Interracial: She's Black; He's White

Are you a Black woman with a White man?

  • Yes

    Votes: 95 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 77 37.9%
  • Wouldn't dare?

    Votes: 5 2.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 26 12.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
those who have biracial you find it that more WM stare at you or are more bold when you're with your children? It's so cute to see that little twinkle in their eye. Kind of like "Damn I might have a shot" :lachen:

Girl...yes. When I am with my kids, I feel that I get looked at more from WM then if I was by myself. To the point that my 14yo daughter will say rude ish like, "Take a picture it might last longer":lachen:.

Anyways....99.9% of the time I forget that I am involved in an IR relationship because, DH is well, just DH. He is the yin to my yang, we are opposites on some things, but agree on all the fundamentals. At 40, not that I am ancient but I have definitely noticed less stares etc. than when we first started out. We have been married for 15 years. It's funny in the burbs no one looks our way, but say if we go into the city (Boston) people will look more. With my 14 y.o. I remember when she was a baby people would point blank ask me if she was mine, was I baby sitting etc. With my 6 year old no one has taken a second look or ever asked 1 rude question at all.

All this to say, in this day and age, check for who's checking for you. I kissed so many frogs in my life to find my prince. If I had been ruling people out I would have never found him.

LovinLock's please keep us updated on when your guy pops the question, best of luck:yep:.
With my 14 y.o. I remember when she was a baby people would point blank ask me if she was mine, was I baby sitting etc. With my 6 year old no one has taken a second look or ever asked 1 rude question at all.

I felt my ears getting hot just thinking about this! My dh and I are expecting our first little one, and I will admit that I've had "An Imitation of Life" nightmare or two.

How do you ladies react to bold, blatant, rude people saying such things, especially when the child is of a "teachable" age?
I felt my ears getting hot just thinking about this! My dh and I are expecting our first little one, and I will admit that I've had "An Imitation of Life" nightmare or two.

How do you ladies react to bold, blatant, rude people saying such things, especially when the child is of a "teachable" age?

You just have to KIM. People can be ignorant. I haven't experienced it too bad with my dd because she looks like a combo of me and her father

Girl...yes. When I am with my kids, I feel that I get looked at more from WM then if I was by myself. To the point that my 14yo daughter will say rude ish like, "Take a picture it might last longer":lachen:.

Anyways....99.9% of the time I forget that I am involved in an IR relationship because, DH is well, just DH. He is the yin to my yang, we are opposites on some things, but agree on all the fundamentals. At 40, not that I am ancient but I have definitely noticed less stares etc. than when we first started out. We have been married for 15 years. It's funny in the burbs no one looks our way, but say if we go into the city (Boston) people will look more. With my 14 y.o. I remember when she was a baby people would point blank ask me if she was mine, was I baby sitting etc. With my 6 year old no one has taken a second look or ever asked 1 rude question at all.

All this to say, in this day and age, check for who's checking for you. I kissed so many frogs in my life to find my prince. If I had been ruling people out I would have never found him.

LovinLock's please keep us updated on when your guy pops the question, best of luck:yep:.
:lachen: your daughter sounds like mine even though she's 19 mos I can see she's going to be a handful. It's funny because the older people black and white used to ask if I was the nanny. I got dirty looks from all races but Id like to think it was because she's so cute :yep:. With the younger white boys(20+) the only way I can describe it is "The Quagmire" they get all gigitty gigitty alright :lachen:! I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention