White Men

  • Love them, they're yummy

    Votes: 289 44.7%
  • Hate them, wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole

    Votes: 40 6.2%
  • I dunno... I'd try it

    Votes: 200 30.9%
  • I dunno and no thanks I'll pass

    Votes: 118 18.2%

  • Total voters
I love white men. My DH is white. I just think that white men treat their women better than black men. They are also less intimidated by successful women. Seems to me the actually encourage it, unlike black men who shy way from that. Someone posted that some white men are just dating black women to "test them out." That's probably true but it isn't any different than a black woman dating a white guy to test him out or dating a midget to test them out (not that I've done that). My DH was married to a black woman for 11 years so I was never worried about being his test try. LOL

I had one black boyfriend but I've never been attracted to another. I don't mean not physically attractive I just mean I go for the whole package. Very few black men have the whole package. If they do they are married to some evil *****. I always did wonder how the really good guys end up married to such evil women. But I guess thats a topic for another day.

The major difference in the two races I think is that a black man needs you to need him but a white man just wants you to want him.
I love white men. My DH is white. I just think that white men treat their women better than black men. They are also less intimidated by successful women. Seems to me the actually encourage it, unlike black men who shy way from that. Someone posted that some white men are just dating black women to "test them out." That's probably true but it isn't any different than a black woman dating a white guy to test him out or dating a midget to test them out (not that I've done that). My DH was married to a black woman for 11 years so I was never worried about being his test try. LOL

I had one black boyfriend but I've never been attracted to another. I don't mean not physically attractive I just mean I go for the whole package. Very few black men have the whole package. If they do they are married to some evil *****. I always did wonder how the really good guys end up married to such evil women. But I guess thats a topic for another day.

The major difference in the two races I think is that a black man needs you to need him but a white man just wants you to want him.
Wow. Interesting first post, belleama. Welcome to LHCF. Again? :grin:
I love white men. My DH is white. I just think that white men treat their women better than black men. They are also less intimidated by successful women. Seems to me the actually encourage it, unlike black men who shy way from that. Someone posted that some white men are just dating black women to "test them out." That's probably true but it isn't any different than a black woman dating a white guy to test him out or dating a midget to test them out (not that I've done that). My DH was married to a black woman for 11 years so I was never worried about being his test try. LOL

I had one black boyfriend but I've never been attracted to another. I don't mean not physically attractive I just mean I go for the whole package. Very few black men have the whole package. If they do they are married to some evil *****. I always did wonder how the really good guys end up married to such evil women. But I guess thats a topic for another day.

The major difference in the two races I think is that a black man needs you to need him but a white man just wants you to want him.

Perhaps this has been your experience, because at your core, you've always wanted a white man anyway, so you attracted black men that solidified your beliefs so you could explain your attraction to white men. JMHO
I love white men. My DH is white. I just think that white men treat their women better than black men. They are also less intimidated by successful women. Seems to me the actually encourage it, unlike black men who shy way from that. Someone posted that some white men are just dating black women to "test them out." That's probably true but it isn't any different than a black woman dating a white guy to test him out or dating a midget to test them out (not that I've done that). My DH was married to a black woman for 11 years so I was never worried about being his test try. LOL

I had one black boyfriend but I've never been attracted to another. I don't mean not physically attractive I just mean I go for the whole package. Very few black men have the whole package. If they do they are married to some evil *****. I always did wonder how the really good guys end up married to such evil women. But I guess thats a topic for another day.

The major difference in the two races I think is that a black man needs you to need him but a white man just wants you to want him.

I have always dated white men, was married to one, and I am currently in love with one. But my son, even though his dad is white, is going to grow up to be a black man. My father is a black man. My brothers are black men. I don't think I could ever say anything negative about black men. I love too many of them.

Also, I think your comment about the differences in white and black men is very general. You must not have dated too many of either race to make a statement like that.

Anyway, to each his own, but I get offended when people say negative things about black men.
Oh hubby is white; I better start having my mechanic checkout my car everyday! And, I already got pregnant and had our baby; so I guess I wont be disappearing anytime soon!!!:lachen:

There go your ass right there:

You know he told you he wanted steak and not MEATLOAF!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I love white men. My DH is white. I just think that white men treat their women better than black men. They are also less intimidated by successful women. Seems to me the actually encourage it, unlike black men who shy way from that. Someone posted that some white men are just dating black women to "test them out." That's probably true but it isn't any different than a black woman dating a white guy to test him out or dating a midget to test them out (not that I've done that). My DH was married to a black woman for 11 years so I was never worried about being his test try. LOL

I had one black boyfriend but I've never been attracted to another. I don't mean not physically attractive I just mean I go for the whole package. Very few black men have the whole package. If they do they are married to some evil *****. I always did wonder how the really good guys end up married to such evil women. But I guess thats a topic for another day.

The major difference in the two races I think is that a black man needs you to need him but a white man just wants you to want him.

I guess there is nothing wrong with that.:look:
But, in all sincerity, I do admire your honest and frankness. You would be surprised how many women geniunely feel this way on this board, but are too afraid to say it.

I have a love/hate relationship with white males. From young, it was written in the stars that I would end up marrying someone white. I guess I have the same issue as Serenity--not being understood by men of my own race. I just wish white men would get over their arrogance sometimes, and their ignorance. PLEASE! Stop approaching like I am a jiggaboo....AND STOP WATCHING BET!!! But, there same goes for white males as I say for blacks; For every white jackass out there, I know at least one or two good ones.
Perhaps this has been your experience, because at your core, you've always wanted a white man anyway, so you attracted black men that solidified your beliefs so you could explain your attraction to white men. JMHO

That very well could be. Don't see how but I guess anything is possible.
Also, I think your comment about the differences in white and black men is very general. You must not have dated too many of either race to make a statement like that.

Very true. I never made it a habit to date around. My post was just my own opinions based on my own experiences and not meant to be a complete analysis on any group. I am sorry you were offended.
marry and date who you want (long)

Why are people attracted to each other? I still don't know the answer.
When I was growing up, I never dated any of the black men that I knew because they only wanted to date the white women in my town. The few times that I had dates with black men was only because my mom felt bad for my 'date-free' situation and would set me up with black guys who were the sons of women she went to church with. They wanted nothing to do with me once they found out that I was going into a creative field and had no intention of being a lawyer or doctor! Believe it or not.
The whole time this was going on, I was constantly and consistently being asked out by white men. I never went out with them when they asked. I was attracted to them but my father told me that if I ever dated a white man; he would disown me and never speak to me again. (This from a man who is 1/4 white and divorced my mom when I was three months old, abandoned her and never gave her a penny to raise me)
I eventually ended up dating lots of white men once I moved to NY but never told anyone in my family so that this info wouldn't get back to my dad. I ended up falling in love with a great guy. He was a film student and I was a waitress. We were absolutely and totally made for each other and I knew that he was the one. Well I made the mistake of telling my mom and guess what? My dad didn't speak to me for eighteen years. I really took it hard because I wanted to marry this guy but emotionally I just broke down. I left town for a year and when I came back he had gotten engaged to someone. I had broken his heart and he never understood why I had stopped seeing him. Even though I had stopped seeing him my father refused to have anything to do with me. Looking back on it now, I wish that I had stayed with him. His parents were wonderful to me.
I've since married someone else and just celebrated my 11th wedding annniversary. But it turns out that my long ago ex and I ended up in the same business and ran into each other on a set. It's been twenty-five years and he told me that he thinks of me every day because he never, ever stopped loving me and married someone else to get on with his life and try to stop the pain. I couldn't believe it.
So all of this is just to say - don't waste your life like I did. If you fall in love with someone that others don't approve of; it doesn't matter. Marry them, have their kids and get on with it! I missed out on decades of a great life with a great guy because I thought that what someone else thought was more important!
Re: marry and date who you want (long)

Why are people attracted to each other? I still don't know the answer.
When I was growing up, I never dated any of the black men that I knew because they only wanted to date the white women in my town. The few times that I had dates with black men was only because my mom felt bad for my 'date-free' situation and would set me up with black guys who were the sons of women she went to church with. They wanted nothing to do with me once they found out that I was going into a creative field and had no intention of being a lawyer or doctor! Believe it or not.
The whole time this was going on, I was constantly and consistently being asked out by white men. I never went out with them when they asked. I was attracted to them but my father told me that if I ever dated a white man; he would disown me and never speak to me again. (This from a man who is 1/4 white and divorced my mom when I was three months old, abandoned her and never gave her a penny to raise me)
I eventually ended up dating lots of white men once I moved to NY but never told anyone in my family so that this info wouldn't get back to my dad. I ended up falling in love with a great guy. He was a film student and I was a waitress. We were absolutely and totally made for each other and I knew that he was the one. Well I made the mistake of telling my mom and guess what? My dad didn't speak to me for eighteen years. I really took it hard because I wanted to marry this guy but emotionally I just broke down. I left town for a year and when I came back he had gotten engaged to someone. I had broken his heart and he never understood why I had stopped seeing him. Even though I had stopped seeing him my father refused to have anything to do with me. Looking back on it now, I wish that I had stayed with him. His parents were wonderful to me.
I've since married someone else and just celebrated my 11th wedding annniversary. But it turns out that my long ago ex and I ended up in the same business and ran into each other on a set. It's been twenty-five years and he told me that he thinks of me every day because he never, ever stopped loving me and married someone else to get on with his life and try to stop the pain. I couldn't believe it.
So all of this is just to say - don't waste your life like I did. If you fall in love with someone that others don't approve of; it doesn't matter. Marry them, have their kids and get on with it! I missed out on decades of a great life with a great guy because I thought that what someone else thought was more important![/quote]

This is a very sad story. No disrespect Lej' but your father was a creep.

Fortunately for me, I was raised by my mother to love who loves you back and who is good and decent, no matter the race, religion or creed.

This is great advice and the key phrase in the embolded statement is "someone else." You have to live for you. You are born alone (unless you are a Siamese twin) and when you die, no one else will be in the casket with you, so do what is "right" for you.

If I was your friend or knew you at the time, I would have been supportive and cheering you on to be with the man you love (especially because he loved you too). Forget those knuckleheads!

Who is funny. You and this man could end up back together again years from now. I've seen it happen many, many times.

God Bless You for sharing your story with us.
Re: marry and date who you want (long)

My daddy knows better. He'd die without talking to me for 18 years.

Thats so sad. Is your husband now black? you should get back with ole boy and have lifetime turn your story into a movie.

Why are people attracted to each other? I still don't know the answer.
When I was growing up, I never dated any of the black men that I knew because they only wanted to date the white women in my town. The few times that I had dates with black men was only because my mom felt bad for my 'date-free' situation and would set me up with black guys who were the sons of women she went to church with. They wanted nothing to do with me once they found out that I was going into a creative field and had no intention of being a lawyer or doctor! Believe it or not.
The whole time this was going on, I was constantly and consistently being asked out by white men. I never went out with them when they asked. I was attracted to them but my father told me that if I ever dated a white man; he would disown me and never speak to me again. (This from a man who is 1/4 white and divorced my mom when I was three months old, abandoned her and never gave her a penny to raise me)
I eventually ended up dating lots of white men once I moved to NY but never told anyone in my family so that this info wouldn't get back to my dad. I ended up falling in love with a great guy. He was a film student and I was a waitress. We were absolutely and totally made for each other and I knew that he was the one. Well I made the mistake of telling my mom and guess what? My dad didn't speak to me for eighteen years. I really took it hard because I wanted to marry this guy but emotionally I just broke down. I left town for a year and when I came back he had gotten engaged to someone. I had broken his heart and he never understood why I had stopped seeing him. Even though I had stopped seeing him my father refused to have anything to do with me. Looking back on it now, I wish that I had stayed with him. His parents were wonderful to me.
I've since married someone else and just celebrated my 11th wedding annniversary. But it turns out that my long ago ex and I ended up in the same business and ran into each other on a set. It's been twenty-five years and he told me that he thinks of me every day because he never, ever stopped loving me and married someone else to get on with his life and try to stop the pain. I couldn't believe it.
So all of this is just to say - don't waste your life like I did. If you fall in love with someone that others don't approve of; it doesn't matter. Marry them, have their kids and get on with it! I missed out on decades of a great life with a great guy because I thought that what someone else thought was more important!
Re: marry and date who you want (long)

My daddy knows better. He'd die without talking to me for 18 years.

Thats so sad. Is your husband now black? you should get back with ole boy and have lifetime turn your story into a movie.

My sentiments exactly - about it being a Lifetime movie moment! :yep:
Re: marry and date who you want (long)

Huh? I don't understand this post....

read the full post. CountryGal said that white men were murders. Pink skates said, "oh-oh... that means I'm next".

I cracked a joke that if thats the case... it won't be a very happy Lifetime movie. Ya, know? Like, how all lifetime movies are about some guy killing his wife.

I doubt PinkSkates husband is going to kill her...
Its a joke on the comment that white men are murderers.
Thanks for the people who wrote me supportive replies. I really appreciate it. Yes, my father has major issues with so many things. He has tried to make up for his mistakes in the past six years and I've forgiven him; but it's been a painful road to travel down. Thanks again.
I like them white brown yellow puerto rican or haitian lol...however the lyrics go. I do not discriminate. If ur fine, ur fine.
haha the reason i say this, is because my black friends always say they dont want any pink d***

its kinda just stuck.

i think dark hair white guys are attractive

just dont know if i could persue a relationship with one

esp not a sexual one.

i may hurt him!

I used to say that when I was younger, partly coz its funny...

But then I have heard some Black guys saying they dont do Black nipples and other things about black womens genetalia I cant say on here:blush:
If you like/love someone by the time you get to know them and get to the intimate parts it doesn't matter what a man looks like down there does it?
If you like/love someone by the time you get to know them and get to the intimate parts it doesn't matter what a man looks like down there does it?

It shouldn't unless "what he looks like down there" is abnormal. Hopefully the man you choose to love is sexually and physically compatible, or there could be problems down the road.

Personally, he just has to work it! :lachen: