tells me that I need to open up my heart to "other possibilities" because the brothers will have a problem with me, my education, my salary.

Fast forward to today. In a few years I'll be 40 with a great career and no man. I'm not saying that the brothers are not attracted to me. They are, but it's hard out there for a sister living in the D.C. area (that's for another topic altogether).
If I were to date outside of my race it would be another minority. Probably a dominican/puerto rican that was black or had black/african ancestry or arabs (I think that is the correct term).

I find some white men attractive but I honestly would feel uncomfortable with one in public for obvious reasons (history etc) as well has personal.
I would not mind white men but I am concern about the penis size. Yes I said it.

Ahahahahahaha! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Well, I don't think you really have to worry about that. You would be surprised with some of these guys' pipe game, hot damn. Not that I would know first hand or anything. What? Just sayin!
:lachen::lachen::lachen: at what star said!

What I think: I am generally open to all races but then again I would say what it really boils down to is attraction, chemistry, hormones.

When I first meet someone its all about physical attraction and I have things that I like and don't like about every guy regardless of race.

For white guys: I don't like blond hair. blond hairs on your arm. ew..
But this doesn't mean rule out all white men completely. I love dark haired men with light eyes or even east indian men, or my multifarious selection of caribbean men! :lick:
I would not mind white men but I am concern about the penis size. Yes I said it.

Girl, you don't have to worry about that.

This seems vulgar to post here, but actually the biggest one I have had is from a white guy. He can definitely hang with the big boys! :lick:

Also about the topic, in case I have never posted in this thread - I did not vote. Those choices don't apply to me.

Socially, I do seem to be around more white men than black men - the places I party, the places I travel to, work. I have been with the same man for 4 years, but when I was dating, I did have white men that approached me often and I was all over that. I don't like saying I only date white men, or saying whether I like them or not. Men are men, as far as I am concerned. There are plenty of brothas that catch my attention, as well as men of all other races, as well. What can I say - I luvs my piece of man. And the physical attributes that attract me can pretty much be seen in any man of any race.

although I admit the color contrast in certain, uh, situations - can be a turn on for me.
I would not mind white men but I am concern about the penis size. Yes I said it.

Uh, seriously, don't worry about it. :sekret:

That's why they call them "myths."

As for me, I don't prefer any color. Fine is fine, whether it's white, black, Asian, Hispanic, whatever. I just prefer men. :D
Also about the topic, in case I have never posted in this thread - I did not vote. Those choices don't apply to me.

Yeah, I feel that, although I did vote. I don't "love" white men... I just like the ones I happen to date.

Same goes for the black men I happen to date...

Liking men of one group doesn't mean that you have to be uninterested in men of different groups.
I recently started dating a white guy (a first for me...), and at first I was a little leary of it all but so far, I've been pleasantly surprised.:yep: A man is a man, no matter what color... :drunk:

Try it, you might like it!! :grin: