What makes white men corny?

I don't care for swag. Asian men don't have swag yet they're slowly taking over the whole world. After a century or two of domination by Whites, the Asian continent is now back with a vengeance. I can't wait for Africa to do the same.

As for corny, if Nick Cannon is corny, then we need more like him in the black community. Men who who go out there and get things done without being vulgar, violent, ex-convict...

NOT TRUE! I know several. Usually the richer and more powerful they are, the more swag they have.
Swag = quite confidence
Swag = comfortable in your own skin
Swag = calm demeanor
Swag = self-assured
Swag = focused eye contact
Swag = not easily effected by outward circumstances
Swag = positive, optimistic disposition
Swag = smooth talker

I agree with most of your definition...minus the smooth talker.

My FULL definition of Swag is Clint Eastwood. That old dude has swag!! :lachen:
I agree with the bold. My friend think white men don't have swag. And we all mostly believe swag is just a quiet confidence.

Why would anyone think, black men are the only confident ones on the planet? :perplexed

I think that there are corny white men AND black men-corny has no color.

Lol. I have seen white men that can dance. My ex was a gawjus white guy w/ red hair who could move like no other. He was cool to talk to, had a great career and was open minded. His swagger? Cool and confident-he didn't give a dayum what folks thought and it oozed out of his pores. It also helps when you have 3 degrees and own your own businesses. I just wasn't ready for him. I have an ex, who's black, who danced like he missed a dose. And he called me 'ma'. *shudder* A lot of these posts just tell me that some of y'all need to increase the pool-you haven't seen enough white guys.

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I've heard that comment made about non-black men too, and usually I side eye it because we all know good and well that 'swag' isn't possessed by Black men.

I lightweight liken it to the excuses Black men have for not dating Black women; just come out and say it instead of pu**yfooting. It's either 1) you're just not attracted to non-Black men and you don't want to say it and sound a bit racist 2) the women don't think the 'swagless' men are attracted to them anyway, so it's easier to 'reject' them first.

these are things i've gathered from my experiences
There is swag and no swag in every race. Your circle of friends and associates may define what "swag" is to you. There is one MD that I sometimes work with that is caucasian that makes me swoon. His confidence when he walks on the unit. The way he looks at me as we converse about clients.......I need a fan after he leaves because he is hottttttt,,,,,if any of you remember the movie the joy luck club; the character that eats the watermelon and is the big star that everyone swoons over at the dance is hot also. A guy who is too flashy, does not have hobbies and brags too much is very corny to me. For some that is swagger. JMO.
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I dont put corny in the racial category :lol:
None of the white guys I dated where corny by a long shot and the truly unswaggerific guys I encountered happened to be the guys on the street corner thinkin they cool and handling business :rolleyes: take yo *** to work dude! Oh and I think whiggers are ultra corny as well.:lachen:
I dont put corny in the racial category :lol:
None of the white guys I dated where corny by a long shot and the truly unswaggerific guys I encountered happened to be the guys on the street corner thinkin they cool and handling business :rolleyes: take yo *** to work dude! Oh and I think whiggers are ultra corny as well.:lachen:

wiggers are lame as hell:lol:
There is swag and no swag in every race. Your circle of friends and associates may define what "swag" is to you. There is one MD that I sometimes work with that is caucasian that makes me swoon. His confidence when he walks on the unit. The way he looks at me as we converse about clients.......I need a fan after he leaves because he is hottttttt,,,,,if any of you remember the movie the joy luck club; the character that eats the watermelon and is the big star that everyone swoons over at the dance is hot also. A guy who is too flashy, does not have hobbies and brags too much is very corny to me. For some that is swagger. JMO.

Omg, that man was sexy as heck. Swag turned all the way up (lol, i cant believe i justed typed that). I think he was one of the reasons I purchased the soundtrack to JLC (I also love soundtracks to movies).

I am (was) equal opportunity dater (EOD). I don't discriminate. All qualified applicants need apply. Lol.

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I am corny myself so I don't mind.

I don't mind corny with swag. That confidence, smile, intelligence, and sense of humor can all add
to swag for me.

Corny can be embarassing and a style of dress can def make a dude too, corny as well as using slang or saying the wrong things in an attempt to sound cool. White people and some hispanic and def asians sound corny when they say the N word.

Asians and whites are not on my radar. I thnik swag can be somewhat soulful even, so dress and walk can come in here and some other races do possess this quality.

Droid typing leads to typos for me
I don't think white men in general are corny.

I don't find most them corny either. Especially if swag means easy confidence , then the white men I know are owning swag. I am around attorneys, business owners and people in finance.
Everyone got some corny in them... even swag can be corny if you are not into that.

IMO the game from hood guys who try to be smooth and pimped out :bling: is hands-down the corniest.

:down: Guys trying to put on a pimp walk and spouting some lame slang-filled game that they just "know" is going to pull a woman makes me want to puke.

I have an affinity for corny dudes.

:grin: as do I! That has always been my preference. Now I see those guys getting a bit :nono: though, because the bubbleheaded cheerleader types that wouldn't spit in their direction in high school are NOW trying to come around. So now those formerly nice, cool guys sometimes get gassed and act a fool now :nono: (at age 30)

@bolded...say what?? My potential SO (Vietnamese) has plenty o' swag...even in pics :lachen:
I'm just being silly...I agree with everything you said

There are men with quiet confidence and an authoritative air to them in every race. I have seen some serious swag in Asian men (but not my DH :ohwell: )

There is swag and no swag in every race. Your circle of friends and associates may define what "swag" is to you. There is one MD that I sometimes work with that is caucasian that makes me swoon. His confidence when he walks on the unit. The way he looks at me as we converse about clients.......I need a fan after he leaves because he is hottttttt,,,,,if any of you remember the movie the joy luck club; the character that eats the watermelon and is the big star that everyone swoons over at the dance is hot also. A guy who is too flashy, does not have hobbies and brags too much is very corny to me. For some that is swagger. JMO.

:moon: OMG YES!! And did you know that actor (Russel Wong) married a black woman? :grin: They are divorced now, though. The kind of man who does NOT CARE what other people think is very appealing to me, because I'm the same way. Men who think that way are more likely to be successful ( :imo: ) and are more likely to marry out as well.

There is one man in particular... when I met him every molecule in my body stood up and pointed in his direction. And he was just standing there. It was his quiet intelligence, his calmness and his overall demeanor that drew me to him like a moth to a flame. I've seen that quality in men of various races, it's pure swag.
There are men with quiet confidence and an authoritative air to them in every race. I have seen some serious swag in Asian men (but not my DH :ohwell: )

Yes ma'am, potential SO definitely has swag. A co-worker actually commented on that too, LOL.

I was thinking about you when she commented on that. I was hoping you would chime in and tell us about your DH. But it actually takes a certain amount of swag to date outside one's race, especially the "unlikely" coupling of an AM/BW. So your DH definitely has swag....:yep:
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LOL..... We need a "white men w/swag" thread. :lachen:

White Men (imo) with "swag":

-Michael Douglas (Omg, in every movie he just seems so coool... lol)
-Johnny Depp
-Channing Tatum
-Shia LaBeouf (strange, I know...but he's got charisma!)
-Former President Bill Clinton
-Billy Zane (in "Titanic")
-Leonardo DiCaprio (sometimes)
-Tom Hardy ("Inception")
-Joseph Gordon Levitt ("Inception")
-Cillian Murphy ("Batman Begins" & "Inception")
-Christian Bale (Omg...yes! :love: )
-Eminem (Although I can't stand him! :barf:)

That's just my list...to name a few.... :giggle: There are many more that come to mind, but I won't list them all just yet. lol :lol:
I rebuke the word 'swag'. I think it's dangerous to perpetuate the use of the word swag to the inner city black youth :look: I would never refer to an educated man who has stuff together as 'swaggerific'. I understand that some people have better definitions of swag, and that's great, but let's be real. The people who most often use the word swag are insane, to put it nicely. And I don't want to have much of anything to do with those types of people, so they can have that word.

There are some black men who exude *confidence, as there are some white men who exude *confidence. I like all of them. Most black folks haven't been exposed to many white folks, so they don't know any better. Which is fine.

*(and leave it there, not to spill over into arrogance land)
It depends on the guy... same as with any other race guy.

I know people do this all the time but it's so annoying that people make sweeping generalisations about other people because of their race. It's like, jeez, you've been in the world for (insert how ever many years old they are) and you STILL don't realise that everyone is an individual?
FME, the "swag" with white guys is different--they often have money, education, a great career, or the generational inherited confidence that comes from being "top dog." So they don't have to "exude" that confidence in day-to-day dealings.

