Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

I thought I'd get a lower score.. :toocool:

How Feminine Are You?
Your result = 70 out of 105

You embody and express more feminine qualities than masculine. If you scored closer to 60 you tend to express your masculine essence almost as much as your feminine essence. As a woman it is important to embrace the feminine qualities in order to attract passionate and loving relationships . Embodying the feminine will support you touching yourdeepest longings so you can create what you truly want in your life, rather than settle for less.
The ex and I managed to avoid each other. It's bittersweet cuz I looked damn good all weekend!! I upped the ante on my makeup and wore feminine, colorful clothing and everything. My friends were like: "where are you going looking that good at 4pm on a Saturday?" I was like: "uh, to go grocery shopping! :lachen:" Hey, I wasn't gonna take ANY chances.

Honestly, I felt so good all weekend that I wondered why I don't do this more often? I should look extra good for me too. :)
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The ex and I managed to avoid each other. It's bittersweet cuz I looked damn good all weekend!! I upped the ante on my makeup and wore feminine, colorful clothing and everything. My friends were like: "where are you going looking that good at 4pm on a Saturday?" I was like: "uh, to go grocery shopping! :lachen:" Hey, I wasn't gonna take ANY chances.

Honestly, I felt so good all weekend that I wondered why I don't do this more often? I should look extra good for me too. :)

Hahaha!!! Way to go girl! :up: :grin: Glad you looked good for YOU this weekend. It feels nice doesn't it??

I went to a movie night party over a friend's house this past weekend on Saturday, and she had invited some guys over. I made sure I looked "cute" but not OVERdone ykwim? Sometimes looking OVERdone for the occassion can make it seems like you're trying too hard. Since this was just a simple movie night over a friend's house with dinner, I knew that I had to be "casual cute". So I wore some nice skinny jeans, some ballet flats, and a cute pink wrap-around shirt that shows off my waist. :yep: I made sure to do my makeup also. In fact, these days I rarely leave the house w/out at least some powder on my face and some light eyeliner and gloss. :yep:

The guys were nice. I was just focusing on "my womb space" and being open and friendly. :yep: One guy in particular was really cute :look:, but instead of reverting to my usual MO (ie. trying to make sure he notices me, subtle flirting, trying hard to be "perfect", or just basically trying to give him EXTRA attention/worrying about what he thinks about me), I just stayed cool, made conversation with MOST of the guys there, was care-free just being myself, and just had a good time. :yep:

I felt SO much better being more on the RECEPTIVE side, and staying in the feminine. :yep: I can already tell a shift in the way I view myself and how I behave. :yep: I still have work to do, but at least I'm now realizing that as a woman I don't have to "do" anything in order to get attention. It's putting me more in a relaxed and natural frame of mind. :yep:

I also went to the mall on Sunday and tried hard to pick some more feminine colors and materials to try on at Forever 21. It was so strange ladies, because usually I consider myself pretty feminine in my dress and grooming, but it was so funny how now that I was consciously thinking about the items I was picking off the rack, I had to sometimes force myself not to pick up an item that was gray, tweed or "practical". lol :lol: I didn't realize how "practical" my wardrobe is. The items didn't look good on me (didn't like the cut...looked too big...:nono:), but at least now when I go shopping I am paying close attention to the TYPES of materials and colors that I choose in clothing. It's very interesting when you make a conscious effort to dress femininely.
Hahaha!!! Way to go girl! :up: :grin: Glad you looked good for YOU this weekend. It feels nice doesn't it??

I went to a movie night party over a friend's house this past weekend on Saturday, and she had invited some guys over. I made sure I looked "cute" but not OVERdone ykwim? Sometimes looking OVERdone for the occassion can make it seems like you're trying too hard. Since this was just a simple movie night over a friend's house with dinner, I knew that I had to be "casual cute". So I wore some nice skinny jeans, some ballet flats, and a cute pink wrap-around shirt that shows off my waist. :yep: I made sure to do my makeup also. In fact, these days I rarely leave the house w/out at least some powder on my face and some light eyeliner and gloss. :yep:

The guys were nice. I was just focusing on "my womb space" and being open and friendly. :yep: One guy in particular was really cute :look:, but instead of reverting to my usual MO (ie. trying to make sure he notices me, subtle flirting, trying hard to be "perfect", or just basically trying to give him EXTRA attention/worrying about what he thinks about me), I just stayed cool, made conversation with MOST of the guys there, was care-free just being myself, and just had a good time. :yep:

