Sorry I'm late lol...
You know I honestly don't think you have to worry about appearing "helpless" or a "turn-off" with this guy. If this guy is repeatedly asking to help you with something (more than once), it could very well be that he might like you. Men usually love showing how they can "provide" for a woman they're interested in. Plus, I dont' think men get "Turned off" so easily about a woman not being able to do something as long as it's something she really actually can't do. I mean, no man wants to think you're a child, but it's very rare that even I myself comes across a woman like that anyway. Most women these days are pretty self sufficient.
Remember, men don't THINK like women. While WE may think: "Oh look at her, she's so helpless...what a turn-off...", I don't typically think that's what men are thinking. If you genuinely need help with something, most men don't mind helping if they are able to.
If he's already asked you multiple times to help you, then it's because he WANTS to. If a man doesn't want to help you, he won't even offer. Remember, men aren't like women.
I agree with this here.
Men LOVE to give advice and input. I can't tell you how many times I've had guy friends fall for me simply because I asked them for relationship advice! All the time's we'd be talking over the phone or hanging out, and here I am, I'm thinking that we're just "friends" and I'm getting their input, they're getting mine (on women), and later on down the line, next thing I know...the guy is confessing that they like me....
I'm like HUH?? I didn't understand it before, but AA basically broke it down.
There's something very attractive to men about a woman seeking his input/advice/intelligence on something that he feels knowledgeable about. It makes him feel needed, important, smart, and wanted. ESPECIALLY if you take his advice and are appreciative for it....which I usually was.
You will automatically conjure up good feelings within a man if you ask him for his expertise on something. Now if you're arguing about his input or blatantly shut him down or call him stupid for his advice, then yeah....that's probably not going to go over too well lol
It's okay to disagree on some things, but just be tactful and graceful if you do it. I wouldn't do it too often though, because people (in GENERAL...not just men) don't usually like to be around people who put down their opinions/beliefs all the time.