52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

The time will go so quickly if you don’t have mini goals. The nature challenge thing started Monday. I had good intentions of doing yoga outside at this event here but it was cancelled because of rain. Wednesday I hung around the house all day. Now it’s Thursday and I still haven’t been outside. I gotta make something shake. I’m going outside today rain or shine.

I’ve been continuously practicing childlike ness
-Using a really girly high picked sing song voice with men. (How could we post examples of this on here?)
-Oooh big tall man I don’t know what I do without you using your long arms to change these lightbulbs.
-Dude I booted put some paper on the floor while I was cleaning. Pissed me off. Don’t make a mess while you see me cleaning. I replied, “Oh you big meanie! I’m going to burn your chicken next time!” <—-same example from the article.
Man I got this walk in but Im feeling it. It’s too hot in Mississippi for this madness. Oh my gosh. The experience was beautiful though. Nature is soooo beautiful. I think can have a profound effect upon our senses. I just feel better...but I’m also hawwwwwt :look::lachen:


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I spent a little time weeding watering and trying to figure out what is killing my little corn plants for my nature time today. Basil, green onions, romaine lettuce, and kale are doing good!


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Ya’ll are responsible for all this frizzy hair. It’s been raining sporadically for the last few days and since I’ve been out and about more, I keep getting wet. I even booked the kids for a mud play date next week
:lachen::lachen: You better embrace the frizz. DS and I had a fun day outside and then we went to a Stuffed Animal sleepover party at Chik Fil A. So much fun. I’ve never heard him scream so loud at the mere sight of dirt. The boy is growing to be an outside child.
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Came back to post this lovely video:

Both women ooze feminity but in a different way, both good imo. Was just nice to see two women discussing how their life panned out and looking + sounding very fulfilled (professionally and personally). Video starts at the 13:48 mark.
Yall give me some ideas.....in the back of my head this is a fear of mine. I can't run. With my disability I don't know how to run, I can't fall, and I feel like I miss out on the fun because of it. Going back to the child-like-ness the guy I was dating had planned for us to have a water fight with water balloons. But you know I can't run. Soooo if I ever get in a situation like this again...what will I do? How can I have a water fight and be child-like and have fun but be safe?
Yall give me some ideas.....in the back of my head this is a fear of mine. I can't run. With my disability I don't know how to run, I can't fall, and I feel like I miss out on the fun because of it. Going back to the child-like-ness the guy I was dating had planned for us to have a water fight with water balloons. But you know I can't run. Soooo if I ever get in a situation like this again...what will I do? How can I have a water fight and be child-like and have fun but be safe?

I wouldn’t have a water fight with water balloons with a guy. It’s kind of like play fighting. Too easy for someone to get too aggressive (under guise of just playing) and your feelings getting hurt. Especially because you are so small and can’t run. I think this puts you in too vulnerable of a state. So personally I wouldn’t play flight, play wrestle, etc. with anyone if I were you.

I would also be careful with being too “childlike” if I were you because of your size and disability. But I don’t agree with being that way with men (or anyone) anyway. So ignore me if what I am saying is unhelpful. But IMO being feminine and soft is enough for a decent man. But to be as tiny and you are with a disability and add to that being childlike I actually think puts you at a disadvantage and at risk of being taken advantage of. IMO it makes it difficult for you to be taken seriously and to be seen as an adult woman.

I believe men do love beauty, femininity, and softness, but I would be weary of a man seeking childlikeness and excessive vulnerability. To me that is a guy who wants to dominate and overpower which in my opinion is abusive, not masculine, and certainly not healthy masculinity.

Being carefree and light and happy to me does not equal childlike.
I wouldn’t have a water fight with water balloons with a guy. It’s kind of like play fighting. Too easy for someone to get too aggressive (under guise of just playing) and your feelings getting hurt. Especially because you are so small and can’t run. I think this puts you in too vulnerable of a state. So personally I wouldn’t play flight, play wrestle, etc. with anyone if I were you.

I would also be careful with being too “childlike” if I were you because of your size and disability. But I don’t agree with being that way with men (or anyone) anyway. So ignore me if what I am saying is unhelpful. But IMO being feminine and soft is enough for a decent man. But to be as tiny and you are with a disability and add to that being childlike I actually think puts you at a disadvantage and at risk of being taken advantage of. IMO it makes it difficult for you to be taken seriously and to be seen as an adult woman.

I believe men do love beauty, femininity, and softness, but I would be weary of a man seeking childlikeness and excessive vulnerability. To me that is a guy who wants to dominate and overpower which in my opinion is abusive, not masculine, and certainly not healthy masculinity.

Being carefree and light and happy to me does not equal childlike.

I agree but I wanted to note that I don’t think men are like “Let me get that fine child over there” lol. Being child-like as in this challenge is to only be used as a tool just like only asking on question at a time, wearing dresses, and using a the soft super light sing-song voice to get what you want with the least force. You can’t always do one or the other so it’s kinda refreshing to me to get an Arsenal of “tricks” say to speak to solve conflicts and create boundaries.

The end result is the same instead of being like, “See what you not going to do is xyz” which is what black men are usually used to.

They paint us as being sooo aggressive and domineering and use it as an excuse of this is why they behave the way they do and do xyz. It’s an excuse.

When you take the usual behavior off the table...they have no choice but to man up and address the situation.

I remember with that car situation afterwards our conversation was so precise. I asked one question at a time and paused. Waited for an answer and we talked about it and then asked one question again. Then paused. He told me later on he felt like he has never had an arguement so grounded and he thought it was because I had a Daddy growing up. *Rolls eyes of course it’s because of what a MAN taught me*. But naw that one question at a time was used as a tool to set a line in the sand and create a boundary and get what I wanted at the time to rectify that situation. Same thing with child-like-ness.
I wouldn’t have a water fight with water balloons with a guy. It’s kind of like play fighting. Too easy for someone to get too aggressive (under guise of just playing) and your feelings getting hurt. Especially because you are so small and can’t run. I think this puts you in too vulnerable of a state. So personally I wouldn’t play flight, play wrestle, etc. with anyone if I were you.

I would also be careful with being too “childlike” if I were you because of your size and disability. But I don’t agree with being that way with men (or anyone) anyway. So ignore me if what I am saying is unhelpful. But IMO being feminine and soft is enough for a decent man. But to be as tiny and you are with a disability and add to that being childlike I actually think puts you at a disadvantage and at risk of being taken advantage of. IMO it makes it difficult for you to be taken seriously and to be seen as an adult woman.

I believe men do love beauty, femininity, and softness, but I would be weary of a man seeking childlikeness and excessive vulnerability. To me that is a guy who wants to dominate and overpower which in my opinion is abusive, not masculine, and certainly not healthy masculinity.

Being carefree and light and happy to me does not equal childlike.

I agree with this entire post! A water balloon 'fight' sounds aggressive to me and feeds into 'competition' between the two of you versus playing together. I would suggest picking a low-impact play activity where neither of you are the 'target', such as ring or console toss, darts, etc....
Yall give me some ideas.....in the back of my head this is a fear of mine. I can't run. With my disability I don't know how to run, I can't fall, and I feel like I miss out on the fun because of it. Going back to the child-like-ness the guy I was dating had planned for us to have a water fight with water balloons. But you know I can't run. Soooo if I ever get in a situation like this again...what will I do? How can I have a water fight and be child-like and have fun but be safe?
How about you tyedye T-shirt’s with these balloons instead. Put some food coloring in with the balloons and see who can create the best T-shirt- maybe hang the shirts at a distance? I dunno. Dh tickles me, but other than that we don’t play fight. He’s got about 6inch and 40lbs on me. If you want to get wet :look: you can maybe wear the T-shirt and stand at a distance and let him spray you with a kiddie water gun with dye then vice versa. I dunno, just throwing ideas around.
Came back to post this lovely video:

Both women ooze feminity but in a different way, both good imo. Was just nice to see two women discussing how their life panned out and looking + sounding very fulfilled (professionally and personally). Video starts at the 13:48 mark.

@Maracujá, I can't thank you enough for posting this video! It took me almost all day to get through (off and on doing other things), but it was inspiring and refreshing to see women of color living their best lives. Angellica is a doll! :love:
I agree with this entire post! A water balloon 'fight' sounds aggressive to me and feeds into 'competition' between the two of you versus playing together. I would suggest picking a low-impact play activity where neither of you are the 'target', such as ring or console toss, darts, etc....
I never thought about it until she said it but yup she’s right.

