For those who don't ever want to date white men?

For those that NEVER wanted to try white men would one day?

  • Yes, because I'm curious

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • No, just not interested

    Votes: 79 79.8%

  • Total voters
many times...still get approached by them....not can do...I've tried in the past to be open minded..:ohwell:...not my thing....

What she said^!.

I might add that I just love a good black man... the wonderful men I grew up with (father, uncle, grandfather) initiated my love and respect for black men.

Okay... and they're yummy! :lick:
I agree I would never expect them to, that's why I would prefer a black SO/DH.

I'm confused. You say a white man could never understand the struggles of a black woman the way a black man could. But a black man could never fully understand a woman the way other women could. So, uh, why aren't you a lesbian then? :look:
To me men are men...I could care less what race black, white, asian whatever, I have seen beautiful men of every color. And if I were single I would never limit myself to just being with a black man..

I AGREE! I am the exact same way! If there's attraction, chemistry, and he treats me well.. that's all that matters to me.
WOW! that site was eye-opening, Bunny!

I agree I would never expect them to, that's why I would prefer a black SO/DH.
Lots of black males are not conscious, so they don't see race issue the way I do. But I do have a white friend who does not understand when I say that black people are murdered by police in numbers that whites are not. That pisses me the he[[ off, because that's verifiable.

I'm confused. You say a white man could never understand the struggles of a black woman the way a black man could. But a black man could never fully understand a woman the way other women could. So, uh, why aren't you a lesbian then? :look:
oooh! thought provoking!

I have some type of wall up with white males. I feel more "natural" with a black male, but where has that gotten me?

When I dated a white guy it was all about the connection, because there was not a physical attraction on my part, (straight hair, pale skin, thin lips, slim not muscular) but that grew as I got to know how sweet he was. Although it did freak me out looking at our skin touching.

I vow to be more open in 09, because I don't do competition, (not knowingly, at least) and there are too many black women competing for the same black men!!!
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Hmmmmm, really...I'm married to a white guy like that!

So is she:

This is BILLIONAIRE Peter Norton from the Norton Virus computer protection program and his wife. Oh and this is the SECOND black woman he married.
I find things I like in black and white men. Some things are different/unique to either. I could make a list.

That is my problem now - the reason why I can't site my fast tail down. :spinning:

But, really I want a man that will appropriatly fit into my life and give me what I need for the long haul. When he comes I will know it and it does not matter what color he is.
It has nothing to do with attractiveness I haven't really been that attracted to men that I have dated.

For me its culture, its how your family will receive me, and attention in public. . which would apply to interracial relationships in general.

My ideal type of guy is professional, driven, ambitious, and hopefully an entrepreneurial spirit. Now how many white guys with that profile do you see dating outside of their race more specifically black women?! At most you will see them with an ivy league asian chick . . but never with a black woman. .

If I was looking for average joe schmoe and his parents accepted me it could work. .but I'm not looking for that. .

And as far as looks go I am DEFINETELY NOT attracted to the "lighter" ones the ones with very pale fair skin and especially not blonde hair. I ususally like the dark spaniard/italian dark eyes/hair and olive complexion. . I could do light eyes w/ dark hair but light brown to blonde hair and pale skin. . no!

From my own personal experience, these men do date black women and marry them :grin:
I find things I like in black and white men. Some things are different/unique to either. I could make a list.

Please DO! I"m interested, since I haven't really tasted the rainbow.

I always hypothesized that males were all the same on the things that really mattered.
you want the truth?

They just dont look appealing...... and after reading the history of what they use to do to my never been the same for me...

now i see some fine white boys.....

but i dont like them in a sexual way.

Are those guys STILL around? DAMN! They must look like...well...dirt...old, white, wrinked dirt (ashes I guess):giggle:

What about Nick Newman (Y&R)? I would be interested in tryin those full lips of his:look:
I've never seen one IRL that I thought was attractive. The ones that I see with AA women aren't attractive AT ALL.
I've dated one white guy. Anddddd just as I thought, I didn't like him. They're hard to get along with IMHO b/c I mean, even tho I'm half white, I'm not square like a lot of white guys are lol!

and so when I'm around them, they seem to try too hard. it turns me off.
To me men are men...I could care less what race black, white, asian whatever, I have seen beautiful men of every color. And if I were single I would never limit myself to just being with a black man..

I would have to agree with her... I have always dated outside of my race with no problem... If he shows intrest and wants to take me out why not? Don't get me wrong I LOVE my Brothers, and date them as well, but I just don't limit myself that's all. My family thought for a long time that I would marry outside of my race, because even as a teen I dated what ever caught my eye... :yep:
If you're really worried about the color you could always do it in the dark. Everybodý's the same color then. :look:

You know.....I think that people who say this haven't actually been in the dark with a naked melanin challenged person.

I have it on good authority that you can see white skin in the dark.

or so I've heard.
You know.....I think that people who say this haven't actually been in the dark with a naked melanin challenged person.

I have it on good authority that you can see white skin in the dark.

or so I've heard.


i don't have any evidence of this but i believe you. i've just never been interested in white men... and i'm perfectly OK with them not finding me attractive...

i've gotten into major arguments with my white girlfriends about this... they just can't fathom my disinterest in white men but their lack of interest in men of color is understandable... whatev! to each their own!
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I've never seen one IRL that I thought was attractive. The ones that I see with AA women aren't attractive AT ALL.

Co-signing, the one's that I do a double take for are usually with their own.

LOL.....I see attractive black women with unattractive black men all day long just like I see attractive black women with unattractive white men.

I mean lets face it, if all you want is a pretty face, that's easy.

By the way, my DH is most definitely the distinguished gentleman. But even better, he's got our finances on lock.

That looks hella good to me. :lick:
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i've gotten into major arguments with my white girlfriends about this... they just can't fathom my disinterest in white men but their lack of interest in men of color is understandable... whatev! to each their own!
That is the funniest thing to me!!!

By the way, my DH is most definitely the distinguished gentleman. But even better, he's got our finances on lock.

That looks hella good to me. :lick:
That is a VERY sexy trait!!!
...I hear it turns reddish purple :-/

See my ex (Japanese) told me that if a WM has is reddish purple color...he got some type std. He has a background in medicine. He also told me that the corpses( dead body) of these people with STD their genitals turns jet black even do their entire corpus is white / pale...oh and that goes for all gender. So basically you got a take a good look at that head. He had told me the different odd colors for each race..I wish I could remember all of it.
you want the truth?

They just dont look appealing...... and after reading the history of what they use to do to my never been the same for me...

now i see some fine white boys.....

but i dont like them in a sexual way.

In a nutshell!!!