Interracial: She's Black; He's White

Are you a Black woman with a White man?

  • Yes

    Votes: 95 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 77 37.9%
  • Wouldn't dare?

    Votes: 5 2.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 26 12.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i see blk woman with yt men in nyc all the time...there r so many IR couples across the board in nyc its normal to me to see any race with another race.

i guess it all depend son where you reside...

I'm in NY too and I see this type of IR relationship more & more. I was at a convention recently and there were 3 WM/BW couples sitting within 2 rows of me.

I love black men . I'm married to a black man and happy but I think this is a good thing for black women to broaden their horizons. Black men sure are. :yep:
A few weeks ago DH and I had some friends stay with us who are an interracial married couple, black woman/white man. I know quite a few couples like this, although I see BM with other races far more frequently.
Our winters are no joke

Ya had me 'til that sentence. Humph, just occurred to me . . . . even a mighty winter can be tamed when you're in love; when somebody loves YOU!!!

Two months ago I woulda took ya up on this. My, what a difference a day makes.

Ladies, I ain't trying to be superstitious or nothing, but it loooooks like I might be murried before 09 ends. Wellll, he did buy the ring (saw the receipt, so it's good). He says he is going to formally ask when it arrives (being mailed here, he is on the way, I saw the plane ticket receipt). If so, I'mo need for you all to get together and decide who my cyber brides matrons/maids will be and we need to pull a cyber bridal shower or weddin' reception off [don't need both one will do]. Can't get murried widout ma girls, my posse - you know. Anybody wanna step up?

Now, I'mo trust yaw'll to make it good. It's LL's last shot at this thing called m a r r i a g e!! :lachen:
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I was in the store the other day and saw 4 BW/WM couples and am starting to see more BW/asian man couples. More than anything in my area, I see BM/WW couples, so it's refreshing to see the sisters looking happy and finding love elswhere.

My older sis has always dated WM and it is her preference, while I have never dated a WM. It's not because I wouldn't have, I just wasn't really approached by ones that I felt compatible with. I think if I was gonna go there I would have wanted the guy to be really "white" (no blaccent) or anything. I have noticed recently they are approaching sisters more boldly and not being afraid of rejection.

I was always open to love in any color and had more of a preference for a man's character than his color. When DH and I go out, we get a lot of stares since there are not many couples like us walking around in our area. (BW/middle-eastern man) He is Lebanese. We've been together for 14 years and I am treated like a queen. I feel more understood by him than any of the BM I have dated and he totally "gets" my hair since his texture is similar.

There is an asian guy that manages a Gelato Shop across the street from our store. He's very cute, very fit. About 5'10, which is a tiny bit short (I'm 5'8") b/c I like to wear heels, but I digress. He came in last week and we were chatting. I happened to mention that I love Heath Bar and he pops up some 30 mins later with a little cup of gelato and some cards for free gelato or flavored coffee.

I mean, I'm taken, but free Gelato goes a loooooong way. :grin:
Right before I started dating the man that I am with now, I seriously considered dating men of other races. I actually started doing research LOL.
I love seeing Black women in happy relationships. Several years ago a few professional Black men were cackling and joking around, but dead serious, about Black women having to share a man because there is a shortage of Black men. You should have seen the look on their faces when I told them, "Why would Black women share a man when there are so many single men of other races to date?" They looked like they had just seen a ghost. There was an actual look of fear in their faces.

Black women are not limited to any one type of man. I know a popular male musician who is married to a White woman and dates Black women on the side. He also has made some very negative comments about Black women and why he could not marry a Black woman because when he does interviews he needs a woman who can speak proper english and won't embarrass him. He called several famous Black female celebs hoes, but his ex-wife who is a well known white actress has a reputation for being a human matress. Recently I found out that part of his animosity is the fact that he thinks Black women in interracial relationships have it better than Black men in IR.
I've dated White men before but currently my boyfriend is Asian. Iv'e also dated Black men, Hispanic/Latino men and men of mixed backgrounds. I don't discreminate :)

Fine is fine in my book :)
I know a popular male musician who is married to a White woman and dates Black women on the side. He also has made some very negative comments about Black women and why he could not marry a Black woman because when he does interviews he needs a woman who can speak proper english and won't embarrass him. He called several famous Black female celebs hoes, but his ex-wife who is a well known white actress has a reputation for being a human matress. Recently I found out that part of his animosity is the fact that he thinks Black women in interracial relationships have it better than Black men in IR.


Ice T?
I know a popular male musician who is married to a White woman and dates Black women on the side. He also has made some very negative comments about Black women and why he could not marry a Black woman because when he does interviews he needs a woman who can speak proper english and won't embarrass him. He called several famous Black female celebs hoes, but his ex-wife who is a well known white actress has a reputation for being a human matress. Recently I found out that part of his animosity is the fact that he thinks Black women in interracial relationships have it better than Black men in IR.

What a cad. :ohwell: Please spill; or at least give us initials :giggle: Young? Old? Jazz? Hip Hop? R&B? :look: Light, dark, short, tall? :lachen:
I love seeing Black women in happy relationships. Several years ago a few professional Black men were cackling and joking around, but dead serious, about Black women having to share a man because there is a shortage of Black men. You should have seen the look on their faces when I told them, "Why would Black women share a man when there are so many single men of other races to date?" They looked like they had just seen a ghost. There was an actual look of fear in their faces.

Black women are not limited to any one type of man. I know a popular male musician who is married to a White woman and dates Black women on the side. He also has made some very negative comments about Black women and why he could not marry a Black woman because when he does interviews he needs a woman who can speak proper english and won't embarrass him. He called several famous Black female celebs hoes, but his ex-wife who is a well known white actress has a reputation for being a human matress. Recently I found out that part of his animosity is the fact that he thinks Black women in interracial relationships have it better than Black men in IR.

Is this a blind item? :lol:
I love seeing Black women in happy relationships. Several years ago a few professional Black men were cackling and joking around, but dead serious, about Black women having to share a man because there is a shortage of Black men. You should have seen the look on their faces when I told them, "Why would Black women share a man when there are so many single men of other races to date?" They looked like they had just seen a ghost. There was an actual look of fear in their faces.


ay dios mio!
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lenny kravitz isn't married from what i know...

there's not really that many popular blk guitarists...and i cant think of any thats married to a yt woman.. is he still doing songs today? or is he old school? at least drop some hints:grin:

eta: seal?
This board is filled to the brim with them.

The closest I've been to being with a white man, is the biracial dude I was with for a couple months in high school
Well honey, bring it on down, what say 10-20 miles (not good at numbers); I tell you ain't happenin' in THIS part of NE Ohio. ESPECIALLY the dynamic of this discussion BW/WM. :nono: hands, on hips naah ahhh ova heya.

LOL.... Im not sure what part your in, but in the Lorain, Sheffield Lake I see it ALOT! Now the city we're in now, not at all.
those who have biracial you find it that more WM stare at you or are more bold when you're with your children? It's so cute to see that little twinkle in their eye. Kind of like "Damn I might have a shot" :lachen: