For those who don't ever want to date white men?

For those that NEVER wanted to try white men would one day?

  • Yes, because I'm curious

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • No, just not interested

    Votes: 79 79.8%

  • Total voters
I dunno. I guess PINK isn't so bad? Are they normal sized (as in avg Black sized)?
it depends on his skin color. If he is Irish or very pale expect it to be pink. Olive skinned/tan...most of them are tan to dark pink whatsoever.

Ive yet to experience a small white guy, none where HUGE but avg sized with girth.... and the biggest I ever had was a white man. *shrugs* glad I never listened to the stereotypes:look:
I don't make a habit of looking and strange genitalia, but as far as I know they come in all different sizes like everybody else. :grin:

Some of em hit the jackpot and some of em didn't. It happens. :ohwell:
thank you...its just like asking are black girls tighter than white girls or something...who can really prove that:lachen:
For all the ladies curious about the "look" of the bait and tackle -- have you ever watched a skin flick with white men in it? :look:
In all seriousness, I've dated white guys (correction A white guy) and have been interested in a few in the past but, I am bothered by the fact that they could NEVER comprehend what it means to be black in the United States and being a self-proclaimed black history buff and Malcolm X groupie, I don't think I could deal with that.

I really do feel that once you go black you'll never go back lol. If anything happened with my current SO and we ended I would be open to date any race, but I would prefer black men
In my experience they don't stink any worse than any other man I've ever been next to. They have to wash their behinds and use old spice like everybody else, but the man musk is no different really.
I think she maybe talking about that wet wool coat smell that folks associate with clear folks. Stank is stank and it knows no boundries. :lachen:
In all seriousness, I've dated white guys (correction A white guy) and have been interested in a few in the past but, I am bothered by the fact that they could NEVER comprehend what it means to be black in the United States and being a self-proclaimed black history buff and Malcolm X groupie, I don't think I could deal with that.

I really do feel that once you go black you'll never go back lol. If anything happened with my current SO and we ended I would be open to date any race, but I would prefer black men
but how could you really expect them to?:look: thats one of those things you have to come to terms with or not deal with it at all. As long as the guy Im dating (if he happens to be white at the time) is aware of whats going on racially in the US and knows that some of the crap really still exists and doesnt feed into it, then thats all I can really ask from him. But to expect him to fully comprehend?
but how could you really expect them to?:look: thats one of those things you have to come to terms with or not deal with it at all. As long as the guy Im dating (if he happens to be white at the time) is aware of whats going on racially in the US and knows that some of the crap really still exists and doesnt feed into it, then thats all I can really ask from him. But to expect him to fully comprehend?

I agree I would never expect them to, that's why I would prefer a black SO/DH.
I don't make a habit of looking and strange genitalia, but as far as I know they come in all different sizes like everybody else. :grin:

Some of em hit the jackpot and some of em didn't. It happens. :ohwell:
I never got the whole size stereotype (because that's exactly what it is). The white men I've been with were ALL above average. NONE of the black men I've been with has been anything CLOSE to huge (and one was WELL below average). People like what they like, but blessings in that area have absolutely NOTHING (as in NOT a DOGGONE thing) to do with race.
For all the ladies curious about the "look" of the bait and tackle -- have you ever watched a skin flick with white men in it? :look:

...:look:....I guess I have. And, it was pale. But not really pink I don't think. But, you know, it's all learning about something new.
I said I would never then I started expanding my horizons and once I got past the perverts I met this really cool white guy. I told him I dont do white guys and he said cool and didnt push it. He looks like Jon B but he is so white LOL. We have the most random conversations. I love my black men but at this point (and my luck) Im expanding my horizons. My granddaddys are probably tossing in their graves but hey what can you do? :ohwell: BTW we havent went on a date yet but Im still making my mind up.
If you're really worried about the color you could always do it in the dark. Everybodý's the same color then. :look:
many times...still get approached by them....not can do...ive tried in the past to be open minded..:ohwell:...not my thing....

i might add im very pro black and some of the ish i say might have him like :look:....i cant do it.........say nooooooo to the pinky toe :ohwell:

I have a question - out of curiousity are the women in this thread that stated they're just not attracted to white men or never see good looking ones -- are you regularily approached by white men, or have you never really been in a situation where one seemed interested in a way that was not just for the sake of sexual experimentation?
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you want the truth?

They just dont look appealing...... and after reading the history of what they use to do to my never been the same for me...

now i see some fine white boys.....

but i dont like them in a sexual way.
My thoughts exactly.
Why? What is about white men that you don't find attractive?

Are you curious? Or just not interested?

Well I never dated one, I always been into the tall, dark, and handsome type. I don't ever say never, but when I try to see myself dating let along attractive to a white men it's just a thought that quickly goes away. I love some white men's icy blue eyes; I may would try one if he was drop dead fine and kind of a Jon. B type.

Well what about you?

How could I possibly be attracted to a white guy when I'm attracted to guys that look like the guy in our avatar... :grin:

But, no I think some white guys are cute. For some reason its young white guys with salt and pepper hair (ie Eric Dane from Grey's Anatomy) but, its just never an attraction that goes past looking.
To me men are men...I could care less what race black, white, asian whatever, I have seen beautiful men of every color. And if I were single I would never limit myself to just being with a black man..
I keep trying to find them attractive but still there's no spark. Im trying to be open though.