White Men

  • Love them, they're yummy

    Votes: 289 44.7%
  • Hate them, wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole

    Votes: 40 6.2%
  • I dunno... I'd try it

    Votes: 200 30.9%
  • I dunno and no thanks I'll pass

    Votes: 118 18.2%

  • Total voters
adequate said:
What's wrong with being open to all races? I don't exclude black men by any means but am I willing to limit myself to 10% of the US ma'am I am not.

I used to share your mind but then I decided I'm going to date whoever I like regardless of color and I'm going to stick to that. I've never said there are no good black men. There are plenty but I don't choose from a pool of black men. I choose from a pool of men in general. Therefore skin color is only coincidence and not intentional.

Equal opportunity employer you don't say???!!!!!!! I like them too!
adequate said:
What's wrong with being open to all races? I don't exclude black men by any means but am I willing to limit myself to 10% of the US ma'am I am not.

I used to share your mind but then I decided I'm going to date whoever I like regardless of color and I'm going to stick to that. I've never said there are no good black men. There are plenty but I don't choose from a pool of black men. I choose from a pool of men in general. Therefore skin color is only coincidence and not intentional.

Baby girl, there is nothing wrong to being open to all races, I just prefer my Beautiful husband.

I don't remember saying you said that there were no good black men, I am just curious as to why any black women would feel like there is no intelligent black men out there. I mean geesh :lol:

All men play games so I can't accept that. And no I am not saying that people have not had bad experiences but I just will never understand any black person saying that they can not find an intelligent brother/sister. U may not be attracted to the person but... I don't know I guess it breaks my heart thats all. :ohwell:

By the way my second to oldest sister was married to a white man, oldest was engaged to a white man, and baby sis is dating a white young man so race is not an issue, I Just like what I like........
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Bmack said:
Baby girl, there is nothing wrong to being open to all races, I just prefer my Beautiful husband.

I don't remember saying you said that there were no good black men, I am just curious as to why any black women would feel like there is no intelligent black men out there. I mean geesh :lol:

All men play games so I can't accept that. And no I am not saying that people have not had bad experiences but I just will never understand any black person saying that they can not find an intelligent brother/sister. U may not be attracted to the person but... I don't know I guess it breaks my heart thats all. :ohwell:

By the way my second to oldest sister was married to a white man, oldest was engaged to a white man, and baby sis is dating a white young man so race is not an issue, I Just like what I like........

You don't even get a preference missy!!!!:mad: Youzzzzzz married now!!!!!:p:lol:
adequate said:
I like rugged but none of those I think I'm partial to clean cut though...



wwwoooooooooooooo gooooddd lawd!! :grin:
Well the other ones didn't show up.




I just wanted to look at him one more time.

I'm not stupid enough to post nude pics of my man on this forum - duh - but he's beautiful underneath those close just like this man. He's on my slideshow if you wanna take a gander - not undressed though of course. ;)

How can you knock a white man that looks like this. I'm having a hard time with that. LOL.

Yes, Ms. Bmack you're already taken so you have no prefence. LOL. You're preference is one man. That's great!

Mine is too but I still like to look.

Yes, I know black men that look just as good but dang...look at him ^.
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Bmack said:
I have had white men come on to me but I am not interested in looking at anyones pink anything!!


I have to admit this is one of the things I used to have issues with...
I even had a "phrase" for it but now that I'm older I feel as if I like a person for who he is/I'm attracted to him like that...then surely I can overlook that "issue" right? Of course, the same rules apply for all men: Not into short men of any race. :look:
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Dare~to~Dream said:

I have to admit this is one of the things I used to have issues with...
I even had a "phrase" for those who were into it like that but now that I'm older I feel as if I like a person for who he is/I'm attracted to him like that...then surely I can overlook that "issue" right? Of course, the same rules apply for all men: Not into short men of any race. :look:
Out of the _______ amount of white guys that I had "relations" with, I have only came across one pink one (He was Irish)...the rest were tan. Maybe cuz they were Italian and Polish :confused:
adequate said:
Well the other ones didn't show up.




I just wanted to look at him one more time.

I'm not stupid enough to post nude pics of my man on this forum - duh - but he's beautiful underneath those close just like this man. He's on my slideshow if you wanna take a gander - not undressed though of course. ;)

How can you knock a white man that looks like this. I'm having a hard time with that. LOL.

Yes, Ms. Bmack you're already taken so you have no prefence. LOL. You're preference is one man. That's great!

Mine is too but I still like to look.

Yes, I know black men that look just as good but dang...look at him ^.
:love:I want him!!!!
Ayeshia said:
Out of the _______ amount of white guys that I had "relations" with, I have only came across one pink one (He was Irish)...the rest were tan. Maybe cuz they were Italian and Polish :confused:

haha..i laughed when i read that pink comment. I've only been with this one white guy intimately - the one I'm with now - but it's not pink. It's more like a brown egg shell because he's tan. LOL. OMG at me describing it that way. I need to go back to finishing school.
For years I thought being attracted to white men was something to hide because back in the day some people I knew made it sound like you must have a problem if you crossed over. Truth: I've dated my share. I like mine with a head full of hair, preferably long--short hair on white guys is usually way less hot to me.
Ive always wondered if there were any differences as far as "relations" go between a black man and a white man:look: . Ive always wondered about hair, smells, and stuff......:p Is it different?
TJD3 said:
Ive always wondered if there were any differences as far as "relations" go between a black man and a white man:look: . Ive always wondered about hair, smells, and stuff......:p Is it different?
The smells the same, that is that every man has his own.
The hair is different.
White men tend to have more hair and some even have straight hair on their body. No biggie really but the straight long look under the armpits can be a turn off... for me at least.
It is nicer, for me, to see my body next to a dark, even-colored, smooth black man but on the flip side I do look darker and smoother laying next to a white man...
The stuff ...... I've had bigger and smaller on both sides so that doesn't really differ with black and white men.

In the end there are only men, the real difference is if they know where things are situated, where things should go and what to do.
JewelleNY said:
Southern Tease, I lived in Miami for about 5 years and my sis longer and you are not off the mark, IMHO:look: South Beach was for partying but it is a haven for gay men and that does not have to be a bad thing but if you are single and looking for a professional brother, that may not be the spot for you. Plus, I do recall the gold tooth syndrome, that was very overwheming (please don't stone, I speak from experience:( :look: )

Further north in areas like Hollywood, Pembroke Pines and FL it gets much better. I dated mostly Hispanic guys in Miami. The professional BM there are limited and we were seeing the same faces at all of the events. I've talked to numerous professional BM from other areas who say they love Mimai but it is not a good place for employment at the graduate level. There just weren't many options when it came to BM down there.

Now New York has them all over the place but I just can't seem to find one for myself:perplexed :lol:

I have lived in Miami for 3 years and I concur with JewelleNY and Southern Tease and it hard to find a professional brother. I too see a large share of gold tooth brothers so when I do happen to see a professional brother they stand out like a sore thumb, but they are far and few in between. I desperately want to go back North because IMO, the professional environment just does not exist for blacks, much less for professional BM in Miami. But, if you love to drink and go to the beach, Miami is the place but not much else happens.
LondonDiva said:
Yes girl I am. Considering is not even an option. I don't care how long it takes me...I going going till I'm gone from this dump.

Funny I feel this way about London. I've actually made a promise to myself that my christmas bonus is going to pay for my trip to London.

adequate said:
Well the other ones didn't show up.




I just wanted to look at him one more time.

I'm not stupid enough to post nude pics of my man on this forum - duh - but he's beautiful underneath those close just like this man. He's on my slideshow if you wanna take a gander - not undressed though of course. ;)

How can you knock a white man that looks like this. I'm having a hard time with that. LOL.

