White Men

  • Love them, they're yummy

    Votes: 289 44.7%
  • Hate them, wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole

    Votes: 40 6.2%
  • I dunno... I'd try it

    Votes: 200 30.9%
  • I dunno and no thanks I'll pass

    Votes: 118 18.2%

  • Total voters
You know at first I was unsure of the whole IR dating thing. I didn't want to be treated like some weird sociological experiment and I didn't want sex with me to be seen as street cred, or "I did it, guys. I slept with a black girl." I was afraid that 'innocent' racial remarks might land him cut the hell up...
I am no longer opposed to the idea of IR dating. I can't be. Never did it. Any advice? I hear about local professional speed dating events. I don't want to be the only ink spot in the place. It would irk me...
I like them in theory. Like "Oooh that white boy is fine", or "ooh, that white boy could get it" or, "Lemme just marry a rich white man and get on with life". I have dated white men before, and sometimes felt like an experiment or walk on the wild side. I do agree that men are just men at the end of the day, but I just love Black men and men of color way too much. Also, I have a personal deep spiritual/social commitment to having brown babies.

I think I say too many semi-racist-trueinJeremiahWrighttypeofway comments about white people in general, and I wouldn't want to be with someone who I can't speak freely with for fear of being offensive.

But I never say never, and I never know where my life and heart will lead me, and I'm not so foolish that I would dismiss a great man based on his skin.

this thread is crazy long and will never die lol
I like them in theory. Like "Oooh that white boy is fine", or "ooh, that white boy could get it" or, "Lemme just marry a rich white man and get on with life". I have dated white men before, and sometimes felt like an experiment or walk on the wild side. I do agree that men are just men at the end of the day, but I just love Black men and men of color way too much. Also, I have a personal deep spiritual/social commitment to having brown babies.

I think I say too many semi-racist-trueinJeremiahWrighttypeofway comments about white people in general,
and I wouldn't want to be with someone who I can't speak freely with for fear of being offensive.

But I never say never, and I never know where my life and heart will lead me, and I'm not so foolish that I would dismiss a great man based on his skin.

this thread is crazy long and will never die lol

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I still do, but my husband doesn't seem to take it personally... Maybe it would be diff if he was from here(USA).
:lachen::lachen::lachen:I still do, but my husband doesn't seem to take it personally... Maybe it would be diff if he was from here(USA).

:grin: me too hubby doesnt take it personally ... we play around alot and he is from here (USA). I think this totally depends on the person you are with and what kind of relationship you have
:grin: me too hubby doesnt take it personally ... we play around alot and he is from here (USA). I think this totally depends on the person you are with and what kind of relationship you have

Very true. I've had people in the past, black and white, express shock at how open we are--when we wouldn't be together if we couldn't be. One time, a coworker came over after work to join us for dinner and to see a new antique piece I had refinished--and her eyes were so wide as she watched us have a conversation about "his people (hee)", black hair care, affirmative action in college admissions, etc. She seemed really surprise, but refrained from actually making a comment--until the next day when she was obviously trying to work up the nerve to ask me a ton of questions. When she was brave enough we had a really long discussion. I won't go into detail (but damn, some of her questions were funny), but the gist of the convo was she thought IR couples were ultra liberal and/or "neutral" on issues of race/class and never talked about it--or one partner "absorbed" or adopted the dominant attitudes and cultural viewpoint of the other. I told her maybe some do, I guess, but not us and not most we socialize with.
I agree with a lot of what you said. Its great to be happy in love and to have a partner in life that treats you well. If you find a man of another race that does that for you then great, if he's black then great. Women should focus moreso on finding a good man rather than a man of a particular race.

This is the best post in this thread, I guarantee it (and I haven't even read through the entire thread:lol:). But now, I don't have to!:nono:
Anderson Cooper fan here. But he's gay. I still like looking!!!

Anderson Cooper is gay??!! But I love him! Oh well...

About the white man thing, I went out with one before (my doctor :look:), but I felt really awkward and uncomfortable. I think I was super-sensitive to his comments. Once we went shopping together and pointed at something really gawdy looking and said "I bet you like that". I was like WTF???!!!:gunner7:was this dude being racist??? Plus I couldn't take the curious looks and stares from both races. I dunno...I want to try again though, but Brad Pitt is already taken :ohwell:.
Yup Im so attracted to CUTE white guys(THE JT TYPE), there is this fine one at my church....wooooo...but I've never dated one, Im very open to IR dating though.
Very true. I've had people in the past, black and white, express shock at how open we are--when we wouldn't be together if we couldn't be. One time, a coworker came over after work to join us for dinner and to see a new antique piece I had refinished--and her eyes were so wide as she watched us have a conversation about "his people (hee)", black hair care, affirmative action in college admissions, etc. She seemed really surprise, but refrained from actually making a comment--until the next day when she was obviously trying to work up the nerve to ask me a ton of questions. When she was brave enough we had a really long discussion. I won't go into detail (but damn, some of her questions were funny), but the gist of the convo was she thought IR couples were ultra liberal and/or "neutral" on issues of race/class and never talked about it--or one partner "absorbed" or adopted the dominant attitudes and cultural viewpoint of the other. I told her maybe some do, I guess, but not us and not most we socialize with.

I think I said this in another thread but it amazes me how some ppl assume that a lobotomy and horse blinders are given out with the marriage licenses for IRs.:laugh:
lol! at the dancing part, it's funny because my hubby's black but i feel he should've been white for real, he can't dance no rhythm at all on the dance floor unless he's really liquored up lol!!!

he's like a white boy but worse, i guess he's just tanned.

Girl, I just wanted a man! Now, the one that God gave me happens to be white and he treats be better than I ever could have dreamed of being treated, but I will say this- the only time that I wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole is when he "attempts" to dance:ohwell: . I will literally walk off the dance floor and pretend I don't know him. Well, you can't have it all.
this thread was very funny and interestin had me laughin all day and im tired as a mother, but my first choice is a black man but im not gonna limit myself cuz black men sho nuff dont so if its God's plan for me to marry a white man so be it hopefully at least latino God help a sistah out lol cuz i want brown babies my roomie and i say that all the time like we wanna have lil brown girls like michelle obama does but ill still love my kids regardless if they brown or pale as hell with freckles and if the white boy looked like justin timberlake u gon have to pry me off him i love me some jt
I rarely dated African American men because there was too much sea between our cultures. I dunno. Few of them in college interested me and those that did were either like big or lil brothers or were in a relationship. With White men, practically the same, except for Europeans. I didn't much go for the American guys unless they were Native brothers. But, but, if it's purely a "type" thing, yes, there is an African American type that I'm attracted to, a Native type. There is a Euro-White type I'm truly attracted to, that regularly gets my attention and I just don't try to. It must be my type. Dunno know why, but it couldn't be any diff. than men who are attracted to certain features:

greying salt 'n pepper
deep blue eyes
looks great in a sexy suit

I've got me secret eyes on someone...
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ummm.....just one thing...ive always wonder the say that we women talk about dating white guys or black guys or neon you think there a site where they are debating whether or not to date black women.:ohwell:

just asking....but yeah i date black, mixed...never had a white boy :rolleyes: ...but most a very nice

carry on
ummm.....just one thing...ive always wonder the say that we women talk about dating white guys or black guys or neon you think there a site where they are debating whether or not to date black women.:ohwell:

just asking....but yeah i date black, mixed...never had a white boy :rolleyes: ...but most a very nice

carry on

I don't expect men to be as candid about relationships on online forums as women might be. I'd expect to see a board full of white men discuss Asian women and I've seen white and Hispanic women discussed on black male boards. But I guess men don't really care about what race other men date. It's probably just a female thing.
Yeah the sexy good looking ones. Actually at the moment i am waiting for a sexy white guy with blue eyes to come sweep me off my feet.. And i refuse to date until i find him..hmmm (crossing my arms)
I'm married to a white man, and we love each other to bits. He respects me, I respect him. We have our disagreements but we agree more. I've only known him for just over 7 years but we've never ever had a shouting match - he never rises to the bait, lol. He's taught me stuff, he's learned stuff from me, and we still learn from one another. We are so different yet so alike. We still discover new things about each other and go, 'wow, I could never have imagined that about you'. He completes me. He says I complete him. In all honesty, he could be blue, yellow or orange and I'd still love him as he is him. And I thank God for bringing us together - he truly is my soulmate.

Now, I've dated more white guys than I have black guys. I don't know why, but the black dudes I was really into just weren't into me much, so it fizzled out. I was getting over being jilted by one when the first white guy I eventually dated persisted in wooing me. The rest is history - I've dated white men since. Met hubby online. Met him in person, saw him a few times as a 'friend', but the day we first kissed was monumental, and I've been with him since - the most perfect relationship I've ever had with fellow man. I pray we grow old together as I just couldn't imagine being without him......

Okay, I get my coat, lol!
You live in London, so that doesn't surprise me. It seems that black guys there are even more color struck than black American men. When I lived in England, I was not approached by ONE black man. And I'm a cute woman, dammit! :lol: Seriously, it was the other way around. I couldn't beat the white Brits off of me with a stick! :confused:

When I was visiting London I was about to catch a train to the coast but I wasn't sure about the route; so I approached a couple of conductors who were Black men. I said excuse me blah blah blah. They looked at me with such disgust I was taken aback. :blush: They did answer my question though. I never in my life had a Black man look at me that way. On second thought here in Chicago I was catching a train and got on the wrong one as the one I was suppose to get on pulled off. They stopped the train but the two Black conductors were so angry and yelled at me. They were so mean and evil. :look: Maybe it was a conductor thing. But anywho those Black guys in London were strange. Got me wondering what was up with the Black men there.
I don't purposely go for only white guys but they seem to be the ones I get involved with... they're so fiiine ugh. Well some of them. I'm at work so I can't post a picture of the one I'm involved with right now, but ugh he's gorgeous as hell - to me anyway. Tall, 6'3", athletic body, flawless skin with light freckles on his shoulders, shaggy brown-red-blonde hair, green eyes with spots of red... large thang >___> YEAH idk them whites are somethin else.

Are you still dating this guy?
Yes it is.:yep:
That's why I hardly dated European men b/c to most of them I was a trophy,German man like to marry African or Latin women.It is very similar to the Asian fetish white man have here.

Interesting, so what was that about Boris and Barbara Becker. She said that she had to leave Germany for death threats. They both were saying that many people had a problem with their relationship. I was a big fan of Boris even before Babs came on the scene and boy oh boy did the media perform when he hooked up with that beautiful Black woman. Now Boris does love him some Black tail now. :perplexed