I've known several black men who have "swag" but nothing behind it, so it is genuine or manufactured?

For the record, I appreciate corny people, because I'm rather corny. Sometimes some black folks used to (still do) give me a hard time because I'm corny, and don't toe the "negro party line." So be it a white, black, Asian cat, I appreciate people who just do the damn thing and not beholden to what it is expected they do.
When I hear a Black women say this, I know she has limited experience if any with White men. The main issue that I have with White men is the passive aggressiveness. If I can find one who says what he means and means what he says, I'd love it. Thank goodness for a diverse world.
IMO the game from hood guys who try to be smooth and pimped out :bling: is hands-down the corniest.

:down: Guys trying to put on a pimp walk and spouting some lame slang-filled game that they just "know" is going to pull a woman makes me want to puke.

:grin: as do I! That has always been my preference. Now I see those guys getting a bit :nono: though, because the bubbleheaded cheerleader types that wouldn't spit in their direction in high school are NOW trying to come around. So now those formerly nice, cool guys sometimes get gassed and act a fool now :nono: (at age 30)

There are men with quiet confidence and an authoritative air to them in every race. I have seen some serious swag in Asian men (but not my DH :ohwell: )

:moon: OMG YES!! And did you know that actor (Russel Wong) married a black woman? :grin: They are divorced now, though. The kind of man who does NOT CARE what other people think is very appealing to me, because I'm the same way. Men who think that way are more likely to be successful ( :imo: ) and are more likely to marry out as well.

There is one man in particular... when I met him every molecule in my body stood up and pointed in his direction. And he was just standing there. It was his quiet intelligence, his calmness and his overall demeanor that drew me to him like a moth to a flame. I've seen that quality in men of various races, it's pure swag.

@ bolded, I don't think he married her, but he did knock her up and produce a beautiful girl:


when i got the mail today there was a card asking to put canned goods for the needy by the mailbox on Saturday. guess who was on the card grinning like a Cheshire Cat holding a bag full of groceries? Nick!:rofl:

I got that one in the mail too!! For one hot minute, I said to myself, what is Nick Cannon doing here!:lachen: He looked like a good boyscout. :grin:
I think our President has swag. Swag is not just an urban/inner-city thing. I think it combines intellect and street smarts. Men with swag are confident and self-aware...not clumsy. As far as "corny", I think there are different levels. I don't think Nick Cannon is corny...I respect his hustle, he's smart and is making his life a success. I'm cool with that.

I will say this though....Many white men I know with "swag" are borderline (or totally) arrogant. I think it stems from "white privilege" and a sense of entitlement. On the other hand, swag in a minority develops more organically...he has learned how to play the game against all odds and earned the respect of his peers. I think that's special. :yep:
A certain air a man has about himself. A confidence you can feel w/o him trying to hard. A confidence that it is there w/o being overly arrogant. The way they walk and carry themselves. Usually, said person is sometimes charasmatic also. It's just a presence they give off b/c you can feel their swag. I know how this board feels about swag. Maybe I'm not articulating myself correctly, but I know swag on a man when I see it. It's like you can feel it. It's a natural quality.

tell it girl i'm in total agreement !:yep:
I think our President has swag. Swag is not just an urban/inner-city thing. I think it combines intellect and street smarts. Men with swag are confident and self-aware...not clumsy. As far as "corny", I think there are different levels. I don't think Nick Cannon is corny...I respect his hustle, he's smart and is making his life a success. I'm cool with that.

I will say this though....Many white men I know with "swag" are borderline (or totally) arrogant. I think it stems from "white privilege" and a sense of entitlement. On the other hand, swag in a minority develops more organically...he has learned how to play the game against all odds and earned the respect of his peers. I think that's special. :yep:

^^^ITA with this:yep:
Silly example. From Jersey Shore, Pauly D has a natural swag to him that the others don't really have. He has it without trying. Vinnie on the otherhand is not someone i'd describe as having swag.

Great example. Stll dont know how Vinnie gets women. he's lame as hell.
"swag" isnt used for thugs. Gosh how many times must this be repeated? Many people have said that Obama has swag, does he have a thug bone in his body?