Yes, Ms. Bmack you're already taken so you have no prefence. LOL. You're preference is one man. That's great!

Mine is too but I still like to look.

Yes, I know black men that look just as good but dang...look at him ^.

No comment, just wanted another excuse to look at him again:love:

Blu217 said:
For years I thought being attracted to white men was something to hide because back in the day some people I knew made it sound like you must have a problem if you crossed over. Truth: I've dated my share. I like mine with a head full of hair, preferably long--short hair on white guys is usually way less hot to me.

Unfortunately I still feel the same way. I normally don't like to admit that I find myself more attracted to white men, especially on the board, but IRL too. People automatically assume that you have given up on black men, you want "babies with good hair", etc. etc. and none of that is true. Just like one person may be attracted to men that over 6 ft tall and darkskin, I've always been attracted to white men, espcially european "type".
pinkskates said:
My hubby is white. Men are men regardless of the color of their skin! The good and bad ones come in all colors, shapes and sizes!:)
ETA: He is so freakin' cool!

My husband is also White. welllll he say's "I'm not white. I'm WHITE ITALIAN AMERICAN ":lachen: .
There's this song that someone has goes something like.... I try so hard but can't seem to get away from misery....I tried so hard something or ain't my fault cause I try to get away but trouble follows me...

Well the song starts off...Let me explain, I'm just a black man...

I'm riding in my car with my german bred fiancee with blue eyes and this song comes on and I had to COUGH A LOT to keep from cracking up when he sung, let me explain, I'm just a black man. LOL

Oh...I'm laughing even now.
adequate said:
There's this song that someone has goes something like.... I try so hard but can't seem to get away from misery....I tried so hard something or ain't my fault cause I try to get away but trouble follows me...

Well the song starts off...Let me explain, I'm just a black man...

I'm riding in my car with my german bred fiancee with blue eyes and this song comes on and I had to COUGH A LOT to keep from cracking up when he sung, let me explain, I'm just a black man. LOL

Oh...I'm laughing even now.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
adequate said:
There's this song that someone has goes something like.... I try so hard but can't seem to get away from misery....I tried so hard something or ain't my fault cause I try to get away but trouble follows me...

Well the song starts off...Let me explain, I'm just a black man...

I'm riding in my car with my german bred fiancee with blue eyes and this song comes on and I had to COUGH A LOT to keep from cracking up when he sung, let me explain, I'm just a black man. LOL

Oh...I'm laughing even now.

Your fiance is german?
adequate said:
His father was born in Germany but he was born here. His last name...I had never heard it before I met him. Yes.
Cool,I'm german too.
Have you ever thought about visiting?

So you can come back and bring me my favorite Candy?:look:

ella said:
Cool,I'm german too.
Have you ever thought about visiting?

So you can come back and bring me my favorite Candy?:look:


Hmmm...that's possible I suppose. I never really thought about it. Let me ask him if he has any desires to go.


A little self-serving, aren't we.
adequate said:
Hmmm...that's possible I suppose. I never really thought about it. Let me ask him if he has any desires to go.


A little self-serving, aren't we.
Who me?:eek:

Naw I just try to find a excuse for you to go overseas:look:

I was j/k tough my mom sends me care packages every month with whole grocery stores with candy,underwear(!!?) and even bread!Like we don't have bread in the states..:confused:
adequate said:
There's this song that someone has goes something like.... I try so hard but can't seem to get away from misery....I tried so hard something or ain't my fault cause I try to get away but trouble follows me...

Well the song starts off...Let me explain, I'm just a black man...

I'm riding in my car with my german bred fiancee with blue eyes and this song comes on and I had to COUGH A LOT to keep from cracking up when he sung, let me explain, I'm just a black man. LOL

Oh...I'm laughing even now.


That's my jam!

Bone Thugs N Harmony and Akon.