I also don’t workout with men because it seems like they want to “compete” with you and discredit your exercise as compared to theirs but men and women workouts are totally different. Water balloon fight is about the same.
How about you tyedye T-shirt’s with these balloons instead. Put some food coloring in with the balloons and see who can create the best T-shirt- maybe hang the shirts at a distance? I dunno. Dh tickles me, but other than that we don’t play fight. He’s got about 6inch and 40lbs on me. If you want to get wet :look: you can maybe wear the T-shirt and stand at a distance and let him spray you with a kiddie water gun with dye then vice versa. I dunno, just throwing ideas around.
Lmao this idea went so freaky in my head :lachen::lachen:I ain’t right.
I believe men do love beauty, femininity, and softness, but I would be weary of a man seeking childlikeness and excessive vulnerability. To me that is a guy who wants to dominate and overpower which in my opinion is abusive, not masculine, and certainly not healthy masculinity.

I’m taking childlike to mean being flirty and playful? Though many of the examples are not my cup of tea.

I dont really think the childlike stuff would fly around here. I am very playful with DH and we verbally tease each other a lot. I will sometimes playfully tell him he’s being mean but I dont know if I could take it to calling him a “big meanie”. I do wonder if a) I could even get those words to come out of my mouth naturally and b) what his facial expression would be like if I did :lol:
I’m taking childlike to mean being flirty and playful? Though many of the examples are not my cup of tea.

I dont really think the childlike stuff would fly around here. I am very playful with DH and we verbally tease each other a lot. I will sometimes playfully tell him he’s being mean but I dont know if I could take it to calling him a “big meanie”. I do wonder if a) I could even get those words to come out of my mouth naturally and b) what his facial expression would be like if I did :lol:

:lachen: I do understand it feels weird and awkward at first, but I suggest you just try it one day. It's not to be used in many situations but it is sooo funny. He will laugh and laugh some more. It sends a message and lightens the mood. If the above examples really aren't your style, I would start off with the wink. I did it like "Hey big boy *over exaggerated wink*" really child-like and just walked off and for whatever reason, he was like....oooooh weeeeeee! :rose:
Participants -

@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner

Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.

Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous).

February- Inner Self Work
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self Preservation is Key- Learn to protect your peace. Put YOU first. Have a drama blocking plan to protect yourself.

Week 7: What's in a Voice- Work on your feminine voice. Smile. Have a sing-song sweet voice at all times...especially times of struggle.

Week 8: Rock Your Wardrobe- Aim to look feminine, put together, and GOOD every day.
Week 9: Turn Rituals Into Routine

March- Home Living
Week 10: Beautify Your Environment: Buy Fresh Flowers
Week 11: Focus on Your Home Aromas
Week 12: How Clean Is Your Home
Week 13: Set the Tone in Your Home: Make Your House a Haven

April- Refinement
Week 14: Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Week 15: Be more mysterious: Work on your Feminine Mystique
Week 16: Take the Help/Compliments
Week 17: Got Milk? Milk Baths

May- Strategically Selfish
Week 18: You Are the Prize
Week 19: Don’t Let them Move Your Goal Post
Week 20: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Week 21: Drop the need to be Right: Focus Instead
Week 22: Who are Your Male Vouchers?!

June- Feminine Refinement
Week 23- Leisure Time/ Become Well Read
Week 24- Be like Children; Not Childish but Childlike
Week 25- Let's Get Some Sunshine
Week 26- Communication 101: Stay in Control

Week 26: Feminine Communication 101: Asking Questions One at a Time
  • You stay in control
  • You ask questions one at a time
  • Get clarity in what is being said by being specific.

One of the goals in this challenge is to learn to display anger and displeasure in a feminine way. One way to do this is to stay in control at all times. One way to accomplish this is being mindful of your voice, tone, and your end goal will help keep emotions at bay and make you better able to communicate in a strategic, feminine, but precise manner.

Don’t raise your voice

What for? You’re in control of this entire show. You set the tone, the temperature, the weather, the wrath, the love. You don’t have to yell for ANYTHING. Yelling usually means you feel unheard or unloved or frustrated. If you are feeling this way, cut the conversation short and either walk away or end it gracefully until you are at peace and can speak again. “I feel neglected because you are not listening to me” is often more effective than yelling. According to neuroscience, the volume of your voice can make all the difference in an argument. Talk softly in your sing-song voice. Whisper if you must. It will drive them crazy, but they will feel silly for yelling or hollering at such a sweet and innocent voice.

Ask ONE question at a time. EVEN IN TEXT MESSAGES.

First, asking more than one question may confuse the male about which question to answer, making it difficult for them to focus on one issue at a time.

Second, your significant other may skip potentially important questions as they attempt to answer either the question they remember or the easiest question, and they may not yield the most important information.

When doing this, they may feel uncomfortable They may want to wiggle themselves out of the questions you just asked them because this is what they are used to. DO NOT allow this. Simply ask the original question again. Remember as a feminine woman you are also unrushed. As a result, allow for silence, don’t rush to save him and fill your own discomfort with additional questions, only focus on listening.

Stick to ONE issue at a time.

If he didn’t come home on time, this is not the time to bring up he didn’t take the trash out either. ALWAYS remember the end goal. You have to focus on one issue at a time. This may take some time to reflect and get to the root cause. Stick to ONE issue, communicate that point, and THEN get to the other issues at a later time.

Make them say it.

Ask specific questions. Exactly how do you want me to help you? Exactly what is it that you need from me? Most of the time men are reaching. Either they want you to “help” by doing all of their dirty work for them, but they can’t actually say this out loud because it sounds silly OR they are acting like you don’t do something when in actuality you do…then you could follow with another question such as: Do I not do xyz. Have I made you feel like this….how so? Remember only ask ONE question at a time.

All of this being said, remember to not argue. Arguing takes two people. You don’t have to be that person to make it into an argument. Don’t allow it to happen. End the conversation gracefully. Try not to let it disrupt your peace.

Week 26 Challenge
1. Think back and post about a situation in which you could have asked one question at a time. What would have been the questions you could have asked?

2. In future disagreements for the next two weeks, remember to stay in control, ask strategic questions, and ask one question at a time.
Throwback to guy I was talking to. We had a brief disagreement. It was annoyingly exhausting, but I did make sure that it did not turn into an arguement. I just kept staying the same question over and over. He would never answer said question.

Him: I thought about you all day. I read a philosophy book and Icoudlnt' help but think of you. You ask the world so many questions just like a philosopher. Did you go to church? I worked on my truck all day yesterday.
Me: You also hurt me yesterday by not coming through with what you said you would do; do you realize this? (ONE QUESTION)
Him: How so? (When you say too many words they will answer one part but not the other. He answered how did he hurt me. Not does he realize this)
Me: You told me you were going to do xyz and you did not come through with it.
Him: Oh so this is how you act. You want me to do whatever you tell me to do? You want to tell me to do something and you want me to jump to do it that exact minute and if I don't....you just stop talking to me. You want me to just throw money at you? (This is deflection so you go BACK to the original question)
Me: The problem is not you giving me money. The problem is you saying you are going to do something and you lacking the integrity to do what you say. I can't be with a man that lacks credibility so this is fine, but I can't be in contact with you.
Him: Are you thinking about the context of what I said? (Just grabbing straws now to win his point)
Me: Did you tell me you were going to do xyz and did you come through with it? (ONE QUESTION and it's still the original question)
Him: I don't remember that. I never said that. (He is not trying to effectively solve the problem so then you know everything you have to know. Boundary set. Conversation Cut Short.)
Me: Okay well this conversation is over until we can effectively communicate. Goodbye.

It can really be used in any situation. This boy asked me could I help with his online class.

Me: How exactly do you want me to help (I could have talked about the depth of knowledge of the course and what has he done so far and yada yada. Nope. One question)
Him: Everything. This is the last class I have to take (Means I want you to take my class for me. But he won't say this)
Me: By everything what do you mean? Tutoring you in everything? If so when do you want to start? (I asked too many questions here but it's still kinda geared towards...how do you want me to help?
Him: Never responded back