I felt SO much better being more on the RECEPTIVE side, and staying in the feminine. :yep: I can already tell a shift in the way I view myself and how I behave. :yep: I still have work to do, but at least I'm now realizing that as a woman I don't have to "do" anything in order to get attention. It's putting me more in a relaxed and natural frame of mind. :yep:

I also went to the mall on Sunday and tried hard to pick some more feminine colors and materials to try on at Forever 21. It was so strange ladies, because usually I consider myself pretty feminine in my dress and grooming, but it was so funny how now that I was consciously thinking about the items I was picking off the rack, I had to sometimes force myself not to pick up an item that was gray, tweed or "practical". lol :lol: I didn't realize how "practical" my wardrobe is. The items didn't look good on me (didn't like the cut...looked too big...:nono:), but at least now when I go shopping I am paying close attention to the TYPES of materials and colors that I choose in clothing. It's very interesting when you make a conscious effort to dress femininely.

good girl!

now did you get any responses from the guys using your womb space??? try lulu's.com and maybe Macy's?

btw I remember her mentioning in her book about being open and aware. Just being in the moment!! yesterday while I was going to work, my usual routine is listening to the radio or looking at my phone while at the stop light. This time I tooke my time, looked at my surrounding and looked up and saw a rainbow. A perfectly formed rainbow which was beautiful. I realized as I grew up, I was more focused on my thoughts and my future and less on the beauty around us.
good girl!

now did you get any responses from the guys using your womb space??? try lulu's.com and maybe Macy's?

btw I remember her mentioning in her book about being open and aware. Just being in the moment!! yesterday while I was going to work, my usual routine is listening to the radio or looking at my phone while at the stop light. This time I tooke my time, looked at my surrounding and looked up and saw a rainbow. A perfectly formed rainbow which was beautiful. I realized as I grew up, I was more focused on my thoughts and my future and less on the beauty around us.

Lol...no I didn't really get any "responses" haha... :lol: The guys were really nice however, and I felt like I could be myself around them. :yep: But no numbers exchanged that night. Maybe a few Instagram invites, but that's it. They are friends of mutual friends however, so I'm sure I'll probably see them again in the future. :grinwink: I was just happy to be going out, looking feminine, and practicing my "feminine radiance" lol :giggle: One thing this "exercise" has taught me already is that I don't have to worry about the "outcome" anymore. I think the past, I used to be so worried about the "outcome" with a guy, or trying to "make things happen", and it put me on an anxiety-stricken vibe... I think it's more of a masculine trait as well... Now that I'm just "letting go" and letting things come to me by being RECEPTIVE (more feminine), I feel so much more at PEACE. :yep:

I like that experience you had at the stoplight! :yep: Look at what you would have missed if you had been checking your phone! I think you're right...I think so many of us (THESE days especially) are so fixated on our phones or electronic devices, that I think people have sort of forgotten to just BE in the moment. It's like, we can't even just sit/stand there NOT doing anything anymore. If we're standing in line we have to be looking at our phones. If we're waiting for the bus/metro we have to be listening to music. If we're on public transportation or waiting for something (anything) to happen, we either have to be looking down and checking facebook/Instagram, or reading a book. It's like, does ANYBODY ever just "BE" these days? Look around you? Take in your surroundings?? LOL! :lachen: I mean, it's almost kind of scary how INTROVERTED the world is becoming. Where I live people barely even speak or look at you when you pass them on the street. It's very weird.... :nono:

Everyone is in their own little "bubble".....

I'm working on being IN the moment, being present, and not thinking too far in the future or too far in the past. :yep: I think people are happier when they are just in the present.
Buying color is hard. I looked at my Pinterest style board and everything is neutral clothing pieces with color accessories like handbags and shoes. While I'm going to stay true to that since I've been pinning on that board for years and it's my core style. I'm going to really make an effort to also brighten up this summer. I'm tall and I'm dying to try a jumpsuit. Those things allude me.

Also for the life of me I need to learn how to wear lipstick. That's actually one of my New Years goals. I've been purchasing quite a few but I don't wear them consistently. I need to get my mind right.

I struggle with consistentcy. I need to get my mind right.
Buying color is hard. I looked at my Pinterest style board and everything is neutral clothing pieces with color accessories like handbags and shoes. While I'm going to stay true to that since I've been pinning on that board for years and it's my core style. I'm going to really make an effort to also brighten up this summer. I'm tall and I'm dying to try a jumpsuit. Those things allude me.

Also for the life of me I need to learn how to wear lipstick. That's actually one of my New Years goals. I've been purchasing quite a few but I don't wear them consistently. I need to get my mind right.

I struggle with consistentcy. I need to get my mind right.
I gave up on jumpsuits, rompers and overalls a long time ago. They don't work on my tall frame.
Lol...no I didn't really get any "responses" haha... :lol: The guys were really nice however, and I felt like I could be myself around them. :yep: But no numbers exchanged that night. Maybe a few Instagram invites, but that's it. They are friends of mutual friends however, so I'm sure I'll probably see them again in the future. :grinwink: I was just happy to be going out, looking feminine, and practicing my "feminine radiance" lol :giggle: One thing this "exercise" has taught me already is that I don't have to worry about the "outcome" anymore. I think the past, I used to be so worried about the "outcome" with a guy, or trying to "make things happen", and it put me on an anxiety-stricken vibe... I think it's more of a masculine trait as well... Now that I'm just "letting go" and letting things come to me by being RECEPTIVE (more feminine), I feel so much more at PEACE. :yep:

I like that experience you had at the stoplight! :yep: Look at what you would have missed if you had been checking your phone! I think you're right...I think so many of us (THESE days especially) are so fixated on our phones or electronic devices, that I think people have sort of forgotten to just BE in the moment. It's like, we can't even just sit/stand there NOT doing anything anymore. If we're standing in line we have to be looking at our phones. If we're waiting for the bus/metro we have to be listening to music. If we're on public transportation or waiting for something (anything) to happen, we either have to be looking down and checking facebook/Instagram, or reading a book. It's like, does ANYBODY ever just "BE" these days? Look around you? Take in your surroundings?? LOL! :lachen: I mean, it's almost kind of scary how INTROVERTED the world is becoming. Where I live people barely even speak or look at you when you pass them on the street. It's very weird.... :nono:

Everyone is in their own little "bubble".....

I'm working on being IN the moment, being present, and not thinking too far in the future or too far in the past. :yep: I think people are happier when they are just in the present.

Great response!!! i need to also focus on being in the moment more and not expecting any responses or reactions. great reminder

Thanks, I always forget they have a tall section. I usually don't bother with "tall" sizes anymore because the crotch is forever long. That's why I wear mainly skirts, dresses or ankle pants. But I really want to try the jumpsuit look so I'll give this a shot.
I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but have you ladies taken this quiz? It's on the website for the author who wrote "Powerful & Feminine".

QUIZ | How Feminine Are You?

I scored a 63 out of 105..:look: Not awful, but not great either. :ohwell: I have some work to do lol. Of course this quiz isn't to be taken too seriously, but it does open my eyes a little. ...:yep:

I tried to answer as honestly as possible. :yep:

My Results.....

How Feminine Are You?
Your result = 81 out of 105

You embody and express many aspects of the feminine essence and are currently living your life in harmony with your feminine qualities. Somewhere along the road of life you have learned and experienced that expressing your feminine side is important and fulfilling for a woman. Learning to embrace more of your feminine side can bring more pleasure, creativity and deeper intimacy in relationships.
How Feminine Are You?
Your result = 81 out of 105

You embody and express many aspects of the feminine essence and are currently living your life in harmony with your feminine qualities. Somewhere along the road of life you have learned and experienced that expressing your feminine side is important and fulfilling for a woman. Learning to embrace more of your feminine side can bring more pleasure, creativity and deeper intimacy in relationships.

nice! can you enlighten us? especially for those who are willing to learn like me?? lol
nice! can you enlighten us? especially for those who are willing to learn like me?? lol


IDK if I'm qualified for that lol

Judging from the questions, I think most of it is circumstantial for me. Fortunately & unfortunately, my parents and family have always sorta supported a bit of damsel in distress or, according to my therapist, a "princess mentality." Just used to other people taking care of me. physically, sometimes emotionally. Don't get me wrong, my life isnt and has never been a cake walk but there are some aspects of my life that have leaned towards others being overprotective, almost controlling. For example, I'm 30 years old and the first weekend I spent with my SO my mother and grandmother wanted to talk to him and asked for his first & last name and address. :look: Combined with the shyness I had growing up and my natural introverted personality I'm not quite the take charge type of woman. I'm also kinda sensitive and fragile. I hate taking the lead, making decisions or any ind of initiative behavior in general. Honestly it's because I'm simply not used to it. I'm used to other people making most external decisions so I'm kinda chill for the ride (sometimes this is not a good thing). Consequently, I've learn to adapt or work around other people within their world instead of them operating in mine.

The end result is that this makes me kinda a"girl"-like or exhibit behaviors and traits associated with being feminine. It's weird, I'm an alpha that doesnt quite behave alpha-like. I've naturally learned to communicate passive-aggressively or through manipulation or emotion than assertive or assertive behavior. I'm more likely to user flattery or ego-stroking on everyone in general (male or female, young or old) to get my way or get out of drama/trouble vs. intellectual or verbal sparring. My upbringing and family is religious and a bit and pc. Very grin & bear it. At times, nasty-nice because the women in my family hate arguing or raising their voice. Personally, my nature is outspoken. However, my peeps (even friends) don't respond to that. Esp the women. Most of the women in my life have a very traditionally feminine way of communicating. Consequently, I've learned to both adapt and adopt some of those behaviors. The men are also kinda controlled, which can venture on being controlling on occasion. Add in the fact I have only brothers with no sisters and a bunch of male cousins, most of my learned verbiage has been less about speaking female to other females and more about avoiding fracturing fragile male egos. :rolleyes: All in all, I think this is how I ended up being somewhat of a kinda fake smiley & bubbly and reserved in real life interaction. Guess it qualifies as acting "feminine." My peeps used to call me Kelly Bundy and always make fun of me when there is man around. :lol: Unless I'm under the influence of alcohol ( :look: ) I almost never initiate interaction with males and frame my conversation around others instead of me.

Don't get me wrong, I am not demure or elegant. I have a decent amount of rough edges. So I'm not sure I would recommend my ways to other women because some of that I want/need to change but according to quizzes like this and femininity experts I guess it qualifies some of my ways as "feminine." Again I guess......

Personally I wouldnt take that quiz too seriously lol

eta: I need to catch up with this thread but what did you ladies score?
Good breakdown Barbie. I think being too prescriptive may lead to a bunch of acting or personality clones. I like the focus on how ways each individual woman expresses her feminine qualities and characteristics more than wear skirts and othe advice.

Maybe we can help each other through what if or what would you do scenarios? Real life or fake.

I still plan to read brought the material I purchased. It's just been pretty busy over here.
So mini scenario:

Something was bothering SO and he kinda wanted to talk about it but I could tell whatever it was he also wasn't quite ready to be so vulnerable. My first reaction was to pester him about opening up to me. I saw that wasn't going anywhere, so I changed tactics. I hung up the phone and carried on with my evening. I decided that I would be receptive instead of "active". He called a few times and we chatted about other items. Finally, right before I was going to go to sleep, I asked him what was on his mind. He thought about it, and then told me what he wanted to say earlier.

I may not have gotten my info when I wanted it but I feel like that one gentle question and asking him in a way that gave him some freedom really worked for him. Being receptive and trusting that he would tell me eventually, really worked for me. It did feel more natural and it was a lot less stressful. Hopefully, I can not react in the future and just be more calm. I'm glad I made the switch.

OAN, did anyone see the "submissive wives" special on TLC the other night. It was pretty interesting actually.
So mini scenario:

Something was bothering SO and he kinda wanted to talk about it but I could tell whatever it was he also wasn't quite ready to be so vulnerable. My first reaction was to pester him about opening up to me. I saw that wasn't going anywhere, so I changed tactics. I hung up the phone and carried on with my evening. I decided that I would be receptive instead of "active". He called a few times and we chatted about other items. Finally, right before I was going to go to sleep, I asked him what was on his mind. He thought about it, and then told me what he wanted to say earlier.

I may not have gotten my info when I wanted it but I feel like that one gentle question and asking him in a way that gave him some freedom really worked for him. Being receptive and trusting that he would tell me eventually, really worked for me. It did feel more natural and it was a lot less stressful. Hopefully, I can not react in the future and just be more calm. I'm glad I made the switch.

OAN, did anyone see the "submissive wives" special on TLC the other night. It was pretty interesting actually.

Hmm I need to peep that show and your right, we need to also focus on ways to express our feminity.

I was dating a guy for a few months that recently ended in a not so pleasant matter. Usually I always blame the other party but this time I wanted to analyze what I did wrong in this situation.

Intially, I allowed him to pursue me and court me. He called and texted and even planned activities. Even spending time together waa his idea. So I 'received' everything. Over time, I became more aggressive or 'masculine ' shall I say. I initiated calling and texting more, I planned activities and when we were together , it seemed I displayed more of a neediness from him. He eventually pulled away and in not so subtle signs waa maybe losing interest. So we had a blowout and it ended. Dang even writing this makes me realize how silly I was.

In the Author's book, she emphasized 'receiving'and balancing the masculine and female energy. Stat mysterious. That reminds me of how Intially he said I was dainty and shy and mysterious...lol. interesting. ..
How Feminine Are You?
Your result = 81 out of 105

You embody and express many aspects of the feminine essence and are currently living your life in harmony with your feminine qualities. Somewhere along the road of life you have learned and experienced that expressing your feminine side is important and fulfilling for a woman. Learning to embrace more of your feminine side can bring more pleasure, creativity and deeper intimacy in relationships.
WOW! I think you scored the highest over all of us on this board! :lol:

I need to read your secrets...:sekret: :giggle:
WOW! I think you scored the highest over all of us on this board! :lol:

I need to read your secrets...:sekret: :giggle:

I didn't care for half of those questions lol

Some of the answers to the questions reminded me of my insecurities of being needy, clingy, too flaky/fragile, dependent and struggle to make my own decions. :look::ohwell:

We are who we are I suppose. In all fairness, I guess I also benefit from most of those same things that annoy about myself. Its probably why I have a bit if a charming personality and can get away with being an arsehole sometimes. Can't hate the damsel too much when its your job to take care of her. Everyones gotta love Barbie:fallenangel: <--well at least I'm good making you think you do :lol:.

So is my behavior kinda feminine? Probably. But it has nothing to maintaining a relationship so not sure how much real value it has lol
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Hmm I need to peep that show and your right, we need to also focus on ways to express our feminity.

I was dating a guy for a few months that recently ended in a not so pleasant matter. Usually I always blame the other party but this time I wanted to analyze what I did wrong in this situation.

Intially, I allowed him to pursue me and court me. He called and texted and even planned activities. Even spending time together waa his idea. So I 'received' everything. Over time, I became more aggressive or 'masculine ' shall I say. I initiated calling and texting more, I planned activities and when we were together , it seemed I displayed more of a neediness from him. He eventually pulled away and in not so subtle signs waa maybe losing interest. So we had a blowout and it ended. Dang even writing this makes me realize how silly I was.

In the Author's book, she emphasized 'receiving'and balancing the masculine and female energy. Stat mysterious. That reminds me of how Intially he said I was dainty and shy and mysterious...lol. interesting. ..

Wow girl....I could have written your whole entire POST!!! :yep:

I find that I have always had a HARD HARD time staying "mysterious" and staying in the feminine receptive role when I'm REALLY interested in a guy. Sometimes things don't even have a chance to get off the ground with a guy I'm truly interested in because I'll be "light-weight" pursuing him. :nono: :nono: I never realized how much of a turn-off to men this is....especially in the beginning when they aren't 100% sure of their feelings for you or how you will fit into their future. :ohwell:

I think that's why most of the relationships I've had have been w/dudes who I wasn't all that into or was very VERY lukewarm about. :ohwell:

I think you hit the nail on the head here. I used to think that showing a guy you were really interested, or being very forthright and sharing everything was the way to get him to fall for you or become "close" in his heart. But now I see....uh uh...:nono2: .... It's so counterintuitive to what we as women do because we as women are SO open w/one another...sometimes even RIGHT off the bat! We'll tell a new woman how we're feeling, some parts of our past, how our day was going, how we hate our boss lol...etc... :lol: I think that level of openeness and honesty is just a little TOO much for a man you barely know. I think it makes men shy away.

I'll have to practice the "shy" demure side of myself more. I'm actually NATURALLY shy by nature, but life has taught me to be more of an introvert. But I think w/men I'll make sure THEY come to me instead of me initiating any contact/introduction w/THEM. :nono:

I even have realized that sometimes when meeting a new man (maybe in business settings) I'll reach to share my hand FIRST for a handshake... I need to stop doing that...:nono: I have to PRACTICE being receptive. :yep: :yep:
It would be interesting to see what all these celeb women that men place on pedestals would score on such a test. Probably less than many of us. Forward, direct, assertive, competitive, initiators etc... Men can clearly see these qualities yet are still allured by them. In some cases having more towards a 50/50 mixture of masculine and femme is about how you play with it. It's a different vibe and style of captivation, but handled right it can be powerful.

Anyhoo I got 77.

Embodying the feminine will support you touching your deepest longings so you can create what you truly want in your life, rather than settle for less.

I'm much more truly feminine within a loving relationship. When single I present femme and embrace that side of me, but most of what's ticking in my head is masculine. I feel that's what drives me not to settle, or get caught up in feelings/romanticizing. It comes in handy in certain situations.
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How Feminine Are You? Your result = 79 out of 105
You embody and express more feminine qualities than masculine. If you scored closer to 60 you tend to express your masculine essence almost as much as your feminine essence. As a woman it is important to embrace the feminine qualities in order to attract passionate and loving relationships . Embodying the feminine will support you touching your deepest longings so you can create what you truly want in your life, rather than settle for less.
Hmm I need to peep that show and your right, we need to also focus on ways to express our feminity.

I was dating a guy for a few months that recently ended in a not so pleasant matter. Usually I always blame the other party but this time I wanted to analyze what I did wrong in this situation.

Intially, I allowed him to pursue me and court me. He called and texted and even planned activities. Even spending time together waa his idea. So I 'received' everything. Over time, I became more aggressive or 'masculine ' shall I say. I initiated calling and texting more, I planned activities and when we were together , it seemed I displayed more of a neediness from him. He eventually pulled away and in not so subtle signs waa maybe losing interest. So we had a blowout and it ended. Dang even writing this makes me realize how silly I was.

In the Author's book, she emphasized 'receiving'and balancing the masculine and female energy. Stat mysterious. That reminds me of how Intially he said I was dainty and shy and mysterious...lol. interesting. ..

Thank you for mentioning this. Your post is right on time for me. I think I think lately I may be acting a bit more aggressive as well. I just recently started a relationship with a really nice guy from class. He is smart, funny, and super attentive. In the beginning I was very reserved and it just started out as us studying for finals. But initially I noticed right away he was trying to catch my attentions and pursue me.

Now in the early relationship stage I think I may be need to pull back on the neediness a bit. I think I may be a bit too needy and over talkative. I'm an introvert but when I find someone who is a good conversationalist I get a little crazy :)

We talk for hours since its summer now. I remember someone posting its a good rule of thumb to call once for every 2 or 3 calls from him. So now I decided to fall back on the calling so often. Plus I need to start my own personal schedule for the summer since I have no classes or job at the moment :)
OAN, did anyone see the "submissive wives" special on TLC the other night. It was pretty interesting actually.

I've never heard of this show. What's it about?

PS--Btw, I LOVE the way you handled things w/your SO. :yep: :up: Isn't it so much LESS stress when we as women just LET GO?? It's like we as women always want to know right now and right then. But sometimes it's best to just give men TIME. They aren't like women. We as women LIKE to let our heart out and spill our guts to each other lol. That "connection" feels GOOD as a woman. The main "connection" that feels good to a man is the "horizontal connection"....:look: LOL...I'm not saying they don't feel emotions deeply, all I'm saying is that pouring out their emotions is different for them. I think it's more draining for them. And sometimes (myself included) you just don't feel like talking about a subject lol! :lol:

Being PATIENT is definitely a good idea. :yep:

I'm a work in progress too, and I definitely have to work on being more patient and more RECEPTIVE as well. :yep: I was just talking to a girl friend last night who was telling me about how this arrogant guy that she knows thinks that she and her girl friends all "sweat him". :rolleyes: Now it's true, one of her friends DID have an interest in him.... But when I asked her what made him think that ALL of them (she included) liked him...she said that he said that they were always coming up to him, smiling, saying hello first, etc. I was SHOCKED! :shocked: He's so arrogant and cocky...he even went so far to say that all these girls are into him, but he's not interested in any of them. :rolleyes:

That just proved to me (yet again!) that it really doesn't take much for a man to think that you're interested. So, if a woman is CALLING a man, he definitely views that as pursuing if he didn't call you first, and if you two aren't getting to know each other. Wow... I just never knew that even the simplest little thing could be a sign to a guy that you're interested...which = "I've already got her..." :rolleyes:

Just another reason why I'm strengthened in my resolve to continue practicing being more receptive and let the man approach ME. That's the ONLY way (imo) that I will know for sure that he is interested. :yep:
I just came across this video sensuality secrets
The walk example is awesome. Pushing down with shoulder blades made me think of naomi campbell. her walk is not just a strut it is very fluid

I watched this video and I liked her energy. However, her DVD is $197 :thud:

I know she also has a book but I enjoy a video format. Is there anyone else offering something similar at a lower cost?